Nah, I mentioned I was going to dial it back a bit. I got things to do. But, as also mentioned I will continue to report everything you post. I don't care how long it takes. I will outlast you. You will eventually realize this is fruitless and go away. Prepared to do this for years. Good luck.
Yeah. They were deleted an hour after being uploaded via a DMCA claim. His claim that the files would stay up for 3 days and yet they were up for barely an hour are proof of that. For those unaware of what's been taking place here's a summary:
I have been purposefully reporting anything uploaded that uses the old method of encrypting links via b@$3 64 or other various cyphers. Why? Because the community as a whole would simply be better off, and have true sustainability if they simply migrated to torrents. I realize this is a bit scary for some of you, but that's fine. If you're afraid of people finding out who you are and what porn you fap to, quite frankly you should not be in this community. You should set up a better opsec and come back when you're more prepared for this kind of thing.
Here's "dropbox guy"'s plan: He plans to scare me by threats of doxxing, hacking, and various other methods to get me to stop reporting his and others files. Over the last few weeks I've tested the waters to see just how much this individual(s) can do to me and what information can be leaked out via simple reports or images. Testing my own opsec in a sense. The result of this test is that... quite frankly you can't do a single thing to stop me. Dropbox guys plan is to continue to upload content to dropbox and samefag pretending that the content is still up and active and that there's actually something to be downloaded, but the reality is that every single thing he uploads will be deleted within an hour of being reported. He hopes to trick me, and make me think he is deleting the files himself. But in actuality they are being deleted via DMCA claims and there isn't a thing he can do about it.
Want content back? Want to stop this? Solution: Start uploading torrents. We're done using b@$3 and other methods to share content. We're doing torrents from now on. Don't like it? Go elsewhere. That's just the way things will be done here from now on. You can try to wiggle your way out of this all you want. I will ALWAYS be here to report your garbage even if I can't always reply immediately. You might hate me, think I'm a loser whatever, don't care. I'm doing this to better the community and make actual meaningful change. I'm also personally tired of seeing content get deleted days after it was uploaded. Not everyone has time enough to sit at their PC 24/7 and download whats uploaded in the moment. Your way is an outdated cave man way. This is the real way, and the only way from here forward.