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Remember Me: The Thread Anonymous 02/01/2025 (Sat) 00:58:55 Id: f84708 No. 1066854
Post vidya barely anyone remembers
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>>1066980 "Most obscure games you actually own (and maybe like)" would perhaps be a better variant of this thread. I'll list a couple that I have and like. >Jersey Devil I've tried to get people to play it, but they all complain about the controls. I think the issue is that people expect the glide to feel like Spyro, and let you go far. The glide really doesn't give you much distance, and is instead used mostly for just a slight variant to your jump that makes the platforming more complex. Otherwise it's a somewhat standard playing 3D platformer of the era, but I like that genre. Bit of a mix between Mario 64's more open design and Crash Bandicoot's more linear design. And I love the halloween aesthetic. >Tobal No. 1 I know it got a sequel in Japan, but the only times I've heard anyone talk about it in English is to mention that it came with a demo of Final Fantasy VII. I never liked Final Fantasy, but I loved Tobal since it first released. The controls are a bit weird, the circle button isn't used at all, for some reason, but that didn't hurt the fun for me. What helped the fun significantly was the Quest Mode, where you do dungeon crawling with light RPG elements, with fighting game combat, of ccourse. Neat concept, and I guess it did better in Japan, but since nobody gives a flying fuck about it outside Japan, I think it's relevant to this thread. Also, Akira Toriyama did the character designs, and the American instruction booklet tries to advertise DBZ as being from the maker of this game, rather than the other way around. That's pretty funny. I did already like DBZ though so I just thought it was cool. >>1067559 Shove It is one of the best Boxxle clones (or ports?) of the time. And there were many. And there is a dedicated subculture of old school Sega fans who don't even like Sonic, and are instead all about games like Pat Riley Basketball. The other two are pretty damn obscure, though.
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>>Still, this is a boomer thread. Any game older than 15 years is almost guaranteed to be in the "barely anyone remembers" list. While this is unfortunately true, if we used your cutoff, the thread would be filled with nothing but Wii/3DS shovelware or downloadable games nobody's even heard of. Anyway, seeing Starlancer mentioned made me think of these.
What was that german game where you play some chick who catches fairies and does pokemon battles with them? Ancient 2000s game I believe
Sequel when?
>>1067657 Never (makes James Cameron and his pandora avatar films look bad)
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A quite fun vehicular combat racer from early in the ps2's lifetime. It took ages for me to realize the name of the game, for a while I was quite convinced it was a hot wheels game.
>>1067658 Uuuuhm what do you mean?? The feline alien savages fighting human mining colonists in THIS game are not BLUE so it's nothing like Avatar!
>>1067653 Zanzarah?
>>1067653 I think you are talking about Zanzarah. >>997644
>>1067674 >>1067703 Yes that's the one. Didn't know the thread was still up lmao. I liked how you quake arena the other goblinoids with your goblinoid (but with magic) Pic only sort of related: best 2d cuhrazy fighter game with fairies
>>1066924 >it'll be out when it's ready So never? Might as well wait for Reggie Fils-Aime to announce a Mother 3 remake for the Switch 2.
>>1067442 Didn't even know Universe at War was on Steam!
>>1068810 It ain't anymore. Got taken down in 2009 I think.
>>1066854 Doubt anyone remember this one. Shit graphics, shit controls, shit AI (that just aimbots you in the head on second and third tournament), but music and map design was (mostly) top notch. A bit sad that i couldn't play even lan matches cause everyone liked CS and Dota more
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A very obscure one. I wonder if anybody here can even recognize this just based on a screenshot.
>>1069032 Drakensang is not obscure in Germany.
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>Neverdead >Literally dead on arrival
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>>1068908 yeah, but I didn't know he had been there at all since it was also ridden with GFLW
>>1069055 I still remember that trailer running at like 10 FPS
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>>1069037 I know it won GOTY there, but I don't think it's known outside DACH nations. >>1069055 Konami published a bunch of completely unremembered games throughout that period. Here are a few others. >>1069059 I still see #3 brought up among PS2 enthusiasts, so it's at least known among them.
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And today, Konami can publish some real obscure trash. Here's a game I bet nobody on this board has ever heard of. It doesn't even have 100 reviews on Steam. Great marketing from Konami there.
>>1070441 I liked the defiance tv show and viva pinata was a fun little game.
>>1070446 >Complete story >You are unable to use your party afterwards outside multiplayer I wish somebody had told me.
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>>1070441 Remember this one?
>>1075263 Not really that obscure or forgotten. The Xeno series still exists, Kosmos shows up in tie in media all the time, and they've been heavily hinting at bringing Saga specific back.
>>1075263 Have some music from a successful cross-media franchise.
>>1075279 Outside Japan I don't think many people even remember Xenosaga >>1075283 >first file Ah, nostalgia!
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>>1075286 >Outside Japan I don't think many people even remember Xenosaga Most people who are into the Xeno franchise are at least aware of it if not actually played it. I mean most of those people are weebs, sure, but it's not nearly as forgotten or abandoned as most of the stuff in this thread.
>>1075289 That from SRW?
>>1075290 I think Project X Zone.
>>1075293 Thanks, knew it was Banpresto
>>1067536 >Impossible Creatures Memorable because it's the predecessor to Dawn of War (and they use the same engine)
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