/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

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Hypno Thread #2 Baby 06/13/2023 (Tue) 05:34:36 No. 26509
Previous thread >>559 Here's a new file to get started: Bathroom Amnesia (Curse) A brainwashing session that removes the subject's ability to use the bathroom. https://mega.nz/file/M9ZFlZIR#bpn318uPIH0ZLcY_Al9eRyv1W7Y3sJ1vULc7dd14wyQ Posting a couple of things to keep things moving. Nothing new though. https://archive.org/details/ABDL-Hypnosis Assorted files: WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRrelpETmpkVnB0YkhOYVV6VndZbms1V2xwSGVHcE1NbEoyWkRJMWMySXlSbXRNTUhBelZERkdTRlZZVGxOTlJrWkdUWGM5UFE9PQ== n1c0l3/_/d0s31: WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsdFlWZDRiRXh0YkhaTU1FcFhZbnBrY21JeVkzZFRWMmhaWTFFOVBRPT0= ///BO EDIT\\\ Fixed the OP and added text from the other, duplicated, thread >>26510 (deleted). Learn how to properly link threads/posts and double check your text before posting. Use a text editor and copy/paste.
Edited last time by abdl on 06/13/2023 (Tue) 12:21:14.
to save the next person a bit of time - both those links are not found or deleted already
>>26516 Thanks friend
>>26509 we need to come up with a new way of encoding urls I uploaded this just only a couple of days ago
Why don't you use Mega to upload files?
Why not download the content and stick it in a torrent? Or on IPFS? If you really must encode the URL you could choose some random password unique to each URL, throw it through a CPU and memory hard key derivation function like scrypt, bcrypt, etc, and then use the resulting hash to encrypt the URL. Choose hashing parameters that make it take like 5 minutes and 4GB of ram on an average system to perform the hash. Then even if an attacker figures out the algorithm they still have to spend that much compute and memory per URL they want to decrypt.
>>26720 too high-tech for the boomers here most of them are just learning what checksum is
what is the point of encoding the urls anyway? to give us three extra seconds to download? >>26720 >torrent that was supposed to be the plan but no one ever seeds
>>26509 I love the idea of hypno but I don't actually want to become incontinent or anything. Are there any files that just make it easier for you to indulge in the fantasy, i.e. files where you pretend you get diapered, wet/mess yourself, etc. Some humiliation and teasing would be good.
>>26764 yes, there are various files from Hypnomommy, Nicole Dosei or My Little Lullaby that are either focused on when you're wearing diapers or they are a temporary fantasy. just look up the file descriptions
Librarian's kemono got updated
>>26762 I feel this. It's fucking infuriating. Might throw one up myself.
Retroshare is not ideal, but it's functional and as far as I can tell, can not be censored. BEWARE, full of CP. =(
>>26803 How did you even manage to get retroshare to work? I've been through every single guide I could find and can't get the fucking thing to function.
>>26803 Chocolate pudding?
Nak Nak (Duckspeak)
>>26871 I see someone has been hypnotized into an autistic duck
So no one shares anything anymore.
Fuck every single nigger in this thread that has refused to share content. Sharing is what keeps content alive, along with supporting the creators you like. Without sharing, it fades into obscurity, and you just end up being a faggot that gatekept. This is my library. There's stuff you might like and stuff you might not, but I hope everyone gets something out of it. Please remember to seed. I'll be checking back to make sure it's working. WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRrelpETmpkV0pYVm10aFYwWnRZVmhLYkV4dFRuWmlVemx0WVZkNGJFd3lhRFphYldneFdtNXNiMDlYVW5CbGFrNHdUWGs1UWxGclVrMVlNR2cxWTBjMWRsZ3hVblpqYmtwc1ltNVJkV1JIT1hsamJWWjFaRU01YldGWGVHdz0= >>26885 Not so fast!
>>26886 Oh, and let me piggyback on this by saying that if anyone has some hypnomommy laying around, her voice is magic to me. I'd be grateful for it (though I don't expect anything in return - everyone should share simply because it's the right thing to do).
Heads up, babies - the torrent does seem to have created properly, but it's not showing on my active ones, so I need confirmation from you.
>>26888 status is stalled Here is my collection of Ym9tYnNoZWxs (should be most of them) V1ZWb1UwMUhUa2xVVkZwTlpWUnNNRmRzWkd0aFJYaDBUbFJhVFUxc2NESlphMlJUWWtkT2NFOVlTbXBTUmtwSFdrUkdTMUZzVmpWVWJVWlRZVEJyZUZScVFrOU5WVFZXWXpOb1VGSlVSbEpYYTJSWFYyeEZlV0pGU2s5aFZFWkQ=
>>26889 Are those all from hypn0b0mb5h3ll? If so, those are in there! I've been trying to troubleshoot for a while, but can't make heads or tails of it - usual issue is it shows, but doesn't seed. I add trackers, the torrent completes, the file pops up in my folder, but it won't show in any list - active or otherwise. When I try to load it from another computer, the files populate in the tree, but the download never starts. Playing around with network settings right now. Any ideas?
Okay, okay, I got it working. I'm pretty sure, anyway - it's downloading through a local network successfully. Give this one a go: WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRrelpETmpkV0pYVm10aFYwWnRZVmhLYkV4dFRuWmlVemx0WVZkNGJFd3phRzFpYmtwb1pWYzVObUZ0TURGTldHOHlZVU01UWxGclVrMVlNR2cxWTBjMWRsZ3hVblpqYmtwc1ltNVNabU5YU25Ca1F6VXdZak5LZVZwWE5UQk1NbHB3WWtkVlBRPT0=
Here is another for you hypno diaper incontinence series from esty https://mega.nz/folder/c4hWVByK#o7gKOunbt7BMLtGIbe52NQ
>>26892 this one is working. mostly stuff i have but appreciated
>>26892 works! but uhm... >1y 44w
>>26924 I wish I had more to give, man. >>26933 I'm averaging 3MiB/s upload, check your settings anon. Also to others, please remember to seed when you're done!
https://kemono.party/patreon/user/38798764/post/84939516 New file from Champ. Really silly, but I'm kind of into it.
Does anyone have some IndianPrincessPramilaGanguly stuff?
can someone post Hypnotic Mist 1-6, please?
>>27062 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9obHAzZ1Q0YiN5UWZxUEw1VkZXNmpmeHpnakdBcDVB Just have 1-4. Swear I had 5 and 6 somewhere but must be imagining it.
>>27062 >>27094 nevermind it was in the torrent above. Dropped it in the folder now
Thank you.
Does anyone have some stuff to share?
>>27159 a bit of a broad request
>>27187 IKR? luckily your comment bitching about it will surely makes a significant contribution to it.
I have a new thelibrarian if anyone has anything new to share.
>>27396 librarian - kemono just got updated so you are not really bringing anything new here dude. Stop trying to weasel your way into paid content without actually contributing yourself.
I do pay for content I give 25 a month for all her content and not steal from the site like others do. that high chair is not her new one it is an older one. Also, pay for hpnobombshell 15 a month.
>>27414 NTA, but I think that other anon is trying to get across that this is not a thread for trading, but for sharing your favorite files. People get burned trading, so nobody trusts it for a reason. If you post, you're much more likely to get others reciprocating than if you imply a transaction.
I know it is not but tired of posting stuff I paid for and see get nothing else in return. Some of this file I posted is not cheap because I buy all my files. maybe I should stop posting till others do then.
>>27414 You get the "superliminal" ones? Any good? I was skeptical
>>27418 if people were paying for stuff they wouldn't really be here. Its a place for cheapskates. Here is a new file I go though to get the ball rolling: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOWFPVmxGUVZsTVFTTnBZemRHWDB0aU9WRk1SREF5UkV4Rk5IUnVjRWQz
I had posted some librarian files here and I think I was the first to post the hypnobombshell files too, I had downloaded them all in bulk to post them here. I just can't justify 15-25 a month to potentially get files I don't really care about, I'm not interested in any of the librarians other content It was nice to get them all in bulk though, and if they have a few I don't have, sometimes I'll renew the sub~ Thanks for posting content here and trying to keep the thread alive! Its much appreciated. When I find something new and interesting I'll grab it and post it here.
>>27429 cheers
Here hypnobombshell new one Toilet Trigger. trigger you to wet and mess yourself whenever you see a toilet. https://mega.nz/file/VsYVFBbB#GJGiQ6_utgQw4AnxihD42NhMguCGgqpsXuktvJXG1go
(4.00 KB 1704x28 score.PNG)

what is y'all score for the torrent and here is some content some may have these already other may certainly not original creator is gone with the wind as far as i am aware and i didn't see these files in the torrent so i assume torrent op anon doesn't have these as far as i am aware YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdWJXVmthV0ZtYVhKbExtTnZiUzltYjJ4a1pYSXZOR2N5YkhKNWQyb3plRzFuTlM5T1pYZGZabTlzWkdWeVh5Z3hNRFVw
>>27487 It was nice of you to post these files. Thank you. I suspect several of them are not created by our missing hero, but are remixes by other people. Nonetheless, very good files! Thank you.
>>27465 could you please post the supraliminal one if you have it?
>>27554 legend Here is another new file in this folder: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOWFPVmxGUVZsTVFTTnBZemRHWDB0aU9WRk1SREF5UkV4Rk5IUnVjRWQz
Breastfeeding Regression Hypnosis This hypnosis features an induction into trance will regress you as you drink Mommy's milk. https://mega.nz/file/l5IFSKYK#lOTSPWIAlaRHr9S9AU_b7_XF7d52edrwhphgJeYlv_U
Does anybody have all the hypnobombshell files? Also how do the torrent links work? I've tried putting them into qbitorrent and they dont work
What one are you looking for?
Anyone got Hypnomommy’s forced regression? Also, her kemono updated.
Honestly, i've tried listening to half the files floating around. And I feel I have yet to find a file that has changed me in any way.. Is Hypno just hocus pocus? Even if I'm fully invested, willing to listen/agree/desire to any suggestion I don't feel I've changed in the slightest. Has anyone had any long-lasting/permanent changes genuinely made with hypnosis? or is it all just kink fluff that does nothing?
>>27921 I think I am legally obligated to tell you that you have to train yourself for it to really work. There is a skill in being hypnotized, which you have to exercise. Hypnosis first tries to relax you, so much that you enter a trance. In a trance, your mental faculties are altered. Some like to call this the "altered state of consciousness". Regardless of the specifics, it lowers your inhibitions and makes you more susceptible to suggestions. Basically, your critical thinking is lowered. You're more likely to act without thinking, and to be manipulated. Overtime, your brain's internal circuitry can change thanks to the suggestions you hear. Sounds scary but it is a normal process called learning. The hypnosis just tries to cut some corners. So you learn to relax, you learn to listen to the suggestions, and this creates a vicious cycle where each consecutive listening is more effective. This is not something exclusive to hypnosis. It's like watching an ad for a supermarket, going to the supermarket, finding out it was an ok deal, and then watching another ad, slowly reinforcing the idea of supermarket = good deals. You may start to do something because the suggestions in the hypnosis are slowly pushing you towards a goal. You can start to do certain things that make it easier to follow the suggestions. Any hypnosis file that tries to make you incontinent will naturally try to keep you diapered. Just as if you buy a hypnosis tape to stop smoking 100% it will start with suggesting you to throw away all cigarettes. The hypnosis you see on stages has more to do with social pressure and the charisma of the hypnotist. The hypnosis you see on movies 100% is fake. Real hypnosis is very slow, very time consuming, and this is why many hypnotists inject big words into their files, because it may just make you believe what they're saying. If you see a hypnosis fetish video like entrancement uk you'll see what I mean. The actresses are playing along, the hypnosis just makes it easier for them to concentrate and do as they're told. Be careful with what you put in your mind. Mind control does exist. For some, it is called money. For some, drugs. For some, religion. For some, the law. And for some, hypnosis. If you're into it. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
>>27921 To add to what >>27927 said, don't "try listening to" lots of different files, pick one file that will train you to do something you really want and stick to that file, listen to it every day for a week or two, then, maybe, you'll get some results. On a similar note, try to stick to one hypnotist, if you can find one you really like and/or who seems really effective. As for "does it really work"? I can't say for sure, as I've had this fetish all my life, but only started buying and wearing actual AB/DL diapers after breaking up with my last GF, who was aware of my fetish and even willing to try it with me, only I realized I wasn't even ready to do the real thing myself, as I had been limiting myself to making my own diapers out of old linen, paper towels and trash bags once a week on average, until then, as well as the occasional baby diaper I could swipe from friends and family. Long story short, after we broke up ~5 years ago, I started buying adult diapers, I listened to a bunch of hypnosis files and now I pretty much wear diapers every day now. I wouldn't claim it's because of the hypnosis, maybe I just love diapers so much now that it's hard to go without them, but I literally can't get off to anything else anymore and using them gets easier and easier as time goes by, to the point where I'm sometimes worried I'll have an actual accident when I'm not wearing one, despite having as much control as I've ever had, physically speaking. I'm just worried I'll forget when I'm not wearing one and go in my pants out of habit or something. In the end, even if you don't end up literally getting hypnotized into doing something subconsciously, I feel like the simple act of committing to listening to hypnosis files will at least serve to consciously reinforce your motivation towards wearing and using diapers.
>>27928 Thanks for the very long explanation. I've tried listening to a file or two for a week + but never really felt much noticeable difference. Your explanation helped me realize I'm probably not giving it enough time & have been thinking about it in the wrong way. I've been wearing diapers for nearly a full year now, but as for control or lack there it's not where I'd want it to be. I was hoping Hypno could magically be the fix I needed there.. Will see what listening to something for a month or more does for me :P
>>27921 You can believe whatever you want but I have listened to specific files for over a decade and they work. If you want to increase your success then just follow these steps. Meditate. If you can meditate for an hour without any trouble you good. Listen in the same safe environment and create repetition. A routine one could say where you listen in order. Use subliminals. Repeat.
Does anyone have any of the newer stuff from DPR800900? There's a MEGA with a lot of his older stuff in most hypno / video threads. He's been releasing some newer stuff but since they nuked his Patreon I've no idea where to find it.
>>27952 Check your shared google drive folders, if you ever used one of the google drive links from the patreon
Do you have a link to the MEGA folder?
I want the mega link, please.
Does anyone have some good stuff you can loop through the night?
>>28002 >>27991 >>27952 Here is the MEGA link in question. Wasn't subbed through patreon before it was nuked, so I have no other links. WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0TlRaTU1scDJZa2RTYkdOcE9YWlRNbWhFVm14R1RGbHBUbkpVV0djelkxVlNhVlJxU2xoYWJVcGhXa1ZXYjJNeFJtaFVXRUpD
I just don’t have the time or bandwidth to upload the 4gb for 2 files at the moment but I’ll get to it for the 2 newer videos
>>27952 Source for the pic?
>>27952 You have to contact them through Twitter for access to their new stuff. Think its sold as a by the video basis.
I have a few Hypnomommy files she sent on her patreon DMs, dunno if those were already shared or not. VjFaV2IxVXdNVWhVYTJ4VlZrWndUbHBXVW5OTlJtUnpXa2QwYUZKWWFEQlViRkpoVkZVeGMyTkVTbHBoTWxKVVdXdGtUMk5GT1VWVWJFSlhUV3hLTkZkWGVHRlZNazVIVW1wV1ZXSkZOVlZXTUZaTFZWWlNkR042Um14V2JGWXpWVEowZDFSdFJYbFZiRVpXVFVkb1dGbHFSbGRPYkVaeVZtMXNWRkpXY0ZRPQ== Meanwhile, I'm looking for: -Covert Hypnosis: Go Blank and Wet Yourself by HypnoVictoria -The flow state: Incontinence trigger trance by Athalia Or any type of hypno related to wetting in trance only. So no bedwetting or permanent changes.
>>26509 I'm so close to giving up. I have heard the files for months and nothing... Maybe being ESL is an unbreachable barrier
There ist some fun going on... WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFlsY3dkV0V5Vm5STlJ6UjNURzVDYUdOdVVqVk1NMEpvWkVoS2JFMUhOSFprV0U1c1kyazRNMDE2VVRWT2Fsa3hUa0U5UFE9PQ==
>>28597 Speaking of this. Would be possible for an AI to translate the script and then synthesize the voice?
This is show link not found WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFlsY3dkV0V5Vm5STlJ6UjNURzVDYUdOdVVqVk1NMEpvWkVoS2JFMUhOSFprV0U1c1kyazRNMDE2VVRWT2Fsa3hUa0U5UFE9PQ==
Maybe you change mmm to www and just some 0 to o
>>28613 Been listening to her subliminals all day
Anyone listen to hypnosis files high?
>>28708 All the time. Weed is good but mushrooms gets fun and I tend to really like the supraliminal stuff audio doing tricks in my brain.
Does anyone have the new librarian wet and mess file?
Here you go and does anyone have new stuff to share? https://mega.nz/file/48pwQBwa#RdcB9y0Vjadhcy3GKnk_cn6-xTKdWT7YVYAU9_lOrUo
Here's a collection of Tmljb2xlIERvc2VpIC8gQW1lcmljYW4gYXUgUGFpciA= Including some files I haven't seen shared here before. Decode x3: WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsdVlqSmFjR0pIVlhWaFZ6aDJXa001ZGxsWFJYcGtiR2M5 If anyone wants to return the favor, it would make my day if someone shared any of these files: U2lzc3kgRGlhcGVyIFByaW5jZXNzCkJhYnnigJlzIEJvdW5jZXIKRGVlcCBTd2VldCBSZWdyZXNzaW9uCkJhYnnigJlzIFNwZWNpYWwgQnV0dG9u
>>29359 The baby birthday files seem to be a direct ripoff of the https://www.deviantart.com/guest-1001/art/The-Birthday-Girl-905089157
>>29385 Wow, you're right! What throws me off is that the original story uses the hypnotist's name in the domme's role, which seems like a weird coincidence if its not an intentional reference. The story description does not reveal any sort of collaboration however, and the audio files definitively came out later. Interestingly, the audio file description says the script was "sent to her by special request". Could be that some dumb baby sent her the story as a script to read aloud, and she just assumed it was an original work. Headcanon: It's Guest himself who payed for the commission, but he's too embarrassed to let people know he listens to baby hypno shit
Need your best regression and messing files stat! Going to have the place to myself for the weekend and i want to go fully baby mode!
>>29431 gonna make a copy of my stash I have a cloud and local copies, which are neither sorted or synchronized
>>29390 > too embarrassed to let people know he listens to baby hypno shit > not embarrassed enough to let people know he writes sissy baby fantasies
>>29437 Please god you're the best i love you so much
>>29462 Chill dude here you go aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci90cnRtZ1M3SgppSGdpSzVzbUkzWFBvZ2lEa056VFBR It's a compilation of what people have posted before, minus what I couldn't upload into mega, minus 4gb of hypn0b0mbsh3ll I couldn't fit into a fresh mega account
Link broken
>>29523 The link isn't broken and I'll give you a hint: Mm5kIGxpbmUgaXMgdGhlIGtleQ==
>>29525 big thanks, I used to like listening to that bladder curse one, but it got accidentally deleted and it was a bespoke file, so i couldn't just buy it
>>29515 It needs a key
>>29538 >The link isn't broken and I'll give you a hint: >Mm5kIGxpbmUgaXMgdGhlIGtleQ==
>>29523 >>29538 >>29541 it works fine, yall dumb as hell
>>29547 Nope. The key it spits out is fuckin garbage. >vW6ԓ5vFE
The key worked for me.. make sure that you're not getting an accidental space or something when you copy/paste.
>>28367 Bump
>>29549 I can confirm that it works as well, you're just doing it wrong. You don't have to double decrypt anything.
>>29549 jesus to double down with such confidence you think i didnt just successfully use it? dumb. as. hell.
>>29549 This is all it'll decode for me as well. The link and every other link works BUT this key.
>>29603 You don't need to decode the key
Does anyone have new time to be little by Nicole stuff they can posted
(129.86 KB 698x1280 1543267082.chuckybb_wip90.jpg)

results guys! alright so I was playing skyrim cuz whatever. While listening to uncontrollable wetting and messing from hypno mommy.I have sat while doing nothing and really listened to it. watched youtube videos listening to it sometimes tuning in a bit but really trying to feel my muscles relax along with the surrounding areas legs, hips, buttocks bladder bowels. any way I was playing then I felt a poop randomly poke out. like my body just pushed granted I needed to poop a bit but it just started to come out. I have never really liked to mess. the smell and stuff like yeah the thought of being a little and losing control is hawt.
>>29629 not the first one, but shelle makes quality audio files, but i find it's more an erotic thing than therapeutic I'd say the same for the second, but it's lower quality I like this new one, hypnocat, got the reverse potty training one, didn't use it much yet, but this one seems a little more effective https://www.etsy.com/listing/1549274822/hypnocat-loss-of-bladder-control-abdl https://youtu.be/lH2Xow_iZi4 there's another new one on etsy, but I'm not bothering with $15/15 minutes and they say just learning how to make them https://www.etsy.com/listing/1539707513/becoming-mommys-poopy-baby
I get into these hypno roleplays with people sometimes and its fun for awhile but it always gets to the point where they command me to keep repeating some phrase over and over and it just gets boring thanks for coming to my tedtalk
>>29717 are they people or chatbots?
Sissy Regression Hypnosis Stella This hypnosis features an induction into trance and will regress you to a sissy baby then encourage you to wet and mess your diaper! https://mega.nz/file/J4ZSza7D#MUH5p16_jBp2bTMKSCS527lIJ-vYt1x5381ziRJi_hc
I've been listening to hypno for a while and I've always wondered where can I find hypno recordings with only the relaxation part in it. I love it when I'm hearing an hypno recording and I get really deep into trance, and I would like to recreate that experience without the fetish part, ideally with someone along the lines of Charlotte Gray, she's great.
>>29750 3min
>>29757 >may I introduce you to sh1bby? You really can't go wrong with her
Not post anymore on here till I see more sharing. I feel like I'm not getting anything in return.
>>29803 I don't want to be a sissy.
its been so quiet on here. so...anyone know if the hypno files from Shelle Rivers are good or not?
>>29644 How long have you been listening to it before seeing results?
Anyone know of the hypnosis file where you're supposed to listen to it while playing a relaxing video game? I could have sworn it was made by b0mb5h311, th3l1br4r14n, hypn0m0mmy, or d0531. I forget what it was supposed to do.
>>29803 >>29803 >>29803 [Unhide post /abdl/29604 (Filtered)]
>>29996 I try to listen to it whenever I can I don't go full trance mode every time though. I usually just watch youtube play games anything with it playing in the background. I really listened to it for a while and felt like I needed to go. I just kept trying to relax my bowel sphincter but then my body contracted by itself and I messed. I dunno if it's supposed to slide out uncontrollably or your body just pushes it out whenever it wants.
>>30261 Gamer Mind Melter by Ultra
>>30261 dang was hoping it was for ABDL
In my opinion, 90% of the files on warp my mind would be better if they had female voices, human or TTS!
Does anyone have new stuff from Nicole Dosei?
ABDL Diaper Hypnosis Uncontrollable Bladder 3HR thesissyhypnosist anyone have this one they don't mind sharing?
>>30341 I cannot listen to audios with male voices, instant turn off
Can someone repost all Nicole dosei because the link is dead now?
>>30500 Anyone have this one?
Does anybody know where I can find more of Mommy Maggie's hypno files? She's the one behind Accidents in your Diapers and Accidents are normal
>>30695 I've come across her files once or twice before. Does she have a website or storefront somewhere that you know of so I can see more of what she has done?
https://www.kemono.su/patreon/user/7410174 Maggiescappies Patreon with all her audio files and stories.
Dick twitched.
has anyone stumbled upon Amy and Bella wets? Theyre on Patreon, but they have free sample audios of 10+ mins on Youtube. I've always been solely interested in female audio hypno but they have ai generated hypno that is leagues above your standard cringe hypno audio. they change the voices differently for each file too so you may like some more than others, but i found that all of them were pretty natural sounding. content itself is also good. what do y'all think?
Anyone have any new files from dpr800900? Or at least that old archive of stuff before patreon blew up?
anyone have Baby’s Bouncer Time to be Little?
>>30939 Here is a new one. bWVnYS5uei9mb2xkZXIvUjBoMGxhVFMjSmpEZTlsU2R5Q0ZfbG5VVGVPMzVEQQ==
Thank you !!!!!
What happened to all the Nicole Dosei files? Was the link only active for a short time? In that case, would it be possible for someone to share what they have?
>>30989 >bWVnYS5uei9mb2xkZXIvUjBoMGxhVFMjSmpEZTlsU2R5Q0ZfbG5VVGVPMzVEQQ== who the hell still exports vids in .mov.... That was already ancient when i had my athlon xp.....
>>31024 Doesn't matter too much and it's annoying to get these now unless you wanna like email them I think.
anyone have hypnomommys gradual bowel incontinence training part 1? Also, do people know if there are any good files that encourage messing and then suggesting to sleep while being messy? Thanks :)
Popped an edible and listening to hypnotic mist, and i legit slipped into trance. It was a truly beautiful feeling. Ordering Diapers today to fill my pants on my next day off
Does anyone have some American-Au-Pair files Time to be Little
Can someone repost the Nicole Dosei stuff please.
Is this still active or did it die?
New ABDL hypnosis channel on Youtube, Mindvoiding, with 10 videos already up. https://www.youtube.com/@Mindvoiding/videos I think it's the same Indian woman who previously uploaded a few videos as Noire and , I'm not 100% sure but I believe she could be Pramila Ganguly. She has a heavy accent but I don't mind, it makes me concentrate even more on the words. Plus, I've away found Indian women's voices a bit hypnotic anyway.
>>31672 i think she's black or Jamaican or whatever, she's always shitting up every place I buy clips from, gotta give her credit, she never stops, I just buy the Hypnocat ones these days
>>31675 >she's always shitting up every place I buy clips from All hypnotists are "your mileage may vary" in terms of effectiveness and I admit her accent (which I think sounds more Indian than African or Caribbean) is a barrier to entry for some people but I've been listening to this video the past few nights and it's been putting me under very deep so Mindvoiding/Noire's stuff works on me at least. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXp8p2Izgwk
Anyone have Baby’s Bouncer from time to be little
Should close this it dead ask can be and most the links are broken.
I think "dormant" is a better word than "dead". Or possibly "sporadic". It's "dead" until someone has something new to post and then it's lively for a little bit before going dormant again.
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Here's a few hypno mommy files: bowel weakening, permanent loss of bladder control level 1 and you were always a bed wetter. If people want more re-upped just say and if I have it I will put it up. decode x3 WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsdVlqSmFjR0pIVlhWaFZ6aDJXa001YjFaclRrbFpiR3M5
Here Diaper-Discipline-in-the-Classroom-American-AuPair. If someone can post what they have of her stuff please do. https://mega.nz/file/AwpyyTpD#u0Z8n5ITbDbegKBX3c6RX91qNzVGfPy4Eu6GkCxg0IQ
>>31971 champ
I'm missing some of her stuff posted and would be grateful if someone could post it again.
I don't mind sharing but it would be nice if others share in return.
Baby Thoughts Trigger Supraliminal Hypnosis October 30 This hypnosis features 4 text-to-speech voices in first and third person and will trigger you to only have baby thoughts. Denne hypnose indeholder 4 tekst-til-tale-stemmer i første og tredje person og vil udløse dig til kun at have babytanker.https://mega.nz/file/VTVjhTZY#GNBP3AJc2POr6Cq5PX7G4nejyzzgxCGGJstTv_Yurow
aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9xTmM0U24= Mix of files
Does anyone know who recorded this audio? I'd love to track them down and commission more.
Does anyone have a mix of files to share? https://mega.nz/folder/Qw4FDZRT#HnWOGwAHivekIaRUQ-3htQ
>>32251 pretty sure that's chesire who used to do videos a long while back (random first link i could find of her as an example so you can listen to the voice too 99% sure it's her https://thisvid.com/playlist/171350/video/mommy-cheshire-plugs-and-diapers-your-sissy-ass/ I don'tt think she's in the scene anymore and left so IDK how easy it'd be to commision
Don't forget to delete the dots. ;) I'm not going to leave this up forever. V1ZWb1UwMUhUa2xVVkZwTlpWUnNNRmRzWkd0aFJYaDBUbFJhVFUxc2NESlphMlJUWWtkT2NFOVhjRkpOYXpWMldWUkdUMU14UmpWVWJtaFFWbXRLYlZVeU5YZGlNVVYzWkVjeGExSnFiSFJaVlZKWFkxZEtWVlJyZUd0V2JWSlRWRWRyTUdSVmVIQk9WM1JoVmpOb2MxcEZaRlphTWxKSVlVZDRTbEl4U2pKYVJXaE9aRkU5UFE9PQ==
i need as much hypno mommy pants wetting stuff as possible. i'll s your d, man
>>32285 Thanks for the tip, I tried DMing on her Fetlife account. Shot in the dark but you never know.
>>32357 you are beautiful
The more we share the better on here.
>>32357 That's a great collection! Do you (or anyone else) also have the file "Messing Therapy" by any chance?
Why the fuck isn't there more temporary files? Almost all the files out there are permanent, only a few with specific triggers and pretty much no temporary hypnosis files. Meaning even if I wasn't so broke, I couldn't even buy any files..
>>32451 That's market forces for you. People prefer permanent triggers clearly.
>>32452 Or they prefer listening to the fantasy where it is permanent.
Does anyone have some permanent ones to share?
>>32452 Well, the market sucks then, I can find 5 different, permanent diaper wetting files but not a single triggered, or fixed time file. If anyone got any files like that let me know. I'm not too much into permanent stuff.
>>32451 >>32475 They just don't work as well. 'Permanent' files wear off after a while regardless, but temporary files tend to not to work in the first place, because considering the passage of time sucks and takes you out of it.
Oh my, "Your Hypno Queen" on Youtube just uploaded a pair of hour-and-a-half wetting files that I think are fully voiced instead of TTS (with the voice obviously pitched up a bit) but it can be hard to tell these days. I presume they're both essentially the same script, just differently-gendered, but I only listened to the baby boy one. Mommas Baby Boy Conditioning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4y1zss_TlE Mommas Baby Girl Conditioning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRgiCWHWQNU
Sorry, but the voice gives me a headache just listening to it.
anyone have the hypno mommy messing & subliminal files? looks like they are the latest files.
Does anyone have Deactivating Adult Behaviour?
>>32552 aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC96Y1Z4VFE= Only one I have but here's bowel sub
>>32519 I can see how some people could find her voice very grating but it reminds me of Fluttershy mixed with Rarity from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic so I'm fine with it. Then again, I'm the same person who is also fine with Noire/Mindvoiding's accent (which I find very relaxing but I know many have trouble understanding her).
Anything got anything by hypn0 c3t? in particular wetting files
>>32575 Shame on an anon for wanting ai voices to be used with actual sexy voices, and not children's media
>>32643 I considered making my own hypnosis audio with MLP voices when 15.ai was a thing that was accessible but the voices were disjointed. Whatever TTS application they used for the most recent two audios is a huge improvement over earlier TTS audios on the channel. I didn't even think it was TTS at first.
can anyone find this on etsy? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lYiyt5Z3EaI the guy has comments disabled and you can't send messages so I can't tell them they didn't post the whole link
>>32727 big thanks, i couldn't find it no matter what I tried
>>31672 Looks like Youtube deleted the new Mindvoiding (a.k.a. Mael, Noire) channel. If I check her Patreon (u=74014169), it's almost certainly because she uploaded a Cum Eating Instruction hypnosis video. I suppose this means that Youtube is okay with a lot of weird hypnosis but draws the line at a domme telling you to swallow your own spunk.
>>32767 That's the older channel that she just rebranded @Mindvoiding_ She posted a handful of new videos on the older channel but she posted a lot more new videos over the past couple of weeks that were only on @Mindvoiding (without the underscore) and which are now gone from Youtube entirely.
Has anyone got Champ's Ghost Hands Haunted Daycare files? It had just been publicly released on Patreon right before it got nuked.
What files have fucked with your mind the most? How long did it last? and permanent or residual effects? Always curious
anybody have hypnomommy's Subliminal Messing Encouragement
>>29646 >>31675 I keep hearing about Hypnocat. Anyone ever tried his files?
ive tried a few hypnocat files, theyre mid.
>>33059 they're well made, the potty training eraser one is what I'd recommend to see if it works for you
I tried the incontinence trigger file. Well made. I think that I respond well to his files...
I'm looking for stuff as simple as "Wet yourself in trance" but no out of trance effects, any recommendations?
Does any one here has a VR hypnosis?
>>33066 >>33088 Are you able to share either of these? I'm interested in HypnoCat's files and think his voice sounds OK, but I don't won't to waste my money if he can't do an induction that drops me.
>>33164 I know that trance machine in somewhere in this archive YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOTBjblJ0WjFNM1NpTnBTR2RwU3pWemJVa3pXRkJ2WjJsRWEwNTZWRkJS
>>33297 the diaper academy one I got that one if that's the one you want.
Has anyone tried VR Hypnosis? Stumbled upon the Mind Melting Machine, considering I want to get a VR headset eventually...
>>33299 Can you send via catbox
(3.38 MB drdaddy19.mp3)

not really hypno, more like fap audio
>>33309 I've done some fun stuff in VR with it. I know a few people who go the whole 9 yards with unpotty training in VRChat.
>>33597 so does it work better than normal audio hypnosis? Some articles make it seem that way, not sure I believe it though.. but would be worth a shot.
>>33597 Do you happen to know where that happens in VRChat? Asking for a friend.
Here is a trance vid I made. It's aimed towards unpotty training. https://mega.nz/#fm/tcpglSBA
>>33818 bad link
>>33835 Just checking. Is it supposed to be silent?
I have a ton of abdl hypnosis files that I'm willing to share. I'll share my whole mega if anyone can drop some new stuff..
>>33835 >>33877 >>33878 What's the moniker you'd like to go by, anon?
>>33904 No. 33818 and 33835 here. Not sure who 33877 or 33878 is. I guess Hypnoshare works fine. Although, I was only planning on dropping 1 or 2 files most likely.
What is your favorite bedwetting hypnosis file that specifically mentions having to pee in your dream or makes you pee in your dreams? I'm a fan of Fiona's bedwetting conditioning. EMG has a free file but, I've never been a fan of his. Bambi Daycare is ok but I'm not a fan of the bimbo portions of the file.
>>33904 It's hypnomommy. >>33911 >>33835 This guy just made a 4 gb mp4 file that you can't even pair with hypno unless you look at it online. Make it a gif if you're not going to put any music to it, anon.
>>33960 I'm on PC. I just use two different programs. One to watch and another to pair whatever hypno I want to listen to. Fair point on making a gif though.
You guys keep reppopulating the same old things.. like damm near close to nothing new. 😒 Like does anybody buy them anymore? Even if you have videos that have to do with diaper training that would be just as good.like anything new from Nicole dosai-time to be little) Miss Vira Vocal Mixtrix FemDom and Fetish World Empress Poison AB dreams recordings Rise of AI abdl recordings Empress Jazzy Tiny beehive Olivia Rose Fetish Lady Surrender Natashas Bedroom Kyaa's Empire Princess Zaara TaliaTate Raquel Roper All of these are ones that need to be shared. Tons of shit doesn't get shared. I personally have a ton from mind void I will share. I'd also like to mention that there are abdl diaper hypnosis on YouTube. Diaper training and meditation 🧘‍♂️ https://youtu.be/9q4sSzyrj_w?si=zyq5XPoKaesCkk5K https://youtu.be/0pIg3m3QAwI?si=0_vXV49EC7FVKqej
>>33974 Fuck off, autist. Be the change you want to see in the world.
>>33974 >Like does anybody buy them anymore? You listed fourteen examples and didn't even share one, you hypocrite
I literally just said I would post some new shit if you guys did. I pinky swear it lol
>>33984 The stuff you requested isn't really hypno though, I got some empress poison, but it's hardly fap material.
You're not wrong about that. But there's so much stuff that I would personally like to see. I'll try and post some stuff up tonight. For you guys, didn't mean to come off the way I did. Just a little frustrated on how this hypno thread has turned out. Been following for awhile. Been sharing some stuff here and there. Hate to see it continue to be constant reruns of the same stuff.
I agree its gotten quiet and repetitive on here man, its definitely frustrating :(
https://mega.nz/file/9Th01JRK#JdyXw_6msw2iOJvPA1QsX8Iy3xoDcIqnSpkBDte3ADw I personally find this hot and kinda degrading. Some may be into some may not. Kinda a cuck thing going on in this recording.
>>34039 well that's a title!!! haha
Anyone have diaper brainwash from sissyhypnosis?
Random question, but has anyone had any success with "uncontrollable wetting and messing" from hypno mommy?
Would really like if someone had this series! From what I know, apparently it has worked for a lot of people who have used it, comments on the etsy. I'm curious to know if it will. Please drop it below if you'd be so kind! ❤️ I very much appreciate all of you for keeping this group active.
FYI... Etsy definitely has fake reviews. Don't fall for them anon. :(
>>34342 product plugs be like
>>34039 no dick. this fucking sucks.
Does anyone have Hypnotic mist 5 and 6 from sweetdreamshypno?
>>34401 they don't work for me, I've bought two, first a long time ago, and recently one of the "extreme" ones, it's what you hear in the sample, but for an hour, I think it needs to be made by an actual hypnotherapist to be worth your money (anything more than $10 is sus), I've recently been enjoying the alittlehypnosis wetting tracks, i get the same incontinent feeling the old forabdl sets give but feel more happy about losing control
>>34407 Forabdl sets?
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Looking for Twisted Diaper Sissy or any of the Clarissa / MsJ ABDL crossover files. If anyone has them, it would be greatly appreciated :3
If you'd be so kind as to share them that would be great!
>>34379 I got it from here, so I'll share back aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUveXcwbW5BNkkjdm1Qa1FJTHZyRG84dXVVSV9WZFprUjRGbjVucXJZMGN1RFpFTF8xMTBHbw== and aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvWGtOQjFCNFojdEdRNmtBVXZwQVNuMVN6bk9XdmFWVVdBZVVpMXZ3Sl91N1hOeHRKNUVZTQ==
>>34436 Put in the other sub but here VTBWV1UxSlViMmRoU0ZJd1kwaE5Oa3g1T1hSYVYyUm9URzAxTmt3eVduWmlSMUpzWTJrNVEySkZSa2RsVjBrd1ZrTk9iMVpxUmpWTlIxWkZWVEk1YVdSdWJIQlhSbFowVkd4QmRGSkhkRE09
>>34519 Oh wow these are tickling my brain in really deep spots. You are amazing, thank you!
Anyone have some of the hypno, or pmv like, abdl related videos?
Pretty new to trying hypno/audio in general. Does anything exist where it's an in-the-moment thing with a girl in a sort of mommy dom position telling me that I need diapers and I can't hold my pee while I'm diapered and trying desperately not to wet myself but I eventually lose control? Maybe some light humiliation stuff too?
>>34624 There's a lot of stuff out there. It's hard to source free stuff outside of threads like these and megashares. But if you're looking for specific stuff and have the money to spend, try searching for "diaper audio" on clips4sale. There's a ton of content out there. Though, beware a user named "mindvoiding", they spam content and it's usually pretty poor.
>>34645 she uses a bunch of other names; mael, diaperfairy, littlestrainer, etc. you can get most of her stuff through kemon0 anyways, it seems like everyone is copying whst hypnocat is doing lately, I'd buy them all, but how can you charge $60 for something HC offers for $9? I'm looking forward to more alittlehypnosis, they said they were making more eventually and they're legitimate therapists as opposed to some of these erotic hypnosis frauds out there "I've been certified for 15 years", yea then why do your files blow?
>>34645 >Though, beware a user named "mindvoiding", they spam content and it's usually pretty poor. As is the case with any hypnotist, your mileage will vary, but I think a lot of Mael/Mindvoiding's content is fine if you can get used to her heavy accent and sometimes "creative" English vocabulary. I used to think that Mael was an alt of Pramila Ganguly but, after doing a direct comparison between videos from both of their YT accounts, they're clearly different women but I still suspect Mael's also from somewhere on the Indian subcontinent since you can hear some of the quirks of Indian English in her vocabularly, especially "Isn't it?".
Has anyone had any longterm effects from extended listening to any hypnosis files? If so, what were they? Has anyone been successful in achieving incontinence temporarily or permanently as a result of listening to hypnosis or any other abdl aspect? If so, care to share your experience and what files?
Pretty much became a bedwetter from the babypants bedwetting file. It took about 2-3 weeks for it too take effect
Yeah mind voiding is fucking trash honestly
>>34519 Thanks for the sissy hypno, sweetiepie! XOXOXO
Does anyone have any thesissyhypnotist files
>>34663 well, I did a mixed playlist of many files for many years, and I either worked or it convinced me it worked, in regards to shrinking my penis a bit. what I can definitely tell its truth its 3 things in particular: * My balls used to hang a loooot more, now they are extremely close to my body to the point that sometimes feels really weird * I used to hate everything regarding feminization and sissyfication, after listening to "The Treatment" for months the idea of sissy hypno started to grow on me, nowadays its a massive struggle to keep it in check * More recently, I decided to indulge in listening to the latest The Librarian file "Familys Baby" before the file, I was EXTREMELY put off by the idea of cuckholding, now... I am finding the idea extremely hot... Hypnosis is fucking scary for sure.
Yes, I agree, once you start listening to these hypnosis files it's almost impossible to keep it in check. And for me especially sissy hypnosis and sissy baby hypnosis, I simply gave up trying to fight it. And yes, these files have changed me mentally and physically.
Does anyone have any of the Baby Bambi / Bambi Sleep Diaper files from this now-deleted youtube page https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrGXJ4EoLx6T7JOBBbpWIiQ/videos?app=desktop It involved turning the listener into Baby Philippa and was the most effective Hypno I have ever heard. I would LOVE to be able to at least hear these again
>>34663 Yes, and it only happens if you want it to.
>>34866 Do you have a link to this Family's Baby file? sounds fun
>>34866 >>34901 Found it, not as good as I was hoping If anyone has those Baby Philippa/Baby Bambi files, please now is the time!
>>34902 WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0TlRaTU1scDJZa2RTYkdOcE9WZGlSemg1VVRGR2FGVlRUbE5YYkZwUFZVVXdOVlo2V2tSV2JrWlpUbFJHVjB4WFRqWmxWM1F6 There is a few more from a similar channel in there as well
>>34929 Thank you soo much I thought I would never hear these again.
>>34866 Question do you know how long the treatment file is. Since the downloaded one is 4hours long
>>34902 not all files will resonate the same way with everyone anon, its just finding the one that fits you :) >>34944 its not really 4hours, its more like 1 hour and a half but the file its kind of messed up/corrupted and will act kind of funky in all the audio players.
>>34883 could you share your experience in things you've noticed changed in you anon? I am really intrigued
>>35078 NTA, but I've had a very hard time being aroused without a diaper on and can't get off without being in a wet diaper now. I don't get hard when I'm aroused and even when I orgasm, and my bladder shrunk a lot although I'm not totally incontinent.
Well, where to start ? I have bought diapers,onsies, pacifiers and baby bottles. All pink of course. I have taken herbal estrogen and t-blockers. My breasts have grown large enough that I can no longer hide them. I only have sex with myself, in diapers. My sissy clitty has become so small I can barely find it. I love anal sex, have bought many different dildos and used them all. In short, watching and listening to sissy hypnosis and sissy baby hypnosis has overwhelmed me. I go through the typical purge cycles but always come back. To me it has changed my sexuality. I love it so much I just can't stop. Good luck if you try it. It does not affect everybody the same way, I'm just sharing my own experience.
>>35091 At what point does this go from being sissy stuff to just you being a woman? If you want to be trans then good for you and its clear it makes you happy but I'm a bit confused since from my admittedly (and thankfully) minimal knowledge on sissy most of it comes from being an emasculated male
My situation in life simply does no allow for that transition. No need to hurt those around me because of my sexual preferences. I keep it all private. I don't think my breasts are so large that people will outwardly notice, at least I hope not. I stopped taking the herbal estrogen because I don't want my breasts getting any larger. I can not tell you a specific point at which the switch was flipped. I've been into this for at least ten years, For me it simply accumulated to a point that it just took over. Once i began to obey any of the suggestions in these files I could not undo those changes. Each change is terribly exciting, humiliating, and addictive to me. When you shave your body hair you can't simply put the hair back. When you pee and orgasm in pink baby diapers you can not simply forget that you enjoyed that sensation immensely. Each suggestion you obey builds on the other. Remember, this is just my experience, I'm not saying it affect anyone else as it has me.
My phone finally killed itself, so I'll be trying to recollect files from this thread. Thanks for reading my blog.
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>>35093 stop fucking repping, troon out its fun :3 >inb4 "kys fag"
>>35118 kys fag
>>35118 Wow, I hate showing my age but I have no idea what this post means, Say what you want to say. The board shouldn't need a decoder ring to figure it out.
>>35126 "decoder ring" Don't try to decipher the mental processes of troons >>35078 fuck this anon for poking the bear
>>34519 Those are awesome! Thx! Do you happen to have Twisted Diaper Sissy Part 2 or the Pissy Sissy one as well?
GoddessJazzy / EmpressJazzy Files here: YUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHVXVhVzh2WkM5TmVtMXViVzQ9
>>35194 >GoddessJazzy / EmpressJazzy Thank you
>>35194 Cheers
>>35194 No #15. Accident or you don't have it? Thanks again for posting.
>>35194 These are really great! I also wonder if #15 is available. Another creator who seems to be making files with similar themes (although I suspect they are not hypno) is Miss Vira Vocal. Any of her abdl-related files would be greatly appreciated.
>>35194 Loser hypno? >I'm a strong independant diaper shitter, I'll have you know.
we need a clockwork orange but you have such an aversion to using the potty you have no choice but to go in your pants
>>35237 >>35241 15 never existed to my knowledge. Seems she just lost count at one point. At the very least, its certainly not her OF which is where I ripped these from. I downloaded everything on there.
>>35328 cheers thanks. Maybe she did something crazy on it and it got pulled.
>>35352 The file is free?
>>35352 you can just make an account, honey
>>35352 Here you go princess YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlpwYkdVdlIzUk9WR2xDVEVNaldqUlRNVWd0VWxWUFFrdEtYMloxVlc1WFYzWk9MVTV5U1VsdFVESnVVSEpyYTFvMVJHeFFVVmc0V1E9PQ==
has anyone listened to the new Bambi file? I listened to daycare it was pretty powerful.
>>35352 I wish someone would make a file like this for diapers/wetting. It's one of the only real files that has had an effect on me. If anyone knows of any files like this, please let me know
>>35465 why not make a free account and request from the author? They have a few free and paid files there and might be willing to make something for you for free/cheap.
>>35564 I already have an account and left a comment on the file. I have not idea if I can even DM someone on WMM.
>>33298 I can't find the files in your pic or the diaper academy one, I'm interested
>>35661 It is right under the picture the file website.
>>33299 Can anyone repost this? link is dead
>>35668 https://file.io/7LFO6pHFnj7n here ya go I did change the daddy text mainly into mommy cuz I have a mommy not a daddy but you can change it back
>>35674 can you hide the url when you post it please. Already deleted.
(130.19 KB 747x900 FrXGAc7WwAcVn55.jpg)

The link doesn't work
Any good files that make you cry and just become complete sobbing mess?
>>35743 >The_Grave_of_the_Fireflies.mp4
>>35778 Best ref, well played !
>>35926 This was a lot of fun, thank you!
Does anyone have any new ones? With Nanny Nicole or Mommy Nicole, or HypnoMommy, or other female voiced stuff? I wanted to also ask if anyone has any specific to age regression and getting into the feeling of being a baby. So many are only wet stuff, but I like that, but I also really want to feel little. Thank you everyone. I appreciate you guys.
>>36140 I recommend the "stella" files. The kemeno is up to date right now. She has some great little acceptance and babying files.
Anyone have thesissyhypnosist extreme potty training reversal? How is it? Anyone able to share?
TheSquishiest on YouTube is a new channel but WOW i'm impressed!
>>36165 I just came across them too, utterly incredible, although a shame that the videos are so short
>>36181 Short but amazing tone! Been saving them before the inevitable takedown.
>>36165 My deviantart page already referenced the Pampers one.
Can anyone with WarpMyMind premium grab the Unedutainment file series? Thanks in advance if so
diaped up, 2 eddies popped, and ready to enjoy the most blissful hypno session of all time Happy 4/20 :)
>>36193 what does that have to do though???
Thank youu
>>36266 Thank you friend, but these are not working at all for me. Could you possibly re-up?
Anyone have any of these from HM: Age Regressed "Babytime" Bedwetting Hypnosis Pacifier Trigger Age Regression Hypnosis Deep Baby Mode Hypnosis (Messing Optional) Encouraging Covert Trance - Regress and Wet Yourself Thank you so much. I like the Age Regression files best.
>>36463 thanks for these! were do they come from?
>>36140 Mind sharing those wet only files? I'd love to try out new stuff, but I can't stand diapers or age regression, I just want to wet my pants.
>>36463 Link down already
>>36488 use a vpn and it will work. also hoping for more new shares soon. thank you so much for everyone in this thread keeping it alive.
yes so so grateful to people sharing new things when they can!
link gives a 404 Not Found
I'm using a VPN and still can't access it.. Thanks for putting something up though!!
>>36463 Can't access even with VPN.
>>36488 I managed to download it before it went down. I'll re-upload. YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlpwYkdVdmNYQTRSa0pCU2tNalFsTTJaWGR1VnpaMVExQnVXV05IVDNneVIydGhRMkYxWlVGa1FXbDZSREpsT1ZCUVpUaDJZbEkyY3c9PQ==
>been on and off hypno for at least 7 years >use it to get into the mood for fapping >really into the pottypants one >recently feel like using hypno to enhance my faps >listen to the nursing acceptance one while wearing a diaper >generally get into this anxious mood were I really want to have an accident, but since it never happens I decide this time to just focus on relaxing and listening to what she says >get really deep into trance >when she starts talking about associating nursing with trust and love I feel like falling hard into little space >pee myself at some point. it was intentional, but it didn't take much effort >I end up getting really deep into little space, to the extent that when the audio stopped I couldn't get out >start touching myself in ways I've never done it before >end up really horny and come from touching my pee soaked diaper >have one of the hardest nuts of my life, it feels amazing >instead of feeling disgusted I actually feel happy afterwards >still feel like I have one feet in little space >start to notice that I'm actually more comfortable with getting babied and that I'm more accepting of being an AB >repeat it the next day with the baby acceptance one >fall even deeper into little space. If I had a mommy I would have been in full baby mode, making cute noises and sucking at my paci >when the audio is over I start to touch myself again >have this really intense fantasy about mommy showing me off to other people interested in ABs >she notices I'm aroused and start to talk about how to handle your baby when they get like this >starts to touch me while explaining how important is take care of the sexual needs of your AB as you would explain how a dog needs to play or something like that >she also explains that since I'm fully an AB I've lost all sense of shame so I don't care that they're watching me >they take it as an interesting fact and make questions about how to tell if the AB is enjoying it and how often you should give your AB sexual release >she answers all of it while she keeps touching me and I'm a moaning, horny, giggling mess. Nobody cares though, it's almost as if I wasn't there to begin with >eventually she says that I've been "teased" enough and pulls a magic wand >she puts it over my diaper while explaining how important is to get your baby in the mood first before giving them the wand >she uses the wand with one hand and with the other touches me all over my body, massaging my chest and tummy, putting her fingers in my mouth and giving me kisses in the head >she encourages me while doing so "you're doing great baby" "that's it, keep it on" "feels good, right?" until I climax >have one of the best nuts of my life. God, I wish I could actually experience this >no purge/binge, just happy thoughts afterwards >do it again the next day >it's good, but the novelty it's starting to wear off >still feel good about being a AB though Fucking hypno it's warping my soul and the worst part it's that I'm having too much fun to care.
>>36881 I do feel that, other than the MindMaster ones, the BabyPants and littlelullabye files surely the better put together ones for actual results and not just fap material
anyone can update kemono of bambi4eva? https://www.warpmymind.com/index.php?gadget=HFiles&mitem=files-authors#eyJoT2Zmc2V0IjoiMCIsImluQ2F0IjpbIjYiLCIyNSIsIjI2IiwiMjciLCIyOCIsIjI5Il0sInNlbFNvcnQiOlsiNCJdLCJ0eHRTZWFyY2giOiIiLCJzZWxBdXRob3JzIjpbIjI1NDQ2NyJdfQ== I noticed in WMM that its missing 3 files, only bambi daycare is there https://kemono.su/patreon/user/33505067/ On a different matter, has anyone tried any of the HypnoCatABDL or DarlingThoughts files so far? how are they?
>>36881 Any link to pottypant's stuff or their files? Sounds hot
anyone have TheLibrarian new files
I'm a big fan of the HypnoCat files. Think they are really well done and you can find a small selection on youtube in full length
The files on WMM from someone called "puddle" look really interesting and unique. Anyone tried these/have an opinion on them? https://www.warpmymind.com/index.php?gadget=HFiles&mitem=files-authors#eyJoT2Zmc2V0IjoiMCIsInNlbFNvcnQiOlsiNCJdLCJ0eHRTZWFyY2giOiIiLCJzZWxBdXRob3JzIjpbIjI1NjE1NiJdfQ==
Does anyone know where to find/who makes good hypnosis videos? I just want something to watch while I listen to my files. Preferably without messing stuff. >>36932 They're super annoying to listen to, but that's the point. They feature a TTS voice repeating the same phrase while lullabies and baby noises (rattles, babbling, etc.) plays. I can't listen to them that long without getting annoyed, to be honest.
>>36932 So it's screetching horrendous noise. But it's a mantra like repetition with kids song in the background. If that works or does anything for you; great. If they accompanied a set of files that set up those words and phrases as triggers so they were a reinforcing loop or intended to be listened to during baby time; they might be great. As it is; I didn't find them hypnotic. Just saying "dumb baby brain" doesn't make that happen. And I didn't get any other hypnotic content layered into the file. If someone gets a video with pictures imanges and words on it to get you into trance and layers that on top as the audio ? might be an interesting combo.
missed an important word: So it's NOT screetching horrendous noise. But it's a mantra like repetition with kids song in the background.
>>36913 They are on the archive. The first one is "11 attachment objects" and the last one "19 regressed arousal". Also the charlotte's good boy and girl and the baby boy age regression, but they aren't like the others.
>>36932 I'm into diapers and brain drain regression so I'm probably the target audience. I'll shill for the files. I like them. Listen daily. Usually one file on repeat for a while before I change my work diaper. They feel babyish and condescending to listen to. Clapping my hands is a trigger to drop into headspace now. I catch myself staring off into space sometimes. Or drooling. Or both. Staying focused gets harder for a while after a session too. They are annoying at first though yeahg. Watching hypno videos and YT brainrot helps. Weed helps more. Listening in a full diaper while baked drops me like a rock. Definitely not normal hypnosis, but I like that. I have trouble getting my brain to shutup to a lot of hypno. with these, all the audio drowns out my mental voice so well that I'm forced to blank out my mind if that makes sense. Makes me feel like a passive observer in my own head, which is hot. Shit feels more like brainwashing than a lot of other files that use the term.
>>35926 Did anyone save this? I noticed it got deleted very recently.
if anyone has Rock-a-bye Bambi that would be amazing ♥
>>37080 its on kemono
Does anyone remember where the hypno video with this audio went? YUhSMGNITTZMeTlyWlcxdmJtOHVjM1V2Y0dGMGNtVnZiaTkxYzJWeUx6YzBNVEF4TnpRdmNHOXpkQzh4TnpNNE5ETTBNZz09
>>37272 i have it downloaded somewhere, i think it was called Permanent ABDL Hypnosis by DPR800900
>>37377 This is amazing
>>37377 I like but reee to the impotence. still great tho
>>36951 As someone also into diapers and brain drain, that's hot as fuck anon. Agreed as far as the quality of the files go though. I normally can't stand text to speech based hypno, but the way they're structured is so good that I don't even think about it while I'm dumping my brains out to them.
Anyone know where I can find sissy abdl hypno files that don't include cuckshit/wanting men to fuck you?
No one has posted anything new on here in quite a while. IS there anyone still visiting here anymore? I appreciate this thread so much as it has really helped me regress and find comfort from anxiety and depression many times. If anyone could please post anything new they may have, it is always appreciated on here. I know, baggers can't be choosers. Thank you all though.
>>37487 >IS there anyone still visiting here anymore? Yes but hypno stuff is not my thing. Although the board is slow, there's some people here.
>>37480 sissy is always inheretly gay anon, I think you're getting confused there. >>37487 dude, most of the files around the years here have allowed you to build a solid library, sometimes its nice to go back to the classics we already have, mylittlelullabye, babypants, mindmaster/HM, DPF, you know them
Only one I can offer that I haven't seen posted yet hypnomommy's Stay Diapered All Day subliminal: WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0TlRaTU1scHdZa2RWZGxOclVYaGhNRXBEVmtkSmFsWkZXakZaYkdSd1ZVUk9NMUpGYUU5bGF6RjVaVzB4VWxVd1VURmFiRnBDV1ZSa1MweFViSE5VYlc5NFlVWk9kbVZYZUVoVFdGSllUa0U5UFE9PQ==
>>37495 I just want to be a girl without all the cucking and sexual orientation change. Only other thing I can think of to describe it is "princess." Maybe I'm just retarded.
anybody bought from Digitalhug on Etsy? they have hypno files, but I'm weary of every new upstart just being another pseudonym for mindvoiding, also the abdlhypnose seller
>>36951 This all sounds amazing. Could you share the files directly? I'm not really sure if premium on WMM is worth it so I haven't bit the bullet on it.
>>37519 Yeah sure. I actually pulled them all from the maker's FA not WMM. You can search them up there if you have an account, but they linked an archive in one of their posts too. YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOHdVblJ1TWtJMFNTTlZOWFJ1TWpZM0xXdHBXVGx6YmxwaVRYQnVRWGxu Don't get your hopes up too high though. I've been having a lot of success, but it seems like they are pretty hit or miss with people.
>>37550 Thanks, I'll see how I like the files
>>37513 I would say stick to using files that specifically speak to the listener and refer to them as a "babygirl" ? may be bambi filipa? here >>34929
I think we all just want to feel that love we once had. Does anyone have any newer HM or ND files, or even that sissy lady from Reddit, but not her sissy audios because I'm not sissy, just the regression ones? I will share one I have soon from one of these people. Please though, if you do, please share. I will do the same. I really just like age regression ones that cause you to feel little again and like someone is watching over you. I've never successfully wet myself though with any of the files, and I've wanted to so badly, but I just was potty trained too well or something. I can't let go there enough. It's wild too, because I was 3 before I was successfully potty trained. haha. I guess when it sticks, it finally sticks. I don't like being called a girl and stuff though. But, either way, I know some of you do. I'll share mine soon. I have to get it off of my phone.
>>37782 Cheers, looks like a few oldies in there but hard to tell with the names. Thanks for sharing nonetheless
>>37782 Thank you
nicole dosei gone now with ABDl hypnosis files because she lost her website and Patreon was deleted here too.,
>>37902 she was getting WAY too greedy honestly, way too many files, all of them fap material no actual hypnosis honestly, kinda good riddance honestly.
>>37904 It's shame I think. I bought a lot of her files but had to cut back lately. The files were fun (even if sometimes there was too much filler). Everytime an abdl producer goes away it tells other audio ladies it's not worth it. So it is always bad.
>>37902 Is she associated with the store on Clips4Sale? Looks like it has some recent uploads so maybe she migrated there. Link for that: https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/108116/time-to-be-little/ Either way, going to Patreon after their big ABDL purge was probably not the best idea.
>>37931 Oh that's definitely her for sure.
>>37916 Can you upload what you have? I loved her voice. You know, no one even thanked the last uploader. Thank you
>>37904 I disagree, she had plenty that do make you feel small. Some were quick money grabs, but some were really good. Doctor mommy was very hypnotic, and the classroom one was too. And her voice is very loving.
any similar sites to warpmymind you can get files from?
Any Li8rar1an content?
>>38095 Seeing a lot of stuff that'll open up in a new tab and such but never downloads. Am I doing something wrong or is anyone else seeing the same?
Would anyone be so kind to share and diaper dependence related hypnosis by mistress katelyn? I have yet to actually test drive a file to see if I want to buy her stuff.
anyone have hypno mommy
>>38113 WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRseVdsY3hkbUp0T0hWak0xVjJZMGRHTUdOdFZuWmlhVGt4WXpKV2VVeDZTWHBQVkVWNVRtcHJOQT09 You will have to sort through the posts to find which ones actually have files in them though. To be honest, after Arkadia/CharlotteGray and MyLittleLullabye, I feel that Hypno Mommy/Mommy Victoria is the most decent one left nowadays. I find her voice soothing, alluring but it does not send me straight into arousal enough to make me snap out of trance.
Does anyone have Gradual Bowel Incontinence Training- Part 1 by hypno mommy?
What are the best success files with female voices or robot voices or whatever, just not male voices. I so so so badly want a regression audio that gets me feeling little, even if temporary. Wetting makes you feel little when combined with regression but I've never been able to wet from any title. I've gotten close where it feels like I am, but I never do. I really want to be age regressed. Not a sissy though. I wish there were more unexplored audios in here. Thank you all for the shares
>>38134 only files that managed to make me feel, even for a tiny moment I was regressed/shrinking was a combination of the SocalAB files and the "complete incontinence" but I think they were both male voices, also, the sensation of shrinking+baby feelings felt so intense it woke me up from trance, it was extremely bizarre, part of me woke scared thinking I was actually shrinking, this shit happened over ten years ago and I have been half-chasing that high eve since.
>>38143 Is someone able to repost elsewhere? It's age restricted and I don't want that on my account.
>>38148 >not having a fap gmail account are you for real dude?
Hey guys I have a few that I can share that I don't believe have been shared, but I'm really looking for the mistress Kaitlyn stuff for the diaper training, diaper dependence for wetting. Apparently she's a licensed hypnosis and I really want to get behind that to see if it works. I might buy some stuff in the future but just want to see if anyone else has any. I'll definitely leave some goodies here if if you guys can. Tha k you guys so much for keeping the thread going :)
>>38151 you dont need to get me shit, just sharing what I have WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsdFlWZDRiRXh0YkhaTU0wNU9UWHBhTVZrd1ZqUmtWbEo0WWtFOVBRPT0=
>>38159 >deleted
Yeah unfortunately deleted. Also I appreciate you not needing something but I'd still like to contribute. There just hasn't been anything new. Like I said I have some stuff that hasn't been posted I will post some things if I can get some mistress Kaitlyn or even I can get some some diaper dependence training hypnosis from abdl sissy shop. I have a hour hypnosis file from hypnosis mommy I had custom made for me awhile back! Cost me $250!!! It is very good and very effective. It's called (bladder curse)
>>38159 no longer works
>>38170 This one was also deleted
Might be auto deleted. Perhaps use different service?
>>38172 >>38173 WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsc1dWaE9OV1JZUW5OaU1rWnJURzFzZGt3eU1IWk5XRmt4WVROT2NRPT0= differente service this time, this is silly, they are not even good files imho
I'm sorry to say that none of these are ones that I ask for. Not trying to be a picky bustard but the one that is mistress Kaitlyn is a sample, not even the full file
>>38167 $250? For an audio recording? I'm in the wrong business
This has already been posted...
>be me >struggle for years without landing a decent job, get super depressed because cannot enjoy ABDL like I want to >recently (3 months ago) get a job that allows me to live by myself and indulge in many hobbies >decide to splurge and buy some onesies, toys, plushies, bottles and pacis >get 3 cases of plastic cover, medical with decent ml >go to bed every night in full little attire, already wet and wet during the night a bit more >decide fuck it, lets add some MindMaster - baby training tracks to the mix since I am wetting more easily while lying in bed, semi-awake >notice that I am starting to enjoy more my little side, and feel happier and more content with accepting myself as a little >peeing starts to feel amazing, like a soothing and more relaxed almost-orgasm >started watching videos of milky breasts to condition myself to wet on demand replacing the arousal response >I notice that sometimes I do get stronger spurts when looking at breasts and I am definitely invaded by strong urges to suck on something, not drooling yet though >feelsgoodman.jpg >eventually looking at breasts to induce peeing and while sucking my thumb or pacifier is a way I can achieve pleasure without actually masturbating and I am loving it >this goes on for a while >last week, family dinner, my brother announces his wife's pregnant >baby is due for end of this year >MFW I gotta stop all my routine and start trying to stay away from those files or shit is going to get weird when I go visit and my sister-in-law eventually feeds her baby in front of me *FML.*
>>38199 >started watching videos of milky breasts What?
>>38202 tits lactating? https://thisvid.com/videos/milky-squirter/ (this one's audio is kinda cringy, I will sometimes add lullabyes as background and mute the original audio)
>>38203 Thanks, Also, kind of jelous of you due to havin success with mm files. I have been unable to get pass bladder retraining
I've been unable to regress much. I want someone to regress me so much for at least like 30 minutes or even 15. Idk. I just want someone to post something new in here for regressing or from new people. I posted two new files I acquired a little while ago and no one even commented. But not a lot of activity in this thread lately and there is a ton still not posted here that is available out there. I'll check back later and hope I'm surprised with something new hehe.
>>38204 you gotta keep in mind that different files will resonate different with different people. Bladder retraining or Baby train 2 did NOTHING FOR ME, the ones that I felt had the most effect were Bladder retraining reinforcer AND Baby Behaviours, keep that in mind, also. I did keep my routine going for months of going to bed padded, wetting, getting used to being wet and relaxing while lying down as well as enoying the feeliings of wetting and being wet while trying to slightly supress my arousal, its routine, repetition, dedication, money and risking a few leaks in bed. Dont give up!
>>38260 what I am trying to say is that, although I did not do the recommended process of Bladder Retraining -> Baby Acceptance -> Baby Behaviours - Baby life traininer/Baby Train 2 - Poopy Diapers I was sort of already invested enough to consider some grounds of "Bladder retraining" in the works (wearing, wetting more easily, being comfortable wearing), and also, going to bed with a paci, diaper cover and baby tshirt helped a bit of the cuteness/acceptance factor settle in as well (Baby acceptance) , so Baby Behaviours definitely did not feel that far away from reach. Still the best one for me was Bladder retraining reinforcer.
>>33297 This archive finally went down. So disappointing.
>>38415 its so odd... like 95% of the files have been removed but some still remain, what an odd way to delete things
I gotta be honest here, now that I am committing a lot more to wearing to bed and wearing all day long when doing home office, I feel some suggestions related to wetting solidifying themselves a lot easier... overall wetting is becoming a lot easier and HEAPS more pleasurable, to the point where I am trying to not hit binge-purge cycles (avoiding masturbation as much as possible) to keep a constant "pleasure like" mindset-experience from wetting without any negative feelings post nut. Feels like a solid foundation for wetting related files. Listening to the previews of some of HypnoCat wetting files I did feel something happening, I did not wet uncontrollably but there were some new strong sensations happening in my groin area. I guess no one has any of those around to try? Although I toy with "regressive/baby" feels and wanting to have a baby brain, I dont think I am actually open to the idea of it, its just fap fuel for me, or I dont really want it, not deep down, I have played tirelessly with heaps of files PROMISING to transform me into a baby to be just left disappointed and horny. >>36930 actually it would seem that Its very smart from HypnoCat to offer the messing audio for free since very few people wanna commit to that part of the kink or are willing to have to deal with that extra problem in their lives https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b46hGEOYkpE
what happen to this collection all audio files are deleted https://mega.nz/folder/trtmgS7J#iHgiK5smI3XPogiDkNzTPQ
Does anyone have some of HypnoCat's files? I haven't seen them shared much.
>>38557 mentioned here already >>38415 >>38562 apparently they're in high demand, kind of like the first time we heard about nicole dosei only to be disappointed by shitty fap-audio, I hope is not the case though
I've been really unimpressed by the stuff I've listened to. I think I've been completely spoiled by Bambi Sleep, no diaper stuff is on that tier. There's an ABDL copy of it which is of poor quality. It really feels like your mind is being fucked with listening to BS, but it doesn't seem like that level of quality is present here. Has anybody had any experience with genuinely hypnotic ABDL files? Also I do wonder if there are any master copies of the BS files floating around that you can see all the audio streams in an editing program, if so you could probably make a high quality ABDL version pretty easily.
>>38617 >Bambi Sleep Isn't that one literal CIAnigger material?
>>38621 I'm not sure. There are posts from people talking about it being damaging but it's probably just larp. Either way it's incredibly well made, even I kinda got into it even though non diaper stuff isn't really interesting to me.
>>38617 One of the Bambi ones pulled me away when I tried it when it just ripped the other abdl hypnosis scripts and I started laughing. I can't remember which one it ripped EMG or the mylittlelullaby one or even another but it made me stop
>>35743 bumping this I just think crying could be very cathartic and having it happen without control is something Id like to explore
anyone have spy baby and baby pants
>>38720 spybaby is shit bro, dont bother, most of babypants is hosted in the archive.com playlist
anything new
just wish someone would leak a few of those hypnocat ones, baby brain or one of the wetting files
You’ll get one. Just this once. https://gofile.io/d/b2JCvB
>>38806 Thanks anon!
>>38828 THANK YOU ANON !!!!!!!
>>38828 nice
https://gofile.io/d/Bq9MIV Hypnocat full messing suite Enjoy :)
>>38853 >This folder is not public :(
>>38854 Fixed, its now public
>>38862 Thank you :3
Anyone have the new hypnocat, "mess the bed tonight"?
can someone re-post time to be little Nicole dose stuff a lot of stuff missing from archive.
try https://... Z29maWxlLmlvL2QvcmpLRlQy
>>38853 >>38876 Amazing, thanks a lot!
>>38876 >Z29maWxlLmlvL2QvcmpLRlQy Ohhh maybe someone I didn't have. thanks!
anyone have Rock-a-bye Bambi
>>38876 Thank you so much. This is so great. Can someone please put back some HM files and anyone else you may have
>>38876 I had a question about a few tracks in this collection, namely: Brainwashed Lose Your Little Mind Mind Rogue More, More, More Princess Wins Relax and Accept While the artist identifies themselves as "Princess Nicole" in a few of the tracks, her voice sounds very different from the usual Nicole Dosei tracks I am used to. Anyone know if these are either very old tracks by ND, or have any info on who the actual hypnotist might be?
maybe there could be something at //:sptth WjI5bWFXeGxMbWx2TDJRdmMzRjJOVVUy
>>38916 Thank you ! Great collection
Folder doesn't exist
>>38913 Seems like a different person, sounds totally different to me.
>>38916 Great! Had a few I didn't have.
Weird request, but... Is there any hypno to, you know, re-potty train you? Make you non-incontinent?
>>38940 I've seen a few that are labeled like that, but I haven't bought any of them. I think Mindvoiding has one.
>>38916 Thank you so so much. Does anyone have Hush Little Baby by ND? I like that one. It makes me feel so little. I just want a whole bunch to regress and baby me and make me feel so little. Could anyone please upload this one and anymore you may want to share. 😄. Thank you. Also, has anyone tried any new Etsy files? THANK YOU GUYS!
Can someone please update Ste11a on kem# if possible?
>>39083 aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9RWWpYMmk=
>>38940 Constipation hypno? I don't know if you can increase your fiber intake with hypnosis alone
Can someone put up something new today please. Just asking because I haven't seen much new age regression hypno in a while. Most everything has been shared but there is still a lot of stuff on etsy and maybe a few other places not shared. I'm just asking not demanding lol. Thank you
Has there ever been a hypnosis audio about your birthday but telling you you are a baby or toddler instead of whatever age you really are?
Here hpynocats new one Toddler-Potty-Pants Do you want to experience life with the potty training of a toddler? To you want to be easily distracted, forget you need to go to the bathroom, and end up having frequent wetting and messing accidents? https://mega.nz/file/V0xETSBB#mhcaupLo1h8U0mpPkgCHvr80pUU_FVBT9ksT4D0jlDo
>>39239 Not that I heard of but awesome idea!
>>39253 Thank you for your kindness in sharing! I posted some a while back I had purchased. I hope we keep seeing me stuff and old stuff added to this thread. I kind of like how the Bambi files work, but I'd like some without the sissy and girl stuff. Also, I like the real voices usually better than Ai, but some of the audio is so hypnotic in those.
Can someone please update Stella if she has done anything new since June? Thank you
Thank you for that. It was great. Does anyone have the $i$$y hypnoti$t stuff, specifically the abdl stuff?
>>38806 About hypnocat and my short exp so far... First of all, the dude posts pictures of himself as an ab with his Mommy sometimes, smart as heck to get you hooked on what he has and what he's offering you. Second, I posted in a different thread how I am moving away a bit from the sexual side because I noticed it was causing me a lot of negative thougts and depression, shifting my focus away from the fantasy of becoming a baby which has been always my main arousal focus helped me a bit to control my fapping habits. Opposite to that wearing more often, learning to enjoy wetting, being wet and simply experiencing wetting my diapers in a childish manner helped me achieve a more innocent, enjoyable and simply happier experience. This combined with the fact that I stopped fapping and I started using a dildo to try and get a prostate orgasm but have only gotten peegasm has started making me associate pee = pleasure. This has happened to the point where although edging is still enjoyable cumming by fapping is almost not, while peeing myself or experiecing peegasms have become increasingly more enjoyable. Been listening to a lot of MM bladder retraining reinforcer and baby behaviours as well to try and cement some extra training, as well as Baby Family (thelibrarian) which has gotten surprisingly more accepting of the idea of my future Mommy finding a partner to satisfy her sexual needs, something which was unthought of, before, for me. All of this leads me to my experience with HypnoCat, so far of all the files that Ive listened to, I have always things shifting and "changing" inside of me, both in my crotch area, in my stomach and to a deeper level on how I view myself and my life. Although I am yet to see actual progress I can definitely feel after hoarding years and years of files with 98% of them being fap material, this feels different, may be ots because its a dude and I cant fap to a dude, may be he's doing a great work with his files, may be all my life, this journey has lead me to finally accept that I want to start my path to proper hypno training and the first step is becoming comfortable with being 24/7 incotinent... I dont know if I want to commit to something like baby brain, that still feels like its fap material and I am not there yet mentally to actually become a baby, it wont work if I truly dont want it, deep down it still remains something that arouses me but not an actual wish... But I am getting closer to accepting that I do want to become incontinent for life and I think HypnoCat might lead me in the right direction. May be not today, not next week, but at some point I will buy a file or two of his related to loosing bladder control or wetting my diapers or bed uncontrollably and I can only hope it will give me the results that it took me so long ti understand that I wanted.
Anyone have mega files upload that went down
>>39392 I've been using the old dpf incontinence set with the clearing, hypnotic, subliminal, and sleep learning set for a week and I had a super vivid dream yesterday of being in a classroom I got up to go out the door and right after I closed the door, pee was just gushing out all over the floor and I was worried because the pee was spreading out underneath the door, I swear I almost peed in my sleep but didn't, I love that it can bake that stuff into your dreams if you use it enough, it's an oldie but it's the best I've ever used, I just wish I could spend enough time for it to really shut off my control
anyone have baby girl humiliation 1/2 by Nicole Dosei
Anything new today? Thank you all
Can someone share some Nicole Dosei I'll share new stuff have back.
Uh hu... theese ones? TFMwdFoyOW1hV3hsTG1sdkwyUXZha2hKY1Uwd0xTMHQ=
>>39615 Thank you ! Stella has been updated on Kemono, the new files are awesome. She made some videos too !
Question about Subliminal audio files. How are those supposed to work? I've listened to HypnoMommy's Messing Trigger Subliminal file for a few days now, but they are only sound? No voice or anything like that? feels like I'm missing something. maybe I'm overthinking though.. thinking I might have to switch to either the Hypnosis file, or try and find the Supraliminal file for it somewhere..
>>39633 Moron, I meant HypnoBombshell of course..
HypnoCat Incontinence Trigger WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsdVlqSmFjR0pIVlhWaFZ6aDJXa001TVU1V1RuRlJWRVU5 Does anyone have anything more from Unpotty Training bundle? https://www.etsy.com/listing/1564787722/hypnocats-unpotty-training-abdl-diaper “Potty Training Eraser” is already posted, but I would like to try others, especialy "Become a bedwetter" and "Loss of bladder control" Now I listen to “Potty Training Eraser” every day, and although I never considered myself particularly susceptible to suggestion or hypnosis, I do notice some changes. For context - I've been 24/7 for more than 4 years, and I'm used to wetting all the ime, but after listening to these files it definitely comes easier and more often. But the biggest change I feel is when it comes to pooping - from the beginning of my wearing 24/7, I tended to hold poop until the “right time.” Now, in fact, whenever I feel an urge, I let the poop come out, or quickly push it out myself.
My time has come. aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9xM251SGc=
>>39657 Thank you so much anon!
HypnoCat seems pretty legit from what I've heard so far. Has anyone had any luck with his "The Incontinence Spiral" file?
>>39618 Many of the new files seem interesting. Unfortunately the hypnosis file for "Permanent P00py Pampers" seems to be missing. Only the subliminal and the supraliminal files have been posted.
any new stuff
Any new regression files to make you the baby? Thank you guys
Can someone put back up hm and ND please and any others too?
>>39798 HypnoCat has a few I believe, Baby Brain, Little Space inducer, Baby Dreams inducer, Magic Plushie, Baby Playtime. You should probably try one of those, maybe dont commit to the extreme one right away though
Anyone has some recent files about pants wetting/peegasm or just peeing in general that isn't related to ageplay or incontinence?
Anyone have any wetting/messing files from abdlsissyshop on etsy? If so, are they any good?
>>39849 hm dec x3 WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsdVlqSmFjR0pIVlhWaFZ6aDJXa001UjFaNlJrUmFiVVU5
There is a dude in WarpMyMind trying to create a audio progra..e similar to B4mb1 Sl33p called buddy where you create a baby/infant persona and it ends up replacing you, it sounds awesome and its not paid but it is "premium" since its quite new, anyone has a premium account to download it and share ot with the rest? Pretty please? https://warpmymind.com/index.php?gadget=HFiles&mitem=files-authors#eyJoT2Zmc2V0IjoiMCIsInNlbFNvcnQiOlsiNCJdLCJ0eHRTZWFyY2giOiIiLCJzZWxBdXRob3JzIjpbIjMwMjM2OCJdfQ==
>>39983 Impossible unless you get access to glownigger tech
>>39983 Has anyone have any files like this?
I have it but nothing like bambi it trash.
>>40096 Oh ok. I just want some regression stuff with female voices not hypno cat.
The audio a male voice.
https://hypnotube.com/video/diaper-sissy-caged-73449.html Only view if you're a sissy baby, others may not enjoy.
Any new mp3 archives? Thank you all
anyone have some new stuff to share or old not been.
>>40096 Can you share the love bro?
>>40329 If you create a patreon fan account for free you can listen to the 2 first files, for free, still have not figured how to rip them from mobile
All of the archives here have disappeared. Can anyone PLEASE upload any files to regress too? The gofiles have all began deleting or are gone. I was hoping to try some today while I'm off, but nothing is here anymore. Thank you
>>40409 I am so glad this is not getting bumped nor has a new thread been created for this shit-tier diarreah level of """"hypno files""" already have a few reviews stating its AI-to-voice mp3 crappy audios and the seller replies are typed in an odd almost google translate generated non-native english format... If you are a shill fuck off and if they are your files fuck off and kindly KYS
Let's sit talking about this bad hypnosis stuff and I'm asking someone to please put up a bunch of regression files again since they've all been deleted. Please. I have been check every few says when I'm off and I can't find anything and I have such bad anxiety and just wanted to feel comfort from them in the mornings or at night. Then you anyone. Thank you a ton
Is this thread dead? I noticed most archives are down now.
Can someone please upload some of their stuff because I'm having trouble finding anything working.? Thank you.
I just posted but I noticed this subject does not bump anymore. Maybe that is why no one is posting in here.
Hit the 500 bump limit. If you want to continue, make a new thread.
Seems this thread's dead. Here's the new one. >>40691

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