/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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how to buy a diaper at 18 Baby 04/27/2023 (Thu) 17:27:33 No. 24714 [Reply]
>me, 18, student, uk >parents are going out for a trip and wont be back until sunday morning >brother will be working nightshift from 6pm to 11pm i can barely contain myself im literally shaking rn where would i buy some big diapers? ive always been afraid to buy some in public and usually just have to use bedroom pillows without actually using them? im thinking that maybe when i buy one i walk in the woods at night, ive never worn a diaper since i was 3 im shaking rn tell me what diapers in pharmacies are recommended and what else i should probably do
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>>24714 If you buy them at a pharmacy like Boots or Lloyds the staff really won't care. Just try to act like it's normal. Mean it's literally what a pharmacy is for. It's nowhere near the most embarrassing product they have to sell. Worst you'll ever get is a girl behind the counter thinking you're cute and giving you a wink
Shame in the uk we stupidity prefer selling them elder pullups then the poofy tapes We can't even get comfy 24/7 without America charging uk £100
>>24812 Friend and I were chatting tonight at the bar about our Canadian prudeness about nudity and Japanese Onsens where you're expected to strip, shower, and then bathe in the nude with total strangers. When viewed objectively, it should be fine. You don't know the people around you, and they don't care about your nudity. Just strip, wash, and get in the onsen. But our natural prudeness overrides that objectivity and it makes it so unnecessarily awkward. Ditto the pharmacy - find a quiet one away from where you normally shop, walk in, grab it off the shelf, walk up to the counter, pay, leave, DONE. It's over like that, and then you're walking home with a big package of diapers. It feels great! And yet I'm always shaking in my boots...

Inflatable doll diapers Baby 05/06/2023 (Sat) 20:09:26 No. 24986 [Reply]
Anyone had any inflatable experiences with diapers like blow up doll/life doll wearing diapers Riding inflatable while wearing diapers Etc Pictures/stories
i haven't had any experiences with inflatables but i'm curious about the first pic in OP: what the fuck is that called? like either inflatable or just made of mannequin material, a lower torso/crotch model that you can put diapers on but isn't a full mannequin/sex doll. i want to get one, put 3+ diapers on it, then rub it on my face
>>24988 There called diaper models Only problem is they never have adult models so they always look tiny Tho i can never get them fully torso ones like the blue body One i brought looked big but were tiny (suprise if you could put baby diaper on it

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Green text storys? Baby 05/06/2023 (Sat) 19:20:56 No. 24985 [Reply]
>be me >Make post asking for green text stories >Post.gif

New Chan Baby 04/08/2023 (Sat) 22:15:17 No. 24317 [Reply]
I have set up a vichan instance for abdl related stuff if anyone wants to help bootstrap it. https://abdl.baby/chan/
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>>24763 Wow, you weren't kidding. It already 404'd. I can't imagine more of a fucking nothing than that. >>24866 Are we really at the point of using tor? You can't be serious.
I dont really care about the drama thats going around here. This chan is usefull as an anon based ABDL corner, and thats good enought for me. Good luck with this drama though
Rip abdl.baby

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Macro/fat diaper art Baby 05/05/2023 (Fri) 18:07:04 No. 24958 [Reply]
Post your "biggest" diaper art
The diabetic sock kills me.

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Baby 03/17/2022 (Thu) 16:28:48 No. 10214 [Reply]
ITT: POV diaper changes
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Diapers and Strapons Baby 07/08/2020 (Wed) 23:38:07 No. 481 [Reply]
best subfetish ever
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>>19906 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvdElFSFRMRFkjd01CYUotbXprTkVYdVd1dmFFOXhEdU0xdVc4M2sxaXlWb3pjZG1JSndJUQ==
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Lost abdl mod for spank quest Baby 04/27/2023 (Thu) 01:07:46 No. 24702 [Reply]
Looking for a lost mod I'm looking for a lost abdl mod for spank quest 2 called (SpanQuest 2 Diaper Mod) made by (CS Fox) it was a abdl mod that added a lot more of Abdl to the game spank quest if you have please say so (Not looking for the original but the modded version) You can see it listed in this list if you look for abdl spank quest mod https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/foxtalestimes/the-great-big-list-of-diaper-games-demos-and-mods--t945.html Old links: Foxtail page: https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/foxtalestimes/sq-2-mod-updated-27feb2017-t724.html Old download link: http://www.foxtalestimes.com/SQ2_Mod_Build.rar -Thanks-

Baby 04/25/2023 (Tue) 07:17:44 No. 24663 [Reply]
As a tribute to the ultimate diaperfag https://ridiculouslythickdiaper.org Send in your biggest thickest diapers
>>24666 Well least he don't mind being mocked Which according to his website he put himself on kiwifarms and got banned cause i guess people can report themselves
>>24663 go suck a dick and don't come back

ABDL Events Baby 04/16/2023 (Sun) 04:47:58 No. 24477 [Reply]
So there's a gay bar, kinda far from me but they're hosting a diaper night late this month. I'm kinda wondering if it's a bad idea to go or not. I've never been to a gay bar much less a gay bar during a fetish event so idk what to expect. Has anyone else gone to an ABDL event and want to share their experience
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>>24631 Fetlife was the tits in the early 2010s. As soon as Trump got in, the whole group turned to shit and became an SJW breeding grounds. It was fun to just shoot the shit, then politics and bullshit came and and ruined all the fun. Went to a few local munches too, had some raging autists but also met some really cool people as well!
>>24631 >>24632 So is it still worthwhile getting a FetLife account. I don't want to deal with crazy SJWs as I'm actually quite conservative but I know to keep my mouth shut in degenerate circles so I can tolerate someone who doesn't care about politics
>>24676 I'm a left-leaning centrist and fine with most things, but even I'd say a good 60-70% of the site are left-leaning extreme, maybe 5-10% right-leaning extreme, and the rest somewhere in the middle in this fetish in general on there based on my experience talking with people. If you do sign up, go in with low expectations and see what happens. I've matched with a few of the more normal people, but that was after wading through a lot of really bad ones.

MLP Fanfics AB/DL Baby 01/27/2023 (Fri) 17:50:12 No. 22159 [Reply]
As the name of the thread indicates share fanfition of My Little Pony or Equestria Girls that has element or its main premise is the A/BDL.
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There's an MLP thread over here: >>3661
I remember one that's lost foever Where a baby pony makes his baby bottle huge so he drinks and becomes a giant ball but since he grew the milk as well it keeps going inside him and they go meet celetia who keep the family safe The mom called minty (different to the official minty character from mlp) wears diapers and also drinks the milk as she balls up bigger And there was 3 endings Shame he had to purge everything cause his parents found his art despite trying to be anon outside his friends and i think lover so all left is his art tho i found his bf and he apparently had the archive but he trashed it which is Sha,e cause it had 6 exclusive art to the story

>>23481 >>23490 same anon
>>23549 Different anons
>>23490 I always wanted a diaper story where a adult baby or loli like character to start growing either sfw or nsfw growth like they start to rub their diaper bulge or start to hump the twin towers before filling diaper will spunk

Little Keeper Sleeper Baby 11/26/2022 (Sat) 11:28:22 No. 19829 [Reply] [Last]
Thread about LKS and other retard clothes that are adaptable for ABDL use. Do you have one? Know of alternatives? Post pics.
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>>23987 That link is dead but I'm still pretty sure the zipper you linked is wrong size. Lks uses #3 (Ykk 3Cz) zipper while the locking zippers tend to be size #5.
>>23990 Ah, yes, you are correct. I've only seen them in #5. It's such a common size that I presumed that the onesies used them. People could probably modify them to have a locking buckle or segufix if they have the sewing skills, but then you could turn a good number of clothes into locking ones.
Could someone who has this product do me a favor and take some measurements? Specifically, if you have one of the OLDER ones (which I've heard were overall slimmer) and size 16 or 18, could you measure: - the width at various torso positions such as between the armpits, at the belly and at the hips, - the width of the sleeves at biceps, elbows and wrists (not the cuffs themselves, the width right before the cuff), - and the width of the legs at the thigh, knee and ankles, as well as show how the feet are made? (if you have the footed model) (some companies make the footies look more or less shoe-like, while others make them almost like socks, hence why I wanna know) - I would also appreciate if you could measure how much can the fabric stretch, for example if you first measure the torso width and then again while stretched. Basically I wanna know how slim this product really is, and understand how much will it give in terms of stretch (which can impact how it feels). Thanks for any responses.

Messing with Bananas Baby 03/28/2023 (Tue) 16:41:47 No. 24003 [Reply]
I've bought myself some new diapers and really want to mess in them (usually I just wet myself) but I'm worried about the smell it'll make I was told that cutting up a Banana (or two) is good for it, and just shoving it up your ass is this a good idea? Aren't they too soft for that to work? How would I go about doing it? is it dangerous?
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>>24077 Yea, messing sucks totally wouldn't recommend
>>24077 >>24081 >>24273 >not taking Metamucil prior to messing >not enjoying larger messes that have minimal smell and clean up easier with no stickiness >not appreciating how taking it also helps to improve your bowel health and reduces your risk of colon cancer faggots
>>24302 >thinking about other guy's bowels >calls other people faggots

Hypno B0mb Sh3ll Baby 10/19/2022 (Wed) 21:26:30 No. 18208 [Reply]
Started getting into bedwetting stuff. Interested in some of her files from Patreon. If anyone has any other bed wetting files from other hypnotists that would be great too. Even better if they’re about raw bedwetting without a diaper.
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>559 There's a fucking hypnosis thread already
>>18209 That's not how you're supposed to reach incontinence. You have to train your brain to just go pee by doing it whenever you feel like it, and at first this will require of you to do it consciously, but after a while you will start to do it without thinking about it and the more you do it the more involuntary it will become until you are functionally incontinent. Trying to just let it happen will only harm your bladder, and might even fuck up your kidneys if you do it for a long time.
>>24187 Agreed. If you have already a weak bladder, maybe then holding it can work. For those with hard and/or shy bladder you just end up with pain and it must not be healthy. What works for me is to use diapers 24/7 for some time. Pee in them always you feel even the smallest urge to go. I have done this for max. one week which is rather short time and haven't had any accidents except minor dribbling but it feels very uncomfortable/unsecure to be without diaper after that week. And you constantly need to visit toilet. Key thing in any training is also try to keep your spincher relaxed after peeing. It will take some time since you are used to do it to get rid of the lasy dribbles in your weewee. But it gets easier and easier over time. If you manage to keep it relaxed and sit down on chair after peeing, those last dribbles will be in your pants or diaper :) Learning to wet the bed without also daytime wetting? I'm not sure is that possible though

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SELF PORTAIT TIME BABIES Baby 03/05/2023 (Sun) 19:12:56 No. 23290 [Reply]
draw a self portrait of urselves
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>>24185 Looks like you need a change.
>>24185 Phenomenal
>>24185 aw jeez you got the stink lines and everything

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