That's a good point. I wish Sega let Flynn get autistic and rip off the Brotherhood of Metallix, but with all the different versions of Metal / Mecha Sonic. That would be cool as hell.
But that picture is wrong. That thing that it labels as Metal Sonic Mark 2 is labelled incorrectly. It doesn't have a name in the original game or manual, but it is literally Metal Sonic transformed by a Giant Dark Ring. In the Archie Comics, this transformation is called Titan Metal Sonic, and many years after it is defeated, Eggman builds a new Titan Metal Sonic, based on the transformation. The original Metal Sonic still existed, reverted back to his original form. Actually, by this point he was defeated in his original form, but rebuilt in a new body with the color scheme of Metal Sonic 3.0 from Sonic Rivals, but now he was a good guy and changed his name to Shard. Eggman then replaced Metal Sonic with a new one that looked pretty similar but had some differences, like a different power source. This one was called Metal Sonic 2.0. And then it got defeated and Eggman made 2.1, 2.2, etc. Eventually he made 3.0, who is totally different than 3.0 from the games. 3.0 looks like just regular Metal Sonic, and is treated as just regular Metal Sonic, and at one point he kills Shard, the original Metal Sonic.
Actually Metal Sonic, the one who became Shard, was called Mecha Sonic in his first few appearances. Mecha Sonic also referred to when Sonic got roboticized, and that transformation actually was based on Mecha Sonic from Sonic & Knuckles, and was seemingly meant to be a very loose adaptation. "Mecha" in contexts except for the guy who went on to become Shard referred to when main characters like Sonic, Knuckles, and Sally got roboticized. Archie did Mecha Knuckles way before the games, but in that case it was a coincidence, whereas Archie Mecha Sonic, despite the different story, was based on Sonic & Knuckles Mecha Sonic.
But back to the big red Metal Sonic. In the Japanese manual of Chaotix, Metal Sonic, the regular version, is referred to as Metal Sonic Kai, because he's been rebuilt and upgraded (even if you can't tell) since his last appearance. The Encyclo-speed-ia then uses Metal Sonic Kai to refer to the form Metal Sonic takes at the end of the game. Ian Flynn claims this isn't a mistake, and that he did it on purpose to give the form a name, since Metal Sonic is always just referred to as Metal Sonic in later games. Well except for the time he became Neo Metal Sonic.
I suppose a similar example would be how in the OVA Metal Sonic is called Hyper Metal Sonic even though he seems pretty regular. But I guess he was upgraded internally. So Metal Sonic, Metal Sonic Kai, Hyper Metal Sonic, and Neo Metal Sonic, are all the same guy rebuilt.
However, the thing labelled Metal Sonic Mk. 3 is actually called Metal Sonic 3.0 in its only appearance, in Sonic Rivals 2, and is a completely different thing. He's Eggman Nega's version of Metal Sonic, from 300 years in the future. I suppose theoretically he could also be literally Metal Sonic in the future, but they never clarify that. He's treated like a separate character and fights Metal Sonic.
Metal Sonic 2.0, meanwhile, is a skin for Metal Sonic in Sonic Rivals 1. It is like 3.0's body with 1.0's head. Since it's just a skin, it doesn't have a story. I guess it's an upgraded model, since the skins for the other characters are all just costumes, but they're still the same character. So maybe this lends credence to the idea that 3.0 is 1.0 hundreds of years in the future, but Rivals 2 doesn't specifically say that.
Now, as for the thing that picture labels as Robot Sonic, I don't think that name is used anywhere officially. However, in the Lego Dimensions Sonic DLC, that robot is referred to as Robo Sonic. But really, I think the original developers obviously intended that thing to be called Mecha Sonic, because it's a somewhat obvious reference to Mechagodzilla, especially if you look at the concept art. It's specifically the Showa Era Mechagodzilla from the '70s. However, it's notable that the Archie comics call this thing Silver Sonic.
The thing the picture labels as Mecha Sonic Mark 2 is not named anywhere, but it is adapted in the Archie Comics as Silver Sonic 2.0. This thing in the games was always mysterious to fans, as it's just sitting there in a tube in Sonic Adventure, next to Metal Sonic, who is obviously identified. I did always think the intent was that it must be the robot from Sonic 2. Looking at its details, I the eyes and hands specifically, it looks like the same idea, but with elements of the Heisei Era Mechagodzilla added. Therefore, even though the closest thing it has to an official name is Silver Sonic 2.0, I think Mecha Sonic 2.0 should be its obvious name.
But this is problematic, because there is also the Mecha Sonic from Sonic & Knuckles, who is named Mecha Sonic more officially. So fine, maybe this is Mecha Sonic 2.0 and the one from Adventure should be... 1.1?
That brings us to the one from Sonic 2 8-bit. On the picture it's called Silver Sonic, which is a name used in the European manual. In the Archie Comics, he's called Silver Sonic (Prototype Version). In the Japanese manual, it's called Mecha Sonic. Since it's obviously primitive, and the 8-bit game came out before Sonic 2 16-bit, I think it's reasonable to call this Mecha Sonic (Prototype Version) or something like that (keeping an element of the Archie name). If I were the writer and were being cheeky, maybe I'd label it Mecha Sonic 0.8, because it's from the 8-bit game, and this would leave room for theoretical earlier and later Mecha Sonics before the one from the 16-bit game. But really there are four distinct forms and characters that should be called Mecha Sonic, and none of them have official numbers, except for the one from Sonic Adventure, who is called Silver Sonic 2.0 in a comic adaptation.
And I'd be remiss to not mention Emperor Metallix, who is visually based on the big red Metal Sonic transformation from Chaotix, but is a distinct character. Rather than a transformation, he's just a big red robot who leads an army of identical Metal Sonics, in this series called Metallixes, and rebels against Robotnik. He's actually cool as hell, and his arc is maybe the best in the series.
So let's do a breakdown.
>Mecha Sonic (Prototype Version)
Seen in Sonic 2 (8-bit) Officially just called Mecha Sonic in the Japanese manual. Called Silver Sonic in the European manual and Silver Sonic (Prototype Version) in the Archie comics.
>Mecha Sonic 1.0
The one from Sonic 2 (16-Bit). Officially just called Mecha Sonic, and obviously based on Showa Mechagodzilla. Called Robo Sonic in Lego Dimensions. Called Silver Sonic in the Archie Comics.
>Mecha Sonic 2.0
The one from Sonic Adventure. Has no official name, but obviously based on the one from Sonic 2 (16-bit) but with elements of Heisei Mechagodzilla. Called Silver Sonic 2.0 in the Archie comics.
>Mecha Sonic
The one seen in Sonic & Knuckles. Only known officially as Mecha Sonic. Adapted loosely in the Archie comics as Mecha Sonic (who is Sonic roboticized). Reappears in main canon in the IDW comics, explicitly referred to as Mecha Sonic. Not as obviously based on Mechagodzilla, but also obviously based on the Mecha Sonic from Sonic 2 (16-bit)
>Metal Sonic
The one from Sonic CD. For some reason called Mecha Sonic in the first few appearances in the Archie Comics, but later they just started calling him Metal Sonic like they were supposed to. Also adapted into the Fleetway comics, but there called Metallix, The Metal Sonic. Metallixes eventually start getting mass produced, and they also build versions based on Knuckles, also just called Metallixes.
>Metal Sonic Kai
The Japanese manual for Chaotix uses this name to refer to Metal Sonic, because he's been upgraded since his last appearance. He looks the same, but okay, he's been upgraded internally.
>Metal Sonic Kai (Transformation)
The Encyclo-speed-ia uses this name to refer to the big red transformation Metal Sonic has in Chaotix, but the game didn't actually name the form. The Archie Comics called this form Titan Metal Sonic, and later, Eggman built a new Titan Metal Sonic, based on the transformation, but it was just a solo robot, and regular Metal Sonic was still running around. The Fleetway comics loosely adapted this transformation as Emperor Metallix, an independent character, not a transformation.
>Hyper Metal Sonic
As seen in the OVA. He's just regular Metal Sonic as well, but I guess he's been upgraded or something.
>Metal Sonic 2.0
From Sonic Rivals. It's just a skin for Metal Sonic.
>Metal Sonic 3.0
Eggman Nega's Metal Sonic from 200 years in the future. The game doesn't say he's literally Metal Sonic in the future. He could be a new robot. But if Metal Sonic 2.0 is basically a costume for Metal Sonic, then it stands to reason that 3.0 could basically be an upgraded Metal Sonic as well.
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Archie exclusive variants
Archie exclusive. The original Metal Sonic, who was originally called Mecha Sonic. He became a good guy and got defeated but was rebuilt in a new body that resembled 3.0 from the games and began calling himself Shard.
>Metal Sonic 2.0
The original Metal Sonic's (called Mecha Sonic's) replacement. Pretty much the same thing but still evil. Also, not powered by a "Power Gem" like the original was. Defeated and rebuilt with a new decimal every time. Metal Sonic 2.1, 2.2, etc. are all pretty much the same thing.
>Meta Sonic 3.0
Also pretty much the same thing, but said to be further upgraded. Kills Shard and then just goes on to be treated as the only Metal Sonic.
>Captain Metal
Metal Sonic 3.0 got sent to Blaze's dimension and rebuilt with scrap, becoming a pirate called Captain Metal. Meanwhile, the timeline was altered so there was always only one Metal Sonic, so Captain Metal shouldn't have even existed, but due to the Jeweled Scepter, Blaze's dimension was somewhat protected from change, so Captain Metal continued to exist.