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JRPG/RPG recommendation thread Anonymous 03/08/2024 (Fri) 13:47:38 Id: e5941b No. 943592
I'm still new (;^ω^)!
Edited last time by Mark on 03/08/2024 (Fri) 16:48:57.
>>943592 Skyrim with anime mods
>>943592 Dragon Quest The World Ends With You Citizens of Space
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Summon Night: Swordcraft Story
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>>943592 New to what? RPGs? Vidya gaems? The internet hate machine?
>>943609 Well, video games i think, i never play pc games before until I got a laptop recently, so i want to play some games on it
>>943592 >(;^ω^) Show me your penis you silly slut You're asking for just JRPGs or both JRPGs and WRPGs? Because that's a really huge and diverse band of a games. For WRPGs there's obviously Elder Scrolls. People argue over which are the best but generally it's agreed 3 > 4 > 5. The first two are classic dungeon crawlers and therefor usually get left out of the conversation, but the second a blast if you're into that kind of old school gameplay. Often paired with TES is Fallout, which is kind of a mixed bag in terms of quality but the good entries are excellent. Fallout 2 and New Vegas are my personal favorites from the series, but even 4 is fun albeit dumb and mindless. The early Fallout games are CRPGs, which are more classic and complex styles of WRPG, Black Isle Studios developed what are considered to be among of the best CRPGs ever and a lot of modern CRPGs follow heavily in their footsteps. ATOM RPG, Underrail and a hundred other games all pull from Fallout, Disco Elysium and its copycats pull from Planescape: Torment, and a whole host of WRPGs games pull from Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate. An absolute classic in eurojank WRPGs is Gothic, its often compared with TES3 which is unfair in my opinion as the two are very different. If you want to see an open world game completely defy the modern Far Cry 3/AssCreed standard of open world games, try Gothic. If you want to go foundational, there's Wizardry and Ultima. Two of the first vidya RPGs and some of the first video games in general, the early entries in both series are very primitive but absolutely vital to the genre. For JRPGs the big two are obviously Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy, both heavily inspired by Wizardry. In fact Wizardry is largely the basis for the classic turn-based JRPG format, if you're ever curious about the genre's origins you should really give it a try. Going beyond those two, some really influential series are Mother/Earthbound, Chrono, Xeno, and Megami Tensei. The PlayStation and SNES are in my opinion the gold standard for JRPGs, a lot of the greats were on those two systems. You can pick out some random unknown JRPG from their libraries like 7th Saga and probably enjoy it. Both libraries are also full of really weird and interesting JRPGs like Moon: Remix RPG Adventure that though forgotten, have been major influences on later games. Not all JRPGs are that turn-based style, there are ARPGs like Kingdom Hearts which focus on active combat while still retaining many of those JRPG elements. The name is confusing because among WRPGs, the term ARPG means something entirely different, referring to games like Diablo. Some good ARPGs are Ys, Seiken Densetsu/Mana, and Illusion of Gaia. I'm being very broad here because this is a broad question. Are there any themes or genres you like?
>>943634 I played a lot of KEMCO studio games, Guardian Tales, Honkai impact, SAO: Integral Factor, Toram Online etc on android so, i would love to play some games similar to games i played on my phone
>>943667 Man you have shit taste
>>943667 Also, i have claimed Assassin's creed syndicate for free a couple months ago but I've never really download it, is it good?
>>943675 Bruhh don't be so hard on me, i only play something that my phone can handle ಥ‿ಥ. Any recommendations though? Apriciate it!
>>943634 I have played Baldur's Gate Enhanced edition before but never really finish it cuz i don't really understand how the game works and the mechanism, but thanks for your recommendation Anons! I would consider to play it in the future
>bruh Lurk 2 years before posting
>>943634 Not the OP, but can you give any games with nice, autistic magic systems? Something where I can tinker with spells, and preferably magic doesn't just default to damage, buff/debuff stats, etc.
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Unicorn Overlord just came out on consoles today. It's easiest to get and play it for free if you have a decent PC that can decently run a switch emulator or a jailbroken switch with this link right here. https://send.cm/d/xv1a >>943634 Anon you talk too much.
>>943605 >sword craft story 3 translated never ever
>>943824 I made a mistake, that is nothing but the day one patch I'm here to fix it with the actual game. BASE GAME - https://1fichier.com/?xtjuh4zonb96u52ovrts UPDATE - https://send.cm/d/xv1a
What are some games where the main character is primarily a mage?
>>943615 >until I got a laptop recently What are the specs? >>943667 >i would love to play some games similar to games i played on my phone Kemco's games are typical JRPGs (what what I've played), so you're going to have to be more specific since we can go as far back as games from 40 years ago. >Guardian Tales Top-down dungeon crawlers, the Ys series, the Zelda series, the Mana series, Beyond Oasis, Survival Kids, Scurge: Hive. You'll find a lot of stuff on the GB(A/C). >Honkai impact Character action games is the genre you're looking for. DMC and Ninja Gaiden are the two "main" series that occupy this genre. You also have Bayonetta, God of War, No More Heroes, Darksiders, Rygar, Shinobi, The Wonderful 101, Astral Chain, Gungrave, Van Helsing, Nightmare Before Christmas, and Ghost Rider. With honorable mentions to Viewtiful Joe (2D gameplay), Red Steel 2 (First-person gameplay), and Prototype/Hulk (Sandbox). >SAO: Integral Factor, Toram Online See this: https://archive.ph/Vahz3
What persona game would you recommend to a newcomer?
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Don't forget OP
>>943929 The PSP remake of 1 then play in Chronological order from there
>>943929 4 Golden if you prefer more modern games, and 1 if you're a dungeon crawler/autist who likes older games (followed by 2).
>>943592 The Caligula Effect The Caligula Effect 2 MONARK
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>>943592 Chrono Trigger is an ideal introduction JRPGs and it's also one of the best in the genre. The only downside is that it's not a very deep game in terms of mechanics or character customization. Think of it sort of like a greatest hits album for the genre.
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>>943772 Honestly can't go wrong with most of the JRPGs like what anon posted on the PS1. Some of them even have undub patches (Or un-working designs if you don't want to grind or put up with their artificially higher difficulty) to enhance the experience. Your phone should be able to emulate PS1 games just fine.
>>943772 I see people suggesting to play the game on normal first due to the strict requirements for the true ending but just play the game on hard and make a save before the first Einherjar offering then load that if you want to try for the true ending.
>>943929 When you get around to playing 3, emulate the PS2 version of FES, and try not to overlevel. The characters make it sound like you're in dire need of training to keep up with the mandatory boss fights on specific calendar dates, but those are actually puzzle fights that give you leniency to figure out the gimmick, and they're more fun if you don't oneshot them. The timed Elizabeth requests in each block of the dungeon act as a general guide for how much leveling the game recommends, but there's no major consequences to skipping them.
>>943592 Might as well go for Chrono Trigger since you are a phone fag
>>943912 I have a Asus TUF F15, i didn't really know how to see the specs
>>943929 Does persona games story related to each other? Like, i have to play persona 1 in order to play persona 3 because i will not understand the storyline if i skip the first and second game
Boy, I'm sure glad the culture war retards invited cuckchan here, nobody can tell the difference.
>>944255 Just Persona 1, 2 Innocent Sin and 2 Eternal Punishment, after those the stories are separate.
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>>944264 >rapefugees welcum Fixed.
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>>944287 I would rape her if given the chance
>>944287 saved
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>Only one mention of Xenogears in the thread >it's only typed as Xeno Xenogears is a masterpiece and you can't convince me otherwise. Saga is okay but Blade bored me to tears for some reason.
>>944306 It's an extremely unfinished masterpiece.
Since everyone else has thrown out there recommendations for RPGs, might as well do the same. First of all, this is coming from a place where I hated RPGs for the longest time because "number goes up" seemed like the shittiest type of gameplay that ever invented. The following games made me change my view of that: >Parasite Eve You know how everyone was blowing their load over Undertale having "shmup gameplay" in it's RPG battles? This game did it first. It's an ARPG where battle take place in the same world you're exploring. Combat is carried out primarily with the use of guns, but Aya also has her PE powers that are effectively magic. >Grandia This series tends to lean in more on being a "traditioinal RPG". Where the big difference is starts with the battle system. As opposed to "taking turns", you see both characters and enemies "powering up" for their turn in "real-time". The trick that comes in is that you stategically use your attacks in such a manner that you can delay enemy characters from attacking for as long as you can.
Okay I went and tried out Unicorn Overload and I played it for 10 hours straight last night. The game is peak fucking vanillaware, though the localizers though seems to have taken a bit too much creative liberties with translating and now some parts of the dialogue is now lost in translation deviating from it's original intention somewhat. The dialouge is fluffed up and written so it's less blunt and direct but it still needs to stay true to it's source material, that's the issue here. Besides that issue the game is like Ogre Battle brought back from the dead and holy shit it's actually fun. It plays like a 2d open world (still region gated) that you can walk around as soon as you get off tutorial island and you take part in battles to reclaim certain parts of the overworld, or you can just run past all the enemy guards and uncover the main region first.
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Didn't know builders 1 was released last month on pc. I never finished it because i sold my ps4 to build a pc. Now i can finally replay it and play 2 as well.
>>951983 DB1 port is based on mobile version but they went out of their way to remove the "female" option for "body type" garbage. Don't bother it. DB2 is OK, but a couple sequences near the end just really sours me on it.
>>951984 >DB1 port is based on mobile version It sounds pretty retarded. Does it have any noticeable differences? >remove the "female" option for "body type" So fucking stupid. Is it the same for the japanese version or its just an (((official translation))) issue?
>>951985 DQ mobile ports are unironically good, in general >>951984 Shame, any mod that restores it?
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>>952008 >any mod that restores it? Not sure, but I'm 100% sure it won't be up at Nexus.
>>952008 >bothering with port that was intentionally made shit
I've been having a lot of fun with Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection lately. Couldn't really get into Arges Adventure, but Zwei 2 really polished up the experience and tightened the combat - then dumped a shit-ton of charm into what was already a pretty fucking comfy setting. Combat in action-based and you control two characters at once. Ragna handles the melee combat with a kind of whip-sword called an Anchor Gear, while Alwen handles the magic - sort like how Pokkle and Pipiro worked in the first game. This time Alwen has a much bigger roster of spells, as well as special AOE attacks which charge up during combat. Ragna has multiple different Anchor gears which you can unlock by finding treasures in the dungeons - and these provide different functionality, such as flame gears for clearing out ice and vegetative obstacles, or a grappling hook for moving large objects that are needed to solve puzzles or access new areas. Pets got an upgrade too. In the first game, Pets just kind of went off on a mini-adventure of their own displayed in the corner of the screen and occasionally required your attention. It would have fit in well on a Dreamcast VMU. In Ilvard Insurrection you can now have multiple pets which follow you and help you on your adventure, doing chip damage, collecting coins and food, etc. The story is pretty basic so far. The land is broken up into a series of floating islands, so air travel is the primary method of going from place to place. The game starts with Ragna getting attacked and crash landing during a delivery. The crash would have been fatal, but he was saved by a cutie vampire girl who gave him some of her blood in exchange for him helping her to retake her family castle from invaders. The only thing I really don't like about the game is that you level up by eating food, which is also used as a healing item. I get the idea in concept - the game stays just the right level of difficult until you start getting smacked around a lot, requiring you to eat, which raises your level and makes you more capable and less likely to get knocked around so much. It works fairly well, since food is pretty plentiful, but it removes a sense of progress as all you get from defeating enemies is more food and coins - which have limited usefulness at the moment.
>>951984 >DB2 is OK, but a couple sequences near the end just really sours me on it. Is it the part where you and Malroth get sent to Alcatraz and forced to do the same thing for 3 days before planning your escape? or the slow as molasses true Malroth monologues?. I'd say the pirate version with the debug menu made it better by just having access to every block and item, even unreleased ones.
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The Swordcraft Story trilogy is excellent. You should play it.
>>952170 Looks like shit.
>>952177 Not as much as how you look IRL Phzos.
>>952170 I played 2 to completion and did the post-game, how does 3 hold up?
>>943592 disgaea
>>943929 5 the rest are shit
>>943682 Try old Square games from before the modern era. A lot got ported to phone and since they're actually good they stand out among the mobile gacha slop.
>>944004 Haven't played Monark yet, shill it to me, anon. >>944031 Made the mistake of playing this as an adult and as a veteran of the genre, but I think you're right. Good introduction to JRPGs but only if you're new to the genre. >>944833 I'm playing it too but because it's so fucking addictive to me, I've restricted myself to only play it on the weekends, otherwise I can't get any work done. >>943592 To answer your question OP, I'd play the first DQ game, GBA version. The game still holds up to this day, and you'll understand where many of the basics of the genre come from, DQ III is a good starting point too because you can create your own party members and perfects the JRPG formula. I'm going through Unicorn Overlord and the game is fucking great, instead of being an Ogre Battle clone it improved the formula introducing the gambit system from FF12 making the combat more interesting instead of rock-paper-scissors.
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>>944306 Top ten anime crucifixions.
>>943929 1, 2 if you're based, 3,4,5 if you're a sweaty fat neckbeard with a thing for CIA agents.
>>952177 It looks Kino. >>952212 Good. Durability now actually matters outside of boss fights and special move spam again.
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>>952735 i'll play 3,4 and 5
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>>952742 Enjoy your glowie waifus anon. Too bad you'll never get to fight and lose against Adolf Hitler in order to unlock the true canon ending where he wins and starts the 4th Reich.
Are these games any good?
>>957217 Yes, fuck yes
>>957217 Never played, so I can't say, but if you do plan on playing them, make sure you use the retranslated version for Ar Tonelico II as it suffers from even worse NISA fuckery than usual, probably worse than Ys 8 at launch. The romhacking page for it gives a good idea for how bad it was: https://www.romhacking.net/translations/2833/
>>957217 The first game is a great example of traditional JRPGs done well and why people like them. The combat system is simple, but fun and has a unique spin. The plot, while nothing unique, still managed to hold my interest. The setting was one of the highlights of the game, but the writing really shines in its cast of characters. The MC is generic, but he's still likeable by virtue of having the balls to pick a girl and tell her how she feels BEFORE the game ends. Said possible love interests are all well written and likeable without being perfect. Ar Tonelico 2 took all that and flushed it down the toilet. They decided to shoehorn rhythm game bullshit into the combat while giving EVERY FUCKING BOSS a move that does party wiping damage and whites out the screen so that you have to guess when you're supposed to block it, and non-boss combat is just spamming the attack button, slaughtering the tactical feel of the original's combat. The setting is more or less reused from the first game, taking out the wonder of the original, and the love interests are a literal whore and a cunt who regularly refers to the MC as her dog. The worst part is that there's two really good girls, but you can't romance either. The game left such a bad impression on me that I never bothered with the third game.
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>>943824 >Anon you talk too much. Exactly, this is how he should have written his post.
I miss sweet intros line this.
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>>957250 >but you can't romance either There's a reason for that.
>>957313 what's the reason?
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>>957316 The girls likes girls. They think boys are gross. IT'S NOT YURI THOUGH!
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>>957320 God I miss him
>>957320 No wonder people have retarded opinions and views on anime in general. Thank god i never entertained the idea of watching this people.
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I'm finishing Shining in the Darkness and I can't decide what to play next between: >.hack series >Final Fantasy 10 >Xenosaga 1 >Dragon Quest (don't know which yet) >Phantasy Star 4 >Persona 3 FES I played P3 when it came out, but couldn't beat the final boss cause being a good friend and student is more fun than going to a dungeon in that game. What should I play?
>>957544 I'd definitely go for .hack series. You might get burnt out if you go for the first 4 games in a row. I'd play the first 2 then i would play Dragon quest IV and then finish the series.
>>943929 My joke answer is If..., but that's not even a bad place to start. You won't understand all of Persona 1 if you don't play it. You may even need to play SMT1 for the full context of If... if you do start there. My real answer is Persona 1 on the PSP with the undub and music restoration patches. From there, play 2 IS/EP on the PSX. The PSP versions make graphical changes, but the gameplay is significantly hurt. If you play any version of 3, play FES. Portable cuts out too much graphically, and the FeMC's story is tacked on. Golden makes good story additions, but it also makes balancing changes from 4 and cuts out graphics in a bad way. 5 is just bad. You can play it if you like pretty 3D environments and want to be up-to-date on the series as it is now. Do not play Royal. >>944255 If..., Persona 1, and Persona 2 EP/IS are directly related to each other, and SMT1 is related to them. 3 is related by reference to previous titles. 4 and 5 are only related to 3 through Q1 and 2, and those are questionably canon.
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>>943592 Originally I would have just said Xenoblade. But after Future Redeemed and the recent developer QnA, I'm grouping Xenosaga in with my suggestion. The lore is going to go dummy, going into Xenoblade 4, I can feel it. Now's a good time to get invest in the series.
>>957544 Xenosaga is great if you understand one thing first: It's a really good RPG that rewards you after every boss fight by showing you the next episode of a really good sci-fi anime. Not being sarcastic. Its not "long cutscenes" its an anime OAV that you get to watch between stretches of play.
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>>957677 >>957684 There's a ton of rumblings about a Xenosaga remake/remaster (in the style of XB Definitive) coming out before Xenoblade 4 even.
>>965631 >what's with the faggot on cuckchan Answered your own question
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>>957699 They'd be better off doing a remake of Xenogears, considering they couldn't be bothered to make the second half of the game the first time around.
>>965666 >They'd be better off doing a remake of Xenogears Fuck off Satan, XG would be butchered beyond belief if SE and their Ethics department got their hands on it. You can cry that the OG version was fucked with what with the -lambs- and -ethos- over the original script but just imagine how fucked a SE version will be in comparison. Just let dead IPs lie, no need to drag a corpse around for good consumer points. We don't need a them/they Emeralda in current year Xenogears.
>>957699 And bid farewell to Momo pantsu? I would sooner emulate. >>957684 Sounds like Super Robot Wars, but more refined.
>>944290 Would you beat her to death after?
>>943592 Zill O'll looks interesting.
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>>943592 Ever heard of Kiseki?
>no mention of Black/Matrix in the entire bread When did this board get overrun by Judeo-Christian conservatives? >>957310 >the (((localized))) (((western))) intro with the made up shounenshite lyrics no
>>998157 It's a tRPG series, not a jRPG. Besides, the company's superior output was mentioned in the third reply.
>>998157 Black Matrix is super duper gay at the beginning, it's not hard to play in japanese but it's a kind of game you'd have to be in the mood to play. The premise is interesting but the gameplay is Flight-Plan SRPG design.
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an OP with age old emoticons was all it took to make /v/ actually talk about vidya
>>998431 Only because it wasn't deleted and instead was edited because of OP's outstanding newfaggotry and casualness.
>>998432 Was it genuine newfag or troll?
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The problem with JRPGs is that, from the PS2 era (arguably even the PS1 era) onward, they've mostly had terrible pacing. They drag everything out so they can brag about how many hours long their game is, when really a good chunk of that is padding. It destroys the pacing and makes playing the games feel like a chore. I think one of the reasons Chrono Trigger is still so beloved is because it's very short for an RPG. If you really tried, you could probably get the canon ending, the one that takes the longest to get, in less than a day. It's very simple, but it's over before the simplicity can really detract from the experience. There's no fat and nothing feels wasted. All of the boring stuff that you would see in newer RPGs are cut out until all your left with are the highlights. And that's just the most famous example of the compact nature of older JRPGs. Most of the games from that era are a good lesson in how not to overstay your welcome.
>>999024 I agree. Another good example, I feel, is Live A Live, which is also simple, but made of short chapters that each tell a different story and vary sometimes wildly in terms of gameplay (not to mention the overall battle mechanic, still very rare in RPGs).
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Play Astlibra. Genuinely the only game i had fun in the last 5 or so years.
>>999099 (checked) 1000% correct opinion astlibra was sick and a treat to complete 100% it sucks a bit that there's no pirating its revision but it's honestly well worth its pricetag
I'mma keep it real with you /v/, I just want to play a game with a cute romance. Not necessarily with the player, I don't need to self-insert. Help me out.
>>999119 Your image is very romantic. From the thumbnail, I thought the blue was the head of the figure on the left, and the white that I now realize was hair was some sort of hood, or some other part of the upper section of the robe. I thought Rei was wearing some sort of robe and was hugging an enormous, slightly miscolored penis. The actual hood of the figure on the right was the glans.
Etrian Odyssey Emulate it for the Nintendo DS, very good game Don't play the Steam release it has Denuvo shoved in
>>999024 Padding happened because PS1 disc loads. You've got shit like Legend of Dragoon's 11 seconds to load into+9 seconds to load post battle+more time to load actual map after that and FF9's 13+ seconds just to load into a battle, all of which will take maybe 30 seconds.
>>999119 Odin Sphere
>>943592 Call of Duty's a pretty cool rpg.
>>999119 I highly suggest Lunar 1 on the PSX with a fan translation, as the Working Designs one wasn't all that good. The entire game is all about the power of romantic love and the importance of couples, even the party is formed of couples, you have the main character with his adopted sister, the hot-blooded fighter with his tomboy tsundere girlfriend, and the rockstar mage with the kindhearted future mage guild leader. As such there is no love triangle or drama involved, everyone has a partner. Even the fat kid managed to have offspring so it's all good. The combat is also a bit unique as it's not quite a TRPG, but not a traditional JRPG either, the story is good and mostly lighthearted(even the demon race gets a good ending), the music is excellent and the presentation, overall, is top notch, just make sure you get the JP dub and fan translation. if you want romantic love, then Lunar 1 is for you. The second game is more about motherly love, but still deals in couples.
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>>999140 Atlus fucked up and released a denuvo-less version last year so now there's copies out on the wild that is easily pirateable.
>>999186 GTAOnline is Square Enix's wet dream.
>>999397 DS version is still better. The natural implementation of the map on the second screen was unique and helpful. Hence, the ideal way to play.
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Just finished tales of graces and started playing tales of xillia, and to be honest, I am thinking of quitting xillia. While graces has a very generic story, it has a very enjoyable battle system and way of gaining stats. The combat in xillia feels clunky in direct comparison. While the story feels slightly less generic in xillia, i am unsure if its enough to save it, in my eyes.
>>999124 Thank you anon, very cool! https://x.com/TM102TM/status/1821562144783286580/ >>999152 >>999264 Thanks for the suggestions. Do you have a link to a fan translation you prefer? https://x.com/tecsan1201/status/1822308924042703056
>>999849 I wouldn't play anything past Abyss. 7th and 8th gen tales of series is absolute garbage. The DS games are also shit.
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>>999897 I did enjoy graces, even though generic. My primary motivation for playing xillia was what a badass the MC of xillia 2 looked like. Any decent JRPGs gen 6 and beyond? I did finnish xenoblade chronicles before playing graces and enjoyed it quite a bit. Is dragon quest 11 fun? (by the way I HATE how people say that Vesperia is the pinnacle of the tales series. MY GOD, that game has got some of the worst battle AI I have ever seen.) ...Might just play kamidori.
>>999954 Dragon Quest 11 is fun.
I just learned that in Chrono Trigger 1000AD, the green houses are the ones you can enter, and the blue ones you can't. Where's that picture of the Mario cloud = bush when I need it?
>>999954 >Any decent JRPGs gen 6 and beyond? I did finnish xenoblade chronicles before playing graces and enjoyed it quite a bit Obvious answer is other Xenoblades. Do X or 2 next, their order doesn't matter.
>>999954 >gen 6 jrpgs As in PS2/GCN/GBA? Yes. Lots and lots. Just a quick recall excluding remakes/ports GCN/GC >Skies of Arcadia (does it count as Gen 6?) PS2 >every PS2 MegaTen game (except maybe Raidou 1) >Zill O'll Infinite (shame the fan translation is pure ESL crabstick tier) >Ar Tonelico II (fan retranslation needed!) >Wild Arms 3 GBA >Swordcraft Story trilogy (and mainline Summon Night 3/4 on PS2 if we're counting tactical RPGs) >Superstar Saga >Battle Network 2/3/6 (not sure it counts as jRPG. 5 and maybe 1 also count as decent) >Pokemon Emerald >Golden Sun 1/2 Even a lot of the flops (MS Saga which starts falling flat after you get to North America by invalidating the entire point by giving you too many free MSes better than you can build and overflowing the party with chaff characters) are decent games. >beyond Plenty if you look at DS and PSP. Finding something without some horrible obvious flaw on console is the real trick. DS >Golden Sun 3 (it's weaker than 2 but still worth a play. It's the points of no return that really sink it more than anything) >Etrian Odyssey 2/3 (does it count as a jRPG?) >Devil Survivor and DeSu2 (are we counting tactical RPGS?) PSP >Record of Agarest War: Mariage (the fact that the PC port did not work at launch really killed the reviews on it) >Half Minute Hero 1+2 (does it count as a jRPG?)
>>999957 Seconding Dragon Quest 11. >>1000699 Seconding Xenoblade Chronicles 2/X. >>1000708 Seconding Skies of Arcadia, Superstar Saga, Golden Sun 1/2 (not 3).
>>999954 >Any decent JRPGs gen 6 and beyond? Aside from what's already mentioned: <Black Sigil <Chaos Rings (Series) <Grandia (Series) <Growlanser (Series) <Phantasy Star* (Series) <Spectrobes* (Series) <The Last Story <Wild Arms (Series) *ARPG
>>1000744 >Phantasy Star >ARPG The meme is true, /v/ really doesn’t play video games.
>>1000764 I don't think that's what he meant.
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>>999954 >Gen 6 Have you tried Xenosaga? Other than that for the PS2 >Metal Saga >Shadow Hearts series >Suikoden 3 and 5 (4 is shit) >Radiata Stories I'd put Magna Carta too but that one is Korean developed.
>>1000764 This was made a banner here.
>>1000764 >/v/ really doesn’t play video games Every PS game from PSO onwards, excluding the remakes and the stupid phone game, are all ARPGs.
>>1000890 It fixed Dreamcast's random encounter grind and improved pacing.
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>>1000820 Well, not EVERY one was an ARPG.
I will recommend: PS1: SaGa Frontier Shadow Tower/ Kings Field games Parasite Eve 1,2 FF7-9 Wild Arms 1,2 Persona 1, 2 Xenogears PS2: Kings Field AC Unlimited Saga FF10, 12 Shadow Hearts 1-3 Suikoden 3 Wild Arms 3 Persona 3 Xenosaga 1 Summoner 1, 2 PC/Xbox: Morrowind I played a lot of different j/rpgs but the above were more fun for me. >>999024 I think the problem is the pacing evolved into arpg. The developers obviously felt the genre was stale when it came to pacing that is why SaGa Unlimited and FF12 were so adventurous with their mechanics. What was once a technological tied solution to grand gaming was no longer making sense in a modern era. The jrpg became a nostalgia product like retro 8bit styling. It forced the genre to tell better stories and it did not. I think Lost Odyssey and Last Remnant was the last one of substance I played but they both felt so familiar.
Rance series is golden, try starting with Sengoku Rance or Rance VI if you prefer a more traditional dungeon crawler. Rance X is my favorite game of all time buy you actually need to play the other ones and it isn't translated yet.
>>999397 That does look really good, however the fast forward feature built into emulators is a necessity for me.
What are some "recent" (ps3 to switch) jrpgs with fun combat? I've tried ni no kuni, atelier rorona and dragon quest 11 neither of witch really grabbed me. I've become spoiled by xenoblade and especially tales of graces.
>>1008480 Tokyo Xanadu has very fun combat. But the writing is pretty bad and the liberties taken by the translators make it even worse.
>>1008480 Dragon's Dogma and Folklore, though both are heavily western inspired. Dragon's Dogma is a Japanese take on the Tolkienian Euro RPG. It's a very flawed game but has some of the best combat of any fantasy RPG period. Folklore is based on Irish mythology, but is a very Japanese take on Irish mythology. The designs are obviously inspired more by Japanese mythology than Celtic. Pic 2 is supposed to a Barghest. For context, pic 3 is what a Barghest's actual folkloric depiction is. All the game's "folks" are this level of disconnected.
>>1008480 >"recent" (ps3 to switch) jrpgs >I've become spoiled by xenoblade and especially tales of graces. Other Xenoblade and Tales games. Play what you know you like or continue on ungrabbed by others' tastes.
>>1008485 Wait wait wait wait... Folklore got a re-release???
>>1008488 Not that I'm aware of, the studio doesn't even exist anymore. He said from PS3 to Switch, and Folklore was PS3.
Now that the dust has settled What is Level-5's best JRPG? And Dragon Quest VIII and IX don't count because they were just Yuji Horii's grunts on those.
>>1008570 >nino cunny
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>>1008570 I think this one. Pity the sequel got delayed to never ever.
>>1008570 I never played Rogue Galaxy. Is it good?
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>>1008637 Very good, it's like a much more fleshed out Dark Cloud. My favourite character is Steve Poccacio and I want him to be my roboson.
>>1008639 In what way is like Dark Cloud? Do you like...rebuild places like in that game? That was never my favorite feature of those games, but I only played the first one to be fair. I was kind of underwhelmed with it's story. This looked more like a traditional jrpg from the little I saw looking it up.
>>1008640 It's a pirate crew hopping from planet to planet to expand their numbers and locate the legendary treasure planet so no rebuilding. I would say prepare for a lot of exp grinding for weapons but it's more for the completion list. If you do figure out how upgrading the legendary sword from the first chapter works, you're set to keep using it for most of the game.
>>1008640 >In what way is like Dark Cloud? It's kind of like Dark Cloud in gameplay. You have a roster of different characters with different abilities and weapons that you can switch to at any time, but you can select two characters to fight alongside you instead of all of them being benched when not in use. The combat mechanics are also more advanced, beyond just feeling better you now have more abilities, like "spells" you can cast to heal party members or do a massive AOE attack. It's not a great comparison but the combat kind of reminds me of Kingdom Hearts 1. >Do you like...rebuild places like in that game? That was never my favorite feature of those games, No. There is a building mechanic, but it's for a factory that's used in item progression. You don't have to create all your own settlements. The dungeons aren't randomly generated caves you'd see in an early 80s CRPG anymore either, but actual dungeons. The game has proper bosses, too. >I was kind of underwhelmed with it's story. That's another massive improvement, there's an actual story now with some surprisingly nice pre-rendered cutscenes. Here's part of the game's opening.
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Minor note, but Monsha in that cutscene is voiced by the same guy who voiced Kael'thas in Warcraft 3. Quinton Flynn, very prolific VA.
>>1008649 >>1008650 >>1008651 Hmm, might be worth checking out. Does it run okay on a PS2 emulator?
>>1008658 Never had any problems personally, very few games don't run well on PSCX2 these days. Unless your CPU is trash it should run fine.
>>1008658 Replayed it last year and it works fine.
>>1008663 >>1008664 >SAARS DO NOT REDEEM I love spam like this by thirdies who very obviously cannot speak English. What does "100 account" mean, Rajeet?
>>1008663 >>1008664 This wrong place to send bobs, go vagene other.
>>952907 Maya is quite the glowie waifu herself anon...
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Are the sword art online games any good? Saw a cute chinese girl playing one of them, and it seemed fun. Which one should I start with? Didn't see any other appropriate thread for this and it's somewhat on topic, so I'll ask here.
>>1008676 >sword art online games any good? No. Only part of SAO that isn't horrible shit is Alternative, which isn't even by SAO's author and just Kino's author getting an excuse to write a legal loli with a gun and her yuri friends.
>>1008671 What's the context here? I've been too busy playing video games to keep up with current internet stuff.
>>1008716 Have context.
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>>1008716 Nothing particularly new, just Indians being Indians.
>>1008480 Visions of Mana released 4 days ago, recent as you gets, and has fun combat.
>>1008744 Sadly it has denuvo like all Square titles.
>>1008793 I heard they also shitcanned the studio the day it released.
>>1008799 Yeah. That's because the chinks backstabbed them. Netease is likely pulling out of Japan. Maybe because the monke game did so well and they now think all their domestic studios are magic.
>>1008793 Have any crackers cracked Denuvo games except Empress?
>>1008975 There are two denuvo crackers: one who just does sports games and Empress who is insane and basically only cracks high profile stuff anyway. JRPGs have sadly been completely quelled by denuvo for years. Even big names like Persona are never cracked. Frankly, I'm kind of disgusted by the laziness of the cracking community. If a crazy tranny can figure out denuvo other people could too. But the scene is just filled with clout chasing retards these days rather than people who care about the community like it used to be. The only bright spot here is Square never leaves denuvo on indefinitely. Usually it's somewhere between six months to a year. Games like Octopath 2 which were released with it no longer have it. Other companies like Sega, though, are denuvo cultists and never remove it.
>>1009060 That was your problem with that sentence
>>1009069 First and foremost, trannies must always be called by their real biological gender. To me that takes precedence over everything else.
>>1009081 >Physical mutilation is the cure for mental illness Guess they could make more money out of that than psychology.
Video games?
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>>1009093 VIDEO GAMES!
Rise of the Ronin for Playstation 5.
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>>1008570 Better question: Lunar or Grandia?
>>1009581 I personally prefer Grandia's sense of adventure and wonder, to the love themes of Lunar. Plus, there is that theme song.
>>1009581 I love Wind's Nocturne, but nothing beats Grandia's general atmosphere and fun.
>>1008799 It was already going to be dissolved >>1008990 > If a crazy tranny can figure out denuvo other people could too I don't think he figured out shit, he probably have insider info, the retard even bootlick some companies saying he wasn't going to crack their stuff.
>>1009591 that sounds like some 1970s disco tv opening music in the middle, you need to post the REAL best song
>>1009685 Speaking of tribal vidya music, the Horteka theme from Eternal Arcadia alway makes me rember ttimes when happy.
>>1010033 Speaking of Arcadia, has anyone started a retranslation project since it came out the official version is literally completely made up?
Have any of you ever looked into the original Xbox JRPGs? They're almost all moonrunes-only with no translations, look very low budget, and can quite literally be counted with one hand. Sudeki doesn't count, and Tenerezza is also on PC
>>1010033 >>1010079 Perhaps >>1010033 could, to reconnect with times when happy. He's using the Japanese name Eternal Arcadia so maybe he speaks Japanese, he's posting in English, and he loves the game.
>>1010634 I've played through the superior Nipponese Dreamcast version, but I don't know how to SH-4 assembly language and my Nipponese skills aren't at the point where I'd feel capable of delivering a linguistically appealing translation it'd be a trannylation anyway as it's impossibru to properly convey the shitloads of everyday Nip idioms and wordplays/puns in Anglo without either resorting to creative measures or going full Spurdo. >>1010613 >Innocent Tears That one has broken voice playback in Xemu, which is unlikely to get fixed soon as the dev currently focuses on NV2A graphics emulation with the Xbox SPU emulation still lacking many features.
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>>1010613 I want to get comfy with the loli rpg
>>1010873 The Japanese Games Industry is superior.
>>1010843 You don't need to know assembly language to translate. If you translate, programmers will come.
>>1010613 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqVJV5xz20U SMT Nine looks interestingly shitty enough but the only gook exclusive I saw that looked interesting was the dwarf digging roguelike.
>>1011112 And people pretend anime and gook games haven't changed in the past 20 years LOLMAO
>>1011113 You are gay. >>1011022 Has the Nip script been dumped anywhere?
>>1011197 Winding down your cuckchan ban? Go ahead and visit >>>/abdl/ for all your posting needs!
>>1011196 >You are gay. How is wanting to see more loli's panties in games gay? I'm being honest. Fan service and lolis are a thing on the past in anime and games.
>>1011588 Forgot to add that pic 2 is from a jewtuber with over 1 million subscribers. There is no place for fanservice of any kind except for whatever the rainbow cult approves of at the moment.
>>1011588 >pic 1 The puriteen fucks got to Yoko Taro too... Things are looking more grim than any of us could have ever imagined.
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On a scale of 1 to 10 how shit is the EO1-3 rerelease?
What's got niggerpill's jimmies rustled?
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>>1011599 Denuvo/10
>>1011611 Are you for real? Atlus knows no limits to jewry.
>>1011612 I mean they've literally put Denuvo on every PC release since the beginning. They just broke the P4G and P5S ones at launch so the 1.0 versions are on torrent sites, but none of the their updates. But ever since they fixed that glitch there hasn't been a single denuvoless Atlus game. This is because they are owned by Sega, who are denuvo cultists. And unlike Square, Sega never removes denuvo.
>>1011674 Etrian Odyssey HD Remasters are also the same, they released those games without denuvo which got leaked almost immediately.
>>1011610 Interesting argument m8, care to elaborate?
>>1008716 Youtuber trolls scammers by pretending to be a retarded grandma. The scammer wants the codes to the gift cards so he can resell them, but the youtuber guy pretends he misunderstood the instructions and proceeds to redeem all the gift cards, hence the DO NOT REDEEM freakout.
>>1011674 Never have played a Denuvo game, never will play a Denuvo game.
>>1011872 Are you the retard who goes to every thread and states his opinion like he's christ on the mount? Shut the fuck up retard and actually contribute to a discussion for once.
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>>1011874 >A fucking DRM apologist shows up What shithole did this newfag blow in from? Is the Fight Knight AMA bringing these retards here?
>>1011882 Learn how to read.
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>>1011883 Learn to not leap to the cultish defense of predatory companies you paypig who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire, you DRM-excusing fanboy faggot.
>>1011874 >>1011883 Despising (((Denuvo))) is both tradition and moral obligation on this here Bhutanese cave painting BBS.
>>1011892 >>1011887 >>1011882 Niggers I never defended denuvo. There's one faggot who will go into a thread and respond to someone saying. for example. >X is bad there are no exceptions or >I don't do X and never will. Regardless of if he's even right he's adding nothing to the thread and his posts may as well not exist. And if you bother to respond asking for clarification or why he even posted it he'll just say some shit along the lines of >Don't care, shill. I've seen it countless times over the years and it's infuriating.
>>1011896 >This normalnigger's so new he doesn't even know the names of the local boogeymen he accuses random anons of being
>>1011899 I know who luciano is.
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>>1011899 >>1011899 I remember one glowy guy called Luciano who was always saying shit like "kill leftists" in the OneAngryGamer comments section, but I never understood how people associate him with posts on this board.
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>>1011909 I've seen the exact same pattern on several websites, it could be any sort of 'agent' since the lines are just the same repetitive trash over and over again. Tales of Destiny turns into a badly padded maze puzzle at the end, the shitty writing doesn't help since I don't think a better translation would fix it.
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>>1011909 He got caught on the same IP a few times.
>>1011951 Is he really trying to hide there? It just seems like spam.
>>1011951 >>1012083 That just seems like a legitimate schizophrenic. Just imagine what someone like Terry A Davis would post here and it's not far off from that.
>>1011951 why do u gota problem with him? ura kikeloving shabbos?
>>1012281 Don't do Terry like that.
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Phantasia has better music than Destiny and Eternia, I forgot about the Archie drunk sexo lines in dejap's release.
>>1014344 Ever played the PS1 version? Personally, while it has more content, the SNES version has a very special place in my heart. Also the game has one of the easiest ways to get COMPLETELY stuck in a game. If you enter the moria mines, there is a point where cannot go back (I believe floor 7) to the entrance and to go forward you've got to have a pickaxe.
>>1014983 I tried out the PS1 version when Gemini pushed his release and it was alright, the music and sprites are worse than the original though. I could tell that Bamco tried polishing it with the PSP releases with the Eternia battle system but I like the original's cheap bullshit more.

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>>1008486 Did start to play xenoblade chronicles 2, doesn't feel quite as enjoyable as xenoblade 1, the combat feel more restricted and the world doesn't feel as "epic", for the lack of a better world. Besides, the character Pyra does nothing for me, while she's got big boobs, that's all she's got going for her, also her English voice is constantly cracking while she is taking. On the other hand, Nia, now there is a girl that is mighty fine.
>>1014987 Xenoblade 2 has a harem of waifus so there's a waifu for everyone. IMHO, Pyra's the girl you marry while Nia's the girl you fuck. The combat is definitely more restricted at the start but opens up later, and the worlds feel more epic once you're deeper in. The Argentum Trade Guild at the start is small and the least epic world area.
>>1014990 >The combat is definitely more restricted at the start but opens up later, Specifically it expands during story events and boss battles where tutorial dialogs are like "you can do this in combat now."
>>1014990 Mio from 3 > Nia from 2
>>1015050 Nia's more relatable, she's got the tomboy GF thing going.
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>>1014987 I feel what the game is missing is the reliable big brother type of character, I am not that far along in the game though.
>>1015061 Zeke after he's less of a goofball fits. Spoiler because it's a surprise he joins. Certainly Addam, if you count Torna: The Golden Country.
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>>1015061 There is, arguably multiple in a sense since you get a big sister character as well who's much more involved than Sharla ever was, the "big bro"/Reyn character is the last party member and takes a long time to join. Honestly I found 2 a ton more enjoyable than 1 in general. Mostly due to better music, more interesting leveling/stats system, and faster-paced combat that once you understand how it works it's really fun. I also liked the story better but I was an oddball who played Torna the Golden Country first so my perception of the story was a bit different, and I had gone through a 40ish hour psuedo-tutorial so some of the game's more obscure mechanical oddities weren't so obscure. Also, some of the DLC rare blades are nice to have without being too busted (except Corvus, found him awkward to use and too strong for what he is).
>>1011599 It's a digital upscaling of the originals with one new portrait for every class. So it's barely above the most bare-effort remasters, didn't even include the untold orchestrated OSTs for 1 and 2. Also includes full automapping which I find to be a very scrubby feature that shouldn't be included at all in this type of game, as it outright removes one of the big things that separates EO from other dungeon crawlers. The only one mildly worth it is the 3 remaster if you don't like to emulate, since 3 never got a remake and is scalped to hell and back online. They're also stupidly expensive for what amounts to an amateur graphics mod. If you do get them, take the piracy or (switch) emulation route. Or just emulate the DS originals with far less processing power and much more convenient mapping since it's always on the screen. Not what I would've done to market the games, personally. I would've either entirely remade 3 and sold that since that's been in huge demand among EO fans and it would actually justify spending $2mil approx on a 2 year denuvo license instead of getting three separate 2+ year licenses costing upwards of $6mil for a bunch of shit ports not that many people bought. For how low effort these are I don't understand why Sega is spending so much damn money on DRM to a point it has to be a net loss. I mean, Denuvo on a product this niche is inherently a net loss due to the pool of fair-weather-pirates being so small in the first place, but even from a raw sales perspective I don't think you'd even cover the Denuvo costs for a product like this, not soon enough for the quarterly or annual financial report at least.
>>1014987 >the combat feel more restricted and the world doesn't feel as "epic" This changes as you go. XB2 by far of the three has the most gameplay variety and interesting things you can do, but you're right about it taking a long ass time to get you there. I feel like the world expands as it goes too. >>1014990 >Pyra's the girl you marry while Nia's the girl you fuck. Wrong, you marry both of them and Pyra's sister too. >>1015061 >I feel what the game is missing is the reliable big brother type of character Zeke absolutely fits. He's more goofy than Dunban but he has layers under his shtick when he lets the mask drop. If you're counting Reyn as a big bro type rather than a friend then Zeke also is much more the type to give advice and be a mentor (Rex even mentions this in Future Redeemed).
>>1015104 Future Redeemed is incredible as a denouement though confusing on its own, you need to play the rest of the Xenoblade series except X to get it since the story assumes you know Shulk, Rex, Alvis, Z, and the setting of Aionios. What a send-off, though. Also, Glimmer is a brat who needs correction.
>>1015134 >Glimmer is a brat who needs correction. I wonder if she was like that when she lived with Rex and the rest of her family or if it was the war that made her that way.
>>1015137 Weird call making Pyra's kid like that at all when it's Mythra's personality.
>>1015104 rex the shonen gigachad
>>1015143 I think that was the joke.
The Bravely series, it's Final Fantasy without the Final Fantasy name.
>>1015054 Poppi is a cute, and best girl.
>>1015244 A shame they self censored themselves with the native outfit and such.
>>1015086 I dunno, the Untold games aren't exactly good when it comes to them being remakes. A straightforward EO3 remake would be nice with it just being Classic mode but modern Atlus isn't to be trusted when it comes to something like this.
Octopath Traveler I and Octopath Traveler II. Storytelling is compelling, soundtrack is stellar, fights are challenging, characters are memorable, HD-2D graphics are attractive.
>>1015821 Check LIVE A LIVE out, it's Octopath-like
>>1015829 If you want any actual challenge play the original, the new one is OG on babymode where you're handed tutorials, item effects are simplified and you're given a minimap where you're constantly told where to go.
>>1015845 Wasn't there script censorship too?
I beat the original Live A Live, its fan-made translation's awkwardly worded and its graphics (except enemy sprites in battle) aged like milk. If you're taking a stand on throwaway lines just pirate.
>>1009581 >>1009591 >>1009685 Are Grandia III and Xtreme any good? People only ever talk about the first two games.
>>1017218 I've played 3 but never finished it. The gameplay is still the same but the story went sour right after your mother and her bf leaves and it becomes a race against the villain on who can reach the guardian temples first.
>>1017218 I recommend Grandia I but nothing else. Xtreme is the worst with a boring story and uses Grandia's name to parasite cash from brandtards.
>>1015137 Would
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>>1017263 >I recommend Grandia Grandia is only good up until they get to the point where they have to cross over the wall. Really falls apart after that, IMO. Also, I was supremely disappointed how everybody and their goddamned brother joined in the final fight - except for Lilly who was explicitly a pirate queen before settling down and raising a family. I really hoped she would have contacted some of her old crew and came to help Justin, but nope. Fucking missed opportunity. She was also hot as fuck
>>1017263 Grandia 2 is alright, 3 has retarded cutscenes worse than the older games from playing the undub and Xtreme is kind of a bland dungeon crawler that reuses assets from Grandia 2 but performs better than the PS2 port of Grandia 2 while looking uglier.
Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge of the Seven comes out in a month, it's an ambitious 3D remake of a 2D cult classic. I'll play if it ends up good.
>>1017884 Let's hope the model art is better than that because I'm quickly losing interest.
>>1017884 I like the model art for this game. It really piques my interest.
>>1018921 It's looks low budget as fucking looking from the demo, it looks like two different groups worked on the player character models and the monster models since the character models look like homogenized 2020 anime designs with the monster models looking like lowish budget models of the sprites but at least tried to keep to the art.
>>1008716 Kitboga (youtuber anti-scammer guy) has a fake Google Play page set up that he uses to trick pajeet scammers into thinking he's actually REDEEEEMing non-existent gift cards. Telemarketing and scams are like the legit #1 source of income for the Indians. Also the desperation in the guy's voice is due to Kitboga keeping him online for like six hours before using up his fake codes.
>>1017884 Art looks like Trails of Cold Steel.
>>1019012 >It's looks low budget as fucking looking Higher budget than your English lessons.
>>1019213 Am I supposed to care about your shitposting or am I supposed to feed it when I'm just calling out the basic half-assed outsourcing Squeenix has done for xxx years? The player character models look cheap and generic as fuck, they should at least tried to emulate the old artstyle better like Minstrel Song at least bothered trying to do, even the new Saga games try to emulate it better character model design wise.
>>1017884 RPG maker tier art. Devoid of any soul.
>>1019218 If you're talking custom rpgmaker art, those has plenty of soul, they just often lack quality. If you mean stock assets, fair enough I guess, but I've seen some stock RPGM assets that look pretty good.
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Never saw the Rmoancing Saga remake characters but image search makes them look not bad.
>>1019790 seeing these typos and me making them as well when typing too fast makes me wish that Codexx would put in an "edit post" feature, though we all know that it would be prone to abuse. I just tire of deleting posts because I notice a typo too late and have to redo everything, inadvertently bumping threads and causing flood detection to trigger. I wish my touch typing skills were more up to par to maintain better digital hygiene.
>>1019791 I don't care about the typo.
Final Fantasy 16.
>>1020365 >recommendation thread >recommends the most mediocre game in the most overrated franchise madlad
>>1020367 No one robs the balloon guy, he's broke. He makes balloon animals.
where the hell is kh4 square. seriously this is the only vidya series i even care about anymore where the fuck is it and why did you choose to make your entire presentation at TGS about a 36 year old game.
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>>1021250 Fukkin saved
How are Wild Arms 2, 3, and 5? I never hear people talk about those games in detail. They mostly talk about how good 1 is and how bad 4 is.
>>1022873 They're not as good as 1 but at least they're not as bad as 4
>>1022873 People never shut the fuck up about how much they like 2, I'm not too sure about that, 3 is just 2 updated with 3D models with a dumber sentai plot masquerading as a western.
>>1022873 They're all cashgrabs riding 1's success.
>>1022873 3 is gay.
>>1022965 I saw some shit about Brad from Wild Arms 2 being gay in the Japanese. Don't speak it, don't know if it's true.
>>1015821 >ctrl+f >octopath Seconding the Octopath Traveler games, they do "classic modern" right.
>>1022965 Their arms are wilding all over each other.
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>>1022873 >5 >Have a love triangle between Dean, the tomboy cowgirl and the amnesiac who happens to be a time traveler in a constant time loop because she wants the best outcome with Dean >Have Rebecca's journal entries as part of the story >Nothing gets resolved by the end I admit I like some of the characters but I can't recommend this to anyone.
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Xenoblade Chronicles 3 art book arrived. It's lewd. Now I have all of them.
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>>1025146 All of the games or all of the artbooks?
>>1025146 Can you read Japanese or do you have all of the books for the art?
>>1025485 The latter.
>>1025146 I beat Xenoblade 2 and 3 but I don't have their artbooks. I'm interested, but not interested enough to buy them. Are digital scans available somewhere so I can browse them?
>>1025146 >>1025492 I may have found digital scans. How many pages are they?
>>1023358 >love triangle never gets resolved When did this become the norm in Japanese media?
>>1025525 These look better than the digital scans I found, but I can't download them without an e-hentai.org account, which I can't register, since it loops the security code confirmation.
>>1025492 never tried xeno but i wanna stick my tits in mythras dicks
>>1025554 Mythra's hot but bitchy. She's a less interesting waifu when you play Xenoblade 2, unless you're Addam from Torna: The Golden Country, who can sort of wrangle her.
>>1025581 >pic Terrible idea, that's how you end up marrying nutcases like Amber Heard Accept minimal amounts of crazy, unless it's fictional in which case who gives a fuck
>>1025588 Young Amber Heard is 10 hot/10 crazy. Sometimes a funny crazy, like shitting on Johnny Depp's bed, and sometimes an unfunny crazy, like framing him for abuse in court.
Kingdom Hearts.
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Does anyone have any CRPG recommendations? I just finished Pathfinder: WotR and it was entertaining enough.
>>1027322 Baldur's Gate 3
>>1027322 Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2. They are related but you don't need to play 1 first to enjoy 2.
>>1027322 Apparently Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 seem to be pretty good.
>>1027325 >>1027387 >>1027389 I've already played all 5 of those :(
>>1027322 Planescape: Torment if you want story. Baldur's Gate 1 is extremely dated while still retaining that fun low level DND combat gameplay. The Swordcoast Stratagem mod catapults the difficulty into the stratosphere, if that's your thing. Baldur's Gate 2 is an overall amazing game, balancing both gameplay and story. Do NOT use the enhanced editions of BG1/2, instead go for the original versions. You can use a BG1 full conversion mod (either BGT or BGTuTu) to make the experience less... dated. The two Icewind Dale games are pure combat, nothing more, nothing less. Neverwinter Nights 2's OC is average, but the Mask of the Betrayer expansion is god tier. Fallout 1 and 2 are both classics and must plays.
>>1027396 If you've already played that many CRPGs, just find a list of CRPGs and watch trailers.
>>1027470 Horrible advice. The overwhelming majority of reviews you'll find barely ever say anything negative or critical about games unless the part of the game being criticized is horrible. "Sekiro bestest game ever!" but the stealth is complete dogshit, almost as bad as that Star Wars Outlaws game. "Elden Ring game of the year all years!" Open world is empty and boring. "Baldur's Gate 3 set the standard for games" but don't mention that act 2 is a buggy mess and that act 3 shipped broken; game probably shipped with over 100k bugs including many soft locks. Hell, Pathfinder: WotR reviews barely touched on how bad their HoMM mode was or how shit the writing was. Game literally takes a dumb on the alignment system and gives you 4 alignment choices: good is too stupid to live, Judge Dredd, lolsorandum humour, comically evil "I kill you!" dialogue (not a joke, that's actually a dialogue option to kill multiple NPCs). Even the previous game had RP elements for each alignment. True Neutral characters could make peace between two beastmen tribes early in chapter 1, you could be a LG and save an important NPC by reminding him that his duty is save lives, etc. But reviews and trailers don't tell you this, you have to sift through negative reviews on Steam or on forums to get an idea of the bad parts of a game. And once again for the challenged: this doesn't apply to egregious examples like last boss of Elden Ring's DLC having frame drops + suffering from being unable to see shit syndrome. Drones will often comment on things like this, but not the deeper problems. 1) they lack ability to either understand and/or vocalize these issues and 2) they fear going against the majority as true normalfags often are. Think of that one JewTuber who said FFXVI sucked, got roasted to infinity for it, and then a year later the same idiots went "oh yeah he's kinda right". Another good example is a screenshot I've seen posted around here about Xenoblade Chronicles 1 and 2, where half the people posting were shitting on 2 for having dumbed down and worse mechanics than 1, while the other half was waifu worshipping.
>>1027474 My advice wasn't "uncritically follow a reviewer's recommendations," it was to find a list of CRPGs then watch trailers.
>>1027322 I'm currently playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance and quite like it. It's set in Bohemia, year 1402. Closest comparison I can think of is Piranha Bytes Gothic/Risen series, but there is no magic and stuff like that.
>Lunar Remastered Collection steam page up >still no word on if it got a full on retranslation >don't know if censored I hope we get 魔法学園LUNAR! with uncensored HD scanned (not upscaled) FMVs. That animation deserves better than highly compressed CD video.
>>1027596 The game is so accurate that when some outlet (Gamespot I think?) showed it to a historian in a video about video game Medieval armor, he started going off on tangents about how accurate their stances were and the way weapons were used.
>>1027727 Well, I have found out one inaccuracy - chickens just stay in the town square during the night, even though they have a hen house right next to them... And in the towns and villages I was feeling like something was off for some reason, then I realized there are no children in the game.
>>1027596 >Play it a few months after launch - run into game breaking bug and can't recover because of fucking savior schnapps dissuade saving. >Play it a few months ago - crashes constantly, visual artifacts It's a very historically accurate piece of shit.
Anyone tried Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty? How is it?
The Trails series. It's Nihon Falcom's biggest RPG series, over 10 games. Trails in the Sky, the 1st game, will be remade in 2025.
>>1029058 >they're remaking Sky For fuck's sake, can't anyone just leave the classics alone?
>>1029058 >over 10 games. And only the first five are any good. and yet I’m still playing every new release. I barely enjoy it anymore but I can’t stop for some reason.
>>1029058 It has been 60 million years, can you still get non lbutchered ocalized version of the games without getting DMCA to death
>>1029095 I mean Kuro 2 got a fan tl after Zerofield died so yes. How soon we get Kai is gonna depend heavily on how quick the CLE chinks get their PC version out. Nisa looks to be trying to shrink the delay to one year if rumors are true. That being said when Kai came out in Japanese several players streamed the game with an MTL overlay and it was surprisingly accurate most of the time so in all honesty if those tools are used a translation could be made relatively quickly.
>>1029060 It's not even out, maybe it will be better.
>>1029129 Do you know how rare it is to expect an actually good remake these days?
>>1029210 Your expectations and the expectations of fusspots here aren't most expectations.
>>1029060 At the very least it seems to be using the exact same script in English and Japanese. The visuals do look nice. It's cool to see the entire Rolent region in one loading zone.
I have a question about SaGa: Can anyone explain to me which games are which in the SaGa franchise? Which games have been remade and which games are sequels to what. I've had a brief look at an article on the series but it wasn't very clear about which remakes are of which game. I'm currently playing Romancing Saga 2 remake and would like to play remakes of 1 and 3 if they exist, as well as the "newest" non-remake entry in the series. And of course I'd like to know what you think is the best game in the series and which ones are worth playing.
>>1034648 Man I've beaten like six of them, and I barely know. It doesnt really matter I guess though.
Also just play the originals, the graphics are beautiful.
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radiant historia this game is fantastic.
Saw a local store selling the PS3 version of Ni No Kuni. Is it worth it or should get the NDS version?
>>1034952 Yeah its fine
>>1034659 Very much so, the remake on the 3DS is shit.
>>1034991 It's fine. Just play the mode that cuts out all the new story stuff. Problem solved.
Hexyz Force. an Atlus game most people probably have never even heard of. But I personally enjoy more than the new stuff they put out.
>>943592 Can someone please make a list of all jrpgs with a physically explorable world-map (in the same style of FF7-8-9) with also controllable vehicles such as airship? These are the ones I know: Final Fantasy IX Final FantasyType-0 Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy VIII Ni no Kuni Star Ocean 2: The 2nd Story Tales of the Abyss Tales of Vesperia Xenogears anything else to add?
>>957217 >Are these games any good? The good: - God-tier lore/setting - God-tier soundtrack - Very good battle systems - Very good female characters (both in terms of design, and depth/characterization) The bad: - Very low production values - Mediocre main character - Lots of cringeworthy scenes/dialogues - Total lack of gameplay during Cosmosphere sections (which is a very important game mechanic) Overall, 2 is the superior game because 1 is dragged down by an almost complete lack of challenge, and by much more simplistic and predictable story (though by no means "bad"). I still recommend starting with 1 though, because of one reason that will become apparent toward the end of 2.
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>>1038109 >anything else to add? Depending on how far you stretch the notions of jrpgs and vehicles, Crystal Project is made by a single Western guy and has only animal mounts, but it's still Final Fantasy kind of combat with single world map (wraparound in both directions) with flying and swimming once you get the right animal.
>>1038109 You would probably absolutely love Terranigma. And while it's a CRPG rather than a JRPG, Moonring also does this.
>>1038186 And if you love Terranigma, play Soul Blazer and Illusion of Gaia.
>>1038109 Chrono Cross Chrono Trigger Basically all of the Dragon Quest games as far as I know
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>>1038109 Phantasy Star IV has combat capable vehicles which you need in order to open up the map, like the Ice Digger you need to burrow through the glaciers that block off much of Dezolis's map. Earlier games in the franchise also had vehicles, but they weren't nearly as well fleshed out as PSIV. (Not counting space ships either, since you can't explore the planets with them)
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>>1038109 Does Uncharted Waters 2: New Horizons count as a JRPG? The whole game is exploring a world map.
>>1034648 So, I believe the Romancing SaGa minstral song is the first one, remastered twice now. However, there were some Final Fantasy Legend titles before them. Next is Romancing SaGa 2, now remastered and then 3. The SaGa Frontiers followed and then Unlimited SaGa. There were phone games thereafter. Honestly, there is no rationale to play any of them in any order, but I would recommend the first SaGa Frontier. I seemed to enjoy that one more than any other, with Unlimited being very interesting and challenging as well.
>>1038660 Cheers anon. I'll give Minstrel Song and Frontier a go after I'm done with 2RE. But I've got DQ3 HD2D coming out on Thursday so I'll probably take a break from the Saga saga to play that.
>>1038660 There were those 2 Gameboy Saga games that got remade for the NDS
I just finished Romancing Saga 2 in time for DQ3RE tomorrow morning. It took me about 70s hours without doing the short and optional post-game content or second playthrough for the achievements. I don't think I will replay it but it was a solid game.
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I completed Brothership. It was co-developed by Acquire, the co-developer of Octopath Traveler and Octopath Traveler II, and lived up to my Mario & Luigi favorite, Superstar Saga. The director from Superstar Saga returned as the lead game designer for Brothership, and though AlphaDream is defunct, some AlphaDreamers returned too. I score Brothership 9/10. I never felt bored, and always looked forward to revealing more story, battling more enemies, hearing more songs, and seeing more set pieces. It's playful, it's playable, and in the 2024 video game drought, it quenched my thirst.
>>1039772 How does it stack compared to the other M&L games?
>>1038186 >>1038245 Also The Granstream Saga.
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Spoiler screenshots for Brothership's true final level. The middle screenshot's during the final boss. >>1039916 How it stacks compared to the others is battles, set pieces, animations, backgrounds, and cutscenes are the best in Mario & Luigi. Learning enemy patterns is harder. Bowser's character's the best besides Bowser's Inside Story, and Brothership's story explores bonds between characters more. Concordia introduces unique enemies past Bowser's minions. Cloned Toads from Paper Jam weren't as memorable as Concordian plug-people, like Wattanist Connie, her mentor Cozette, Groovemaster Dyode, Patriarc and Arc, the Rumbla family Willma and Maykit and Billdit, Leyden and his assistant, the eager IDLE group, the villainous Extension Corps, the lovebirds Chilliam and Burnadette, the rivals Technikki and Adaphne, the friendly Buddy, and the Great Conductor. Brothership's longer. It's less linear, with more story choices, and for some islands, like the lush Twistee or the jungle Raynforst, you pick the island you finish first. Luigi's overworld auto-jump makes exploration feel smoother. More side quests, more twists and turns in paths in environments.
>>1038698 >Gameboy Saga >>1039216 >Romancing Saga >>1040148 >Granstream Saga All those Sagas but Xenosaga best Saga.
>>1040395 >Connie I'm not sure how to feel about this name localization.
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>>1041579 I personally prefer the Buu Saga.
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>>1041584 Connie's the best name for her character in Mario & Luigi: Brothership. She's a connector (Connie-ctor) from Concordia (concord, connection cord), mentored by Cozette to help the Uni-Tree grow Connectar (Connie-ctar, connector, nectar), in a game about connections (Connie-ctions) of islands and between people. It's why she's a plug, those connect. Concordia, the world of Brothership, is a real girl's name of Latin origin. Connie's a real nickname for Concordia. Connie's コネッタ (Konetta) in Japan, from コネクター (konekutā) meaning "connector," so the localization is faithful. Connie's character's feminine, adorable, playful, and supportive. She's not ideologically captured by the politics of her author. She's important, but humble, never girlbossy, and likes helping. Her moments in Brothership are a delight, like cutscenes where Connie air-dances with joy as she reconnects Great Lighthouses with her bonding can.
>>1041595 Connie sounds like a good waifu. She's a cute.
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>>957217 I emulated the first one until I reached a point in the game that had a unavoidable story glitch caused by the official translation. Lost all interest. It was during some big story boss battle where a weapon is charging or something.
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>>1041820 >Spicy version Wrong, this one is.
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>>1038186 >Terranigma. I thought that game was unfinished? >>1022965 Isn't that just headcanon? I played the whole game twice over, both as a kid and an adult I and I just recall them being rivals/friends. >>1022873 1 was fun, but I played 3 first and 1 over a decade later when I could emulate games. Cat tits were nice though. 3 will always be my favorite. I like it's soundtrack the most too. 2 was okay, but the English translation was so bad, it read like the people giving you order in the beginning admitted to being the once who tried to kill your to your face and you did nothing about it. Really dampened the experience. I heard 12 inspired Trigun, and Trigun in turn served to influence Wild ARMs 2 and 3, which has a vague portrait of Vash in one of the Inns in 2. Also, 2 predicted LOSS and Marivel a cute.
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>>1041850 Fuck, that's a lottta typos.
>>1041850 >Isn't that just headcanon? Pic 1 (or rather, the two sets of four pictures combined into a single images) is official art.
>>1040395 The finale is amazing, possibly the best in the series. Definitely makes up for the slow beginning since the game gets better and better afterwards.
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>>1038109 This spoils an RPG from this year, but far into Brothership, you select from 2 plans to upgrade Shipshape Island to a submarine or an airship. I selected the airship, and can fast travel to any point on any current in Concordia. It's Shipshape's second upgrade, after an early upgrade to sail faster.
>>1045498 >spoils "the rpg got an airship" spoils like "the fps got a gun" or "the fighter got combos" or "the vn got no gameplay"
>>1040395 I don't know what the Zero Punctuation faggot is talking about, the graphics look exactly like the artwork for the first M&L brought in 3D. Really boggles my nogging when the complaint for a Switch game is "it's got bad graphics"
>>1046156 Nintendo does colorful, competent fantasy aesthetics without AAA budget polygon counts, kind of like Onirism does
>>1046156 >I don't know what the Zero Punctuation faggot is talking about Yahtzee has had shittakes on games for years. The only irony is that he's better than Razor.
>>1046157 Yeah, but its heavily stylized, which might not be everyone's cup of tea. >>1046191 Razor is a contrarian, so give it enough time and his takes will eventually wheel around to being not gay.
>>1045498 I picked the submarine and it does the exact same thing.
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I love JRPGs but I don't know how to defend them from mean bullies who say they're gay and are only played by autistic sissies. Help.
>>1055701 Like not all Muslims are terrorists but terrorists are Muslims, not all JRPG players are autistic sissies but autistic sissies are JRPG players.
Is Final Fantasy Type-0 good? I remember people years ago saying it was a return to the golden age of the single digit Final Fantasies, but I never got around to playing it back then.
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>>1055701 JRPGs are ultimately iterations on Western tabletop games. <they're gay Have these so-called critics looked at the WRPG Baldin' Gay 3 which got advertised with ursidic bestiality? 99% of JRPGs out there showcase heteronormative standards whereas WRPGs are all too happy to stain themselves with rainbow paint. >>1075784 >Type-0 Eh, it's alright. It only got repute because it was untranslated for the longest time, but once it actually did get translated and then ported to the Piss4 what people found was that it was Final Fantasy's attempt to pander and scoop up the Purseowner demographic, much like Falcom tried getting in on that with Tokyo Xanadu. So if you're into an ARPG take on that, great, otherwise feel free to skip. Also, this is a rare Final Fantasy title where one of the artists (female) went into extensive detail texturing unique pantsu for each of the female characters. The press release was since removed during Square Enix's recent phase of trying to suck up to DEI, but that alone is a gimmick that justifies the game's existence.
>>1055701 >giving a shit about the opinions of retards Enjoy the games that you enjoy; shit taste fags will always exist.
>>1055701 Trial by combat. Only way.

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