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JRPG/RPG recommendation thread Anonymous 03/08/2024 (Fri) 13:47:38 Id: e5941b No. 943592
I'm still new (;^ω^)!
Edited last time by Mark on 03/08/2024 (Fri) 16:48:57.
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>>1038109 Phantasy Star IV has combat capable vehicles which you need in order to open up the map, like the Ice Digger you need to burrow through the glaciers that block off much of Dezolis's map. Earlier games in the franchise also had vehicles, but they weren't nearly as well fleshed out as PSIV. (Not counting space ships either, since you can't explore the planets with them)
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>>1038109 Does Uncharted Waters 2: New Horizons count as a JRPG? The whole game is exploring a world map.
>>1034648 So, I believe the Romancing SaGa minstral song is the first one, remastered twice now. However, there were some Final Fantasy Legend titles before them. Next is Romancing SaGa 2, now remastered and then 3. The SaGa Frontiers followed and then Unlimited SaGa. There were phone games thereafter. Honestly, there is no rationale to play any of them in any order, but I would recommend the first SaGa Frontier. I seemed to enjoy that one more than any other, with Unlimited being very interesting and challenging as well.
>>1038660 Cheers anon. I'll give Minstrel Song and Frontier a go after I'm done with 2RE. But I've got DQ3 HD2D coming out on Thursday so I'll probably take a break from the Saga saga to play that.
>>1038660 There were those 2 Gameboy Saga games that got remade for the NDS
I just finished Romancing Saga 2 in time for DQ3RE tomorrow morning. It took me about 70s hours without doing the short and optional post-game content or second playthrough for the achievements. I don't think I will replay it but it was a solid game.
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I completed Brothership. It was co-developed by Acquire, the co-developer of Octopath Traveler and Octopath Traveler II, and lived up to my Mario & Luigi favorite, Superstar Saga. The director from Superstar Saga returned as the lead game designer for Brothership, and though AlphaDream is defunct, some AlphaDreamers returned too. I score Brothership 9/10. I never felt bored, and always looked forward to revealing more story, battling more enemies, hearing more songs, and seeing more set pieces. It's playful, it's playable, and in the 2024 video game drought, it quenched my thirst.
>>1039772 How does it stack compared to the other M&L games?
>>1038186 >>1038245 Also The Granstream Saga.
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Spoiler screenshots for Brothership's true final level. The middle screenshot's during the final boss. >>1039916 How it stacks compared to the others is battles, set pieces, animations, backgrounds, and cutscenes are the best in Mario & Luigi. Learning enemy patterns is harder. Bowser's character's the best besides Bowser's Inside Story, and Brothership's story explores bonds between characters more. Concordia introduces unique enemies past Bowser's minions. Cloned Toads from Paper Jam weren't as memorable as Concordian plug-people, like Wattanist Connie, her mentor Cozette, Groovemaster Dyode, Patriarc and Arc, the Rumbla family Willma and Maykit and Billdit, Leyden and his assistant, the eager IDLE group, the villainous Extension Corps, the lovebirds Chilliam and Burnadette, the rivals Technikki and Adaphne, the friendly Buddy, and the Great Conductor. Brothership's longer. It's less linear, with more story choices, and for some islands, like the lush Twistee or the jungle Raynforst, you pick the island you finish first. Luigi's overworld auto-jump makes exploration feel smoother. More side quests, more twists and turns in paths in environments.
>>1038698 >Gameboy Saga >>1039216 >Romancing Saga >>1040148 >Granstream Saga All those Sagas but Xenosaga best Saga.
>>1040395 >Connie I'm not sure how to feel about this name localization.
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>>1041579 I personally prefer the Buu Saga.
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>>1041584 Connie's the best name for her character in Mario & Luigi: Brothership. She's a connector (Connie-ctor) from Concordia (concord, connection cord), mentored by Cozette to help the Uni-Tree grow Connectar (Connie-ctar, connector, nectar), in a game about connections (Connie-ctions) of islands and between people. It's why she's a plug, those connect. Concordia, the world of Brothership, is a real girl's name of Latin origin. Connie's a real nickname for Concordia. Connie's コネッタ (Konetta) in Japan, from コネクター (konekutā) meaning "connector," so the localization is faithful. Connie's character's feminine, adorable, playful, and supportive. She's not ideologically captured by the politics of her author. She's important, but humble, never girlbossy, and likes helping. Her moments in Brothership are a delight, like cutscenes where Connie air-dances with joy as she reconnects Great Lighthouses with her bonding can.
>>1041595 Connie sounds like a good waifu. She's a cute.
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>>957217 I emulated the first one until I reached a point in the game that had a unavoidable story glitch caused by the official translation. Lost all interest. It was during some big story boss battle where a weapon is charging or something.
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>>1041820 >Spicy version Wrong, this one is.
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>>1038186 >Terranigma. I thought that game was unfinished? >>1022965 Isn't that just headcanon? I played the whole game twice over, both as a kid and an adult I and I just recall them being rivals/friends. >>1022873 1 was fun, but I played 3 first and 1 over a decade later when I could emulate games. Cat tits were nice though. 3 will always be my favorite. I like it's soundtrack the most too. 2 was okay, but the English translation was so bad, it read like the people giving you order in the beginning admitted to being the once who tried to kill your to your face and you did nothing about it. Really dampened the experience. I heard 12 inspired Trigun, and Trigun in turn served to influence Wild ARMs 2 and 3, which has a vague portrait of Vash in one of the Inns in 2. Also, 2 predicted LOSS and Marivel a cute.
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>>1041850 Fuck, that's a lottta typos.
>>1041850 >Isn't that just headcanon? Pic 1 (or rather, the two sets of four pictures combined into a single images) is official art.
>>1040395 The finale is amazing, possibly the best in the series. Definitely makes up for the slow beginning since the game gets better and better afterwards.
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>>1038109 This spoils an RPG from this year, but far into Brothership, you select from 2 plans to upgrade Shipshape Island to a submarine or an airship. I selected the airship, and can fast travel to any point on any current in Concordia. It's Shipshape's second upgrade, after an early upgrade to sail faster.
>>1045498 >spoils "the rpg got an airship" spoils like "the fps got a gun" or "the fighter got combos" or "the vn got no gameplay"
>>1040395 I don't know what the Zero Punctuation faggot is talking about, the graphics look exactly like the artwork for the first M&L brought in 3D. Really boggles my nogging when the complaint for a Switch game is "it's got bad graphics"
>>1046156 Nintendo does colorful, competent fantasy aesthetics without AAA budget polygon counts, kind of like Onirism does
>>1046156 >I don't know what the Zero Punctuation faggot is talking about Yahtzee has had shittakes on games for years. The only irony is that he's better than Razor.
>>1046157 Yeah, but its heavily stylized, which might not be everyone's cup of tea. >>1046191 Razor is a contrarian, so give it enough time and his takes will eventually wheel around to being not gay.
>>1045498 I picked the submarine and it does the exact same thing.
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I love JRPGs but I don't know how to defend them from mean bullies who say they're gay and are only played by autistic sissies. Help.
>>1055701 Like not all Muslims are terrorists but terrorists are Muslims, not all JRPG players are autistic sissies but autistic sissies are JRPG players.
Is Final Fantasy Type-0 good? I remember people years ago saying it was a return to the golden age of the single digit Final Fantasies, but I never got around to playing it back then.
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>>1055701 JRPGs are ultimately iterations on Western tabletop games. <they're gay Have these so-called critics looked at the WRPG Baldin' Gay 3 which got advertised with ursidic bestiality? 99% of JRPGs out there showcase heteronormative standards whereas WRPGs are all too happy to stain themselves with rainbow paint. >>1075784 >Type-0 Eh, it's alright. It only got repute because it was untranslated for the longest time, but once it actually did get translated and then ported to the Piss4 what people found was that it was Final Fantasy's attempt to pander and scoop up the Purseowner demographic, much like Falcom tried getting in on that with Tokyo Xanadu. So if you're into an ARPG take on that, great, otherwise feel free to skip. Also, this is a rare Final Fantasy title where one of the artists (female) went into extensive detail texturing unique pantsu for each of the female characters. The press release was since removed during Square Enix's recent phase of trying to suck up to DEI, but that alone is a gimmick that justifies the game's existence.
>>1055701 >giving a shit about the opinions of retards Enjoy the games that you enjoy; shit taste fags will always exist.
>>1055701 Trial by combat. Only way.

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