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Sagejail #1 Baby 01/09/2025 (Thu) 19:33:29 No. 44888
Figured he needs a special place to throw his toys out the pram. Your very own crib, my friend. All for you! However, the passwords to this >>44788 post will also be posted in here. So you'd better bumplock it fast - go on, get to work!
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Get to work sagefag. >>44887 ain't my thread, this one is. This is where I will post the passwords to >>44788.
Sorry for doubting you link bro, not like it would have been a huge deal to migrate this thread after he did something stupid
No worries. Here's the passwords for Archives 1 through 7, in that specific order: U2FnZXRoZXJhZ2Ux U2FnZXRoZXJhZ2U4 U2FnZXRoZXJhZ2Uy U2FnZXRoZXJhZ2Uz U2FnZXRoZXJhZ2U0 U2FnZXRoZXJhZ2U1 U2FnZXRoZXJhZ2U2 Seems like sage is b& for now, I'll drop some more files later this week. Also, consider the passwords proof that ABDL Video #6 >>45441 was not made by onideus/sage but by me (dropbox guy).
>>45442 files are already deleted from dropbox...
>>45445 I am aware, that was the point. Just read >>44601, it's not ideal but it is what it is for now.
>>45442 Nah, I mentioned I was going to dial it back a bit. I got things to do. But, as also mentioned I will continue to report everything you post. I don't care how long it takes. I will outlast you. You will eventually realize this is fruitless and go away. Prepared to do this for years. Good luck. >>45445 Yeah. They were deleted an hour after being uploaded via a DMCA claim. His claim that the files would stay up for 3 days and yet they were up for barely an hour are proof of that. For those unaware of what's been taking place here's a summary: I have been purposefully reporting anything uploaded that uses the old method of encrypting links via b@$3 64 or other various cyphers. Why? Because the community as a whole would simply be better off, and have true sustainability if they simply migrated to torrents. I realize this is a bit scary for some of you, but that's fine. If you're afraid of people finding out who you are and what porn you fap to, quite frankly you should not be in this community. You should set up a better opsec and come back when you're more prepared for this kind of thing. Here's "dropbox guy"'s plan: He plans to scare me by threats of doxxing, hacking, and various other methods to get me to stop reporting his and others files. Over the last few weeks I've tested the waters to see just how much this individual(s) can do to me and what information can be leaked out via simple reports or images. Testing my own opsec in a sense. The result of this test is that... quite frankly you can't do a single thing to stop me. Dropbox guys plan is to continue to upload content to dropbox and samefag pretending that the content is still up and active and that there's actually something to be downloaded, but the reality is that every single thing he uploads will be deleted within an hour of being reported. He hopes to trick me, and make me think he is deleting the files himself. But in actuality they are being deleted via DMCA claims and there isn't a thing he can do about it. Want content back? Want to stop this? Solution: Start uploading torrents. We're done using b@$3 and other methods to share content. We're doing torrents from now on. Don't like it? Go elsewhere. That's just the way things will be done here from now on. You can try to wiggle your way out of this all you want. I will ALWAYS be here to report your garbage even if I can't always reply immediately. You might hate me, think I'm a loser whatever, don't care. I'm doing this to better the community and make actual meaningful change. I'm also personally tired of seeing content get deleted days after it was uploaded. Not everyone has time enough to sit at their PC 24/7 and download whats uploaded in the moment. Your way is an outdated cave man way. This is the real way, and the only way from here forward.
>>45448 Onideus returns
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>>45445 As a note he uploaded 7 files, 5 of which were real. None of them were new content. None of them were even good videos. He can only upload 2GB a day for each account he makes. So much for his master plan. Every move he's made has been predictable, and countered. My only hope is he realizes he's outclassed soon for your sake and the sake of this community.
>>45449 Every type you type "Onideus" it's an admission to me that you have nothing on me and never will. You're guessing, and you're fumbling, and you're mad. Starting to get the picture here that you're dealing with someone who you can't win against no matter what you try? For your sake, I hope it's starting to sink in. I said I'd be here forever. I meant it. The sooner you realize this the better.
>>45449 And yes, I'm aware that you're purposefully saying "Onideus" in an attempt to bait me into proving I'm not him so as to bait me into revealing information about myself. Unfortunately for you, I'm not that dumb. It benefits me greatly that you continue to type Onideus's name and claim I'm him. The more you do it, the better it is for me in the long run. Please continue! I'm imaginging you sitting in your room right now foaming at the mouth. "He said he was done! He said he was going back to work Saturday! I thought I nice guyed him into a calm and forgiving mood! I thought we got him to go away!" Child, I'm just getting started. It isn't going to be that easy to get rid of me. I bet every time a file is deleted a key gets broken off your keyboard. I love it.
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>>45448 >>45451 >>45452 >>45456 Its like going to the zoo and watching a monkey screech and throw its shit all over the place
As someone who was not in whatever IRL thread that this whole thing started with, I still do not understand how all of the thread bumping the other day was supposed to fit into the plan.
>>45463 i thought the epicenter of this faggotry was in the video thread.........So it was the meetup thread
>>45463 finally learning the lore of this shit
It is obvious that we will not give in to your whims. Your arguments do not hold water. In short, we do not negotiate with terrorists.
>>45451 Looks like new content to me? Wanna bet you fapped to it?
>>45456 >I'm just getting started. >Just you wait! >Seriously, this time I mean it! >Just you wait until I get started! Still waiting for you to, "Kill the board" like you claim to have killed the last one.
>>45448 Then post a magnet to get people started
>>45476 He won’t. He’s the exact thing he claims to hate. “Everyone’s hoarding and not posting torrents” yet to this day he hasn’t posted any torrents
WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRseFpGYzFjbHB0YkhOYVV6VTBaVmh2ZG1OcE9VWmFhMnhFWTJ3NE5VMTVNVmc9 Good luck with these, sage. Passwords in 48h this time.
>>45448 You're literally too autistic to be left alive. I've been watching Retarded Internet drama for my entire life, but this has to actually be peak. You should kill yourself, you have like a moral obligation to the species to end your bloodline just so there's no possibility of you ever being able to procreate even accidentally. Just hanging yourself wouldn't be good enough because somebody could possibly harvest your sperm in the hour or two they might remain viable after you died. Please go find the nearest volcano or active incinerator and walk directly into it. There's absolutely no irony here, you actually need to erase yourself from the face of the earth.
Also I've always wondered where the exact line is for when it becomes moral to abort a fetus because it has the tism. It's not so cut and dry like it is with downs or something, being high-functioning ain't so bad, but obviously the non-verbal developmentally disabled, permanently institutionalized ones get absolutely no life at all so it's a mercy. So thank you for telling me exactly where that line in sand is, maybe we can name in utero the test for autism after you, after you fucking kill yourself.
>>45488 >WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRseFpGYzFjbHB0YkhOYVV6VTBaVmh2ZG1OcE9VWmFhMnhFWTJ3NE5VMTVNVmc9 so no password befcore or ?
>>45448 Nigga, you threw a tantrum so large that you managed to get the BO involved. You chimped out so hard that the guy you said went MIA on purpose finally took action. You can ban evade all you want, but you LOST, it's over. You showed this entire board how pathetic you are. On a board of autistic faggots, you're the gayest retard of them all. >Not everyone has time enough to sit at their PC 24/7 and download whats uploaded in the moment But it seems like you have the time to sit here and report them. Of all the reasons to use torrents, personal security is the last one to be concerned about. Torrents are slow, they're behind invite gates, and you have to leave your PC on to seed links. Meanwhile mega and dropbox were just a little deciphering and a couple clicks. Your way is an outdated cave man way. Take the hint and stay gone, sagefag.
>>45448 Why? Because you are a bastard incel.
All beings are equal and ultimate. I would not want the perpetrator to suffer harm.
>>45448 who the fuck is "we" literally nobody agrees with you
>>45464 Which is stupid because there are some diaper fags like me using that thread to look for other perves to grind pamps with and all this name calling that I refuse to attempt to understand the origin of is distracting us all from said pamp grinding.
>>45730 Yeah!
>>45731 >Sounds like you are volunteering to get humped by a diaper boy who's slightly less baby than you
>>45526 >all the torrent cons NTA but the original abdl 1TB torrent from like 2 years ago is still up and running. In fact I have seeded over 3 TB for it myself.
Psst, >>44408 has been up again for about a week. What happened there, sage?
>>45808 I think I am Very Stupid(tm) because capitalizing the gendered words in that password is not working for me.
>>45536 Apparently they do. They've started uploading torrents on their own accord on happyfappy. More power to them. That was the goal from the start. How did it feel to lose this little war by the way? All I was trying to do was push the community towards more stability. You kicked and screamed your way into wasting 3 months of everyone's time just because you took issue with my approach. Kindly off yourself you fucking bitch. I told you this would happen. Go punch a hole in a wall. I bet you're mad as fuck LMAO
I'd like to gauge your attention for a moment to ask, what have member(s) of this fetish done to radicalize yourself against this board producing content? Also, what currently irks you today, sage? (besides seeing this thread back up)
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>>46748 You're not wrong about torrents being more stable. You are, however, still a massive faggot and you only made an ass out of yourself through your antics.
>>45468 >this mf over here learning the lore Im still confused about what this retarded screeching is even about. On second thought unless someone wants to spoon feed it to me I don't think I'll bother to care
>>47216 Ok but like, I don't care. I stalled you fuckers for 3+ months and still continue to do so. You can type what you want. You can't escape that fact. I got my fun out of this board. Anything after at this point is just a cherry on top. Literally jerked on your tears for months. You're mad about it, and every reply is an attempt to try to justify why your claim of not being upset about it is valid. It's not. You're mad as fuck. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. And I fucking LOVE it.
>>47219 autism incarnate
You're a autistic piece of shit. Good morning.
>>47253 >>47254 I live rent free in your head forever. You will never forget the period of time I made you enraged on an internet message board. That's just how uneventful your pathetic life is.
>>47256 >>47254 >>47219 >>47215 >>46748 Come on, monkey, dance for us.
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>>47262 As I said, rent free.
>>47273 You actually going to respond to other Anon ( >>47261 ) taunting your take down threats, Sage Anon? Go ahead, prove us wrong that you aren't just a Mega copyright troll who has little ability to do anything of actual consequence. I know you can't really do anything to porn forums and archives that don't give a shit about US copyright. So fuck off.
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Pretty sure I know who sage is. Lost contact with him a while back, when he uncovered my fetishistic pursuits (not really him, but a "friend" of his). Needless to say, he deserves a little visit. I invite you to stay tuned, and I'll dox him if he doesn't get the message.
>>47219 These kinds of replies are why we keep poking you, sagefag. Your lack of self-awareness is what makes you such a lolcow. >I made all of you so mad, I'm the winner here LOL! COOKED! This was a nice place to share porn, but there's always others. Yet here you are, acting like a big-brain genius for using torrents and reporting mega links.
>>47276 >bait I'm clearly Onideus, didn't you say so months ago? ;) >>47278 My replying to you, and you replying to me is exactly what I want. I'm good with whatever words you wanna type because the end result is a continued content drought. This isn't about you, sorry to say. It's about the 8kun BO. Haven't I made that clear multiple times? >big brain genius I don't need to be intelligent to disrupt this board. You people do that yourselves by replying to obvious bait.
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>>47279 ( >>47261 ) Still there, Sage Anon. Come on, prove us wrong. Show us you have some actual teeth and aren't just a yapping toothless dog shitting and pissing on the rug.
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>>47281 >bait LMAO
>>47281 For the record, I am reporting your message because it most likely is an executable. Not that I think admin will do anything. More so just curious lol. Your anger is obvious. You've been trying to get me for months. How many holes are in your wall by now, I wonder? I wonder how many times you had to call Onideus before you realized I'm not him. Imaging you seething keeps my cock hard and keeps me motivated.
>>47283 Kill yourself
>>47285 Nahhhh
>>47276 interesting
>>47308 I concur. I should have given him enough information to know for sure that he does not know me. Thus I can only conclude he is baiting me into revealing information about myself in hopes that I will be upset enough about him pretending he knows me when he and I both know he doesn't. Too bad I'm smarter than him.
>>47279 >This isn't about you, sorry to say. It's about the 8kun BO Yeah, you're jealous you didn't get to be the BO, so you chimp out and shit up the board. Yet you try to get people to switch to a more secure (though less convenient) means of file sharing. You wanna be the king of the gooners so bad.
>>47317 That's not actually it at all. 8kun BO went slowly crazy due to a schizo attack he had a few years ago and went paranoid. So much so that he forced this weirdo encryption method down everyone's throats because he thought every creator and their mom was out to get him and he was going to have to lawyer up. Obviously that is not the case. Because of his antics the b@$3 encryption method became norm here, and I am attempting to reverse that since the weirdo is no longer here and most likely in jail for assaulting his family (again). Most of you don't know anything about what happened on 8kun and that's not your fault. But if I were you, since you don't know and all, I'd refrain from commenting in any way that isn't ironic or funny.
>>47321 Kill yourself
>>47337 Nahhhh
>>47321 Alright so you went and forced torrents down everyone's throat, chimped out enough to get an 8chan admin involved, and pissed off everyone in the video thread by reporting the mega links. Simply providing torrents full of content and the resources to torrent would've been sufficient, but instead you dragged it out for months with your antics. You're still an asshole and a retard. inb4 you call your antics "necessary"
>>47430 >necessary It was. The end result is that content is being uploaded via torrents and staying up, active, and healthy. You can hate me all you want. That's cool. Don't care. Like legit bro you're some rando faggot on the internet I don't give a flying fuck so why reply at all? My goal was achieved. I'm chilling. You're mad at me still over... what? Everyone got what they wanted in the end. Be happy about it.
>>47442 Kill yourself
>>47465 Oh no, no thank you. :)
>>47442 Mass reporting content outside of your personal comfort for a download method that doesn't allow the user to pry into what exactly is being downloaded is not grounds for being thanked. >it's grounds for being hung
>>47481 >wishing death upon someone just because you are mad at my approach Community is better for my presence. Whether you agree or not, this is undeniable. Content will stay up now and in the end you will forget all about me, and likewise on my end. I don't want want your thanks. But ultimately every time I see content being shared active and healthy rather than being taken down by trolls/bots I will know that deep down, you are thankful. In spite of your ridiculous need to express your distaste for my approach here. I won. Get over it. It's going to be okay. Share your porn, jerk off, and relax.
>>47496 kill yourself
>>47515 Nahhhh u mad brosef hehe so med
>>47520 >he doesn't know that I know he is the kill yourself guy and I am only replying at this point to keep him replying in an endless cycle of rage https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem >kill yourself No! You kill yourself you bad evil man! Grr!
>>47523 Kill yourself
Wikipedia is not a reliable source of information. That is unrelated to whatever matter is at hand here, it just honestly annoys me when I see it linked
>>47597 Kill yourself
>>47625 >>47600 mb on late reply been busy >>47523
>>47643 Kill yourself
It is immoral to wish death upon someone. In doing so, one violates the Good, and strikes that sacredness of the soul.

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