/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Pro-Mommy Thread Baby 03/09/2023 (Thu) 13:11:14 No. 23422 [Reply] [Last]
Has anyone here ever visited a Professional Mommy-Dom, or a generic Dom who was ABDL friendly? What was it like? What was done during the session? Was she actively engaged the whole time?
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>>44909 What?
>>44913 the troll from the video thread is spilling over to other threads apparently, if we ignore him he'll tire himself out, most people are going back to work nowadays, company's shutdown period for holidays is finishing around this week
>>44909 quite literally the most sperg shit i've seen is this dude so aped out about "nO OnE WaNts tO mAkE ToRrEnTs" yet post no torrents himself so he takes it upon himself to derail every thread

ABDL Video #5 Baby 11/12/2024 (Tue) 14:19:26 No. 42579 [Reply] [Last]
Old thread reached it's limit, please continue sharing here. Old thread -> >>37359
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can everyone please shut the fuck up and share videos? i'm looking for Rachelle Summers clips from Diapergal, i had a major crush on her as a teen.
>>47140 No one gives a fuck get fucked bitch.
@dropbox guy Don't wanna shit up the new thread as content is actually being posted and this little war we had is over now but I just wanted to say, bro what the fuck lmao. You legit went through all that trouble, tried to find 600 different solutions to a problem that already had a clear cut solution just because you were upset at me and wanted to do it your way out of spite. How does it feel bitch? How does it feel to lose in spite of all that effort? You saw how completely pointless it was to continue to upload content for it to be auto deleted after 48 hours yeah? I told you bro. I told you that I was going to win this. Next time don't join a battle you aren't prepared to fight for months/years. I wasn't even warmed up yet. You gave up so easily too, what a fucking joke. I meant this: You're a FUCKING joke bitch. Don't come back or I will make you crazy to the point of suicide I swear to god. You think this was bad? Imagine how bad things could get if I *really* decided to shut everything down and not just mega uploads. Do yourself and the community a favor and never speak again bitch.

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Baby 03/02/2022 (Wed) 20:37:59 No. 9715 [Reply] [Last]
Have you ever dressed up in ABDL gear and went on Omegle or ChatRoulette? Any good stories?
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>>42467 Fair enough! Appreciate it, will do! Stay tuned.
>>42468 Heck yeah, please deliver
Any new sites or tags to get around banned tags pop up?

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Generic Diapered Anime Girls Baby 09/15/2020 (Tue) 13:07:55 No. 1114 [Reply] [Last]
Pictures you want to post or dump, but don't fit into any of the threads
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>>44723 Sauce for the second and third pic?
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Diapered Board-tans Baby 11/03/2022 (Thu) 14:32:56 No. 18807 [Reply] [Last]
After over two years the old thread has finally bumplocked. Join in our proud tradition and post diapered board-tans! old >>80
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>>44059 >>44060 >>44061 >>44062 for some reason this doesn't surprise me.
Let me see
Daily reminder the padded reich has an underground facility where they store all padded board-tans

Diapered superheroes Baby 07/19/2024 (Fri) 07:13:41 No. 38677 [Reply]
potty training is the rarest superpower!
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dc is actually making a harley quinn fart fetish comic would a diaper comic be around the corner?
>>39767 The middle one of Usagi getting turned into a baby jester is top tier

Disney Girls in Diapers 04/12/2022 (Tue) 22:21:17 No. 11067 [Reply] [Last]
"Oh reality, it's not for me and it makes me laugh/ Fantasy world, and Disney girls, I'm going back!" -Beach Boys, "Disney Girls (1957) Post your favorite padded Disney girls! (Yes, Kingdom Hearts counts)
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Anyone got the larger version of the Elsa pic in the OP?
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AI Generated Diaper Porn Baby 03/29/2024 (Fri) 14:33:02 No. 35729 [Reply] [Last]
Old Thread Not Bumping >>29801
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bump limit?

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Sam Hyde - Secret ABDL? Baby 10/26/2024 (Sat) 01:05:39 No. 41838 [Reply]
>Sam jokes about getting a Tykables sponsorship >commissions diaper clash promos >old mde video of guy pissing diaper >ex-gf claims they found his diapers (his exes are pretty retarded so questionable) Is he /ourguy/ ? -diaper clash - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=296UeK34HgA -diaper mde vid - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fo9rB5uodR8 -tykables sponsorship - I watched the vid where he said this (it was on a video clip of one of his livestreams) but cant find it rn. 100% real -ex gf claims - possibly schizo shit idk which one claimed it
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>>44176 they like him because he's awful and that gives them an excuse to be awful. remember: he had an underaged girlfriend. that he beat up.
is this what the 'shit culture war' being forced on everyone for the last twenty years is coming down too? Real fake women and arguing about niche comedians???
>>42427 the girls on the floor look like they're having fun

Fake Diaper Ads Baby 02/23/2022 (Wed) 09:06:44 No. 9428 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone into these sort of fake diaper ads/edits? I made a few and had them in a thread on the old chan, but they're long gone now and because of hard drive fuckery I lost about half of them. I'll post what I still have, though.
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>>44452 Sent you a DM on twitter
>>44450 A sequel story to this one please!
>>44450 >far-right libertarians AND far-left Marxists are opposed to diapering teenage girls interesting developments in this universe.

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My Dream: To Make Commercial Comics Baby 11/15/2023 (Wed) 11:24:48 No. 31420 [Reply] [Last]
What you see is a comic I had once commissioned of Sketch-Man for a “big kids’ baby diaper” advertisement. I wanted to do more in this vein, but that notion was torpedoed by his discomfort with drawing kids (his business) and the sheer demand of people commissioning him and his three-slot queues filling up in seconds. People responded well to this comic, but there were a handful decrying it as “lolicon” and “pedo shit”, even though that wasn’t the intent. I simply thought that the idea of bigger diapers as an alternative to potty training was an adorable concept that hadn’t been touched on in such a manner, and I refuse to be lumped into the same category as Deeker and Pamperchu. Such misconceptions are part of the reason why nothing similar has been made. I have ideas on the back burner, but there’s also the monolithic problem of finding someone who would translate my scripts to images. This thread is to serve as a home for these concepts, which aren’t likely to ever be adapted, given my luck over the years.
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>>32261 >>32781 This - diaper humpies are the best, not enough padded grinding art out there. This thread also reminds me of a story about a company whose diapers were designed to be addictive and undo potty training, a story about a loli diaper model encouraging bedwetters and the diaper-curious to surrender to their pamps would be top unf.
>>35551 There was an artist on DeviantArt who had some images like this, but I think they have deleted their account. They had images that had stories that went along with them One image was a trio of girls on stage in huge diapers. The story was that they were in a pop music group that had strong hypnotic suggestions. Their fans felt compelled to get and wear diapers. The shows would involve hypnotic triggers that would cause everyone to start filling their diapers uncontrollably Another image was an illustration of an attractive woman wearing a diaper, sitting at a desk, looking at the viewer seductively. The story was a first-person perspective where you, the reader, were confronting the woman, who was the CEO of the diaper corporation that was hypnotizing everyone. She knew you were there to stop her, but put you under a hypnotic spell where you ended up wearing and filling a diaper yourself, giving in because it just feels sooooo good

Diaper Edit Thread #1. Baby 07/15/2020 (Wed) 19:46:29 No. 557 [Reply] [Last]
Hello my dear pepole of /abdl/ i thought that we needed a diaper edit thread on this website, so i thought, why not make a new one. This thread is where we can make request's for some diaper edited pictures like this series are for example. [Pitcture 1 is before the diaper edit] [Pictures 2 is after the diaper edit] [Pictures 3 is after the diaper edit, but with a (wet) diaper] [Pictures 4 is after the diaper edit, but with a (wet & messy) diaper]
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Would edit this if I had the skills.
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Edit request for this wonderful image.

Girls in Pullups/Goodnights Baby 07/04/2024 (Thu) 17:31:03 No. 38284 [Reply] [Last]
Girls in dry, wet, or messy Pullups/Goodnights
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Splatoon Baby 01/20/2024 (Sat) 04:40:52 No. 33561 [Reply] [Last]
A series long overdue for a pamp thread
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collecting diaper porn Baby 05/21/2023 (Sun) 19:23:14 No. 25678 [Reply] [Last]
i assume i'm not the only one collecting diaper porn. Is there a community? I want to build a curated archive/database. Tagging content with filenames, tags, sorted by artist, model, sources Managing hentai translations, removing duplicates and spam, selecting the highest resolutions Running crawlers for twitter, furaffinity, reddit, tube sites, image boards, hentai sites, etc. Maybe experiment with AI upscaling.
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>>38938 When are you going to share it? Also anyone have photosets from AE?
>>38942 go larp somewhere else you fucking retard
>>35761 Highly recommend stashapp for this. We need more people from the community on there. I've started cataloging some of my videos on there but it's slow work. It makes viewing and organizing content so much better, tbough

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ABDL IRL Horror Stories Baby 11/28/2022 (Mon) 06:26:06 No. 19928 [Reply] [Last]
The most embarrassing or fucked up thing you've ever experienced while indulging in this shit. I'll start. About a year ago I go to this sleepover for littles in my area set up on Fetlife. I don't go to things often, so it's still exciting. I know a few people, but most people I don't. So there's about 6 or 7 littles and probably 10 "caregivers" hanging out. Like 7 guys and 3 girls. One of which was actually surprisingly attractive. Like she wasn't model hot or anything, but to be at something like this event, seriously, not bad. So all the littles including me are watching 101 Dalmatians in the living room, and the caregivers are filtering in and out of that room, the kitchen, and another side room they were hanging out in. I feel the urge to poop coming on, but have the idea to bide my time to mess when the one pretty hot chick is in the room, and as few others as possible, to see if I could get her to change me. Like 20 minutes pass, and what I figure is going to be my best shot arises, it's just the pretty hot girl and two guys in the room for caregivers. So I drop a load in my diaper. The fun starts, it gets announced someone smells something, and the diaper checks start. Unfortunately for me the only one to jump to attention was one of the guys. Unluckily even more so, I was the 2nd one he checked. There goes my chances of being changed by the girl. Oh well, I figure. Babies don't choose who gets to change their diapers, so it's still pretty hot that I don't get a choice. I had never met this guy before, or seen him at the few events that I had gone to. But he was welcome at the event, so I figured he must have known someone. He takes me into a bedroom to change me. And I gotta tell you, this guy was great. Like the best diaper change I've ever had, female or male. Great baby talk, just the right amount of handsy, got me to count the tapes as he did them up. Awesome. And a good diapering too, really snug. It was great. The rest of that night went off without a hitch. Now for the bad part. Fast forward to the next weekend. Covid is just settling down where I live, and my grandparents had the genius idea to have a family reunion, which everyone for some reason agreed to. Seemed pretty dicey to me still, but I still had to make an appearance. So we show up, I hang around for a while, have a beer, and then my mom walks up with this guy to introduce us. It's the guy that changed my diaper. It's my cousin. My cousin I played with all the time but moved across the country when I was 6 or 7. He was in town for the reunion, and I guess he figured he'd catch a little's night while he was here. MFW Please tell me one of you fuckers has something worse than this. It doesn't seem possible but there has to be one of you. My gut still drops to the floor when I think about it. -
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>>43933 Was she fully retarded or just autistic?
>>43987 haha, sounds about right for this state
>>43970 Got a name?

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