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Minecraft General Anonymous 01/11/2025 (Sat) 13:41:52 Id: dca2c8 No. 1059987
For Minecraft discussion, builds, pictures, videos, and YouTube. >Frequently Asked Stupid Questions Q: I stopped playing months ago, what's new in Minecraft? A: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Version_history Q: What launcher should I use? A: PolyMC is the current flavor of multiMC fork. Q: How do I install mods? A: Download the Fabric or Forge modloaders, install for the version you want, and launch the game to generate the necessary files. then go through Curse's awful shitty search system until you find a mod you want, download it, and put it in your new mods folder in the minecraft directory. Check the mod's curse page for more specific installation requirements and dependencies. >Official stuff: * Website - http://minecraft.net * Forums - http://minecraftforum.net * Mojang - http://mojang.com * Wiki - http://minecraft.gamepedia.com >Launchers: * Prism (Regularly updated general purpose launcher) - https://prismlauncher.org/ * PollyMC (Pirate friendly fork of Prism) - https://github.com/fn2006/PollyMC * PonyMC (Certified clown launcher) - https://www.reddit.com/r/PolyMCLauncher/ >Mod downloads and wikis: * Curseforge (the biggest mod/texturepack/resources repository) - https://minecraft.curseforge.com/ * Feed the Beast (another big repository) - http://feed-the-beast.com * FTB wiki (the biggest mod wiki) - https://ftbwiki.org/Feed_The_Beast_Wiki * The other ftb wiki (slightly less useful than the first) - https://ftb.gamepedia.com/ * Japan forum (has some hidden gems, hope you speak 日本語) - https://forum.civa.jp * MCModBrowser - https://mcmodbrowser.neocities.org >Modding Tools and Documentation: * Current Forge docs (1.15/1.16) - https://mcforge.readthedocs.io * Forge docs GitHub archive (1.12-1.16) - https://github.com/MinecraftForge/Documentation * Forge docs GitHub archive (1.7) - https://skmedix.github.io/ForgeJavaDocs/javadoc/forge/1.7.10- * Fabric mod loader (1.14+) - https://fabricmc.net/ * Example mods (1.8-1.15) - https://github.com/TheGreyGhost/MinecraftByExample * McJty tutorials (1.10/1.12/1.14) - https://wiki.mcjty.eu/modding/index.php?title=Main_Page * Open source mods list - https://github.com/agaricusb/ForgeMod/wiki/List-of-Open-Source-Forge-Mods * A bunch of docs about mod development for 1.7 - https://gtnh.miraheze.org/wiki/Development * A Guide for hosting your own server for (((free))) [(((free))) means paying with your personal info :^)] - https://blogs.oracle.com/developers/post/how-to-set-up-and-run-a-really-powerful-free-minecraft-server-in-the-cloud >Old mod links (you might find good stuff in here, but it's best to stick to curseforge for general purpose searches): * Mod list - http://bot.notenoughmods.com * Another mod list - http://modlist.mcf.li * Resource links - http://minecraftforum.net/forum/41- * Beta repository - https://archive.org/details/minecraftbeta1.7.3modarchive
What if there was a factory pack that was based around trading? Instead of dumping resources into components for machines you could get a random quest that asks for x amount of some component or finished product (like chairs, tables, etc) in exchange for an amount of coins, then you can use those coins to buy more machines or exotic resources. Then you look at what quests are available, choose the demand you want to fulfill, then use those coins to buy machines and set up more automation. As you complete more quests, the sell prices of goods adjust based on how much you sell, encouraging either multiple sources of income and increasingly diverse farms and products, or specialization in certain products to produce them more efficiently. Villages could be reworked into trade hubs that use these mechanics to grow and adapt based on economic conditions. Imagine making a factory that cut down logs and turned them into furniture, then sending them on a train to a village where they get dropped off, and then the train returns with imported goods and emeralds (or "emerald coins"). Or maybe a factory imports iron ore, makes a variety of iron tools, then sells them back at a profit. Maybe a priest needs alchemical catalysts for an enchantment and there could be a laboratory that takes mundane components and converts them into alchemy-ready materials.
>>1059987 Fandom has bought that wiki, https://minecraft.wiki/ is the new one.
I've not played Minecraft in over ten years, how is the state of it? Is it basically the same game but with a few new things like villagers and bees, or has it become a completely different game that just shares the visuals?
>>1059992 They made it deeper in the overworld but theres enough stuff aboveground to never need to go strip-mining. New nether biomes and a higher tier of weapon and armor from blowing up the nether until you find a some. Torches now prevent spawns from light level 2 rather than 7 or whatever it was. It's the same game all around, nothing like what hytale or notch's minecraft 2 would be.
>>1059992 the only important thing is that microsoft cancelled the sex update by sending a cease and desist to the author of the jenny mod
>>1059992 >I've not played Minecraft in over ten years, how is the state of it? Completely directionless. There is legitimately new stuff but none of it congeals to anything. There are like five new rock types that have no use beyond building. There are new mobs like the Sniffler which are so rare and have so little impact they might as well not exist. They added two new ores, one of which has no purpose (besides one useful item which which just repackages what used to be a basic feature, zooming), you can't even make tools out of it; the other is so rare it's hardly worth the effort. Oh yeah, they also added a mob that attacks you constantly if you don't sleep regularly. The biggest differences you'll notice are >the completely reworked world generation >massively expanded Nether content Besides that, it's still more or less the same core game it was in 2014 with more shit tacked on, not all of it good. There's a joke in the community that Minecraft feels like it's being developed by three different people with opposing interests who are all unaware the other two exist. >>1060007 Is that what happened? Wew lad. That was a really well animated mod, too.
>>1059989 There's a few packs that have similar ideas to that. Not usually making inane things like furniture, but the loop of "buy materials, turn it into finished product" exists. >>1059992 Biggest update was making the underground deeper and adding Sculk. In my opinion, the underground updates were probably the best of the post 1.13 update series, followed by the nether update. It's generally the same game, and I personally still stick with modded (which has its own issues.) The problem with nu-minecraft is that there's something of an A team and a B team. The A team has good ideas and drops shit every 3-4 years. The B team is in charge of the regular updates (regular meaning 8-10 months) and add inconsequential shit like leaf piles. They recently added "the pale garden" which is a mini biome part of dark oak forests, which have weeping angel treants. It's pretty minimal though. Microsoft has made Nu-Mojang's update speed problem even worse. And the lack of modding support means mods break and get stranded anyways. >>1060007 >>1060065 Biggest issue with the jenny mod is the idiot was trying to make money off of it. More specifically, paywalling the entire mod behind patreonbux and adding DRM. Mojang is rather hands off with minecraft shit so this was probably a brand-image + making shitloads of money issue.
>>1060100 Pretty sure mojang gets anal about guns on vanilla servers too.
>>1060101 yeah but they're pretty inconsistent with that. All sorts of wild brand image shit are on mojang's own official server list (mainly child gambling, i mean surprise mechanics). Adding a whole r34 subculture though is one hell of a brand image problem and its one that the jenny fag popularized. (and made loads of mone over.)
>>1060103 Now imagine it got leaked in completed form out of spite :^)
>>1060101 Because the newer devs are very anti-violence. I can't remember who said it, but I once read somebody joke that modern Mojang wouldn't allow you to hunt wildlife if they were only starting Minecraft today. They're obviously trying to instill morals into kids, Mojang is acutely aware MC's playerbase is very young and a lot of their actions make more sense in that context.
>>1060106 someone else is actually working on it now, the source was handed over to another developer but it's still not opened so who knows if it's not just a bitcoin miner >>1060107 it really is stupid how development seems like a tug of war between devs trying to add adventure elements and devs trying to convert it into a petting zoo, especially considering that it wouldn't be that much of an undertaking to simply make peaceful mode more pg by taking out entity damage entirely
Can someone explain why I can't just find a torrent for whatever the newest version is and install it? I have no interest or desire to play multiplayer at all. I just want to find out what the fuss is with this game since I've never played it.
>>1060145 Minecraft is kind of annoying to pirate, it might actually be easier to play one of the open source clones of it. They're not 1:1 but they're pretty close.
>>1060145 >>1060150 Since you just want to find out what the fuss is and not go deep, if it's annoying to pirate you could play on an emulator.
Since you have no interest or desire to play multiplayer and all.
>>1060145 I'm not sure I would even recommend the newest version, not even for free.
>>1060145 literally just use the polymc launcher, it downloads the game and allows you to create an "offline account" with any username, and it wont try to authenticate it as a mojang/microsoft account you can play any version, just create an instance and pick whatever version you want it also can directly download modpacks or individual mods off curseforge and modrinth which curseforge has made an absolute ball ache to do anything on that god forsaken site
>>1060145 Download pollymc and have fun
>>1060100 The Jenny mod is still around. they added kobolds and now I spend my time creating basically an ant colony where my koboldfs strip mine for me while I breed more of them
>>1060145 To elaborate >>1060181 if you really want to find out why the game became so popular you should play one of the earlier versions. Every anon will give you a different "best version" but to try to get that classic feel go find the version from just before they added horses. If you want an even more classic feel try the version just before hunger was added. >torrent Another option, if you have or can get an old console is to get one of the old console discs. 360 version for example. Which is functionally a first party Minecraft clone and different in several ways but it'll give you the basic feel.
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Guys look minecraft
Probably fake, but there's a purported leak of Minecraft's 3-year-plan. The only notable thing about it is a planned spinoff called Spiceworld, but judging by Minecraft's other spinoffs I wouldn't hold much hope for it. The image kind of looks like it's made in MS Paint but the Spiceworld logo looks oddly decent, strange.
*Spicewood, fuck
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>>1060828 >Spiceworld <clearly says Spicewood
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>>1060831 Yes, I corrected myself immediately after. Before you posted.
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>>1060828 <BRAND DEAL <LIVE STREAM <BRAND DEAL <LIVE STREAM <MOVIE <BRAND DEAL <LIVE STREAM <BRAND DEAL <TELEVISION >absolutely nothing of note for the game That's how you know it's legitimate.
>>1060828 Was there always 2 minecraft livestreams per year?? I thought the streams are only for the lazy Mob votes
>>1060828 Why do they call it "Minecraft Live" when Minecraft is fucking dead?
>>1060854 >Minecraft is fucking dead Is this bait? Minecraft sold 300,000,000 times, better than any game.
>>1060920 Lifetime sales have nothing to do with if a game is "dead." "Dead" refers to how many people are currently playing. Maybe he's still wrong, I don't play this shit, but I'm bothered by your bad logic or understanding of English.
>>1060921 >Thinking after selling 300,000,000 times, better than any game, it would be dead Black Ops II's a top 50 all time best seller worldwide. If Minecraft had a tenth of Black Ops II's retention, Minecraft would be less dead than Black Ops II. Even retarded Guatemalans with half the standard IQ can understand why a game that sold better than any isn't dead, so your bad logic, and pre-fraction understanding of math, isn't real, and you're overbaiting when my English was perfect. Get better bait if you want more lasting arguments.
>>1060930 Sometimes things can be very popular at one time and not at other times. Big fads can fade. I don't know about this particular one, but I do know that lifetime sales aren't necessarily the same as current life.
>>1060854 >>1060921 >>1060934 Talking absolute shit
>>1060920 consider how many sales were during the $5 era, then it jumped to what, $10? $20? Now it's like $30? I know people were buying up a ton of gift and alt accounts just because of how god damn cheap it used to be. Now a lot of those accounts are just dead because of the stupid migration bullshit, where unless you had the original receipt and/or email used to acquire the account you effectively had no recourse, microsoft just held a knife to your head and said "we're not FORCING you, but if you can't deliver what we want we are taking the game away" and even if you COULD deliver a 15 year old receipt/email to migrate, and went through the arduous process of setting up a microsoft account just to play autism bricks, you could get your brand new account suspended the NEXT DAY, in which you are forced to identify yourself with a phone number "for security" to access your account again, which is fat load of horse shit because there is no prompt to set up 2fa in the first place when creating the account just to lure the player into a false sense of security. First you de-anonymize the players, tie all of their games together under on umbrella, one account, one terms of service, then you take away their games for violating the vague and arbitrary rules, it's free money in microsofts pocket because it's money they don't have to waste supporting those players and in-house servers, and if the player wants to play again well they have to get a new identity and buy it all over again, microsoft rubs their hands like flies on shit
>>1060828 so there's 2 WB projects this year? or is it to represent the VOD ralease of the movie? I assume that's what that means since the first WB logo says "Theatrical"
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join my minecraft server frends, 100 slots 1.21.4 vanilla no-hack anarchy survival, works on java and bedrock. come and do whatever you want.
4D Miner dev log, if anyone cares about that. It's a four dimensional Minecraft where every individual seed (in just 3D space) is 15,000 light years on a side. For some reason. The uniqueness is just in the 4 dimensionality of it, not the unnecessarily large size. Seems like the perfect next step for people autistic enough to play Minecraft. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4CMKoVgqOM
>>1071632 I was somewhat interseted in that but the crowd funding for that didn't reach its goal, is the dev still working on it?
>>1071677 Apparently. The video's from only a few hours ago.
Does anyone know anything about some Minecraft fan-animation where some guy and a girl are stealing bank trucks and being chased by a frog security guard?
What I really hate is there is no "best version" for me to go back to.
>>1075067 There actually is a version the modding community settled on, I can't remember which. Beta 1.7.3 I think? There's a whole scene trying to expand the game from that point called Better Than Adventure! https://www.betterthanadventure.net/ The idea is "What if 2011 Minecraft kept going in that direction?"
>>1075105 That's quite nice actually. I hope they add just a few more decorative block though.
>>1075105 they're probably already further ahead than my attempt to do a total reverse engineer of one of the old versions >>1075144 it is always morally correct to not pay for microsoft products
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>>1075155 Are you the anon that was adding turkeys and things? >>1075105 In particular I hope they add some hay and thatch blocks. And carpets. Of the "newer" blocks those are some that I would really have a hard time living without.
>>1075105 >community You mean one group for one mod. There's Beta 1.7.3, 1.2.5, 1.7.10, 1.12.2, 1.16.5, 1.19, 1.20.1, 1.21.1... which illustrates exactly the kind of reason why old mods just die. Thaumcraft still hasn't been ported past the 1.12.2->1.13 barrier. It's precisely the fact that the community hasn't settled on a version past one or two updates behind. (Which isn't "settling" as is just waiting for the 150 or so "major mods" to update or have alternate versions and abandoning the rest in favor the new version.)
>>1059992 They changed the world generation multiple times and the last major one was a bridge too far for me.
>>1075105 >>1075446 The best solution I think would be for /v/ to "adopt" a mod (Like BTA or that other anon's mod) as their official version and keep a server or two running of it as /v/ official server. Try to collect everyone together in a rallying point of sorts.
>>1075639 I've never done any minecraft modding. How complicated is it?
>>1076426 Depends on the version. It gets easier as time goes on, simply because mods got internal datapacks to help implement things. But it's Java, so it's still going to be a pain in the ass depending on what you want to do.
>>1075105 >There actually is a version the modding community settled on The most popular versions are 1.7, 1.12 and 1.21, the latter being the current version. Updates used to break shit fairly regularly but as a modding platform it's been pretty stable since 1.18 (ie. it's easy to make a few minor adjustments, if needed at all, to update a mod from 1.18 to 1.19 to 1.20 and so on whereas going from 1.7 to 1.8 or 1.12 to 1.13 was more difficult). Old versions are played a lot because a lot of popular and very good mods and modpacks (like Thaumcraft 4) stopped being supported and/or ported to new versions.
>>1076426 if you mean installing a mod, it's very simple, plenty of launchers will do it for you, if you mean making a mod... without a good undestanding of java, it is difficult, you not only need to learn java but also how to use any of the apis and libraries you have to choose from forge/neoforge/fabric/quilt as your modding api, and there are too many library mods to count where developers were inventing their own version of the wheel just for their mod, and many of them probably do the same thing, which you should look through anyway because it would be faster to use a library that provides features you'd want to include instead of re-inventing the wheel AGAIN, and you have to get familiar with an IDE like intellij, and the gradle build system but let's say you also want to do something visual, like add a mob, then you'd want to get familiar with blockbench to start designing mobs or NPCs buut if you want to have more than simple swinging around animations then you'll have to install the geckolib plugin for blockbench, and also read the api documentation for geckolib so you know how to use the model and the animation you just worked on or you can ignore most of that and use mcreator like a bunch of new modders, which may lack a bunch of features but lets you shit something out at a breakneck pace there will always be one constant with whatever you decide on though: documentation will always be fucking awful and if something isn't working you will not find a single fucking answer because everyone started their own discord channel to gatekeep support oh and good luck finding a single tutorial worth a damn, because it seems every person who started making a tutorial on how to do anything gave up before getting to anything more complex than adding a new tool or block, because of how fast versions change

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