/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Baby 09/22/2023 (Fri) 22:17:46 No. 29858 [Reply]
How do you find good diaper content anymore? Between tumblr purging nsfw, a bunch of old websites shutting down, and search engines becoming garbage it's just impossible now to find anything other than video porn (which is also worse now because it's all e-girl thots instead of professional studio productions with scripts and action and cameramen) It used to be you can just find what you're looking for and find decent art, stories, captions, discussions, doujins, etc just by typing what you want into the search engines, but now it's to the point where there's stories that used to be hosted on multiple websites that I remember the title, names of characters, specific details but can't find. And all the results on any search engine also get flooded with pay wall shit, make an account to view NSFW shit, AI generated articles, random websites like tiktok that somehow get in the search results. This place is the only half decent aggregator of diaper content but it's dead as fuck. ABDL is like exponentially growing in popularity there should be decent smut in every medium imaginable everywhere
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>>30182 This shouldn't need to be said, but social media is not representative of reality. And while I'm here, why the fuck are some of you talking about scene growth like it's a good thing? Haven't you seen literally anything else that started good and became popular? There's a reason why the 'chans tend to hate popular things. It's not a meme or contrarianism, it's because when things gain mainstream attention, then whatever that thing is soon becomes overrun with complete fucking shitheads who end up ruining it. I'd rather ABDL be forever taboo, forever hated and judged, than have it become popular. We're already in a sorry state, let's not make it worse by welcoming in herds of fucktards.
>>30200 see >>30130 Why are you even still in this thread when it has been obvious from the start that you're just going to go "THAT DOESN'T COUNT!" to every answer you get?
>>29858 btdig

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Doing any good requests! Baby 10/03/2023 (Tue) 19:13:28 No. 30110 [Reply]
I'm the guy, swimdiaper on insta. let me know what we should record! Trying this porn shit a few more times before abandoning it, the money is mid. At least it pays for some diapers. I got an abdl bbw girl and its better than I imagined. All the good things started after going to cap. Browsed this forum for years now. let me know who we should collab with too! anyone really.
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>>30110 Have her pee on a diaper untill it's completely soggy, then have her strap it to your face, and rub your face while she toys your ass (or rubs your own diaper) but hearing her speak I guess she likes dominating and humiliating you
>>30151 (samefagging) One of the good things about having a pisslogged diaper on your face is that she can put it horizontally, so your mouth is visible trough a leg hole and eat her out, and whilst doing so, have her lock your head with both hands pushing your mouth into and have her command you to breath in her piss trough your nose loudly, or put the diaper vertically completely covering your face and she orders you to lick it, making sure that your tongue visibly bulges the diaper. I do that with my shemale mistress and fucking love it
Not sure if you are cool with messing and or chastity but: Chastity+ diapers => messing => cumming => changes after same as above but then being made to go down on your mommy same as above but being done while tied up somehow would pay for this content 100%

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BabyWife Baby 04/20/2022 (Wed) 15:02:54 No. 11307 [Reply]
Anyone know what happened with Babywife on instagram?
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Doing any good requests! Baby 10/03/2023 (Tue) 19:07:39 No. 30108 [Reply]
Let me know what sort of porn to do. The sales have been pretty mid and we want to give it a few more shots before abandoning porn. Its not like the money is that great it just pays for diapers. I'm the dude. I go by swimdiaper on insta. Browsed this forum through many different 8chans and finally got me a bbw diaper girl I'm obsessed with. Capcon changed everything for me. Highly encourage attending. What collaborations should we do too?
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>>30108 You look cute. You should try cuckolding in diapers, having the girl fuck someone while you watch. (preferably in chastity)
Definitely mess porn. Have her punish you with mittens, a crib, pacifier gag, the works, then give you a suppository, and end with a diaper change.
Please just throw away all of his underwear and replace them with diapers! Make a video of that. Omg 😲

Dudes in diapers and other manly ABDL stuff Baby 05/29/2020 (Fri) 19:43:48 No. 226 [Reply] [Last]
Dudes of all shapes welcome.
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>>22375 If I never get to squish diapers with a femboy I'll consider my life a failure. I wish I wasn't like this...
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size 8 baby diapers Baby 02/07/2023 (Tue) 06:33:46 No. 22471 [Reply] [Last]
ignoring incontinent kids, do kids really wear and use size 8 diapers even after being potty trained? do they like it?
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>>29794 A&E = Accident and Emergency, the US equivalent is Urgent Care.
>>29799 Ah, thanks! What about the rest though? Like I assume that if a kid (or even adult) is really sick or hurt bad enough that diapers would be an option in some cases, whether its because they can't get up on their own or just temporary loss of control or something. Is that the kind of stuff that gets seen a lot? Or is it like 10 year olds with no real medical justification still wearing diapers for some reason? Like, why? And how common is this really?
wish theyd make em bigger

Astronaut Diapers Baby 07/19/2023 (Wed) 20:22:46 No. 27847 [Reply]
Thought it would be funny to post this document where NASA astronauts discuss wearing "Maximum Absorbency Garments" (MAGs). https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/20220019344 (Pages 68-74) Also, fun fact: In the event of a space toilet failure, official contingency plans dictate that female astronauts have to use diapers for peeing (male astronauts must use urine bags).
none of these cowards ever shit during a spacewalk? well I guess I'll have to volunteer then
>>27847 That was a fascinating read. It sounds like their MAGs are nowhere close to what modern garments are capable of. I wonder if they have considered reaching out to Northshore for a NASA branded megamax or something. Like a one-off order of however many they expect to use in the next 5 years sort of thing. The fact that there were MANY references to needing to slow/regulate urine flow to prevent leaks, and several references to frequent leaks in general, seems to imply to me they need an updated system. That being said, pretty much EVERYTHING in space is harder than it looks. You might be dealing with volume constraints (for fitting under a suit) application constraints (you would need to see how difficult it would be to reliably apply a 4 taped diaper in 0G sufficiently well for them to operate for a 10+ hour space flight, AND do this in a relatively confined space? I suppose they could put it on anywhere in the station/spacecraft, and only deal with the space suit itself in the airlock, but still) and material constraints (Are ALL materials fireproof, or reasonably fire resistant? Can they take high G-loads during launch without becoming damaged? Is there any risk of fine fibers or other airborn particles/fibers getting sucked into the ventilation system and/or inhaled by the crew? And probably a dozen other concerns
>>29884 I guess the urine flows up with no gravity and if they are floating at weird angles inside the capsule i could see how any diaper would have problems with leaks if if they are properly fitted and extra absorbent. Sometimes when i sleep on my side the front leaks into the side panels trapped onto my skin and leaks out a little on the bed.

Baby 07/15/2023 (Sat) 22:14:56 No. 27686 [Reply] [Last]
Pampachu thread
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>>29857 DL side is just me, wife doesn't participate but is fine with it. Adding kids into the mix changed it and I only get that time after they go to bed. She has known for over 10 years now and has shown no interest in trying (ever after birth). It's fine by me, it would be awesome but I won't leave a great relationship over it.
>>29868 Hi CSfox
>>29870 Who the fuck is that? I'm Canadian if that matters lol

Baby 09/09/2023 (Sat) 01:31:42 No. 29506 [Reply]
Autogynephilia is the sexual attraction to the idea of oneself as a woman, auto meaning self, and gynephile meaning attraction to women. Lots of trannies are autogynephiles and admit as much in private. I think it's useful to explain our fetish as something similar, but with age instead of gender. Wikipedia suggests the term autonepiophilia, which means attraction to the self as an infant. Ageplay can involve other ages, though. Lots of DDLG are attracted to themselves as older kids. There's autopedophilia, but that term involves "pedophile" and is obviously creepy. What's a good medical term for us?
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>>29670 So you're telling me being gay or a pedophile isn't an option but rather a condition inherent to the person? Interesting.
>>29683 Not the person you're replying to, but a lot of the religious make this distinction regarding homosexuality. There's nothing wrong with wanting to fuck a man's ass, there's everything wrong with -doing- it. In the lingo, it's be same-sex attracted (simply having sexual interest in the same sex) versus being a homosexual (buying the agenda and that it's an okay thing) I don't see why the same wouldn't apply to pedophilia. If you have a desire but never act on it, you're not hurting anyone. I myself am, by the descriptions herein, an autopedophile. I want a big-sister type to ravish me while I'm a little boy in diapers. Of course, you can't de-age so what I want can never happen, but it gets me off like no one's business.
>>29685 When Anon says that he means that such person can attempt to justify that they can't simply change. It's just their nature. Thus in their fucked up world it's everyone else who is "denying" their "innocent" actions. No one simply gets them. It's the same mentality incels, serial killers, r4p1sts, and other fucked individuals share. They are acting naturally, as they should. It's everyone else who is the problem. Because they don't get it. . . . And on the topic of religions, there are some who teach that you can sin with your thoughts, even if you don't do it. I personally don't like religions, but the justification I've heard is that it shows your desire to sin. And if you don't get rid of it, it will grow, and if the opportunity arises, you will sin.

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Baby vtubers Baby 07/27/2023 (Thu) 08:30:10 No. 28103 [Reply]
Thread for the baby/abdl vtubers
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>>28147 >mainly does the same two artists, one of which he got caught complaining about not getting a slot for. >it's n-not him doubt.
>>28147 >it's not him Nigger

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Diapered Lolis III Baby 03/02/2022 (Wed) 18:34:19 No. 9706 [Reply] [Last]
You know what to do. Seed images are from Usagi Purin whose great works are mostly lost to us. Especially Echuio, the greatest diaper game no one ever played. None of the 200 perverts who bought it at that one doujin convention ever uploaded it. Old thread >>2909
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>reverse potty training >fake diaper ad amazing combo
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So this is the power of AI... Man, what a time to be alive
Time for a change - new thread >>30565

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Macro babys Baby 09/11/2023 (Mon) 05:56:50 No. 29569 [Reply]
The bigger the baby The larger the diaper messages
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be my guest.
>>29607 She a naughty giant

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Dlsite/fanbox/fantia..etc content recommendations. Baby 01/30/2022 (Sun) 03:05:44 No. 8647 [Reply]
as someone who is interested in sharing content that is behind paywalls, a lot of artists and creators that do diaper art go out of my radar nowadays, as of now a lot of artists began to dabble in it, I used to consistently leak gogo's fanbox on exhentai, but seeing that people began leaking it on kemono, I think I can rest and stop maintaining my focus on it and shift it to other stuff. so I have seen multiple stuff on dlsite that are worth it and has a good amount of diaper content. and I'm and interested in buying them, other stuff includes things that has a huge focus on infantilizing content, or maybe even stuff that has low/moderate amount of diaper content and/or infantilizing content but appeals to my other fetishes, which may match yours. I can't buy them all at once... but if it's worth it I will eventually get to buying them and sharing them, that of course is not limited to manga and doujin, games and animated stuff are also included, the only thing that I'd be against buy is asmr content which doesn't do anything to me. potential stuff that I'm interested in buying and of course sharing: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ364180.html https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ364475.html https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ366141.html https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ363379.html https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ364363.html https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ353777.html https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ357930.html

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reviving this, im the op. Suggest things
>>8647 Someone here could buy and distribute the Japanese jojifuku pictures in nappies here is a link to exemplify https://fantia.jp/posts/1942974
>>29314 while it is very cute, It's not the sort of content im interested in buying. I want things that have a fair share of visual appeal+ tell some sort of narrative in a way. imagesets don't do that for me.

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Make Your Own Diaper Pattern Design Thread. Baby 07/21/2023 (Fri) 10:29:59 No. 27878 [Reply]
Hello dear /andl/ here is a thread for making your very own diaper look just the way you wants it. I have also provided you all with 4 blank diaper templates for you to use as a canvas. Diaper 1 is a diaper with 4 double use tapes on it. Diaper 2 is a diaper with 4 single use tapes on it. Diaper 3 is a diaper with 2 double use tapes on it. Diaper 4 is a diaper with 2 single use tapes on it. Now, have fun with these PNGs. Be creative and stay awesome!
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couldn't decide what i wanted for colouration so here's both

Computer generated art thread Baby 08/26/2022 (Fri) 02:47:28 No. 16220 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone with a powerful PC and enough knowledge on tech to run this AI and create some computer generated ABDL porn?
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a woman wearing a diaper
7ft tall embarrassed and hates wearing diapers diaper showing and diaper wearing anime woman wearing a pampers diaper
adult diaper girl

ABDL artists on Kemono Party Baby 02/19/2022 (Sat) 22:12:32 No. 9300 [Reply] [Last]
Since Kemono Party refuses to update ABDL artists, can somebody please update these ABDL artists?: * PaddedUlf ("Emily's Babying Ch.2 pages 24-25(hi-rez)", "Bronze exclusive:Tawna Bandicute's Schoolgirl dress", "Emily's Babying Ch.2 pages 24-25(flats wip)", "Playdate pages 45-46(hi-rez)", "Bronze exclusive-Rouge/Vanilla and the Straitjacket bouncer 1-4(sketch wip)", "Emily's Babying Ch.2 pages 24-25 wips(lines)", "Playdate pages 47-49(sketches)", "Zootopia"Baby Bunny Beat" pages 9-10(hi-Rez)", "Emily's Babying Ch.2 page 22-23(hi-rez)", "Bronze Exclusive:Tawna the schoolgirl has a soggy secret!", "Emily's Babying Ch. 2 pages 22-23 (flat wip)", "Playdate page 45-46(flats wip)", "Playdate Pages 43-44(hi-rez)", "Zootopia"Baby Bunny Beat" pages 9-10(flats wip)", "Emily's babying Ch.2 pages 20-21(hi-rez)", "Bronze exclusive: helluva christmas(flats)", "Bronze Exclusice-Renamon, summer dress, diaper mess", "Rouge Messy Christmas card(Bronze exclusive)", "Zootopia"Baby Bunny Beat" pages 9-10(lines)", "Emilys babying Ch.2 page 20-21(flat)", "Bronze Exclusive-Helluva Christmas(sketches)", "Emily's babying Ch. 2 pages 20-22(lines wip)", "Zootopia"Baby Bunny Beat" pages 9-12 (sketch wip)", "Zootopia(Baby Bunny Beat) page 8(hi-rez)", "Playdate Pages 41-42(hi-rez)" and "Emily's Babying Ch. 2 pages 20-26(sketch)" are missing): https://kemono.party/patreon/user/574525 * Thebubblepup (He hasn't been updated for 3 months now): https://kemono.party/patreon/user/894123 * Burritokitten (He hasn't been updated for 3 months now): https://kemono.party/patreon/user/52018436 * Jerrert (He hasn't been updated for 7 months now): https://kemono.party/patreon/user/32304402 * Liljdude (He hasn't been updated for 5 months now): https://kemono.party/patreon/user/5231946 * 34qucker (He hasn't been updated for 5 months now): https://kemono.party/patreon/user/463258 * Ahbagels (He hasn't been updated for 3 months now): https://kemono.party/patreon/user/3636309 * Chuckyandmisty (He hasn't been updated for 1 month now): https://kemono.party/patreon/user/8462589 * Toonbabifier (He hasn't been updated for 2 months now): https://kemono.party/fanbox/user/35969741
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Can someone update GoodboysComics https://www.patreon.com/user?u=8773333
>>28932 Most of them move to SubscribeStar since Patreon purged their stuff out so suck credit card company's dick anon

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