/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Tabletop Thread Baby 11/23/2024 (Sat) 07:20:26 No. 42911 [Reply]
Post ABDL tabletop materials and related works. Probably going to mostly be RPGs, but board games and the like are fine. Starting the thread off with a Pathfinder 2e supplement I found. Generic, but it gets the job done. Feel free to post all systems and genres.
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>>43899 That sounds nice, too bad i missed out on it.
>>46057 That is fair anon, in some ways it almost seems like it is more difficult to get into a game now than it was back then. Still, wish you luck.
At the risk of bumping a dead thread for the interest of no one, I just got flooded with Blood on the Clocktower content and a re-skin jumped to the forefront. A conversion could be very one-to-one. There is a Village with Townfolk and Outsiders. This could be either a kink dungeon with Regulars and Guests. Or be a Daycare with Pupils and Visitors. The role of Storyteller could be Pro Dom or Nanny in those frameworks. The first scenario that popped in my head was around the DL lament that the B of AB is very cringe and ruins their enjoyment of kink. So why not have the Demon and Minion be a Diaper Lover and a Sub. They want the age regression roles to be excised. Each Play Time there is a round of Finger Pointing to put characters on the Naughty Step. Get enough votes to be on the Naughty Step and you'll be in Time Out. Doesn't remove you from the game, but limits a player to one vote for the rest of the game. Each Nap Time the DL gives the Pro Dom a bribe to also put another player in Time Out. A one to one of the character roles just needs the fluff changed. Like instead of the the Monk who protects one player each night, it's Teddy Bear, who picks a player to protect during Nap Time. It's not the Undertaker digging up the executed to learn their role but the Diaper Changer who digs in a pail to confirm a role. The Slayer doesn't shoot the Demon, but the Tattletale tattles on the DL and that gets them straight to Time Out. Obviously this isn't some groundbreaking original idea since it's just a fluff change for an existing game, but a social deduction game that could be fun while in littlespace/subspace/gooning.

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Cushy Pen rips Baby 01/18/2022 (Tue) 20:26:33 No. 8221 [Reply] [Last]
Can one of you guys please rip Artist and every piece of art from The Cushy Pen (From 2010 to 2022) in a ZIP file?: http://www.cushypen.com/
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>>45397 That was really good. I hope there's a follow up where she doesn't get cockblocked again. I'd really like to see a more involved and draw out diaper play/sex scene.
>>47521 Good Girls Stay Caged. Somebody needs to get Viola a Strap.
>>47538 >thanks for saving some pussy for the rest of us, dude <*high-fives, and slaps your diapered ass*

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TOUHOU HIJACK Baby 03/12/2022 (Sat) 19:08:19 No. 10068 [Reply] [Last]
Post 2hus in diapers
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>>37347 Yoshika's bladder is nonfunctional and always has to wear diapers. Youmu is a scaredy cat and completely voids her bowels at the sight of a ghost, so Yuyuko always keeps her in diapers. Aunn's two bodies means that whenever one is pooping the other involuntarily does, so they both wear diapers just in case.
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Baby 02/24/2025 (Mon) 01:38:46 No. 47415 [Reply]
Anyone else into mixing diapers and foodplay? Like scenarios where food ends up in your diaper (other than for simulated messing purposes)
Sorry if you're into this, but really rare combination of fetishes. Just the amount of people into both food play and diapers is rare. Closest thing is the fatty thread ( https://8chan.moe/abdl/res/36983.html ) that most don't seem to care about.
This is like a guy with a fetish for amputation and juggling.

Baby 02/23/2025 (Sun) 10:51:08 No. 47377 [Reply]
post abdlcore pics hardmode: no diapers in the image (because those have the rest of the board)
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I hate it already. It's overly cute and uses too many soft colors.
>>47381 I mean, it is pretty easy to get the gist of what OP is saying, although it would have probably helped if they included more images. By ABDL core I am guessing that they mean cuteshit art that could appeal to ABDLs but is not actually drawn by them or drawn with them in mind. There are quite a lot of those out there, this board even had a thread about them before, although I think that it was pretty short-lived.
Kill the board! Kill the board! Kill the board! Kill the board!

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Usually I find Asians or Whites work best when diapered, but you're convincing me. Maybe when women are finally subjugated I'll keep a diapered black girl or two around to change my other girls' diapers.

24/7, incontinence-desires and incontinence 3 Baby 11/05/2024 (Tue) 07:59:17 No. 42214 [Reply] [Last]
Another thread since the last hit the bump limit >>26374 This a thread for anons, both currently incontinent and those seeking to become incontinent. Feel free to share your thoughts, ideas, and theories. >Do you wear 24/7, if so, how long? >What got you interested in 24/7, and more generally ABDL? Do you consider yourself leaning towards AB or DL especially? >Do you want to untrain? How will you/have you done so? >Who knows you wear 24/7? >If you untrained, do you honestly regret it? How has your mood about it progressed since you started? >If you don't wear 24/7, would you like to? Why/why not?
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>>45559 Quite an odd development has occured. I get a stinging sensation in my bladder during the night when I need to pee. It seems to distract me from letting go, as starting to pee is once again quite difficult. Once I do get started, it's easy to continue, as has been for a long time.
Me, myself? Naw never. I like diapers, I like reading about diapers, like wearing diapers time to time, like pooping in them if i can get away with it. That said i can understand how someone likes it tho. My sis i've known for awhile is definitely into that sort of stuff. pretty weird, obviously that my brother and sister are into abdl. but going to chalk it up to a shitty childhood, me and sis being very late potty trainers (think i was potty trained when i was like 8, fully, and my sister has never fully been to my knowledge), my sis being born spastic (also spastic but like milder i guess), and being homeschooled.
>>47298 I wore during the day in the weekend to try 'troubleshoot' why I can't wet easily while laying down. Lying on the couch, trying to relax as much as I can, I still couldn't get myself going, until I opened my eyes. Suddenly the urge hit me and I could wet without an issue. I tried this during the nights, and it did indeed seem to help somewhat to wet, but I think my body and mind also expect to see some light in order to accept that it's okay to pee. I think I'll have to leave a lamp on to see if it helps.

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Fictionalized Childhood Experiences (Greentext) Baby 12/02/2022 (Fri) 18:42:58 No. 20133 [Reply] [Last]
Because of valid complaints in the childhood experiences thread, I thought it'd be cool to make a thread where creative license is expected. Ideally, it'd have a core of some real experience. Also, greentext because greentext is awesome. I'll start: >Be me, 8 years old >Go to classmate’s birthday party >Her cousin, who seems to be our age, is just walking around in a diaper, no shame >Like, wtf, but no one else says anything, don’t want to be the weird one and bring it up. >Ask parents to set up more playdates with her out of curiosity >Ask her about cousin, she just refers to him as “weird” but not bad to hang out with. >After a number of playdates, go over to play and, holy crap, her cousin is there. >Since it’s not a girl birthday party, the three of us play together (we basically ignored him the first time) >He seems normal now, we play some Nintendo and run around outside. >He runs inside, we play for a couple of minutes before friend drags me inside giggling. >Says I should see this... >We pop into the guest room, cousin anon is on the bed getting changed by his aunt. Room smells of poop. >I couldn't really see much, considering the intensity of the situation, just an open diaper and aunt holding some wipes >Friend giggles >Cousin Anon yells for us to go out

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>>47414 Didn't know if I was getting close to post character count >>47413 Continuing >right, so, school on Monday >Liz hangs with me at recess >another girl gives her shit, she does not care one bit >we just talk vidya and, when the other girl leaves, diapers >tells me playdate was best thing ever >begs me for another >I'm like I'll totally ask >Mom's totally down. Says Liz is a good kid and she appreciated not having to deal with me and my brother fighting all day. >I can see the writing on the wall though, she's going to talk with Liz's mom eventually. >think up super sweet plan, wait for Liz to come. >"When my mom changes you, admit you have to do it yourself at home and beg her not tell to tell your mom?" >Liz totally disagrees "What? She'll totally tell!"

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>>47418 >Neither of us had birthday parties, since it's just each other that would come, just family shit >My brother actually liked Liz, or was just into girls in general since he was 13. >For whatever reason, they were cool >She'd already become a staple at the house >Summer starts and it's like she might as well live with us. >I always hated diapers so much, >Hated being the kid who smelled like poop >But Liz is so into it, kinda find myself not as bothered. >She doesn't care if I shit myself, though if it's bad, she'll tell my mom so I can get a change. >She solely just wets, but that's cool with me. >Once it gets hot, like I said, we were basically down to our diapers >she tried going without a shirt once but my mom was all like - "there's boys in this house Liz..." >(she didn't have anything there yet anyway) >Thanks mom, ffs, not that I cared at that age >Anyway, the point of this one was I just remembered the first time she messed herself >Liz's Mom had a work conference in July, so she was staying over two nights

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>>47419 side note: you might be wondering how we got so lucky at keeping Liz's wearing a secret. My mom and her mom realized they'd been fooled while setting up the summer thing. But her mom just didn't give a shit about what she was up to. Super chill (to a fault, she was lucky Liz liked diapers not drugs). My mom was surprised and wondered if she should confront us and Liz's mom was all like: they're bonding, they're happy, do you mind changing her? I'll pay for the diapers she uses? Heck, if you watch her for the summer, I'll give you the $800/month I give the daycare," $800/month was a lot for mom back then so she'd felt like she won on the deal. Liz's mom was a pretty high paid professional. Mom didn't want to ruin it so she didn't tell us she knew for, like, another three years, lol. We were kinda dumb thinking we could keep it a secret.

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Diaper packs Baby 06/08/2020 (Mon) 07:28:52 No. 317 [Reply] [Last]
Images involving packs of diapers. Women holding them forebodingly as if they're about to diaper (You) are particularly appreciated, but feel free to post things like diapered girls with diaper packs and fake diaper pack covers too.
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Your best experience in AB/DL Baby 05/13/2023 (Sat) 17:16:32 No. 25217 [Reply] [Last]
So we have a cringe thread and a horror story thread, and a thread about how we got into diapers, but where is the happy feel good thread? Post your best AB/DL experiences.
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>>43116 >adult gay guy gets horny thinking about a 30 year old dude wearing a diaper and roleplaying. >somehow pedophilia >ddlg is totally different and definitely not pedophilia. Im not sure if you actually agree with that sentiment or not, but I think we all know its bullshit. Its baseless moralizing nonsense.
>>43991 I was the one who wrote that and I ended up going through with it. >Go to party in normal clothes >Go upstairs halfway through to get changed >Put on diaper with booster for extra bulk >Put on flowery tights and a onesie with flowers on it >Have some accessories: A pacifier, a bottle and a pacifier clip all with flowers on them. >Go downstairs and get various compliments, mainly for 'dedication to the bit' >At one point one of my friends suggested I should be drinking my drinks out of my bottle. I chickened out but it was a nice thought. >Spend the night chilling and drinking in a diaper with friends >End up winning a chocolate egg for having the best costume >Go home and end up using my diaper before going to bed Great night overall
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>>42956 Since this I've met up with a local ABDL. The guy who sucked me off in that story didn't end up working out as a partner. The ABDL guy is actually much more stable and mature. He's already got a GF though so we are just doing kink stuff together, not dating or anything. Last time he was here he fucked me in a goodnite and that was like a 10/10 experience. I've been dreaming of goodnites sex for like 15 years.

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pulluppoofs 10/23/2022 (Sun) 15:02:11 No. 18343 [Reply] [Last]
Pulluppoofs (https://www.deviantart.com/pulluppoofs) archive thread. Sidenote, some of their art has links to a twitter account that has since been suspended. Does anyone have some of that downloaded?
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>>47325 That's the only dude on the board still living in the 1900s just so you know. Guy is a giant tool and always says the word troon. Should be ignored, ridiculed, and memed on at every opportunity.
>>47330 NTA but this is a chan board dude, pretty sure people who are upset about the word troon are the minority here Super weird to get uppity about the view or the term, this is coming someone who's relatively pro-trans
>>47335 >not being aware that the majority of people that post on this board are sissies, femboys, submissive men, cross dressers, furries, or transsexuals Yeah man, as a straight male I've always felt like I'm in the minority on this board. But, thanks for letting me know your reading comprehension is 0 but uh, I didn't need to know that my dude. Maybe be apart of the solution, pussy.

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Draw Thread Baby 05/27/2020 (Wed) 02:41:25 No. 107 [Reply] [Last]
For babies who want to practice their artwork! Best pieces go on the fridge.
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>>47234 I'll keep that in mind. Thank you.
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Tarde the retarded angel, underwise confident but refuses to accept any rank beyond Cupid, much to to the frustration of the Demiurge. Her Training Belt to travel between Pleroma and Kemona, as only those who reach the rank of Ophanim are granted that innate ability. As a Cupid her job to aid material reproduction so the aeon cycle can continue, creating more bodies for aeons to incarnate into, instead she pairs humans with inanimate objects, offen diapers or pacifiers resulting in terminal fetishism.
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Real Sissy babys/Diapered Femboys Baby 04/26/2023 (Wed) 20:17:57 No. 24691 [Reply] [Last]
Only good quality pics, no hairy old bastards or degenerates who dont put any effort into being feminine Art is welcome too bonus points for chastity
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>>46711 Adorable! The cutest little thing ever. I hope you never get out of your little cagey and pamps.
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Maternal giantess Baby 12/17/2020 (Thu) 20:49:19 No. 2072 [Reply] [Last]
Shrunken women treated like babies.
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New Crib Keeper comic involving semi-willing shrunken woman and ABDL. Okayokayokok can be very hit or miss what with mixing fetishes together so much, but this is decent. WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRnMFlsaFdlbHBZVG0xaU0wb3hZbE0xYW1JeU1IWlpXRkl3V1ZkT2IySlhWblZrU0UxMll6SjRjR05JUW14amJteDBXVmhTYW1GSGJIVmFla1Y1VFVSSk1XUllRbXRaV0ZKc1RGaENhMXBwTkhwTmFrazBUV3BuZGtSUmJ6ME5DZw0K Good luck getting something taken down from a porn website that does not give a shit, Sage anon. Honestly expecting the fucker to claim he can get things taken off sad panda due to him being a moron that has no idea what he's talking about as proven repeatedly.
>>47261 I know I'm a little out of touch with the way people are sharing files lately, I get there's some guy trying to get all the stuff taken down. This doesn't seem to decode to a link like usual though? Based on the length I tried it with dropbox but maybe I'm just a retard and cannot into link formation. Anyway thanks for sharing, I am sure that even if I'm too stupid to figure it out, now that it's in the wild it will eventually show up on panda or muses.
>>47261 it'll be on 8muses soon enough even if he does

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goodByeNesyl Baby 02/01/2025 (Sat) 12:50:19 No. 46357 [Reply]
Sorry to open a random thread but I'd like to post this anyway, A great friend of mine Gabriel Nesylian removed all her online persona, becouse her way of life was not sustainable she decided to dedicate her self to ABDL and AR art but she did in poverty and every minor fall economically felt like a landslide for her so she decided to give up completely this art career so this is just a triumph to her, she was really passionate and talented and she got so little in return. I just wanted to share her goodbye message to all of those who loved her works. I can just hope she'll find happyness and that she can fix her financial situation.
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>>47074 I actually like that ngl.
Twitter @VioletOrgona I found his new account
>>47288 Didn't even last a full month.

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Post your own and other Diaperstuck creations here! Homestuck ABDL/Diaper Artwork. 05/08/2022 (Sun) 05:35:18 No. 11918 [Reply] [Last]
Thought we needed a thread for this since ones kept popping up in the last board!
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