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Vidya based dreams Anonymous 02/26/2025 (Wed) 00:58:33 Id: f4f4d4 No. 1074385
Have you ever had any dreams based on vidya, anon? Existing games or otherwise. I'll start with one I had a while ago: >Some sort of custom map, the part I'm in is some sort of long, blue, hexagonal tube with the bottom cut out and leaving a black abyss serving as a killzone, two white platforms lining either side (one above and one below), with doorways giving access for red on one side, and blu on the other (though the distance can be explosive jumped, but not scout doublejumped) >I am on BLU, playing soldier, on my side of the tube >Two RED soldiers are on the opposite side >rocket jumping around, hitting each other uselessly with their melees, exchanging voice lines, typical TF2 interactions >I whip out the righteous bison and start taking potshots >miss because it's the bison >one of the soldiers turns right towards me after my first shot misses, effortlessly steps out of the way of subsequent shots because again, it's the bison >actually intentionally steps back in front of my last two shots before I have to stop to reload, does the schadenfreude taunt, pain sounds interrupt the audio portion of it >he whips out his own righteous bison >we start blasting away at each other >neither of us can hit the other >other red soldier whips out his own bison and joins in >he can't hit anything either >the other players all start swapping to soldier and equipping the bison >start flooding into their respective halves of the tube >in a short time all 32 players on either team are spamming bison shots >projectiles flying everywhere, with crits mixed in as well >nobody can hit shit I don't think I've ever had a weapon I was so bad with that I actually had a dream based on it.
Shit, I forgot to mention in the OP but I think it goes without saying that this was a TF2 based dream.
>>1074385 I had a dream that Custom Robo was in Smash 4 ten years ago.
Not really a dream but once I played DA:O until like 4 in the morning. I then decided to do a all nighter because I had a dental at 11 and I didn't trust myself to wake up in time. When I came home though I was watching youtube videos and I kept falling asleep. Everytime I would fall asleep my character and alister would just stand against a yellow grass background and repeat whatever the youtube video would be saying. I also had dialogue options but I have no idea what they were.
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>hey, discussion on here has been pretty decent, we're on a ro- <another shitty and poorly thought OP that will only stoke five replies at most and then linger around taking up space I don't like this thread. Is it true you guys think the board is only page 1?
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I had one last night, actually. I played an elf archer in some manner of MMO and joined a group to tackle a particularly difficult dungeon. Entering the dungeon required going up or down a few levels using a series of ladders. These areas were swarmed by ferocious undead enemies that were reasonably higher in level to my elf. Luckily the group knew where to go and we simply avoided the mobs and arrived at the dungeon proper. It had many maze-like levels that were connected by stairs and inhabited by the most dreadful nightmares that my little elf archer could never hope to defeat solo. Merrily I looted every coin from each small scrimshaw chest I found, until I realised that the rest of the party had moved on without me. I was alone. As I'm frantically searching for the group, I see the health bars of the missing players suddenly start dropping and the group disbands. I had no other option then to escape. My elf archer ran as fast as she could from pursuing monstrosities to exit every level, but I had been focused on looting and blindly following my party that I had only the vaguest idea of how to get out. The terror set in stronger with each corner rounded and every dead end felt like it would be very well be the last. Somehow, I managed to climb each set of stairs and found myself back to the ladders that would lead to the final exit. The parade of enemies in pursue thinned and the relief that I felt was overwhelming. My elf archer would never be the same after this horrible experience and I woke up wondering what ever happened to her lost friends.
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>Be 14 >Playing 007: Everything or Nothing on my PS2 all weekend pretty much nonstop to get the Platinum Gun >Dream that I'm Bond and that I'm carry fucking a Bond girl, while rappelling from a building and shooting at goons >Wake up >Pants are wet I laugh my ass off everytime I'm reminded of it
No but I did just have deja vu during a mentiswave video.
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I had a dream about Pyramid Head just two days ago. The most vivid thing I remember was >dream that I'm stuck in some rundown factory >feel that something is chasing me so I pick up the pace >for some reason there was also a container full of okay-looking women in underwear that I managed to open >no time for lewd after rescue, gotta bail >go inside a bulding, go through several rooms, end up in large corridor in front of me >lights go out >not taking chances, try to go back where I came from >open the door >fucking Pyramid Head right behind it >fucking run from him though the dark corridor >manage to get to safety I also remember some other things like Pyramid Head chasing me through a parking lot or seeing him chopping off James Sunderland's leg, and let him die of blood loss. I never played Silent Hill or anything related at all, I don't like horror games.
>>1074385 The most striking example I remember was one that involved Supreme Commander >be UEF >be chilling in my ACU >defending that Black Sun thing >build stupidly overkill SimCity defense >enemies start coming >and they don't stop coming >after a long while start sweating uncomfortably >ask about when the fuck is that stupid Black Sun ready to fire >dumb sub commander bitch tell me it's been ready to fire for an hour >get really fucking mad over the comm at just about everyone that can hear >wake up with a migraine and drenched in sweat
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i dreamed that i was watching a new smash ultimate fighter reveal. >It was just a echo fighter of zero suit samus. >The name of the fighter was "Light girl markov" >She looked like zero suit samus, but had a weird cylinder glass helmet, short blonde hair, and black lipstick. Image : 8000 hours in GIMP.
Depends. Sometimes I start dreaming about rimworld after some rimworld hours.
>>1074534 Let's make her real lads.
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>>1074534 >"Light girl Markov" >black suit
I think I may have some sleep disorder, since I don't really dream - and what little fragments of a dream I do remember is gone almost as soon as I wake up. It took a lot of effort maintaining a dream journal, working it up from fragments to full synopsis, just to get the point where I could Lucid Dream - and I lost the ability to do it as soon as I stopped maintaining that journal. From what I can tell from the fragments I do remember, my dreams are mostly incoherent and shift dramatically and very rapidly. Even when I was Lucid Dreaming, it was difficult to maintain cohesion in the dream and the concentration it took to maintain lucidity made the dreams a neat novelty to play with - but not useful for exploration or wish fulfillment. I'm sure some videogame stuff slips in fairly often, but I don't really remember any of it. What I can say from the fragments that stick around is that when I dream - overwhelmingly I tend to dream in third person, and not as myself. When I talk to other people about it, especially people who don't play games, I've been told that is strange. Makes me wonder if it's not similar to the phenomena of people who grew up with black and white TVs, having a tendency to often dream in Black and White.
Once in a while I'll be walking home at night and have a stealth section. To my subconscious, stealth means Deus Ex. It's kinda cool, passing through some sort of fenced-off facility with a lot of weird geometry for breaking line of sight, but where there might also be cameras.
Vidya dreams are weird in my experience. They're smoothly integrated into the overall narrative so much so that I won't even notice it at times. More often than not, however, I have dreams that would make excellent games. The vidya dreams I do have are usually about games like Dark Souls, Civ IV, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, THPS, Yakuza, and Project Zomboid. Sometimes I dream about Starcraft and Zerg Kerrigan. Those are the most "dangerous" ones.
I've had several dreams about Voices of the Void, mostly from playing the game so late into the night so it was vividly fresh in my mind. I'll just screencap them as attachments here because character limit. Apart from VOTV I've had random dreams of simply playing Mario 64 or TF2, or when Doom 2016 was the new hotness I'd frequently have your average nightmare of some spooky monster except partway through I got to be the Doomguy just punching the monster in the dick as if it were Doom 2016 gameplay which was the best shit ever. >>1074394 is this the same fun-hating faggot that goes into every thread on this site to bitch and complain because if so ur gay
>>1074394 Anon, the last thread on the last page is from October of last year. This isn't halfchan, your favorite threads aren't going to 404 from people constantly posting new threads here. Also, acting like people shouldn't have discussions and a variety of threads instead of like 10 different constantly reposted generals kinda makes you a faggot.
>>1074791 The only creepypasta to creep me out was that Morrowind one, and in turn, it's also the only one I've dreamt about. Possibly because I also experienced something one night where I woke up, seemingly at random, and heard taps at the window. For context, my room was in the basement at the time, and the windows were at ground-level above me, and none of them had curtains, or anything preventing someone from just...looking in. I think I pretended I was asleep, but kept an eye open to see what was there.
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>>1074385 I remember dreaming about a TF2 mod inside Goygle Maps, like any class you choose would interact with the real world and you could use them as your golems killing shitskins pissing outside of your house. Quite surreal seeing those gangsta niggers shooting at your POV but their real life pistols would deal the same damage as the ones ingame, I do recall chasing one of them and knocking him in the cold with a critical hit as the heavy with his fists. Oh yeah I also I had a dream about Super Mario Sunshine, similar to Bowser's Fury, where you could do all sorts of stupid shit just to piss off Bowser and chase you but it was impossible for him because you had FLUDD.
I have these pretty often. Usually if I play a game a lot for a few days I'll dream about it. I'll also have dreams about games I'm yet to play that I'll end up playing months or years in the future. I don't remember all of them too well though, but one I remember was pretty funny. I was getting dragged into guiding lands shit with Monster Hunter World a fair bit last year, and one night I had this dream I was fighting a Radobaan or Uragaan variant with massive blue crystals all over, like the full-grown crystal lizards in Dark Souls 3. He also had crystal mist breath and sleep gas. The environment was some massive crystal winter cave with similar looking blue crystals everywhere. After telling a friend about this dream he tells me about Crystalbeard Uragaan, which while not entirely a 1-to-1 the similarity is pretty fucking funny, as I had not played GU yet and had no idea this variant existed.

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