/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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The Owlet House Baby 04/27/2023 (Thu) 21:23:09 No. 24723 [Reply] [Last]
any one have abdl TOH art
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jesus, this thread gets worse all the time
This show's popularity is completely undeserved.
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Types of Diaper Girls Baby 11/25/2022 (Fri) 20:06:51 No. 19794 [Reply]
it seems to me that you can categorize the different types of diaper girls in the ABDL community as follows: Type 1: "Fetishist" -had some kind of special interest in diapers from a young age -describe diapers as a primary, core, or essential part of their sexuality Type 2: "Baby" -had some kind of special interest in diapers and/or baby items from a young age -may incorporate diapers into their sex life, but prefer the regressive/emotional aspects of ABDL Type 3: "Convert" -introduced to diapers/ABDL through the internet or a romantic partner -may incorporate diapers into their sex life, but does not prioritize them over other fetishes/vanilla sex Type 4: "Model" -introduced to diapers/ABDL through sex work -might get some superficial enjoyment out of wearing diapers, but wouldn't describe themselves as ABDL

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Diapers under tight outfits Baby 10/19/2022 (Wed) 18:56:41 No. 18203 [Reply]
the best form of diaper fetish is when you see one under skin tight outfit, like leggings, skinny jeans, or body suits Post thick pamps under skintight outfits.
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ABDL Books & Magazines Baby 02/14/2022 (Mon) 22:01:09 No. 9157 [Reply] [Last]
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>>37312 Can you upload any of the disk images? IIRC The website wasn't very well indexed by the wayback machine.
>>37231 Id be really curious to see the old Hubbies stuff
>>40419 Ohhhhh, me too! I always desired that!

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Laserbeam Baby 06/21/2022 (Tue) 18:02:09 No. 13283 [Reply] [Last]
I noticed how this board recovered the art of Kenny TykeTales, so I thought we could try to collect the art of Laserbeambkk, another artist who deleted most of their work from the internet.
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>>36860 yes I'm sure the general public would be totally willing to accept us if it weren't for this. Anyway keep complaining about the contents of drawing I guess.
damn would anyone have any of the Kenny TykeTales art? Most importantly the Mysterion's new curse comic.

Baby 02/02/2024 (Fri) 21:07:11 No. 34070 [Reply]
>be an emotionally frail 18-year-old idiot >get shipped off to Vietnam and cry about it like a pussy >go home "traumatized" and get regressed for the rest of your life by your own mother >even have a female cousin who makes clothes for you Why didn't you guys tell me that fap stories actually happen in real life? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xLLW0dhVtM
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How often do you think shit like this happens in real-life? Have any older people here heard about things like this actually happening? The fantasy itself is amazing but I couldn't imagine being deranged enough to let my own mother participate in my kink.
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>>40279 Here is a book about parents who let their kid wear diapers. Don't think they participated. I read snippets and the husband told his wife their son was jerking off in the diapers and they still let him wear and would buy him diapers and stuffed animals. It doesn't seem like a larp either. But I don't know if they regressed him.
>>40315 Thanks for posting this, it looks really good. AB Discovery is the publisher, BTW, and they have a lot more ABDL books. Some are informative, some are kinky, some are SFW stories.

Abdl though the generations Baby 09/03/2024 (Tue) 23:17:25 No. 40080 [Reply]
Thread about different gens talking about lifes as abdl (yes even pre internet)
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>>40216 Unironically just find a 3/10 woman. Lots of ugly people (women included) are starved for (positive) attention from literally anyone. So don't give up.
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>>40258 Unfortunately not applicable in the world of online dating where even a 1/10 cripple can get infinite matches so long as it's a real female. But thanks for at least trying to make me feel better, have some hawt art
>>40259 Go to a department store, grocery, hardware store, etc. Find someone sweeping or stocking shelves. Complement them and ask them out. People like that get treated like shit by every part of society. Treat her like a person and she'll probably do anything you want. The internet is where people go to engage in fantasy, you're not fantasy material and neither am I, so we'll get no attention here. If you're on the internet a lot, your perception of people will be skewed, just look at trends, fads, marketing, Anne politics, it's all bullshit. People still aren't great, a lot of them are shit. But it's better than fake shit. There are options. You might be in a better boat than I. I think I'm fairly attractive, and I'm in pretty good shape, and make decent money. So my standards are too high and I end up getting nothing cause I'm retarded and won't follow my own advice even if I've seen it work. Don't be me, don't be retarded. (Or too thoughtful for your own good)

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Diaper Royals Thread. Baby 03/30/2023 (Thu) 01:00:09 No. 24047 [Reply]
This is a thread for Cartoon Pictures of Diapered Royals of all kinds.
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https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/110073503 https://www.deviantart.com/bman44/art/Diaper-Swan-Princess-Odette-972802897 Last Summer Sale exclusive Diaper Princess, the Swan Princess Odette is now out for this years Summer Sale. Backside Info Text of The Box A permanent curse was placed upon the young Princess Odette. Where her underwear once had been, was now taped tightly onto her a big plastic baked pink diaper with a Swan on it. She, along with everyone she knew and loved, along with every subject in the kingdom tried in vain to remove it. But no matter what the did, they all failed. The diaper couldn’t be destroyed either, as every method to do so failed. The only way it could be removed was for her to stand in the moonlight of the Swan Lake where the curse was place onto her. Only with that moonlight was the diaper removed, but only for her to be cleaned up, and for a new fresh diaper to be put on her. A diaper that looked exactly the same as the last ones she had worn and used. Poor little Odette what would she do now. Her life would now forever be a diapered life. A life that she, along with every other being would not be able to change. Never again would she be out of diapers, and be able to go to the bathroom of her own. The Swan Lake had become her new permanent bathroom now, and all of this thanks to that dark and evil diaper curse that was place upon her. Will she ever get used to this change, nobody knows.
>>40243 Same anon that bumping here as the over year old color wheel thread probably. Also seems like only one Anon replying to this with art considering it's all the same card styled stuff from the same artist.

Color Wheel Characters Diaper Challenge Baby 08/16/2023 (Wed) 18:32:07 No. 28851 [Reply]
This is the Color Wheel Characters Diaper Challenge. A thread where i challenge you all to make your very own wheel of charaters in diapers, that fit in with the color wheel. Both Male & Female Characters are welcomed here. Do a wheel with only Males, or only Females, heck make a mix of both if you feel like it. Link to this picture. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/110877917 https://www.deviantart.com/bman44/art/Color-Wheel-Commission-977334207 Red = Lienna Grace Vincent from B-Daman. Orange = Jade Chan from Jackie Chan Adventures. Yellow = Misha from Transformers Energon. Green = Eva Wei from Oban Star Racers. Cyan = Elyon Brown from W.I.T.C.H. Blue = Melty Q Melromarc from The Rising Of The Shield Hero. Purple = Iris from Pokemon (The Animated Series). Pink = Young Princess Zelda from Ocarina of Time.
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>>29427 Why is it so desaturated?
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Link to the picture. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/112141241 Red = Christopher Thorndyke from Sonic X. Orange = Chiro from Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go. Yellow = Zephyr from Disney's The Hunchback Of Notre Dame 2. Green = Young Link from Ocarina of Time. Cyan = Mokuba Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh. Blue = Digimon Emperor AKA Ken Ichijouji from Digimon Adventure 02. Purple = Shobu Kirifuda from Duel Masters. Pink = Ken Utonium from The Powerpuff Girls Z.
>>28851 >>29427 Seems like a cringe forced meme thing you're trying for free art on a porn board TBH, OP. >>40242 No idea why this other anon bumped an over year old thread beyond the above reason and autism.

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Hypno Thread #2 Baby 06/13/2023 (Tue) 05:34:36 No. 26509 [Reply] [Last]
Previous thread >>559 Here's a new file to get started: Bathroom Amnesia (Curse) A brainwashing session that removes the subject's ability to use the bathroom. https://mega.nz/file/M9ZFlZIR#bpn318uPIH0ZLcY_Al9eRyv1W7Y3sJ1vULc7dd14wyQ Posting a couple of things to keep things moving. Nothing new though. https://archive.org/details/ABDL-Hypnosis Assorted files: WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRrelpETmpkVnB0YkhOYVV6VndZbms1V2xwSGVHcE1NbEoyWkRJMWMySXlSbXRNTUhBelZERkdTRlZZVGxOTlJrWkdUWGM5UFE9PQ== n1c0l3/_/d0s31: WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsdFlWZDRiRXh0YkhaTU1FcFhZbnBrY21JeVkzZFRWMmhaWTFFOVBRPT0=

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Edited last time by abdl on 06/13/2023 (Tue) 12:21:14.
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Hit the 500 bump limit. If you want to continue, make a new thread.
Seems this thread's dead. Here's the new one. >>40691

Inflatable diaper threads Baby 08/09/2024 (Fri) 07:08:06 No. 39175 [Reply]
Bigger the better especially when is inflatable diapers
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>>39581 Awesome. I didn't know that Wishberri went by any other name
I learned about PVC-Unique too late...

Baby 08/26/2022 (Fri) 05:14:05 No. 16252 [Reply] [Last]
Training Pants thread. Discussion, art, photos, stories, and videos welcome. I'm curious, has anyone here ever tried adult training pants?
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>>39564 Also imagine the smell.
>>39562 did she ever come back?
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Fitted cloth diapers without a cover are basically training pants.

Childhood experiences Baby 12/03/2021 (Fri) 19:37:27 No. 7340 [Reply] [Last]
A while back there were a couple of threads (they may have been on the old 8chan) about diaper related memories we had as kids, and if/how that may relate to our present day interests. Not sure if this is too much of a slippery slope/sketchy/taboo topic since it involves kids, and if it is then mods/BO are of course free to remove this. Anyway, what sorts of diaper related memories do you have from when you were a kid? Do you remember actually being in diapers before potty training? Do you remember potty training at all? Just accidents post-potty training? Looking back on it, do you see any early indications of this fetish from back then? I'll start out with some stuff in a reply to this in a minute.
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I didnt remember being in diapers but I did have some accidents that upset my parents a lot. One in particular I remember is when I was very young and I was watching TV on the couch. I don't know how long Id been holding but I suddenly had to go, bad. I got up and ran as fast as I could but ended up exploding in the kitchen. I just remembered stopping dead in my tracks and looking down at all the pee hissing out of me, the huge puddle it was creating at my feet. My mom wasn't happy i wiped it up (poorly) with the dish towel. Later I discovered being into omo and would hold all day at school. At the end of the day Id come home and strip and lay on the bathroom floor and let loose. I also liked to hold bath towels between my crotch and pee into them. Nobody ever figured why they "smelled". I have also seen my siblings pee before and found it exciting. My favorite was taking a bath with my sister, playing together with toys. She suddenly tensed up and i saw a yellow cloud coming from under her. I asked if she was peeing and she gave me a stiff no. But it didn't bother me and i peed too afterwards when we went back to playing.
>>7340 >Be me, six years old >just got out of bath, in a towel >dad home from work trip, super happy to see him >plays some board game with me on the living room floor >I'm so happy I ignore that I have to pee really, really bad >I'm a big boy, haven't had an accident in years (like, 2) >But it hurts so much... and the towel is damp anyway, right? >I bet no one could tell if I peed, right? >Just let it all out right there while playing >Dad: "Anon, did you just piss yourself?" >Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, >Start crying, humiliated myself. >"FFS Anon, you're six year's old, if you're going to act like a baby, you can wear one of your sister's diapers" >Sister is three and refuses to poop on the potty so still mostly in diapers >I was already in tears, will drained out of me, so I let me dad put the diaper on me. >Mom wipes up what was left on the floor after my soaked towel was thrown in the wash

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I didn't know this till recently because I have no personal recollection of it, but apparently I didn't become fully potty trained till I was 4 years old. I found this out from my mom telling me after talking about my early life and whatnot. I don't what made it so difficult for me to become potty trained. What I do know is that it isn't going to last for much longer if I keep drinking coffee like I do, holy shit. Completely unrelated, drink coffee from fresh ground beans and drink a bunch of other fluids if you want to experience what it's like to be partially incontinent. It's crazy how fast that stuff gets things moving!

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So is this chan dead or what? Baby 08/09/2024 (Fri) 08:00:46 No. 39177 [Reply]
No posts meaningful posts in several days, did you all just simultaneously decide to purge?
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>>39733 Because it was just some random person on a forum? It still doesn't change the fact that AwwSoCute as a company has been silent for years and there hasn't been any official word from them that they're going to make products again.
>>39740 You realize that they are still in business and have mentioned the product on social media in the past, don't you?
>>39748 Show me a recent social media post from them? I'm legitimately curious if there is something going on with them but their social media has been inactive for at least a couple years. Also, the website seems to still be up but no new products (or restocks of different diaper sizes) have been on there in a couple years either. I haven't seen anyone on ABDL social media buying stuff from them so I don't know if someone tries buying something from the website if it will still work out, but I'm kinda tempted to try it, just to see if there is still someone out there fulfilling orders from them. If AwwSoCute wants to make a resurgence I'm all for it, but I just don't see any evidence that they're going to do that.

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Baby 08/21/2024 (Wed) 18:36:58 No. 39625 [Reply]
royal aguuguuu
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>>39626 Who's this girl?
>>39635 Mymy from Ongezellig.

Femboy Diaper Art Thread Baby 11/16/2023 (Thu) 19:50:37 No. 31488 [Reply]
Femboys are hot. Diapers are hot. Post your collections anon.
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>>36966 "Nobody reacted the cartoon way i i imagined they would in my head.I will not be reflecting on any Implications" It's likely an explicit callback to an earlier comic where a pre-transition Olivia has as illicit dry-humping session with the redhead girls big sister (?) at school. It ends prematurely because Olivia ends prematurely (adorable)
>>31488 >>36966 its set in a universe where people wear diapers and act babyish deep into their lifespans, chastity for transitioned girls isnt very far fetched? Not to mention its a fetish comic, people reading it are into that shit

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