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The Elder Scrolls thread Anonymous 09/11/2023 (Mon) 11:59:18 Id: a3df2a No. 884310
We have furries and they're all addicted to crack. Covering the basic news. >The Elder Scrolls VI is officially in early development, all eagerly await its 2065 release to play a TES game with even fewer RPG mechanics. >Daggerfall Unity is leaving Beta and considering a full 1.0 release, the in-dev 0.16 release being the earliest candidate. This would mark the completion of its 9-year development and the first major TES engine port to be finished. The project will enter a stage of "post-release support" likely involving bug fixes and further modding improvements. >Skyblivion posted a new status report, showing major progress. There's too much to cover, I recommend watching their 2023 roadmap if interested https://yewtu.be/watch?v=H1q1nXLDjB8
>>1060571 All the jank, soul and problematic things will be stripped down from the game, they will add paid mod support and crafting.
>Dagoth calls an Argonian Nerevar "Farm Equipment." That's a good one. https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=OPCmdCS6fS4
>>1068961 Bethesda voiceover is so monotone you might as well use AI.
>>1060571 Given the current state of the industry, I'll be very surprised if it actually makes 2025.
>>1068961 For all the jokes about Dagoth Ur and slavery, is there even any indication the Sixth House actually supports keeping foreign races around as slaves instead of driving them all out outside of accepting Dren's alliance? I'm not aware of any references to slavery by the Dunmer in the pre-Battle of Red Mountain era.
>>1069009 The industry was less bloated and was still buying and doing drugs with the money they were using several decades ago, they'll release something and call it a remake if they feel like it.
Last week, Ted Peterson did an interview with VideoGamer. He had some interesting things to say, he spent some talking about the recent rejection of "watered down" RPGs. He also talked a lot about The Wayward Realms. He also shits on TES lore I'll upload it for anybody who wants to listen.
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>>1069367 I know people like to shit on From and Souls, but those games were really the ones that reversed the trend of dumbing down every single genre just to pander to CODniggers. I'm just glad to now live in a world where it isn't just AAA slop and mid sized companies influenced by it like it was during 7th Gen where Skyrim was the "peak" of RPGs.
>>1069371 >I know people like to shit on From and Souls, but those games were really the ones that reversed the trend of dumbing down every single genre just to pander to CODniggers. Nigger WHAT? It's being generous to call Soulsborne lore half-baked window dressing and it's all the same flavor. It's a collection of vague, cryptic mutterings and obscure statements from NPCs that are otherwise about as talkative about a brick combined with art and design decisions of ambiguous relevance and the """players""" (read: jewtubers) are the ones who piss and shidd themselves over trying to pull some kind of coherence out of the whole mess while patching the numerous holes with their own headcanon which they insist isn't that because it's supported by this one statement from this one NPC that you get if you fail questline A and progress in questline B to the third stage and then drop some random piece of garbage on the ground in front of the NPC - and they insist that it's "good" and "complex" because trying to get anything coherent on its face is somewhere between pulling teeth and writing fanfiction.
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>>1069434 >Lorefags are retarded What else is new? I'm talking about the gameplay here, souls was more punishing than every handhold AAA garbage game out there and it influenced other games to up their difficulty and actually take some chances with their gameplay systems without compromising them for the wider audience of CODniggers.
>>1069439 I don't know why but I swear you were talking about lore. Sorry anon.
>>1069439 --The Gaming Industry-- Gamers: We want X. Managerial Class Exec: No, you don't. Gamers do not want X. Indi or AA Dev: *Gives Gamers X and gets millions of sales Managerial Class Execs: *is influenced to do the same The Journos still seethe how Elden Ring wouldn't add difficulty and its community for better or worse just says to git gud.
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>>1069466 Xitter tier, lurk some more you fucking newfag
>>1069367 Pre or Post Howard complete control lore?
>>1069467 I've been here since the original 8chan, when Hotwheels was considered cool, but fine. The video game industry isn't influenced in the sense an indie developer or an AA developer would be. It is ran by people with no industry experience, being advised by people with marketing degrees, or now DEI/ESG or morons from a company they think knows what they're talking about (see Bungie and laugh at soyny). Gamers keep telling the industry they want things. The industry keeps saying no, no one wants it. IE product not viable to support our bloat and bonuses. Then some indie developer or AA developer delivers what everyone keeps asking for and makes millions. As much as Outlast sucks a fat one, it revived the survival horror genre by making millions. Stardew Valley was made because the developers of Story of Seasons wouldn't create an old-school Story of Seasons game and kept putting out watered down games which they still do. Now he's a multimillionaire and probably responsible for the explosion of the sim genre. Dark Souls because it wasn't locked to a platform no one owned exploded in popularity because it gave people difficulty and expected competency from them. Leading to the managerial class executives to allow their remaining competent developers to make games that required a few functioning neurons and reflexs better than a geriatric to beat. Elden Ring showed the industry Ubisoft is fucking incompetent with their design and gamers don't want hand holding. Guess what surged afterward? Baldur's Gate 3 showed the industry gamers want role playing in their role playing game. Big brained revelation I know. Forcing Avowed before it went full pants on head retarded with the woke virtue signalling that will likely cost Microsoft their government contracts, to go into defense mode and defense their games lack of role playing. These dumb fucks aren't being influenced by squat. They're chasing trends they think will make them money and even then not really. The next big revelation is going to be Oblivion Remaster showing everyone that Gamebryo is a shit engine. Imagine going from an engine with render distance back to an engine without it. Oh boy is everyone going to eat Elder Scrolls 6 alive. That game is going to get rebooted in Unreal. Hopefully after Toddy and Emile are shitcanned...I mean retire to pursue whatever.
>>1069468 Pre, he doesn't like some of Morrowind's lore. He described Dragon Breaks as "silly".
>>1069475 oh, you're retarded and part of the 70 plus percent without reading comprehension skills. Why didn't you say so?
>>1069467 Man, 2020 was such a crazy and fun year if you weren't a faggot. Do you think we'll get another one like that again?
>>1069476 AA and indies are still part of the industry. You're referring to AAA games as "the industry" when it also encompasses AA and indies. You also need to learn how to fucking format Jesus Christ anon. >>1069477 It's only going to get more and more crazy anon Nothing lasts forever
>>1069474 So he likes Michael Kirkbride's work and thinks everything that followed lacks quality? Time shenanigans are rarely done right. >>1069478 AA and Indi developers are part of the wider gaming industry, yes. They are not part of the AAA industry. When people talk about the industry, they're typically referring to the AAA part of the gaming industry. You're not the first person to whine about paragraph spacing and you won't be the last. Cope.
>>1069480 I'm not following the thread, don't even like Elder Scrolls, and think I agree with the idea you're trying to express. But for using "cope" like that, I still want to interject for a moment and call you a fucking faggot.
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>>1069480 >When people talk about the industry, they're typically referring to the AAA part of the gaming industry. No not really, especially here, which is one of the many reasons I can tell you're a newfag. It's time to go back now
>>1069480 >So he likes Michael Kirkbride's work and thinks everything that followed lacks quality? I'm not sure you're following along, Morrowind was written by Kirkbride.
>>1069485 The UESP page portrays him as the Art Director for three rather than its writer. A team of writers worked on it. I'm sure he was involved to some extent, but he is credited more for the Aesthetic of Morrowind than its writing. Reading further does show he was at the company longer than I was aware. It had been my impression Todd had him ousted earlier, but he was writing for Oblivion as well. Either way, I'll have to check out that podcast to see what he had to say. Everything revealed about Wayward Realms has thus far been good.
>>1069493 >I'm sure he was involved to some extent, but he is credited more for the Aesthetic of Morrowind than its writing. He didn't just work on art; he wrote more than 50 in-game books and worked on an ungodly amount of the general lore for Morrowind in particular and a fair chunk for TES in general - I mean fucking hell, the man co-authored the PGE1E that released with Redguard and which has been responsible for shattered dreams ever since. He's the main reason why insect eggs are a dietary staple of Vvardenfell, why Dyvath Fyr has a harem of daughterwives, most of the batshit insane cosmology, etc. I would say that it's more accurate to credit him with the texture of Morrowind than the aesthetic because his contributions beyond the visuals are arguably more significant. He certainly wasn't the only talented and creative person who worked on Morrowind but pretty much every other writer has credited him with being the driving force behind how "weird" Morrowind and by osmosis the rest of the setting was as of Morrowind's release; his fingerprints are all over the little things that have made it a certified hood classic.
>>1069547 Yeah, some of the more esoteric lore was already in place in Arena and Daggerfall, but it was still largely a generic fantasy setting. Kirkbride is who really made TES stand out as it's own entity.
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>>1061093 Now that you mention it from what I played of ESO the Elsweyr add-on's lore was when I actually felt like I was paying attention to the story and lore. Was it actually written well or does the story and lore just suck that much more for everything else included in ESO?
>>1027557 >return to esotericism the kind of nose candy necessary for that might be laced with fent and as such ain't a work-related risk worth taking for most writers
>>1069891 That's actually a myth, Kirkbride wasn't high while writing any of that. He had an alcohol problem at the time, though.
>>1069918 myths are truer than reality
Tamriel Rebuilt has a big piece on its new art assets, mainly creatures. https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/content/march-2025-art-assets-update-creatures
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>>1076720 I hope we get to see more of the various khajiit subraces in upcoming stuff, they're one of the more interesting parts of the lore that is still easy enough for non-kirkbridans to consume
>>1076872 It is never going to happen but it would be so funny if the next game let you be an alfiq. Just be a psychic cat.
>>1076875 It's not going to happen because it would require doing something cool and unique, something TES hasn't been for awhile.

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