The most embarrassing or fucked up thing you've ever experienced while indulging in this shit. I'll start.
About a year ago I go to this sleepover for littles in my area set up on Fetlife. I don't go to things often, so it's still exciting. I know a few people, but most people I don't. So there's about 6 or 7 littles and probably 10 "caregivers" hanging out. Like 7 guys and 3 girls. One of which was actually surprisingly attractive. Like she wasn't model hot or anything, but to be at something like this event, seriously, not bad.
So all the littles including me are watching 101 Dalmatians in the living room, and the caregivers are filtering in and out of that room, the kitchen, and another side room they were hanging out in. I feel the urge to poop coming on, but have the idea to bide my time to mess when the one pretty hot chick is in the room, and as few others as possible, to see if I could get her to change me.
Like 20 minutes pass, and what I figure is going to be my best shot arises, it's just the pretty hot girl and two guys in the room for caregivers. So I drop a load in my diaper. The fun starts, it gets announced someone smells something, and the diaper checks start. Unfortunately for me the only one to jump to attention was one of the guys. Unluckily even more so, I was the 2nd one he checked. There goes my chances of being changed by the girl.
Oh well, I figure. Babies don't choose who gets to change their diapers, so it's still pretty hot that I don't get a choice. I had never met this guy before, or seen him at the few events that I had gone to. But he was welcome at the event, so I figured he must have known someone. He takes me into a bedroom to change me. And I gotta tell you, this guy was great. Like the best diaper change I've ever had, female or male. Great baby talk, just the right amount of handsy, got me to count the tapes as he did them up. Awesome. And a good diapering too, really snug. It was great. The rest of that night went off without a hitch.
Now for the bad part. Fast forward to the next weekend. Covid is just settling down where I live, and my grandparents had the genius idea to have a family reunion, which everyone for some reason agreed to. Seemed pretty dicey to me still, but I still had to make an appearance. So we show up, I hang around for a while, have a beer, and then my mom walks up with this guy to introduce us.
It's the guy that changed my diaper. It's my cousin. My cousin I played with all the time but moved across the country when I was 6 or 7. He was in town for the reunion, and I guess he figured he'd catch a little's night while he was here.
Please tell me one of you fuckers has something worse than this. It doesn't seem possible but there has to be one of you. My gut still drops to the floor when I think about it. -
129 posts and 14 images omitted.