>Some people might have, but the city seems pretty well populated when chaos becomes perfect and starts flooding the city.
Good point. This is a contradiction in the game. As I mention, two characters that are left in Station Square explicitly say that everyone else left. But yeah, the cutscene contradicts that.
>If this was the case, it should have been specified somewhere in the newspaper.
Not necessarily. Not every article about New York needs to mention The Freedom Tower or whatever they call it.
Also, it's always bugged me that Station Square is sometimes treated like the name of the city. In Sonic Adventure, it always seemed obvious to me that Station Square was just this one little neighborhood in the city. It's just the square near the station.
>Speaking of things that are in a weird canon/non-canon limbo. I'm not sure how much Sega even wants to touch that game due to all the bullshit Penders pulled.
Sega doesn't want to do much with it, but they had Flynn mention Shade the Echidna in the Encyclo-Speed-Ia, seemingly just to spite Penders and assert their own ownership over something he claims to own.
>tl;dr: The newspaper in SA2 doesn't contradict SA1, but actually Super Sonic's story in SA1 somewhat contradicts the cutscene that shows Chaos attacking the city immediately after.
Also, the Emerald Shrine and Artificial Chaos do kind of have relevance to the plot, in that they inform the backstory, but it's subtle. They do show Gerald's knowledge of echidna lore, which is important even though the story doesn't focus on it. But yeah, your point that it's not quite the same as how Tails got the Emerald is correct and reasonable.