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Source Thread Baby 01/09/2025 (Thu) 00:47:50 No. 44745
I think I have not seen one of these around before. Basically videos, images, or any kind of media that you have but you are not sure the origin/creator/artist and are trying to find out I'll start with two of my favorite ones that I've had for a while now
(212.79 KB 534x396 1735961947107820.webm)

>>44745 Found this one posted in a thread on /a/ the other day, searching the MD5 on the archives there are only a handful of posts, and only since May of 2024. None of the posts provide source, nor did anyone else bother asking for it in the threads it was posted in. I half suspect it might actually be a short AI animation, but if it's not I really have no idea what anime (or Twitter account, possibly?) it might be from. Tried to find out what character it might be by searching relevant tags on boorus - no hits, sadly. Any ideas, /abdl/? I'm really at my wits end.
That one gif is amazing stuff. I've seen it around for years. All little guys should be this cuddled and controlled.
>>44755 I know right? its an absolute classic, sadly completely anonymous it would appear after so many years of tons of gigs of videos and clips and movies, that still portrays perfectly what I want of all of this, its not just that she's gorgeous, she is, its a plus, but the way she holds him, half teasingly-half comforting him, looking at the camera almost saying "yeah, he's mine" and shifting his attention to him to re-assure him, "you are Mommy's babyboy" The mp4 clip although not as great as the gif although the lady might be chubbier than the one in the gif it does remind me that across the years of being and seeing how this fetish is experienced and experimented by people I have encountered quite a few cases where the BBW tend to have a more organic and natural tendency to display motherly vibes thus adopting the Mommy role is not such a difficult shift in the relationship dynamic to adopt. I also feel the video encapsulates the comfort, gentle/tenderness, kinky-innocence if there is such a thing? that completely rocks my socks off, the kiddy bed, the nappy pats, nappy check from Mommy, the plushie being held while breasfeeding, I am baffled with how much 25 seconds a random video gets it so perfect
>>44746 It's from an anime called Train to the End of the World (Shuumatsu Torein Doko e Iku?). The clip is from an in-universe anime called Alice in Nerima Land, and sadly that's the only relevant bit from the full segment. https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1d8shlx/alice_in_nerima_land_shuumatsu_train_doko_e_iku/
>>44757 >The clip is from an in-universe anime called Alice in Nerima Land Ah, that explains it, thanks. Been meaning to get around to Shuumatsu Train too, this is the best excuse I could ask for to cross it off the list.
Similar vein to this thread but would anyone be interested in a content recommendations thread? Like if people are looking for porn that does certain things or pushes certain buttons and people have recommendations for similar content.
>>45457 There are already threads for that
(11.40 MB 886x1558 Diaper Cutie.mp4)

Anyone know who this is?
>>45540 Looks like a dude
>>45496 Stories seem to get suggestions. But otherwise not. The request thread seems to be people hunting down specific models or videos. I'm thinking more along the lines of describing the sort of content I'm looking for and then seeing if anyone has any good recommendations for it. If it fits what I want I don't mind paying for it. It's just so rare that something's good.
lovely baby in her nursery, I wonder who she is

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