/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Memes Baby 12/31/2020 (Thu) 08:53:39 No. 2176
Post diaper/abdl memes
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>>15753 Why are all of these femoids? God, get better memes.
>>15754 Why so angry
>>15756 >angry Read it again
>>15754 >getting angry at top notch quality memes leave and stay gone zoomer
>>15777 fashwave is a zoomer meme
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>>16457 All of these are so cute.
>>2176 We already have a cringe thread though
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You know those memes where a guy is sitting across from some innocent looking girl but he's looking at a picture of her sucking his dick on his phone or whatever? ABDL version of that where shes sucking a paci and making her potty face
>>16458 2. That one was very true cause i volunteered at a charity shop and one day i tried a diaper god damn it felt huge and i was scared of being exposed
>>45016 Ah, so this is that same idiot anon that got butthurt over the cringe thread a while back and responded with spider man spam posts that were quickly removed by BO then when other anons rightfully insulted him for it.
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>>45222 >>45229 funny stuff dude, thanks for sharing always nice to see more abdl memes
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Saving this from the death of ABDL_IRL
>>45465 I cant believe the meme subreddit got taken down, its crazy, it was just silly jokes, WTF is wrong with people
>>45466 Taken down for being unmoderated; nobody running it, it dies

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>>45465 Feel this could be repurposed into a banner although would need to condense the caption a bit.
>boomer memes does anyone under 30 make memes anymore?
>>45520 I much prefer "Boomer" Memes over skibbidy-fornite-dance-bullshit.
>>45524 yeah takes you back to browsing 'teh chon' for 'epic lulz' right?
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