/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Celebs in diapers Baby 06/04/2024 (Tue) 23:35:04 No. 37553 [Reply] [Last]
Pasties, captions or drawings, I don't care, post hot female celebs wearing diapers.
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>you will never change Sabrina Carpenter's messy diapers
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>>37801 i found one image of ariana grande he did
>>37801 found another one!

Why is the ABDL community so flooded with braindead or ESL retards? Baby 12/11/2024 (Wed) 16:00:35 No. 43676 [Reply] [Last]
Is it me or literally almost any ABDL community I've checked out is flooded with these retards who barely know any english or are completely braindead to the point where it's impossible to talk to them? The problem is more prominent on discord servers but it's pretty much everywhere outside of imageboards/really gatekept places. In these places marking yourself as "DMs open" is a hilarious way to get your DMs flooded by them, as well look at the comments on almost any diaper videos, 90% of the comments are usually ESL or completely braindead. The question is, how did this happen? Is the community just flooded with kids, or is there something that makes people who have diaper fetishes completely retarded? How do you even find good diapershit communities anywhere without these retards?
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>>43676 Almost as if English is the lingua franca and the only way for these very niche fetish communities to connect. You are very smart, anon. Did you know that the majority of the western world is in fact not US-American nor british?
>>43676 >be retard >be born on earth >life is good, mommy takes care of you >get older >fail at everything >mommy and daddy are constantly mad/disappointed with you It makes sense that literal retards would gravitate to this fetish since baby hood is the only time they met expectations and weren't constantly failing
>>45543 >>46641 Unsurprisingly there's actually some research backing this up that outsourcing one's mental skills to stuff like autocorrect and LLM does atrophy one's thinking ability. There's some real concern we're turning into a form of Idiocracy but caused much faster by social trend of outsourcing brainpower to technology instead of lack of selective pressure turning future people into hereditary idiots. "Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtDWDWY_7Bc

Throwing out diapers while living with parents Baby 02/12/2025 (Wed) 02:12:10 No. 46899 [Reply]
How did/do you get rid of old diapers while living with your parents? I was worried about the weight and potentially higher bills if i were to throw them at my household trash can so I throw mine at a self-service car wash. I have to limit my use and wait until I have like 5/6 so i don't drive there too often and look suspicious. I could move out but I'm in uni and getting so much money out of my parents just to play with diapers is...
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>>47017 Haha very fast. I adjust my hoodie a lot more than usual to make sure it's hidden, and one time my dad nearly caught me when I was going to throw out some diapers at night, which was the most nervewracking.
>>47189 Playing fast and loose there anon. I take it you don't walk around in PJ pants ever? How do you cover the crinkle sound? >>47189
>>47197 Haha not when I'm padded around people, no. But most of the time I do actually just wear pjs around the house. As for crinkling, if you wear jeans it's not actually that loud. And especially my dad has pretty bad hearing anyway so he wouldn't hear it.

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Regressed By Your Mother Baby 03/23/2022 (Wed) 14:23:23 No. 10390 [Reply] [Last]
I know this is the most common cliche in ABDL smut fiction, but do any of you think that this might actually be more common than you would think? I could see a desperate single mother with mental problems being willing to baby her adult son if he asked. Obviously not full-time, but probably a good amount of ABDL play. I'm sure it must have happened once or twice in history.
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>>10390 With how off topic this thread got, it's fair to say this is more of a witch hunt thread than something that could be in relation to the thread itslelf. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2x1yP2cpE8 Here's a best of the worst video where RLM covers a 1973 film called, "The Baby". The premise provides an insight into the idea of being ABDL 24/7, and the ramifications of mental corruption in the pursuit of forced dependency. >Maybe being regressed forcefully is a bad thing or something?
>>47129 The fact that you're getting trolled into thinking someone is me is actually hilarious to me. I haven't been able to post for 2 days because admin disabled new bypasses for a bit because we got into a spitting match in private. Even he realizes he can't do that 24/7 though because there would be a huge hit on traffic. Not even mad tbh. Continue please.

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character who are likely ABDL diapered giants 03/28/2022 (Mon) 00:12:23 No. 10534 [Reply] [Last]
this is for characters who have abdl qualities so, who are cute, childish, bratty, and even sexy/promiscuous or just characters you had more artwork of.
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With the way the show was going if it had lasted longer could have seen a scene that went along something like: >Captain Freeman confronts Mariner and says she is tired of her crap >Drags her away by her ear in front of the crew >Goes into a room off screen >Mariner starts protesting asking what she is doing then you start hear the unmistakeable sounds of spanking >Crew go nope and walk off and goes to next scene >Later there is a scene where Mariner meets up with her friends in the mess where she looks a bit shaken >Bulge in her pants that is suspiciously like a diaper bulge. >When asked what happened she sits down slowly and carefully saying she doesn't want to talk about it
>>46459 that's hot.
Speaking of Trek, there seems to be some artwork of Tendi trying out abdl but I never pictured as the type to be diapered but more of a caregiver. There's also this pic of T'Lyn who although can see wearing, I have pictured more as a pull-ups type.

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Cartoons in diapers 2 Baby 08/16/2024 (Fri) 17:32:52 No. 39462 [Reply]
old thread hit the bump limit
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Happy Valentine's day

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Stellavia Daycare Academy by Ruugiaruu Baby 09/13/2023 (Wed) 18:44:48 No. 29622 [Reply]
So here https://kemono.party/patreon/user/905569 you can view until page 123 and the rest will be posted here.
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>>39052 you are a legend
Just wanted to say I'm glad this threat still updates
I'm curious, does anyone have any updates for this yet? Please?

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Diaper males suck Baby 01/19/2025 (Sun) 09:16:15 No. 45853 [Reply]
A thread for anyone who hates seeing men in diapers I'll start. What do you see in this? Seriously, how is it possible that there are multiple people who like this? There is nothing sexy about seeing a fat guy in diapers. With women, at least you can understand why someone would like it. Most (not all obviously) who are into this kink are decent looking. The only ugly ones are the trannies who only got into this for attention. But men? No, fuck it, every single male are jobless gay old men who still live with their parents with nothing to do in life and the young ones and decent looking are usually either furries or potential PDFs.
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>>46165 >"based" You don't know the meaning of the word based, cause this is obvious cringe, cocksucker.
>>46202 It’s true, tho
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Just a reminder, there’s actual people who fap to this and think it’s sexy ☠️

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Diaper Stuffing Thread Baby 09/21/2021 (Tue) 14:33:04 No. 4718 [Reply] [Last]
ITT: Share pictures of people being stuffed/trapped inside another person's diaper. Anything goes, as diaper stuffing art is somewhat rare. Boys, girls, whatever. I know there was a thread over on 8kun, but since the images got scrubbed, we may as well start up the thread here.
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Diapers are the Solution to Feminism Baby 09/15/2020 (Tue) 15:16:43 No. 1122 [Reply] [Last]
ABDL must become mainstream. Diapering and babying your female partner is the only way that a healthy male / female relationship can be restored in the current year. When all women are like big diapered babies giggling while playing with their little dolls again, the White race will be saved. Find a flaw.
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I can see a variation of pic related being the fate of beta males in the Padded Reich.
>>46319 where is this pic from if you don't mind me asking
>>46875 https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/108839220 It's AI art, but AI art that has some effort so isn't just slop.

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Ruu Comic by RuuGiaRuu Baby 07/30/2023 (Sun) 03:56:28 No. 28223 [Reply] [Last]
I have been giving updates on U18Chan of this comic every so often when a particular website has uploads of this comic until recently. I know if I was to post all the pages of the comic here, it'll reach the bump limit, so I'll post the link to where I've been uploading them then someone can upload new pages here once they release. https://u18chan.com/board/u18chan/gore/topic/2196901#2196901
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Anyone got anything new? I’m still broke
Hello. Is this thread 🧵 alive
>>46874 Hopefully it will be alive again soon. Just waiting on someone to be generous enough as to post the new pages.

Fat baby thred Baby 05/16/2024 (Thu) 19:27:10 No. 36983 [Reply] [Last]
Who has the biggest diaper/belly for a baby
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Cute diaper imagery Baby 09/04/2024 (Wed) 15:00:47 No. 40100 [Reply] [Last]
Posting this thread because I’m trying to get my mostly vanilla girlfriend into ABDL, at least just wearing. She just needs to see the cute appeal of it. Maybe it can help others in a similar situation. Post your cutest pictures of diaper girls, or rooms. Anything cutesy with diapers and ABDL involved. Pastel pinks, plushes, frills, disney, sanrio, etc. all encouraged.
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>>46573 is this Jimmy
>>46585 ...you are fucking retarded for not recognizing what the reference is.
>>46585 C _ _ E S E E _ _ E D _ _ _ _ E I'm sure a clever bloke such as yourself could figure it out.

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Loli diaperfur Baby 03/28/2021 (Sun) 22:17:15 No. 3023 [Reply] [Last]
Padded furry lolis, anthro or otherwise.
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Does anybody have the unblurred versions of these pics?: https://https://subscribestar.adult/paddedulf

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Lucky Star Girls Diapered Baby 08/12/2020 (Wed) 21:00:02 No. 894 [Reply] [Last]
I can't find much, but if you anons have more that would be great
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New Konata art!
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Quick edit
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tights and diapers Tights/Pantyhose & Diapers 09/08/2021 (Wed) 20:46:45 No. 4561 [Reply] [Last]
Post pictures of diapers going with tights/pantyhose. Girls or boys. Personally, I like bot.y
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