thanks for your advices babies. I ended up getting some results after all, but it took me some weird steps.
>put on a diaper
>get on bed
>start listening to some hypno
>can't get into it too much because I'm too focused on my pee
>despite how much I'm trying to relax I can't do it
>end up standing up and try to do it like that
>manage to pee a little, but not too much
>go to the bathroom kind of defeated
>try it again listening to other audio
>this time I pay attention and get into little space
>make it to a point in which I'm about to burst
>takes me some minimal effort to start peeing myself
>feels amazing, even better since I'm little space
>pee myself some more
>feels good, but it takes me more than just minimal effort. Still, the sensation of being so close to incontinence is amazing
>cant' take it anymore and start touching myself
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