/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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ABDL shota Baby 02/19/2023 (Sun) 01:03:44 No. 22879 [Reply] [Last]
Post ABDL shota
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messing general Baby 07/27/2020 (Mon) 16:52:54 No. 737 [Reply] [Last]
Lets have a messing thread! Vids, images, real, drawn, discussions, etc, whatever floats your boat. Please abide by the BO's rule that visible poop be spoiled. As long as the mess stays inside the diaper, it does not need to be spoiled (based on >>645 and >644 )
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I wish I had better recording methods
>>44259 that plan could work out. I personally was considering something like a suppository or an enema to "force" it out, combined with a locking belt or pant over it with a time lock. Just giving myself no alternative than to sit it out. the suppository should work within the first hour and I'd be "stuck" in my mess. But for me its once I passed a certain point, I don't mind a messy diaper as much.. I just dislike the initial feel and smell.
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Girls und Pampers Baby 11/08/2021 (Mon) 18:00:01 No. 6645 [Reply] [Last]
Since it is clearly evident that in Girls und Panzer they won't get potty breaks how else do you think they go for such long periods of time? Some girls though clearly are more used to using them than others.
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>>47221 >Be boyfriend >Get curious one day and look in girlfriend drawers >Find some panzer pamps >Take them out and give them a feel >She walks in and catches me holding them >Doesn't seem mad just gives me a smile and asks if I want to try one >Agree and let her put me in a diaper >Feels good >She asks if I want to try some dress-up as well >Be curious and say yes >She puts me in one of her uniforms and does some makeup for me >Also feels good >Spend rest of afternoon making out >She says anytime want to try this just ask >Ends up becoming regular thing >One day she asks if I want to join the tank team

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Age regression part 2 Baby 11/10/2024 (Sun) 15:11:08 No. 42478 [Reply] [Last]
Continuation of the thread that puts you back in diapers. Previous thread >>562
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ABDL artists on Kemono Party #2 Baby 08/25/2023 (Fri) 22:07:03 No. 29111 [Reply] [Last]
The previous thread just got Bumplocked ( https://8chan.moe/abdl/res/9300.html ). So We're starting over with a new thread. Peharps we could start by updating these guys?: Ahbagels ("August Requests" is missing): https://kemono.party/patreon/user/3636309 Burritokitten: https://kemono.party/patreon/user/52018436 Carnivaltricks: https://kemono.party/patreon/user/6145172 ), https://kemono.party/discord/server/690076800243597313 Chuckyandmisty: https://kemono.party/patreon/user/8462589 Diaperdork ("Dorkiest Dork poll August 2023", "Sleepover puppy [W.I.P]", "Dorkiest Dork poll July 2023", "Interrupted Beach Time [W.I.P]", "Neighbors [W.I.P]", "Dorkiest dork poll (June 2023)", "Mid change distraction [Dorkiest Doodle]", and "Show me yours i show you mine [W.I.P]" are missing): https://kemono.party/patreon/user/36485862 Goodboycomics: https://kemono.party/patreon/user/8773333 Jerret: https://kemono.party/patreon/user/32304402

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Honestly feels like the biggest anti piracy psyops
>>47655 There'll be more cunts like him until an anti-begging rule is put in place.
>>47641 I'm not the guy begging and what not. Not really into this kind of shit but I had to chime in after someone actually *did* go ahead and do what he asked in the other thread proving your bitch ass wrong. Begging always works in the end because as he put it someone will always want the credit for being the one to fulfill the request due to wanting internet e-points. As weird as it is, it works. You're a fucking retard and should shut the fuck up.

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Captions Baby 09/22/2021 (Wed) 02:05:39 No. 4734 [Reply] [Last]
It looks like a lot of caption content has been going away. It looks like Princess Pottypants nuked some of their stuff, and they hadn't been doing the best content over the past few years anyways. Anyone know any source of quality captions these days? 3D, 2D, I don't really care as long as the person knows not to write captions correctly (no long ass stories, no broken english). Hypno and messing content is a plus.
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Got creative and made a few captions
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Some more I whipped up today.
>>47571 >>47587 zamn you're doing good! the first two + littleselfie seem really great, and I actually love the photo choice for the daycare one and it's a cool idea! There's some flaws to some of these where they can kinda run-on, which might be a stream of consciousness attempt falling flat occasionally, but overall ur doing pretty good! Especially compared to most shit that's out there. Might try writing a few thoughts out better later if u ever want that, but at minimum wanted u 2 know that it's appreciated.

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Sagejail #1 Baby 01/09/2025 (Thu) 19:33:29 No. 44888 [Reply] [Last]
Figured he needs a special place to throw his toys out the pram. Your very own crib, my friend. All for you! However, the passwords to this >>44788 post will also be posted in here. So you'd better bumplock it fast - go on, get to work!
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>>47625 >>47600 mb on late reply been busy >>47523
>>47643 Kill yourself
It is immoral to wish death upon someone. In doing so, one violates the Good, and strikes that sacredness of the soul.

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ABDL's Wildest Dreams 4: I Wish That I Could Turn Back Time Baby 07/22/2023 (Sat) 23:46:56 No. 27930 [Reply] [Last]
There's a comic by RuuGiaRuu that I've seen a couple of pages of on a certain website that shall not be named. Unfortunately, ruu updated their Patreon so that you can no longer just view the pages on their Patreon, instead you have to go through their own website and link your Patreon account to get access to pages on their website. This made it so I can no longer view new pages of this comic as well as their other comics. I'm not exactly asking for it, but.. if someone so happened to be a high tier Patreon to Ruu and also enjoy the comic, it'll be appreciated if it would be posted and updated here. Just saying.. I'll post the pages I do have and leave it up to others to update it.. if there is anyone who is willing to do that, that is...
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>>46878 I wish it was more alive than it is now, but I just haven't had any luck with having people post any new pages anywhere.
>>46878 Downloading comics and images from his custom-built personal website is surprisingly difficult, which might explain why fewer people have shared it here. Instead of being able to simply right-click and save the images, you’re forced to dive into developer mode just to locate and download the original files. This process feels unnecessarily complicated and discourages users who aren’t tech-savvy, it’s frustrating for anyone just looking to enjoy the content and save it locally without jumping through hoops.
>>47624 Ah, I see. Well, shit. Guess I'll just have to wait till the pages become public or wait for a tech savvy fan of this comic to download the pages and share them here.

Diapered Asians Baby 05/25/2020 (Mon) 04:13:50 No. 27 [Reply] [Last]
Why are they so cute?
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>>43895 >>43904 >>43924 Nobody would make sweeping statements like that just based on shitty fake subs they've seen on pornhub, right? >Culturally, it seems taboo to actually enjoy anything, even more so to admit to enjoying something. That sounds just like the culture of only being allowed to enjoy things ironically in burgerland. >>43894 At the start she's saying she feels lonely. She's jealous of the kids she sees at the park doing stuff with their parents and getting their diapers changed. >私は。。。鳥になりたい <I... want to become a bird Her sister bullies her telling her to watch out, then calling her a klutz after pouring the water on her. She apologizes. I can't make out exactly what is said when they exchange bags, but it feels like a non-sequitur from the previous scene. When she's in the orange onesie her mom is asking her if she's using her diaper, and she says she did. At the end when they're in bed they both say they peed. The whole thing seems to be a short trailer for a full video. There's too much missing from the plot otherwise.
>>47626 They are absolutely gorgeous, I'd love to get something similar. Why wouldn't they be comfortable though?
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AI Generated Diaper Porn Baby 01/10/2025 (Fri) 00:06:28 No. 45167 [Reply] [Last]
Old thread stopped bumping >>35729
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Target Up & Ups worked in my makeshift temporary studio. Just need to pick a epoch and run some publish images.
Anila is a qt
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We need more men in diapers! Baby 01/12/2022 (Wed) 02:37:16 No. 8098 [Reply] [Last]
This thread is like 99% females, where are my pretty boys in their diapers at?
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>>46264 >Be in denial about sexuality for 29 years. >Only had sex with woman and kinda enjoy it but really don't get the hype around regular sex. >Get separated from toxic wife and come out to fam at 30 >Find a couple FWB near me who want my cute ass. >Realize that It's not that I don't like sex, just that I'm totally a bottom and fucking girls just never felt right. >Meet a big bro who comes over and fucks me in my goodnites every other weekend. >Meet a girl who was an ABDL mommy waiting to happen. >See her once a month for cuddles, cummies and diaper changes. >she even encourages me to have fun with my big bro and likes to hear about how he fucks me. >Literally the stuff of dreams. Life's good bro's. In like 4 months time I got rid of my BPD wife, came out as bi, started wearing diapers basically 24/7, met a big bro and a mommy. It feels made up, like too good to be true. I've been trying to keep this thread alive for like a year and it's funny how my past posts track my relationship status and acceptance of my orientation.
>>46700 Nah, we need MORE men; manly men not femboys (although they are always appreciated.)

Used diaper thread Baby 12/10/2022 (Sat) 12:28:17 No. 20580 [Reply] [Last]
Let's try this again. Post about diapers and your finds. Don't mention kids in 3rd person since that's what got the thread deleted
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>>46988 Fuck. I wanna see u cum in a changing room on a peed one 😭 the Pic with ur cock in the dip is so hot
>>43606 Just cum on it 😍
Maybe we should create a group on SimpleX where we can share photos

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Toddlergirl / BabyStar Baby 12/14/2024 (Sat) 15:33:48 No. 43784 [Reply]
A gallery for one of the most well-known artists in the furry community.
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>>43784 You misspelt autists.
Does anyone have most of her human art? I never really care for her furry works
Who has that one pic of star giving oral to kimmy (gamer2) they where in military uniforms. The picture has been purged from FA and I cant find it anymore

Lost media diapered wiki Baby 05/25/2023 (Thu) 13:02:56 No. 25835 [Reply] [Last]
This thread is for lost media from abdl magazines,pornos,art and fanfics from past to today For example this story which i loved but the diaperfag deleted it and no archive on wayback
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Does anyone have an archive of milkiitea's art?

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I had an hydrus archive of an pixiv artist scud(8k14), however it got deleted for various personal reasons and now his pixiv is dead. His art really touched certain soft spot for me, and I whould really love to see if anyone else has an archive. Here's all the remaining art of his I chould find. [https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/77976684]
This dude from imagefap called Blanketharm. He had like dozens and dozens of galleries called Cuckyquean diaper captions who had his account closed for some reason back in 2023

Baby 01/18/2022 (Tue) 18:19:54 No. 8215 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone have some CatDoll ABDL content?
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>>8543 I love the babydream brand, the fact that the dips are wett and those panythose are just perfect! It triggers so much in my brain <3
>>46811 Yeah cat dolls can look pretty realistic especially if you get the right angles.
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diapers/abdl gear review and opinion thread Baby 04/29/2024 (Mon) 21:13:42 No. 36497 [Reply] [Last]
boomer/tranny/eceleb reviews are useless due to brainrot or paid shilling, and trawling through 80 amazon listings and ancient forum posts full of fat ugly old men covered in shit to maybe find any useful info about a product is annoying. share your experiences with other anons, because knowledge is power and sharing is caring.
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>>47473 I really want to try a Megamax to compare it with the Sunkiss Masterpiece. Everybody says they're similar but I want to see exactly how similar. What booster did you use?
>>47473 Northshore's booster. I figured it would fit well within their diaper since it's the same brand, which was ultimately correct.
I had intended to make an order for a footed sleeper at Privatina's site at some point but they seem to have gone down/bust and aren't taking orders any more. Anyone got recommendations for footed sleepers? These would be onesies with feet included, so only your head and hands aren't covered. In UK BTW

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