/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

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rocket manatee Baby 09/13/2024 (Fri) 00:14:09 No. 40438
I'm looking for some of his other comics
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Please don't post that groomer's art here. Side note, if you start an art/pic based thread try to have several pics to kick it off.
>>40440 >groomer Thats a big claim, got proof?
>>40440 I've never heard that claim before. Where did that come from?
>>40438 Isnt there a comic thread? Nice going faggot, you killed a thread for begging like a looser

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>>40459 Size 9 pampers confirmed?
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Final one
>>40470 Anything more of that first one? seems kinda good, ngl.
>>40473 The comic its from is out there, I lost the complete copy i had on a purge. Somebody else might have it.
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>>40473 Here you go.
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>>40480 And the rest (didn't re-upload page 2, make sure you include it)
>>40480 >>40481 Damn, you are fucking great, thanks!
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Anyone have the comic where Olivia ends up in chastity? or at least know the lore on how it happened. I would appreciate if you shared. I offer this as tribute
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>>40510 Praise be Saint Anon, patron of new content
>>40509 >The only half-decently drawn girl is a tranny Lmao, wtf
Trannies and groomers, this whole thread should be nuked.
Seethe moar
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>>40517 I mean, it's a heterosexual relationship at least, he can call himself a girl if he wants, it's kinda hot in the sexual context, though certainly extremely perverted. If it was a tranny with a dude I'd be out, so remember it could be worse.
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>>40567 Or we could, you know, not have tranny art by a fucking groomer. Go fucking somewhere else to post that shit, it's not wanted here. kys faggot
>>40569 There's that word again. Any proof?
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>>40575 its just the usual alphabet people bad thing
>>40569 the art is good, keep your cringe politics out of it faggot bitch you are just like the left, policing what is acceptable like a whiney little faggot fuck
>>40569 Imagine being a moralfag on a board with loli and shota art. KYS no one gives a shit about your politics or post fap guilt, we're here for porn. KYS
>>40593 The left that's tried twice now to kill our former president for daring to hold them accountable? That left? I've got to hand it to you deranged Marxist cucks, your mental gymnastics are in a league of their own. But I digress, it's shitty art, so many other fetishes have it much better and dick riding TrannyManatee here just shows how dense you are, so I'll be nice and repeat myself, take it the fuck somewhere else. You've got plenty of safe spaces on reddit and elsewhere.
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>>40598 >"go back to your safe spaces" >whiney bitching to make this place his personal safe space from scawy art >no self awareness you are no better than them
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>>40599 Your replying to schizoposting, just ignore it :-)
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Shit final one was the thumbnail instead of the real image, have another 4
Olivia is such a cute girl :^)
>>40598 tl;dr sounds like you've got the tism, try recognizing that registered republicans are the only people attacking Trump, and oh yeah SHOVE THE POLITICS SIDEWAYS UP YOUR ASSHOLE
> trannies > grannies > groids > raggedy anne looking bitches RM kinda just pisses me off. The only artist in this fetish that could draw in basically convincing perspective and yet his tastes are awful, his style is unappealing, and his work is all-in-all-soulless. Imagine being trained and experienced and able to do more good than anyone else could in the fetish... and just not doing it.
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>>40607 It's the glasses that kill it for me. Seriously, on top of all the saltpeter you just listed, it just comes down to I fucking hate his characters with glasses. It's either thick rim, or half-rim, and I just despise all of it. It's like he carefully went through thousands of options to select the only types of frames that a turbonigger would pick. I was born with shit eyesight, why the fuck would 3/4 of your fantasy characters be given such a stupid disability? Idk it's just unappealing in every conceivable way. That and thick eyebrows. None of his females are soft or tender just from expression alone. But yeah, the art itself is great. Too bad it's wasted on these scenarios and characters. >politics faggots All you niggers fuck off. If someone thinks this is all tranny shit, then fucking let it be. This a fine containment thread. I wouldn't want that shit infesting anything else. Anyone posting pics, keep it up, you're doing great here.
>>40607 He’s also willing to draw messing (just without the poop) and he draws this… crap. And all his scenarios are like middle school. Each passing year it connects less with me.
>>40598 I actually really like this image because it shows the right never got to advanced biology, or college level, or really anything past middle school, which is pretty spot on.
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>>40616 I'm not sure you understand what the image is implying.
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>>40613 >It's the glasses that kill it for me. The way that he does them is unappealing. Granny glasses, yech. This is in contrast to Mikuni Atsuko (picrel) who is also very fond of glasses but doesn't turn them into a boner killer
>>40624 was this the comic where the main character has a diaper fetish and masturbates while her younger sister hides and watches in the closet? did the author ever make any other diaper comics?
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Honestly after reading these comments I'm gonna count myself as grateful that something as simple as glasses doesn't kill my boner. For your safety don't google what percentage of people wear glasses. Might kill yourself.
>>40622 oh i get what its trying to imply, that the right are upset that their poor understanding of middle school level biology leads them to feel persecuted.
>>40626 hahaha right? "This artist used TOO THICK A LINE in his drawing! My entire outlook on life is ruined!"
>>40636 >>40626 Just cause you wear thick rim glasses and think it's trendy doesn't mean people are obliged to like you. Go cry about it in Starbucks or maybe wear something that doesn't make you look like a 2010s hipster. lol
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>>40637 I ain't crying about shit, I'm straight laughing at you dawg. Thick glasses make your peepee soft. Bruh, if you ever find a girlfriend let me know so I can raise a glass for ya cause it'll be a miracle. >>hipster >>starbucks >>goalposts shifting like a pro Hey at least you argue like a cuck, got that going for ya
>>40637 we moved from 'everyone i dont like is a tranny' to 'everyone i dont like wears glasses'
>>40607 At this point I kind of suspect part of the reason RM stays with Cushy Pen is because of this. It's weird. RM's art is technically good, but there's this hipster thing going on with a good chunk of the character designs that's reminiscent of stereotypical twitter/tumblr character designs. The only other artists that immediately comes to mind to compare would be 2beeblake, who does a niche punk aesthetic for most of his work that few people actually like, or OkayOkayOkOk mixing a dozen different unrelated or tangentially related fetishes in with the ABDL/AR stuff. Other than that the weird tranny stuff makes it less appealing, especially since the relevant character has gotten more focus over the years, but in retrospect it's kind not unexpected since nearly every other male RM character ends up looking boyish or androgynous. The chastity cage here >>40522 doesn't really come off as natural and sounds bizarre when considering that apparently the femboy/tranny character can't be trusted not to jerk off or make a move with two girls in the room. Maybe if that comic actually followed up on that with some sex or something it wouldn't be as strange. I actually think it would be better if this character just went full TFTG fetish or stayed as an effeminate twink. I don't really get why there's this fetish scenario where apparently a lot of people wear diapers well into their twenties with no explanation... but then there's this mundane tranny thing. If you're going to make a magical realm, go the full mile and have some actually scifi/magic sex change for that. From what I've seen online the only people who like and incorporate real world transition stuff into their porn are either people drinking the alphabet koolaid or people actually into surgery, body modification, and medical fetish which is very much a minority in most fetish communities. I'm one of the people who likes TGTF stuff, but hates real world tranny stuff and alphabet politic sperging being involved. There's a good reason most gender bender stuff, both porn and not porn, involves scifi and magic style transformations. Few people really want to think about how real world gender transition works, including most trannies, because it easily comes off as medical horror what it involves. I strongly suspect Rocket Manatee is either a tranny himself or is pandering to whatever alphabet people pay for Cushy Pen. Most of Rocket Manatee's stuff is okay enough to jerk off too, but I can't help but think if he weren't drawing niche ABDL stuff and only posting through an outdated paysite mostly no one would give a shit who he is. I like this alternate world where ABDL stuff is normal, but it's disappointing how little Rocket Manatee actually does with the premise.
>>40640 Also, for some reason the characters in this comic (Penny and Nadine I think?) seem like they've actually gotten uglier in more recent stuff. Never really liked the chubby one for the flat face and gut that sticks out further than her tits, but for some reason RM felt the need to give the relatively skinny cute one a much more prominent gap and braces in more recent art. At least the skinny one looks better without the hipster cat eye glasses in the few scenes she takes them off. Maybe RM is just into that fake hipster geek aesthetic from the late 00s and 10s.
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Maybe, just maybe, and I know this might be a difficult concept to understand... he draws what he likes. A combination of things he wants realistic and things he doesn't, because that's what he likes, and he lets whoever also likes the things he likes come to him instead of catering to random people who endlessly give him shit for not drawing straight masculine men and feminine women like the only goddamn porn they've ever consumed is centerfold models. If I was him I wouldn't draw for any of you ungrateful gits.
>>40643 I always find this "author/artist draws what they like" as a poor rebuttal. Reminds me of people ineffectively trying to shoot down criticism for a work by claiming it wasn't made for the critic... while apparently ignoring that if you post something online it will be critiqued and reviewed by anyone with even a slight interest. It's even less of a legitimate argument when it basically comes off as a chef cooking to personal taste and claiming it's the diner's fault for not liking it.
>>40643 >he draws what he likes Except, it's more like he draws what he thinks he's *supposed* to like, whatever is going to get him browny points with an audience for "including" or "validating" them instead of just drawing smut-as-such. People want something that's also gratifying to self-narrative/image. There's just this undercurrent of disingenuousness in his work that I'm not going to get gaslit or fingerwagged into ignoring. Isn't your own picrel case-and-point? He USED to draw more of that kind of thing. Now doesn't. If he's just drawing what he likes, then what he likes has changed over time. This poses the question: why? You don't see these trends -- where conventional concepts of attractiveness and eroticism are subverted in proportion to social hand wringing -- among Japanese artists. That's because they actually draw what they actually like :)
>>40645 Artist draws things i dont like, accordiing to his own taste which has evolved over time vs Artist is recieving sinister commands from the woke cabal to draw things to upset your day specifically The fucks the point of even having a art thread for a specifci artists if its going to be a 99% crying and whinging
>>40644 >>40644 >chef cooking to personal taste and claiming it's the diner's fault for not liking it. what if the chef has a seafood restaurant but somebody comes in wanting chicken

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>>40647 Actually anon, i know you think you like salmon, but that only because the SJWS have gotten to you. My favourite food is chicken, because it is good and based and objectively correct, so you should prefer that.
I like nerdy girls and transgirls in chastity. It's difficult for the severely autistic to grasp that others have interests and likes that they may not share themselves.
>>40646 >>40647 >>40648 >>40649 Next time, try to make it less obvious you're all from the same discord, lol
>>40650 You need to take your skitso meds fren People are allowed to like things that you don't like
>>40646 >The fucks the point of even having a art thread for a specifci artists if its going to be a 99% crying and whinging Not sure what you're expecting. Rocket Manatee is one of the few decent artists on Cushy Pen, but a lot of people hate Cushy Pen mainly because of the draconian antipiracy measures that involves potential doxxing and IP leaking or how little the site actually updates for all the hoop jumping involved based on how little art there is between leaks and by extension to a lesser extent any artist still bothering with that site. RM probably wouldn't get as much criticism if he just had a Patreon or fanbox or something. Not sure why this thread exists when this >>40600 is the only art I don't recognize from a previous Cushy Pen leak or what little RM has posted elsewhere after Cushy Pen. May as well have just been posting to the existing Cushy Pen thread considering this is basically just be a second "Cushy Pen Rips" thread since that's the only place RM posts new stuff. >>40647 The fuck does this response even mean?
Just saying: no one would have anything to complain about if his work wasn't among the most tumblrific in the fetish. So, who are the divisive screeching culture warriors ITT? It isn't the people just wishing the diaper fetish artist drew more girls wearing diapers (sans all the bullshit). > dIFFeRenT pEOpLe LikE diFfeReNt tHinGs!!! And most people like the same things better!
>>40647 Even that doesn't really fit as an analogy because none of these niglets are paying a commission. They're rummaging in the dumpster and complaining it isn't chicken.
>>40656 If you're only allowed to criticize things that cost you something then you are allowed to complain about something you got for free. If you couldn't, that would be paying a cost, the cost of what you can't say. Literally, you don't have "free" speech. Ipso facto: you're free to whinge away! QED~
>>40657 >criticize Your criticism is >reeee this isn't my fetish Okay. We understand your autistic. That isn't a critique, it's just a tantrum that you aren't being catered to by every piece.
>>40658 > people are only allowed to voice negative opinions on the internet if they write a dissertation that passes my rigorous standards So how has that worked out for you so far?
>>40659 >I'm autistic and confuse screeching that everything should be personally catered to my tastes as criticism then sperg out again when people point out that isn't a criticism Ok tard boy
>>40661 > personally catered to my tastes Today I learned that liking attractive characters is considered a niche fetish ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>40663 >autistic boy can't comprehend that attraction IS subjective to the individual and that what he finds attractive is in fact his personal taste by its very definition Tard boy keeps going
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>>40664 > his personal taste *shared by the majority of other people. See >>40655 The argument from the beginning has been that not even the people who pretend to like this shit actually like this shit. Sure, some people will jack off to anything wearing a diaper. But for others, it's more they want to like this shit. They feel better about themselves if they do. It's Jerry Seinfeld eating at Babu Bhatt's eatery, pleased more with himself than what he's been served. The constant strawmanning and ad hominem has me utterly convinced that's the case, that I am for sure right about this because whoo boy have I seemingly hit a nerve!
>>40665 >My personal tastes are objective fact Once again autistic demonstrating they have difficulty grasping that people can like or dislike things differently from them due to their dysfunctional brain
>>40665 >REEEE anyone who likes things I don't like is only pretending and forcing themselves to like it! See >>40649 QED
>>40528 >>40529 >>40530 Does anyone have the first 4 pages of this comic?
Just post art when you have them dudes, you're not gonna convince that anon of anything. You're acting like this is your first day on this site
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>>40670 Thank you!
>>40670 Are there any more comics from this artist?
>>40655 >So, who are the divisive screeching culture warriors ITT? Gee, I can't imagine what kind of person it might track with to be so insecure that they must deny others any differing opinion and then shit up the whole place arguing in bad faith over shit that's not an argument in the first place. Never seen that before, no sir. lol I say I don't like the style of glasses and then I get >>40638 >>40639 Both saying shit about moving goalposts. Nigga, there ain't no goal, this isn't a debate club subreddit, there's no upvotes to win here. What the are you defending? You know you can enjoy this shit all on your own without my agreement, right? How do you function if this is your reaction to someone not liking what you like? Unless you're Rocket Manatee himself, which I don't know if that would make this funny or just more sad. kek
>>40674 >You know you can enjoy this shit all on your own without my agreement, right Yep and I do. Do you know that there are things I don't like yet don't go into their thread calling it shit? Do you know if you don't like something you're perfectly entitled to have your opinion, hide the thread and carry on with your day? Do you know that if you express your opinion on something you don't like people who do like it are allowed to tell you why they think you're wrong in their opinion? >I say I don't like the style of glasses and then I get Which is fine, but then you devolved into insults so you get insults back, you tell people to 'cry about it' and then you cry about it yourself You seem to think you're the only one allowed to have an opinion
(1.22 MB 1771x1024 DayCare.png)

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(2.69 MB 1300x1898 Holliday2016_3 (3).png)

(1.95 MB 1336x1632 JaniceTickleAttack.png)

>>40649 Got any other kinks that fit into this anon/preferred abdl fashion choices/stuff like that? Writing a collection of short non-fiction extracts from a universe where girls potty trained at 25 and looking for fun things to add. Transgirls in chastity is already features, as its a condition of mainstream acceptance.
Can we get a FULL site rip made out of this please?
>>40678 >but then you devolved into insults so you get insults back You mean these? >>40636 >>40626 No, you devolved. inb4 you claim that's not you. I don't really care, just don't straight up lie and say I'm the one starting with the insults. lol Go be disingenuous somewhere else... or work on your reading comprehension, whichever works.
>>40681 Bro can't even fathom there's more than one person calling him a moron lol
>>40682 >doesn't read >goes right back to insults lol Come clean then, how many of you are this butthurt I don't like your favorite thing?
>>40683 You people are so weird. You have to make up stuff to be angry about, and make up stuff in your head to cope. At no point did i ever say this was my favorite "thing" and yet here you are, making assumptions to feel smug. I cant imagine having such a fragile ego
>>40679 Me specific or RM? RM through the art you can see has a thing for catholic/prep school style uniforms, simple sun dresses, and skirtalls. With the occasional ruffle bum onesie, which I like. I also like how Olivia is often depicted wearing girlier clothing in contrast to the other girls out of uniform. Me specifically, I love a skirtall but I preferred a flared or pleated skirt base, where RM tends to draw more straight cut. Still cute, I just have a preference. I also really like pumpkin shorts, better yet if they're a shortfall style. Thing like bloomers as the bottom. That puffy extra room perfect for diapers.
>>40507 >>40509 continuity error here. olivia starts off in size 9 diaper and later is in a size 10. also in PaperHearts10.pgn the size badge is the wrong colour. >>40510 also vee is sitting on the chair with no diaper on so its gonna get wet
(1.35 MB 1872x2848 olivial za worldo.jpg)

>>40507 vee is going to be put to the bottom of the stairs again
The lesson(s) here today.... People are allowed to like things you don't People are ALSO allowed to dislike things you do This is the internet, you are not going to be insulated from differing opinions on the internet. Neither side has to justify themselves for the sake of the other Except.... it's only one side of the argument here that doesn't seem to get that, and yet seems to take it upon themselves to try and teach it!
>>40438 So, can we get a FULL siterip of this art series, please!?
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>>40693 Niggers tongue my anus
>>40646 > his own taste "Merely coincidence" > which has evolved over time This poses the question: why?
>>40440 Who the fuck do you think you are that you can come in here and say some stupid shit like what. Begone jew.
>>40604 An oldie but a goodie. I remember way, way, waaaaaaaaaaay back in the day I got some Tripfag on /d/ named Red to write up a series of captions using the characters from this and a couple other images. They were amazing but sadly I don't have them anymore.
>>40607 Well that's too fucking bad. I'm not even good at drawing, but if I were to put in all the time and effort to get to this level you can bet your stinky little ass I wouldn't draw anything except whatever the fuck I wanted to.
>>40440 You have the tism. Please off yourself retard.
Ain't we supposed to have a new board mod, why the fuck is this tranny shit still on here. Go fuck off to your safe places and take your shitty art with you.
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>>40951 shut up faggot
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>>40952 Eat shit alphabet nigger
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YAY! Fall time! The air is crisper! Leaves are chaning color and falling everywhere! The bugs, and rodents are preparing for hibernation! Hope everyone is gonna have a great season! :)
>>40960 Cute selfie, got more?
(253.83 KB 1280x1766 81.jpg)

>>40960 not really into scat tbh
>>40702 You anons do realize that the last cushypen rip from 2023 is still in the relevant thread, including the Rocket Manatee stuff, right? Super annoying people keep asking about this when it's right there if you bother to look. https://8chan.se/abdl/res/8221.html
>>40985 Where can i find the working rip link? All links i see there is inactive and expired. We need a brand new link to it, that isn't a magnet link.
>>40988 >isn't a magnet link Just figure it out you retarded juggalo
(1.64 MB 1368x2004 1568399018783.png)

(98.01 KB 941x920 1728439299664950.jpg)

Friendly reminder RM is a faggot and all faggots should die
(1.26 MB 1920x1080 1736816556063304.mp4)

>>45569 nice, I hope with AI there is more of these in the future
>going to the 8chan thread to seethe here too kek

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