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Vidya Gaems

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jackbox Anonymous 04/30/2022 (Sat) 19:57:19 Id: 72b533 No. 590825
>ctrl + f "jackbox" <no results What's /v/'s stance on jackbox? Would anyone be willing to join if I hosted? Also /v/ackbox thread
The Big Boss won this time Junktopia is next
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Champ'd Up is here after Grady won Junktopia
LAST JACK BACK STREAM OF 2024 IS ON NOW! https://cytu.be/r/jackbox1 First game of the night is Blather Round
Currently playing Roomerang
>>1053324 >not a single depiction of undefeated ameriffat
I fell asleep and missed the jackbox night
>>1053368 Are there any translations of the MSX games? Every time I've gone looking for Metal Gear it's usually revamped versions of the NES/FC version.
>>1053396 The one that came with MGS3, no reason to play any other version.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEPdyY5JKqA If you have a youtube account, you can join in for an alternate jackbox stream. Currently playing DoDoReMi
Oh hey, guess what game just came out? https://store.steampowered.com/app/3188960/Use_Your_Words_2/ https://yewtu.be/watch?v=YzfHKY9cSYY The stream for tonight ought to begin in a little over half an hour from now
>thread is almost three years old
Next game will be Roomerang
Hope you're feeling better now Max. A fun night cut short, here's the links from Saturday's game before it gets any later: https://jackbox.tv/gallery/fixytext/9fc7924bc665775b0285ff694319a930 https://games.jackbox.tv/artifact/MakeFriendsGame/83a8b4a4db36db32439542de7fcbfc9c/ https://games.jackbox.tv/artifact/RapBattleGame/5662b9880c39eaffb5a1eef2589a6f0d/ Wish Use Your Words and the other games had something similar. You prefer hosting these on Saturdays or Mondays?
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The stream has begun tonight with Use Your Words 2! https://cytu.be/r/jackbox1
Perform the World Tuning one last time before August with DoDoRemi!
Big Boss saved the world On towards Junktopia
Junktopia and Quiplash 3 are through. Stream's ending early tonight, but we ought t be back on February 1st. See you then
We're starting the night with TKO!
Tomboy won in a landslide! Blatheround up next!
Currently playing Survive The Internet
Next game is FixtyText
The last game of the night may potentially be Junktopia
That's all for tonight. The next stream will be on the 15th.
Currently playing Fibbage 4
Welcome to the first Jackbox stream of March!: https://cytu.be/r/Jackbox1
It begins

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