/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Scenario’s in stories that are peak Baby 08/21/2024 (Wed) 13:45:05 No. 39620 [Reply] [Last]
I’m curious what specific moments in stories are the ones you “enjoy” most. A situation where the protag is trying to avoid being found out after the daycare employee smells a poopy diaper, mmf.
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I had an idea the other day about a world where "no fap" was required to grow. If you were a little gooner you're height, muscle mass, and penis/boobs would end up staying small. Jerking and flicking were also related to bedwetting and daytime accidents so it's not uncommon to see a gooner types in pullups. Anyone tall and muscular had to have control of themselves and only engage in sex with a partner. If you were a small type that was getting close to retaining enough to grow up a little a bully might jerk them off to ruin their streak and keep them small and tease them relentlessly about it. A hot chick might flash a guy knowing it would be something he jerked about later. I thought about prisons where offenders are required to goon to make sure they can't reoffend and they come out the size and muscle mass of an elementary school kid. There are also nannies parents can hire that encourage gooning for there charges and they end up being small forever cause there parents like them that way.
I don't know if anyone suggested something like this but the "everyone sees you as a kid/baby" thing is pretty cute I think. Seen it done a few times.
I remembered one I really liked years ago. There was a story called The Nanny Protocol where this guy leaves his wife for a smoking hot sex robot. The wife gets back at him by reprogramming the robot into his nanny and the robot is far to strong for him to resist. I love the idea of the former sex submissive robot turning into the mommy dom.

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ABDL Artists on Nekohouse Baby 07/10/2024 (Wed) 11:19:45 No. 38398 [Reply]
Nekohouse, a website just like kemono has started doing imports for Subscribestar (something that kemono hasn’t fixed in over 2 years), so with all the ABDL artists that have moved over there, I think it’s finally time to put them on there. I’m not gonna make a list of artists to put on there like the person who made the kemono thread. If someone else wants to, then go ahead. Anyways, here’s the link to Nekohouse: https://nekohouse.su/
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nekohouse really isn't functional yet. I wouldn't ask for uploads.
Looks like the Fanbox importer for this site is finally working again! Not sure about Substar, but it’s a start, I guess.
Here's a list of ABDL artist from Fanbox to import to Nekohouse: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mO48TFPN-aGUIhFdYLV80iwAQf44TyDTC2udvRK85HI/edit?gid=0#gid=0 BTW Since Nekohouse still can't import text and multiple images from SubscribeStar, can somebody please make an online SubscribeStar scraper (that's similar to FurArchiver: https://furarchiver.net/Artist/Gallery?artist=babystar ) over on GitHub?

Diaper Dystopias Baby 11/10/2024 (Sun) 03:12:02 No. 42442 [Reply]
We've had threads where all men are diapered and babied in a feminist dystopia. We've had threads where all women are diapered and babied in a right-wing fascist dystopia. We've had the PID/nubaby threads where everything is in a hierarchy. Let's do something different: a dystopian society where EVERYONE is in diapers. Here's a few ideas I had. SOVIET-STYLE DYSTOPIA: >Everyone is diapered and babied, no matter what. >The Great Leader wears diapers as well to symbolize their connection to the people. (Of course, The Great Leader's diapers are also of much higher quality, but if the citizens know that they'd rebel!) >Diapers are rationed, changes, toys and play time are rewarded based on doing good jobs at work for the state. >There's a story on AO3 with a premise like this called "Our Diapers". CORPORATE HELLSTATE: >You must accumulate HugBux (TM) in Huggies Fulfillment Centers to buy more toys and accessories for your playpen >Your SmartHuggies are monitored, too many changes can cause a demotion. >At least you're free, unlike those commie fucks in Socialist Omorashistan.

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>>42860 >>Sometimes women with low level non-violent crime can substitute community service instead of regression. They may serve as nannies, daycare workers, wetnurses, foster parents, etc. >be me qt 3.14 daycare worker >got stuck here on a marijuana charge >that's what they charged me with anyway >sure that's all I can say >I'm honestly usually pretty permastoned at all times now >I party hard >I can't tell if anyone has noticed >winging it >judge said prison or community service >fuck that this ass was not made for prison >take the community service >get put as daycare worker >its bad >go through training >skipping training stories

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>>42885 >Regressed adult with body of a child but mature mentally >Caretaker is some stoned bimbo that does a half-assed job taking care of them >Often doesn't think to check diapers >Regressed bab even trying to communicate that they know they need a change, caregiver too oblivious >"What do you want? Pacifier? Now keep that in!" Serious story potential here.
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Here are the clothes of my Diaper dystopia. A basic jumpsuit with Pampers branding & colors. Although the middle part should have a white part going down to roughly the bottom of the breasts for women and the belly button for males.

>>42979 As much as I don't like furry shit you are on drugs if you think there's a single diaper out there that's worse than those stupid glorified maxipads.
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia S03E08

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Babyfur/Diaperfur Drawfag thread Baby 06/07/2022 (Tue) 20:09:40 No. 12785 [Reply]
A thread for Babyfur/Diaperfur Drawfags.
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>>12822 Sure, why not, toss me something. Not making any promises though.
>>12785 I really want to HUMP that diaper wolf so hard... he's so cute.
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Diaper Sex Baby 10/30/2024 (Wed) 14:50:49 No. 42038 [Reply]
Was hoping we could use this thread to share links, pics, and vids of diaper sex scenes.
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I am not into porn but watched some videos on porn hub at the suggestion of a friend. Both are gay videos, which while I am gay, gay porn is also a turnoff. Probably because too many videos are just paid twinks acting out bullshit scenes. But anyway these two videos were pretty hot if you're into gay sex and diapers... h++ps://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=6486573c77bdd h++ps://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=6431c456c7895 I would like to see more like these thoguh.
>>42298 Thanks anon. Personally I'm exclusively into gay sex if it involves diapers
>>42342 Yeah, this was one hell of a turn on. Trying to find more like it though.

Potty Training General Baby 01/18/2023 (Wed) 04:42:59 No. 21903 [Reply]
I know this is a sort of completely contradictory topic, but I personally really like the idea of being potty trained, along with diapers, obviously. I honestly would never use a toilet again if I had a small potty chair to use instead, but like a genuine looking one, not a camping latrine painted up or a bucket with a toilet seat on it. I guess post any videos, pics, potty training activities, games, ect here.
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bros the other day i literally almost forgot to pull my underwear down when i sat on the toilet its fucking over my potty training
There was a question if how to build this. So it would be tough but feasible. What I would do is take two old tires and stack them on top of each other and then glaze with stucko and plastic and then take an old toilet seat and put it on top. You'd have to buff it out to have the shine right. You'd also want a back to it so you'd have to figure out how to do that - possibly with a bent tire or something similar. The you'd line the inside with trash bags to make cleaning easier. It's definitely hard without injection molded plastic. But this design makes using it awkward. For me potty training would involve locking plastic pants and then being forced to ask to use the training potty to go. The little might be able to fake wetting with difficulty but definitely not messing and so they could only use the training potty and not a toilet. Eventually with enough accidents it's back to permanent diapers. You could even encourage them to have accidents and act disappointed when they don't. If you can force bowel incontinence first maybe you could then make it so they end up wetting themselves in their diapers so they lose that training. Then you do the reverse - you train them to regain bowel trading after they're urinary incontinent and make the use the trading potty with punishments if they don't so bowel accidents make them nervous but they can't control their peeing. That's sexy.

ABDL Chatbots ABDL Chatbots 10/10/2022 (Mon) 00:31:04 No. 17855 [Reply] [Last]
I though that I should give all you toddlers a little something to chew on for a while While a while ago some of you were talking about NovelAI and such, recently chatbots have been pretty popular, specifically those from https://beta.character.ai from what I’ve seen. While they are pretty anti-nsfw and pornography, I’ve tested the bots recently, and the A.I. don’t seem to be too against diapering and babying. It can be a bit difficult to work with at times, and the website’s bots have recently been going under maintenance, resulting in a good few features not being available, but I feel like in a while or so it could be some good material I guess this is mainly for all types of chatbots, but if you have anything interesting you get from these maternal robots, it’d be nice to hear about it here
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Thought I'd post this chat gpt is now a lot more okay with abdl than it used to. Heres a prompt from it and to be honest its not wrong. I trained myself over covid (and retrained successfully) and all of it seems pretty accurate. Training yourself to wet the bed while asleep can be a complex process and varies significantly from person to person. The timeline for achieving this depends on various factors, including individual physiology, consistency in following the training routine, and psychological factors. Here’s a more detailed perspective: ### Factors Influencing Bedwetting Training 1. Individual Physiology: - Bladder capacity and sensitivity play significant roles. Someone with a smaller bladder or overactive bladder (OAB) might achieve results faster. 2. Consistency: - Consistently following the training routine every night is crucial. Irregular efforts will likely slow down progress. 3. Psychological Factors: - Stress, anxiety, and psychological resistance can impact the ability to wet the bed. Ensuring a relaxed and conducive mental state can aid the process. 4. Previous Conditioning: - Prior experiences with diaper training or bedwetting can affect how quickly you see results. If you’ve trained before, you might progress faster.

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Decided to have a hunt for AI chatbots again as been a while since searched. Came across this https://janitorai.com/profiles/47f11c23-3755-40f1-8b70-19bc27b9e7a5_profile-of-honeyed-words Know it is mostly spanking related but there are a few that do abdl. It also allows smut and you can use a disposable email to sign up. Any anons found anything recent worthy of note?

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Classic ABDL content Baby 09/15/2024 (Sun) 18:01:45 No. 40551 [Reply]
Share older ABDL pics or videos For some reason is something special about older content for me The Old Hubbies from the early 2000 is my favorite. Some of the best Femdom content you’ll find. Would love to see as much as I can of it
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>>40894 That was no girl.
>>40708 I always wonder about the old OLD age of ABDL and those secretive meetings and how they managed without so many resources...

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group-shots Baby 05/27/2022 (Fri) 12:15:29 No. 12476 [Reply]
just images of at least 3 people.
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>>42806 Same
>>42806 The photo literally says "2005"

Old Diaper Art Thread Baby 08/13/2022 (Sat) 05:36:14 No. 15667 [Reply]
Thread for posting old diaper art from the years 2014 and below.
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>>42670 i think i broke up the couple in the third picture lmao
>>42694 elaborate on that
>>42695 it was over a decade ago. we were part of the same abdl roleplaying community. to sum it up, what i assumed was ic flirtation from her was not. drama ensued.

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Help me define these rules Baby 10/01/2023 (Sun) 07:34:51 No. 30050 [Reply]
I found someone with kindergarten & nurse experience. He's aware of my abdl fantasies and would like to make them real for a fee. Right now I've established these rules: 1. Always in diapers, no toilet, locking diaper cover & he will change me 2. Wakes me up, reminds me/helps me in the most basic tasks(showering, brushing teeth etc) 3. Helps with dressing/undressing, selects my clothes 4. I should tell him what tasks I need to do for work & keep him informed 5. Tells me what to do, when to work, play etc 6. No leaving unsupervised, no stopping this game 7. Treats me as a child and I only get to have the same privileges & freedoms of a child, 4reelz What am I missing?
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>>35448 Who's toddlerkun+
>>42628 That should be who's toddlerkun?
>>35448 who the fuck is toddlerkun? google gives me nothing but google sucks these days

Baby 11/13/2024 (Wed) 03:13:15 No. 42622 [Reply]
So here's a humiliating idea. You give a little a whole stack of abdl drawings and you make them color them! And then fir each one they color in they get a reward of something. Maybe a chance at potty training or one less diaper from their stash. What are some more humiliating regression ideas?
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No wait. You print out a bunch of pictures where they're in black and white and they have to color in the picture when they do what's pictured in the comic. Another scene that popped into my head was having a girl make the food for her punishment. In this case jalapeño muffins! And she has to make them with her hands. She can cum with a hand down her diaper and get a sore pussy or after she's had a muffin and messed herself. But if she doesn't come with her hands in five minutes it's right back to a timeout highchair. Also, that covers food and drawing. What are some other humiliating ideas that are activity specific? I can think of a couple others. What about exercise? That would involve outdoor playing or yoga in diapers. Twister with a suppository and punishments for not holding it. Music would definitely involve coming up with your own personalized nursery rhyme. You could force the little to come up with a list of humiliating regression ideas and then use AI to come up with personalized hypnosis tracks. Then you make them learn the songs by heart and perform them for you.
>>42623 Heh. That's an insult I haven't heard before. Is that a vampire thing? Humorous.
>>42623 Also reminds me of this. I once did this with my own penis but I wouldn't recommend it. 0 stars would not try again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8npnlM29_jQ

Political warning Baby 05/25/2023 (Thu) 13:18:36 No. 25836 [Reply] [Last]
Left diaperdfagsnand right diaperfag thread Let's see how long before this becomes a flame war
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>>42421 >"I was just pretending to be retarded!" Have fun being poor and balding :)
>>42469 >proving me right with every reply
I hate that I liked this more than I should.

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Text to speech (tts) / AI generated voices / character voices Baby 01/30/2023 (Mon) 01:11:58 No. 22270 [Reply]
Elevenlabs is the new AI of the week and thought there was good potential for diaper fapbait with it and other text to speech tools. Basically make audio of fictional characters or generic voices talking about how you belong in diapers, complaining about being forced into diapers, teasing you for wearing diapers, mommying you, reading diaper smut, etc. The options I know of are >15.ai Pros - No sign up necessary, voices actually sound like the character they're meant to be, higher degree of control over emotions Cons - Small Selection of voices currently, long periods of downtime (including now), tight character limit >uberduck.ai Pros - Largest Selection of voices Cons - requires an account, a lot of the voices sound bad or are meme characters >beta.elevenlabs.io Pros - Can clone a voice in minutes. Also has a few generic default voices. Cons - requires you to find or create an mp3 of the character speaking in isolation preferably at least a minute long (You can use streamable or a similar website to download clips of youtube videos). Has a lifetime character limit for free accounts, but all you need is a temporary email to make a new account. Sometimes the voice just ends up sounding generic.
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dont mind me being fuckin retarded. the Elevenlabs one was the wrong file. this is the right one
Fuck it, while I'm double posting might as well make it a tripple. This one was good because it's, well I think the voice fit the text. naturalreader has a child voice which is cute af. So I took a passage out of "A Nappy in Time" which is also cute af. https://archiveofourown.org/works/35175943/chapters/87643165 really wish they would continue the story. Only thing is the original is in second person which is goofy to me, so I changed the text so it was first person perspective and it sounds really cute.
Here's something I made using Elevenlabs. I think it came out well.

Baby 07/15/2022 (Fri) 04:25:17 No. 14314 [Reply] [Last]
WE’RE MAINSTREAM What colors will they add to the flag to represent us?? https://archive.ph/JjoAC
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>>42518 And don't raid nurseris in the middle of the night.
>>14323 >>14323 >By the way, that's a troon. He managed to fool me, well done. The face, the shoulders, the elbows, the forearms, the hands, the chest, the hips. The choker may as well have been a neon sign, are you blind?
How long before left and right wing podcasters compare this to pedofiles and ruin the fun?

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