/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Days in the same diaper Baby 03/26/2024 (Tue) 20:15:38 No. 35676 [Reply]
Girls/boys wearing the same diaper for as long as possible. Staying in the same stinky diaper for days and filling it up to the brim. Either not wanting a change, or not allowed one, changes are not allowed in this thread. You'll stay in your poopy diaper, and you'll enjoy it~.
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Any story's with this subject?
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Wearing a full diaper for a week!!
>>37107 Damn this looks remarkably shit.

ABDL Stories Thread Baby 08/07/2020 (Fri) 04:44:01 No. 798 [Reply] [Last]
Since there wasn’t one already, I figured it would be noce to have a place to post all of your favorite diaper related stories. Post whatever you like for others to enjoy. For me, my two favorite stories are both by Talentlessa. That kind of story -https://pastebin.com/jtqXLhXU Chasing Idols -https://pastebin.com/4ZBun1yB
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I'm looking for a story I remember reading it's called Something involving Destiny. The story goes something like the main character is drinking runs out goes for a liquor run picks up a bottle or two, and some lady. She finds out he's wearing, and wants to try one. The rest of the nigh continues, and they end up at a hotel.
>>798 Does anyone know of this one story where a girl who wants to wear diapers has a cousin who has to come live with her who actually does wear diapers and then she secretly starts wearing as well? I can't remember what it was called but I think the author's name was Calliope and the cousin's name was Erin if that helps?
I've been looking for this story since forever, essentially it's a story about a girl who I think is 16 and she's going to have the most amazing time of her life while her parents are on vacation, however every single possible mishaps happens and people keeps on mistaking her for some kid and is put in diapers and has to go to school as if she was 5.

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Vrchat Baby 11/08/2020 (Sun) 13:55:19 No. 1813 [Reply] [Last]
Abdl models or worlds
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Where are people gathering for abdl vrchat meetups and private groups nowadays? I was lurking in a discord group for it about a year ago but it's dead now.
>>37263 Since vrchat now had a group system is not hard to find any diaper groups
>>37263 They are there but most are very safe place groups.

PokéDiapers Baby 01/29/2024 (Mon) 03:14:46 No. 33884 [Reply]
Gotta Pamper 'Em All!
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Here's Baby Delia and the other Baby Mommies!
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Here's Baby Delia and her friends again.
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lesbian abdl Baby 06/05/2022 (Sun) 22:44:42 No. 12716 [Reply]
padded lesbos
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any good tool to get moonrunes translated?
>>36263 >real lesbians either don't exist or are never into ABDL they absolutely do exist its just the same problem with the fact that whilst this fetish is way more equal in terms of gender than we pretend it is, men tend to be extremely more vocal about it to the point where it seems like 90 to 95% of people online appear to be men so you take the tiny percentage of women who are willing to post online and then consider that only like 5% of women generally are lesbians it leads to little online representation
lesbians are cute and all but lets be honest, they need a strict daddy to turn them from girlfriends into sisters and punish them for naughtily humping each other's diaper in their crib

AI-Art Baby 05/21/2024 (Tue) 19:18:07 No. 37149 [Reply]
Working on creating a AI-Model for ABDL / Diaper Pics but im missing High Quality Pictures to make it work. Close Ups, Full Body, even only parts of a diaper are ok (for eample the Tapes). Woud improve my Work greatly,will Post updates in return. Started with Little Kings already, but missing more Quality pics
Here's the other AI generated thread >>29801 It's over 500 posts so it's in auto-sage and a new thread for this subject can be made. I'll lock this thread because OP was too lazy to post more than one picture and link the past AI thread (see above). Bonus if you provide useful information for those who want to try to generate their own content. Also, use the text AI Generated in the tittle (only AI is too vague), so people who don't like this content can hide the thread if they wish.

abdl cringe 2: electric boogaloo Baby 03/03/2023 (Fri) 01:26:07 No. 23222 [Reply] [Last]
https://old.reddit.com/r/ABDLMarket/comments/11g3vok/meta_prices_need_to_be_required_either_in_the/ low hanging fruit, but the comments by the guy spouting the conspiracy theory about why the sub exists and the mods are funny. pic not related
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>>37189 aww, does the wittle baby need a diapey change? ^_^ c'mere little one lets get you changed
>>37201 >page 3 Cringe.

When did it start? Why are we even here? Baby 04/23/2024 (Tue) 18:36:55 No. 36300 [Reply] [Last]
I couldn't find any thread like that, so I'll start one. Can you pinpoint when, more or less, you started being interested in diapers? And do you see any reasons for this? One of my biggest puzzle in life is why I'm ABDL at all. I couldn’t point to specific time when I started to be DL, but surely before my 13 or even 12 birthday it was actually fully developed. I know that theory about fetishes, which says that they're based on our first sexual exeriences. The problem is, that I had started to be interested in diapers before I even masturbated for the first time (Which actually happened surprisingly late in my case.) or had any awareness of my sexuality. Wasn’t actually linking my diaper fascination with anything sexual. Many ABDL people mentions that they had bedwetting issues or younger sibling who wore diapers, what probably affected them. But I was a only child, whose had been diapered last time somewhere between 2-3 birthday. My only real contact with diapers before that was my younger cousin, but I saw her maybe twice a year. Interestingly, talking hindsight, I can say that long before I became aware of my diaper attraction, diapers somehow were stuck in my mind. One of my earliest memories, actually my earliest memory, is asking my mother to change me because the diaper tape was irritating my skin. For many years afterward, when, for example, I felt a T-shirt tag on my skin, it brought back this memory. Cartoon scenes featuring diapers stick in my memory, like the only scene I remember from I Am Weasel is baby pooping his diaper In I.R. Mommy episode. I can't recall ever seeing diapers as disgusting, strange, etc. as a child. Rather, as interesting in a way. I remember going through a photo album when I was maybe 9 years old and wondering whether or not I was still in a diaper in some of the pictures. One thing, that comes to my mind is that my parents divorced when I was 8-9yo. I’m not sure, how much it affected me, as since many years earlier, my father was rather a guest in our house. I just remember that for a while, maybe only a year, I panicked a lot when my mother was late. It only took 10-15 minutes for me to go into a panic cry. It was a short period, and it ended as quickly as it began. My mother was obviously very protective, but I wouldn't call her overprotective. In myself, moreover, I have always been rather quiet and shy. It would connect nicely with AB and age regression, but the problem is that in my case it originally started with DL alone. All the rest came later, once I had the Internet and discovered that I was not alone in these preferences.
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>>37006 Did your dad humiliate you for liking diapers? How did he do it?
>>37006 >>37006 Yeah I can relate friend. My dad would also constantly mock and humiliate me and my interests, unless they were things that he understood and appreciated.
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>>37013 Yes this is exactly it. If it wasn't something he personally liked or was interested in he would mock and belittle it. Presumably the intention was to make me more like him, and while I did genuinely adopt some his interests - and pretend to adopt a few others - ultimately it made me a shy and private person afraid of intimacy. There was a lot of other petty mocking too though. I remember at least instance in which he insinuated my younger brother has a bigger cock than me. Might explain why I have a small penis humiliation despite having an average 6 inch dick. What's fucked up is I spent so much energy trying to suppress all these things because I didn't want to disappoint him. If anything though, it's his fault and now I have the curse of dealing with it completely alone.

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ABDL Video #03 Baby 01/05/2024 (Fri) 23:02:41 No. 33125 [Reply] [Last]
Old thread isn't bumping anymore: >>20872 I'll get us started with my (late) contributions to it: WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0TlRaTU1scDJZa2RTYkdOcE9WTlhSM2hHVmxkRk0xTlRUbEZqYlZaelZYcGtVMlJUTVZkU1JsWnJUbFpvWVU5WFdtbGFWbFpT WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0TlRaTU1scDJZa2RTYkdOcE9YWldNMUpDWWtWSk1WZFRUbXRrVjJocVlteHNiazFHUmxGVVJrbDVZbFY0Y2xac2JIRlVXRVpD WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0TlRaTU1scDJZa2RTYkdOcE9IZFpWM04zVFZad2RsUkRUbmxoUldoQ1YyMU9UbFl3Y0hCaE0wWkdUVWRXU1ZScVFsWk9WMVl6
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Does anybody have any videos from ABDL__Princess's justforfans, she does pretty awesome ABDL scat stuff and clearly loves pooping her diapers.
NEW THREAD >>37359
>>36487 would be very interested in "asian diaper cutie 3" and/or "Chesire Tries Potty Training Apple" I have trouble finding things in my niche. Very into someone being bounced in a wet/messy diaper as a humiliation thing, and equally into (failed) potty training and mental regression for the same reasons. Any recs?

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Tendie Greentexts are the dark side of MDLB Baby 05/07/2024 (Tue) 23:43:45 No. 36718 [Reply]
I know they're meant to be sad and disgusting. Some are even directly mocking ABDLs but part of me always vibed with tendie greentexts since I do occasionally have fantasies of being just a degenerate piece of shit who spends all day doing nothing but cumming in diapers and having a hot MILF lovingly dote over me out of a sense of obligation despite how gross I am. Anyone else relate to this?
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I imagine the majority of this board would leap at the chance to do nothing but play videogames all day while pissing and shitting themselves in big boy Pampers. Yelling at Milfy-Mommy to come change your stinky Huggies after you've been stewing in it for hours. Moaning while Milfy-Mommy lovingly strokes your little pee-pee after she's been gagging from the scent of your diaper pail.
I have nothing against the infantile behavior, but what really puts me off it's how mean the tendies baby is towards his mommy. Perhaps some good old discipline can do the trick, maybe a couple of months of strict rules and spankings will teach some manners to that mean baby. After mommy deems he's behaving appropriately then we can start to think about letting him use the computer again, with time limits of course, and as long as he keeps his good behavior. If he ever goes back to his old ways then it's back to bondage and spankings for a month at least. We could also speed up the process with some hypnotic suggestions, I'm sure we can stablish a solid foundation if we go for something that makes him more submissive and dependent on mommy's approval, and even if he tries to fight it back he will have to give in into it at some point. I think he can be turned into a good little angel within 6 and 12 months with the right equipment and attention, and his mommy would be glad to have her that mean little monster turned into an obedient, happy and loving baby. Now I want to write a greentext about this. I'm not good at writing stories, but I'm really horny right now, and who knows.
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>>36811 Hey if you want to write something go for it. But I feel like that's not the point that I find appealing. It's not about being 'mean' to Mommy. Although that could be fun depending on the scenario. The thing that I like that's so rare in MDLB content is the freedom to be completely degenerate and gross and still have a loving hot Mommy still take care of you anyway even if she's disgusted by it. She still lovingly changes your diapers and feeds you and gives you diaper cummies because she loves you. Even if changing the diapers of a 200 pound fully grown man is a little much sometimes.

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Real Brands Baby 04/25/2024 (Thu) 01:32:21 No. 36350 [Reply]
Artwork featuring real diapers. Some could be completely unaltered. Some could be scaled-down ABDL brands. Some could be enlarged baby brands. Seen any?

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Alright, who's got some content? Baby 10/06/2022 (Thu) 03:22:19 No. 17723 [Reply] [Last]
I know we would all love to see more of her again.
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Wait, that's a woman? A real woman? Is that even possible in this fetish?
Anyone downloaded her vids that got leaked and can share
>>36427 what is she doing now how sluttish is her porn

Getting started in Social Media Baby 04/11/2024 (Thu) 12:51:08 No. 35985 [Reply]
Hewoo :D Recently I started my social media profile, and thought I could turn my love and passion into real job, but I don't know if I'm good enough... This thread could help other littles with gaining some confidence in future :D Sorry if I created thread for something that already exist 🙈
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>>36194 except those "women" are male you faggot
>>36194 Yes it matters. I'm part of a girls in pull ups subreddit or used to be for content and it just became trans trying to catfish people and act like girls in diapers. Im attracted to biological females the male physique is a major turn off and its blatant that they are men even if they try to hide it its just annoying. Nothing wrong with trans but fuck youre not a "girl" in a diaper. Its painfully obvious and embarrassing to see and oversaturated
>>35990 >self-posts to insta post your @ I’m going to nut to your mtf not-porn as a compliment

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diapers that no longer exist Baby 01/17/2024 (Wed) 13:53:05 No. 33488 [Reply]
just found out that dry 24/7s have been discontinued. i know i'm late, but this was my favorite diaper of all time. bigger, thicker, and more crinkly than other diapers; discreetness wasn't a factor, just absorbency and comfort. the all-white design also felt more fetishy than printed AB diapers. the only thing i didn't like was the lack of a landing zone for reusable tapes. wish i had known about this earlier so i could've stockpiled some cases. post about your favorite diapers that no longer exist.
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>>35723 I hated these we need more normal plastic diapers none of these faggot baby faggotry
>>35802 How don't be such a little fussykins. I bet you'll make such a sweet pretty little faggy baby in your fag pampers. :3
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Don't know how true this is and I'll likely never get to try it, but I've heard before that the really early runs of Attends, were back when they were the first adult disposable diapers made, ever. The industry didn't have any standards or examples for what adult disposable diapers should be like at the time since no one had done it before. As such, the idea of everything being super slim, discreet and low-quality wasn't the assumed practice for making adult disposable. Instead, they used the only other model for disposable diapers they had at the time, which were baby diapers, meaning that the early runs of Attends diapers were literally just the models for baby diapers but with no prints, scaled up to adult proportions, and with more tapes added. I've felt for a long time that what I really would love to experience is 80s/90s baby diapers scaled up to adult proportions and it sounds like that's the closest we've ever gotten to it.

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Worksheet and Homework Thread Baby 02/13/2024 (Tue) 10:20:45 No. 34471 [Reply]
We have a thread for video games, for CYOAs, for books, for cartoons. What about worksheets? Papers puzzles? Word searches? Mazes? Coloring books? Elementary workbooks? And sooo many more things that we don't see after graduating 4rth grade! Post all your educational stuff here! Having a printer strongly advised!
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>>36431 I am trying to develop a generator of sorts for things like that, but I don't know what form to give it.  1. Let the user upload a blank image. 2. Create a chart myself.
>>36432 Generator for what sort of thing Anon? Regression forms? If so, best practice is to design the chart your self, and leave spaces for user input. Things like a place to put a photo that the user uploads (or edits in).

Baby 05/08/2023 (Mon) 15:49:46 No. 25080 [Reply]
For anyone with a single sex preference (stright,gay, lesbian) have you tried diaper porn of opposite sex and what ones did you enjoy despite not being into that sex
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>>36326 Not that girls aren't an option just would take a lot more work/time and I can find dudes willing to do diaper play instantly lol. Talked to a few on Reddit and could've definitely met up if I wanted to. I don't really care much for labels either, I'm just extremely sexually attracted to diapers lol. There is no scenario in which I would do something with another guy that didn't involve diapers and I would never want to penetrate or be penetrated. The diapers and getting changed is just that strong of an attraction. I get hard just thinking about the word diaper haha. So I suppose I'm just flexible but yeah doesn't matter for me. As for diaper play I don't think I'd mind being jerked or sucked off because I would be hard anyway. Might as well try it out. I'd totally be down for meeting people from here after chatting for a bit of course. Shoot me a message at diaperthrowaway23@gmail.com if you or anyone wants to talk.
Gay males who have female caretakers are living the best abdl life
>>36341 It's called being diapersexual

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