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Ninja Gaiden 4 by Platinum Games and Team Ninja Anonymous 01/23/2025 (Thu) 18:20:17 Id: 203eed No. 1064333
Massive announcement at the Xbox direct just now with Ninja Gaiden 4 being announced by Platinum Games and Team Ninja. The information we have is fairly limited and all we really know is that the Dark Dragon is fucking things up again and that there's a new Ninja known as Raven. I was just playing through Sigma myself so this is huge news for me. Are you guys also looking forward to this one? Or do you expect it to be more like Ninja Gaiden 3. https://youtu.be/IzLhxMlkcrg
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Gayden Niggers It's over
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>>1068746 I mean, it's not like he's done much better honestly.
>>1068762 Yeah but Itagaki was great at his job when he worked for Tecmo, and he was only fired because they were assholes who withheld his team's promised Bonus, and he rightfully sued them. He was the right man, in the right place, at the right time, he helped bring success to both Tecmo and Xbox, and because he didn't put up with getting screwed all the momentum of his career was halted.
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>>1068807 I'm not downplaying his influence and his creative input. The man put Tecmo on the map in western markets again and made extremely good games while working for them. Just that since then he hasn't put out anything that's really good. Devils Third was pretty bad, that Samurai Jack game was alright and Wanted:Dead was mediocre. That's been it for 12 years
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>>1068815 I had a giggle
>>1068815 saved
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>>1068815 Let's hope nobody has to use this pic in the future.
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>>1068838 Don't worry anon, I'll make sure you get to use it!
>>1068813 From what i've heard Devils Third was supposed to be a Mutiplayer game, and people say that aspect is really good, so it seems to be a case of taking a gameplay style intended for MP, and then add Single player into it, and marketing it as a Single Player game, rather than Marketing it's MP which is its strong suit. That and "Wii U" being an issue, obviously.
NG 2004 actually had a small tutorial to teach you the Ultimate Technique, a bit of an odd removal from later versions. NG Black was also a bit more than just gameplay changes, the models, and Lightning got touched up too. >RIP Ayane's face it died before it got to Sigma
>>1070132 No wonder this section starts so abruptly
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Only semi related but why does the new DOAX game not have Marie at launch? It seems like it barely even has any DOA girls in it at all.
>>1070151 The girls are supposedly "user favorites" from Venus Vacation. Then there's the bait factor >>1019876 >>1019886 >>1034997 >Mr. Sakuta: I thought about it and made the decision, but I was really worried about how to choose the right one before I made the decision. I received some opinions within the company, and I even received some serious opinions like "Is my favorite Marie-Rose not here?" When we announced this work, we received a variety of opinions, but we chose the six girls out of a desire to include all of them. The opportunity for the other girls to appear will depend on the outcome of this work, but if we are able to make the next work, we hope to be able to bring them to you. In order to do so, we would first like to deliver this work as a work that everyone can enjoy, and we would be happy if you purchase this work even if your guesses do not appear in it.
NG2 Black update is out. Additional Content: <New Game+ >Added the ability to begin a new game on a difficulty level you have previously cleared with the weapons and Ninpo you obtained in your previous playthrough already unlocked. When starting a new game this way, your weapons and Ninpo will be reverted to level 1. <Photo Mode >Added Photo Mode to the in-game Options Menu. You can move the camera around within a set limit to take screenshots. <Ability to Hide Projectile Weapon >Added a "Show Projectile Weapon" option under "Game Settings" in the Options Menu, which allows you to hide your projectile weapon while it is carried on your back. Adjustments: >Lowered the HP of enemies in Ch. 8, "City of the Fallen Goddess" >Lowered the HP of enemies in Ch. 11, "Night in the City of Water" >Raised the number of enemies in Ch. 13, "The Temple of Sacrifice" >Raised the number of enemies in Ch. 14, "A Tempered Gravestone" >Raised the damage dealt by some of Ayane's attacks. Bug Fixes: >Fixed control issues that occurred when playing at over 120 FPS or while under high computing load. >Fixed an issue where controllers would not vibrate based on computing load or FPS settings. >Fixed bugs that caused the player to go out of bounds during certain chapters. >Fixed bugs that made it impossible to progress during certain chapters. >Fixed a bug which caused the game to crash during long play sessions. Other minor bug fixes
>>1070132 probably because from black onwards, you don't need to get essence to use UTs Talking about black, i back at it and got all the way to the fire dragon, to be honest the game feels easier and easier as it goes on, don't know if it's me learning the game or the early game enemies are just that much more of a danger than the new ones now. well, that and kintetsu letting me heal by attacking enemies and being invincible while at it. i have yet to finish 2 and haven't even touched 3 yet, but something tells me 1 will be my favorite out of the series, the adventure aspects and the fact that it is basically a metroidvania game makes it so fun to explore and go around while demolishing foot soldiers.
>>1070562 Yeah NG1 is a game were it's harder at the start then it is at the end, unless you chug healing potions and don't actually learn anything. You get health upgrades, weapon upgrades, better weapons, the equipment, better ninpo, vital techniques you don't start with. You're just more equipped for any situation by the end. NG2 and NG3 have their improvements on the core combat, but NG1 has the pacing that makes it the better full package.
>>1070156 >It would be a shame if your favorite character were taken out back and bludgeoned to death with a shovel because you didn't purchase this game, ha ha. Maybe you should buy Venus Vacation now. >t. Sakuta
>>1070555 >New Game+ neato, I was hoping for something like that. Shame my GPU is having thermal issues or I'd give it a go right now
>>1071238 It's not a regular NG+ as it reverts your Weapons and Ninpo to LV1 except you get the True Dragon Sword, and BotA from the start, but Chapter Challenge already gives you max level weapons and Ninpo anyway, so it's not a big deal.
>>1071239 Isn't True Dragon Sword already a maxed out Dragon Sword?
>>1071243 Yeah, you get Lv4 Dragon Sword, and Lv4 Dual Swords, everything else is level 1. Probably because otherwise you only get them at the very end, where the other weapons you can level 3 right away, so they didn't want to hold them out for so long if it's a NG+ mode.
>>1071248 Yeah, that's strange but whatever.
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Completed NG1B on both Normal and Hard, with a Very Hard playthrough sometime later. It was really fun and I'm glad I finally got around to playing it. I think my favorite bosses would be Doku 1 and the Doppelganger fights, with my favorite weapons being the Vigoorian Flail and the Dahbilahro. I used a guide to catch all the Golden Scarabs because fuck being locked out of secret upgrades, weapons, and whatever. >>1070567 >Yeah NG1 is a game were it's harder at the start then it is at the end Agreed, I feel like the first three stages are the hardest in the game. The heals are limited in the first stage because Muramasa doesn't show up until later, there's no place to farm Essence (to my knowledge) so you can't stock up on heals in the 2nd, paired alongside the fucking Horseback enemies and boss, and, while the Airship is more manageable, the boss is a pain in the ass because of his fuck-you laser spam.
>>1072616 it's also weird how Alma 1 is harder than Alma 2 Alma two is legit "wait for her to land and joust her until she gets hit", and aside from her grab, all her attacks are incredibly easy to dodge, even easier than on the first fight because the arena is bigger.
>>1072616 In Chapter 1 there is that room with the Ninja's that jump out of the walls right before the first save point, it'll take some time, but you can grind up to 99999 Essence if you wanted. Doing so will likely have you miss out on Master Ninja rank, but if you're good enough for a chapter 1 MN Rank you would need to rely on grinding Essence anyway.
I recently completed a full playthough of NG 2004, since I was curious how the first release compared to NG Black, so I have list of some differences I found interesting. As shown here >>1070132 Murai has a small tutorial for you in Chapter 2. >The Shinobi Shozoku mask in the 2004 version is Purple, this is actually Inconsistent compared to the FMV cutscenes where the mask is Black, This was fixed in NG Black. >Ayane does not appear in Chapter 2, so there is no foreshadowing the fight with Doku >The Bow instead just appears on the ground at the exit of this Building >Ayane does not throw a Kunai message at the flyer telling you to go to Muramasa's shop for a "Ticket to the Party", this was added in NG Black to guide players better >The safe requires you to actively press the correct Combination, instead of just twisting it
>The Zombies are a much greater threat in NG 2004, because you can't charge UT's without Essence. It makes them more menacing, and the upgrade to lv3 Dragon Sword very satisfying. >The Guillotine Throw use to just be a Y input instead of X+A, this was likely changed in NG Black to make GT and Flying Swallow more deliberate choices for the player. > I noticed the reason mechanical drone enemies do not drop essence is because they don't have souls, this was actually changed in NG Sigma. > Kitetsu can not be Leveled up, and it drains the players health/soul when in use. >The Armlets of Tranquility is not in NG Black/Sigma's campaign, this armlet can cancel out the Health Drain of the Kitetsu, making it more viable.
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>Ayane does not throw a Kunai message recommending the player to use the Flail to deal with Ghost Fish. >Ayane's little cutscene, right before Ryu enters the final tower area, is not in NG2004. >Collecting all 50 Golden Scarabs gets you part of Ninja Gaiden Trilogy, instead of the Arcade game like in NG Black. >You actually need to find NG2 and NG3 SNES Separately which you can see how here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Jcgc44jDoY >The fight with the Vigoor Emperor does not tell you that Blocking will move the Platform up and down, that instruction was added in NG Black.
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After 13 years. My sick curiosity finally got the better of me. I played Vanilla Ninja Gaiden 3. At the very least, I emulated the game with RPCS3 and didn't actually pay money for it. I make no exaggeration when I say this is one of the worst video game products I've ever seen in my life. Anyone who takes any issue with Razors Edge? You have no idea just how good you have it with that game, that is an actual video game. Sure, there are worse things out there than NG3 on an objective level, but there is typically an Explanation of some kind a reason they exist in the manner they do. Sonic 06 had its dev team cut in half twice, on top of that had its production rushed. Super Man 64 had its production straight up sabotaged, so it didn't even get the chance to be a better game. Some games don't get the Resources they need to reach greater potential, other games are just scams or cash grabs and aren't worth even being given a second thought. But Ninja Gaiden 3? This game was not a mistake, everything that went into making this was purposeful, and Calculated. They genuinely thought that making this game the way it is, was the right move. This game shows a complete and utter lack of any respect for its audience. NG3 commits the worst gaming sin possible, it's not bad, it's boring. Every single fight in this game is the same thing, you combo and kill some enemies, it doesn't matter how as it Barely matters what you do, the game practically plays itself, that is at least until it starts “Literally” playing itself. You kill enemies until your arm glows, you hold Y to UT and automatically kill a set number of enemies regardless of their Position, OR you kill enemies until you have a full meter, and you use Ninpo to kill a bunch of enemies automatically. Want to save your Ninpo for a Specific part of a level? You can't. It drains after every encounter, sometimes it drains in the middle of an encounter for no reason other than they don't want you to have full Ninpo at that point. You are not allowed to formulate Tactics. So If you don't want to waste anything, you have to use Ninpo or a UT Immediately every time you get a chance, the Alternative is continuing to partake in the boring combat. This game also has no progression system, so there is no benefit to unnecessary combat, it's just there to waste your time. The story of NG3 is the least of its problems, at least when the cutscenes are going on you get to not play this game. The most fun part of playing NG3 is realizing the way forward isn't blocked, and I could just run away from a fight. You want to know what the best aspects of NG3 that aren't in Razors Edge I could come up with, I've got a few points. >The opening shot of the game is actual genuinely good, as it starts though the eyes of Theodore, undoing the Grip of Murder on Ryu. With the context of how the story goes, that actually nice in terms of Narrative. >The first time you ever use Ninpo, Art of the True Inferno, the one where Ryu turns into a Dragon and eats people, The rest of the enemies in that encounter just give up Immediately, that's just funny and realistic. >The game has the Decency to give you bullet time every time you fire the bow, so at least dealing with airborne and ranged enemies isn't more annoying than it has to be. >There is a pitch black cave on day 3 gets lit up by the Bioluminescent blood of the bug enemies. Those bugs are the only enemy in the game where killing them benefits the player. >The lack of a health bars during the bosses really help highlight just how Hilariously stupid the T-Rex boss actually is. And that's it, that's all I've got in terms of Positives. Ninja Gaiden 3 gives no Agency to the player, they are not allowed to make any meaningful decisions, you have to follow the exact path the developers set for you. This game was intended to Appeal to a western Audience, and if this is what they thought the west would eat up? It's insulting to our Intelligence. The kind of people who could be entertained by this game are the kind of people who'd be entertained by linearly anything with flashing effects. This game is the Embodiment of everything wrong with the 7th generation of consoles. Taking a well respected franchise, and reducing everything that made it Unique and enjoyable in a fruitless effort to appeal to an audience that doesn't exist.
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>>1073008 >>1073009 >>1073010 Nice going anon, I'm saving this on a text file. >>1073206 >This game is the Embodiment of everything wrong with the 7th generation of consoles Pretty much, I have been really vocal for years about Doos Sex and how it's a disservice to the original, but you know what? Considering the consoles it was on and the amount of depth it has compared to everything else on the market at the time, it has actually grown gracefully. It's a goddamned miracle it came out as good as it did considering T4ief came out and was such a disaster that it's Remember Me tier.
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>>1073334 I never considered the connection between the Wolverine game and NG3, that's pretty interesting and explains a lot. Coincidentally, I saw this list of Itagaki's top 5 games durring 2005, and seeing him call Ocarina of time a Masterpiece, made me take another look at NG1, and I've just been seeing a ton of Connections between NG1 and Ocarina of Time. I've started making a list and I've found like 60 points of Comparison between the two games. Itagaki was just able to make NG1 Unique enough that it wasn't so obvious what his Inspiration was until you see him almost say it himself here.
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>>1073334 >goatse door QTE
>>1073206 Be glad you didn't pay any money for it. I paid for the collector's edition & it still haunts me.

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