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Sonic the Hedgehog Anonymous 10/15/2024 (Tue) 09:45:27 Id: 824c4a No. 1027938
With Sonic X Shadow Generations coming out in less than a week, now is a good time for a new Sonic thread. Personally I'm quite excited for the game, and am surprised it hasn't already leaked since it usually leaks around this time. Although I'm kinda disappointed we haven't seen a proper Adventure remake yet, hopefully this game will be good and will lead to good things as time goes on. Oh, and hopefully we'll get a Shadow remake that's actually good this time. I doubt SEGA has the balls to make that kinda game in the modern age though. Are you looking forward to Shadow Generations? Do you think we'll get more Sonic stages as DLC? Or will the game just be average and a waste of money and the cycle will repeat itself all over again, even though Frontiers as a modded game is solid. Still, this is the thread to discuss anything and everything Sonic the Hedgehog! please don't porn dump, I'm looking at you Bui
Edited last time by Mark on 10/15/2024 (Tue) 15:04:18.
Shadow is and always was black
Edited the thread because the OP was kinda shite.
>>1027941 >spoiler That is disappointing. I would have liked another sonic game with the Chao stuff on the side like in the Adventure games.
>"oh cool, the Shadow manga got an update" >this pops up I'm getting Elise flashbacks. Who else thinks Shadow's finally gonna save Maria once the game drops?
>>1027991 I think Maria is gonna die again.
HEDGE your bets on me cranking my HOG at SONIC speed!
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>>1028006 t. Mark
>>1028002 >>1028003 >>1028005 >tfw big tiddy mobian gf who has a thing for humans
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>>1028040 >41 in 1 I can only imagine the quality of these rips
>>1028056 the only one who can beat the cock is sean cockery. I mean connery.
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>>1028110 Also relevant.
>>1028150 As long as they don't censor the tits, I suppose
>>1028150 She actually kinda looks naked in the second picture
>>1027938 >Adventure remake >Shadow remake I don't want any more remakes of anything. I just want a new Sonic game that's actually good. (Though I'd settle for fresh, actually-not-half-assed-this-time ports of Adventure 1+2, Heroes, and Shadow.)
>>1028250 SEGA can't handle a Sonic Adventure 3.
>>1027944 Shadow is incredibly white. Listen to his soundtrack. There ain't too many blacks into that kind of thing. Knuckles on the other hand? Knuckles is a real nigga. And you know what? Sonic too. At least Classic Sonic. Not just because he's Urkel, but again also because of his music and style. He turned white when he started listening to Crush 40, though. >>1027991 >spoiler He'd better not. Hopefully that's just a trick from Bug Eye and he'll just have to deal with that. I also really don't like the idea that Black Doom was influencing the GUN soldiers on the ARK. It technically could make sense, but it lessens the pathos of the situation significantly. Hopefully that's just Black Doom manipulating Shadow or something like that. >>1028151 Once they censor the tits, you'll just say "at least she's not in full burqa, I suppose." To paraphrase Ken Penders, "First they came for the bats, and I said nothing..." >>1028250 The latest ports of Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 have been modded to fix all the little problems. A better port would just be one that incorporates those mods. But you can go and download them and play them right now. You can pick if you like the Gamecube models and animations or the Dreamcast models and animations (though obviously you should pick Dreamcast). You can fix all the reflections and textures that got bugged. You can get re-translated subs so that they're actually accurate to the Japanese script instead of just transcriptions of the dub (though last I checked, I think the NPC Adventure Field dialogue in Adventure 1 was left like the official version, and I'm not sure how different it may be from Japanese). You can even get all the old DLC from the Dreamcast version and select which DLC packs you want to be active, including all the different limited time DLC packs that were only distributed in one region or another. You can also set it so the various holiday DLC packs activate automatically during the time of year when they were originally available. Almost all these things are included in some Mod Manager you can get that covers both the games, so it's basically one download and you're done. Of course there are many more, both included in that manager and not. But the above are the ones I care about. I hear people have modded the old Windows version of Heroes quite significantly, but I briefly looked into it and it looked like a bigger pain in the ass, so I didn't bother yet. It's Heroes, after all. I like the game and I'm curious, but it's not as good a game as Adventure 1 or 2, so I'm not gonna put in more effort for it. Shadow apparently has a bunch of hacks you can apply to the Gamecube version, but I haven't looked into those as much. Somehow it has a bit of a scene, though. >>1028282 Joke's on you. Everyone knows real Sonic fans started with Genesis, not Dreamcast. And most of them probably did have a PlayStation, or maybe an N64. Not a Saturn, because nobody had a Saturn, and it didn't have any mainline Sonic games. Plus, you're an underage faggot anyway, because everyone knows the Dreamcast never really competed with the PS1. It was technically superior and looked very cool compared to the PS1, but by the time Dreamcast came out, everyone already had a PS1, and PS2 was only a year away, and kicked Dreamcast's ass on most technical fronts. That's a major reason why the Dreamcast failed. Now, any kids who got a Dreamcast instead of a PS2 would probably be severely maladjusted due to the total disappointment they'd face when the Dreamcast failed just as the rest of its competition was coming out. When I was a kid I had both Genesis and Super Nintendo. Both had excellent games, but all the Genesis Sonic games were among my favorites. I also liked the (relatively) dark and edgy Sonic cartoon, but not the other Sonic cartoon that was like Loony Tunes but uglier. Then the next gen happened and I almost bought a Saturn, being a kid in a pre-internet (or at least pre-mass-internet) age, and I figured I just wanted the next Sega. The guy at the store warned me that Saturn sucked and I got a PlayStation instead. N64 was also tempting, but PS1 won me over. The arguments were all about how the N64 had no loading times, but the PS1 had better sound (music and voice acting) and videos (FMVs). Plus those Crash Bandicoot commercials were winning me over. And Crash Bandicoot completely replaced my love for Sonic. Later I learned the devs referred to it early on as "Sonic's Ass Game," and it makes sense because it's basically just playing Sonic in 3D. Crash was aweseome, and I totally forgot about Sonic. But by the early 2000s Crash was starting to suck, and Dreamcasts were on clearance sale. My dad got one for dirt cheap, with a copy of Sonic Adventure and Soul Calibur, and I got mega autistic for both. Other games were also cheap for the system, so I got a good little collection, then we learned you could just burn CDs and play them right on the Dreamcast, and I got basically all of them. Plus you could put emulators on those CDs, so suddenly I also had basically every Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis game. It was awesome. I was still playing PS2 more, as that's where the new games were, and there were still a decent number of good new games back then, but Dreamcast was cool. But what Dreamcast wasn't was something that anybody got instead of a PS1, or a PS2, for that matter. I'm willing to bet that nobody who owned a Dreamcast didn't also own at least one console from both the PS1 generation and one from the PS2 generation. And they probably didn't own just a Genesis, Saturn, and Dreamcast, either, because they'd be badly hurting for games in the mid-late-'90s, and would have probably bought a PS1 or N64 at that time. That said, much later on I got a Saturn and it has some good games. I even kind of like the Sonic games it has, but they don't really count as real Sonic games. The closest it had was Sonic R, a racing spinoff which would be very cool if it had more than five tracks. There was Sonic Jam, a compilation with a small but cool 3D hub world, but that's basically only five minutes of content. Saturn did have Sonic 3D Blast, a slightly upgraded version of the Genesis game, but it's since been outclassed by a Director's Cut mod the actual director of the original game made for the Genesis version, which definitely makes it the best version, even though the Saturn does still have some things that are better (better graphics and Special Stages. Also CD quality music, but the songs are different, so it's subjective which you like better). And oh yeah, the Saturn also had Christmas NiGHTS Into Dreams, essentially a special demo of NiGHTS which altered it to be Christmas themed and had some little extra challenges not in the original game. You could unlock a mode called Sonic The Hedgehog Into Dreams, where you actually get to run around a Nights level in 3D, as Sonic, as opposed to flying around in 2D as NiGHTS (and the kids don't count because even though you walk around in 3D, the time limit for that is like five seconds, and I don't even understand why it's in the game). However, the level isn't actually changed for Sonic, so though it would have been cool to play as him in 3D at all at the time, it's not even a real Sonic level. There's a boss fight after it which is a little neat, and works a bit better as Sonic, but is still barely any content. It's a bonus unlockable mode in a free glorified (but very well glorified) demo game. Also, Chris Chan is a man, you tranny-enabling faggot. "Transgender" is a word only trannies and future-trannies use.
>>1028282 The autistics came around when 4Kids send Sonic X. >playstation instead of a dreamcast Hope you enjoyed the long loading sessions.
>>1028332 You've never heard of the SatAM/Archie fandom? They were very much around before Sonic X, and incredibly autistic. They really stuck around pretty significantly all the way until after the IDW comic came out and was pretty good. There are still a bunch of them making fan continuations of the comic based on unfinished/unreleased issues and ideas the creators mentioned they wanted to use (though this is a bit futile since the same creators were hired to do the new comic and did reuse many of those ideas) and even animating a whole third season of the cartoon, based on the notes the original creator of the cartoon left before he died. And across the pond they had Sonic the Comic, with its own wholly separate group of autists. They're so autistic that when the comic ended in 2000, they created a fan-continuation that has even had chapters written and drawn by some of the creators of the original comic, including the head writer, making it semi-official (I mean, if the head-writer considers it semi-official, that's something. Yes, I also think that counts for The Lara-Su Chronicles.) In fact, that continuation, Sonic the Comic Online, is still going, 24 years later. It has slowed down dramatically in recent years, but they keep at it, and some of the creators of that fan-comic have been hired to draw official comics. I just realized that they posted a new chapter a few months ago, the first in like a year. For some reason they say it's the end of "Act One" of the comic. So 24 years was only "Act One." It also leaves (and introduces) a few dangling plot threads, which makes me wonder why they call it the end of the act at all. Frankly I suspect they might simply never make another chapter, even if they want to. But still, a 24 year long online fan comic continuation of a UK exclusive comic that ended in the year 2000, which even had many creators of the original comic, including the head writer, contribute to it and say they count it as a legitimate sequel, proves pretty significant pre-Sonic X autism, I think. Also note that Sonichu was created in the year 2000, and Chris actually created his first Sonic OC, Bionic the Hedgehog, several years earlier, pre-Sonic Adventure, even.
>>1028322 I have Sonic Generations, What new stuff will be in Sonic X Shadow Generations? Is it enough I should play, or is Sonic X Shadow Generations for people who didn't do Sonic Generations?
>>1028413 Well for starters you get an entirely new game with Shadow Generations. Other than that, Sonic has his drop dash and his story might get a rewrite. No one knows for sure.
>>1028322 >A better port would just be one that incorporates those mods. But you can go and download them and play them right now. The absolute bare minimum Sega should do is patch the bugs in the current releases of Adventure 1 and 2 and restore the graphics that have been broken in 1 since the GameCube port, then have this fixed version be the standard for any future releases. Yes, you can already mod this in yourself, or simply emulate the Dreamcast or GameCube versions, but if they're selling the games at all it's unreasonable to be selling the worst versions to ever be put on the market for the consumer to patch himself.
>>1028416 How long is Shadow Generations without Sonic Generations? I don't need Sonic's drop dash or his story rewrite, but a new game might be enough that I should play.
>>1029065 It's been reported that the Shadow Campaign is going to be 6 hours long, so maybe a little shorter than the Sonic Campaign, but hopefully it'll have less padding, compared to how the Sonic Campaign has those sub missions where half of them was just "Play the level again"
>>1028416 Is it an entirely new game, though? Or a new campaign that repeats a lot of levels like other Sonic games did?
>>1029141 Sonic Generations is lazy copy pasted stages from other Sonic games, who cares if they do lazy copy paste from Sonic Generations or rip off another of Sonic's shitty cash grabs? Sonic ran out of ideas 20 years ago, it's shitty remakes now until you die.
>>1029161 The actual level designs are new in Generations. In the case of Speed Highway, City Escape, Seaside Hill, and Crisis City, you don't even get to play in the levels' original gameplay styles.
NEW SANIC IS OUT GOGOGOGOGO https://gofile.io/d/HvjT95
>>1029731 >GOGOGOGOGO Is it supposed to be a Sonic X game?
>>1029744 I see what you did there.
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I hate that I'm almost endlessly proven right in my belief to not support the current vidya industry.
>>1029869 Chad Sonic pushing Amy's face, Virgin Sonic having no idea, being totally got, and eating goyslop.
>>1029869 >Warren Graff & Ken Pontac writing vs Ian Flynn writing Who is the mistake now?
>>1029869 now post the maria spagonia thing
>>1029801 Yeah, I tried to make a joke out of a retarded bot tier comment.
>>1030057 Bot tier doesn't sound empty, bot tier sounds wordy, like spergs.
why delete my post >>1029981
They censored the bat tats!!! Along with dialogue changes.
>>1030481 Did they swap "snatched" for "grabbed" because "snatch" can also be used as slang for vagina? What an odd thing to change. I know Rouge is the one saying it, but I doubt anyone thought anything sexual when reading that dialogue. Especially when a large number of the players are children. Guess the new translation team has a very dirty mind. Then again, there is a new precedent recently. Remember how the Thousand Year Door remake removed any instance of the words crazy, nut, lunatic, airhead etc.? Even the phrase "good girl" was changed, and they thought the phrase "ladies and germs" was just too much for the game. Any word that has the possibility of being remotely offensive is likely to be swapped or removed entirely. It's possible we are seeing the effects of dev teams being filled with DEI hires, or maybe Sonic X Shadow Generations being multiplatform, and thus present on the Nintendo Switch, has something to do with it. In a way, ironically, the gaming industry has never fully moved on from removing cigarettes from character sprites because it might anger someone's mother in the West. Only this time it's often present in the Japanese games from the start too. >>1028151 >As long as they don't censor the tits, I suppose Look, they've come for the tits, anon, and censored those too. Now what?
>>1030484 It's the only explanation that makes sense. Ironically, this now sexualizes the word in the previous iteration, because it implies it needed to be changed because it was sexual, even when absolutely nobody thought it was before. I wonder if Sony or Nintendo have a list of banned words, and that ended up there? Maybe they have an internal document with "snatch" on it and a zero tolerance policy for words caught by it? If so, that would be major, if chilling, news/
>>1030481 >>1030484 >>1030488 I just wanna impregnate the bat but don't desexualize her. Dangit bobby.
>>1030481 Took a look to confirm this and the dialogue changes are indeed real not that I had any doubt. Here are two videos of the same scene for comparison's sake. Funnily enough, the new version is actually less well written and flows badly. In the original, Rouge says "That thing that snatched me was like nothing I've ever seen before." Then next she says "You're nothing like the Sonic I've seen before!" The two sentences match, it sounds like she is actually speaking in a conversation. In the new version, she says "That thing that grabbed me was like nothing I've ever seen before." Then she says "You're looking nothing like I remember, either." The use of "either" here makes no grammatical sense anymore because of the alterations. This is a basic issue that should have stood out from the start when it was proofread at someone's desk. >>1030488 >Ironically, this now sexualizes the word in the previous iteration, because it implies it needed to be changed because it was sexual, even when absolutely nobody thought it was before. If Sega's primary goal with this dialogue change is to protect the innocence of children or keep the Sonic brand family friendly (which I doubt, their primary reasoning was probably something else), what they did has accomplished the opposite. You could say that their censorship of Rouge's breasts is a similar story. Players who did not really notice her visible cleavage before will now notice that it is gone. Since it was clearly covered up and removed, players will now think of her cleavage as something dirty, hidden, worthy of being tucked away because it is oh-so-dangerous. And of course, this makes it a whole lot more interesting and tempting. >I wonder if Sony or Nintendo have a list of banned words, and that ended up there? Maybe they have an internal document with "snatch" on it and a zero tolerance policy for words caught by it? If so, that would be major, if chilling, news/ In order to try and make sure their changes are consistent, it's likely that Sony and Nintendo have had meetings where they outlined what words are considered too dangerous for their video games, like how a human moderator makes a list of blacklisted words for the auto moderator bot to delete on sight. Even if the rewrite was handled by a small group of people, they might have had to write up a policy to bring to the boss for approval, since text is a very visible part of the game, and they had to get the new voice actress to record new lines. Maybe someday we will somehow see this official list, if it exists.
>>1030484 >>1030488 >>1030496 Outside of legit porn games released on the Switch, there hasn't been any indication of Nintendo demanding that games be censored. The more likely scenario is that Sony is the guilty party due to their own council that independently decides what games can be released on their platforms, and companies are complying be releasing ALL games censored since that's "less effort" to have the games be uniform than releasing a special "uncensored" version for non-Sony platforms. Especially for content that "no one will notice anyway".
Is there a relocalization list for what changed in Sonic X Shadow Generations?
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>>1030915 There isn't one yet that I know of. It would be nice to have a comprehensive list, so people can easily be informed about any changes or censorship. Would be great to have an image with visual comparisons too, and info about whether the Japanese version has the same changes. Thing is, it's still somewhat difficult to find gameplay, especially of the Japanese version.
Why isn't Amy allowed to be in love with Sonic anymore?
>>1031021 I think it's simply an overcorrection, Amy used to be viewed as a Stalker trying to force Sonic to marry her against his will. What was intended to be a cute quirk of her character being a Sonic fangirl never really went over in the west.
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>>1031021 Because Amy is in love with tall, dark and handsome bad boy Shadow (like all women). This is simply a course correction.
>>1030481 Can't have anything, thanks SJWs.
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>>1031034 >>1031021 >>1031021 >>1031034 SJWs are at fault. SJWs hate anything to do with kids being in love basically, because its "sexualization of minors". They need censorship to keep up with their delusion that anyone under muh magic number doesn't have sexual or romantic feelings.
>>1031041 You arent fooling anyone, LCP.
Given than most of you aren't interested in talking about the game I'm gonna give my two cents. Game's great. I really like the way they used the open area to find unlockables, and how to actually open the chests you need to find them in regular stages. Moveset is nowhere near as clunky as Frontiers, which is an extra plus. The levels are fantastic, seems to be a regular consensus that Kingdom Valley is peak. It's 4 hours long, it might be a bit longer if you want to find all the collectables and get the S ranks, but I'd much rather wait to get it on steam in an offer and replay it again there, because there's a lot to like here.
>in an offer *on a discount my esl leaked
>>1031055 dw anon 85% of 8channers are mexicans
>>1031057 >channers Never use that word again thank you
>>1031021 All the previous guys are wrong. Well, it's because of SJWs, but a different reason than the one the previous guy said. It's because women aren't allowed to love men, or act girly in general. Amy not having a crush on Sonic is just one aspect of her not being allowed to act girly anymore. Now they try to play her off as tough. The comics have done this for years, and Prime had various alt-universe versions of Amy be the tough character in the majority of the alt-universes. She's also much more empathetic than before, and you could consider that a feminine trait, but notice how the way it's done now isn't like it was done before. Amy feeling bad for the Kokos in Frontiers is nothing like how she felt bad for Gamma in Adventure.
>>1031057 channer? What's a channer? I'm Mr. Anonymous
>>1031063 Amy is not a woman, she is a girl. Your point is perfectly valid and part of the problem (and doesnt refute the previous point). Amy's character had a lot of girlishness still in Sonic X and I frankly miss it. Amy's toughness lying in her love with Sonic, getting enraged and bonking when needed to defend/chase her love, was pretty awesome.
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I fucking knew they were going to start censoring the games when they covered her up in the fucking show.
From what I've heard about Shadow's gameplay in Generations, here's a tip: if you do a running quickstep and hold the button you press, you can slide across the ground continuously as long as you hold the button.
>>1031229 >Cédric Le Therisien sounds like a joke french version of sonic's "*name* the *animal*" nomenclature
https://itest.5ch.net/pug/test/read.cgi/famicom/1728134657 What some nips think of the game And here's Sega's support page if you want to give them your thoughts on the game personally. May not amount to anything, but it wouldn't hurt. https://support.sega.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new
>>1031230 >Cédric It's amusing, that name was invented by a Scottish man based on an Welsh name. For some reason it became really popular in Francophone countries (and among Black Americans).
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>>1031232 >And here's Sega's support page if you want to give them your thoughts on the game personally. I quite honestly don't know what to say except to give the company a big "Fuck you" since it's abundantly clear that the company is pozed right to their home offices in Japan. And if I were to give the company any feedback, it would be to sperg about how I'm not going to be buying nor playing any of their games beause of their company pushing fags everywhere and refusing to fire translators. And that even if they were to fix all of that, my trust has been eroded so much that, even if they took immediate action and changed all that like literally tomorrow, I don't see myself buying a single game from these companies, including their legacy games from as far back as 40-50 years ago, until the year 2030 at the very earliest.
Huh, a 60FPS patch for the Switch version via emulation: https://gamebanana.com/threads/225935 >>1031233 The more you know >>1031234 Yeah, it's no surprise the fanbase is full of fags, too. Gone from hating 4Kids style censorship and voices to kiddies growing nostalgic over them. Who knows Ian changed some of the dialogue because of this: https://archive.ph/Vkpp0
>>1031239 I'm not defending the censorship, but I think Ian did a better job with the dialogue than Pontac and Graff. Still, it would be better if they got an experienced writer for these games, however Ian is probably the closest thing we have to that.
>>1031247 The sad part is that Flynn used to be better than this. His Archie issues didn't do this as much. I don't even think his early IDW issues were like this. At first I thought the problem was just Evan Stanley, once they started letting her write more and more. But it's clear now that Flynn does the same things, even if not quite as badly.
Sonic's flounder-face bothers me immensely .
>>1031234 You are doing the right thing. But apply that to all companies in existence.
>>1031406 Are you sure it's not a Sonic Team thing then?
>>1034263 Everything about Sonic's face bothers me immensely
>>1031041 But they shit out this: <Faggot relationships with children
>>1031041 They don't. "romance" is a word borrowed by the illiterates to smear "those french books for women" as being nothing but porn, which they were for their anglo readership in the Young Werther "fan community". Children don't have literacy in "romantic" feelings just as much they utterly lack any Platonic capacity, thanks to YOU teaching them that "not being sexual" is enough to achieve Platonism. "Sex education" is more of the same. Any such feelings you may attempt to speak on, is nothing but addiction to their own brain chemistry usually released on intimate contact, long before anything "sexual". Mind you, it's not even sexual at the later stages because it's driven by nothing but sodomic instant gratification, not sexual dimorphism and reproduction. The "sexuality" in it is vestigial. LGBT+, i.e. pushing your "sexuality" meme into primarily encompassing dysmorphic blob people, is entirely consistent with the beginnings of "romance" theory to begin with. It's as delusional as calling brown people "indians" on the opposite sides of the world, and a European language "American" after the genocide of Americans. Whle majoirty of America speaks romance langauges, including 20% in the USA. That's why they don't make romance, they FUCK, and that's why Chel had it going on whle you were losing interest in Stacy's mom.
>>1031062 say "chanting person", to be politically correct and enforce the hivemind of alt-right interent
>>1034739 ...Are you perhaps retarded?
So how did you guys like Shadow Generations?
>>1034390 It probably wouldn't be Sonic Team, if it was a corporate move. It would be Sega. But I'm not convinced. The writing style is very American. I want Sonic to be an anime, but instead it's become Stephen Universe.
>>1034857 Yeah, I agree with you. Although I don't see it getting more anime until Iizuka resigns.
>>1034857 >I want sonic to be an anime And you think ‘06 was underrated, I’m sure.
>>1034857 >>1034945 >Sonic >Anime If this were to happen in the current years it'd most likely be some Netfucks affair with competent Koreanimation but no soul.
>>1034857 >I want Sonic to be an anime Sonic OVA, yes. Everything else, meh.
>>1034945 Well Project 06 proves that it was.
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>>1035042 Project 06 is its own thing as a remake of something that was rushed out as a final product for sale. It lacks the awful story the original had and ChaosX won't bother porting in the hub worlds and town missions after the boss/hard mode/dlc missions are completed. The Unleashed Project for Generations and the actual original Sonic Unleashed is another example of taking most of the original stages whilst ditching a lot of the dead weight from the official game and is its own distinct thing: You wouldn't say that Project in its entirety gives you the same overall experience of playing Unleashed on consoles.
>>1035130 I would argue that the 06 storyline while flawed is much better than the Graff and Pontac shit that came after it.
>>1035315 You are aware that 10 years from now autists who grew up on Graff and Pontac will be saying the same thing about them right?
>>1034857 I think Sonic should've debuted as an anime or cartoon. >>1035032 Written by the pajeet who regurgitates retarded jokes from tumblr.
>>1035315 >>1035346 I unironically prefer Pontaff's stuff.
>>1034263 The hedgehogs look pretty bad to be honest. The monoeye, the side mouth. Their snouts should be longer, not as long as knuckles’ though. Also, sonic’s quills are too long and they look weird from the front view.
>>1034263 >>1034623 >>1035566 They've actually been recycling the same model since Sonic Forces.
thoughts on the shadow×maria love situations that seems to been endorsed by one of the guys in the sonic team(don't have the info at hand), hedgehog men really do have a thing for human woman... wonder who silver will pine for
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>>1034263 >>1034623 >>1035566 What if Sonic had a classic 3D design from the start? The bulbous design might be cartoony enough to get away with the snout and quills. I don't know how Sonic would be remembered without those designs from the Adventure series and later.
What is Sonic's opinion on Donald Trump?
>>1036237 Sonic is a cuck and voted for Kamala, Shadow voted Trump.
>>1035346 Jokes on you, he already came out and said it. >>1035549 >>1036237 Hedgehogs can't vote >>1036261 No, Metal Sonic voted for Kamala. Sonic and Shadow can't vote.
>>1036237 What are the chances the next Sonic twitter takeover compares the Orangeman to the Eggman?
>>1036261 Sonic probably says “Voting is for fags” because he’s a rebel. Eggman voted for Kamala because he’s a feminist (yes, I know it was a mistranslation of “womanizer”) Shadow would probably vote for Trump, because he loves sexy Latinas and doesn’t want low quality Central American mestizo trash ruining his dating pool.
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>>1036390 Shadow's stance on blacks is well known.
>>1036934 Oh I haven't forgotten about him at all. I need to take a look at how badly he must be seething right now.
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>>1036891 Archive or use nitter.
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>>1036237 From the LOL thread.
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Sex the Fuckhog. Spurdo the Benishog. Nigger the Faggothog. Dick the Shithog. Cum the Pisshog.
>>1037146 https://nitter.poast.org/sonic_hedgehog/status/796426251040792576 Shame certain Bluesky accounts don't work well with archive.is
>>1037305 Is this OC?
>>1037464 Reverse image search found nothing, it's probably OC.
>>1036383 sonic movie 2 did this already
So how long was the Shadow part of Sonic x Shadow Generations and was it good?
>>1037726 It's fairly short, but it was really solid
oh come on that was a good one why'd you get rid of it
>>1037742 Was it a joke about Shadow Generations going by fast?
>>1034945 I used to think it was underrated, by which I meant that it was still very, very bad, but not quite as bad as everyone said. Now I think that it's overrated, because people act like Project '06 has fixed the problems and it's now fun, implying that the problems with Sonic '06 were just things like glitches and a few other tweaks. No. Sonic '06 suffered greatly due to things like absurd loading times and too many glitches, but even once you fix those things, you're still left with a game that was clearly unfinished not just from a technical standpoint, but also a creative standpoint. To finish it would be to change it so dramatically that it wouldn't feel like the same game. Project '06 may allow people to mod it and fix things like level design and the entire progression of the game, implementing Sonic's gems (properly) and stuff like that, but at that point it won't really be Sonic '06 anymore. Fixing the loading times and glitches makes the game significantly better, but not better enough to actually be good. But Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 were anime, and they were awesome. The stories of the earlier Sonic games were also anime stories, and they were cool. I want more stuff like that. >>1035034 I thought Season 3 of Sonic X was pretty good, even if it was a blatant ripoff of Dragon Ball GT, and even if I still hate that Chris Thorndyke was there at all. But Sonic has always ripped off Dragon Ball. They should embrace that and run with it. The OVA's story is kind of weird, but its tone is exactly what I'd really want. >>1035130 I'd argue the story from Sonic '06 is pretty good. Yeah, I don't really like Elise either, but Shadow and Silver's stories are pretty cool. Sonic's story was a blatant attempt by Sega to appeal to "fans" who kept saying that Sonic should have simple stories, "like it used to" (because these "fans" never paid attention, or only watched the cartoons). So Sega had Sonic saving a princess repeatedly through his story, and saved the real autism they wanted to do (and had been doing in every 3D game except Heroes) for Shadow and Silver's stories. Of course that backfired immensely, but their intent was clear. You do raise a good point, but I wouldn't even say Project '06 is its own thing. It's just unfinished. Without the Town Stages, you're missing a huge chunk of the game. I'd also say it's not a good game. It's impressive that someone would be so autistic as to make it, but that doesn't make it a good game. >>1035346 Those autists will be wrong. Sonic '06 was at least still the same writing style as the rest of the series before it. It was a continuation of the series. Unleashed then tried to change a little bit to appease the "fans" I complained about above, but without going too far. I think Unleashed did that fairly well. A simpler story, but not too simple, and Sonic arguably has more characterization in that game than any other. It's the only game where he feels like an actual character. But that wasn't good enough for the fake fans, so we got Colors and a decade of games like it. And Flynn's work is different than that, but by the time he got to write the games, he'd been significantly infected by soy. But I would say that Shadow Generations has a better story than Frontiers, at least. I hate that Sonic Generations was blatantly censored, though, and since that's packaged with Shadow Generations, the latter is tainted by that censorship. >>1036237 Sonic doesn't give a fuck about politics. He doesn't even give a fuck about not giving a fuck. That's why sometimes he ends up helping GUN. He doesn't actually like them, but they just both fight Eggman. I figure Sonic would philosophically be against the concept of government, but even more against the concept of him actively getting involved in government, even to oppose them, unless they specifically come after him. Then he'll break out of their helicopter and continue not giving a fuck. So in short, I think Sonic would philosophically be in favor of Trump and his proposed Department of Government Efficiency, as it would result in smaller government and thus less control. However, I also think Sonic wouldn't give enough of a fuck to consciously think about it or actively voice support for it. Also, he might like RFK, since he plagiarised a JFK speech back in Sonic CD. >>1036261 Shadow is a big government, military industrial complex-loving cuck. After Shadow the Hedgehog, he went back and actually worked for GUN. Probably voted Dem in at least the last three elections. Eggman wouldn't be allowed to vote because he's a felon. I mean maybe Shadow is, too, but he became buddies with President Bush and obviously would have gotten a pardon. Eggman is obviously philosophically opposed to big government and the military industrial complex, but he's also obviously far past the point of playing the game by the rules. He's also been known to sell weapons to the government through shell corporations like Meteotech. So perhaps he'd support the Dems as they would be more likely to buy his weapons, and I doubt he would think that Trump would be anti-war enough to stand down and let the Eggman Empire sweep the world. The United Federation is gonna be his enemy no matter what, so he might as well support that party that will buy his goods and fund his side more effectively. >>1036265 Shadow is a 50+ year old natural born citizen of the United Federation. He was born on the ARK, but I'm under the assumption that that would be treated like a UF Colony. And he became buddies with the president, later. He'd be granted voting rights. Sonic was, according to some sources, born outside the United Federation, on Christmas Island. I have no reason to think he'd have ever earned UF citizenship. He can run across that border faster than Speedy Gonzales, but he also wouldn't stick around to wait in lines and fill out the paperwork. But maybe he could still vote in California or New York. He just wouldn't care. >>1036390 Shadow loves Big Booty Latinas and would vote for AOC. >>1037726 It took me 25 hours to 100% Sonic Generations on this playthrough. I did it once when the original game was new, but hadn't touched it since. It took me 27 hours to 100% Shadow Generations. It has fewer levels, but they're more difficult (still not terribly difficult) and there is a lot more to do in the hub world. I S Ranked every mission in both games, by the way. If you don't care about that, it will take far less time. If you just want to do the story, I'm sure you can complete Shadow Generations in a couple hours, easily. But as someone else has said, it's also very good. Way better than Sonic Generations. Just fewer levels.
>>1040396 >Sonic's story was a blatant attempt by Sega to appeal to "fans" Incorrect. It was Shun Nakamura wanting to give Sonic a human girlfriend like in the original concept which ironically worked better than in 06 because his original girlfriend didn’t look like a final fantasy character. At least the hedgehogs didn’t have flounder mouths in it.
>>1040442 Source? I just remember that this era of Sega seemed like it was constantly trying to appeal to casual "fans," but always fucking it up. Sonic Heroes has little story so it can appeal to people who never played a Sonic game before, yet it also has 12 playable characters and relies on understanding of Shadow's whole story from the previous game, plus understanding of who Metal Sonic is, despite him being a rather obscure character at the time who previously only appeared in Sonic CD and a few other spinoff games. Then Shadow the Hedgehog was openly made because "fans" kept saying they wanted Sonic to shoot guns, and also Shadow won a poll before the game was made. '06 gives Sonic a "simple" story, to the degree that he literally just saves a princess over and over. Unleashed does away with almost all of "Sonic's friends," and technically you only play as Sonic in it (because hey, the werehog is technically still Sonic). Then finally they put out Colors, and the casuals loved it. The real fans grew dissatisfied with it over time, but it satisfied all the people who had been complaining since Sonic first appeared on Gamecube.
>>1040442 >>1040445 And to be clear, I don't mean source on Madonna. I know about Madonna. I mean source on Madonna being the inspiration for Elise. Even if one of the creators said that, I'd still be left wondering if that was just one justification among several, including the "fans" bitching about Sonic having "too much story."
>>1040447 She wasn’t the inspiration for Elise beyond being a human girlfriend for sonic, but you can’t really think he just independently came up with the same idea as Naoto Ohshima when he would have already known about it. The solar people could have easily been animals like the Babylonians. There was really no reason to make them humans.
>>1040450 >but you can’t really think he just independently came up with the same idea as Naoto Ohshima when he would have already known about it. It's possible to come up with two somewhat similar ideas for different reasons. >The solar people could have easily been animals like the Babylonians. There was really no reason to make them humans. Well you could say the same about the Station Square people or the United Federation people, or all those other humans shown around the world when Eggman blew up the moon in Sonic Adventure 2. It's not like Sonic '06 was the first Sonic game with humans. I also think that the Japanese creators always thought of Sonic as living in a human world, and it was specifically SatAM and Archie (and I suppose Fleetway) that made some Western fans think otherwise. They say there weren't humans in the earliest games, but there were barely any characters in those games to begin with. Other materials, like that "Man of the Year" short, show humans in some earlier Sonic materials. A lot of early promotional materials seem to show Sonic living in a much more realistic world than the worlds the Western adaptations used.
>>1040453 >It's possible to come up with two somewhat similar ideas for different reasons. Is it possible to do so for the same franchise when you have that previous idea in the back of your mind after hearing it proposed a few years ago?
>>1040479 Yes, for the reasons I described. I don't think the actual developers of the series ever thought of Sonic living in a furry world, as evidenced by not just every game since Sonic Adventure, but some earlier materials such as Sonic The Animation. I don't think Elise being a human is the strange part. Sonic having any romantic stuff going on with any character other than Amy is the weird part, but not even that weird, given that Mario saves a princess all the time, and Sonic is a blatant response to Mario. Plus there's the whole Princess Sally thing. But the Japanese don't have any fucking idea what a Princess Sally is.
>>1040563 >But the Japanese don't have any fucking idea what a Princess Sally is. There was Spinball, but that's not really saying much.
>>1040567 Spinball was made by Americans, at Sega Technical Institute.
>>1040569 And it was published in Japan and is considered canon as of Sonic Origins.
>>1040563 I want to impregnate Sally.
>>1040592 Sure, but Sally and the Freedom Fighters are such miniscule cameos in that game that I think even a lot of Americans don't realize they're in the game. It's not like Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine, where it's super obvious that it's cartoon related. Hell, Sally doesn't even have her final cartoon design in the game. They seem to be using the early comic designs, going by Rotor, and the Archie comics weren't published in Japan. As far as they'd know, these were just a few other animals, no different than Flicky, who is also in that bonus round. Also, is the dog thing in pic related supposed to be Antoine? I can't even tell. >>1040595 Sally is close to worst girl. Or at least she would be if the Archie writers didn't go out of their way to make girls that were supposed to be bad on purpose, just to make Sally look better. Amy is best girl, or at least she was until Flynn and others decided she wasn't allowed to actually like Sonic anymore. I suppose Tekno does suck worse than Sally, but she sucks so bad she almost doesn't count. TOP SEVENTY-THREE HOTTEST FEMALE SONIC CHARACTERS >Amy >Cosmo >Cream >Bunnie >Tikal >Maria >Blaze >Marine >Sticks >Rouge >Shade >Wave >Nicole >Sage >Lumina >Surge >Flora >Buns >Rosie (Moebius) >Illumina >Trip >Sara >Hope >Vanilla >Honey >Carrotia >Tiara >Aleena (Tamers) >Madonna >Newsstand Lady >Burger Shop Girl >President's Secretary >Casinopolis Gambling-Addicted Mother >Those two women fighting over that one dude outside Twinkle Park >Pearly >Coral >Elise >Sally (Fleetway) >Sally (SatAM/Adventures/Archie) >Cassia >Clove
[Expand Post]>Conquering Storm >Iron Queen >Undina >Opal >Blade >Belle >Lien-Da >Aurora >Saffron >Mecha >E.V.E. >Jewel >Whisper >Tangle >Lanolin >Alicia (Moebius) >Alicia (Mobius) >Tekno >Julie-Su >Fiona (spy robot) >Mina >Fiona (honestly becomes an okay character once the story admits she's horrible) >Sonia >Aleena (DIC) >Mindy >Mandy >Bernie >Rosemary >Lara-Le >Lara-Su >Witchkart Admittedly much of my list is biased by hate I grew for the characters over time, as they continued being too important in the story and just became annoying, even if I liked them to begin with. But still, numbers one through twenty-eight are Hot Chick Heaven.
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>>1040396 06's story falls apart when you think about it and its continuity errors and plot holes, like just about everything with Blaze, but that's partly to be expected when attempting to do a time travel story. I remember a good buddy of mine used to rip on Mephiles for being a creatively bankrupt design choice and wasn't too fond of the overly anime aspects of the series or any "Evil/Dark Sonic concepts" with Scourge and Archie's Metal Scourge being his most hated characters, he was also a big Eggman fanboy if that means anything. (I miss him)
>>1040693 I don't care about the "plot holes" enough for it to significantly impact my enjoyment of the story. They're basically nitpicking. I also think Mephiles is awesome, and I'm tired of pretending he's not. I also love Scourge and Metal Scourge. Evil Sonic can be done in a lame way, but it can also be done well. But Mephiles isn't even that. Neither is Metal Scourge. Mephiles' visual design is that he's Shadow's shadow, which is kind of cool. But really I suppose his visual design isn't the main reason people think he's cool. Scourge is Evil Sonic but self aware, and that's what makes him good. It's that he and the story both realize that he sucks. "Evil Sonic," as he was previously known, sucked, but Scourge was awesome. Metal Scourge is just a logical plot device that would follow. Also in my list above I forgot to mention Morain, Nephthys, and Thunderbolt. They'd be at the very bottom, of course. Well, maybe Morain would go above Lara-Su, but that's it. I'm probably still forgetting a few more female Sonic characters, but they'd all be very near to the bottom of the list as well. Except Metamorphia. I can't believe I forgot her. She's actually pretty cool. I'd put her just above Madonna.
>>1040699 It's his Yami Pharaoh voice in the English dub that really did favors for him-his new one just sounds less intimidating. His plan didn't make too much sense given his time travel ability unless he really likes dicking around like Eggman. And here I thought people have grown tired of self aware plots that know how ridiculous things are when it came to things like Scourge.
>>1040773 >And here I thought people have grown tired of self aware plots that know how ridiculous things are when it came to things like Scourge. Well Scourge is from 2006, so that's a factor. But no, I think the real factor is that it's not done comedically, it's played completely straight. It's not that the story admits Evil Sonic sucks so as to laugh at him and then keep sucking, it's that the story admits Evil Sonic sucked so as to give him depth and pathos and motivation. Most modern "self-aware" plots are just excuses to look down upon the source material because these sequels and adaptations are written by women that never liked the source material in the first place. It's not like The Flash TV show taking a comic that did its best to justify things with a relatively thick layer of realistic scientific principles and then just treating it all as magic and saying it's silly to justify doing whatever they want. So many modern sci-fi things do that now. Scourge wasn't that. They took a character with a paper thin characterization and motivation and, by acknowledging it, managed to make it deeper, rather than shallower. He went from "evil because he's from the evil universe" to "evil because he knows he is literally a knockoff of the real main character of reality, and is now essentially overcompensating because he basically hates reality itself and, deep down, hates himself." He's a blatant knockoff of Ultraman and the rest of the Crime Syndicate from DC Comics, but honestly they made him deeper than any version of Ultraman ever was. Maybe a few versions of Owlman give him a run for his money, but even then it's debatable. I kind of like Surge for the same reason. Trying to take the themes that made Scourge work, but make it legally distinct due to legal bullshit. That said, it fails partially because Scourge actually did suck for 12 years of stories, giving a real sense of weight to his position in the story. Surge doesn't have that. Now, she sort of has that on a meta level, because if Scourge is a shitty ripoff of Sonic, Surge is a shitty ripoff of Scourge, and that kind of works even better. But of course they can never acknowledge that in the story itself, so that will never really pay off unless somehow the whole Penders thing gets cleared up AND Sega suddenly becomes cool and lets them use Scourge again, complete with his full continuity. Then again, it's all moot, because Surge's real problem is that the writers very quickly started treating her as far too sympathetic. Scourge had a degree of sympathy that he could evoke in the reader, but never to the degree that we would stop thinking he was the bad guy. If that happened, he would stop being interesting. We already have several "evil Sonics who turned good," including Knuckles and Shadow, not to mention some more obscure ones like Turbo. Scourge was an anti-villain, but Surge has very quickly become more of an anti-hero. I still hope the story takes a turn and has her essentially fail to become good, giving in to her insecurities, making a tragic tale of a character that almost became good but just couldn't make it, but I strongly doubt they're going to go that route. Practically no female characters in any media can stay evil, and I find that doubly unlikely given Flynn and Stanley's overt SJW tendencies. If Poison Ivy can't be treated as an evil character, when her motivation is to exterminate all animal life on Earth, and Flynn and Stanley are already more focused on writing even more sissified slop than modern capeshit, then there's no way they're going to let Surge be an actual villain.
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>>1040691 >Also, is the dog thing in pic related supposed to be Antoine? I can't even tell. According to the Wiki it's suppose to be Muttski
>>1040963 I guess it does kind of look like Muttski's pre-roboticized form, but that's just about the most obscure visual design of any named character in the franchise. I'm trying to look it up, and as far as I can tell he only appeared in a photo in one episode of SatAM, in some illustrations in some chapter books, and in issue #0 of the first Archie miniseries. He does get de-roboticized later, but that's long after Spinball, and the artists draw him absurdly differently. (Plus post-Super Genesis Wave he gets anthropomorphized, which is super weird, but that's like 20 years after the stuff we're talking about.) Anyway I'm just autistically rambling, but my point remains that nobody, especially the Japanese, cares about those cameos in Spinball. Also, I just realized my list up there forgot Breezie. I'm deeply ashamed, as we all know she's one of the top semen demons in the whole franchise.
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I'm really annoyed I'm near my flag limit after fiddling with making these.
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Maybe >>>/fast/ can use them.
>>1040849 >Surge is a shitty ripoff of Scourge At least the design is better.
>>1040978 Disagree. Scourge, with his shades and his leather jacket with sweet flame decals, is even more tryhard cool than Sonic, which is precisely the point. With Scourge, they remembered that he's supposed to be overcompensating and not actually as cool as Sonic. That aspect has basically been forgotten with Surge. I'd also argue that her being a girl takes away from the effect, though I can hardly count it as a major point against, since it's partially for legalistic reasons, and because I can imagine ways it could actually be used effectively, even if I doubt they would ever do that. Surge could be such an awesome character, but in the time since she's been introduced, they haven't used her as effectively as I think Scourge was used. Then again, that could all be turned around at any time, just like how Flynn took Evil Sonic and actually made him into a good character.
>>1040993 as a guy who never read IDW and read archietwice, I'd say that surge's design is more immediately appealing than that of scourge, and her outward appearance screams punk
>>1040993 >Disagree >Designed by paps You're insulting the commie cat!
>>1041048 Not only am I really not seeing what you're saying, but I also think what you're saying isn't the point. Scourge's design is good because it's fucking lame. It's trying too hard to be cool, and thus failing. And that's the point. I don't get that from Surge's design at all. I also wouldn't say it "screams punk." A little punk? Sure. But not "screaming." I think you're just thinking with your dick, Anon. And I just made a list of Top 75+ Hottest Female Sonic Characters, so I understand, but I still disagree.
>>1037726 3-4 hours if you don't want the collectables. I wished there was more levels, westopolis didn't get a level. It's fun, but it's basically sonic frontiers but a lot smaller in many ways. Probably one of the better sonic experiences in 3D overall, probably top 5.
>>1041074 Westopolis would have been too much like Radical Highway, which is already overrepresented. One of the cyber levels where Shadow goes into the internet or whatever should have been in the game. A unique theme that's only really in that one game. Other Sonic games use the cyber-world conceit, but they don't look as cool, and Shadow the Hedgehog's version is unique-looking.
>>1041057 >Designed by paps It can't be...
>>1041061 >It's SUPPOSED to be shit on purpose
>>1041061 >I don't get that from Surge's design at all. could it be that that is so because they perhaps didn't event try to do that with her?
>>1041251 Yeah, I'm being sincere. That's precisely what makes Scourge interesting. He's not just Evil Sonic. He's Evil Sonic who realized that he actually sucks (because he did suck, because that concept is very simplistic and lame and done better by both Knuckles and Shadow and arguably Metal Sonic) and now tries to overcompensate, but is fundamentally still a loser because he still defines himself based on Sonic, even though he doesn't want to admit that. It adds much pathos and depth that he didn't have before. >>1041270 Yeah, it is. But that's lame. They do have the thing where she hates being a copy of Sonic and wishes she wasn't. Or at least they had that a little bit at first. They haven't really used it much lately. Scourge's design doesn't just show the concept, it shows his personality, including the flaws that make him a villain, and an interesting villain. Surge has the "alt-Sonic" thing, but they don't go deeper than that with her design (even though some of that is in her story and character), and I'd argue that makes her design not as good.
>>1041278 >she hates being a copy of Sonic It’s more that she hates being the platypus’ puppet and her autistic rational blames Sonic for it. Speaking of which, are you that /co/ autist?
>>1041532 >It’s more that she hates being the platypus’ puppet and her autistic rational blames Sonic for it. Well sure, but it gets her to the point of hating that she's a copy of Sonic, which is clearly intentional, since that was something Scourge also had, even if his backstory got him there a different way. I mean I don't think anyone can deny that Surge is clearly Flynn trying to make a legally distinct version of Scourge. And the thing that made Scourge any good, the thing that made him distinct from when he was just "Evil Sonic" (which the story itself admits was lame) was that he basically realized he was literally a lame OC and was trying to overcompensate for it. That element was there with Surge a little bit, but they never used it quite as effectively, and it's been used a lot less lately. Maybe it's just because the current Extreme Gear racing arc has just gone on too fucking long, but Surge is important in it. Just she isn't doing anything very interesting. I hate that they're making her tempted toward heroism. I hope they don't go all the way with it, since that would be boring, but I bet they will. >Speaking of which, are you that /co/ autist? Theoretically there could be more than one, and I don't want to be presumptuous... but yeah, probably. I recently realized that I've consumed all Sonic story media that I could find (there are a few manga chapters that I can't find, which really bugs me). That involves well over 1000 issues and chapters of comics and manga, so I have a lot to say about Sonic comics now. But /co/ sucks and nobody posts on /fast/ so I just get autistic about it here instead.
>>1042040 >I recently realized that I've consumed all Sonic story media that I could find Does that include the ongoing fan continuation of the Archie comic? How is it?
>Surge and Kit I hope Starline returns revealing that he put his brain in a robot body along with a reprogrammed Eggrobo painted like a clown as a subordinate.
>>1042053 >returns revealing that he put his brain in a robot body painted like a clown I wish that, on every series based on trashy Western story structure and Oops, Superman "died" again for views.
Some series like Naruto heavily utilize this sort of reflective story design, where they just remake the same characters over and over so they can make "the same" characters do off-canon BS all day and wave it off as the George Lucas excuse, "it rhymes".
>>1042042 No, it only counts official media, but I did seek out the leaked unreleased/unfinished Archie comics from the end of the run. Also, some of those unfinished issues do have fan-produced lettering, since the lettering is the final step. So some have complete art, and you can tell a lot of the story from just the art, but if you want to make it simpler on yourself, fans have taken it upon themselves to imagine what the lettering would have said. Other issues lack color, or are only pencils with no inks, but fans have done their own versions of those steps as well, if you want that. I personally just care about the officially made content, though, and where it's incomplete, I can imagine the complete version on my own. One issue that was unreleased but leaked by the artist, fully complete, involved Sonic going with Antoine to his parents' home and fighting a guy seeking ancient swords, tying in with some of the swords from Sonic and the Black Knight. Actually, this issue leaked without letters first, and fans had their own letters made for it, but the official letters leaked later and they're much better. It was a pretty cool story, and at the end Antoine says he's gonna keep continuing on that arc, while Sonic goes to help the other Freedom Fighters in their own arcs (though I think the bits of future issues that leaked indicate that Antoine did go with Sonic to help the others, too). Interestingly, it almost seemed like the Freedom Fighters were about to break up, which is precisely what I wanted. I like the characters (well, not Sally), but I don't think they should have been taking up so much focus in the comic. An arc where they all go off to have their own adventures, and then Sonic just checks in on them now and then, would be very cool. It also makes it so you can practically imagine this arc did happen, and then Sonic Forces happened, and then the IDW comic happened. It all fits together relatively well, and basically explains why the Freedom Fighters aren't around. Of course, that's all moot because Flynn just replaced them with new OCs that I like even less because they lack all the history, including the history from the cartoons, which made them significantly more interesting. I never liked Sally, but I like her a hell of a lot more than Lanolin. Jewel fills a role very similar to Nicole, but Nicole had tons of history that gave me at least a bit of affinity to her. Belle fills a role somewhat similar to Bunnie, but Bunnie not only had a lot of history, but was actually pretty cool. Belle is just a little crying bitch that never does anything cool, because she was introduced in the Stephen Universe era of the comic. She missed out on all the eras when characters got to do cool stuff. And Starline? Blatantly just Snivley combined with Finetivus. Now I'm not gonna argue that Finetivus was the most interesting character, even with the history he had, but really the only thing Starline takes from him is that he likes to warp around from place to place. Aside from that he's Snivley, and Snivley is a million times more interesting due to all his history actually adding a lot of depth to his personality and his relationship with Robotnik. He has a lot more complexity as we have seen stories where he is a lot more conflicted and pulled not just to and from Robotnik, but pulled by different characters and motivations. Hope and The Iron Queen aren't terribly interesting characters, but they made Snivley a significantly more interesting character. Especially that time Eggman pretended to make peace with the Iron Queen, then sent a robot version of Snivley off with her so she would never even realize something was wrong. But the implication is that the real Snivley, still captured by Robotnik, would know that even if he left Robotnik and went back to her, it wouldn't be the same, since she'd been fucking a robot version of him for however long. But back to the topic of fan works, I did read the fan continuation of Sonic the Comic, the UK Sonic comic from the '90s. Sonic the Comic Online is special because many of the actual creators of the comic have not just approved of it, but contributed to it. It's definitely a huge step down in quality, especially in the art department, but it's made by many different artists, and some are good and even got hired by Archie and IDW, or went on to do other professional comics work. Unfortunately, the story actually written by Nigel Kitching, who was basically the head writer of Sonic the Comic, fucking sucks. But it functions as an ending (takes place in the future) and it is the guy who wrote most of the best stories, so I think it's fair to consider Sonic the Comic Online to be the real continuation of Sonic the Comic. Recently, after 24 years, they said they completed "Act One" of the comic. I think that's bullshit, and really it might just be over. Releases slowed to a crawl the last few years, and the latest issue had several stories that ended on cliffhangers or introduced new plot points to be continued later. I have no idea what they could mean by "end of Act One" except that they know this might be the end, but say "Act One" to try to be hopeful. Anyway though, I strongly recommend Sonic the Comic. I'd say it's a lot better than the Archie Sonic comic. The art is god awful at first, but it improves significantly after a few months, and becomes excellent eventually. Its world is closer to the games and thus easier to understand for fans of the games, than the Archie comics. It still has plenty of weird stuff, but it's not as weird as anything Penders ever did. It has problems, but it's a great comic overall. And once you finish it, I recommend reading Sonic the Comic Online. It's an admirable effort, and it won't take you long to read it, since it's fans just releasing a couple of issues per year. The original creators consider it canon, and contribute to it. >>1042053 >Eggrobo One little detail I really liked in the later Archie comics, which I think people overlook, was that in Snivley's post-Super Genesis Wave backstory, they say that Snivley was inside the Eggrobo that hassles Knuckles in Sonic 3 & Knuckles. They say Snivley was working for GUN the whole time (though the implication is that he was trying to play both sides the entire time), and used the Eggrobo to try to steal the Master Emerald. He claims it was so he could deliver it to GUN, since Knuckles couldn't be trusted (given that he got tricked by Eggman, who then stole the Emerald, in Sonic's story). Of course, GUN doesn't quite believe him, and figures he was just out for himself. This then also explains why Mecha Sonic destroys the Eggrobo. Mecha Sonic was still working for Eggman, or maybe for himself. (It's not clear in this specific story, but it is clear that Snivley is out for himself. And later, Flynn made it canon in the IDW comics, and thus the games, that Mecha Sonic became independent after Sonic 3 & Knuckles.) >with a reprogrammed Eggrobo painted like a clown as a subordinate. Wouldn't that basically just be another Hardboiled Heavy? Or is this a reference to Belle and Mr. Tinker? What point are you making that I'm too autistic to understand here? >>1042054 I can't understand you fully due to grammar, but I feel obligated to point out that Dragon Ball Z, which Sonic blatantly rips off all the time, so much so that it's basically the identity of the series, is the series most known for characters coming back to life. In Resurrection F, Vegeta literally tells Frieza "Never come back to life again." And you know the best part? Frieza does come back to life again. Also, for the record, Superman has only ever died and come back twice in mainstream continuity. The Death of Superman was a big deal in the '90s and still gets referenced. It's a historically important story and a lot of later stories rely on it happening. It resulted in Green Lantern becoming evil for ten years, for a major example that DC can't really erase even though they did want to back in 2004. Also Superman died again in 2016 but then after a very convoluted story the timeline where that death happened merged with one where it didn't and so it didn't happen in the current timeline. I mean it sort of did on the reader's level, but as far as most characters in the story are concerned, they wouldn't be aware of it. >>1042064 It works better in a single universe where it can be used for a larger story purpose, even if you argue it's kind of bullshit. At least "it rhymes." It's less effective here where Flynn just keeps making up characters to replace characters he's not allowed to use anymore, instead of just using characters he is allowed to use. Hell, even Sage shares an awful lot of similarities not just with Nicole, but perhaps even more closely with Mecha, Robotnik's robot daughter from 2000s Archie comics. She wasn't invented by Flynn, and in fact one of the first things Flynn was hired to do was to kill her off, but he said he liked her and thus tried to give her a good death. Of course he also said he hated Tommy Turtle, and the death he gave him was way more awesome.
>>1042040 >I don't think anyone can deny that Surge is clearly Flynn trying to make a legally distinct version of Scourge Yes, and he decided to go in a different direction instead of just doing Scourge again. **They're both based on a visual glitch anyway&&
>>1042042 >>1042073 Oh yeah, I also made a giant spreadsheet while I was reading all the comics, trying to see just how much I had to squint to pretend they could fit in game continuity. Then I started reading the other comic continuities, and tried to see if I could fit them all together. And of course the cartoons gotta take priority over the comics (but under the games) since more people have seen them. And the movies go above the cartoons. Then I finished viewing everything and realized I couldn't do much with the information except maybe make the most autistic fanfiction ever. But I'm a bit old/employed to be doing that. Though this chart already involves a degree of fanfiction-writing in attempts to contextualize things so that they make sense together. So I'll just post it here. I also got bored by the end and haven't fully updated it with the last few entries, and haven't perfectly edited it to remove all the notes and stuff that I made for myself while I was making it. But it's pretty thorough, and the last bits aren't important. If you get far enough to find the incomplete bits, you'll understand enough to get how those last few bits would be solved. >>1042090 The different direction isn't interesting, though. The interesting parts of Surge are the parts shared with Scourge. The stuff that differs from Scourge only makes her worse. Except maybe Kit. I don't hate Kit, but I don't love him either. Miles from Scourge's universe is kind of interesting, but they never really did much with him. I'd be interested in seeing more with him, but since he never did much, I guess I might like Kit better. I don't think he's been used very effectively yet, but he's alright and has potential. And yes, I know about Ashura the Hedgehog. Do you think anyone in this thread wouldn't? I mean I guess some newfags might be around, so maybe. But you just reminded me of an interesting point. People say Doctor Finitevus is based on "Wechnia," a glitch from Knuckles Chaotix. But I call bullshit. He's clearly based on Doctor Zachary, another albino echidna mad doctor, from Sonic the Comic. His stories were better than Finitevus's stories, by the way, even though his name is fucking lame and gay. Anyway Doctor Zachary first appeared in Sonic the Comic #65, released 11th November, 1995. Knuckles Chaotix released in Europe on June 23, 1995. Now, the Chaotix were already adapted into the comic on the 27th of May, 1995, and I don't know precisely when the Wechnia glitch became something people were talking about on early message boards, or writing in to the comic letters pages about, but I'm skeptical that "Wechnia" was enough of a thing in 1995 to get adapted into the comic by November. Of course, Flynn might have known about Wechnia when he made Doctor Finitevus, but the similarities to Doctor Zachary are too striking for me to say that any similarities to Wechnia even matter, since all similarities to Wechnia are also similarities to Zachary, plus there are far more similarities to Zachary. Speaking of Ashura, though, what blew my mind is when I realized that Super Scourge predated Coldsteel the Hedgehog by a few years. I could have easily convinced myself that Super Scourge was a reference to Coldsteel, since they look and act so similarly. But Super Scourge came first. So it turns out Coldsteel isn't as clever as I thought it was. Flynn thought of it first, but his official comic didn't get as famous as a random internet meme.
>>1042073 >Wouldn't that basically just be another Hardboiled Heavy? Or is this a reference to Belle and Mr. Tinker? What point are you making that I'm too autistic to understand here? It was a half joke, half serious suggestion, given what Kit and Surge are based on unintentionally if we are to believe Flynn.
>>1042158 I totally believe that Flynn is telling the truth. That fucker has clearly never watched Dragon Ball Z. All I want is for him to write more stuff blatantly ripping off Dragon Ball. You know, like the games did. Instead he just watches Stephen Universe or whatever. Plus, it's just too obvious that Surge is Scourge. Android 18 would only come to mind instead for people who never read Flynn's earlier work. He's the guy who wrote it, so of course he knows the incredibly obvious parallel that he wrote just a few years earlier and was specifically banned from using due to legal issues. And anyway, if you're gonna add a third member to Surge's crew, one that's a lot more like Android 16 would work, because Android 16 also shares some superficial similarity with Knuckles, being the big strong guy who is also quiet and introspective and loves nature. Then again, I don't think I want Surge and Kit to become any more like 17 and 18, because 17 and 18 only stayed interesting for a very short time in the story, before quickly being written out and replaced with Cell. 18 was kind of cool with that little subplot about messing with Mr. Satan in the tournament, but most of that was filler (and a movie), and I wouldn't say it makes her interesting enough to think it's a good direction to go with Surge. But actually yeah, if Starline did come back, he would need a new minion, and your idea is pretty good. I was just too autistic to get it. Put him in a robot body, then he can fight a bit better, and give him a new guy to back him up since Sonic has like a zillion friends and it would take more than one guy to make a real threat.
Will you be going to your local theater (willingly or not) this Christmas for the third Sonic movie?
>>1043550 might flop going against the r-rated kraven film
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>>1043550 >they brought back the whole cast of humans Jesus, I'd hoped that they had enough sonic characters to keep the plot occupied and backseat those fuckers but for some reason they think people really want to see them.
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>>1043572 >(((Marvel))) anything >beating anything
>>1043609 I hope they add more humans to the games :^}
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>>1043615 Fuck your monkey paw, at worst, this clip appears somewhere.
>>1043615 I hope they bring back Pachacmac in another game and get Christopher Lloyd to play him. One of the only redeeming things about that Knuckles show. Also, that fat gay guy Knuckles was hanging out with in the show looked and acted just like Bartleby's Bitch. Now they just need to finally add Bartleby to the games, then we're set.
I really hate the pseudo-dubstep crap that passes for music in Sonic Forces and all the titles after it.
>>1043679 Sonic music used to be the most dependable quality of the series.
>>1043550 >>1043609 I can at least understand Tom and Maddie being involved since they act as adoptive parents to Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles, but what's the point of bringing back Maddie's sister and her husband (granted he's a member of GUN, but still)? Last time I checked, the wedding scenes were widely considered the worst parts of Sonic 2. I really hope their screentime is much smaller than the last film, because constantly cutting away from Sonic and Tails to a wedding I really didn't care about got old rather quickly. Also here's some cute Shy Guy x Bandit art, because why not?
>>1043679 Agreed, fuck SEGA.
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Here's some cute Shadow and Maria artwork I found. >>1043611 >Marvel Worse, it's a Sony movie.
>>1044425 god i wish i got to fuck maria's shadow
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>>1044425 Muhria is pretty cute.
>>1044425 >Shadow and Maria my post >>1035607 still stands
>>1044173 Those other characters are there for the same reason as Tom. The movies aren't really about Sonic, because animation is more expensive than filming James Marsden and other less famous actors running around in front of a green screen. The more they can get kids to sit through that, the less money they need to spend animating Sonic. It's the same reason the Knuckles TV show had multiple episodes that barely had Knuckles in them. There's a whole episode where Tom's big fat gay jew friend dresses up in a Knuckles costume and fights puppet Iblis, and the show "lampshades" the fact that it's done because it's lower budget. >>1044831 Shadow has a serious case of oneitis. Makes sense.
>>1045648 >Shadow has a serious case of oneitis. He should have stopped shadowing Maria, now he's dark and prickly.
I saw the third movie early in theaters. Unfortunately for me, there were several mutt girls right next to me that cheered every time Shadow did his moves. Metal Sonic (several clones of them) and Amy Rose briefly showed up at a mid credits scene Both Robotniks are dead while Shadow lives There will be a fourth movie Bravo, SEGA.
>>1052670 What will be the fourth movie about? Strong independent amy? Metal sonics? Chaos finally appearing?
>there will never be any cute moments between sonic and amy ever again because of a sega mandate >only girlbossing and grrl pwr how does that make you feel, /v/?
>>1052675 Unsuprised
>>1052675 Glad I haven't given Sega any money since 2010.
>>1052670 I can't wait for Sonic 4 when they have to bring Robotnik back to life. And then Ken Penders throws a fit because he was the retard who killed Robotnik and then had to bring him back to life first.
>>1052743 Robotnik mentioned cloning Stone. He either had clones of himself set up, or Stone will clone him.
Why is Eggman able to run as fast as Sonic?
One of my friends once asked me what changes I would've made to Sonic '06 to make the story flow better or make more sense. These were the main bullet points I put up. >Blaze is no longer from the future. She's an alternate Sonic like before. >Silver isn't some dude, he's her version of Shadow. The Optimal Life Form created on the Space Colony ORB. >Blaze has her own male Elise to deal with and both Blaze and Sonic call each other out for having a creepy pseudo-romantic relationship with theirs, only to hypocritically act all weird with their own Elise. >We get playable campaigns for everyone to have a larger intertwining story. >The bad guy's still Soleanna's god, but an interdimensional monster that was accidentally woken up in a cold war government experiment, SMT style. >El Eggmano has no idea what's going on and just wants to kidnap Elise for ransom, but soon learns about the destructive power of God and decides it's too good of an opportunity to pass up.
Has anyone beat Shadow Generations here who can review the game?
>>1052815 There are several schools of thought on the matter. 1) He's just that terrified of Sonic finally cracking his skull. 2) He was once kindly Dr. Ovi Kintobor, but became infused with evil Chaos Energy, plus a rotten egg, turning him into Ivo Robotnik. This makes him somewhat akin to Super Sonic, also infused with Chaos Energy. They're both beings of Chaos. 3) More mass allows him to build up tremendous momentum. 4) After seeing Maria's health, Professor Gerald altered his own genome so that his later offspring would be healthier ubermenschen. 5) Robot implants in his legs. >>1052833 Too much focus on Blaze. They should have just made explicit that at the end of the game, she also went back in time, to before Sonic Rush. Just throw in a line about how the time travel might change the timeline, and she doesn't know what Sonic will be like in the new timeline (explaining why she treats him like she is just meeting him for the first time in Rush). Adding a second Elise would not be a good idea. Don't need more Elise. Just downplay the romantic angle with Sonic and change it to purely heroic admiration. Play up Amy more to make the difference in romance v no romance more distinct. Because yeah, Amy also has the heroic admiration, so showing a contrast between them would make Elise not look like a furry. Instead the game has a mission where you choose between the two, for no reason. That doesn't help. Also, isn't Solaris already a monster that was accidentally woken up in an experiment? >playable campaigns for everyone Well sure, but that would just be tons more work, and people would have bitched even more about "Sonic's stupid friends." That was a big complaint at the time. I'd have liked it though. The second and third characters in each campaign are clearly underutilized, and the devs obviously intended to use them more, but ran out of time. >>1052905 It's the best Sonic game in a long time. It has fewer levels than Generations, but the more substantial open world adds a lot to the experience. The open world isn't nearly as large as the combined maps of Frontiers, but it's pretty fun to play around in, and the little challenges they have to do feel better than a lot of the ones in Frontiers (though not all. But some of the ones in Frontiers were stupid and only dragged things down). Shadow's movement feels way better than Frontiers and all the Boost games, IMO. A lot more precise. This allows for better level design, too. The 3D levels are actually 3D and not half 2D like in Generations and the other Boost games. They're actually original level designs, unlike Frontiers. I also feel like Shadow Generations is harder than Sonic Generations. It's not terribly hard, but I'd almost say Sonic Generations is too easy. Upon replaying Sonic Generations in this rerelease, for the first time since its original release, it took me 28 hours to 100%. Shadow Generations took me 25 hours to 100%. People are saying it's short, but to 100% it took me a while and I was pretty invested. And oh yeah, the story is the best Sonic story since Unleashed. >tl;dr: It's great. Honestly the best gameplay and story the series has had in forever. It's marketed as a short side-game, but actually if you want to 100% it it is pretty substantial.
>>1052919 Going on a bit of a tangent, but if Sonic had a predominately Japanese angle, I don't think the furry angle would be a problem. I see a lot of Shadow X Maria fanart and see this humanxanthro/kemono in a lot of other Japanese works.
Sonic Adventure 2 has surpassed it's own all time peak on Steam Today, even with them not pushing it at all outside of circumstance. So it looks like these Sonic Movies are really paying off for them.
>>1053682 Seems like it's gotten more players so far than Sonic x Shadow Generations, even with its movie tie-in DLC (along with an extra stage).
>>1052674 Probably Sonic Heroes' plot except Robotnik is dead.
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>>1053682 It did have one downside: Paramount paying big bucks to use Live & Learn made the Crush 40 guy realize he could be making lodesofemone and he's trying to grab Sega's shekels while pretending he was ignorant of them reusing his music for 23 years. Expect Sega to never forgive him, give him the Ken Penders treatment, and try to cut him out of any Sonic Adventure rereleases/remakes. https://archive.is/zAHqf
It feels like only in the last five years have SEGA realized how popular Sonic actually is.
>>1053704 Maybe if he was suing for works made yesterday he could pull this off. There's no point trying to beg the courts to let him borrow Sega's money after 23 years. I guess after so many years he can feel time slitherin' down his spine, and wants to get some extra bucks for retirement, but if he goes through with it he'll just end up face down on the floor. I'm sure Sega's lawyers will bring up that, with how famous he's gotten from Sonic, he was arguably paid in trade anyway. The judge will tell him to save his sorrows. No point in telling him how futile this is since he'll just keep holding on to "What if". Oh well, I guess he'll have to live and learn. I hope he finds his way after this experience.
>>1053711 S H U T
>>1053707 Makes me wonder how much of it was due to the success of the first Sonic Movie, and how much is due to the recent shake up of Management. Since there has been a clear increase in their ambitions.
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>>1053704 >>1053707 The current box office numbers so far aren't as high as I thought compared to the last two movies. Maybe Christmas Day could change that, as the movie's gonna be released in several other countries (while it'll be in Jap theaters on the 27th).
>>1053707 >>1053719 Sonic has always been popular. It's just that during the Aughts and the 2010's, you had a media that absolutely ridiculed anything having to do with him. Not to mention that Sega was going through major management shake-ups and financial fallouts after everything that happened during the Dreamcast.
>>1053724 >Gladiator II Oh no, did LA fuck up Gladiator?
>>1053797 Nah it earned 400 million in worldwide
>>1053749 >It's just that during the Aughts and the 2010's, you had a media that absolutely ridiculed anything having to do with him. That was thanks to his retarded autistic fans making a laughing stock out of themselves.
>Sonic >Popular Inside the autistic childs circles, maybe, but in the rest of the world, and even the rest of the retards, IB Users, and everyone else who uses internet, that's just the weirdos weird Niche, Even amongst the weirdos themselves
>>1043550 Rad Dude and Johnny Hitler went to watch it.
>>1053846 And the games themselves having a lot of problems a little after Rush came out or so. What a turnaround something like Shadow Generations was in the Year of the Flops.
>>1053945 >If Sonic 06 came out today it wouldn't even be a big deal we'd just get one of these A letter with text for ants?
>>1053955 Issued apologies before sending out a bunch of patches. Wish that guy had put out a better image.
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Since the third Sonic movie's released around Christmas time, this is official promo material.
>>1053955 >>1053945 06 was fucked beyond being fixed with patches.
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>>1054015 >4th pic Is that supposed to be the movie with Tim Allen, the ghostbuster and Dewey from Malcolm in the middle?
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>>1053707 I think the Sonic movie being such a big hit, earning around $320m at the box office and probably even more in merchandising, is what made the guys in Japan realize they were sitting on gold. I want to emphasis the merchandising, I went to pickup some presents and saw Sonic toys for the first time since I was a kid. There's a Sonic promo Happy Meal going on at the moment. The amount of money Sega must be earning through just licensing deals and toy sales is probably a reason behind the big push for Sonic recently. Don't forget - this is how a lot of gen alpha are discovering Sonic. This is their Sonic Adventure 2 era, they're growing up with stuff like Sonic X Shadow Generations, not years and years of terrible-to-mediocre releases. Superstars was kind of a dud but it's way better than anything from the Boom era.
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>>1053967 He did, bigger source on X.
>>1054077 All I want for Christmas is AAA to unshittify or die.
>>1054058 The releases aren't all that but atleast they are fun this time around. I'm still worried about the change in character personalities and censorship going forward, SEGA is already starting to sanitize their games for broader appeal.
>>1054254 Well just look at the mid-credit scene in the new movie. They're going all out on changing the character to fit current PC stylings.
>>1054288 I know, Amy is a character they butchered hard and are going to continue to butcher sadly. I wouldn't mind Amy not being a damsel in distress because in most media that features her she's not. However, I fear they are going to go really hard on this girl-boss personality trope with her and diminish all quirks that made her an interesting character. She is legit just the 'girl' character now post-Boom era and it really sucks.
>>1054288 >>1054347 I don't know why anyone cares about pink sonic
>>1054348 She was a funny, goofy character. Brought some more color to the series. But if you're talking about her modern iteration, only shipfags care about her. Otherwise, the people who claim to like her modern iteration more were people who never liked her in the first place... The real answer to your question is lolicons. That's always the correct answer.
>>1054347 It's actually rather ironic because the entire point behind Amy's story arcs in SA1 is her showing that she's more of a character and can have other motivations aside from chasing after Sonic all of the time. But I think also a big part of it has to do with the fact that Amy is still THE girly-girl character at the end of the day, something that Feminists cannot stand nor allow. All the other female characters can be summed up as slut, hard-ass, ara bait, lolicon bait, and know-it-all.
>>1054358 >the entire point behind Amy's story arcs in SA1 is her showing that she's more of a character and can have other motivations aside from chasing after Sonic all of the time. Newer fans and fans who heavily criticize her original appearance tend to conviently disregard this fact. It may be because she was fladerized so much but if one payed attention her character you realize that this is merely for comedy relief (which is what made her 'shine') and that her character has depth to it beyond Sonic. However, a lot of that depth *has* to do with Sonic too believe it or not. While she can be obsessive and irratic at times, which is something that should stay because it helps define her character, her passionate emotions are supposed to ultimately be seen as a good thing because she strongly believes in the good of others and is fully convicted toward her hero no matter what. >But I think also a big part of it has to do with the fact that Amy is still THE girly-girl character at the end of the day, something that Feminists cannot stand nor allow. It's definitely that for sure. But I also think it's the fact that ship-fags (a large percentage of them being zoomers) hated her bad traits because it was 'problematic', a term that shouldn't be taken seriously especially in a children's series. I guess it pissed them off that Sonic wouldn't reciprocate Amy's feelings and kept running away from her. But again, it's a gag thing. He runs and she gives chase. Now the dynamic between them isn't as fun nor as interesting anymore because zoomers can't accept that those bad personality traits is what makes a character not stale and more 'human'. >All the other female characters can be summed up as slut, hard-ass, ara bait, lolicon bait, and know-it-all. And it's crazy you say this since all the male character's have their archtypes too. Why is it demeaning when women have commonly attributed archtypes associated with them and not men? (BTW, I agree with you this is just a thought that I had)
>>1054366 >Why is it demeaning when women have commonly attributed archtypes associated with them and not men? Because Feminists literally see male-dominated society (The Patriarchy) as the "Devil", that women only exist as they are because of a "fiction" created by that society, and Feminists will not accept anything short of an entirely female dominated as the cure to it. Because they want to be able to define what a "woman" is "on their own terms". Don't mistake that as entirely misandrist in it's thought because the Feminists also declare that the Patriarchy is also disenfranchising men from being who they can "truly" be as well, so that's why you should become a Male Feminist and work towards this "Matriarchal" society that will "fix everything".
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Remember Evan Stanley, the writer for the exceedingly shit IDW Sonic comic mentioned over in >>1031406 and >>1040849? The one who got her start writing gay Sonic/Shadow fanfiction on DeviantArt and later headcanoned Sonic as Aromantic Asexual on tumblr? It's come to my attention she's worming her way into the games just like Ian Flynn did from Archie: https://archive.is/ghwMS
>>1054347 They've been doing it for a long time now. And it's not that Amy is a damsel in distress, as that has only been the case in a few of her appearances. But it is that she should have intense romantic interest in Sonic, and she should not be "tough," she is rather formidable because she has funny angry anime girl powers. She should be Chi Chi from Dragon Ball (specifically before Gohan was born), but Flynn and others have been writing her as "tough girl." Just look at her tagline in the comics. They call her "hammer swinging heroine." That's pretty far from the qualities that are important about her. >>1054351 >shipfags caring about SJW-era Amy If you mean "care about" as in "dislike," then sure, but the problem is that she has barely shown any romantic interest in Sonic in like 13 years, and they went so far as to edit it out of Generations' remake. It was a key aspect of her character, it was the defining aspect of her character, and we all know why it was removed. >>1054358 Yeah but her story arc in Sonic Adventure is about showing that she can be a more complex character that has heroic traits of her own, that other characters don't have (nobody else would have saved Gamma's soul), all without removing or denigrating the character traits she already had. And it's the latter part that current writers have a problem with. They don't want Amy or any other female character to be an interesting, fleshed out character. What they want is for all female characters to represent their worldview, and a girl that obsesses over a boy offends them because it implies girls can like boys. Of course we must all hate boys. Girls must hate boys, and boys must hate themselves. This is also why Sonic Prime was about Sonic learning that his independent and decisive nature (his core character traits, which happen to be masculine traits) is bad, and he has to be all touchy-feely for his friends. And note that as early as Sonic 1's manual, it was always noted that Sonic is great at making friends. But as we've seen, he's not a touchy-feely faggot about it. He is cool and charismatic and a good guy, but doesn't act like a girl. And in Sonic Prime, we learn that that is bad. >slut Rouge isn't even slutty anymore. They cover up her cleavage now. It really bugged me how in Sonic Prime she is treated like Sonic's friend. Acquaintance, sure, but they've never been friends. But they changed her because they want another primary female character, so what she is now is "female character #2." This is important because she isn't "a character." A character has traits. Personality. Role. A "female character" is a symbol, and that symbol must push their worldview, or it will not be allowed to exist. >>1054366 >I guess it pissed them off that Sonic wouldn't reciprocate Amy's feelings and kept running away from her. If I were to get to write the series, I would try to retroactively fix Amy's characterization in the last decade+ by saying that actually Sonic finally gave in and they've been officially dating since Sonic Chronicles. In that game, if you are mean to Amy through all the dialogue choices (and you can choose to be absurdly mean to her), at the end she will give up and say that she knows you don't like her, but she hopes you can just be civil so they can save the day together. But if you're nice, then instead Sonic will say that he likes her back. Then in Sonic and the Black Knight, which came out a year later, they make a joke that that adventure caused Sonic to miss a date with Amy. There are very few references to Amy being obsessed with Sonic after this (Generations is one exception), but you could justify it by saying that she calmed down because she actually got him. And Sonic is a cool guy anyway and wouldn't make a big deal about it or anything. Even that one joke in Generations that got censored would not actually contradict this explanation. Sonic's just kind of a dick, but he's a good guy really, and Amy gets that. Also he's the coolest guy in the world, so she'll put up with some shit. (That last bit is another reason feminists like Flynn hate it. Can't have women putting up with shit like Sonic pushing her away in Generations. Gotta censor it.) As evidence that this is how Sonic would act, Sonic also admits he likes Amy at the end of Season 2 of Sonic X. It's in a silent montage, but the meaning is clear enough. And in Season 3 Amy makes like one or two references to Sonic being her boyfriend, but it's not a big deal. That's how I would explain at least this one aspect of her bad writing under Flynn and the other modern writers. >>1054406 Honestly I think a lot of the problems with Flynn really started when Stanley started writing. Like he saw the style and decided to copy it. So yeah, shit's fucked. But that said, for all the complaining I've done here, let's keep things in perspective. These comics are still far better than all the Pre-Flynn Archie comics, and really most of Flynn's first 80 issues or so, which were still bogged down by most of the old Penders bullshit. They aren't writing the characters in the ways I'd most like, but we've seen things be far worse. It's just that now it's good enough that I can bother giving it reasonable criticism, whereas before it was just so fucked up that it was purely enjoyable in a watching-a-car-crash kind of way. But yes, I want Stanley gone. Her stories all suck. They're boring and show she doesn't understand the characters or even the basic appeal of the series at all. I like Flynn, but they need to just hire some Japanese guys. That Shadow manga that came out recently, despite being a silly tie-in to a game, was a lot closer to the tone the series should have.
>>1054406 >very autistic fujoshi (sorry that's redundant) wormed her way into the actual games Not a good sign at all. I doubt Sega is going to let any westerners go too far with their headcanons but it still raises alarm. > but Flynn and others have been writing her as "tough girl." Just look at her tagline in the comics. They call her "hammer swinging heroine." That's pretty far from the qualities that are important about her. Which is stupid since Knuckles already plays the role of the 'tough guy'. I feel like they made her existence even more irrelevant now. >If you mean "care about" as in "dislike," then sure, but the problem is that she has barely shown any romantic interest in Sonic in like 13 years, and they went so far as to edit it out of Generations' remake. No, I meant 'like'. There is a certain section of shippers who like Sonic and Amy's dynamic now simply because he isn't running away from her anymore and see her in a 'better light' simply because she isn't as obsessive or fangirlish anymore. It's as stupid as it sounds but zoomers aren't really known to have a proper understanding of the media they are consuming. But yes, any sane person knows that they are degrading her character and ruining her dynamic because of current year garbage. >If I were to get to write the series, I would try to retroactively fix Amy's characterization in the last decade+ by saying that actually Sonic finally gave in and they've been officially dating since Sonic Chronicles. That would be a good answer to resolve the past couple of years. Personally though (and your situation makes more sense based on the circumstances unfortunately), I would be a bit more subtle about it. Sonic is young, he's not ready to settle down. I would leave it at 'teasing', that is, make hints that Sonic is actually interested in Amy, but is just hesitant to come to terms with his feelings or whatever. This goes along with him being young too because the guy is like 15, and perhaps isn't really ready (or unsure about) for any full time romance.
>>1054435 >But yes, I want Stanley gone. Her stories all suck. They're boring and show she doesn't understand the characters or even the basic appeal of the series at all. I like Flynn, but they need to just hire some Japanese guys. That Shadow manga that came out recently, despite being a silly tie-in to a game, was a lot closer to the tone the series should have. I also really agree with this. The 'japanese'-ness of Sonic should never be disregarded. That flair is what made him appealable in the first place.
>>1054526 >Knuckles already plays the role of the 'tough guy'. I feel like they made his existence even more irrelevant now. It didn't strike you that Sega doesn't love him when the "Year of Shadow" hijacked Knuckles' 30th anniversary?
>>1054526 I think Sonic cares too much about freedom to allow himself to settle down with anyoneexcept elise for some reason but that kinda unhappened Now Archie Sonic on the other hand; he's a pretty different guy, but we weren't talking about hom
>>1054406 None of that actually explains why IDW Sonic is 'exceedingly shit'.
>>1054526 >I feel like they made her existence even more irrelevant now. No, it's made Knuckles irrelevant. Amy is treated as more of a primary character than Knuckles. She appears much more often in the comics, and her doppelgangers were all much more important than Knuckles's in Sonic Prime. >>1054526 > I would leave it at 'teasing', that is, make hints that Sonic is actually interested in Amy, but is just hesitant to come to terms with his feelings or whatever. Yeah, this is clearly what was always intended. Or perhaps not exactly "teasing," but it's also not even that he doesn't like Amy, it's just that he's got no time for love. He's too busy. Gotta keep on runnin'. A girl would slow him down. That's also explicitly why Tails is his best friend. Tails is the only one that can keep up with him. And really, even with Tails, I think the dynamic should be that Sonic thinks he's alright, but he doesn't wait around for him. If Tails can keep up, then good. If he can't, then that's fine too. If Amy can keep up, alright, but if she can't, then that's fine too. Since Flynn started making her a tough girl, she can keep up. So fine, that matches with the circumstances of just saying they actually have been dating for a long time now. And yes, I do think it would have been better to just keep the original dynamic, but they already fucked that up. Then again, it is Sonic, so they could just go back to the original dynamic and not need any explanation. But I'm on /v/. I didn't come here to not give autistic explanations. >>1054530 That was obviously because of the movie, and that makes sense. >>1054531 This. Also, even with Elise, while there was a very strange amount of tension, there was nothing very explicit about it that Sonic would start acting differently. And even Archie Sonic, while I don't think having girlfriends like he did matches the game character, he explicitly breaks up with Sally because she tells him to stop going on adventures, and he can't do that. Of course then he goes on to fuck Tails's ex-girlfriend, and that's pretty fucked up. >>1054542 It's not. It has problems, but it's alright. I wrote the posts he's using as evidence, as I've read all the comics from all continuities. IDW is better than most of Archie. But it has been slowly going downhill for quite a while now. Or maybe it's just that I'm not enjoying the current arc very much. But it still does have good arcs. The previous finished arc was a miniseries about Fang, and that was pretty good.
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>>1054542 >>1054841 >IDW is better than most of Archie. But it has been slowly going downhill for quite a while now I'd argue it wasn't even all that good to start. Sure, maybe there aren't gaffs anywhere near as egregious as when Penders and the rest were at the helm back in Archie - they're not allowed to do romance anymore and given things like pic related and Ian's own attempts to make Nicole and Sally in lesbians with each-other, it's for the best - but from day 1, the writing always feels like it's still longing for Archie's total creative freedom (that they didn't deserve) and fighting with the limitations Sega's imposing on them rather than working with them. The shelving of characters like Shadow & Knuckles for being "too difficult to work with" is a good example. I'll give the Metal Virus arc a pass since that was leftovers from before Archie got canned, but the Restoration is a ball-and-chain around the narrative as a discount Freedom Fighters but not even having a Sonic Forces-style status quo to actually warrant staying in one place as a group. Surge the Tenrec was designed entirely out of longing for the legally-unavailable Scourge the Hedgehog for god's sake, and even her intended role by Ian as "an actual female villain defined by her all-encompassing hatred of Sonic and everything he stands for (first forced on her, then because he's a holier-than-thou dick)" got derailed by Evan Stanley being legitimately incapable of writing villains unless they're male (Mimic, Rough & Tumble, Clutch). Oh, and using that puppet girl Belle as a receptacle for her daddy issues. The most I'll give IDW is remembering Gemerl exists and making me actually kinda like Zavok just before Sega finally gave up on the Deadly Six (for good reason). >the previous finished arc was a miniseries about Fang, and that was pretty good. Classic's tied up in so many mandates that they wouldn't be able to be anything except be inoffensive. And they still pissed Sega off by using the Archie term "Team Hooligans". Ironically, Sega turned around this month and used the term themselves recently for a Christmas Art on twitter: https://archive.is/ZjBIQ What really makes it ironic is doing this AFTER cracking down on Ian Flynn's podcast Bumblekast due to him recklessly breaking NDAs, answering unprofessional questions about the brand and basically admitting to abusing his position for rewrites on Shadow Generations, forcing him to vet all Sonic through Sega and the logistics were impossible enough Ian banned Sonic questions altogether (that show was basically him milking for money the remnants of the deluded fanbase that thinks the Freedom Fighters will ever come back, and Sega pays him so little as a freelancer that he legit relied on Bumblekast to make rent)
>>1054895 >I'd argue it wasn't even all that good to start. The first four issues were too slow, but they were also released weekly, to introduce the series and main characters. After that, the arc with Metal Sonic, and the following stuff with Tinker, was pretty cool. The Metal Virus wasn't bad but went on way too long. After that I'd say things have been up and down, and I'd say the quality directly relates to how much it focuses on Tangle, Whisper, and their supporting characters (Jewel, Lanolin, etc.). The quality also directly relates to when Evan Stanley is writing. But Flynn has also been getting dragged down. I've read a lot of issues I like from him, but I also can't pretend he doesn't have some boring issues, made boring by habits he keeps repeating. >the writing always feels like it's still longing for Archie's total creative freedom (that they didn't deserve) and fighting with the limitations Sega's imposing on them rather than working with them. I agree with you wholeheartedly. It's clear that Flynn's love for the series comes from the Archie comics primarily, and it's a real shame that his decision upon getting the IDW series was to replace the Freedom Fighters instead of just making a series about the characters from the games. It's more about the characters from the games now, but Tangle and Whisper and the rest of the OCs are just worse versions of the Freedom Fighters. At least the Freedom Fighters had the cartoon to justify their existence. And frankly, while Antoine and Bunnie had some interesting depth developed in their characters over time, none of the new OCs have that. Belle isn't as good a character as Bunnie. There is no replacement for Antoine, since he's male and therefore Evan Stanley has no interest in him, even though he was by far the most interesting non-game character the series had. I'll give a perhaps controversial opinion. While I would argue that Flynn is the best writer American Sonic comics have ever had, I would also argue that Karl Bollers is a much better writer than Evan Stanley. He wrote some bonkers stuff, but he also wrote some stuff that I found myself legitimately interested in. Stanley is just boring as hell all the time. Doesn't help that she doesn't give a rat's ass about the game characters. She's a lot more of a Penders than a Bollers. >Evan Stanley being legitimately incapable of writing villains unless they're male (Mimic, Rough & Tumble, Clutch). This is what a feminist looks like. She can't see the characters as people, and thus can't write them as interesting. Each is a representative of her worldview, and her worldview is that girls are perfect and boys are stupid and evil. >Zavok Yeah, Flynn did a couple of okay bits with him. I'll give him credit for that. Starline is a shitty replacement for Snivley, but at least some of the stories with him were okay, partially because they actually used Zavok and other characters well. I liked how they used the Power Cores from Heroes. That was neat.
>>1055799 >>1054895 >Zavok I like Zavok and the rest of the Lunataks Zeti. They actually feel like a real threat as nasty villains compared to Eggman who is nasty but is so mercurial that he might conquor the world and then the next week program Metal to be a freedom fighter to liberate the world from his empire and then the week after that taking a break to jack off to AI hedgehog porn. The Zeti will crush your world and then keep it crushed and then begin plotting to take over the next world. >Rough & Tumble They seem like they're about to begin their own reformed villain arc. If only they weren't so stupid they could have done it years ago. Maybe they'll join up with Green and Blue and form Team "We're Kinda Heroes Now But Still Fuck Sonic".
>>1055806 >bigger threats than Eggman Yeah, it's funny since the game the Deadly Six are from is so lighthearted. But it is good to have more villains available to tell stories with, especially when the villains are from the games. I'm surprised they haven't been doing a lot more with Witchkart. Flynn fucking loves Naugus, and already said that Witchkart was his sister in the Archie series. So fine, treat her as a female version of Naugus. She's female, so Stanley will actually like her and use her. Oh wait, that means Stanley would make Witchkart a hero. Still, Flynn clearly had more ideas for Witchkart when the Archie series got cancelled. I'm very surprised he hasn't gone through with those plans now. Plus he could take any plans he had for Naugus and just transplant them here. I have to assume Sega has told him that Witchkart is a Classic Era exclusive character. While I'm skeptical of some of the alleged limitations fans say Sega puts upon the comic, I just can't believe that Flynn wouldn't want to use that character more. And I'd certainly prefer to read about her over all the OCs that get way too much focus in the series. And while we're at it, why doesn't Flynn use the Battle Birds anymore? Those guys could be pretty cool. I didn't love that he made them underlings of Eggman in the Archie comics, but he at least did a couple of cool things with them. It would be cool to see them show up every now and then, to give us an arc where the villain isn't either Eggman or an OC. Yeah, I tolerated a couple arcs about Starline and Surge, but dear lord, Clutch fucking sucks. It's too bad Sega doesn't want them using concepts from Chronicles, because of course there would be plenty that could be done with The Dark Brotherhood and Argus. Is The Dark Brotherhood a little similar to The Dark Legion? Yes. Is The Dark Brotherhood better due to not having all the retarded incestuous Penders lore? Also yes. I also think Flynn fucked up by making Mecha Sonic a good guy. It was kind of cool, but since he isn't allowed to just have Metal Sonic be his own villain, then Mecha Sonic was right there, and was last seen being his own villain, in Sonic and Knuckles. If he was gonna have any of them become a good guy, he should have picked Mecha Sonic from Sonic 2. Iconic, not used in years, and became a good guy in Archie. Then again, I'm sure Flynn did know that, and I wouldn't be surprised if Flynn did want to use that version and Sega told him they preferred if he used the one from Sonic & Knuckles. Of course, when Flynn used "Silver Sonic" in Archie, he made him a bad guy again, and IDW Mecha Sonic clearly is just a replacement for Shard. But if anyone was gonna be a replacement for Shard, it should have been Mecha Sonic from Sonic 2 (known as "Silver Sonic" in Archie), not Mecha Sonic from Sonic & Knuckles, who would have been way cooler as his own recurring villain. Actually, wait, I almost forgot that the whole Scrapnik Island concept was already used in Archie, The Island of Forgotten Badniks, and it was led by Pseudo Sonic. But they weren't good guys. So Mecha is a replacement for Pseudo Sonic. But personality-wise he's clearly Shard. >"We're Kinda Heroes Now But Still Fuck Sonic". While not exactly the same, that would feel too much like Team Dark. I'd prefer the two teams to stay separate, even if they do interact or even team up with each other sometimes. They fulfill distinct purposes. Sega seems to be chilling out on restrictions on the use of Bean and Bark. They should just let Flynn do a story that admits Rough and Tumble are too similar to Bean and Bark. They could do an arc all about them, having them fight each other. Bean and Bark need to win. Rough and Tumble should from then forward be used very rarely, as they're utterly pointless characters that exist purely to replace other characters that are already in this very comic. Also, Bean and Bark would be the ones who could reform, not Rough and Tumble, because Bean and Bark are only even bad guys because Flynn said so. In Sonic The Fighters, they're just new characters with no in-game story, but most of the playable characters are good guys, so there is no reason to think they're bad guys. Bean is just a reference to Dynamite Dux, and Bin (Bean could literally just be a different transliteration of Bin) is a good guy in that game. Though there is no story for them in the game itself, a Japanese magazine article from the time said they were Sonic's friends. And even the way they've been portrayed in the comics makes them look like they're just being led around by Fang, but could be good guys in other circumstances. Rough and Tumble have functioned too often as assholes all on their own. One idea I always was interested in was seeing a story where all the characters who are basically replacements for other characters meet their original versions. This includes Rough and Tumble, but it sort of even includes Rouge basically being a replacement for Fang. And Ray and Mighty are even basically prototype Tails and Knuckles. Yes, I know they premiered later, but you can't look at Ray and the game he's from and convince me that he wasn't basically an alternate realization of the same ideas that also lead to Tails. Shadow is also sort of a replacement for Knuckles, as another evil Sonic since the previous evil Sonic turned good. But then really both are just ripoffs of Piccolo and Vegeta, as Dragon Ball does the "villain becomes rival, previous rival becomes friend" cycle much more often. The ultimate example of this happening in the series is of course Scourge and Surge, as there it's so obvious that it's like they want the reader to realize it, but I don't think Sega will ever want them to reference Scourge again, and I understand why. Dingo is also a blatant replacement for Metamorphia. Bring back Metamorphia and Dingo, Sega! Also Bartleby.
The lore in Archie comics was retarded and did not mesh with Sonic at all.
I just beat Shadow Generations, and right after replaying Sonic Generations first, I like Shadow gens better, the over all controls feel more precise right off the heels of Sonic Gens. There's also the fact you're moving at a speed where you can actually react to things when boosting. Shadow gens is shorter, but that mostly feels like it's because there is much less filler. There aren't a bunch of missions that are just "Play the level again but pretend it's a race this time" The side challenges that there are feel much more to the point at giving the task to do, and you can do each in about a min or less if playing well. Collectibles feel like their better placed in the levels, Sonic Gens actually added more collectibles with the Chao, and I didn't want more to deal with at all, Shadow there are 3 collectibles per stance, but they're typically on the fastest path and it's pretty reasonable to get them all during your S rank run. The bosses are all pretty neat. They showcase the new powers you get in a fight well, and then the Final boss is quite good as it has you use all the powers to win as a final test should, it over all feels way better than the Sonic Generations Final Boss. Over all there is little to complain about, the game feels Polished and it doesn't waste your time.
>>1055891 Yes. But if you read it from the beginning, and watch the TV shows that it was based on, it feels a bit more tolerable. In context, we can appreciate that Amy and Knuckles weren't invented yet. It made a degree of sense at first to instead focus on these characters from the cartoon. Where they fucked up was in keeping those characters as the main characters well after Sonic Adventure came out. (Hell, right up until Sonic Forces came out, and the series got cancelled.) If you watch the cartoon, then having two years where Robotnik is dead and Naugus becomes the main villain almost seems like it could make sense. And if you're just reading the story in order, you can almost accept it. But then you take a step back and realize "wait, what the fuck did I just read?" Because really when you step back, it's all pants-on-head retarded. It's honestly the same with the Knuckles lore, which is the actual most fucked up thing in the series. First, Penders introduced a backstory for Angel Island. This was years before Sonic Adventure came out, so if you were reading it then, it would be sort of acceptable. Of course, he should have realized he was writing a licensed comic, and he probably shouldn't be introducing this important backstory, but he just never gave a fuck. And anyway, all he did at first was make a villain that was, essentially, a previous guardian of the Master Emerald. That makes sense. Honestly was a pretty good idea. Then his next arc was just "well what if that guardian had a cult that still worshipped him and came to fight Knuckles?" Okay, that's also not a terrible idea. But then Penders' third idea was to say "what if all of Knuckles' people came back and also they lived in a futuristic techno-city and this is what Knuckles does now?" That's where things really go off the rails. But it almost feels like it builds up slowly, if you're reading it in order. But really the problem is that after Sonic Adventure, they should have changed course. They should have immediately gotten rid of all the retarded Knuckles lore Penders had built up, and in fact they should have gone a step further and significantly de-emphasized The Freedom Fighters and the whole Kingdom of Acorn thing. In 1997 they had Sonic go on a quest around the world for two years, but it was all wrapped up with Naugus and the kingdom. But they should have had it so after he beat Naugus and saved the kingdom, that was it. The Kingdom of Acorn should have just been done, and those characters should have only appeared in the comic for scattered guest spots. They shouldn't have continued as main characters, but they did. Weirdly enough, Sonic Shuffle and Sonic Adventure 2 are both just directly canon to the comics. The comics introduce the stories, but then tell you to play the game to get the full story. This is a massive problem for Sonic Adventure 2 in particular, as at the time Knuckles was a near-omnipotent green god, and Tails was later revealed to have been replaced with a magical duplicate some time earlier, meaning that although Sonic Adventure 2 is directly canon to the comics, that wasn't the real Tails when you played the game. There's also an arc called "Sonic Adventure 2.5" which is actually pretty cool, but is confusing in terms of what the fuck they were thinking. They bring Shadow back to life here, before Heroes came out, and then they never actually do adapt Heroes in the comic. But they also use the arc to fix that "Knuckles is a green god" thing. So at the end, the comic is closer to the games' status quo, but nevermind, it's still fucked. Because at the end Sonic gets lost in space for a year, and when he gets back Scourge and Anti-Antoine are after fucking all the bitches in the kingdom, which just shouldn't be a thing that happens in a damn Sonic story. But it was. Actually, I think this arc ends up being pretty compelling, but that's because by this point I had read about 200 issues of this shit and had just gotten stockholm syndrome. And then Flynn gets hired, and is tasked specifically with fixing all this shit. And he does fix a lot of it. So for example, previously in the comics, there were (practically) infinite Chaos Emeralds, and they were all green, except for one time Sonic went to another planet which had red Chaos Emeralds that turned him into an evil Super Sonic (in a reference to the UK Sonic comics of the '90s). There was also a prophecy of Tails doing some "unification" and saving the universe. Tails had already "unified" with all of his doppelgangers from throughout the multiverse to beat Mammoth Mogul, but Flynn said actually the real prophecy was referring to Tails unifying all the Chaos Emeralds. There was also already a city of nanites built by Robotnik's AI "son" ADAM, and The Ark of the Cosmos (from Sonic Riders 2) was underneath it, and ADAM used it as a tool to summon all the Chaos Emeralds from around the universe, even all the other colored ones, like the red ones from that other planet. So Flynn said that on five other planets that Sonic had visited when in space, there were also five other colors of emeralds, and then Tails merged all the colors into one emerald each, then sent them to "The Zone of Silence," and their energy transformed it into The Special Stage. So bam, now there are the right number of emeralds, and they're the right colors, and the alternate dimension that everyone always talks about in the series is the alternate dimension that is important in the games. And it was all done with bits of lore that Flynn was handed by previous writers. Flynn also did a good job slowly getting rid of all the Penders Knuckles bullshit. First he killed off Knuckles' dad, the most important character from all that nonsense. Then he had Eggman take over Angel Island for an arc so he could kill off Knuckles' 13 other grampas and force the rest of the echidnas to move off Angel Island and to the second Echidna City that Penders had established, Albion. So now Knuckles would be the only echidna left on Angel Island, at least. Then he had Eggman destroy Albion, and a character he introduced, Thrash the Tasmanian Devil, get rid of the few loose ends. And though Flynn didn't plan this, immediately after this arc, Eggman and Wily rewrite reality so that none of those characters even existed in the first place. But even if that didn't happen, he did thoroughly go out of his way to establish that Knuckles would finally be the last echidna again, like he was when he was first introduced to the comic, before Penders introduced all this other bullshit. But all that said, Flynn fucking loves The Freedom Fighters, and he insisted that they stay main characters forever. I didn't think it was him insisting, but then the Super Genesis Wave happened, and all the echidnas were erased, and the comics universe was made to be mostly like the game universe. But no, it was still different to incorporate the Freedom Fighters even more tightly into the lore. Now they were involved in Sonic 1, for example. And then when the Archie series got cancelled, or really just rebooted into the IDW series (since the creative team is so similar it's basically the same series) Flynn just replaced The Freedom Fighters with The Restoration. Fucking stupid. They're just a worse version of the Freedom Fighters. Sonic shouldn't be saving a kingdom as his primary conflict, and he shouldn't be working for an army. It's fucking dumb. But if you read it all in order, it almost feels like it makes sense.
You know, this thread exists as a solitary reminder why certain people don't like extensive commentary on the bible. If this cunt used all his mental strength to explain something like lobotomy corporation of course his useless ramblings here would actually become slightly useful. I know sonic better than him. And i am not telling this blog-in-the-making cunt anything. But i give him a hint. A swine is just a big needleless hedgehog.
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>>1056009 >You know, this thread exists as a solitary reminder why certain people don't like extensive commentary on the bible. If this cunt used all his mental strength to explain something like lobotomy corporation of course his useless ramblings here would actually become slightly useful. I know sonic better than him. And i am not telling this blog-in-the-making cunt anything. His blog's obviously compensating. You know low-functioning losers, retarded and insecure over it, who spam Latin and fancy words as therapy or for social approval they're not small-brained genetic trash? He's that with blogs. I'll defend him though, his Sonic blog's harmless except to him. I don't read it, but if forced, I would before Lobotomy Corporation blogging. Some Sonic's better by a landslide, and helps contain him from ass-slugging each thread with unwanted argument blogs as if /v/ will bow to his rabbinic garbage if it hits post limit. That's what "The Left Can't Meme"'s about. 3000 words to change my mind usually means a position opposes reality, can't force it into heads with enough babbling and attempts don't bring me closer, they turn me away. The Sonic blog's still harmless, let Chris Chan have his blog. >I know sonic better than him. And i am not telling this blog-in-the-making cunt anything. Never challenge on lore an autism fixated windbag with the freest time who talks more than thinks. I'd lose at Sonic lore, win at Sonic games.
>>1056060 >That's what "The Left Can't Meme"'s about. 3000 words to change my mind usually means a position opposes reality, can't force it into heads with enough babbling >insecure >like ChrisChan >autism fixated windbag >freest time He sounds like trans. Would never admit, social death sentence. We are all fuckedup on v, outcasts. None are sinless him you me or lobotomy corporation guy.
>>1055840 >While not exactly the same, that would feel too much like Team Dark. Well at this point Team Dark has become more Team Edgy Sonic anyway.
>>1056009 >>1056060 Speak for yourselves, I like reading his autism
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>>1056085 >I like reading my autism
>>1056095 Check the IDs homo
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>>1056102 >Different IDs with same autism mean different people You know better. Pic relatable's the real samefag alarm.
>>1056102 Dynamic IDs or jiggling the 56k
Wrong once doesn't mean wrong generally.
>>1056105 >>1056106 fugg :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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>>1056109 bergele :-DDD mammi sauna :DDDD
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>>1056081 Exactly. So any other group like that should stay as actual villains, not anti-heroes. This series already has too many characters that are too similar to each other. Really, I think Rough and Tumble are the worst examples of that. They're so redundant that they might as well not exist, except for how it was clearly due to Sega not wanting Flynn to use Bean and Bark. But now he does use Bean and Bark. So Rough and Tumble are pointless. My peak autism wants it to be justified in-universe, but that will never happen. And Flynn doesn't just ignore old, stupid characters. He kept using characters like Dylan Porcupine right up until Sega forced him to stop. He's gonna use Rough and Tumble until he no longer works on the series. Hopefully he just makes them a bit more interesting eventually.
>>1056659 It's kind of hard to let any individual stay as villains when they either have a sad backstory (like Kit & Surge) or are too stupid to be truly villainous(Rough & Tumble), particularly when the main protagonists is such a nice gut and has magical girl levels of wants to befriend everyone. He even tried to give Eggman and Metal a path toward redemption. As antagonists on the other hand yeah I can buy that. There's plenty of reasons that someone might just not like Sonic and possibly his closest inner circle of friends but isn't necessarily at war with the rest of the world either. Having R&T or K&S periodically kick down the door of the Restoration and challenge Sonic to an ass kicking contest but still have the capability to be civil to other characters or work with Sonic when the stakes are high. Which is basically what the Babylon Rogues do.
>>1056695 Scourge was able to be evil, even when he was the protagonist. But then he wasn't a girl. Can't ever have a girl stay evil, because of course women are always good deep down, right guys?
>>1056659 >But now he does use Bean and Bark. Only for Classic, thanks to Sega's autism about turning "Classic Sonic" into a separate brand due to taking the wrong lessons out of Generations/Mania. Which is frankly hypocritical when they were willing to retool old characters all the way back in Sonic Heroes (Team Chaotix), but that was before they got legit mindbroken by 06 and became desperate for game journos to love them.
>>1056829 To be fair Kit and Surge weren't actually evil to start with. They had their memories and identities completely erased and then had an intense regimen of hypnotic suggestion to implant behavior in them. They Hate Sonic and Tails because Starline programmed them to. Even after realizing this they probably still can't truly counteract that specific programming, even if they wan to or think they have. Surge genuinely had a full psychotic break for awhile. Even thought they're replacements for the anti-Mobius crew, in a lot of ways their backstory is really closer to Shadow's.
>>1056837 Yeah that thing where certain characters only appear in the Classic era is fucking stupid. >>1056886 Yes, I'm aware of Surge's backstory, but it doesn't change the point being made. And your pointing out that she is already similar to Shadow only adds to my point. The character needs to be made less like Shadow, not more. We already have Shadow, and we don't need Green Shadow. And that's saying a lot when Shadow is already just Black Knuckles, who is already just Red Sonic.
>>1057114 I don't disagree with you that they should have probably made a 100% break from the Archie-SatAM era instead of the 95% break that they did and just made stories with 1st party canon instead of using the "collagen frame" of the old era as a building point for new stories. But that's not what the writers did. That's also now what, at least some portion, of the Sonic fanbase wants. So we're kind of stuck with it regardless of our own personal vision of what the ideal Sonic world looks like. As far as someone like Surge goes the only real option is to either mothball the character like they did with my beloved Sticks, RIP or carry on with her character arc that was probably semi planned from the start. The very fact that they mirror 17 & 18, despite Flynn not realizing or intending them to, kind of shows the subconscious thought process that went into their creation. You can't really nudge them back into pure villain territory without derailing them. And probably skubbing up the whole narrative and fanbase even further in the process. I've seen in other media writers try to alter a character, to make them fulfill a different purpose from what they were created for and it really rarely goes well. It can be different if the fans take to a character in a way that the creators don't expect and then the alter them to fulfill the fan expectation (i.e. the Archie Bunker effect) but the writers themselves altering a character either neuters or destroys that character more often than not.
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>>1041278 >He's Evil Sonic who realized that he actually sucks What are you talking about?
>>1057126 Naw, Surge can be sympathetic while still evil. Scourge was. I sympathized with him essentially being a cosmic loser, destined to suck. And maybe he could theoretically break out of that mold, but he just didn't have the strength of character, and that's what made him a villain. Surge could work the same way, and it would be a lot more interesting than "girl Shadow," which is what she is quickly becoming. >>1057195 Because by realizing he sucks he actually became cool. That was a very cool way to make an interesting character. But they are unable to do that with Surge not because of her story, but because she is a girl, and therefore can't be an actual villain, especially with Stanley writing.
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How much of a girlboss will Amy be in the next movie?
>>1059969 somewhere between very & an unfair amount
>>1059969 She's gonna fuck Sonic live on camera with a Strap-on while fingering Tails's asshole.
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>>1059969 I like her shift to a leader role while not overshadowing Sonic's accomplishments in the comics, it's a nice balance. But sadly you'll have none of that in the movie.
>>1059969 It would take someplace like Hollywood to try and use the obsolescent trope of a girlboss when girlfailures are all the rage now. >>1060270 They wouldn't do that because that would mean pleasing some part of the Sonic fanbase, and as we saw with Joker 2 they don't like pleasing fans.
>>1060272 >I like her shift to a leader role while not overshadowing Sonic's accomplishments in the comics, it's a nice balance. Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad. First of all, Sonic shouldn't revolve around some big army/government anyway, and Flynn obviously just used the excuse of Sonic Forces being the jumping off point of the comic to treat The Resistance as the replacement Freedom Fighters. Sonic Forces isn't even well liked, and The Resistance should have simply dissolved instead of being renamed into "The Restoration." In the latest issue they almost did a thing where it looked like they were finally going to get rid of it, but the end of the issue made it seem like it was just a fake-out, and they're gonna continue with that stupidity anyway. Oh but don't worry, Amy, who shouldn't have taken over leadership from Knuckles anyway (though to be fair, Knuckles also doesn't make sense in the role), handed off leadership to an OC. Perfect! But what should Amy be the leader of? The Sonic fan club? Actually that would be pretty cool and funny. That should be a story. Back in the day, Jimmy Olsen was the leader of the Superman Fan Club, and he actually led them on adventures sometimes. But what else should Amy be leader of? Team Rose, maybe, when Team Rose is specifically Amy, Cream, and Big. Cream is a child (well, so is Amy, but you know what I mean) and Big has Downs Syndrome, so yeah, Amy works as their leader, when they're put into a situation together, but it's not like "Team Rose" was a real "team." It was just that they ended up on the same track that one time. Amy certainly shouldn't be the leader of Team Sonic, like how Sally, not Sonic, was the leader of The Freedom Fighters, and Sonic was basically just an attack dog. There was that "Treasure Team Tango" arc in Sonic Universe, but frankly, Blaze is the obvious leader in that situation. She's literally the princess of a whole fucking dimension. Now Blaze does have her personality quirks where she doesn't necessarily work well with others (even though it shouldn't be that bad after her arc throughout Sonic Rush), and Amy could certainly help with that, but still, Amy would be a councillor, not the leader. But what's really happened is that Amy is a warrior now, and that's ridiculous. Even Sonic isn't a warrior. There are other kinds of heroics beyond being a warrior. These niggas need to read The Hobbit. Amy is heroic because she is very caring and empathetic and tries to make peace when she can. They just need to see what she did in Sonic Adventure, which would obviously be the first thing to check since she actually has her own plot in that game. But no, they can't do that, because even though she is absolutely a hero in that game, she isn't a feminist explicitly made to break down "gender roles" (even though the role they put her into isn't even represented by any male characters in the series, except for arguably Knuckles, who they've made completely redundant).
>>1060477 If they were wanting to have The Resistance as a thing then they should have had multiple arcs where Eggman was a constant, oppressive threat like what both SatAM & Fleetway versions of Robotnik was. Instead they started the very first arc with Eggman having been just deposed and The Resistance just doing cleanup on his leftover forces. Certainly after the liquid metal thing was over there wasn't much reason for them to have some kind of centralized Resistance anymore. What the fuck why is this one of the only Robotnik pics that I have?
Someone got into contact of a formor Sega of America Licensor, and there is some more concrete confirmation on some things now. https://x.com/Alex_Hedgefox2/status/1878235736832450563 >Sega owns everything in regards to AoSTH and SatAM, it's not co-owned by DiC, Sega has the rights to everything. >In the final episode of SatAM the Red Eyes Belonged to Knuckles, who would have been introduced in the next season. >The reason SatAM never continued is because DiC was selling Animation Cells without Sega's permission.
>Sega owns everything in regards to AoSTH and SatAM, it's not co-owned by DiC, Sega has the rights to everything. So Sega has even less of a reason not to bring back some of the characters that fans want, either into the mainstream continuity or a side continuity. I wonder sometimes why I even started giving a fuck about Sega stuff and why I still do.
>>1060514 >I wonder sometimes why I even started giving a fuck about Sega stuff Because the company did genuinely put out quality content. Of all the "biggest" Japanese companies, Sega was always on the forefront of putting out something great or experimental that people hadn't seen before. Granted, that's partial what led to their downfall, but it's also why they have such a dedicated following all these years later. >and why I still do. Because it's hard to let go of companies that you have become attached to. Because you remember how "good" things used to be and have a hard time comprehending where a company can go so wrong, until you finally do "acknowledge" it with the massive pit you feel in your stomach.
>>1060499 So what was that about those eyes belonging to Ixis Naugus?
>>1060499 >>1060569 We already previously knew the thing about the red eyes. Showrunner Ben Hurst said that though it was originally intended to be Knuckles (and he wasn't the one who wrote it), as he continued trying to bring the show back for a third season or movie, he decided he wanted it to be Naugus, who would be more important in Season 3. But just look at it. It's obviously the shape of Knuckles' eyes and nose, and doesn't look at all like Naugus. But there is a great deal of material about Hurst's plans for Season 3, and how they evolved over time. There's a documentary on Youtube about it that does a good job explaining it all. Some of these ideas would later be incorporated or referenced in the comics. Turns out that Nate Morgan was actually from concept art from SatAM Season 3, but originally he was a wizard, and for some reason Penders turned him into a scientist. I mean I could see a thing where in that world magic and science kind of cross over, where scientists are kind of like wizards in the far future (which was also an idea planned from the show), but Penders just dressed him like a scientist and gave him a giant head. I don't understand why. Anyway yeah another thing is that the show also planned to reveal that it was set in the far future, and Robotnik and Snivley were from the present (or less in the future, I guess, or something. I don't remember). So this concept got altered, but sort of ended up in the comics as well. Hurst also eventually was going to make Season 3 (or I think by this point it was going to be a movie) focus heavily on Nicole's backstory. She was going to actually be Sally's childhood friend who died and her dad put her mind in a computer, but the computer wasn't perfect so she still just acted like a computer at first, and they told Sally the computer was just named after her friend. But in Season 2 Sonic gets Nicole to start talking like him, and that was going to lead eventually to realizing that Nicole was actually alive for real. This sort of happened in the comics many years later, right near the end (so almost 25 years after the show ended), only they revealed that Nicole was not actually the mind of a real girl put into a computer, but an AI based on a scientist's dead daughter. But the essence of the idea is there. And oh yeah, of course the whole thing with Naugus becoming a major villain in the comics is really from plans for Season 3, because in the one episode where he appears in Season 2, he's not even that bad a guy. He hates Robotnik, and though it's believable that he might not be the most trustworthy fellow, he's ostensibly an ally in that one adventure. Naugus then goes on to be a major villain right up until the very end of the comic. >>1060514 >So Sega has even less of a reason not to bring back some of the characters that fans want, either into the mainstream continuity or a side continuity. Their reason is because... 1) They're Japanese and the Japanese people who make the games never gave a flying fuck about anything the baka gaijin did with their adaptations. They always ignored it entirely, with the only exceptions being one level being called Robotnik Winter Zone in Sonic & Tails 2 (yes, it's even called that in the Japanese version of Triple Trouble), "Robotnik" being used as the family name of Eggman's grandfather in Sonic Adventure 2, and chili dogs making appearances in a couple games, most notably Generations. 2) The characters and world have such significant differences from the game world that it would be a bit difficult to reconcile them. 3) Though Flynn did make strides toward reconciling them in the comics, after issue 252, as far as Sega is concerned, that whole comic was a clusterfuck that thankfully is much more obscure than the rest of the franchise, since Penders' time on the series turned their property into a laughing stock, and then resulted in years of court cases. 4) Even once Flynn did a pretty decent job at reconciling the unique elements of the American adaptations with the game world and backstory, he still insisted on making the focus of the comic the old characters new OCs to highlight the parts of the world that were different (the Kingdom of Acorn, Eggman ruling the world with a bunch of "Egg Bosses" that were cyborgs and not robots). This was not good for brand synergy, as kids who like the games and cartoons would be confused by the comics focusing on a very different cast of characters. After the end of the Archie comic, they insisted on making both the comics and the next TV show be set in the same continuity as the games, which would theoretically help this problem. Of course, I know the IDW comics do have their issues that separate them from the games, such as just creating a bunch of replacement Freedom Fighters and thus still focusing very much on non-game characters that fans of the main part of the franchise wouldn't know. And Sonic Prime, while ostensibly starring the Sonic and Shadow from the games, doesn't really utilize that fact at all, and has some weird issues that don't match perfectly with game lore (Sonic living in Green Hill Zone), but the point is Sega wants it to match the games, even if the writers can fuck it up and sneak shit in without Sega noticing. But Sega's intent is clear. And yes, there's the movies, which are so far removed from the games it's ridiculous, but in that case it's clearly because Sega just wants that Hollywood money and figures that Hollywood knows best. Yes, I know how stupid that is, but I also believe Sega is that stupid. It's just like how the producers believed nobody would "believe" a Sonic who just looked like Sonic, and instead redesigned him into the horrible abomination we saw in the first trailer. It's like how they thought it would be a good idea to make the first movie about Sonic being a lonely alien child who gets adopted by Cyclops and his black wife, and the second movie about a fat black woman's wedding, and the Knuckles TV show about a big fat gay jewish guy who drags Knuckles to a jewish ritual dinner on the way to a bowling tournament. For some reason, rich people just think that movies need to be bad on purpose, because clearly if the Sonic movies were just like the source material that was popular enough to warrant movies, people wouldn't like it. But oh wait, the third one was significantly more like the source material, and people like it way, way more than the previous entries. Hmm. What a coincidence. But that point about Sonic 3 relates back to the point about the American adaptations. Making the adaptations like the source material is a good idea. Those early adaptations were good, but the games are far, far more successful, especially today. All that said, I do think it would be very possible to incorporate very many elements from those adaptations into the game world, and thus continue using them without making things overly confusing. But the writers need to have the restraint, and the editors need to care enough to make them have the restraint, to actually focus on the game characters, and to use these adaptation characters as side characters and guest stars. It would certainly be a lot better than creating OCs that clearly exist just to replace characters from previous adaptations that they aren't allowed to use anymore.
And if I'm autistic enough to write this much already, then I'll continue and try to write a condensed version of how I'd do it. >1) True Sonic autists know that Sonic 2 (8-bit) came out and thus should probably take place before Sonic 2 (16-bit), so that's where Sonic met Tails, and there was time between their first meeting and Sonic 2 (the real one). Tails also just gets kidnapped in his first appearance. So okay, right after this and before Sonic 2 (the real one) is the perfect time to slot in Adventures and SatAM. Not many adventures can fit between Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles, because Sonic should have the Chaos Emeralds the whole time, so that doesn't quite work. So put the shows between the two Sonic 2s. >2) The Kingdom of Acorn is not some global empire like in the Pre-Super Genesis Wave comics, it's a single country. The post-Super Genesis Wave comics had it so it was just a single country that existed on Westside Island, so okay, we can run with that. Station Square is also on Westside Island, but we can say The Kingdom of Acorn exists beyond the Mystic Ruins, on a different part of the island. This also works because Sonic the Comic mostly takes place on Westside Island (or at least mostly utilizes locations from Sonic 2), and though that's not the same continuity and doesn't reference The Kingdom of Acorn, it has many similarities, such as Robotnik taking over the world. >3) Robotnik didn't take over the whole world, he just took over The Kingdom of Acorn and maybe a few specific other areas. >4) Sonic and Tails helped to fight against Robotnik here, because he just doesn't like tyranny, first just fighting on the outskirts of the kingdom (Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog), then later becoming closer with specific groups of Freedom Fighters (both Princess Sally's group as well as Johnny Lightfoot and Porker Lewis's group). >5) Sonic actually beats Robotnik somewhere around the point of Sonic 3D Blast in both the American and UK comics, so this works out. You could easily just leave it at that and say those early adventures are basically canon (that includes the cartoons, the most important adaptations), and then those characters can show up now and then and it would make enough sense. However, if you want to say all the later comics are canon, that's pretty doable. That time Robotnik died and got replaced in Archie? Just don't reference it. The intent was that, from Robotnik's point of view, he's the same guy only he survived. But just never reference it. It doesn't fuck up the lore as long as you don't reference it. >6) However, Sonic Undeground has Robotnik ruling again. Just create a framing story about how Robotnik took over again and temporarily got rid of the main Freedom Fighters, leading to Cyrus and the new Freedom Fighters seen in Underground. Say Aleena was the queen before Sally's dad, but abdicated due to the prophecy (which actually did happen in the show), and eventually she comes back, but she and the rest of The Council of Four become more like ceremonial spiritual leaders, and King Acorn keeps his administrative power. Also, reveal that The Oracle of Delphius lied about Sonic being Manic and Sonia's real brother. He's not, but he was a real chosen one, and had to be part of it. The lie was also part of the prophecy. The real fourth member of The Council of Four is Uncle Chuck. But basically they beat Robotnik and everything goes back to normal in The Kingdom of Acorn. This would happen very shortly before Sonic Adventure, because the Archie comics cross over with Sonic Underground just before their Sonic Adventure arc. That crossover wouldn't happen exactly the same, since it treats Underground as a third universe, and Robo-Robotnik is involved (and that shit is too stupid to ever reference again), but there could be a thing where Robotnik hired Scourge to gather the pieces of The Giant Borg, during the events of Sonic Underground. >7) Sonic the Comic's Adventure adaptation is so different from the game that it can be treated as a wholly different adventure that happened shortly after the game. >8) ArchieSonic's Adventure adaptation is too similar to be treated as a different adventure, but it has additional subplots. Most are stupid and just used to try to get the status quo of the comics into a position where the game can sort of happen, but there's a subplot with The Freedom Fighters doing stuff around Station Square, and the Chaotix (and Knuckles' dad) doing stuff in the Mystic Ruins. We can say those things still happened. (But ignore Knuckles' dad, because he's stupid and should never be referenced ever again.) >9) Sonic Adventure 2 is canon to the Archie comics, but Heroes isn't, so Shadow comes back in a different way. The games take priority, so that's how Shadow came back, and just say the arc where he comes back happens right after Heroes. >10) Sonic X can be incorporated by just ignoring all the alternate universe stuff and saying that Chris saved Sonic from drowning in his pool that one time, and they became buddies. Also ignore the bit where Chris is actually an 18 year old who de-aged back into a 10 year old in Season 3. He just never aged, and Season 3 takes place very shortly after Season 2. >11) Sonic X Season 3 also has Shadow coming back again. But again, just say this takes place after Heroes, during that period where he was all confused. There's a comic where they reference that The Black Arms are on their way to Earth, but got sidetracked fighting The Xorda. The Black Arms never actually arrive, but that story is done to get Shadow into the point in his character arc that he's in after his solo game, so just say the game happens after that story. >12) There's a Sonic X comic by Archie that seems to take place between Seasons 2 and 3 but actually there are a few contradictions. In the last issue, it crosses over with the main comic, but the main comic is at that point far later in the timeline than Season 3 would take place. It would be easy enough to say all the issues except the final one take place before Season 3. The last issue just involves Shadow and Metal Sonic fighting across dimensions, and they go to the Sonic X dimension, where Shadow is supposed to be dead at the time. You can either say they go back in time briefly and run into Chris and a few others, or de-canonize the lines about him being dead and just say that during that fight he briefly ran into Chris and a few others. It doesn't matter. The important part is that at the end they end up in Blaze's dimension. >13) Sonic Boom can pretty much happen regular. Everyone is dressed different and Knuckles is buff, but it's no big deal. They just went to that island where Sticks lived and had some adventures. Yes, it's a different universe than the Archie comics and they have a multiversal crossover, but it doesn't even matter. Sticks doesn't need to be from a different universe for anything she does in that crossover to make sense. 14) The movies can be incorporated if we ignore the stuff about Sonic being an alien. The first movie takes place before Sonic 1 and can be the first time Sonic fought Robotnik. Tom is just some guy who got caught up in the adventure, but isn't Sonic's adoptive dad. Movie 2 is an adaptation of Sonic 3 & Knuckles but if you wanted to reference things that happened in it, you can say a similar adventure happened shortly after Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Knuckles got tricked again and Sonic went to some fat black woman's wedding and Robotnik got the Chaos Emeralds and became Super Robotnik or whatever happened at the end of that movie. >15) The Knuckles TV series is so inconsequential that it could theoretically happen in the game universe even though it kind of sucks. However, there is a bit of backstory where Knuckles killed Iblis in the past and absorbed The Flames of Disaster. DEEP LORE TIME. This sort of works because in Sonic '06 Elise had absorbed The Flames of Disaster, but then Sonic goes back in time and makes it so none of that ever happened. But Solaris is some sort of god of time, and Flynn figures The Time Eater was intended to be a remnant of Mephiles, so we could easily say Iblis also still exists in the new timeline, but in the new timeline, Knuckles defeated it in his backstory and he now has The Flames of Disaster. Good thing Knuckles never cries. So the Knuckles TV series can be basically canon. It would just take place some time before Sonic Adventure 2, since it takes place before the third movie, which is an adaptation of Adventure 2. >16) The third movie just came out, and it's a closer adaptation of Adventure 2, but it's pretty different. What if later works wanted to reference the time Eggman teamed up with Gerald? Here's how I'd do it. In Shadow the Hedgehog, Shadow has amnesia and isn't sure if he is good or evil. So okay, if we set Movie 3 between Heroes and Shadow, we could believe that Shadow could be tempted toward evil at that time. As for Gerald, uh... either come up with some time travel reason why he could be pulled out of the timeline and into the future, then sent back at the end, or say he's a clone or a robot or something. Like I could believe Eggman found an uploaded copy of Gerald's mind and put it in a realistic robot. The point is coming up with an excuse for letting later stories reference these events, even if there are additional events required to retcon them into making sense. >17) That brings me to the most complicated retcons needed to justify the Shogakukan manga, where Sonic is a kid who turns into Sonic but doesn't know it. Say before Sonic CD (which takes place before Sonic 2 16-bit), Sonic got hit on the head or something and got amnesia. Paulie found him and knew he was Sonic the whole time (which the manga never says) but knew he needed help and to be hidden from Eggman, so he took him in like his son, naming him Nicky. But sometimes under stress, Sonic's personality shines through. And in these adventures he met Amy and Charmy for the first time. At some point he gets his memories back. I'm not sure if this ever actually happens in the manga, because a few chapters seem to be lost media, but the final story is a Sonic CD adaptation and Nicky is never referenced in it. I know this is pretty much the weirdest and one of the most obscure Sonic adaptations, but I'm too autistic to ignore it. See? With enough autism, you can make everything canon. Flynn could do it, but he's too focused on doing more Freedom Fighters stuff, when his focus should be the games, and only adding the other stuff as secondary material that can be referenced now and then.
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>>1060623 >They're Japanese and the Japanese people who make the games never gave a flying fuck about anything the baka gaijin did with their adaptations. That's an interesting point to make because they also jettisoned some of their own home grown stuff. The setting of Sonic OVA is pretty neat. Obviously there's no way it really integrate that that into the main continuity but there's no reason they couldn't have it as a side continuity, like what Sonic Boom is (was). Or how Classic and Modern Sonic seems to have two different timelines. They could throw fans a bone and make a Knothole continuity and occasionally do something with it, or at least include the characters in the next Sonic racing game or something. They wouldn't have to include any of the stuff that Penders thinks he owns because most of Penders' stuff is insane crap, and not the fun kind of insane that Fleetway was either.
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>>1060716 I think the OVA is in legal limbo - ironically for the same reason Penders was able to successfully sue Aarchie
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>>1060624 >See? With enough autism, you can make everything canon. Huh?
>>1060720 >I think the OVA is in legal limbo >ironically for the same reason Penders was able to successfully sue Aarchie WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING
>>1060737 Companies were playing fast and loose with licenses as far back as the 80's and up through the Aughts. This has most often effected games licensing music and vehicles, but there are circumstances where this prevents modern rereleases such as with No One Lives Forever.
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>>1060728 Everything else aside, the armor designs for Black Knight are really cool, and it definitely doesn't help my underlying urge to want everything to have a Dark Souls spinoff made of it.
>>1060716 Oh damn I forgot to say how I'd try to incorporate the OVA. So there are two worlds in the OVA, the Land of the Sky and The Land of Darkness. The Land of the Sky is pretty much just the regular world, though. The Land of Darkness involves them going down but they also seem to go through a portal, and then it's basically a post-apocalyptic New York. So this is easy. The Land of Darkness is a Bad Future reached through a time portal in a hole in the ground. The President in the movie is the President of South Island, and Sara would then be the Princess of South Island. I find that a little weird, as South Island is a mythical island that nobody knows about and probably shouldn't have a president. That can either be ignored and the President and Sara can just be treated as two bits of weirdness on a weird island, or you can say they're the President and Princess of any other place, since it's not like the fact that it's South Island really matters. There's also "Hyper Metal Sonic" from the OVA, which is a bit strange because he seems the same as regular Metal Sonic. But I guess he has more of a personality. Actually, this could be used effectively in main continuity. Just say that he is the regular Metal Sonic, but what makes him "Hyper" is that Eggman thinks he upgraded him with a scan of Sonic's mind, to help him think on his feet and such. But this creates the rebellious streak that comes to a head in Sonic Heroes. If you want to incorporate the Archie comics, you can also say it comes to a head in that issue where Metal Sonic sacrifices himself to save Sonic and Tails (in a blatant reference to the OVA). Yes, that leads to him later being saved and rebuilt as Shard, and replaced with other Metal Sonics in the meantime, and Sega wants Metal Sonic to be a particular character. What I'd say is that Eggman just rescues and rebuilds Metal Sonic after that story (and after the OVA, and every other time Metal is defeated), and Shard is simply a copy of Metal Sonic's mind, since Chuck or whoever saw that he was becoming a good guy. >They could throw fans a bone and make a Knothole continuity and occasionally do something with it I get the feeling Sega doesn't want to do multiverse stuff, at least with any sort of comics-tier multiverse autism. They toyed with it with Sonic Prime, but then chickened out. I have nothing but circumstantial evidence, but I am completely convinced that show was originally meant to actually be about Sonic visiting other universes that already existed in the franchise, and Sega ruined it at some point and had the writers alter it to just be random new universes. But those universes are clearly based on old ones. The universe with Nine is clearly based on SatAM, with Rouge blatantly being Sally and Amy blatantly being Bunnie. Actually, SatAM Tails was supposed to grow up more in Season 3, so having him become Nine would be pretty cool. The pirate universe is just the Sol dimension, since Sonic Rush Adventure already established that was essentially a pirate universe. The jungle universe was just Boom, and Amy was made into a crazy jungle girl, which is just Sticks. >>1060728 Yeah, Sonic Chronicles can easily be canon. The only thing that doesn't match the games perfectly is that it ends on a cliffhanger. And even that isn't a big deal. Eggman takes over the world, and then the next game, Sonic Unleashed, begins with Super Sonic beating Eggman after some unspecified adventure. It would be very easy to just say that adventure was how Sonic beat back Eggman after Chronicles. Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing doesn't even have a story, right? So fine. Either it doesn't count, or all those characters live in the same world as Sonic, or there are time and universe portals at work. Make up any story you want since there is no story in the game. Some of the characters can easily live in Sonic's world, namely all the Sega characters. Some might live in the past, maybe. Ralph and Team Fortress and the other weird ones can use isolated universe portals. No big deal. Secret Rings and Black Knight are alt-universes (or rather pocket dimensions) in the actual game continuity, so they're canon but explicitly in another dimension. I'd say the point is to leave the game continuity as it is (so alt-dimensions in the games can stay), while incorporating the adaptations into main continuity since those are all just supposed to be "Sonic," whereas "Blaze" and "Sir Percival" are different characters. THAT SAID, if I wanted to get really autistic, I would say that actually the storybooks from Secret Rings and Black Knight aren't just sending Sonic to a pocket dimension, but actually sending him back in time, and they document real events in the past. Because while I'm okay with the characters just existing in pocket dimensions, I think it's way cooler to say that actually one time Sonic went back in time and became the real King Arthur. I mean I guess he is the real King Arthur anyway, because Arthur only exists in that book, and Sonic is him, but it would be cooler if it was all real so that stuff could be treated as the past of the main universe. But back to Chronicles. The bit that can't be canon to that are the alternate choices. Of course, most of the choices don't matter to the story. Some involve getting new party members, so they matter to gameplay, but they wouldn't change the lore significantly. There is only one result that would change the lore, and that's if Amy actually ends up with Sonic or not. As I've mentioned earlier in the thread, I think they should just act as if the ending where Sonic accepts Amy is canon, because it could be used to help explain why Amy isn't so crazy in later appearances. Amy would chill out a bit because she got what she wanted, but at the same time, Sonic would be nonchalant about it, because that's how he rolls. He would never really bother to talk about it anyway. They could also easily just say the other ending is canon, where Sonic rejects Amy, though honestly the level of meanness that you are to Amy in order to get that ending, while hilarious, doesn't actually feel in-character for game Sonic. It would be appropriate for Fleetway Sonic, who is awesome, but that's a whole other matter. So sure, either ending could work for the game to be canon, but you know what would be cool? If the other ending was treated as an alternate universe. So sure, they could do a story where there is an alternate universe where Sonic and Amy are together, but that's fucking lame and gay. What would you do with that story? Either make main Sonic realize his mistakes (I'm sick of that. Sonic doesn't make mistakes. He's the coolest thing ever and that's the point), or do something where somehow them getting together ruined history, which would just serve to break main universe Amy, which I also don't think is what the character is for. A more interesting alternate universe would be the one where Sonic was hilariously fucking cruel to Amy for no reason, and then she finally gave up, which is precisely what happens in one ending of the game. Now, in that ending, she does still help to save the world, but what happens after? Sure, maybe she just stopped being as crazy about Sonic, which also does happen in most later appearances, but that's fucking sad and is not actually handling the characters well. I don't think any writer would intend to say that Sonic should just be really fucking mean to Amy until she stops. That's meant to be funny, not actually serious character development. Sonic isn't supposed to be mean and Amy isn't supposed to be sad. So what would happen when Amy gives up? Here's my idea. I know Flynn is an SJW faggot who would never go on 8chan, so he won't steal my idea. >Amy giving up results in her not helping as much in later adventures, and then we get an "It's A Wonderful Life" type story about how shitty everything would be if Amy killed herself. Or okay, not literally killed herself, because this is a kids' series, but metaphorically killed herself and just stopped participating in the world. She could become a depressed shut-in. This would also work because Amy, being Sonic's biggest fan, but otherwise a normal person (not a superpowered genius like Tails), largely functions as an audience surrogate. Making the audience surrogate in the Sonic franchise a depressed shut-in works very well, I think. >Then just think of the logical results of Amy not being around in adventures after Chronicles. She helped in most adventures. I guess you can't say Sonic didn't win in Unleashed because then Dark Gaia would have destroyed the whole world, but maybe Eggman won in Sonic Forces and wiped out the rest of the Resistance. Actually, maybe Amy is the only one that survived since she wouldn't even be part of the group. She can then tell us the story of what happened, or maybe introduce us to the world but hold back the truth of what happened, because she's ashamed of giving up and not helping while her friends, and most importantly, Sonic, were wiped out. This then of course would make the main universe characters, particularly Amy, reflect on themselves. Some might say Sonic should reflect, because it's kind of his fault for breaking Amy's spirit in the other dimension, but Sonic should never reflect on anything. He doesn't live in the past like that. He's fully in the moment. >If you wanted to take things even further, and add a twist, and keep going with a concept that the modern Sonic writers insist on forcing (but maybe actually explain it this time), you could then proceed to make this Amy become a villain. >So maybe Amy's inaction lead to her universe getting fucked up, and when she interacts with the main universe, she realizes that she could have made the difference. Maybe she is remorseful at first and tries to help the main universe heroes when they get involved, but eventually something makes her snap, obviously something to do with how main Sonic treats main Amy. Either she becomes jealous of main Amy, or she sees Sonic act slightly rude to main Amy. Main Amy just brushes it off, as she always does (helped by the fact that here it's explicit that Sonic is her "boyfriend," even if he barely acts any differently), but alt-Amy can't stand to see it since she resents her Sonic for how he was ruthlessly fucking mean to her for no reason. So this causes her to snap and become a villain. >Having the heroes fight Amy could be cool, I'm a sucker for "evil universe version of hero," but when they did it in Sonic Prime it was lame. Actually, Rosy from Scourge's universe was pretty cool, in her brief existence, but that worked partially because it was tied into retarded Archie lore of how she used a magic ring to age herself up because she figured the only reason Sonic didn't like her was because he wasn't a pedophile. (She was wrong.) The emotional aspect of it is there, where she is more of an outright crazed stalker, but this would be different, since she wouldn't be a manic monster, but more of a tragic and sympathetic villain who can perhaps be redeemed. >But anyway, if Amy is gonna be a villain, she should be used not just as a physical force, as the modern writers insist, but one who also uses knowledge of the heroes and her skills of emotional manipulation to get others on her side. She can convince Eggman Robots to be good, and convince Sonic not to smash them. If she could do the opposite of that and turn people against the heroes, or against each other, that would be threatening in a way that is much more particular to the character, and could make for a much more interesting story.
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>>1060766 >The jungle universe was just Boom, and Amy was made into a crazy jungle girl, which is just Sticks. And that just makes me ask why even more. What's wrong with Sticks and Sonic Boom? Sega keeps doing this thing where they keep making things (or allowing them to be made) and then at some point they go "No. Sorry, we're done with that and you can't have them anymore". If Sega were to ever make an honest promo about how they feel about their fans it would sound exactly like Big Bill Hell's Cars. FUCK YOU SONIC FANS DO YOU LIKE SONIC BOOM? DO YOU LIKE SONIC ADVENTURE? GO FUCK YOURSELF! WANNA SEE YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTERS SALLY, BUNNIE, STICKS, OR EVEN CREAM & VANILLA? GO TO HELL! WE PUT THEM IN HOLE IN THE FUCKING GROUND! YOU WANT SCOURGE? HERE'S YOUR SCOURGE! WE MADE HIM A REAL BITCH THIS TIME!
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>These autistic walls of text Never change Sonic lads!
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>>1060760 I think they were based on Kamen Rider Dragon Knight. I mean who else makes all character helmets with stripe pattern for eyeholes?
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>>1060852 They at least partially remind me of some of the Judge armor from Final Fantasy 12, sans the baroque horns.
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>>1060875 Well shit, you right, and thanks for the mention. I was just trying out FF12 and it ended up returning me to jrpgs and ruining my present life as i know it. I mean for a good reason... Found time to finish rogue galaxy (which is like ff12 but better). Nothing to discuss though, people seem busy playing other shit, and final fantasy xiv. Have a dumb kitsune for offtopic.
>>1060885 Where is the dumb off-topic kitsune from?
>>1060852 When I think of "knight," the immediate thing that comes to mind is a guy in metal armor with a metal helmet with a visor with vertical stripe holes to see through.
I had this thought last night. Do you think Marble Zone is a reference to Altered Beast
>>1060984 Probably just shared inspiration (greek/roman ruins)
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>>1060898 >>1060885 Oh no, it was a coyote. FFXIV
>>1061022 Well, now I know. That kitsune has human-like eyes for some raisin.
Though is it Final Fantasy 14 or 16? Making extra sure, since I do not want to play an MMO.
>>1061028 14, it was a PvP reward until the last major patch when it became unobtainable.
Someone defended the scene from Lost World in which Sonic falls for an animal capsule trap in Silent Forest in which he regrets "not being fast enough" to save Tails: A bunch of people went "wtf" over Sonic not realizing that his hasty and impulsive actions was what triggered another bad situation after similarly screwing up with the conch shell but he argued that it was a very in character flaw for Sonic to rush into things without thinking, it was Tails who put himself in a dangerous position that he didn't need to, and that Sonic still felt sad about it happening, so in his eyes there was nothing wrong with that scene. What do you think?
>>1061099 >someone bluh <a bunch of people blah Don't care. It's competently made but mostly forgettable. Both the story and the levels were better than Forces.
>>1061099 It's been a trend in things like Sonic Prime and some other stories to have Sonic be made to feel bad about being to hasty or independent or whatever, and that's fucking stupid, because those things are the entire point of the character, and the last character that needs to be deconstructed is Sonic the Hedgehog. I hardly remember the plot of Lost World, since it was really just another excuse plot like Colors and Generations (and really Forces, too), but Sonic just lamenting that he wasn't fast enough for one thing is highly preferable to having him learn a lesson about not being hasty and independent. >>1061121 I know I probably have a controversial opinion here, but I prefer Forces. Forces is just Generations 2. Is it as good? No, but it's fine. Lost World, for all the actual differences, which sound significant on paper, ends up feeling very much like Colors 2. I think I like it better than Colors, but not as much as Forces and definitely not as much as Generations. Then again, Colors might be my least favorite mainline Sonic game, and Lost World would probably be second. I might put Forces around the same level as Heroes and Shadow. For all the talk about Forces being unpolished, I'd say it feels a lot more polished than Heroes and Shadow. I like their fundamental gameplay ideas more, but they're very unpolished and it comes across clearly in the gameplay feel.
>>1061147 > It's been a trend in things like Sonic Prime and some other stories to have Sonic be made to feel bad about being to hasty or independent or whatever, and that's fucking stupid, because those things are the entire point of the character, and the last character that needs to be deconstructed is Sonic the Hedgehog. That makes him exactly prime material to be deconstructed in this CY+9 Marxist world that the elites are pushing for. Because every single one of them, along with every single philosopher, has considered it to be a universal FACT and undeniable TRUTH that: <Man is by nature a social animal And you cannot argue against it whatsoever. Despite rather ironically the original claim by Aristotle continued on to say: <An individual who is unsocial naturally and not accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human. You have to understand that, to these people, it's outright heresy for a person to be independent because that then implies that their Socialist/Anarchist/Communal utopian paradise cannot ever exist. Because it opens the possibility that people may not "need" each other. Now I can agree that more work can be done by two or more people as opposed to one singular person, but that one singular person does not "need" someone else in order to survive. Anyone at any point can buy an island or run off to live on some land in the middle of the mountains or plains and live a perfectly peaceful and isolated life without ever talking to another person. Not to mention singular people building grand structures like Coral Castle down in Florida. The problem very quickly becomes that no one can ever be allowed to exist independently. And if you do exist independently, then that defeats their entire belief system that humanity is part of the "Earth's biological system" (Like the cells in your body) or all different shards of a singular God who been estranged from himself. So Sonic must been shown as wholly at fault for willingly engaging in vagabond behavior. To do otherwise would imply that human being may not be "social animals".
>>1061168 Yes, you are correct about their motivations. I know why they've been doing it, in this and every other story. But sometimes they go so fucking far that even I'm a bit surprised. Like okay, I get their urge to deconstruct Superman, even if I disagree. But Sonic the Hedgehog? Come the fuck on. This is almost as bad as the time they did a Planet of the Apes movie about Cesar the chimp travelling across country with a little girl that he ultimately sacrifices himself for. Like Jesus Christ, I get that all the critics creamed themselves over the Children of Men ripoff that is The Last of Us, but I didn't need everything from Wolverine to Blade Runner to fucking Planet of the Apes then do the exact same thing. >Socialist/Anarchist/Communal While anarchy does have historical dies to socialism, I think it's pretty absurd for any modern, post-Russian Revolution speaker to conflate the two. Anarchism is pretty much the opposite. It's pure independence, so the only ties you have are voluntary. I'd say Sonic should be an anarchist, except actually he goes further. He's cool and independent enough that he's outside the government anyway, so he doesn't care about them because they're beneath his notice. Except that one time he got arrested. He broke out and then moved on. Also that one obscure early arcade game/ride where he was a cop. But uh... that was just for fun. He is independent enough that he can play dress up as a cop if he wants. Also in the Archie comics he's a knight and a king in the future. That's one thing I don't like about that continuity. Even though game Sonic is technically King Arthur, but he didn't seem to exert any governmental power. The point is, Sonic should be purely free, and frankly should not have any character flaws. He's a symbol of freedom. He's barely a real character. This is like if they started deconstructing Goku (who is very nearly the same character as Sonic). Actually I kind of liked when it almost seemed like Dragon Ball Super was going to make Goku into a bored god who was willing to sacrifice entire universes for his own entertainment in the tournament of power. Then they didn't do that and it was boring. But there are a few differences here. One is that Sonic is a game and less focused on story in the first place, so it has less time to deconstruct properly. Two is that Dragon Ball Super was already milking a cash cow to death and might as well get weird, though hopefully somewhat artfully. Three is that Sonic Prime's writing isn't even as good as Dragon Ball Super's, and that's saying something. If I was going to try to deconstruct Sonic, how would I do it? Well he isn't flawed and he shouldn't have to learn a lesson. That's why I didn't mind the Dragon Ball Super example I listed above. Because even if Goku did become an amoral bored God, he wouldn't be learning a lesson at the end. He would have known what he was doing (and I figure Vegeta would need to put him down like George and Lennie). But I digress. Perhaps the other characters can gain new understanding about Sonic and what he is. This has been touched upon in the series before. Sonic Adventure draws subtle parallels between Sonic and Chaos. Sonic Adventure 2 delves deep into the backstory of Shadow, the Ultimate Life Form, yet Sonic inexplicably matches him exactly, leaving Shadow to ask Sonic what the hell he even is. ("Just a guy who loves adventure!") In one extended arc in the Archie Comics, Flynn had Eggman determine that Sonic is an avatar of Chaos (the concept, not the character), but never really elaborated much more upon the idea. So there is a connection between Sonic and Chaos, conceptually. But there is also a difference between them. One is good and the other is bad. Why? Aren't they both chaos? Well Chaos, the god, is The God of Destruction. In Sonic 1's manual they say the Chaos Emeralds are the source of all life, but can cause great destruction. So is Sonic connected with life? Well he runs around freely while Eggman captures other animals and turns them into robots. Eggman captures life and makes it into machine. So if Chaos is Destruction, Sonic is Life, and they both represent the duality of chaos. If I wanted to deconstruct it, I could say that the story should examine these things. But they already did a story that examined these things, and it was called Sonic Adventure. It just did it subtly, and that's what made it good. I don't think you need to examine the same thing again but just with less subtlety. Of course, I could go deeper on how Knuckles and Eggman represent the duality of order, security and oppression. That could be a whole different thing. And Knuckles and Eggman are the modern versions of concepts that were previously represented by Tikal and Pachacmac. And if there are past versions of Knuckles and Eggman, are there past versions of Sonic and Chaos? Yes. Chaos IS the past version of Sonic. He used to be good, yet was still chaotic. He was life. So who was the past version of Chaos? Uh... Emerl, I guess? Emerl is an artificial Chaos (but not an Artificial Chaos) and was used for destruction. Or maybe Emerl is like a past Shadow, since he's an artificial Sonic. (Look at Chaos's... tendrils. Clearly meant to resemble Sonic. Plus there is the color. Emerl's head fringe thing also looks like Chaos/Sonic, and I'm pretty sure lore-wise Emerl was specifically built to be an artificial Chaos, even if that's also only said fairly subtly.) If you want to do a story about how Sonic is bad, don't make it about him having to learn a lesson, do it by having a different character who is a bad version of Sonic. Oh wait, they have done that many times. Let's see how many I can remember off the top of my head. >Mecha Sonic (Sonic 2 8-bit) >Metal Sonic >Mecha Sonic (Sonic 2 16-bit) >Knuckles >Mecha Sonic (Sonic & Knuckles) >Pseudo-Sonic >Extra Life >Turbo >King Sonic (Fleetway) >Chaos >Shadow >Scourge >Surge >Chaos Sonic >tl;dr: Trying to deconstruct Sonic the Hedgehog, of all things, is very stupid. And these writers are doing it for propaganda rather than interest in exploring the ideas, anyway, so of course it's bad when they do it. If they thought about it, they'd realize it was already done, but too subtly for them to notice.
>>1061180 >This is like if they started deconstructing Goku Someone needs to REconstruct Goku's CTE damaged brain before he challenges God or the devil to yet another tournament that threatens to destroy all of existence.
>>1061218 Who would win Dante with unlimited SDT, Ultra Sonic or Gohan Blanko?
What are the first 5 sonic games I should play? I imagine it's 1, 2, 3 & knuckles, sonic adventure 1, sonic adventure 2.
>>1061244 Well technically Sonic 3 and Knuckles are two games, I recommend playing Sonic 2, 3, Knuckles, Adventure and Adventure 2.
>>1061218 Dragon Ball Super is the ultimate tease of a show. It keeps coming up with cool ideas, then not following through with them. First they introduce Frost, the good version of Frieza from an alternate universe, just to do a "twist" that he was also evil, even though evil Frieza is just regular Frieza, who we already have. Now, I really did understand that of course they'd never make Goku evil, but when they started doing the Tournament of Power, where Goku essentially convinced God to kill 11/12ths of all of existence just so Goku could play a game, that could have actually been an interesting story about how Goku has become so powerful that life and death are now meaningless to him. That would actually be a good deconstruction of a series that has a reputation, more than any other, of having deaths that don't mean anything. It would also be a good way to pay off Vegeta's character arc of becoming a dark hero. Goku is literally brain damaged. He doesn't understand what he's doing. Vegeta now needs to finally overcome Goku, not for his own ego, but for the sake of the multiverse. And Goku wouldn't even care. He'd just consider it the ultimate bout, and be satisfied when Vegeta has to tearfully put him down like a rabid dog. But then I remembered I was thinking about Dragon Ball Super. >>1061219 Gohan Blanco sweeps. Sonic could only stand a chance as at least Hyper Sonic, or maybe Cyber Super Sonic 2. But if Gohan Blanco powered up to Gohan Calvo, Sonic would be finished. >>1061244 Those are the first five mainline games, if you don't count Sonic CD. If you want to play them in chronological order, then sure, do that. If you want to include Sonic CD, play it either before or after Sonic 2. I recommend before, as it came out after, but was in development at the same time, feels more like Sonic 1. Also, I don't think anyone would say Sonic 1 is nearly as good as any of the mainline sequels. For that reason, if you're not sure if you'll like it, or if you play it but aren't loving it, I'd say it's skippable. I imagine the Sonic Origins version makes it more acceptable for new people, even if just because it adds infinite lives and stuff. I haven't played Origins though. I also personally think Sonic 2 isn't nearly as good as Sonic CD or Sonic 3 & Knuckles, but that's highly subjective, and many other people would disagree with me. But if you were going to ask for only the first Sonic game you should play, then I'd say for 2D it should be either Sonic 3 & Knuckles or Sonic Mania. They're the best ones. For 3D, then yeah, Sonic Adventure or Sonic Adventure 2. >tl;dr: If you want to play the first six games in chronological order, they're the ones you listed, plus Sonic CD. The first six are pretty much the best in the series, minus Sonic 1, which was vastly improved upon in sequels. >If you want to play the best games first, just skip straight to Sonic 3 & Knuckles or Sonic Mania. These are the ones I'd recommend to someone just wanting a first Sonic game, especially if they are just as or more interested in the 2D games. >>1061246 I'd count Sonic 3 & Knuckles as one game. So if I had to only pick five games, I'd pick >Sonic CD >Sonic 2 >Sonic 3 & Knuckles >Sonic Adventure >Sonic Adventure 2. Maybe that's what I should have just said to the above guy, instead of my autistic analysis. But it feels very weird to not recommend Sonic 1 at all, even though it sucks compared to all the later mainline games. Still pretty good, but it got outclassed by sequels.
>>1061248 >Gohan Blanco sweeps >Against Super Dante with unlimited SDT Someone hasn't read the DMC lore
>>1061250 You're acting like we're talking about Shaggy Rojo or something.
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>>1061180 >Like okay, I get their urge to deconstruct Superman, even if I disagree. But Sonic the Hedgehog? Come the fuck on. Mr. English Teacher, you need to understand that these people want the destruction of everything because they believe that EVERYTHING about reality is Hell. Not "Hell" in the context of Christianity or Buddhism, that this is an eternal suffering plain and the goal is to escape through Enlightenment or salvation through Christ, but that reality is a Hell specifically constructed to keep the collective God that we are each a part of contained. Marx was not exxagerating when he literally quoted Satan declaring that "Everything that exists deserves to perish". THAT'S what we're dealing with. >While anarchy does have historical dies to socialism, I think it's pretty absurd for any modern, post-Russian Revolution speaker to conflate the two. Anarchism is pretty much the opposite. It's pure independence, so the only ties you have are voluntary. You haven't talked to these people, have you. They devoutly declare themselves to be "Anarchists", but the reality is that they outright reject anarchy for anything beyond destroying the state. What they really "want" are communes, but don't call it that because of how bad of a rap Communism has gotten over the past century. Basically the tactic of keeping the same ideas and philosphy, just changing the name. >If you want to do a story about how Sonic is bad, don't make it about him having to learn a lesson, do it by having a different character who is a bad version of Sonic. Oh wait, they have done that many times The problem I have with the story of the Sonic series begins and ends with the fact that the games have introduced so many concepts that are left dangling and never ever come up again (Aside from Shadow's entire story arc taking palce across five games). For example, the Adventure games, Battle, Shadow, '06, and Unleashed all confirm that Sonic's world is basically filled with normal everyday humans who tend to have modern technology. But then games like Heroes and Riders have the player traverse cities with advanced future tech without explanation. Then there's all the different characters from Fang to Metal to Chip living in this world. Or Robotnik managing to build several space stations and theme parks litering the planet's orbit. And now the wisps now exist everywhere. Not to mention the time-traveling little planet, and the chaos gods of Chaos, Gaia, and Iblis. In addition to the magical storybooks. I would really like a game that actually sits down and has a plot that attempts to re-use or explain at least some of these previously introduced ideas and concepts.
>>1061255 >You haven't talked to these people, have you. They devoutly declare themselves to be "Anarchists" Yes, I know they are masters of doublespeak. >For example, the Adventure games, Battle, Shadow, '06, and Unleashed all confirm that Sonic's world is basically filled with normal everyday humans who tend to have modern technology. But then games like Heroes and Riders have the player traverse cities with advanced future tech without explanation. Uh... Very different cultures. To most of the world, the West is a futuristic utopia. That's why they all keep breaking in even though we tell them they're not welcome. Central City, with its 2001-era Chicago level of technology, is just a third world shithole compared to Monopole from Sonic Riders 2. >I would really like a game that actually sits down and has a plot that attempts to re-use or explain at least some of these previously introduced ideas and concepts. That's theoretically what they hired Flynn for. And the comics do this sorta. But Flynn has seemingly gotten bored of this kind of autism, which he used to do very effectively, and now the story is just about his lesbian OCs. Though I guess I should be blaming Evan Stanley for that more. She's been writing more than Flynn lately.
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>>1061257 >That's theoretically what they hired Flynn for. And the comics do this sorta. But Flynn has seemingly gotten bored of this kind of autism, which he used to do very effectively, and now the story is just about his lesbian OCs. Though I guess I should be blaming Evan Stanley for that more. She's been writing more than Flynn lately. Didn't you already confirm that Flynn was already trying to do this with the Archie comics since they were mostly "fixed"during it's final years even before the first Genesis Wave? But ever since Daddy Sega gave the license to IDW after Archie let it lapse, he's effectively been given free reign to create whatever OCs he wants. And it even getting to the point that there's now entire mini-series and months of covers released that don't even have Sonic featured at all (A "rule" that even Archie didn't break, as even side-stories still centered on characters from the games). You can blame Evan all you want, but the reality is that Flynn is still approving this shit at the end of the day. And even going so far as to have the comic characters become "canon" in the games. And the warning signs were there since the beginning when Flynn, not even a full year into the IDW run, lashed out at his fans for "daring" to side with the greivences expressed by ComicsGate. If anything, this seems more like another Kojima-Konami situation. Where Konami (Archie) finally had enough of Kojima's (Flynn) shit, cut him off, but Sony (Sega) was so thoroughly in love with him that they basically give him free reign, and now the guy is showing how much an autistic hack he always was or at least has become.
>>1061255 >you need to understand that these people want the destruction of everything because they believe that EVERYTHING about reality is Hell. I fail to see how that's somehow false. This is a Hell dimension and we're all stuck in it, forced to reincarnate over and over again.
>>1061257 >and now the story is just about his lesbian OCs. It's not even really about them anymore. They've introduced so many new OCs at this point that none of them are getting the spotlight they need to develop. The only characters that are getting focused on and developed at this point are Green & Blue. To the exclusion of everyone really. Which would be fine if it were Surge 'n Kit Gaiden or something and not Sonic the Hedgehog. >To most of the world, the West is a futuristic utopia. That's why they all keep breaking in even though we tell them they're not welcome. You know in Final Fantasy 8 the most tech advanced society built a giant holographic wall around the entire continent to make it look like a wasteland. Maybe uh we should consider something similar. >>1061262 The whole situation is just extremely odd to me because Sega got so autistically mad that they nuked two comic continuities and like 3 or 4 TV continuities (is Sonic X canon anymore? fuck if I know) that may have had issues but at least were fondly remembered and loved by subsets of the community and demanded strict controll over the franchise from there on out... just to give someone semi free rein to do the same thing all over again. And what's going to happen when Flynn of some underling crosses some invisible line and Sega gets pissed? For it's problems it has also now developed a fanbase. They going to Squat it too like they have Sonic Boom? And why the fuck is Lanolin such a cunt?
>>1061262 >Didn't you already confirm that Flynn was already trying to do this with the Archie comics since they were mostly "fixed"during it's final years even before the first Genesis Wave? But ever since Daddy Sega gave the license to IDW after Archie let it lapse, he's effectively been given free reign to create whatever OCs he wants. It's not quite that. As soon as Flynn got in, he immediately set to using old lore in cool ways. He did a very good job at that. The problem is that it was the retarded ArchieSonic lore. So if you read every issue, like he did, then it's actually pretty awesome. If you just played the latest Sonic game and wanted a comic that was sort of like that, then you'd be fucking lost. After the Super Genesis Wave, things got a lot more like the games, and Flynn kept using lore elements (now more from the games) in interesting ways, but the fact that it was still about The Freedom Fighters more than anything meant that if you were a kid who just played the latest game and wanted a comic like it, you'd be pretty confused. He also started making many OCs in this era. He made a few in the previous era, Thrash the Tasmanian Devil stands out, as he is like super important in one appearance, and you'd think he was an old character, but actually he was a character only recently introduced in a brief role in like one story. But after the Super Genesis Wave, Flynn made many OCs. And some were blatantly to replace ones he couldn't use anymore. But frankly they were lateral moves. Like he took old shitty comic exclusive Eggman minions and replaced them with similar ones. But he still had the Freedom Fighters to play with, so he seemed mostly satisfied. He also sometimes got a little creative with his character replacements. Like in the Pre-Super Genesis Wave era, Silver's mentor was Mammoth Mogul, who had become a good guy in the future. Post-Super Genesis Wave, Silver's mentor was Professor Von Schlemmer, from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. That was kind of cool. Actually, I think that story was written by Evan Stanley, so I'll give her a little credit. I bet it was Flynn's idea, though. It feels like a Flynn move. At IDW, they were told not to use the Freedom Fighters or the other characters from the early comics and cartoons. And right away Flynn introduced Tangle. To be fair, I don't see Tangle as a blatant replacement for a previous character, but maybe that's worse, because she just has no business being there and being so important. Whisper is sort of like the playable character from Forces, as she was a silent but influential soldier in the war, and used the Wispons from that game. But they took it too far by having it so nobody in the present knew what she did, but in Silver's time she's a legend. Also Flynn on Twitter says she likes to eat Tangle's pussy. Because that's what we need to know about characters in a Sonic comic. Then they introduced Tangle's adopted sister, Jewel. Jewel doesn't fight but administrates everything. She's blatantly Nicole. Flynn also wrote Frontiers, which introduced Sage, who is also very similar to Nicole. Later the comics introduced Lanolin. She's a girl soldier that... kind of just shows up and is important for no particular reason. She acts exactly like Sally. Lanolin, Tangle, and Whisper form a group called "The Diamond Cutters," and they're just the Freedom Fighters, and Lanolin is the leader and acts like Sally. Then there's Dr. Starline, an evil genius who is a big fan of Eggman, but also thinks he can be better than Eggman and wants to betray him. So he's just Snivley. He also uses warping technology, which was a staple of Dr. Finitevus, another villain from the comics from Flynn's pre-Super Genesis Wave era. But personality-wise he's all Snivley, and it's perfectly believable to just say Snivley started using warping technology. Also Rough and Tumble are blatant replacements for Bean and Bark, who are at least from the games, but Sega seems to only want Bean and Bark used in "Classic Sonic" stories. It's also notable that Flynn introduced Bean and Bark to the Archie comics like right away as soon as he got the job, because he made them main characters in the fan-comic that got him hired, and he used the personalities he gave them there in his later comics work. The personalities carried over to the IDW comics, so they're canon now. There's also Belle the Tinkerer. She's a robot made by Eggman but is good. So essentially she's Bunnie. There's more to it than that, and I don't hate her story, but essentially she's Bunnie. Also Bunnie was actually pretty cool, so Belle, though one of the neater ideas for an IDW OC, pales in comparison to her. Belle wasn't made by Flynn, if I recall correctly. She was made by Evan Stanley. That's why her design, though sort of making sense with her specific origin, looks fucking stupid when she's just walking around with other Sonic characters. Also the actual stories she's a part of are all touchy feely Stephen Universe horseshit, so even though she's sort of neat in concept, she has not been utilized well. Surge the Tenrec is a blatant replacement for Scourge the Evil Sonic. Like they're not even trying to hide it. They want readers to recognize it. She's fine, but again, since Stanley has written so many of her appearances, I don't feel she's been written to be as compelling as Scourge was. She has potential, but it hasn't been utilized well so far, in my opinion. And she's gotten quite a bit of focus. Surge also has a sidekick, Kit, who is her Tails. He's not like Scourge's version of Tails, and feels pretty original, but he hasn't gotten to do very much yet, in my opinion. If Surge is going to exist, then I think that this character is a pretty cool compliment to her, but he hasn't been utilized well yet. I wouldn't say he's been utilized in lame ways either. He just hasn't really been utilized much at all yet. The other important OC so far is Mimic the Octopus. He can shapeshift and look like other people. Could be cool, but instead of being tied up with Sonic, he's tied up with Whisper's backstory. I don't give a shit. I also don't think he's really based on any previous character, but he's important, and while his concept is kind of cool, the fact that he's so unrelated to Sonic and all the game characters makes me think he might as well not exist. These stories should be careful to not stray too far from the core cast of the games. Like Surge is Evil Sonic and Kit is her Tails. Okay. Mimic is just some guy who can shapeshift. Maybe they should say he was the player character from Forces, since his backstory is that he fought in the war (but betrayed them eventually) and since he can shapeshift then he could look like whatever your character looked like. Whisper seemed to be based on your player character at first, but they forgot that very early on. And oh yeah, there's an owl who works at a radio station and a chicken or something who uh... is around... and anyway Evan Stanley says on Twitter that they like to put their dicks in each others' butts. I almost forgot that Flynn did an arc called "Scrapnik Island," where Sonic and Tails went to an island full of defeated Eggman robots, and it was run by Mecha Sonic from Sonic & Knuckles, who is a good guy now and leads the robots to trying to be good and also surviving. This good Mecha Sonic is not just the return of an old character from the games, it's a combination of four different characters from the Archie Comics. 1) Silver Sonic 2.0 is based on the Sonic robot that can be found in a tube in Eggman's Mystic Ruins base in Sonic Adventure. The one that isn't Metal Sonic. In the comics, he's an upgraded version of Silver Sonic, who is based on the Sonic robot from Sonic 2 (16-bit). That makes sense, because though everyone says the tube robot is unidentified, I'm pretty sure he was meant to be an upgraded version of Mecha Sonic from Sonic 2 (16-bit), which the Archie comics called Silver Sonic. Both Mecha Sonics are based on Mechagodzilla, but the Sonic 2 one is based on the '70s Mechagodzilla and the Sonic Adventure one is based on '90s Mechagodzilla (Godzilla got rebooted in the '80s. It's a different Mechagodzilla). Anyway, after the events of the Sonic Adventure adaptation, Eggman unleashed Silver Sonic 2.0 to attack Station Square, but they managed to reprogram him so he became the protector of the city. So notably, this is a Mecha Sonic who is a good guy. 2) Pseudo-Sonic is the first robot Sonic, originally from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, but also featured in the Archie comics. Many years after he was defeated, he was found on The Island of Forgotten Badniks, where he had become their leader. However, unlike Scrapnik Island, these guys stayed evil. At one point Pseudo-Sonic got turned giant with a ray-gun that was featured in a separate old and obscure story, and they fought on the island, but he still got defeated again.
3) Shard the Metal Sonic is the original Metal Sonic who learned the value of life and friendship from seeing Sonic and Tails willing to sacrifice their lives for each other. Mecha Sonic, as he was called at the time (even though he was based on Metal Sonic, not Mecha Sonic), was introduced in his first issue,, the Sonic CD adaptation, with Robotnik saying he wasn't powered by an animal, but a "Power Gem." After the adaptations of Sonic CD and Knuckles Chaotix (in which he turned into a giant red kaiju version, like in the game), Mecha Sonic sacrificed himself to save Sonic and Tails because he saw they cared about each other and learned the value of life, so he fell into a volcano, evoking Hyper Metal Sonic from the OVA. >Also note that there was another character called "Mecha Sonic" in the ArchieSonic series. The term referred to when Sonic got roboticized by Robotnik. His look vaguely resembled Mecha Sonic from Sonic & Knuckles, so that was essentially their adaptation of that character from that game. Because he does fight Knuckles in the game. He fights Knuckles in the comic, too. But also in order to beat him Knuckles gets himself roboticized and becomes "Mecha Knuckles," which is completely different from the Mecha Knuckles from Sonic Advance, who would later also appear in the IDW comics, along with Mecha Sonic from Sonic & Knuckles. >Btw, when "Mecha" (Metal) Sonic sacrificed himself, Robotnik just built a new Metal Sonic, like no big deal, and actually there were many replacement ones as they kept getting destroyed, and these ones were actually called Metal Sonic. Technically, they were called Metal Sonic 2.x, with new version numbers each time, but all still "Version 2." >Eventually, Sega told Archie to start treating Metal Sonic like an actual character again, instead of a replaceable robot, so Eggman built an ultimate Metal Sonic called Metal Sonic 3.0. >This is confusing because Sonic Rivals 2 features a completely separate character called Metal Sonic 3.0, who is a more evil version of Metal Sonic who is from Silver's Good Future, controlled by Eggman Nega. He looks like Metal Sonic but black with yellow stripes. He also disguises himself as Metal Sonic 1.0 sometimes. >Also, in Sonic Rivals 1, there is a costume for Metal Sonic called "Metal Sonic 2.0." It has no role in the story, and is basically 1.0's head on 3.0's body. >Many years after Mecha (Metal) Sonic sacrificed himself in the volcano, Uncle Chuck rescued him and built him a new body that had the color scheme of Metal Sonic 3.0 from Sonic Rivals 2. >But Mecha Sonic was still a good guy, and he called himself Shard, because of the shard of the power gem in his chest, which could now be seen sticking out of his new body. >He became a secret agent/saboteur as the kingdom was taken over by evil wizard Ixus Naugus. He briefly meets Sonic, even though he's supposed to be secret and also he is very ashamed of his past actions and wouldn't want to meet Sonic. Sonic is a bit skeptical but goes along with it. Shard also seems to have a bit of chemistry with Nicole, Princess Sally's sentient Game Boy who had since started using holograms to look like a lynx girl, and also controlled the entire city, which was made out of nanites, so she could literally control the shape of the whole city with her mind. Nicole sympathized with Shard's feelings of being mistrusted because Naugus had turned the whole city against Nicole and nobody trusted her either. >The very final issue before the Super Genesis Wave was a Metal Sonic Special, in which there was a climactic battle between Shard and Metal Sonic 3.0. Metal Sonic fucking kills Shard, breaking his Power Gem. Shard is talking to Nicole on the radio and seems like he wants to say he loves her, but he fucking dies. And since he's a secret agent, nobody will ever know, except maybe Nicole, but nobody else likes Shard, so nobody else will care. And actually, since the very next thing that happened in the comic was a semi-reboot, Shard didn't just die, he got fucking erased and nobody remembered he ever existed, which actually sort of worked with his character arc. He did the right thing and redeemed his soul even though there was no glory in it because nobody would ever know he did it. >After history was changed, Shard never existed, because now there was always only one Metal Sonic, so the one Sonic fought wasn't 3.0, he was just Metal Sonic, so Shard couldn't be the original Metal Sonic. 4) But Metal Sonic 3.0 actually did survive. Due to the nature of the Mega Man crossover that happened right at the moment the universe was being rebooted, 3.0 ended up in Blaze's universe, where The Jeweled Scepter, the artifact which creates and maintains alternate universes, kept Blaze's world from being rebooted entirely. So it was sort of changed, but some old elements and memories remained. So Metal Sonic 3.0 survived despite his history in the main universe never having happened anymore. He was rebuilt out of scrap and then sailed around the seas in a ship made out of the remnants of The Wily Egg, made by Eggman and Wily in the crossover. He now called himself Captain Metal. So mostly IDW Mecha Sonic, despite literally, in-canon, being the character from the games, is actually an adaptation of four different Sonic robots from the Archie series. He's mostly Shard, the good Metal Sonic (who was originally erroneously called Mecha Sonic), but he's also Captain Metal, a defeated Metal Sonic who was rebuilt from scrap. He's also Pseudo-Sonic, leader of The Island of Forgotten Badniks. And he's also Silver Sonic 2.0, a (proper) Mecha Sonic who became good. >there's now entire mini-series and months of covers released that don't even have Sonic featured at all (A "rule" that even Archie didn't break, as even side-stories still centered on characters from the games). This isn't true. There was a whole series called Sonic Universe, that had almost 100 issues. Most issues were not about characters from the games. There were four-issue arcs about... >Mobius 30 Years Later Following up on all of Penders' most stupid shit about King Sonic. When last we saw King Sonic, he was after erasing himself from the timeline, so in the new timeline Shadow was fucking Sally for 25 years. But Sonic survived as a time anomaly and had to dethrone Shadow and become king again. Except in the new timeline, Sally was still taking Shadow dick for 25 years. Yeah, that's just the arc I want to see Flynn follow up on. This was the second arc of Sonic Universe, after one about Shadow. >Scourge: Lockdown Scourge, AKA Evil Sonic, and The Destructix, who are sort of like an evil counterpart to the Chaotix. They used to be called The Fearsome Foursome and were more like a knockoff of The Frightful Four, the evil Fantastic Four, until Flynn realized they should be counterparts to the Chaotix. >Scrambled Eggman is in this, but mostly it's about his nephew, Snivley. At least he's from the cartoon and not a comic OC. >Secret Freedom Fighters This is the team of secret agents Shard is on. I'd count Shard as an OC, at least once he is brought back and given a new name. Other members include deposed King Elias Acorn (Sally's brother. Not the king from the cartoon, but his son), Leeta and Lyco Wolf (two female wolf OCs), Larry Lynx (a joke character from about 200 issues earlier), and their leader, Harvey Who, another joke character from about 200 issues earlier. They fight Ixus Naugus. And yes, Silver is on the team, but this is not a Silver Arc. He is one member of a large team. >Spark of Life While this does include Tails and Big the Cat tagging along, really this is an arc about Nicole and Sally, and their relationship with a new OC, Dr. Ellidy, who is essentially Nicole's father. >Eggman's Dozen About the Egg Bosses. Eggman is in it, but like the earlier Snivley arc, it's really about a bunch of characters who aren't in the games. >Freedom Fighters This arc wasn't actually published, but the first issue was fully leaked online, and unfinished versions of other issues can be found. It's about the Freedom Fighters. This makes it sound like the main series was finally going to stop being about the Freedom Fighters, and they'd be relegated to the spinoff series, which would be a good move, but actually no, early materials for the unpublished issues of the main series show the Freedom Fighters would have still been main characters. At least Sonic is in the one fully leaked issue, but really it's about Antoine. (It's not that bad, actually.) But Archie lost the license so none of these issues were published. >You can blame Evan all you want, but the reality is that Flynn is still approving this shit at the end of the day. I don't know if Stanley needs his approval. That said, I bet he does approve. >And the warning signs were there since the beginning when Flynn, not even a full year into the IDW run, lashed out at his fans for "daring" to side with the greivences expressed by ComicsGate. Yeah, I'm still upset about that. I stopped buying the comics because of that. I still pirate though, because I'm autistic as hell for Sonic. >If anything, this seems more like another Kojima-Konami situation. Where Konami (Archie) finally had enough of Kojima's (Flynn) shit, cut him off, But Archie didn't cut him off. They kept him on and even had him write a bunch of issues they didn't get to publish when they suddenly lost the license. I think it's more that he drank the Kool-Aid and went nuts. Happened to so many comics creators I used to love. I love Gerry Conway's Spider-Man, but dear lord, don't look at his Twitter. Many such cases. >>1061320 >They've introduced so many new OCs at this point that none of them are getting the spotlight they need to develop. Yeah, good point. Not that I want any of them to be developed. At least Surge and Kit are the best ones, and the ones getting the most development now. But they keep insisting on giving Lanolin more and more focus over time, and I can't even figure out why she is there in the first place. >is Sonic X canon anymore? fuck if I know Sonic X was never canon to the games. None of the shows were. Except Sonic Prime, which doesn't fit perfectly, but uh... close enough.
[Expand Post]>And what's going to happen when Flynn of some underling crosses some invisible line and Sega gets pissed? Hopefully it's Stanley that gets in trouble. If Flynn is told to knock it off, he's shown he can do well. Stanley has never been nearly as good. She can draw well enough, but shouldn't be writing. Her Silver arc in Sonic Universe, the first official thing she wrote, was okay, but not great. She's written a ton of boring shit for IDW. If she got fired, Flynn might get knocked into shape. Anyway, before this happens, I gotta use AI to help me draw one hell of a fanfic so I can get Flynn's job. >And why the fuck is Lanolin such a cunt? Because she's a blatant replacement for Sally, a massive cunt, just without the history and nostalgia of being in a pretty well liked TV series.
>>1061327 >Because she's a blatant replacement for Sally, a massive cunt, just without the history and nostalgia of being in a pretty well liked TV series. But I mean in the sort of meta context that she was introduced her behavior doesn't make a lot of sense. She's clearly suppose to be a no nonsense girlboss character BUT we as the reader know from the very beginning that she's wrong. We KNOW Duo is Mimic. We KNOW Silver and Whisper were right about him. We KNOW Awesome Possum is up to no good and we KNOW that Sonic is disrupting the race to try to stop him. Her every action makes her look bad to the audience but there's no way that was intended because you can't let a girlboss be defeated or be wrong. Like what gives? I can accept that Silver hung his head and bitched out because he's Silver. Whisper is a little harder to swallow because her entire motivation is taking down Mimic. I can't her giving in as quickly as she did although I can sort of forgive it since if she'd gone full autistic and stalked Mimic until he sipped up the whole thing would have ended way before the writers intended. Kit & Surge are a bit of a puzzle too because they could have revealed that Mimic was Duo as soon as they planned to go their own way but maybe Surge just didn't give a shit about him or didn't want to make a dangerous enemy and just let that continue to play out. Actually I'm not sure why Mimic was involved with the whole plot anyway. Starline sprung him from jail and then erased all his files so he's free. Why go to the one place where the one person in the world who hates you enough and is obsessed with you enough to hunt you down over the entire planet actually lives? Like disappear for a decade or something. I'm not sure why the writers included him in this because he did nothing for the whole arc and then he slipped away in the end.
>>1061327 >and even had him write a bunch of issues they didn't get to publish when they suddenly lost the license Archie didn't "lose" the license, they just outright refused to renew it despite Sonic being their second best selling comic alongside...Archie and having months of comics still in development.
>>1061335 Wow that's actually retarded. It's exactly what I would expect from Archie Comics.
>>1061326 Oh yeah, forgot to say that Clutch the Opossum seems like pretty much a replacement for Mammoth Mogul. Mammoth Mogul is a blatant ripoff of Vandal Savage, from DC Comics. They are ancient cavemen (Mogul is a Mammoth, because it's a caveman-era animal) who were hit with magic meteors that made them immortal and then secretly did important shit throughout history until modern day. Savage was secretly ancient pharoahs and Atilla the Hun and Napoleon and an advisor to Hitler. Mogul led a secret order of wizards. Where they made Mogul slightly different is that they really focused on the wizardry, and Vandal Savage didn't do that much wizarding (though he did some. He did everything over the years). However, when Flynn had him be finally defeated, he decided to back down from the overt supervillainy and focus on being a rich businessman, which is Vandal Savage's main thing. So Flynn sort of made him more like Vandal Savage. Savage was first introduced as an ancient caveman who was secretly many historical figures, but in modern day (1940s) he's a CEO of a corporation. But Savage was still up to supervillainy when he was a CEO. Mogul actually gave up and decided he couldn't beat Sonic, so he was just going to wait for Sonic to die of old age, run a casino in the meantime, and then go back to supervillainy. But in the future, he seems to be truly reformed and is Silver's mentor. So after the Super Genesis Wave, Mogul was erased. Mogul took over the Casino Night Zone, and hired Scratch, Grounder, and Coconutes, The Super Special Sonic Search and Smash Squad (from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog) to work there. After the Super Genesis Wave, The S6 worked for Breezie the Hedgehog, also from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, who owned Casino Park Zone. They say Robotnik gave it to her to run in Sonic Heroes. But basically, she runs the casino and the same people who used to work for Mogul at a different casino now work for her. Mogul was also Silver's mentor. After he was erased, Silver's mentor was Professor von Schlemmer, from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. But now the IDW comics have an evil rich businessman villain, Clutch the Oppossum. He's been the bad guys in a few arcs, including the latest arc which has lasted for like a year (because it was interrupted for four months by a Fang miniseries). It took me a while to realize it, but he's just Mammoth Mogul turned evil again, which is probably something Flynn would have done eventually (so as to eventually show how he turned into a good guy in the future). Mogul was the Sonic series' resident big evil rich guy. Now it's Clutch. Same thing, except at least they slightly obfuscated the otherwise blatant Vandal Savage connection. >>1061334 You're supposed to feel bad for Lanolin. She's not wrong because of significant character flaws, she's wrong because Mimic tricked her. This way Stanley gets to give her feminist character the illusion of a character flaw, but really she's actually a victim. >>1061335 >Archie didn't "lose" the license, they just outright refused to renew it despite Sonic being their second best selling comic alongside...Archie and having months of comics still in development. Oh yeah, I did hear that at one point. They were going all in on Riverdale, and maybe Sega wanted to increase fees or something (Archie sure had been some trouble for them the last few years), and also Archie is notoriously mismanaged, hence the whole Penders debacle in the first place. But at least they're smart enough to sell their comics in supermarkets and other places people actually go.
>>1061327 >I still pirate though, because I'm autistic as hell for Sonic. Anon, honestly seek help. The more I see how retarded these stories get with trying to shoehorn in stupid bullshit, the more I come to the conclusion that the people who actually follow these stories are unironically mentally ill. None of this stuff is healthy nor productive.
>>1061342 It's worse than that. My autism for Sonic increased significantly in the last two years. I got a new job that gave me lots of time to read. First thing I read was all the Tolkien fiction material I could find (so The Silmarillion, Unfinished Tales, The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, etc.). Second thing I read was every single Sonic comic. I used to think the same as you, that it was all retarded. And it is. And it was a terrible business decision that probably kept many many kids from reading more of the comics, since they couldn't understand them. But now I understand them. I understand them all. And there's no looking back now. Now that I understand it all, I'm in for the long haul. Unless the writers do some stupid shit like having Sonic get cucked again, like Penders used to do. Then I'm out. But that's what got Penders fired before, and I'd hope Sega wouldn't allow something like that again.
>>1061342 >the more I come to the conclusion that the people who actually follow these stories are unironically mentally ill. That's the reason why there is only one Chris-Chan, and there is a reason why autistic childs like Sonic THAT much
>>1061338 >You're supposed to feel bad for Lanolin. Well I don't. If you live in a world where a shapeshifting serial killer exists, one who likes to infiltrate shit and has done so in the past, you don't just brush that off. If I were there and Whisper's 'Mimic sense' went off I would be standing there next to her with everyone else at gun point doing the Macready test on everyone at the base until we smoked him out. And as far as Sonic being Rider X goes there's three possibilities you should think of 1) Sonic knows something and is trying to stop a villain, 2) Sonic is being Mind controlled, or 3) that's an evil duplicate of Sonic (imagine that! or something similar (perhaps Mimic for example). It shouldn't be so hard for a leader to parse that. The goddamn retarded hawk from the Babylon Rogues figured this out almost instantly. If you are not smarter than he is you aren't fit to run the military wing of the Restoration; you're fit to be the janitor.
>>1061345 >There is only one Chris Chan Do you not know Lazerbot? Do you not know Tamers12345? Those guys are amazing. I'm big fans of their work. All three of them. Tamers might be my favorite as an artist, but Chris Chan is the most fascinating as a person. Tamers beats Lazerbot for me, personally, but I don't want to leave him out. He's pretty damn good. >>1061346 Yeah obviously you're right, but you're forgetting one thing. The story is written by a feminist, so to her, you must always like women. Women are always right, even when they're wrong.
Did anyone ever shill you a Sonic game that you ended up hating or were disappointed by? https://archive.ph/OV0D5
>>1063564 Yeah. Sega, with every Sonic game for the last 23 years.
>>1063564 Frontiers. Wouldn't call it bad and I actually had a little fun with it. However it's not all that great and the only reason why it was so acclaimed is because Sonicfags have PTSD and after being disappointed for so long anything that isn't terrible is outstanding to them. >>1063674 Kek
>>1063674 Sorry to hear that Sammy.
Kill IDW. Behead IDW. Roundhouse kick an IDW writer into the concrete. Slam dunk an IDW defender into the trashcan. Crucify filthy IDW writers. Defecate in an IDW writer's food. Launch IDW into the sun. Stir fry IDW in a wok. Toss IDW into an active volcano. Urinate into an IDW writer's gas tank. Judo throw IDW into a wood chipper. Twist IDW writers' heads off. Report IDW to the IRS. Karate chop IDW in half. Curb stomp IDW defenders. Trap IDW in quicksand. Crush IDW in the trash compactor. Liquefy IDW in a vat of acid. Eat IDW. Dissect IDW. Exterminate IDW in the gas chamber. Stomp IDW writer skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate IDW in the oven. Lobotomize IDW writers. Mandatory abortions for IDW writers. Grind IDW defenders in the garbage disposal. Drown IDW in fried chicken grease. Vaporize IDW with a ray gun. Kick IDW down the stairs. Feed IDW to alligators. Slice IDW with a katana. https://xcancel.com/krack932/status/1882611855627345982
>>1064498 But at least it's not Penders. :^) There's a reason why I've come to the conclusion to reject EVERYTHING having to do with Sonic after Generations.
>>1064498 I just know before I expand this image that I am going to be enraged by what I see.
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Well what'd ya know.
>>1064537 using a lefty comic by some Fat faggot? shit nigger, what are you doing?

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>>1064541 Better?
>>1064498 Tracy Yardley also worked for Archie Sonic. So did Evan Stanley, who isn't on that list but should be. Maybe some of the others on the list also did work at Archie, but I don't recall. >>1064506 Honestly though these SJWs are still making better comics than most of the pre-Flynn ArchieSonic comics. Though I admit I do like some of Karl Bollers' stuff. Thankfully Sega is keeping them on a tight enough leash that they aren't able to go as insane as some of the stuff that happened in ArchieSonic, but that isn't to say that everything they do is stuff I like, or that their politics aren't an active detriment on the writing. For the ones that just draw, though, hopefully they aren't impacting the writing, and they are all better artists than Penders and many (but not all) of the other artists that worked on ArchieSonic. IDW Sonic generally has pretty good art. But I do dislike the artists and wish they would shut their mouths. Also, I'm sure there are many other artists this good that they could hire, but the SJWs are gatekeeping them out of the industry because they don't actively drink the kool-aid. >>1064537 You should have used this image.
>>1064498 Inform Sega, I'm sure they'll be happy to know that their franchise is having these child grooming faggots injecting their ideologies into it.
>>1065172 Sega of Japan specifically, of course. They're the ones who got rid of Penders.
>>1065172 >>1065173 Sega of Japan is constantly posting on the Twatter about the company celebrating trannies with everything from posters to literal rainbow-colored shaved ice.
The IDW comics are fine, you are just mentally retarded.
>>1065238 Well they have problems, but I think it's important to not exaggerate to the degree that we pretend they're worse than the Archie comics. The Archie comics are mostly fun as a bizarre trainwreck. You do get invested, but when you step back it's just baffling. The IDW comics are good enough that you can at least discuss them as actual comics. They're good enough that you can have a reasonable discussion about them. They have problems, but they're pretty decent. It's like comparing Godfather III to Plan 9 From Outer Space. When people discuss Godfather III, they usually criticize it. When they discuss Plan 9, they usually just laugh and enjoy it. But that's because Plan 9 is so shit that it's thoroughly entertaining, while Godfather III is good enough that the problems it has stand out against an otherwise good film.
>>1065238 They're fine but I'm not really sure where they're going with the story at this point. It's sort of unmoored from the games, which ironically is the exact same thing that's happened to every other previous Sonic comic/cartoon even though Sega it taking a heavy hand to things with IDW. So you've got a situation where it doesn't stick to the games but neither is it allowed to explore some crazier stuff either.
>>1065375 I miss the cast from the satam and early Archie comic days, I always thought this version of robotnik was the most threatening but also interesting, Sega realize they own these characters? Or is there some confusing legal issue with them? Like Sega just decided to leave every character that was created during the American partnerships in limbo because they were worried about another ken penders situation?
>>1065385 Sega probably sees them as baka gaijin bullshit that has very little to do with their products, and as something the majority of the target audience won't recognize or understand anyway. Which is true. Unfortunately they don't realize the IDW OCs are almost the exact same thing.
>>1065454 >Unfortunately they don't realize the IDW OCs are almost the exact same thing. With characters that people are far less attached to at that. Which would be fine if they would stop making new ones and develop the ones that they've got.
>>1065488 Exactly. I didn't want Sally to be a main character anymore, but I certainly prefer her over Lanolin. At least Sally has history and is from a TV show. Starliner is alright, but Snivley is obviously better. Belle is a very poor replacement for Bunnie, who was maybe the coolest Freedom Fighter and the one that could have almost fit with the games. Antoine was the most well developed and became the most interesting, but since he is male, he has no equivalent in IDW, since Evan Stanley is super feminist and only interested in female characters. Rotor I guess is sort of like that gorilla guy? Admittedly Rotor was the least interesting Freedom Fighter, but he is a hell of a lot better than that gorilla mechanic guy. And Tangle and Whisper have no equivalents from the Freedom Fighters, but they just suck anyway. Annoying nobodies with no business being main or even secondary characters.
>>1065549 I think part of the problem is that the IDW crew are writing in a vacuum from the games. They're not in a developer mindset so they are writing their OCs purely narratively. Sega's tard wrangling them but that's not the same thing. If you're going to make an Sanic OC character they need to fit in one of a handful of roles. As in imagine Sonic an the MC INCONCEIVABLE! in an RPG or as a Dark Souls host or something: >A Team characters that can directly pair up with Sonic i.e. Team Sonic. The most foundational team. Basically Tails, Knuckles, and sometimes Amy, Ray, Mighty for the longstanding members and very rarely the likes of Blaze, Silver & Shadow (but more on that). Of all of the introduced mobian OCs I'm just going to call them mobians Tangle would have fit in the best, at least at the beginning. You could see her introduced in a game as the alternate to Tails or some shit. The's got that extendo grapple tail so she could do that instead of fly. >B Team characters This is basically Team Sonic spillover team(s), like when they have to split up and Sonic and the heavy hitters lead a frontal assault and a second team infiltrates from the back or attacks secondary objectives. Effectively Team Amy and conceptual clones of Team Amy. So Amy, Cream, Tails under some conditions, Big, etc. IDW OCs that could fit here are Gem and possibly Belle (although Bell doesn't seem too interested in combat, she at least has some abilities). >C Team characters These are already existing teams that really aren't going to be parted out to Team Sonic or another team unless the other members are out of comission. May also be just teams of characters that don fully get along with Sonic or the more "boy scout" characters. Groups like Team Dark, Team Chaotix, and the Babylon Rogues. None of the OC really fit here and that's arguably a problem because this would be one of the best sort of place to have OC characters. The Skunks and/or Green & Blue might fit into this position eventually. It depends on where the writers plan to go with them. >Desperate Allies Either villains or individual C Team characters that are forced for a time to join with Sonic and friends due to shenanigans. Uh none of the OCs would really fit here. Mimic is too homocidal. Starline is (probably) dead and he was too far up his own ass anyway. Surge, due to situations beyond her control, just cant stand to be in the presence of Sonic although she could probably fit in a B Team situation as long as Sonic isn't around. She might get along hilariously well with Shadow though. Whisper and Lanolin don't really fit in anywhere. Whisper's powers is that she owns a gun and has debilitating PTSD and Lanolin doesn't even have that. Gem at least can fucking fly and she's not retarded, that counts for something. She really could work as a Team Rose clone of Tails. I have no idea why the Diamond Cutters even exist since they should just be Team Sonic, Team Dark, or if you want a specifically all female team concept Team Amy.
>>1065561 >Gem I mean Jewel. FUCK!
The third Sonic movie is available on streaming about a week ago, and the fourth film is officially in production (with a release in 2027). Here's a screencap of the mid-credits scene that got the audience excited (at least when I was in the theater).
>>1065561 >They're not in a developer mindset so they are writing their OCs purely narratively. I wish. They're largely writing them propagandistically. It's not about writing good stories, at least not primarily. If it was, some of these characters would be allowed to have real flaws. Surge would be allowed to be a real villain. Instead it's just all grrl power all the time. >I have no idea why the Diamond Cutters even exist since they should just be Team Sonic, Team Dark, or if you want a specifically all female team concept Team Amy. Because Evan Stanley is bored of Sonic and wants to just write her own unrelated thing. They're so unrelated to the main premise that it's become increasingly similar to Penders and his Echidna family tree. There really is no need for most of these characters. What purpose do they serve in the story? Tangle is introduced very early on, but why? Just to show that they can make new OCs? She doesn't do anything interesting or vital to the plot. She's just one more character running around, only now anyone who plays the games and then wants to try the comics won't recognize her. Whisper almost seems like she could have been the main character from Forces, but if that ever was an idea, they forgot it early on. Many other characters are just replacement for Freedom Fighters, but still never actually had any good story around them. Does anyone in the world give a flying fuck about Lanolin? No. Jewel? Hell no. Belle sort of had a story with her origin and how she learns and deals with it. It wasn't great, at least I didn't think the payoff was great, and I didn't like how they played it like a mystery even though it was the most obvious thing in the world. But okay, it was a story. I liked the idea even if the execution was meh. Also, I think her design could have been a lot better. She should have looked a little bit more like one of Eggman's robots, in my opinion, since there was no real mystery to her in the first place. And Sage makes her very redundant. Also she doesn't do anything cool in the stories. She should be used as a Bunnie replacement, but she's not. Surge and Kit had a story, and it was alright. How they tried to continue with them in the Phandom Rider arc sucked. They could still be used better in the future, though. We'll see. I'm skeptical, but it's possible. Starline had a story, even if he was just Snivley. It was an okay story, though perhaps overstayed its welcome a little bit. I liked Snivley, but if they can't use him anymore, then I think I don't need more of Starline. What we got is enough. If you want more Starline stories, go read all the ArchieSonic stories about Snivley. Actually, you can read Sonic the Comic and check out any stories where Grimer was important, since he was also replacement Snivley. Mimic isn't the worst idea for a character, a shapeshifting villain. Unfortunately he isn't even a Sonic villain, he's a Whisper villain. Once you start getting OCs who are only related to the main characters through other OCs, you really have a problem. Honestly Jewel and Lanolin are also this to a degree, but Mimic even moreso. Sega needs to institute a damn moratorium on OCs. No more OCs! It's not about the very idea of creating original characters now and then, since obviously sometimes it can be acceptable, but these people are going too far with it. It's the exact same problem with the Freedom Fighters. It's cool to continue using these characters from the cartoon, but 20 years after the cartoon ended and the games became known for an autistic story full of completely unrelated characters? Maybe then it's time to chill out on the Freedom Fighters and only use them now and then, instead of making them the main characters. But Flynn wouldn't do that, so Sega had to outright ban the characters. Now Flynn and Stanley won't stop making new OCs and making them main characters. It would be okay if done in moderation, but it's not, so Sega needs to ban them. If you can't tell stories about the characters from the games, then maybe Sega needs to hire some of the other millions of autists online who can. Of course, I'm sure Flynn could if he felt like it, but he doesn't feel like it. Here's a list of characters that should be used more than literally any of the OCs in the comic. >Sonic >Eggman >Flicky >Tails >Mecha Sonic (8-bit) >Mecha Sonic (Sonic 2 16-bit) >Mighty >Ray >Amy >Metal Sonic >Knuckles >Eggrobo >Mecha Sonic (Sonic & Knuckles) >Fang >Vector >Charmy >Espio >Bean >Bark >Metal Knuckles >Tails Doll >Gamma >Big >Froggy >Chaos >Tikal >Pachacmac
[Expand Post]>Birdie >Zero >Beta >Delta >Epsilon >Zeta >Omochao >Chacron >Mr. Know-It-All >Newsstand Lady >All of the other, nameless, NPCs from Sonic Adventure >Shadow >Rouge >Gerald >Maria >The Biolizard >The President >The President's Secretary >King Boom Boo >Hot Shot >Flying Dog >Big Foot >Cream >Cheese >Vanilla >Chocola >Omega >Emerl >Chaos Gamma >Gemerl (I'm pretty sure Gemerl is intended to literally be Gemerl rebuilt, and misconceptions arose from Sonic Advance 3 having only vague story and the website perhaps not being translated in the best way possible) >GUN Commander AKA Abraham Tower AKA General Walters AKA The Olive Garden Guy (for some reason this character actually has gotten used a lot, and Flynn made the name he made up for the Archie comics canon over the name he was given in the live action movies) >Black Doom >Blaze >Eggman Nega >Jet >Wave >Storm >Babylon Guardian >Silver >Mephiles >Iblis >Elise >The Duke of Soleanna >Sonicman >Pele the Beloved Dog >All the other NPCs from Sonic '06 whose names I don't remember or who weren't given names in the first place. >Shahra >Erazor Djinn >Uhu >Solomon >Shahryar >Ali Baba >Sinbad >Marine >The Ifrit I'm pretty sure The Ifrit and Iblis are the same thing. Not on purpose, but if Mephiles survived Sonic '06, sort of, then Iblis should have, too. The Chaotic Inferno, where you fight him, looks exactly like Crisis City, and is an alternate dimension. Forces treats alt-timelines and alt-dimensions as the same thing. (Which is fine. They pretty much are.) So Iblis just survived in Crisis City. Also in the Knuckles TV series, Knuckles absorbs The Flames of Disaster, AKA Iblis, similarly to how Elise did. Of course that's a different continuity, but I hope someone makes the director of those movies realize so that we can get a Sonic '06 movie with Knuckles in the role of Elise. That would be funny. >SCR-HD >Chip >Dark Gaia >Orbot >Cubot >All the NPCs from Sonic Unleashed >Merlina >King Arthur >Caliburn >Blacksmith >Nimue >Lancelot >Gawain >Percival >Lamorak >Galahad >Yacker >Wisp Queen >Classic Sonic >Classic Tails >Classic Eggman >The Time Eater >Danica Patrick >Zaz >Zeena >Zomom >Zor >Zik >Zavok >Infinite >Dodon Pa >Sage >The End >Master King >Ariem This doesn't even count all the characters from the cartoons, as well as the characters from the Flynn-era Archie comics which Sega obviously is comfortable that they own. Even they would be preferable over yet more OCs, simply because we don't need more goddamned OCs. And don't forget that Sonic Prime is officially considered canon anyway. Though that show is pretty lame, Nine is a way better character than any of the OCs from the comics, since at least he is a concept that reflects directly upon Tails, who is an actual main character. And then there are the movies. Though the movies are pretty retarded, they're huge moneymakers, and it would make perfect sense to adapt some characters from the movies into other media, most obviously the comics, since it would be easiest to introduce new characters in a medium all about story. Is Tom a stupid character? Yes. But he is the main character in the first movie, and very important in the next two. Wade is the main character in the TV show called "Knuckles." Adapting him to the comics, as stupid as the character is, would make sense. Knuckles can have some big fat friend who hangs out with him sometimes. Stupid? Yes. Less stupid than Lanolin? Also yes. Then again, they couldn't even be bothered to mention Sonic Frontiers in the comic, years after the game came out. I thought at first they were waiting until the DLC came out, since the DLC was really just the end of the game. But it's been a very long time since that came out. Instead of either adapting the game or at least doing a timejump and saying the game has happened, they did a super long story that was probably sold as a Sonic Riders sequel, but is really about the team of all-girl OCs fighting an evil OC who has basically no interaction with Sonic or any of the characters from the games. Sonic is relegated to a B-plot that doesn't even feel important. That story is finally "over" now, but it looks like the next issue is just follow-up to that story. At least it might hopefully be about Sonic. We'll see. But I hope after that they do something cooler, like say a story that finally follows up from Sonic Frontiers or something.
Kind of neat.
>>1065986 Can't wait for Big the Cat to make his glorious return in Sonic 5
That dance scene in the recent movie is inspiring a lot of fan artists.
I spent much of this thread complaining about the recent issues of the comics. The current issue, #76, may be moving in the right direction, though it's largely an epilogue to the previous arc, and isn't really action-packed or starting an interesting new story. Sonic goes to the Chaotix to help him look for Mimic and Clutch. Tails, Amy, and Blaze head out to look for a missing Chaos Emerald. The Diamond Cutters break up, and it sounds like Lanolin, Jewel, and Belle might have just left the story. You know, for a Sonic the Hedgehog comic, you'd think it would be more fast-paced. Still, I'll copy/paste the spoiler-filled post I left after reading the issue on >>>/fast/ Does this mean Lanolin and Jewel will finally just disappear? God, I hope so. And maybe even Belle, too! I don't hate the idea of Belle, but they didn't use her very well, and her story arc is done, and really she's just become one more character emblematic of what's been going wrong with this series. Unfortunately, I'm not as hopeful that Tangle and Whisper will just disappear. They're looking for Mimic, the solicits keep talking about looking for Mimic. So Mimic has the emerald and is running Clean Sweep, probably. Great. Hopefully Flynn just kills that fucker and says that with that, Tangle and Whisper can just disappear into the sunset. Then again, maybe I'm being far too hopeful, and even Jewel and Lanolin will keep being important. If they want to say Jewel becomes the Mayor of Emerald Town and Lanolin the Police Chief or something, fine. As long as they aren't important characters anymore. But maybe I'm being too hopeful, and we'll get a whole arc about them restoring Emerald Town or something. And they keep talking about how none of them will lead the Restoration now, but they aren't just admitting that it should go away. Fucking stupid. I wish it would just go away, but instead it will probably just go to those two birds that Stanley says she likes to imagine have buttsex with each other behind the scenes. Or the gorilla mechanic guy, who I'm sure Stanley also likes to imagine having buttsex. I really wish this was all just wrapped up in this issue. They could have just caught Mimic here, treated the issue as an epilogue, and moved on. But nope. At least three or four more issues of looking for Mimic. At least Flynn is writing, so it might be a bit better than when Stanley writes. And if we're lucky, it will just be game characters + Tangle & Whisper. And oh yeah, Rough and Tumble... and Mimic. They suck but at least not as bad. Mimic isn't a completely stupid villain, and Rough and Tumble are a bit annoying but not as bad as Lanolin or whatever. At least they serve a role as lesser mooks to fight. But they said they'd stop being villains, so hopefully the next issue is just wrapping up that arc with them, while still doing the main arc subplot of looking for Mimic. >tl;dr: The latest issue is written by Flynn, not Stanley, who wrote the last arc and most of the stuff that really is lame. This issue largely revolves around Lanolin and Jewel and maybe Belle saying that they're gonna leave and do their own thing, which hopefully means they just won't be in the comic anymore (except for cameos, which I'm sure will happen over time). "The Diamond Cutters" officially disband. Tangle & Whisper probably aren't going anywhere, but it's an improvement, at least.
Sonic Racing: Cross Worlds trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks_Uxuhz6nc SEGA worlds, and characters confirmed in the Playstation Blog for the game. Extreme Gear, Transformation, and customization. Bunny Cunny[/moe] and [moe]Cyber Loli Rei
>>1071084 >Lost World representation KILL IT
>>1071084 Oh shit Cream is there! I didn't even notice from the trailer. >completely random member of the Deadly 6 and not Zavok What.
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>>1071084 >>1071093 Why do they keep pushing Deadly Six? Nobody liked them in Lost World, nobody liked Zavok when he appeared in Forces (which made it even worse as he was one of the only two returning antagonists that got a boss fight alongside Metal Sonic, fuck you people who wanted a new Shadow and Chaos boss fight), and, while I haven't been keeping up with the IDW comics, I'm sure they were hated there too.
>>1071084 So the main new gimick here is that first place gets to choose which level the race connects to, kind of like Outrun.
>>1071084 Wait is that the whole line up? Because I know I saw Jet in the trailer.
>>1071126 It's not the whole line up, there is only a small amount on the japanese website right now.
>>1071127 I wonder if, considering the latest story arc, Surge will end up on the roster?
>>1071111 Honestly Zavok had pretty cool moments in the comics. Making Zavok kind of an okay villain is one of the best aspects of the comics. It's good for an ongoing comic to have more villains beyond Eggman, and Zavok is one of the best examples the games have, since you can't have Black Doom or Mephiles showing up all the time. I'm surprised Flynn hasn't just used Witchkart as an outright replacement for Naugus, but instead she's only appeared in a single special issue. Maybe Sega doesn't want her appearing outside of "Classic Era" stories. So Black Doom and Mephiles are too big and complicated to just be around all that often. Witchkart is a Classic-Era character. So is Fang, but he actually appears kind of often in stories set in that era, and got his own miniseries recently. Chaos turned good. Void turned good. Metal Sonic did get his own arc but otherwise works for Eggman. Mecha Sonic got his own arc. Mecha Knuckles was important in that arc, too. Dark Gaia is too big a deal to just show up all the time, but actually was the main villain of the final Archie arc, which went on for like two years. The Time Eater is too weird and complicated to show up all the time, but actually was the villain of one of the final arcs of Sonic Universe. Infinite? Infinite could show up, I suppose, but nobody likes Infinite. So with most other villains not working, we get Zavok. And a bunch of OCs. And let me tell you, compared to Clutch The Opossum, Zavok is pretty cool. Other OC villains include Dr. Starline, who was not that bad, and Surge, who is also not that bad. But Zavok was pretty cool in the comics, especially when he interacts with Starline. They did a "Bad Guys" miniseries that was basically Starline vs Zavok, and it was pretty cool. >>1071129 The latest story arc was mostly about "The Diamond Cutters." You're gonna get Tangle and Whisper and you're gonna like it! But actually yeah I do think Surge is pretty cool, even if she was boring in the latest arc.
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>>1071111 >Why do they keep pushing Deadly Six? Look at them, they have spinoff roster filler written all over. Who else are they gonna dig up, Chaos? >while I haven't been keeping up with the IDW comics, I'm sure they were hated there too. The rest of the Zeti were filler, but oddly enough IDW has the best characterization Zavok ever had. It's one of the comic's few saving graces that isn't the very low mediocrity bar of "at least it isn't Penders".
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>>1071133 People would be more excited if the roster was filled up with Multiple Metal Sonics
>>1071084 >youtube I say as long as AV1 exists there is no need to ever link to that site.
>>1071148 Anon, have you ever tried watching your videos with a non-chromium browser?
>>1071136 That's a good point. I wish Sega let Flynn get autistic and rip off the Brotherhood of Metallix, but with all the different versions of Metal / Mecha Sonic. That would be cool as hell. But that picture is wrong. That thing that it labels as Metal Sonic Mark 2 is labelled incorrectly. It doesn't have a name in the original game or manual, but it is literally Metal Sonic transformed by a Giant Dark Ring. In the Archie Comics, this transformation is called Titan Metal Sonic, and many years after it is defeated, Eggman builds a new Titan Metal Sonic, based on the transformation. The original Metal Sonic still existed, reverted back to his original form. Actually, by this point he was defeated in his original form, but rebuilt in a new body with the color scheme of Metal Sonic 3.0 from Sonic Rivals, but now he was a good guy and changed his name to Shard. Eggman then replaced Metal Sonic with a new one that looked pretty similar but had some differences, like a different power source. This one was called Metal Sonic 2.0. And then it got defeated and Eggman made 2.1, 2.2, etc. Eventually he made 3.0, who is totally different than 3.0 from the games. 3.0 looks like just regular Metal Sonic, and is treated as just regular Metal Sonic, and at one point he kills Shard, the original Metal Sonic. Actually Metal Sonic, the one who became Shard, was called Mecha Sonic in his first few appearances. Mecha Sonic also referred to when Sonic got roboticized, and that transformation actually was based on Mecha Sonic from Sonic & Knuckles, and was seemingly meant to be a very loose adaptation. "Mecha" in contexts except for the guy who went on to become Shard referred to when main characters like Sonic, Knuckles, and Sally got roboticized. Archie did Mecha Knuckles way before the games, but in that case it was a coincidence, whereas Archie Mecha Sonic, despite the different story, was based on Sonic & Knuckles Mecha Sonic. But back to the big red Metal Sonic. In the Japanese manual of Chaotix, Metal Sonic, the regular version, is referred to as Metal Sonic Kai, because he's been rebuilt and upgraded (even if you can't tell) since his last appearance. The Encyclo-speed-ia then uses Metal Sonic Kai to refer to the form Metal Sonic takes at the end of the game. Ian Flynn claims this isn't a mistake, and that he did it on purpose to give the form a name, since Metal Sonic is always just referred to as Metal Sonic in later games. Well except for the time he became Neo Metal Sonic. I suppose a similar example would be how in the OVA Metal Sonic is called Hyper Metal Sonic even though he seems pretty regular. But I guess he was upgraded internally. So Metal Sonic, Metal Sonic Kai, Hyper Metal Sonic, and Neo Metal Sonic, are all the same guy rebuilt. However, the thing labelled Metal Sonic Mk. 3 is actually called Metal Sonic 3.0 in its only appearance, in Sonic Rivals 2, and is a completely different thing. He's Eggman Nega's version of Metal Sonic, from 300 years in the future. I suppose theoretically he could also be literally Metal Sonic in the future, but they never clarify that. He's treated like a separate character and fights Metal Sonic. Metal Sonic 2.0, meanwhile, is a skin for Metal Sonic in Sonic Rivals 1. It is like 3.0's body with 1.0's head. Since it's just a skin, it doesn't have a story. I guess it's an upgraded model, since the skins for the other characters are all just costumes, but they're still the same character. So maybe this lends credence to the idea that 3.0 is 1.0 hundreds of years in the future, but Rivals 2 doesn't specifically say that. Now, as for the thing that picture labels as Robot Sonic, I don't think that name is used anywhere officially. However, in the Lego Dimensions Sonic DLC, that robot is referred to as Robo Sonic. But really, I think the original developers obviously intended that thing to be called Mecha Sonic, because it's a somewhat obvious reference to Mechagodzilla, especially if you look at the concept art. It's specifically the Showa Era Mechagodzilla from the '70s. However, it's notable that the Archie comics call this thing Silver Sonic. The thing the picture labels as Mecha Sonic Mark 2 is not named anywhere, but it is adapted in the Archie Comics as Silver Sonic 2.0. This thing in the games was always mysterious to fans, as it's just sitting there in a tube in Sonic Adventure, next to Metal Sonic, who is obviously identified. I did always think the intent was that it must be the robot from Sonic 2. Looking at its details, I the eyes and hands specifically, it looks like the same idea, but with elements of the Heisei Era Mechagodzilla added. Therefore, even though the closest thing it has to an official name is Silver Sonic 2.0, I think Mecha Sonic 2.0 should be its obvious name. But this is problematic, because there is also the Mecha Sonic from Sonic & Knuckles, who is named Mecha Sonic more officially. So fine, maybe this is Mecha Sonic 2.0 and the one from Adventure should be... 1.1? That brings us to the one from Sonic 2 8-bit. On the picture it's called Silver Sonic, which is a name used in the European manual. In the Archie Comics, he's called Silver Sonic (Prototype Version). In the Japanese manual, it's called Mecha Sonic. Since it's obviously primitive, and the 8-bit game came out before Sonic 2 16-bit, I think it's reasonable to call this Mecha Sonic (Prototype Version) or something like that (keeping an element of the Archie name). If I were the writer and were being cheeky, maybe I'd label it Mecha Sonic 0.8, because it's from the 8-bit game, and this would leave room for theoretical earlier and later Mecha Sonics before the one from the 16-bit game. But really there are four distinct forms and characters that should be called Mecha Sonic, and none of them have official numbers, except for the one from Sonic Adventure, who is called Silver Sonic 2.0 in a comic adaptation. And I'd be remiss to not mention Emperor Metallix, who is visually based on the big red Metal Sonic transformation from Chaotix, but is a distinct character. Rather than a transformation, he's just a big red robot who leads an army of identical Metal Sonics, in this series called Metallixes, and rebels against Robotnik. He's actually cool as hell, and his arc is maybe the best in the series. So let's do a breakdown. >Mecha Sonic (Prototype Version) Seen in Sonic 2 (8-bit) Officially just called Mecha Sonic in the Japanese manual. Called Silver Sonic in the European manual and Silver Sonic (Prototype Version) in the Archie comics. >Mecha Sonic 1.0 The one from Sonic 2 (16-Bit). Officially just called Mecha Sonic, and obviously based on Showa Mechagodzilla. Called Robo Sonic in Lego Dimensions. Called Silver Sonic in the Archie Comics. >Mecha Sonic 2.0 The one from Sonic Adventure. Has no official name, but obviously based on the one from Sonic 2 (16-bit) but with elements of Heisei Mechagodzilla. Called Silver Sonic 2.0 in the Archie comics. >Mecha Sonic The one seen in Sonic & Knuckles. Only known officially as Mecha Sonic. Adapted loosely in the Archie comics as Mecha Sonic (who is Sonic roboticized). Reappears in main canon in the IDW comics, explicitly referred to as Mecha Sonic. Not as obviously based on Mechagodzilla, but also obviously based on the Mecha Sonic from Sonic 2 (16-bit) >Metal Sonic The one from Sonic CD. For some reason called Mecha Sonic in the first few appearances in the Archie Comics, but later they just started calling him Metal Sonic like they were supposed to. Also adapted into the Fleetway comics, but there called Metallix, The Metal Sonic. Metallixes eventually start getting mass produced, and they also build versions based on Knuckles, also just called Metallixes. >Metal Sonic Kai The Japanese manual for Chaotix uses this name to refer to Metal Sonic, because he's been upgraded since his last appearance. He looks the same, but okay, he's been upgraded internally. >Metal Sonic Kai (Transformation) The Encyclo-speed-ia uses this name to refer to the big red transformation Metal Sonic has in Chaotix, but the game didn't actually name the form. The Archie Comics called this form Titan Metal Sonic, and later, Eggman built a new Titan Metal Sonic, based on the transformation, but it was just a solo robot, and regular Metal Sonic was still running around. The Fleetway comics loosely adapted this transformation as Emperor Metallix, an independent character, not a transformation. >Hyper Metal Sonic As seen in the OVA. He's just regular Metal Sonic as well, but I guess he's been upgraded or something. >Metal Sonic 2.0 From Sonic Rivals. It's just a skin for Metal Sonic. >Metal Sonic 3.0 Eggman Nega's Metal Sonic from 200 years in the future. The game doesn't say he's literally Metal Sonic in the future. He could be a new robot. But if Metal Sonic 2.0 is basically a costume for Metal Sonic, then it stands to reason that 3.0 could basically be an upgraded Metal Sonic as well.
[Expand Post]Archie exclusive variants >Shard Archie exclusive. The original Metal Sonic, who was originally called Mecha Sonic. He became a good guy and got defeated but was rebuilt in a new body that resembled 3.0 from the games and began calling himself Shard. >Metal Sonic 2.0 The original Metal Sonic's (called Mecha Sonic's) replacement. Pretty much the same thing but still evil. Also, not powered by a "Power Gem" like the original was. Defeated and rebuilt with a new decimal every time. Metal Sonic 2.1, 2.2, etc. are all pretty much the same thing. >Meta Sonic 3.0 Also pretty much the same thing, but said to be further upgraded. Kills Shard and then just goes on to be treated as the only Metal Sonic. >Captain Metal Metal Sonic 3.0 got sent to Blaze's dimension and rebuilt with scrap, becoming a pirate called Captain Metal. Meanwhile, the timeline was altered so there was always only one Metal Sonic, so Captain Metal shouldn't have even existed, but due to the Jeweled Scepter, Blaze's dimension was somewhat protected from change, so Captain Metal continued to exist.
>>1071150 I'm on Firefox and they play back just fine, so...
>>1071155 I'm on Pale Moon, they don't.
>>1071157 "Disabled AV1 codec use by default again since our implementation has significant streaming issues (particularly audio) that needs further work." Its supported, just disabled.
>>1071133 Hate to admit it, but I actually like Zavok more now because of IDW. In Lost World the Zeti felt like underwhelming one dimensional characters that were just bad because evil is fun and, for the most part, they still are, but fleshing out Zavok as a tacticious and strong leader type that understands and enjoys the art of war was something his character really needed. He's a natural born warlord and he's ready to fight and die as one.
>>1071188 sage for double posting, but I really enjoy these panels as well.
A post made by the Inital D arcade twitter, Confirming that team is involved with Crossworlds > Did you know there’s a new racing game that the Initial D arcade team was involved in developing? These fresh battles will not betray your expectations, so be sure to check the game out! The confirmed roster for the Crossworlds we have right now is >Sonic - Knuckles - Tails - Amy - Eggman >Jet - Wave - Storm >Shadow - Rouge - E-123 Omega >Vector - Charmy - Espio >Blaze - Silver - Cream - Big >Zavok - Zazz >Metal Sonic - Egg Pawn - Sage I stated this once already, but to reiterate there is confirmed to be SEGA characters as well, so it might be similar to how Sonic Riders had Guest characters, but possibly less than a SEGA All-Stars title. There will be a Season pass and DLC characters the Deluxe edition comes with Sonic Prime characters, Those could just be skins or they could have Unique Voice acting as well.
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>>1071355 >all of the Babylon Rogues are playable >all of Team Chaotix too Nice. >Deluxe edition comes with Sonic Prime characters >No mention of Boom The glowies finally got my girl Sticks didn't they? She's buried in an unmarked grave next to Marine and Bunnie at this point.
>>1071355 >they abandoned the Sonic Team Racing bullshit >SEGA crossover characters confirmed >literally looks like Transformed 2 with more Sonic, less Danica Patrick Fucking finally the best kart racer ever made will get a sequel

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King Boom Boo is the equivalent of the Blue Shell in this game, and I noticed he's wearing Sunglasses so being out in the sunlight doesn't bother him, that's funny. There is also the Online game manual for the closed network test. https://manual.sega.jp/sonicracingcrossworlds/cnt/asia_en/index.html?pid=0 So we've got a list of Items, and Gadgets for customization.
>>1071610 >no all-star A bit of a shame. They sucked from a balance and fun point of view because there was roughly 3 types of those (small burst near character, worst, barely helps. Missiles, good, can help you overtake your rivals. Third type was auto-targetting missiles, best by far) and it really fucking sucked if your character had the burst ability for the all-star because your comeback ability was somewhat ruined, but I liked hearing a character's personal theme whenever it was used. Gadgets and all the other items should more than compensate for it, but I thought it was a cool concept, even if it somewhat sucked.
But seriously, why did they make his arms blue?
>>1071699 Maybe it was just to add consistency to the casts designs. When you look at which characters have an arm color that matches the rest of their body, it seems kind of random.
>>1071390 i hope trip doesn't end up on that grave
>>1071701 from that picture amy, posibly rouge & charmy & out of purely "arm color=area around mouth color" arguably vector do seem to follow sonic arm color-whise
>>1071720 >>1071390 The whole Crossworlds gimmick is being used to justify adding the Sonic Prime character, and the other Sega characters, so hopefully it can be used as a simple way to add Sticks, and Trip as a Classic character, which would include Classic Sonic obviously. Sticks made it into the Olympic's games so hopefully that means there is precedented, to justify her showing up here. Apprently we have the current Social media guy for Sonic to thank for Extreme gear and the Babylon Rogues making a return, so anything can happen really, if they've got a real Sonic fan who's able to Influence things to this degree.
>>1071701 Not to go on a Guptill89-esque rant, but character age to height ratios seems to be an inconsistency as well. Why is Rouge 3 feet tall but Vanilla is close to 6 despite both of them being adults.
>>1071763 species i'd guess
>>1071763 Vanilla has MILF powers that's why.
>>1071699 >>1071701 Honestly the flesh tone arms for Sonic and Amy almost feel like a holdover from the classic era more than anything.
>>1071763 must be a large species of rabbit
>>1071390 Sticks was mentioned in Sonic Frontiers, so actually they made her canon to the main continuity when she was never intended to be. Now watch as I'm disappointed by a Sonic Prime character appearing without deep lore implications. Nine was pretty cool, but they'd need to explain why the Shatterspaces even still exist. And I bet they won't use Nine anyway, they'll probably use one of the "tough girl" Amy variants. But all that said, I like that Team Sonic Racing had a plot, even if it was a light one, and if this game follows suit, and actually ties into Sonic Prime for real, that would be cool.
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>>1071765 >>1071909 I went down a rabbit hole, no pun intended, and apparently all of the 6'+ characters, except for Big, seem to be 20+. Vanilla's age isn't expressly stated anywhere, but if she had Cream when she was 18 then she'd be 24 at the youngest. Young adults like Rouge, Wave, and Storm are 18-19. I'm probably looking into this way more than I should, character height seems to be mostly based on species with acceptions for Big since being big is his whole thing and Vanilla since it would look weird if a mother and daughter were the same height. >>1072151 Sticks is in a weird canon/non-canon super state at the moment. Her only non-Boom related games were Sonic Runners and the 2016 Olympic games and she's only mentioned in the English version of Frontiers. She has a page on Sonic Channel, but she was also removed from from the IDW 2023 winter jam comic (which kept the Sonic X reference so Chris Throndyke is canon I guess). My head canon is that Boom happened but it's told from Sticks's point of view, she's prone to over exaggeration so she'd probably depict Knuckles as a tall, muscular meathead and Sonic as having blue arms. Time will tell if we ever see her again, but Ian Flynn seems set on not wanting Sega to sweep her under the rug.
>>1072192 Sonic really must be an odd franchise to work on. It's a Japanese franchise that's always been more popular in the west, but it's always been better written by Japanese writers, and they don't care about any of the stuff the Western writers came up with "and for the most part that's for a good reason" So now we're in this state where Western Fans who have managed to get Hired on the Franchise can attempt to influence it's direction to try and add more things the Fans think they want, but the actual Japanese creators can simply not give a shit about any of that at any time. Like I'd more than welcome a new Sonic game with a hub world and side missions again so all these side character can have a spot in it, but realistically none of that stuff is Necessary for a Sonic game to sell, since the fans will buy almost anything regardless of it being their ideal Sonic game or not.
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>>1072216 >Necessary for a Sonic game to sell, since the fans will buy almost anything regardless of it being their ideal Sonic game or not. Anon, if you're buying shit just because it has [Insert brand name] on it, you're not a fanatic, your a cult member. While I do care about the Sonic series and consider myself to be a fan of it (As I grew up playing Sonic), the "latest" Sonic game I actually own is both versions of Generations that released back in 2011. And the "more recent" Sonic game I "bought" was Sonic '06, which I received for free when I bought my PS3 two years ago.
>>1072231 I'm just looking that the history of Sonic games here in terms of sales, the Sonic games that flop tend to be the ones that are on less popular hardware like the Game Gear, and even then Sonic Boom was still probably one of the higher then average selling WiiU games considering only 20 games actually broke 1 million copies sold. From what I can tell, Sonic and the Black Knight, and Sonic Superstars are the main games that were on popular hardware, but they underperformed according to what Sega expected. Despite how much Criticism 06 gets, it still got Platinum hits status on Xbox 360. As for me personally, If I could go back in time and recommend skipping any Sonic games I really only feel that way toward Lost World, I got enough enjoyment out of most other Sonic games, but it's not like i'm Jonesing to play "Fall guys rip off but with Sonic" or waste time with mobile games.
>>1072216 >So now we're in this state where Western Fans who have managed to get Hired on the Franchise can attempt to influence it's direction to try and add more things Sega of Japan ultimately has final say on what does and doesn't make it into their franchise, but they seem to be ok with a little pandering just to keep their western fans happy. If they want a character completely erased and forgotten about they'd do it. Legacy characters Bark, Bean, Fang, Ray, and Mighty were dead and buried until Christian Whitehead and Ian Flynn came around and created a demand for them. I feel that as a company they'll do whatever makes their fans happy so long as it doesn't come at an extreme risk to their personal reputation and bottom line, if that means finding a way to squeeze characters like Sticks into their main cast as some bit player in a kart racer or having her name dropped in a western translation then I can see them doing it with little hesitation. We're talking about the company that completely forgot Blaze's backstory in '06 and just rolled with it, I don't think continuity is their top priority.
>>1071188 >underwhelming one dimensional characters that were just bad because evil is fun There are more people like that in real life than you think. But yes, these people are boring.
>>1072250 I wouldn't even really say they forgot Blaze's backstory (unless there is an interview or something that states such), it's just that Sonic 06\s development was such a rushed mess they never got the chance to work out the finer details of that storyline, like They knew they wanted to pair Blaze up with Silver, but never actually explained how Blaze is there. Similar to the whole thing with the Blue Chaos Emerald that Elise had for 10 years because Silver took one from the Present, and gave it to her in the past. The way the player goes through the story, they'd think it's the same Emerald going through a time loop over and over again, and it's never cleared up if it's actually supposed to be a paradox, or the logic can actually work if the Emerald Silver gets isn't actually from after Elise had it for 10 years, but before that. These might have been things they actually worked the kinks out of during development, if the game didn't need so undercooked.
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>>1072259 I remember there being an interview on the old Sonic Channel website where Shun Nakamura admitted something akin to forgetting about Blaze. I can find some of the older interviews but not the one I'm looking for. Plot seems to take a backseat to gameplay when it comes to Sonic games, some things just get straight up overlooked. My biggest peeve with this is that the only thing directly tying the story of SA2 to SA1 is also the game's only plot hole. When the bad guys collect 6 of the 7 emeralds they find out from a newspaper headline that Tails has the 7th one because the city of Station Square awarded it to him after stopping Eggman's missile attack. That couldn't be the case because not only did Froggy have the yellow chaos emerald the entire game only to immediately hand it over to Eggman, but Sonic uses all of the chaos emeralds to fight Perfect Chaos at the end. We don't see them scatter after Sonic beats Chaos, but it's safe to assume they did since they always fucking do.
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>>1072263 What if they gave it to tails after the defeat of perfect chaos?
>>1072264 The city was completely flooded and destroyed, I'm sure the few people that did survive would be more concerned about evacuating than holding an award ceremony.
>>1072265 Everyone evacuated due to Eggman's missile attack. If you go to Station Square in Super Sonic's story the Newsstand Lady and the guy who owns the building tell you that. And they say they're leaving soon, but its unclear if they do. Anyway, the city must have rebuilt. As Tails said, everything turned out okay. And then they gave him an Emerald. As evidence it rebuilt, it reappears in Sonic Chronicles.
>>1072263 Where's the explicit proof it's the same missile attack as from SA1? For all we know Eggman could be threatening Station Square with missile attacks on a weekly basis. :^) It's crazy that that's the only plot hole and also the only thing tying to SA1. On the one hand, with how epic and grandiose the story was trying to be, you'd figure there'd be more outright flaws with the story. On the other, surely there's something else that ties the two stories, even something like the emerald chamber in the ARK or the artificial Chaos or something?
>>1072216 I'd like to see some more Sonic side games. Maybe another JRPG or something.
>>1072274 Never again after Sonic Chronicles went pear shaped. Just like adventure-style games were permakilled by Sonic 06.
>>1072268 There are lots of elements from SA1 referenced in 2, but not direct plot points. Like yeah the emerald shrine and chaos are referenced but nothing that specifically says due to the events in the first game events in the second are now happening. It's all backstory stuff. In the Archie comics GUN is created due to the events of the Adventure adaptation, but that's super different to how the game story goes.
>>1072267 >Everyone evacuated due to Eggman's missile attack. Some people might have, but the city seems pretty well populated when chaos becomes perfect and starts flooding the city. There are also people cheering for Sonic from somewhere off screen before he becomes Super Sonic. >the city must have rebuilt If this was the case, it should have been specified somewhere in the newspaper. Maybe they can award Tails the emerald for helping them rebuild or something. Tails is a genius, he can create machines to help rebuild a city. >it reappears in Sonic Chronicles Speaking of things that are in a weird canon/non-canon limbo. I'm not sure how much Sega even wants to touch that game due to all the bullshit Penders pulled. >>1072268 >surely there's something else that ties the two stories, even something like the emerald chamber in the ARK or the artificial Chaos or something? We're talking about plot, not characters or items. The chaos alter and artificial chaos aren't plot beats in SA2, they're just things that also kind of existed in SA1. The E100 badniks are also in SA2, but they don't have any relevance to the plot. That's like saying SA2 and Knuckles' Chaotix share a plot because both games have Knuckles in them. The newspaper directly ties into the events of SA1 and contradicts them, the events of SA1 lead to that article being written and having relevance to the plot of SA2.
>>1072737 >Some people might have, but the city seems pretty well populated when chaos becomes perfect and starts flooding the city. Good point. This is a contradiction in the game. As I mention, two characters that are left in Station Square explicitly say that everyone else left. But yeah, the cutscene contradicts that. >If this was the case, it should have been specified somewhere in the newspaper. Not necessarily. Not every article about New York needs to mention The Freedom Tower or whatever they call it. Also, it's always bugged me that Station Square is sometimes treated like the name of the city. In Sonic Adventure, it always seemed obvious to me that Station Square was just this one little neighborhood in the city. It's just the square near the station. >Speaking of things that are in a weird canon/non-canon limbo. I'm not sure how much Sega even wants to touch that game due to all the bullshit Penders pulled. Sega doesn't want to do much with it, but they had Flynn mention Shade the Echidna in the Encyclo-Speed-Ia, seemingly just to spite Penders and assert their own ownership over something he claims to own. >tl;dr: The newspaper in SA2 doesn't contradict SA1, but actually Super Sonic's story in SA1 somewhat contradicts the cutscene that shows Chaos attacking the city immediately after. Also, the Emerald Shrine and Artificial Chaos do kind of have relevance to the plot, in that they inform the backstory, but it's subtle. They do show Gerald's knowledge of echidna lore, which is important even though the story doesn't focus on it. But yeah, your point that it's not quite the same as how Tails got the Emerald is correct and reasonable.
You can finally play Sonic Unleashed on PC natively due to recompilation. https://github.com/hedge-dev/UnleashedRecomp/
>>1075642 Is there a Linux port?
>>1075642 I just saw this, hopefully I can build it myself, I tried building the Sonic Advance 2 port but that went nowhere, these recomps are usually extremely nit-picky when it comes to OS requirements, even Steam OS wasn't good enough for it. >>1075644 Yeah there's a windows and flatpak version, and Steam Deck compatibility seems great.

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