/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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How old were you the first time you masturbated? Baby 05/14/2022 (Sat) 20:08:02 No. 12096 [Reply] [Last]
I was 15. And i think that is waaaay too old! I actually remember being sexually frustrated for a long time, and i believe this is part of what formed my fetishes so strong
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I first started when I was about 12, i'd be lying in bed late at night on my ipod browsing the internet, mostly watching youtube and cartoons before I started getting curious and looking at porn. While lying on my stomach and with my dick facing downward eventually i'd sort of gyrate and use my hand to press down onto my dick until I orgasmed (I wasn't even sure if it counted as masturbating at the time, i knew what masturbation was but I wasn't cumming or doing the normal stroking method I I wasn't certain for a while) I kept this up for a while utill I actually started cumming, at which point I stopped because I knew i'd get caught if I started leaving stains in my bed or my underwear. Then at some point I started connecting those feelings with the ones I had about wearing diapers (cause like many people here i'd always felt weird about wanting to wear diapers without knowing why/still being embarrased by the idea) and so I managed to get ahold of some diapers, put one on late one night and masturbated into it, which was an enlightening experience because it felt like some sort of answer to questions i'd been having for as long as I could remember.
>>12096 It was freshman year of highschool. Seems like a switch flipped internally because my buddies from middle school were suddenly hot AF. One in particular I had the hots for. He was my dorky friend and we'd both regularly get picked on since we both had a lot of classes together. Gym especially since we'd get tackled, balls thrown at the back of our heads, shit like that so we'd sit and talk and have a good time. After class though when we were changing back I'd change at light speed just to rush over and watch him undress. He always wore the tightest briefs and the way they hugged his butt just made me melt. My first time masturbating it was late at night I just couldn't get the thought of him out of my mind. I imagined his soft cock pressing against me though his tighty whities as he looks up at me with his adorable smile. I didn't know about lube or lotion or anything so I just started humping my mattress out of instinct after a long while and 2 breaks I finally came. It was my first awake orgasm and I just laid there in my cum soaked sheets before finally realizing I fucked up and tried cleaning it with toilet paper. The next morning I told my mom I wet the bed because for some reason I thought it was less embarrassing than explaining what I just did. I had to wear some cool training pants for a while
I was about 13 I think. I was up extremely late channel surfing in my room when this documentary about nudism came on. I was watching and touching down there, not really understanding what I was doing, just knee it felt great. I also really really had to pee, like painfully bad but I couldn't tear myself away. When I did finish it was like almost painful but in an extremely good way. It was also a dry orgasm so the next time I tried it out that was a surprise.

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Something smells stinky... Baby 06/04/2020 (Thu) 06:40:12 No. 300 [Reply]
Post girls covering their noses or otherwise reacting as if they've noticed that it smells like it's time for a diaper change.
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>>300 you're really based OP

Craiyon/Dall-E Diapers Baby 06/25/2022 (Sat) 15:57:45 No. 13468 [Reply]
I’ve been experimenting with the site craiyon, formerly known as Dall-E Mini, and found out that you could use the site to make AI images of people, both real and fictional, in diapers. I want to see what kind of AI diaper images you all make with this site. https://www.craiyon.com/
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>>13677 Update, I passed that drawing to Wombo ai used different results so that I could give it symmetry and extracted the “best pieces” from each variant of that result to form this
Perhaps if we try to take the best parts of each result and then resort to forming one symmetrical enough to be recognisable and familiar to a character in nappies or a nappy as such and that same sledgehammer we unify it with tencent arc and then use wombo ai to generate a result even closer to what we are looking for to only give it further details and touches necessary to have as close as possible to a drawing or abdl image.
>>17238 im just waiting on some new PC parts and im going to try this with my new gaming build. stable diffusion (its a Dalle competitor ) allows a local build and with that you can also do a in-painting and out-painting as well as iterative image to image. so i look forward to feeding it images and only allowng it to correct the errors to see what the AI can spit out, im cautiously optimistic it will be good, ill keep the thread posted.

Before and After pics? 09/22/2022 (Thu) 23:47:14 No. 17228 [Reply]
I love seeing pictures of both men and women before and after getting babyifed. Pictures of happy successful adults followed by them turned into pouty little toddlers is the very best I think. Does anyone have a bunch of these? Does anyone wanna make some cute photos like this?

Abdl games Baby 09/14/2022 (Wed) 01:32:01 No. 16957 [Reply]
There was a thread on abdl.kun.top about talking about abdl video games and sharing the files to them this is a 8chan.moe version because the original thread seem to be taken down
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Not really an ABDL game but still kind of fun... Basically it was Angry Birds with diapers and was released by Luvs / P&G. The game was called "Poopdeck" and the premise was to use rolled up diapers and a slingshot to take out pirate ships. I kind of enjoyed it when it was still around.
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thread to share your best attempts at image modification Baby 09/18/2022 (Sun) 04:14:57 No. 17063 [Reply]
as the name of the thread indicates this is only for sharing modifications of images and photographs that you have made in some free time you have had, no matter the tool you have used for such modification.

Baby 08/01/2021 (Sun) 11:45:07 No. 4270 [Reply]
Anyone else have a "Mommy Waifu"?
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Oh heck, most of them.
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Do they have to be cartoons/animated? If humans are allowed, then Sofia Vergara for me all the way. I love latinas.
>not having at least a momfu (ara ara), a nannyfu (maid), a babysitterfu (teen girl) and a bigsisfu (loli)

Messy/Wet Pics/Vids Baby 09/15/2022 (Thu) 16:48:39 No. 16984 [Reply]
2 great pics
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>>16998 man Nikki is so adorable, defintally in my top 5 girls from diaper along with Katrina, summer, sunshine,and Bella

Baby 09/13/2022 (Tue) 02:45:57 No. 16909 [Reply]
Does anyone know what going on with 8kun.top when ever I try to go there it doesn’t work so I was wondering what was going on with it https://8kun.top/abdl/index.html
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>>16924 this
>>16924 >>16927 I've been checking it once or twice a week for a while now to see if it ever goes somewhat back to normal. Also, it looks like it's back up now.
The fact that a few dozen billionaires seem to now have the power to essentially decide which site stays ON or not is worrisome. Also, I wouldn't be surprise if the billionaires themselves are the ones DDOs-ing pages to create the demand for their protection, mafia style. Also, you have retards saying "Oh, it's a private company, they can do whatever they want" (it's worth to highlight that these are the same people who argue that a small baker – which producers a service where you can hundreds of thousands doing the same thing – living somewhere in shitville should be forced to bake a custom cake for a gay couple or a transgender). Like, the hypocrisy is blatantly. I think the bigger the company, the less discretionary power it has to simply deny service to a paying customer.

Degenerate/18+ stories thread Baby 03/18/2021 (Thu) 12:35:34 No. 2956 [Reply]
Every thread I've seen has had mostly dull stories about the "fantasy" of being in diapers or just sfw went down to shop with a diaper on story. There's better stories than that: Sarah's New Life Anything made by DS: https://www.asstr.org/files/Authors/DS/www/index.html
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This is a story thread. If you want to argue on definition of rape, make a thread to b.
>>14910 Yeah that just sounds like you need your diaper changed to me. Come over here, Crumple Bunny, let's check your baby britches for leaks! Let's get you cleaned up and ready for beddy bye and then you can have a story! Oh, did you think I was joking? I'm not. Go and get your diaper bag. I'm waiting. *spreads out the changing mat* Lay down over here, Crinkle Cake. Let's see about getting your bottom powdered properly. Can you put your hands up over your head? Such a good baby!

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Anyone have a back up of stories by DS? Don’t think he/she’s on ASSTR anymore

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Aduly baby lover Andy 09/07/2022 (Wed) 22:10:06 No. 16682 [Reply]
I just shit my self and grandma came in to the basement.. Pretty hot not going to lie!

Game Baby 09/03/2022 (Sat) 03:57:31 No. 16524 [Reply]
Does anyone have robo nanny by baby bunch https://babybunch.itch.io/robonanny
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Thanks for that I really wanted to play it
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uh the robo nanny one (the second link https://mega.nz/folder/swBUFTJT#XUkJ7EtvwVUI1CH9rIS0_w ) is the demo do you have the paid verison
Ah. Been a few years since I bought robo nursery, and I couldn't remember if I bought robo nanny too. I saw both files next to each other in my ABDL game folder, and just assumed it was the full versions of both. So no, I don't have the full version of robo nanny unfortunately :(

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Baby 07/11/2022 (Mon) 16:15:53 No. 14202 [Reply]
There's a popular new video chat app I found that lets you filter by gender and age. I know some of you are into exhibitionism. If I were to put on a onesie and pacifier and only show myself from the neck to waist (not showing diaper at all), what is the legality of that? Just to get reactions from of-age women.
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>>14276 those videos are still up in thisvid.com although to be honest that site is literal SHIT.

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