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Spy vidya Anonymous 02/21/2025 (Fri) 17:15:21 Id: a24857 No. 1073329
So with announcement of Amazon taking over the James Bond series, I'm just curious as to what people's thoughts are on the various 007 video games that have been released over the past 40 years.
In addition, what about all the other spy video games released, both licensed and original. And let's see how long people can last without mentioning Metal Gear nor Splinter Cell. No, this doesn't count.
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Thread reminded me I should play perfect dark. I played the demo(xbla) over and over again but never got the full game. Also this isn't a bond game but SIN episodes has this opening theme that sounds like a bond song.
Are there any spy games where the player engages in espionage and aren't adventure games (like pic related)?
>>1073337 I believe CounterSpy and Velvet Assassin would apply
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Does Medal of Honor Allied Assault count with the stealth section where you're disguised as a German officer to sabotage some submarines? >>1073341 >Chase the Express This one was more of an "Action B-series flick" game with a NATO soldier against terrorists, was it not?
>>1073347 I was also thinking about allied assault. They should make an entire game just like that segment.
>>1073329 >>1073333 (checked) I had so much fun with Perfect Dark. I really liked how the difficulty changed the mission objectives too. A shame I never had it in me to clear all the challenges. Those damn missions were insanely difficult towards the end. The 360 sequel was kind of shit. Though I did have fun with the infection mode back when the game still had an active playerbase. So I suppose it wasn't all bad.
>>1073333 >I should play perfect dark May your auspicious digits lead you to an enjoyable playthrough. I recommend trying one of the alternate control schemes (one where you look with the stick) disable auto-aim and cock-shot everybody. Assuming you can't jury-rig a mouse and keyboard on whatever you're playing on. >>1073331 Deus Ex counts as much as MGS, I guess. I remember that Gen 5 Mission Impossible game, and how you had to do a lot more social stealth than the scooty/buttslapping kind. And I guess if "social stealth" makes someone a "spy" than Hitman is also a "spy game."
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>>1073347 Yeah, I wasn’t sure if it would fit. I tried thinking of another game but couldn’t recall the name. Turns out it was Velvet Assassin >>1073339 I could only remember the picture showing off her costumes lol.
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Y'all niggaz forgot the best one!
>>1073355 nigger please

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