/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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/abdl/ Discord Server Baby 04/20/2023 (Thu) 02:07:09 No. 24583 [Reply]
It's a unofficial Discord server for all thing /abdl/ as no one exist yet it's an old repurposed server that my friends used to use. nsfw stuff is allowed (obviously) if you do post anything make sure that you post it with a "@everyone" so that way everyone will know that you posted and this make more engagement Servers *general - discussion forever you feel like *images - for sfw non-lewd pics *selfies - introductions for new users *announcements - admin only server for important news *horny-zone - for all the henti and lewd stuff *mkay - for shitposting https://discord.gg/a8EJFQZE
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a working invite please?
>>24596 Retard proof IRC with a few more bells and whistles. Eventually, there had to be an instant messenger to rule them all.

Animations/drawn gifs that include diapers Baby 11/02/2020 (Mon) 12:51:02 No. 1768 [Reply] [Last]
from anything literally that you can find, from anime, from cartoons. from your favourite hentai artist (western or eastern) furry, human. loli, adult. edit, original. anything is allowed as long as it includes padding and is animated
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>>41339 Wow, now I kinda wanna join. Got a link?
>>41401 >too lazy to check the dA link www.discord.gg/VRC6DR3BKT
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Pink-Diapers Baby 10/06/2024 (Sun) 00:44:34 No. 41086 [Reply]
A thread dedicated to the artist Pink-Diapers.
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Diaper lore Baby 05/22/2023 (Mon) 06:36:39 No. 25703 [Reply]
What diaper lore have you heard irl or on the internet? From how they got into diapers, diaper experiences just anything to add to the huge list of diaper lore
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>>25713 I was pretty drunk when I wrote this, because I forgot it existed for two years. I didn't even get to write about diapers
I only know the stories of brides wearing diapers for their weddings so they don't have to take off their dresses whenever they need to go.
Funny thing i have a fetish for big Big bellys,breasts, giantess (not dicks cause I'm diaperfag not actual fag) and in school tewcher told me about her child diaper went in pool and inflated so big which sounded sexy as i now wish mega diapers exist like be so lazy you make your diaper huge ir go to pub and wet yourself letting it grow and grow

ABDL Photos Baby 01/06/2023 (Fri) 15:48:22 No. 21537 [Reply] [Last]
I was wondering if anyone still gets off on diapered photos. I thought we could use this thread in the same way as the video thread and share links to the photo sets we love. I'll start: https://app.box.com/s/ob1mdc60dq2uwon5zwv8zwqp9vj64tjk
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>>40807 Legend.. Thank you! I remember seeing those pictures back in the tumblr days before wife would really participate and they always drove me wild.
Does anyone have any stuff from Kylie Brooke?

CGI abdl thread Baby 05/31/2020 (Sun) 11:44:19 No. 266 [Reply] [Last]
For 3d pictures and videos of diaper themed content. Aswall as models to make said content
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This guy is doing cool stuff https://x.com/WayWordWaffle
>>41334 >First pic Is that Grace?

Content Creator Baby 10/10/2024 (Thu) 11:59:27 No. 41239 [Reply]
Making a board for content creators to share their socials, discuss what it's like for us, share advice, bitch, etc. What has being a creator (writers, artists, models, etc) been like for you?
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humm I'm not really sure where to post all of my stuff. Twitter mayb? I might change my handle but idk what I'd want to change it to
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>>41240 >My biggest challenge as a writer has been getting meaningful feedback That isn't your problem at all. How could it be? In the same way that you cannot critique the world into being what you want it to be, you can't expect others could critique you into being a better writer either. That is just magical thinking, it's expecting "magic words" to show up in your DM box that will somehow make you a better writer. You will stay shit if you keep waiting on them. If you want feedback on what other people want to see that's going to take some experimenting and trying to keep an eye out for under served niches. If you want to know how to write better, there are so many books you could be reading that can teach you exactly how to do just that. Pic(s) related. Also: >>41255 You are 100% one of the aspies just asking him to tailor his work to your own autistic hyper fixations that he's talking about. The combative tone of your post, like you're calling him out for lying or something, makes that VERY obvious to ANYONE with the social graces you wholly lack.
>>41298 >this level of white knighting kys faggot

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Diapered kemono Diapered kemono 10/24/2020 (Sat) 12:19:42 No. 1648 [Reply]
Genetically engineered catgirls/catboys for domestic diapering. Kemono refers to Japanese furry art or japanese-style furry art. ~Nya
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Looking for a new BO Baby Board owner 09/04/2024 (Wed) 13:01:57 No. 40094 [Reply] [Last]
I'll make this short. Due to personal problems, I can no longer moderate /abdl/. I enjoyed all these years with you guys. Thank you for everything! If you want to become the new BO, register a new account and send me an email. The address is here in this post but not easily visible. Pics unrelated.
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>>41114 >gets completely demolished and embarrassed >attempts to impersonate me because that's all that you have left Yep. We're done here. Toasted. Next time don't speak if you can't handle getting blasted.
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>>41088 >grow up. Mother fuckers, this is 8Chan /ABDL Redditors and Channies are all faggots, and I wanna get my diaperfag on. Get the dicks out of your mouths and post some good content.
>>41133 Honestly based.

Unsubstatiated Diaper Faggotry Baby 11/13/2022 (Sun) 13:10:30 No. 19251 [Reply] [Last]
Thought I'd make a list of diaper stories that came up over the years that were bullshit but people believed it to be true. A fake diaper news as it were. Bridal Diapers Probably most infamous of this list >Over a decade ago some fag with a diaper fetish pretended to be a newlywed mentioning wearing diapers due to their wedding dress preventing them making it easily to the bathroom >This obvious fapwank somehow gained traction through the internet where places like cafemom thought it to be true and started discussing the pros and cons of wearing diapers on their wedding day >Story even made it into the media where journalists thought there was an emerging market for bridal diapers >Still keeps occasionally being brought up to this day Communion Diapers Probably the more controversial one >Appeared roughly after the bridal diaper shitpost went mainstream >Likely done by same fag that who meme'd bridal diapers into existence >Story that girls during their first communion as a symbol of purity should wear diapers as well as other "babyish" style clothing >Had a brief discussion throughout parenting and christian forums before dying down >Most saw it as bullshit however a few seemed gullible enough to take it as legit

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>>40980 That this isn't unusual is why the bridal diaper thing sounds realistic. That you can find multiple articles and videos of how to use the bathroom while wearing a wedding dress is very telling on how complicated and difficult the less simple ones can be to remove. One of the roles for bridesmaids is to assist with the challenges of wedding dress that may be difficult to remove or get on alone. I find it funny the bridal diapers thing has spread enough you can find serious articles from women's magazine websites bringing this up. If this started as a myth made up by an ABDL fetishist, I'm impressed that it spread to normalfags talking about it. They're more than a decade old, but here's a couple stories primarily focused on diapered brides I know of for those interested. https://web.archive.org/web/20211201035754/http://foxtalestimes.com/Stories/pampered_bride.htm https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/foxtalestimes/viewtopic.php?p=22046699 Only the first one was ever finished though.
>>40982 When women discover that the bridal diaper is a good idea is probably best way to describe the reaction to it.
>>40982 >foxtalestimes Remember when that was a thing? Now it is more or less abandoned. As for the bridal diapers you can even just randomly type it into google and find serious news articles about it. Though most go along the lines of if you need to consider bridal diapers then you need to revaluate your bridal dress.

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Top board challenge Baby 09/30/2024 (Mon) 11:35:18 No. 40946 [Reply]
I keep noticing we are lowering more and more Gts is gone but i want to see if we can get ourselves back up (Not suggesting anything that gose against 8chan rules) Current challenge: beat bestiality
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>>40975 >uhhh ackhtually its autohebephile, thanks Easy to mix those two up. Nobody has ever called me that to my face but its not inaccurate.
>>40997 >autohebephile you get off to thinking of yourself as a jew???
>>41002 Lol i literally thought of that dad joke as I wrote that post. Im getting old.

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Drunk and diapers Baby 08/20/2024 (Tue) 06:31:40 No. 39583 [Reply]
Your storys of being wasted and diapered
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>>39856 >Got no fancy story of being drunk and diapered.. but being drunk, or tipsy, while padded is probably one of the best feelings you can have in diapers. > >home alone, chilling at home, diapered all day >messing and wetting myself, that's what the diapers are for >its getting late, start getting the alcohol out >keep drinking my mixed drink, alcohol slowly starts taking effect. can't handle alcohol anyway. >I take off onesie because its so hot now >keep chilling in just my diaper. >don't really notice, or care, that I keep wetting my diaper, it just flows. >still super relaxed and comfy >go on to check diaper >its super soaked all the way through >did not notice I wet this much, already wet spots on my seat >get up, waddle to bathroom, >thick diaper has me waddling like an infant, alcohol has me take careful steps, everything feels like its moving >somehow manage to change my diaper, get into fresh one

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Literally every single time that I drink and go to bed drunk I wake up with a wet bed. I don't know what in my brain decides that it's okay to piss in the bed but I have tested it and even just slightly tipsy is enough for me to wake up soaked
I'm gonna have a good opportunity to get more than a bit tipsy and padded in the coming days. I want to make the most of it, so any suggestions for good abdl-related drinking games are welcome. In the past I've done a really simple Bluey one from some YouTube video and it's enjoyable, although I wish it was more interactive. Any baby brain brainwashing-type hypno stuff would be great too. Hypno and booze gets me into a great headspace. I'll post back with what I end up doing if anyone cares, even if I'm limited to basically wearing my Little Keeper Sleeper, having my paci in, and chilling out in front of my computer. I've also got a wand to make use of too, so I'll be able to have some fun. All ideas are welcome.

Lewd facial expressions Baby 09/16/2024 (Mon) 05:02:46 No. 40580 [Reply]
Diaper art where the chick is visibly turned on just by merely wearing or using diaps
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>>40610 Girls just owning it and making no apologies for being degenerate diaper perverts is pretty great. I'm definitely not trans but even I can't understate how much bolder Id have been in dating if I was a girl. Honesty just show up to a first date in diapers, don't even bother trying to hide it. If he likes you enough he'll change you.
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>>40782 I do love that Tomoko. I could really imagine her being a dirty diaper pervert.

Diaper Type Baby 08/14/2024 (Wed) 01:17:00 No. 39380 [Reply]
I like to use a wet diaper with the hitachi magic wand but I find that even with a standard length penis, most diapers that fit my tall/skinny body have padding that ends below where my penis is when up.. anyone know if a particular brand that has padding up higher than typical in the front?
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>>40692 I usually point down in a wet diaper, then rub the front with a magic wand or hump a pillow, but a couple months ago, I discovered a revolutionary new method. >Take some edibles >Put a super crinkly mattress protector on my bed >Put in a vibrating plug >Wear only a wet diaper >Suck on a pacifier >Place magic wand on bed >Lay on top of it stomach-down >Wait for the magic to happen I call it tummy time. I don't even hump the wand either, I just wriggle around on my tummy, let the crinkles fill my head, and generally feel like a completely helpless boy. The edibles melt all my big boy thoughts away, and the intense vibrations take care of the rest. The first time I came like this, it felt like doing a #4 in my diaper, because it was like nothing I had ever felt.
>>40718 Man that sounds so good. I quit weed a while ago but really miss doing stuff like that on it, the orgasms are so much more intense.
>>40714 this was excellent thank you

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Wearing Pre-Used Diapers Baby 06/17/2023 (Sat) 13:45:11 No. 26696 [Reply] [Last]
Art, stories, pics and vids of people wearing pre-used diapers. Whether forced to wear your siblings used diaper to save money, or taking a messy one out of your pail because you can't go without the squish for 5 minutes, all used diapers are welcome here!
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We should get some more art from Hyro. My prompt won. Aqua from Konosuba wearing one of Megumin's used, very messy diapers. Diaper in Megumin's colour scheme easily visible under her short skirt. "Kazuma, why do I have to wear Megumin's diapers?" "Because you soaked though all yours and spent all our money on booze, useless goddess." "But Kazuma, Megumin really explodes in these and they stink... wait KAZUMA!..."
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