/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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recommend some good Asian ABDL creators Baby 07/25/2024 (Thu) 20:00:16 No. 38840 [Reply]
yeah, i have a type... i loved the stuff that pacifyfool/petitefool used to do. asiandiapercutie also does decent stuff. but that's pretty much all the asian girls i've seen in the scene. any other good recs?
Go down the retweets on this account. Lots of cute Japanese girls. Unfortunately they seem to get banned pretty frequently. https://twitter.com/abdl_japan
yeah you're not wrong, there aren't any i can think of outside of the two you mentioned that isn't JAV crap. would love to be proven wrong lol

Favorite AB girl moments Baby 12/12/2021 (Sun) 14:17:53 No. 7519 [Reply] [Last]
Post your favorite AB girl video moments. No annoying file hosts or jumping through hoops, just short videos hosted right here. I'll start: Mia has an accident while playing
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>>38400 Yea, but that video is Baby Bea
>>38427 fuck yeah bubbles, I love her stupid massive milkers

ABDL Adjacent Clothing Baby 06/09/2024 (Sun) 20:39:08 No. 37724 [Reply]
What would you get your girlfriend who isn't into ABDL to wear to remind you of ABDL? Like what kinds of dresses, clothing, lingerie, underwear, etc.
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White tights
Stuff on LittleForBig has been pretty decent. Though I overdid it on some stuff, like getting her a couple of onesies which she said she wasn't into. Some other items made it past her radar, though she saw the label on some other item and looked it up and saw that it was ABDL-related which she said she didn't like, though I suspect she tries it out sometimes in secret Coveralls/suspenders and stockings get the best reception
>>37832 This!

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JFF public archiver Baby 07/02/2024 (Tue) 01:35:58 No. 38230 [Reply]
Hello fellow anons, before I waste too much free time of mine, I was wondering if there is anything like coomer for justforfans? If not, I would like to start a community project on building one. I already have the backend layed out, archived over 20k+ posts with 100k+ media files. I still need a frontend and am looking for fellow babys to collaborate on building one. Let me know your ideas on continuing - if so everything will be free of charge, fed by anonymous community subscription contributions.
So far there been to attempt same with when people move to subscribestar I know dp-vids uploads some now and then
do you know how to rip videos from JFF now? went through all that trouble with cat-catch but the videos have DRM on them, and not sure how viable key cracking is since they all mention widevine and not whatever JFF uses

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peeing easily Baby 07/03/2024 (Wed) 00:51:11 No. 38253 [Reply]
So whenever I go to the bathroom to pee I have realized that either of two things happen. >I have to force the pee out of me >I relax, take a deep breath and wait for the pee to just come out The later one is the best option, and what I go for if I'm not on a hurry, it's really satisfying and relaxing to just feel the pee coming out of you while your body is kind of limp. This is precisely why it's so frustrating that whenever I try to do this very same thing on a diaper my body refuses to cooperate. I always come awfully close, like on the verge of happening, but at the last moment my dick gets blocked and nothing comes out, so I always have to force it which kinds of kills the moment because I just want to relax and let myself go. It's there a way to achieve this? I'm not asking to be incontinent, but to be able to release on command without having to push it. I've come to think that perhaps the reason why I can't release it it's because I start to get aroused when I try to do this in a diaper, but I'm not entirely sure.
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Look into how breathing works as a human, it's got more depth than the layman would think...
I had trained myself to let go in any position but I recently got put in chastity full time and it feels different trying to relax like that. I can't let go laying down with the cage on yet, it just takes practice, luckily I'm getting that 24/7.
thanks for your advices babies. I ended up getting some results after all, but it took me some weird steps. >put on a diaper >get on bed >start listening to some hypno >can't get into it too much because I'm too focused on my pee >despite how much I'm trying to relax I can't do it >end up standing up and try to do it like that >manage to pee a little, but not too much >go to the bathroom kind of defeated >try it again listening to other audio >this time I pay attention and get into little space >make it to a point in which I'm about to burst >takes me some minimal effort to start peeing myself >feels amazing, even better since I'm little space >pee myself some more >feels good, but it takes me more than just minimal effort. Still, the sensation of being so close to incontinence is amazing >cant' take it anymore and start touching myself

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WetSet.net Archive Torrent Found Baby 07/08/2024 (Mon) 06:37:03 No. 38352 [Reply]
Hey so. After looking all over the internet because I'm not paying any of my software or actually productive stuff IMAGINE IF I'M GOING 2 PAY 4 PORN. Anyways, if more people gets this message maybe more will be able to save all this content. I'm not fully sure about the OP of this torrent, because it's pretty much dead e59470c0

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Diaper Scat Thread Baby 08/28/2023 (Mon) 19:16:31 No. 29215 [Reply]
A thread for those of us who love the contents of our diapers as much as the diapers themselves. Feel free to post and enjoy open diapers, smeared muck, and some nice chocolate meals. Should help to contain some of the more extreme content and chat so others don't have to see it. Please remember the spoiler rules for exposed scat.
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Have some more diapers overflowing with poop~
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Last couple for now

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Baby 06/27/2022 (Mon) 20:11:11 No. 13576 [Reply]
After eight long years it's finally being released. Let's hope that it's fap-worthy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLGYWP5KamU&t=1s
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>>38084 I don't want to watch it but can someone see if there's any cute scenes with the woman acting Mommy?
>>38085 Really for me there was only one scene in the movie. Here's a brief summary of the plot: >Male protagonist is a comedian who became popular by doing a "baby act" for his show with a prop diaper, rattle, etc. >His wife (some kind of pharmacology researcher) doesn't want kids, he schemes to convince her that he has become a baby and make her care for him thus awakening her maternal instincts >He goes to his ex, a "witch", and asks her to help him convince his wife that he has been mentally regressed, he drinks a "potion" in front of her that makes him act babylike and the ex announces it is his true nature >The first half of the film consists of wife and the ex-girlfriend taking care of male lead, while she hates it; she catches on and decides to give him a rectal temperature check which makes him reveal the act, she divorces him >There's a cheating subplot where the wife has been fucking a hormone doctor at her job >She gets the idea to test out his hormone formula on her husband, basically pulls a 180 from before and invites her husband to come back on the condition he be her baby from now on >She gives him a bottle with the hormones (he is unaware) and this really does mentally regress him >She is very baby crazy over her science experiment and starts a lesbian relationship with the ex-girlfriend witch as they mutually care for the male lead >Male lead's friend breaks him out, chase ensues, the hormones wear off >Story wraps up The one scene I liked was in the second half where she's acting very maternal toward him.
>>38131 >>Male lead's friend breaks him out, chase ensues, the hormones wear off Wow, what a complete waste

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GF (from FNF) in Diapers Baby 06/20/2024 (Thu) 21:54:01 No. 38031 [Reply]
Just post pics of Girlfriend from Friday night funkin in diapers.
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Jesus most of this art is garbage
>>38051 I am surprised there are so many pictures of this character from this shitty game, wonder if it's all the same comm'er

Torrents! Baby 06/18/2024 (Tue) 00:49:46 No. 37953 [Reply]
Anons, I need your help: I've been trying to download a torrent archive of the late lamented Diaperchan, but the file has no seeders. I'll provide the magnet link to see if you can fix it. Also, if you have torrents/magnet links of your own, put them down! 8aae2603

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Diaper inflation Baby 05/15/2023 (Mon) 14:57:20 No. 25277 [Reply]
I was wondering if anyone else gets turned on about diaper inflation or huge waterlogged pamps? I know It's not a popular kink, but maybe someone here has some cool content? Here's some of my favorite. https://mega.nz/folder/lpNC1BjT#h-yuVctnJFE1EkEY19PwZw
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>>28984 I really hope none of that sap went into the drain.
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>>25277 Yeah, honestly, the bigger the better~ Diapers so huge all you can do is lay back and struggle as all that heft and squish engulfs your crotch <3

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24/7, incontinence-desires and incontinence 2 Baby 06/09/2023 (Fri) 04:10:06 No. 26374 [Reply] [Last]
>>313 The previous thread hit the bump limit. Let's continue from where we left off. This a thread for anons, both currently incontinent and those seeking to become incontinent. Feel free to share your thoughts, ideas, and theories. >Do you wear 24/7, if so, how long? >What got you interested in 24/7, and more generally ABDL? Do you consider yourself leaning towards AB or DL especially? >Do you want to untrain? How will you/have you done so? >Who knows you wear 24/7? >If you untrained, do you honestly regret it? How has your mood about it progressed since you started? >If you don't wear 24/7, would you like to? Why/why not?
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Just found out I have overflow incontinence and will need a catheter (potentially for the rest of my life.) Any other Anon have experience with them? How comfortable are they? Can you still get an erection and if you can does it hurt? Is there some type of lube to make it more comfortable? I'm a side/stomach sleeper, can I still do that without pain? I'm really new to the idea of catheters and any information helps. I'm actually pretty terrified at the idea and may just forego getting one all together and just managing it some other way.
>>37984 I've been succesfull in training myself to completely let go before I fully fall asleep in bed, but I still kept waking up to pee or woke up in the morning with an urge. I've started to do the night-time alarm trick, and I also drink a cup of water when the alarm goes off.
>>39125 Went to a cottage with a couple of my friends for a weekend, and I wore during the nights. We had separate rooms, so this was a good way to test if I really was ready to wear away from home. The cottage didn't have running water either, so I couldn't do the usual of taking a shower after waking up. Wearing didn't feel like a burden at all, quite the opposite. It felt reassuring to have diapers with me for the night and it was just fine to clean up in the morning with wet wipes, like a natural alternative morning routine I'd have to take in this case. I didn't mention it to my friends, but I have a feeling they're suspecting something. Next step would be to visit a friend and say out loud I need to wear for the night.

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Every abdl Watamote piece Baby 06/05/2024 (Wed) 04:57:00 No. 37575 [Reply]
Every abdl Watamote piece I ever found
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>>37625 "Here's your beef" I asked for lamb "OMG you never appreciate anything I do for you" You sound like a bitchy parent
>>37580 Here's a variation of the third/fourth with a pacifier. That's the only thing I have that wasn't posted. >>37646 Anon wanted to show appreciation but did it poorly. Name calling won't help.
>>37588 You are missing the second part to picture 4. Sketchman did one of her climbing the slide at the playground and having an 'accident '.

locked and padded (chastity) 02/05/2022 (Sat) 13:28:14 No. 8888 [Reply] [Last]
Cumming is a privilege reserved for big boys and girls! (chastity Tread) Boys, Girls, sissies and anything you've got as long as they're safely locked away like good sissies should be!
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>>37712 >all we are doing is using some caution. Who the fuck is "we"? You are singularly responsible for your own actions. The same person has even had his images posed on this board before, at >>37491. There was no "caution" here, just blindly claiming that something that clearly wasn't, was. Please, for the love of fucking God, never post again. Now, chastity.

Age regression Baby 07/16/2020 (Thu) 03:16:05 No. 562 [Reply] [Last]
Be it physical/mental or both. Back to diapers where you belong.
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New NSFW Visual Novel is out for Age Regression, it has an RPG fight scene and is fully voiced by an English cast!
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Figurines and Dolls Baby 05/15/2021 (Sat) 00:46:38 No. 3469 [Reply]
These are pretty rare, but I've come across a few pictures of diapered figurines/dolls.
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>>4596 Looks like they are called dollfies and even looking at the prices for the individual parts it doesn't look cheap.
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This is a full set I found by shugafairy on Amazon and aliexpress. I bought the doll and when they get here I’ll post some pics but they are a reputable brand and the Aliexpress seller I got him from have good reviews. C$18.89 64% Off | May BJD Doll 1/6 FullSetB Blythe RebornWinter Cute Shiba Inu Baker Bread Magnetic Accessories Ball Jointed Dolls Shugafairy https://a.aliexpress.com/_msZ9cAi

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