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Sonic the Hedgehog Anonymous 10/15/2024 (Tue) 09:45:27 Id: 824c4a No. 1027938
With Sonic X Shadow Generations coming out in less than a week, now is a good time for a new Sonic thread. Personally I'm quite excited for the game, and am surprised it hasn't already leaked since it usually leaks around this time. Although I'm kinda disappointed we haven't seen a proper Adventure remake yet, hopefully this game will be good and will lead to good things as time goes on. Oh, and hopefully we'll get a Shadow remake that's actually good this time. I doubt SEGA has the balls to make that kinda game in the modern age though. Are you looking forward to Shadow Generations? Do you think we'll get more Sonic stages as DLC? Or will the game just be average and a waste of money and the cycle will repeat itself all over again, even though Frontiers as a modded game is solid. Still, this is the thread to discuss anything and everything Sonic the Hedgehog! please don't porn dump, I'm looking at you Bui
Edited last time by Mark on 10/15/2024 (Tue) 15:04:18.
A post made by the Inital D arcade twitter, Confirming that team is involved with Crossworlds > Did you know there’s a new racing game that the Initial D arcade team was involved in developing? These fresh battles will not betray your expectations, so be sure to check the game out! The confirmed roster for the Crossworlds we have right now is >Sonic - Knuckles - Tails - Amy - Eggman >Jet - Wave - Storm >Shadow - Rouge - E-123 Omega >Vector - Charmy - Espio >Blaze - Silver - Cream - Big >Zavok - Zazz >Metal Sonic - Egg Pawn - Sage I stated this once already, but to reiterate there is confirmed to be SEGA characters as well, so it might be similar to how Sonic Riders had Guest characters, but possibly less than a SEGA All-Stars title. There will be a Season pass and DLC characters the Deluxe edition comes with Sonic Prime characters, Those could just be skins or they could have Unique Voice acting as well.
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>>1071355 >all of the Babylon Rogues are playable >all of Team Chaotix too Nice. >Deluxe edition comes with Sonic Prime characters >No mention of Boom The glowies finally got my girl Sticks didn't they? She's buried in an unmarked grave next to Marine and Bunnie at this point.
>>1071355 >they abandoned the Sonic Team Racing bullshit >SEGA crossover characters confirmed >literally looks like Transformed 2 with more Sonic, less Danica Patrick Fucking finally the best kart racer ever made will get a sequel

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King Boom Boo is the equivalent of the Blue Shell in this game, and I noticed he's wearing Sunglasses so being out in the sunlight doesn't bother him, that's funny. There is also the Online game manual for the closed network test. https://manual.sega.jp/sonicracingcrossworlds/cnt/asia_en/index.html?pid=0 So we've got a list of Items, and Gadgets for customization.
>>1071610 >no all-star A bit of a shame. They sucked from a balance and fun point of view because there was roughly 3 types of those (small burst near character, worst, barely helps. Missiles, good, can help you overtake your rivals. Third type was auto-targetting missiles, best by far) and it really fucking sucked if your character had the burst ability for the all-star because your comeback ability was somewhat ruined, but I liked hearing a character's personal theme whenever it was used. Gadgets and all the other items should more than compensate for it, but I thought it was a cool concept, even if it somewhat sucked.
But seriously, why did they make his arms blue?
>>1071699 Maybe it was just to add consistency to the casts designs. When you look at which characters have an arm color that matches the rest of their body, it seems kind of random.
>>1071390 i hope trip doesn't end up on that grave
>>1071701 from that picture amy, posibly rouge & charmy & out of purely "arm color=area around mouth color" arguably vector do seem to follow sonic arm color-whise
>>1071720 >>1071390 The whole Crossworlds gimmick is being used to justify adding the Sonic Prime character, and the other Sega characters, so hopefully it can be used as a simple way to add Sticks, and Trip as a Classic character, which would include Classic Sonic obviously. Sticks made it into the Olympic's games so hopefully that means there is precedented, to justify her showing up here. Apprently we have the current Social media guy for Sonic to thank for Extreme gear and the Babylon Rogues making a return, so anything can happen really, if they've got a real Sonic fan who's able to Influence things to this degree.
>>1071701 Not to go on a Guptill89-esque rant, but character age to height ratios seems to be an inconsistency as well. Why is Rouge 3 feet tall but Vanilla is close to 6 despite both of them being adults.
>>1071763 species i'd guess
>>1071763 Vanilla has MILF powers that's why.
>>1071699 >>1071701 Honestly the flesh tone arms for Sonic and Amy almost feel like a holdover from the classic era more than anything.
>>1071763 must be a large species of rabbit
>>1071390 Sticks was mentioned in Sonic Frontiers, so actually they made her canon to the main continuity when she was never intended to be. Now watch as I'm disappointed by a Sonic Prime character appearing without deep lore implications. Nine was pretty cool, but they'd need to explain why the Shatterspaces even still exist. And I bet they won't use Nine anyway, they'll probably use one of the "tough girl" Amy variants. But all that said, I like that Team Sonic Racing had a plot, even if it was a light one, and if this game follows suit, and actually ties into Sonic Prime for real, that would be cool.
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>>1071765 >>1071909 I went down a rabbit hole, no pun intended, and apparently all of the 6'+ characters, except for Big, seem to be 20+. Vanilla's age isn't expressly stated anywhere, but if she had Cream when she was 18 then she'd be 24 at the youngest. Young adults like Rouge, Wave, and Storm are 18-19. I'm probably looking into this way more than I should, character height seems to be mostly based on species with acceptions for Big since being big is his whole thing and Vanilla since it would look weird if a mother and daughter were the same height. >>1072151 Sticks is in a weird canon/non-canon super state at the moment. Her only non-Boom related games were Sonic Runners and the 2016 Olympic games and she's only mentioned in the English version of Frontiers. She has a page on Sonic Channel, but she was also removed from from the IDW 2023 winter jam comic (which kept the Sonic X reference so Chris Throndyke is canon I guess). My head canon is that Boom happened but it's told from Sticks's point of view, she's prone to over exaggeration so she'd probably depict Knuckles as a tall, muscular meathead and Sonic as having blue arms. Time will tell if we ever see her again, but Ian Flynn seems set on not wanting Sega to sweep her under the rug.
>>1072192 Sonic really must be an odd franchise to work on. It's a Japanese franchise that's always been more popular in the west, but it's always been better written by Japanese writers, and they don't care about any of the stuff the Western writers came up with "and for the most part that's for a good reason" So now we're in this state where Western Fans who have managed to get Hired on the Franchise can attempt to influence it's direction to try and add more things the Fans think they want, but the actual Japanese creators can simply not give a shit about any of that at any time. Like I'd more than welcome a new Sonic game with a hub world and side missions again so all these side character can have a spot in it, but realistically none of that stuff is Necessary for a Sonic game to sell, since the fans will buy almost anything regardless of it being their ideal Sonic game or not.
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>>1072216 >Necessary for a Sonic game to sell, since the fans will buy almost anything regardless of it being their ideal Sonic game or not. Anon, if you're buying shit just because it has [Insert brand name] on it, you're not a fanatic, your a cult member. While I do care about the Sonic series and consider myself to be a fan of it (As I grew up playing Sonic), the "latest" Sonic game I actually own is both versions of Generations that released back in 2011. And the "more recent" Sonic game I "bought" was Sonic '06, which I received for free when I bought my PS3 two years ago.
>>1072231 I'm just looking that the history of Sonic games here in terms of sales, the Sonic games that flop tend to be the ones that are on less popular hardware like the Game Gear, and even then Sonic Boom was still probably one of the higher then average selling WiiU games considering only 20 games actually broke 1 million copies sold. From what I can tell, Sonic and the Black Knight, and Sonic Superstars are the main games that were on popular hardware, but they underperformed according to what Sega expected. Despite how much Criticism 06 gets, it still got Platinum hits status on Xbox 360. As for me personally, If I could go back in time and recommend skipping any Sonic games I really only feel that way toward Lost World, I got enough enjoyment out of most other Sonic games, but it's not like i'm Jonesing to play "Fall guys rip off but with Sonic" or waste time with mobile games.
>>1072216 >So now we're in this state where Western Fans who have managed to get Hired on the Franchise can attempt to influence it's direction to try and add more things Sega of Japan ultimately has final say on what does and doesn't make it into their franchise, but they seem to be ok with a little pandering just to keep their western fans happy. If they want a character completely erased and forgotten about they'd do it. Legacy characters Bark, Bean, Fang, Ray, and Mighty were dead and buried until Christian Whitehead and Ian Flynn came around and created a demand for them. I feel that as a company they'll do whatever makes their fans happy so long as it doesn't come at an extreme risk to their personal reputation and bottom line, if that means finding a way to squeeze characters like Sticks into their main cast as some bit player in a kart racer or having her name dropped in a western translation then I can see them doing it with little hesitation. We're talking about the company that completely forgot Blaze's backstory in '06 and just rolled with it, I don't think continuity is their top priority.
>>1071188 >underwhelming one dimensional characters that were just bad because evil is fun There are more people like that in real life than you think. But yes, these people are boring.
>>1072250 I wouldn't even really say they forgot Blaze's backstory (unless there is an interview or something that states such), it's just that Sonic 06\s development was such a rushed mess they never got the chance to work out the finer details of that storyline, like They knew they wanted to pair Blaze up with Silver, but never actually explained how Blaze is there. Similar to the whole thing with the Blue Chaos Emerald that Elise had for 10 years because Silver took one from the Present, and gave it to her in the past. The way the player goes through the story, they'd think it's the same Emerald going through a time loop over and over again, and it's never cleared up if it's actually supposed to be a paradox, or the logic can actually work if the Emerald Silver gets isn't actually from after Elise had it for 10 years, but before that. These might have been things they actually worked the kinks out of during development, if the game didn't need so undercooked.
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>>1072259 I remember there being an interview on the old Sonic Channel website where Shun Nakamura admitted something akin to forgetting about Blaze. I can find some of the older interviews but not the one I'm looking for. Plot seems to take a backseat to gameplay when it comes to Sonic games, some things just get straight up overlooked. My biggest peeve with this is that the only thing directly tying the story of SA2 to SA1 is also the game's only plot hole. When the bad guys collect 6 of the 7 emeralds they find out from a newspaper headline that Tails has the 7th one because the city of Station Square awarded it to him after stopping Eggman's missile attack. That couldn't be the case because not only did Froggy have the yellow chaos emerald the entire game only to immediately hand it over to Eggman, but Sonic uses all of the chaos emeralds to fight Perfect Chaos at the end. We don't see them scatter after Sonic beats Chaos, but it's safe to assume they did since they always fucking do.
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>>1072263 What if they gave it to tails after the defeat of perfect chaos?
>>1072264 The city was completely flooded and destroyed, I'm sure the few people that did survive would be more concerned about evacuating than holding an award ceremony.
>>1072265 Everyone evacuated due to Eggman's missile attack. If you go to Station Square in Super Sonic's story the Newsstand Lady and the guy who owns the building tell you that. And they say they're leaving soon, but its unclear if they do. Anyway, the city must have rebuilt. As Tails said, everything turned out okay. And then they gave him an Emerald. As evidence it rebuilt, it reappears in Sonic Chronicles.
>>1072263 Where's the explicit proof it's the same missile attack as from SA1? For all we know Eggman could be threatening Station Square with missile attacks on a weekly basis. :^) It's crazy that that's the only plot hole and also the only thing tying to SA1. On the one hand, with how epic and grandiose the story was trying to be, you'd figure there'd be more outright flaws with the story. On the other, surely there's something else that ties the two stories, even something like the emerald chamber in the ARK or the artificial Chaos or something?
>>1072216 I'd like to see some more Sonic side games. Maybe another JRPG or something.
>>1072274 Never again after Sonic Chronicles went pear shaped. Just like adventure-style games were permakilled by Sonic 06.
>>1072268 There are lots of elements from SA1 referenced in 2, but not direct plot points. Like yeah the emerald shrine and chaos are referenced but nothing that specifically says due to the events in the first game events in the second are now happening. It's all backstory stuff. In the Archie comics GUN is created due to the events of the Adventure adaptation, but that's super different to how the game story goes.
>>1072267 >Everyone evacuated due to Eggman's missile attack. Some people might have, but the city seems pretty well populated when chaos becomes perfect and starts flooding the city. There are also people cheering for Sonic from somewhere off screen before he becomes Super Sonic. >the city must have rebuilt If this was the case, it should have been specified somewhere in the newspaper. Maybe they can award Tails the emerald for helping them rebuild or something. Tails is a genius, he can create machines to help rebuild a city. >it reappears in Sonic Chronicles Speaking of things that are in a weird canon/non-canon limbo. I'm not sure how much Sega even wants to touch that game due to all the bullshit Penders pulled. >>1072268 >surely there's something else that ties the two stories, even something like the emerald chamber in the ARK or the artificial Chaos or something? We're talking about plot, not characters or items. The chaos alter and artificial chaos aren't plot beats in SA2, they're just things that also kind of existed in SA1. The E100 badniks are also in SA2, but they don't have any relevance to the plot. That's like saying SA2 and Knuckles' Chaotix share a plot because both games have Knuckles in them. The newspaper directly ties into the events of SA1 and contradicts them, the events of SA1 lead to that article being written and having relevance to the plot of SA2.
>>1072737 >Some people might have, but the city seems pretty well populated when chaos becomes perfect and starts flooding the city. Good point. This is a contradiction in the game. As I mention, two characters that are left in Station Square explicitly say that everyone else left. But yeah, the cutscene contradicts that. >If this was the case, it should have been specified somewhere in the newspaper. Not necessarily. Not every article about New York needs to mention The Freedom Tower or whatever they call it. Also, it's always bugged me that Station Square is sometimes treated like the name of the city. In Sonic Adventure, it always seemed obvious to me that Station Square was just this one little neighborhood in the city. It's just the square near the station. >Speaking of things that are in a weird canon/non-canon limbo. I'm not sure how much Sega even wants to touch that game due to all the bullshit Penders pulled. Sega doesn't want to do much with it, but they had Flynn mention Shade the Echidna in the Encyclo-Speed-Ia, seemingly just to spite Penders and assert their own ownership over something he claims to own. >tl;dr: The newspaper in SA2 doesn't contradict SA1, but actually Super Sonic's story in SA1 somewhat contradicts the cutscene that shows Chaos attacking the city immediately after. Also, the Emerald Shrine and Artificial Chaos do kind of have relevance to the plot, in that they inform the backstory, but it's subtle. They do show Gerald's knowledge of echidna lore, which is important even though the story doesn't focus on it. But yeah, your point that it's not quite the same as how Tails got the Emerald is correct and reasonable.
You can finally play Sonic Unleashed on PC natively due to recompilation. https://github.com/hedge-dev/UnleashedRecomp/
>>1075642 Is there a Linux port?
>>1075642 I just saw this, hopefully I can build it myself, I tried building the Sonic Advance 2 port but that went nowhere, these recomps are usually extremely nit-picky when it comes to OS requirements, even Steam OS wasn't good enough for it. >>1075644 Yeah there's a windows and flatpak version, and Steam Deck compatibility seems great.

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