/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Liljdude / TheLiljdude Baby 02/04/2025 (Tue) 21:49:38 No. 46555 [Reply]
A thread for this artist who has been around for many years. It would be a blessing if a large portion of his work could be collected, since much of his pre-2020 work is no longer available. And it's even rarer to find much of his art from the 2000s.
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Here's some of his old Narutard stuff. This what you're after? Got a bunch more, just don't feel like sorting right now.

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Anyone have the fictional story by bobbyvenice: "Veronicas stolen adulthood" Baby 03/02/2023 (Thu) 02:56:12 No. 23193 [Reply]
Deviantart used to have this story but bobby's account was removed. Its one of the best regression stories i've ever went, with a really satisfying and almost believable trend towards Veronica being put into diapers. Its really great writing and its a shame it is so hard to find now...
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>>23262 someone else posted it in another thread.
reviving this thread!
>>23237 Reviving thread to ask if anyone has the work from his pixiv archived

Smorky/dave the babyfur bunny thread Baby 02/06/2025 (Thu) 13:15:58 No. 46619 [Reply]
Tom the turkey (not to be confused with Thomas the nazi tank) made a new video on Shmorky aka dave the babyfur https://youtu.be/1UFOrLEofu0 So here a thread to share his diaper side
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>>46622 Is why i mention turkey tom at start to show this isn't like a serious thread But just so he has a spot on 8chan like many others who gets threads like pamperchu
Anything recent that's kekworthy to discuss?
>>46624 Well we found this old comics Apparently he forced his former gf into being diapered And she apparently leaked more diaper dave art His diaper kink was just wet diapers but full baby like shota levels of imagination even seeing the something awful creator children as "perfect" Only thing missing is these leaked image that appear turkey tom has acess too as i checked same sources and the image links won't archived

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Is there any point potty training women? Baby 02/23/2022 (Wed) 12:02:25 No. 9436 [Reply] [Last]
Throughout the life of a girl there's hundreds if not thousands of ways they can easily become incontinent. Mean if you go through the ages: -Early childhood >Bladder not really developed enough to be fully continent -Teenager >Start having periods that causes incontinence -Early to middle adult >Pregnancy causes incontinence -Late adult >Menopause, enough said -Old age >You get the idea About the only age group for females that would benefit from potty training are in their late childhood stage and chances are they are a bedwetter. Be far simpler and easier all round if they were never potty trained. I am aware that this would produce logistical problems as there would be too much waste to justify disposables. They would have to be restricted to the young and infirm while the rest of womankind would need to get used to the idea of being in reusable cloth.

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>>46601 I had a look for images that might fit the aesthetic you are looking for. Best could find are a few pics from Kobi.
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>>46612 I love the diaper brained Stepford-Wife character that Kobi did. Sucks there's only like 4 images of her and that Kobi basically abandoned diaper art in general. There's some other padded housewife stuff out there, but my ideal aesthetic would be 90s style everything + modern technology + giant oversized baby products everywhere + the sexism of a stereotypical 1950s setting. If I could find some artists who were open and I actually liked their stuff I'd love to have some stuff done to flesh that out and visualize it.
>>46639 I love these

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Middle East Diapers Baby 10/28/2021 (Thu) 16:58:18 No. 5897 [Reply] [Last]
What is with the Arabs being obsessed over diapers?
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Well the diapered IDF memes are starting again
What do you think happened to her anons? Is it just me or from this angle and the blurriness of the image make it look like she is wearing a diaper?
>News is that US and Israel want to bulldoze Gaza and start again F for the diaper factory, the only factory that seems to be still functional in Gaza.

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THICK diapers Baby 10/25/2024 (Fri) 00:10:54 No. 41787 [Reply]
one diaper isn't enough. how do you layer? do you use boosters? multiple diapers of the same size? pullups under pharmacy diapers under medical diapers under abdl diapers? small under medium under large? disposables under cloth?
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yea, having it thick does make it better, but not so thick that it became unrealistic to wear and restrict mobility too much. I only had access to cheap medical diapers. i usually layers a tena slip medium underneath a slip large. the medium diaper fits really good and it doesnt sag. instead of cutting a slit, i normally use sewing pins to poke a lot of little holes so that the polymer inside the diaper doesnt fall out when im ready to change. i also uses the same setup for messing. i usually wear diapers with a few layer of underwear on top to make it tight. idk if it just me but messing with a loose diaper felt kinda disgusting. yeah i know the whole diaper thing is already disgusting to begin with. i kinda like the mess to stick/pressed up againts my ass.
>>45619 Presumably they are fairly small to average and can layer starting size 'small' and work their way through 'XXXL' sizes. Starting at XXL i think you might struggle to get 20 on top of each other without using a roll of tape to fasten them. If you're going to use multiple diapers; might as well just use a disposable against the skin. plastic pants of top of that and you can as many velcro or cloth diapers for the bulk on top. cover that with some plastic pants and you've got a disposable to handle the actually wet/mess, plastic pants to protect everything and huge cloth bulk in many layers.
>>45669 >Presumably they are fairly small to average She's a fat bitch, lol

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Gif Thread Baby 09/03/2022 (Sat) 22:52:34 No. 16577 [Reply]
Post any male or female gif. real or animated. As long as there is a diaper involved its welcome
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>>46434 Not into caging but would love that level of care and affection
>>18560 I wish there was something more like the first GIF of these, but IRL. The way the diaper bulges out in all directions is more like it's being inflated, not being actually soiled, is particularly appealing

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Baby 01/13/2025 (Mon) 18:10:19 No. 45525 [Reply] [Last]
Does Your Family Know?
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>>46302 >Churches >not Synagogues of course anon, of course.
I like Jews and Mormons.
>>46409 /r/pastorarrested Don't drop your L on the way out.

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Punishment Thread Baby 11/17/2021 (Wed) 19:53:35 No. 7071 [Reply] [Last]
If I spanked your ass would you cry? Discussion for all things diapers and discipline. Or just a dump for punishment images.
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cyoa with ABDL/AR Themes Baby 05/28/2021 (Fri) 11:21:12 No. 3628 [Reply] [Last]
Did I miss any?
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>>42831 i recall this one being posted on the nsfw cyoa reddit, couldn't find it again, but i did find this: https://imgchest.com/p/n87weqbb7xd has a few options that are abdl related
>>46363 This is honestly pretty good but also surprised me that geocities is still a thing?

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What is your ultimate fantasy? Baby 11/18/2022 (Fri) 02:47:01 No. 19402 [Reply] [Last]
Mine is still being in highschool and living with a gf who lives with her mom. My gf always wets the bed so wears diapers at night, and wears them during the day just for fun and because they sometimes turn her on. I wear diaper too so that she doesn't feel alone and because they turn me on too. We spend weekends just playing video games and watching movies together or fooling around. I use my diaper whenever I want because she thinks it's cute. We never have sex during the day so that I can save my cum for the night time but she teases me by rubbing my diaper now and again, and I do the same to her. Her mom changes us both throughout the day and doesn't mind because she just wants her little girl to be happy. I often stay over at night and we sleep in her big bed together. Her mom helps us get ready for bed by diapering us and tucks us in. Once the lights go out I tear her diaper off and cream inside her multiple times. Sometimes I will tie her to the bed. She loves getting a bit rough, but eventually gets too tired and sore to keep going. She doesn't mind if I want to cum a couple more times because I am so horny, so she starts falling asleep on her tummy while I creampie her from behind a couple more times. Eventually I'm so exhausted that I put my diaper back on and usually have to do a giant pee by this point, and then fall asleep spooning her. In the morning her mom changes us and helps us get ready for school. My gf wears a pullup underneath most of the time, and sometimes I will too. At school we sometimes make out behind the toilet block. Then when we get home we start the whole thing over again!
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>>46210 I'm a fellow elder ABDL but bro you making us look creepy. wtf.
>>46183 >As an early teen she would dare her male friends to wear their little siblings diapers and go dressed a baby for Halloween. I know this isn't exactly what you're referring to but this awoke an old memory. When I was in high school every Halloween there'd always be at least a few girls who would dress as babies but with just like footie pajamas and a plush, maybe a paci clipped to them or something. But one year these two girls practically went full-on public ageplay, wearing actual disposable diapers over their clothes (with comically large safety pins stuck through the front), oversized pacifiers, and shirts that said I Love Mommy/I Love Daddy. And to confirm this was real and not a hormone-driven hallucination by 15 year old me, I did some light Facebook stalking and... yep, it was real, they posted pics that are still up. I think it was just a prepackaged Party City costume, but the fact it included what looked like real diapers instead of just like a cloth prop really stuck out to me. Anyways, to the topic at hand: I'm so starved for a real play date I'd settle for anything with a diaper girl, so my biggest fantasies are pretty basic cuddling, touching, diaper rubbing, etc. But if I had to pick one, diapered facesitting is really alluring to me as something I'd like to try. Not into regular facesitting, but I love the idea of having her padding pressed up against my face, completely immersed as she fills her diaper right on top of me, and opening my diaper to suck me off while grinding her squishy pampers against me. Of course in reality I'd probably barf from the smell if I really had a messy diaper in my face like that. I could handle smelling wet diapers, especially with copious amounts of powder. But I don't even mess myself IRL because I can't stand the smell or cleanup, I doubt I could go that far with it. Not without at least working up to it, if I even had a diaper girl who was willing to mess herself for me.
Mine is to be undressed and diapered by a soft caring mommy who likes to playfully tease me for wetting myself and then being wrapped and swaddled in a cocoon. Then she would hold me all tied up in her embrace and breastfeed me. If we are talking about more unrealistic scenarios, the mommy should be human-spider hybryd and cocoon me with her own web

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Any diaper sightings in public? Diaper sightings in public 07/06/2022 (Wed) 21:20:57 No. 13981 [Reply]
I know some people hate threads like this, but for me seeing a padded but out of the blue in a public place is a huge turn-on. Unfortunately it happened to me only once (besides a few suspicions) : a few months ago, the lady in front of me in a queue was undoubtedly diapered under her jeans. Any experiences like this?
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>>25978 Coincidentally enough, my only true sighting(s) in the wild was at a Dead & Co show as well, twice I shit you not (pun intended). I'm quite certain it was the same individual both times, and they were on different tours as well.
>>13981 >>13981 >Wed wow just wow look at that traced bloo lmao
Was in the bathroom at a Pilot truck stop near to Indianapolis earlier this week. Heard the telltale sound of tapes being torn off of a diaper in the next stall. Never saw the guy who was changing, but there was a used Abena plastic backed diaper in the trash when I left. I would never ask or intrude, but I'm left curious to know if he was incontinent, or if he is ABDL, or just wearing for convenience driving truck...

Why you reading the subject? Baby 10/02/2023 (Mon) 09:55:22 No. 30072 [Reply]
Diaper teir list
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I consider myself pretty vanilla, I mean as far as being into this thing goes.
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Have you ever changed a Diaper? Baby 01/11/2025 (Sat) 03:22:44 No. 45408 [Reply] [Last]
Have any of you guys actually ever changed a diaper? What's it like? Different from what you imagined?
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Honestly no hospital is worth getting put in diapers. Trust me.
>>45943 > Hospitals and seniors are starting to use them now I call bullshit. Name one hospital or nursing home using ABDL-themed diapers.
>>45952 expand on this, anon

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Baby 02/26/2022 (Sat) 01:46:45 No. 9502 [Reply] [Last]
Transgirls in diapers
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>>46104 I remember finding this persons imagefap folder aaaaages ago, such a cutie
Anyone know why Natalie mars stopped doing diaper stuff?

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