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ABDL games #4 Baby 03/24/2024 (Sun) 08:36:23 No. 35612
ABDL Video Games Last thread >>26209 Popular games: The Pacifier Project https://abdlsparrow.itch.io/the-pacifier-project Unity, 3D, third person, role playing Littleington University Patreon is dead, search in the last thread for any link of the game Unity, 3D, third person, role playing Messy Academy https://www.patreon.com/MessyAcademy Visual Novel Diaper Quest https://www.diaperquest.com Roguelike, text based with illustrations Omogatari おもがたり https://www.omorashi.org/files/file/7751-omogatari-%E3%81%8A%E3%82%82%E3%81%8C%E3%81%9F%E3%82%8A/ RPG maker, 日本語 Sunny Paws Daycare https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/foxtalestimes/sunny-paws-daycare-a-baby-fur-text-adventure-t746.html Furry content (but you can play as a human), text based. Femdom University https://www.femdom-university.com/ As the name implies, it's about femdom, but has some baby role-play content with the character Ronda. List of other games https://itch.io/blog/468573/list-of-18-nsfw-abdl-adult-diaper-games My own Drive with the Free ABDL Games in the net. It only has free games because of reasons. Some games are not updated, but it works as a list. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10N-0offFgSypGhN0GkBueAx89Den_3Gs?usp=sharing
>>44341 Is progress going at a snails pace for this project or am I that ignorant on how hard it is to make a game?
>>44429 bit of both. The progress feels slow, so one does wonder how many hours a week go into active development. But it's probably also safe to assume that development takes waaay way longer and is way more complicated than one would reasonably think. Really waiting for the game to reach a point where there's an engaging gameplay loop in place with some narrative and mechanical progress, but I also have a lot of respect for it of the game plan is to spend a lot of time developing the underlying systems and getting that stuff right before putting it all together into a narrative whole. I've lost patience for all the RPGMKR projects that cobble together a narrative introduction that they release for hype, and then the project never get past that point, because making an actual gameplay loop is hard.
>>44429 As >>44445 said, making a game is incredibly hard especially on a real game engine. You basically have to do everything yourself: art,sound,writing,programming,UI/UX,debugging,,game designing... all while constantly balancing between creating and delivering content right now, while at the same time understand and appreciate how things you do now will fuck you in the ass six months from now when your project have grown, so you also have to future-proof it. Anyone having work in the game industry or software industry can respect the work put here by a solo dev >>44341 While it's not perfect, you can see that a lot of care have been put into it. Maybe we would have more content if peoples were more understanding of the massive work it take and appreciate what they got for free.
Pacifier Project update is out for us Freeloaders. Any idea how to get into the Daycare or make the Baby Ray work?
>>44448 I'm a moron. The girl who gives you a ride into town has a crowbar in her garage. To get the Baby Ray to work, you have to keep shooting the person.
>>44448 I thought this game was abandoned
>>44507 I don't think any more work is being done on it, aside from basic support. The version that just came out has been locked behind Subscribe Star since the first half of the year.
>>44507 It's not abandoned, it's officially finished. Author told that he/she (idk) will add some small stuff/fixes but not sooner than summer or something.
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>>44529 >finished It's a janky, buggy mess that I've enjoyed but it's far from what I would call, "finished." Half the features are constantly breaking, and I'm pretty sure I've softlocked the Daycare stuff. When the Mayor asks if you want to be the one to rebuild, DO NOT TELL HIM YOU'LL DO IT. Let the Mayor do it.
>>44445 >>44447 Makes sense. For what its worth I did enjoy it when I played it a few months ago.
>>44531 fair,but keep in mind that a lot of commercial games are shipped as "finished" with half the stuff broken as well. I think "finished" here doesn't mean it's perfect,but rather that the features the autor envisionned are complete (even if janky or whatever).
>>44563 If anything, it was a learning experience. Hopefully he takes what he's learned and improves on the next game. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on it. Love all the little side stuff in Pacifier Project. Like the girl in the wet pull-up. Totally unrelated to the main, "story."
Anyone got the latest omogatari+?
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>>44567 I don't mean to say one is better than the other, but the human models in PP are a but uncanny sometimes. I think the legs look too long and the diapers too small. The LU models have less detail, but I like how large and thick the diapers look. Both have done something I think I can't do without in future AB/DL games: NPCs commenting on your diapers and their status. I also want to think he'll improve more with the next game, the PP dev that is, the LU dev is gone.
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>>44623 >NPCs commenting on your diapers and their status I personally think PP does it better. Some NPCs do more than just comment.
>>43799 speaking of which, I've noticed a big increase in diaper art of Kanami through the past few months. I don't know if it's you, but I admire the autism of whoever commissioned all of that. >>44570 ditto
>>44341 anyone else getting stuck after completing the "work" puzzles? things will highlight but not select
Does anyone have a download link for one week with elder sister, it was deleted off omo.org
>>44674 https://files.catbox.moe/spilc9.zip This is what I had sitting in my download folder. I think you needed the RPGMaker RTP installed (VX I think, but I'm not certain), and there was some Japanese locale bullshit you had to do. I opened it with textractor, which you're usually use to machine translate the game, but I was just using it to emulate the japanese locale.
https://subscribestar.adult/aweirdpossum Anyone have a link for this game?
Farrix Academy for Girls started adding some abdl stuff finally. Game is still mostly femdom, sissification, and chastity stuff though. https://tfgames.site/?module=viewgame&id=3205
can someone leak this build of five nights at cj's? https://subscribestar.adult/posts/1143467
Anyone willing to leak marvel rivals mod by this guy? https://www.patreon.com/DiaperMods I need em padded squirrel cheeks.
new hive demo please leak!
I don't want to be that guy, but I wish there was a rule against begging unless you're sharing.
Looking forward to seeing how the tranny ruined it already. Only a matter of fucking time, probably make all the characters alphabet niggers, it's their favorite thing to do.
>>42553 >>45625 Okay gotta ask at this point, what are you talking about dude, did Soap start working with some crazy tumblr type or something
>>45637 I've yet to see a change between Personalias script and PoS art partnership. Just write it off as phelgm laden vitriol.
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>>45638 The special needs troon that Soap teamed up with to program his game. Dipshit. I don't even give a fuck about personalias, his shit's not bad besides maybe reusing too many tropes. I'm talking about that butterfly faggot.
>>45641 Talking shit about trans folk on the fucking diaper board is crazy man. Especially considering the DL community has a fuckton of transgirls in it. You’re firing at your allies broski.
>>45688 Most "trans girls" in our community aren't really trans just autogynaphilliacs. Quite honestly people in our community are part of the reason most are against the lgbt movement in general. The mainstream sees a bunch of fetishist use the movement as an excuse to prance around getting their rocks off at others expense. I can safely say that loud and proud abdls are not part of my community.
thread hit bump limit
>>36963 >>37029 Another anon here. many thanks for that aswell. Amazing work with the mod. Even 360° Camera works with it. Looking forward to find a Potty-need-over-time feature still. So, if you could still find any spare-time to come up with an idea ....
Can someone post the latest build of A New Life in Sunny Valley? I want to play it, but I always hate dealing with the timer... I want to play it, but them timer is too short...

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