/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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gray_cloud's work Baby 06/15/2022 (Wed) 17:46:10 No. 13064 [Reply]
does anyone have any of gray_cloud's art from back in the day? i only have a few that i've been able to find via archive.org
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Also here are some Yuffie thumbnails from the archived FTT pages to help you out in finding them.
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Diaper orgy Baby 05/07/2023 (Sun) 09:52:02 No. 25022 [Reply]
When using fetlife i keep hearing of these abdl events But curious if anyone been to any and is it all just adult baby stuff or has also been diaper lover nsughty times?
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>>32690 tbh i had my own fillyanon i would keeo her diapered and let her on my tented diaper as we watch cartoons as i rub her diaper thick bulge as i give smooches and mane rubs
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>>32707 But Filly is not housebroken. She runs the risk of randomly emptying her bladder and urinating all over herself. She wouldn't even notice, she'd just cock her head at the funny feeling, as she starts smelling like pee and her diaper gets warm and heavy. That's so gross.
>>32731 I force her into the biggest thickest diaper and explain she gets no changes until all 3 are in diaper Even if i have to get wand out or hump her huge diaper until climax

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Old Paysite backgrounds Baby 12/23/2023 (Sat) 01:08:37 No. 32716 [Reply]
I really like the old Diapergal photo sets! I did some research to find out that a bunch of sets were done in Budapest (Hungary) and some models were active in the soft/hard-core business. I'll let my attachment here. Also, the building, where most pictures were taken during this time shoud be here: https://www.google.com/maps/place/47%C2%B030'51.7%22N+19%C2%B002'51.4%22E/@47.5143549,19.0469743,121m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d47.514354!4d19.047618?entry=ttu (just look at early DG photos of a balkony!)

Diaper critters Baby 12/19/2020 (Sat) 05:49:51 No. 2094 [Reply] [Last]
Hopefully there are some insane people around like me that are totally in to these things. Their spread out and hard to get your hands on so if you've gotta any good solid pictures of them send them this way and share the crinkly love~
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With the way he hides, they’ll see everything.
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>diapers with a fuckhole >all that cum sloshing around inside those pamps Unf...

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/toy/ thread Baby 10/28/2023 (Sat) 01:01:34 No. 30785 [Reply]
What sort of toys would you guys recommend for babbing out with? I quite enjoy those giant stacking rings that Fisher Price came out with. *Especially* the top one that functions as a rattle, it has a very soothing sound to it. (Sidenote: I have no idea why Fisher Price ever decided to make these but I love it.) Do any of you guys play with LEGO? Is DUPLO any good? What's a good starting point for a newfag? QUATRO seems like it might be kinda fun but I can see why it was discontinued so quickly. The wiki says that they were DESIGNED for you to be able to put them in your mouth. Adult toys are fine too but I'm more interested in the baby side of things.
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>>32509 >I've owned it for nearly two decades by this point (it is one of my first material possessions) How is it not falling apart or the grossest thing ever?
>>32555 You can take care of plushies and stuffed animals reasonably with gentle washing along with minor restitching and restuffing as needed. Even less needed if it's not handled heavily. Plenty of decades old dolls and stuffed animals out there that have been fine with adequate cleaning and sewing over the years. Even we'll worn clothes can last decades with good sewing and patching, which was the norm for anyone not rich before mass production of textiles resulting from industrial revolution.
>>32555 Cuz diapers and I’m not smearing food and shit on it? ;P

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A thread for ABDL Bouncers Baby 12/01/2023 (Fri) 13:43:22 No. 32075 [Reply]
Bouncers are hot. Bouncers are expensive. Bouncer pics are rare. Post them here, if you have any. Talk about bouncers. Discuss what it would take to build bouncers. Discuss where to buy bouncers.
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>>32240 The fuck even is a spaghetti shit?
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I got to try one of these fancy bouncers with an aerial trapeze frame to support. I had to step up on a stool to get in, and the seat straps locked after being secured. It was so exciting and fun. Really need one in my home (after I somehow afford a house again..)

Diapered Fucking Baby 10/17/2023 (Tue) 16:00:22 No. 30518 [Reply]
I was hoping we could get a thread going dedicated to images, videos, and links to diapered couples fucking. Here's a link to start: https://mat6tube.com/watch/676784860_456239116
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This is what all women want, whether they know it or not. I would love to be either the top or the bottom in this situation. Someone in a pullup bent over and fucked. Any orientation, any genders. Don't care. If you have an accident in your pullup this is what happens to you.

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Video/Webm Thread Baby 12/12/2021 (Sun) 16:12:21 No. 7532 [Reply]
Thought I'd share what I had. Most clips though tend to be pretty shit cockteases.
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>>30038 Yup, that's her! >>30040 It's a shame she did so little, and that so much of it is shaky ect. She did the humiliation/ab aspect of it so well..
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Furry Diaper Edit thread Baby 08/01/2023 (Tue) 05:24:30 No. 28322 [Reply]
Since we already have a Human Diaper Edit thread ( https://8chan.moe/abdl/res/557.html ). I thought that we needed a diaper edit thread for Furry art. This thread is where we can make requests for some diaper edited pictures of Furry art. (Pics #1 and #2 is before the Diaper edit) (Pics #3 and #4 is after the Diaper edit)
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>>30178 I'll attempt to edit the last one.
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Baby 12/08/2023 (Fri) 19:22:16 No. 32356 [Reply]
I had no idea Elvis Presley was so based. Gigachad behavior if true.
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>>32356 This has even less merit than his pedophilia accusations. Waaaay more people recounted him as a groomer, than as a diaper fetishist. >>32432 Didn't he use Neverland Ranch to literally SA kids?
>>32434 All the original claimants rescinded their accusations stating their parents made them say it, and other regulars (such as Culkin) said that they never noticed anything happen.
Alberto Vargas was certainly a Chadly fella. Worked for playboy and was responsible for creating the art style that would later serve as the cultural framework for WW2 pinup girls/bomber nose art. >>32430 While possible, I think its more likely she did this to "divorce her career's image" from Disney. Ms. Swift however... Aubery Plaza is just fucking straight out in open about it https://youtu.be/65bdeTxrAcw >>32432 Jackson's father likely chemically castrated him to ensure that he would stay lucrative as income

Macro diapers Baby 11/05/2023 (Sun) 09:39:18 No. 31050 [Reply]
Thread for the biggest babys
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I'm not into furries or lolis. Can this be a diapered giantess thread too?
>>32354 Is why i just said giant baby Aka any macro/giantess
There's an artist on pixiv doing macro stuff. Their technique still needs some practice, but the concepts are pretty good. They go by "Hii" (First pic here is by TacoChild)

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ABDL Video #02 Baby 12/19/2022 (Mon) 19:09:49 No. 20872 [Reply] [Last]
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>>33124 thank you a ton
I used to have this video, but unfortunately it's been lost and it is such a great video.. If anybody in this group has it please share it!!
how do you watch there videos? I tried using /# in mega

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Baby sized pee pees & bee bees thread number 1. Baby 10/21/2021 (Thu) 04:11:51 No. 5567 [Reply]
This is a thread that i thought would be a good idea import from 8kun's abdl board onto here. This thread is a roleplaying related thread.
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>be me fresh out of high school >big cock, 4 inches soft, nearly seven hard, can fuck my gf for hours >be tranny but at least I'll never be one of those cringe diaper trannies >fast forward.... >smol pp one inch soft and barely over 3 and a half hard >erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation so I rarely get fully hard and usually cum first, been pussy free for over a decade >can't remember the last time I could keep my panties dry >even accidentally mess like weekly >gf is now my mommy >never been happier Thank you for reading my cringey blogpost
>>23623 Looks like you ended up where you belong
Divorced single mother of 2. Got her son when she was 18. Got her daughter when she was 30. Son turns 20 & the P.I.D bill is passed. He has to take a P.I.D. He became a Nubaby. Was burtaly bullied by his little sister. 12 yeas later. Daughter turns 20 & the gender equality bill is passed. She has to take a B.I.D. She became a Nubaby aswell. Now it is my son's turn to get revenge on her.

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Forced Into Diapers At (Female Only) Boarding Schools Thread. Baby 01/30/2022 (Sun) 14:56:35 No. 8660 [Reply] [Last]
There are now new boarding schools poping up everyhwere for females of all ages that follows the new highly unform strict ruels & guidelines. 1. Females only, no males allowed. (Males that are fully transformed by the ARA Patrol is allowed, but not looked upon with kind eyes.) 2. All females must wear & use their diapers all of the time 24/7. Toilet use by the students are completly banned. 3. Students may not change their own or other students diapers. (Only staff can do that). 4. Students may not quit or go home untill they have gone through all school years that the school provides. 5. Students must wear a school unifrom, with the school name & crest on it. These schools are meant to educate the female population in proper behavior. Borading Schools for the elite, the rich, powerfull, talented & extremly smart. But also for E-thots, bad girls, tomboys, nerds & girls with disabilities. Note There are cases of prents sending their Daughters that aren't part of the things above.
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>>19090 Way they've been acting lately they need to be reenrolled and brought before the board of education.
>>19095 Oh they do that sometimes, sort off. They call it Alumni's Play-Date Reunion.
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Cumshots in and on diapers Baby 07/08/2020 (Wed) 23:44:40 No. 483 [Reply]
Can we get a diaper-cumshot-thread going? Squirts are ok, too! cream'em.
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>>2969 my ultimate fantasy. >>574 omg! anyone?

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