/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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ABDL Video #5 Baby 11/12/2024 (Tue) 14:19:26 No. 42579
Old thread reached it's limit, please continue sharing here. Old thread -> >>37359
Here's a new link to get us started. Couple of nice diapered blowjob videos. If anyone has any diapered couple videos they could share, that would be amazing!! WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0TlRaTU1scDJZa2RTYkdOcE9VOWlTR1JWVFRGS2FWbFRUbk5OYTNnMFUwVmFNMVZHVWtSV00yaElWWHBTYjFsNmJETmxhemxD
filles aux couches françaises https://bunkr.fi/a/b7Ttx7ot
Tons of random ABDL videos https://bunkr.ph/a/xESeIkzH
Good Going jackass
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This is why we don't just openly post links people!
you fucking retarded cunt
Those were all great collections that are gone forever. You stupid motherfucker
This makes me remember the fags that go: >"wHy ArE yOu EnCrYpTinG ThE LiNk??1?1! iTs MoRe EaSy iF yOu pOst iT NoRmaLly" Welp jackass here's why
Does anyone have videos from ABS? I love their pov work https://mega.nz/folder/IhFD1TBa U3pscmRtNXZha0ZWYUcwNU1EbFNNMmRXVERRMVVRPT0=
how can someone be this retarded
All those vids gone because of that fucking retard
Newbie here. If everyone knows how to decrypt the URLs how does the encryption make them better? Not trying to start a fight or anything, honestly just trying to understand things better.
Sex in Diapers. Will try to add to the folder today. Please share if you have any good diapered sex scenes. WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0TlRaTU1scDJZa2RTYkdOcE9YWmtNMlEyWWxkS1JWTlRUbUZXVlZWMFVXcEpOR1F3Y0U1YVIwVXdXak5zVUZWV1JrOU5NV1J1
>>42656 To at least protect the links against bots and scrapers. Which prove very useful as we could see today.
>>42656 Like >>42658 said. They don't show up in searches this way. It only takes like another 30 seconds of decrypting. Any level of obfuscation is good for protecting this stuff from people trying to remove it. I'm not tech savvy at all but I eventually figured it out.
>>42658 Thanks for the info.
>>42615 >>42618 >>42619 >>42636 >>42637 >>42647 >>42655 Oh no, not my mediocre porn videos most of which were from non-abdl creators that syphon money from incels! Whatever shall we do!? All of this content has been readily available for a long time on private trackers and other sites. Encryption does NOT work. Imagine thinking they don't know about simple checksum encryption. You retards can figure it out. You think the people that take advantage of you to make money don't? Actual psychosis.
>>42661 well for starters you got the name completely wrong this is not encryption and there are no checksums involved.. other than that you know exactly how it works... i'm sorry i just felt like being pedantic a bit.. however i do agree with your point about content creators knowing how to use "checksum encryption" as well >>42658 genuine question how does it protect from scrapers ? i don't exactly know how they work to be hones but it can't be that hard to write a regular expression for those "checkusms strings" and "decrypt" them again not trying to be a smartass here (unlike the above where i actually am) really wondering
>>42663 It's indeed extremely simple for a scraper to break this kind of encoding where there's no encryption involved. But this is just a first, simple layer of obfuscation,thus making harder for the scrapers and the bots to detect an actual link instead of a random piece of string. Now your bot have to be able to do a pattern recognition of a random string. Then,if you just encode the link once, of course, this is not really effective, but add one or two more encoding, and you multiply the chance the bot will fail, because now the bot have to know how many time he should perform the decoding. Ultimately, this is not a very effective safeguard,because a lot of bots can do that, but it's far better than posting the clear links like a moron. Proof being the speed at which it was taken down.
>>42663 Same idea as a captcha. Unless a bot is specifically programmed to go through those few extra steps, it'll just pass over and move on. Currently, none of them seem to, so it works. Alternatively, there are some simps and retards that do it manually, for free, reporting content because they're big enough faggots to do something like that. >>42661 Probably this queer, who strangely wants to shit on people for using the most basic opsec in this context. He will still go through the process like a good little cuck, but it's funny wasting his time.
>>42663 This board automatically changes the name of the actual encryption name to checksum for whatever reason. Like that's effective or something. >>42665 Relax loser. Even I'm not that much of a weirdo to go and report porn for take downs. Even if it is all generic garbage from fake whores looking to take advantage of you. I care, but not that much I assure you.
>>42666 i genuinely didn't know. sorry about being a smart ass then
>>42661 It doesn't change the fact that even with just simple obfuscation we've managed to have content that gets posted and stay up for relatively long periods of time, and just opening posting links means they'll only be there for 24 hours or less.
Those albums are all still there. I seen anon sharing all my links, so I changed them. VUdGdGNHVnlaV1FnVUdWdWJua2dJR2gwZEhCek9pOHZZblZ1YTNKeWNpNXZjbWN2WVM5TmNWTlNNMFJ6YUE9PQ== VTNSaGNpQWdhSFIwY0hNNkx5OWlkVzVyY25KeUxtOXlaeTloTDNsSGVFSm5iME5R VTNWbllYSjVJRXhwZEhSc1pTQm9kSFJ3Y3pvdkwySjFibXR5Y25JdWIzSm5MMkV2VlRGSmExUnpVakk9 VEU1SFZTQm9kSFJ3Y3pvdkwySjFibXR5Y25JdWIzSm5MMkV2ZVRab2RtOXJaR1k9 UkdsaGNHVnlaV1FnVkMxSGFYSnNJQ0FnYUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwzRkNVbmh1YVZsVg== UW1GaWVTQkNaV0VnSUNBZ2FIUjBjSE02THk5aWRXNXJjbkp5TG05eVp5OWhMM2RaVm1SMldrbGs= UW1Wc2JHVWdWVXRFUnlBZ0lHaDBkSEJ6T2k4dlluVnVhM0p5Y2k1dmNtY3ZZUzlPTUZkYU9XUmpidz09 UkdsaGNHVnlaV1FnVDI1c2FXNWxJR2gwZEhCek9pOHZZblZ1YTNKeWNpNXZjbWN2WVM5emJHcE9ZVFo2Y3c9PQ== UjI5MlpYSnVaWE56SUZnZ0lHaDBkSEJ6T2k4dlluVnVhM0p5Y2k1dmNtY3ZZUzl1Y1VSbU0wNVBXUT09 V1hWcmFTQWdhSFIwY0hNNkx5OWlkVzVyY25KeUxtOXlaeTloTDNkcWRFbFZkWHBy UVdGc2FYbGhhQ0JVWVhsc2IzSWdJR2gwZEhCek9pOHZZblZ1YTNKeWNpNXZjbWN2WVM5VWJVNUpSVTFIWnc9PQ== VTNWdWJubFhhWFIwYkdWRVlYbHpJQ0FnYUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEx6SXlXbE5QUm5odQ== UVdkbFVHeGhlU0F5TkM4M0lDQm9kSFJ3Y3pvdkwySjFibXR5Y25JdWIzSm5MMkV2YTIxTVlUaEVXVlk9 VUdGa1pHVmtJRkJ5YVc1alpYTnpJR2gwZEhCek9pOHZZblZ1YTNKeWNpNXZjbWN2WVM4NVZVNWtWMnR4Y1E9PQ== UlhaaElFUmxJRlpwYkd3Z0lHaDBkSEJ6T2k4dlluVnVhM0p5Y2k1dmNtY3ZZUzlPUmpCUE1FMXJUdz09 Umt4Q1lXSjVSMmx5YkhNZ0lDQm9kSFJ3Y3pvdkwySjFibXR5Y25JdWIzSm5MMkV2VUdKM01rOVFSVlU9 UkdsaGNHVnlaV1JUZFc1VGFHbHVaU0FnYUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEx6Vnhaa05JY1hCMw== Uld4c1lTQlNZV2x1WlNBZ2FIUjBjSE02THk5aWRXNXJjbkp5TG05eVp5OWhMemhPZUZwV2J6WTM= UTJoaGNtMXBibWNnUkdsaGNHVnljeUFnYUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwxSlhaekpLZFRCeQ== VW1GdVpHOXRJQ0JvZEhSd2N6b3ZMMkoxYm10eWNuSXViM0puTDJFdk5HTklTME5oUWpZPQ== Um1GbElHaDBkSEJ6T2k4dlluVnVhM0p5Y2k1dmNtY3ZZUzl5YTFKcGIxTkVOdz09 VUhWc2JIVndSMjlrWkdWemN5QWdhSFIwY0hNNkx5OWlkVzVyY25KeUxtOXlaeTloTDB4NFJrWTJVRE0z UVVKRWNtVmhiWE1nTVNBZ0lHaDBkSEJ6T2k4dlluVnVhM0p5Y2k1dmNtY3ZZUzlXWm5OSlRVZHJaUT09 UVVKRWNtVmhiWE1nTWlCb2RIUndjem92TDJKMWJtdHljbkl1YjNKbkwyRXZlRWs0UVUxT1pEVT0= UVVKRWNtVmhiWE1nTXlCb2RIUndjem92TDJKMWJtdHljbkl1YjNKbkwyRXZjSEE1WlRSRlVqRT0= VFhsRWFXRndaWEpIUmlBZ0lHaDBkSEJ6T2k4dlluVnVhM0p5Y2k1dmNtY3ZZUzlCUlRSc1NrOVdNUT09 U0dGc1pYa2dRbXhoYTJVZ2FIUjBjSE02THk5aWRXNXJjbkp5TG05eVp5OWhMM1ZTUkdablVUa3g= UW5KaGRIUjVJRUZ1WVhOMFlYTnBZU0FnSUdoMGRIQnpPaTh2WW5WdWEzSnljaTV2Y21jdllTOHhRVEYzTm5wQlRnPT0= UW1GaWVTQlFaV0ZqYUhrZ0lDQm9kSFJ3Y3pvdkwySjFibXR5Y25JdWIzSm5MMkV2VGxOa1ZXMXFRa0U9 UkV4SGFYSnNJRUoxWW1Kc1pYTWdJR2gwZEhCek9pOHZZblZ1YTNKeWNpNXZjbWN2WVM5TlUzcEVPRzEwU2c9PQ== VUdGdVpHRlFZVzUwY3lBZ0lHaDBkSEJ6T2k4dlluVnVhM0p5Y2k1dmNtY3ZZUzlFTlhOdVNFWlBPQT09 U1U1bFpXUkJUVzl0YlhrZ0lDQm9kSFJ3Y3pvdkwySjFibXR5Y25JdWIzSm5MMkV2T0ZsSlRFNDJZbm89 VUU5V0lDQWdJR2gwZEhCek9pOHZZblZ1YTNKeWNpNXZjbWN2WVM5VVVEWjRVRnBXU0E9PQ== UW5WdWJtbGxJRWgxWjJobGN5QWdJQ0FnYUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEx6bFNXVmx4YldGQg== UkdGcGMza2dSR2xoY0dWeVpXUWdJR2gwZEhCek9pOHZZblZ1YTNKeWNpNXZjbWN2WVM5S1JHSkZPVGRNTWc9PQ== UkdsaGNHVnlJR1JoWkNCTWFYUjBiR1VnVFdsemN5QWdJR2gwZEhCek9pOHZZblZ1YTNKeWNpNXZjbWN2WVM5SlRHbFpabmh4Tnc9PQ==
>>42669 You're good. I'm literally a troll you don't need to apologize to me. Just wanted to make sure you knew. >>42676 The best solution are torrents. But this community can't be bothered. Half the community here has never heard of a single private tracker site. I 100% promise you that if it was posted here it is on various private torrent sites. I know, because I myself upload a fair bit of the content posted here and elsewhere to empornium as an example. And none of that content EVER gets deleted. It's wild to me that you people decide to play secret club house like 10 year olds when the actual solution to keeping content sharing alive has been in place all along.
Can someone tell me how to decrypt :') and how to encrypt? I have over 1000 videos.. But seemingly just sharing a mega link doesnt work. so if anyone got a link to information on how to. Ill gladly share some of my content :)
>>42703 It’s not an encryption but an encoding. Now,put two and two together and figure out what could be the most popular way of encoding a string.
>>42661 Fucking moron. Those folders were good for several months and lo and behold, these are gone within 2 days. Your stupidity and misplaced confidence suit your room temp IQ well.
>>42713 https://www.empornium.is/ Shut the fuck up retard and go download your mediocre porn on the private tracker like anyone with a god damn brain.
>>42715 on the site that removed the ability to sign up like 10 years ago?
>>42715 NTA but a genuine question: why are you acting so unpleasant? You're in a bunch of threads being overly aggressive, rude, self-righteous, etc. You're obviously somewhat self-aware about this. I don't understand the end goal. If you hate the site, why keep coming back? I can't even see how this would be fun just for trolling sake, this is some random diaper board on a chan. Do you have a grudge or something?
>>42716 >being this unaware >newfag Not my fault you don't want to spend the time to get an invite. There are other trackers available that don't require going through the loop but I'm not about to teach someone like you anything. Go fuck yourself and keep playing secret club house. All the content that's posted here I've had for months/years. Spoiler: 90% of the porn out there is trash made by people not even into the fetish. I couldn't imagine being the kind of loser that jerks off to porn of girls clearly doing this shit for money. You'd be better off hiring a fucking prostitute you actual retarded piece of shit. >>42717 There is no end goal. I speak my mind. Sorry if that triggers you or whatever.
>>42717 >Do you have a grudge or something? Narcissism. Doesn't get enough attention on Twitter or BS, so he comes here to throw his weight around. Chances are it's quite a bit of weight, too.
>>42720 >There is no end goal. I speak my mind. Sorry if that triggers you or whatever. Are you Ricky Gervais?
>>42722 Please. All my life I've been the one to not speak my mind. I'm finally at a place in my life with enough confidence to do so. If you think I'm insufferable here you wouldn't stand to be around me IRL either. But that's good. I don't surround myself with people that can't handle critique or the truth. I spit both. You just throw assumptions out because you want to discredit me because my attitude triggers you. That's not how it works. You've done nothing to argue against what I've said except for spit insults at me. Says a lot about who you are. Get lost. >>42723 Literally who?
>>42724 Bro, you literally brag about the porn you jerk off to and have the nerve to call everyone else losers. Think about that for a minute. >my attitude triggers you Ain't nobody, "triggered" by your stupid-ass. You obviously get off on being the center of attention, or else you wouldn't pop into every thread to start shit. >you want to discredit me It's an anonymous image board. You sound retarded. Like, "Get this kid a Special Needs Helmet before he hurts himself" kind of retarded.
>>42725 >gibberish Good argument. Fucking cooked retard. You're done. Imagine thinking playing secret club house with your secret codes like you're still in elementary school gives you ANY room to talk. Holy fucking autism. If I had the choice to be you or be dead I'd grab the gun myself.
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>>42731 For you.
>>42733 >not knowing the point is to make you reply and nothing you say is going to make me stop >he's mad mad >replying every hour on the hour because that's how triggered you are Like a true retard you misspelled the word "me". Good job. Cooked.
>>42734 >the point is to make you reply Wow. Shocker. >replying every hour I've got nothing else to do today, but you are getting kind of boring. I like to picture you sitting behind your monitor, high-fiving yourself every time you post. Maybe a fist pump or two as you type out, "You're done!" Or "Cooked!" like some kind of Anime Antagonist or Protagonist.
>>42734 You never refuted the fact that he called you a fatass. So you must be quite fat. Boom checkmate
>>42734 Can't hate you enough, sagefag. Again, kill yourself.
Does anyone have a way to download videos or record from darkfans? I have a new subscription I want to rip and upload somewhere. But I can only do it from mobile...
>>42735 >>42737 >>42739 >more garbage words from the most autistic faggots on this board That's cool and all. But you know what? Your mother. So there! Checkmate. This is literally how you sound btw.
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>>42759 (((you))) are a worthless member on the board who spends your free time shaming other people interested in this topic. I'd ask for a janny to permaban ur diapered ass, but they're too busy shitting themselves to notice how you've ruined the board.
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>>42760 >angry that I checkmated you >secret clubhouse retard >can't handle the fact that I made fun of you for using codes like a 10 year old playing around in his moms basement Sure bud. Keep playing your secret clubhouse game while I have every bit of content you are upset about losing. Don't be mad at me for pointing out how best to get what you want. Just go get an invite to a private tracker and stop whining and focusing on me like the bitch you are. Every reply you make to me is a fucking embarrassment.
>>42715 TBH only 90% of the videos posted here are on there. There's some gems that you can only find from another person on the board. Plus porn is porn even if its mediocre. Also not a lot of people been uploading diaper porn there. Have to wait about a week for a new upload.
>>42763 While this is true and fair the other 10% can be acquired by simply using google. There's nothing that's ever been posted here that I have not seen elsewhere first. That's kind of the point of chan boards. Everything posted here is posted from another source. Nothing is original. Everything is copypasta. Threads like these would serve a better purpose if the sources of said content was posted and a viable, consistent, safe, and secure way of saving files was in place with a system. What's the saying? Repeating the same thing over and over is insanity or some shit? Y'all post the same old garbage over and over that's already elsewhere and expect it to not be taken down. Imagine being that retarded and then choosing to die on that hill. Couldn't be me.
>>42765 >choosing to die on that hill When we come out and call you a faggot or retarded, it's not in defense of the system being used, it's because nobody likes you.
>>42768 Do you think, and I want you to really think about this for a minute okay? Do you really think I give a flying fuck about what some random garbage like you and those that reply to me think of me? You're on some serious drugs if you think I am trying to paint myself in a positive light here. I don't give a FUCK. I say what I say, and tell it like it is. It's on you if you don't like it. Nothing you say to me is going to stop me from expressing myself in the way that I choose. And I think you know that. That's why you're so peeved. That's the difference between you losers and me. You don't effect me or how I approach expressing myself. I infuriate you. You can use whatever petty insults or random gibberish you want to try to outwit me. The fact is you're a fucking embarrassment.
why are you idiots giving this lame faggot attention
>>42771 It's a guilty pleasure. >>42770 So being an insufferable, narcissistic, whiney attention whore is just your way of self expression? Talk about emotionally stunted. Did Daddy diddle you when you were younger? Maybe Mommy?
What the name of website in the screenshot ,?
>>42773 Here let me stoop down to your level my guy. No, but your mom did. OHHHHHH GOTTTEEEEEM >>42771 This guy fucks.
>>42773 Also, I don't know if you're aware of this but the only type of people that I've ever seen freely go to the word "narcissist" as their primary insult or argumentative point are tumblrina fat slob fuckwads who dye their hair green ask for the manager and claim that their exes telling them they want them to lose weight so they don't fucking die at the age of 40 from a heart attack is emotional abuse. It isn't a good look. I suggest sticking with faggot or retard or something. I'm fairly positive you know the definitions of those. If not, just look in a mirror. >>42774 Remember when I said that half the people here have know idea that private trackers even exist? Is it narcissistic to enjoy being proven right? Or is it just a human trait? Either way, you're all still playing secret club house and I'm laughing my ass off.
I personaly use torrent a lot and as annoying as sageanon is, he's right that it's a much more civilized way of sharing file, but once you have say that, it doesn't change the fact that getting into a private tracker from nothing is a pain in the ass. The real chad alternative would be IPFS, but that's probably asking too much.
>>42775 >>42776 I've never seen someone, "No U" as much as... Well... You. I think I may have struck a nerve. It must have really sucked growing up being a piece of meat for your parents(relative) to find gratification with. But that's okay! Look at you now! Surely you have one of the bestest porn collections with your private trackers, and all. We're all just jealous of you, oh King of Coomers. I see big things in your future!
>>42778 Ooo! I was waiting on this one. I was like "watch some dumb fuck go there just watch lmao". Okay so here's the thing about your argument. You're... posting on a uh... porn website? In a video sharing thread? Like... LMAO LMAO LMAO. NO ARGUMENT. Get fucking cooked.
>>42780 You have the reading comprehension of a toddler. There is no argument or debating going on here, and it being on /abdl/ has nothing to do with anything at all. I am genuinely baffled by your response. If that was the intention, then good for you? I guess?
>>42782 >getting baited this hard and still typing Yikes.
Either post videos or fuck off, no one cares about the small penis measuring you two are doing.
>>42811 Thank you for saying it!
>>42811 Sounds good bro.
Less yapping, more fapping. Not my collection but I've kept it stored for a while. YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOUlOV3hwYVV0UlZDTktUMU5DWkMxMFgydzRibFJ4YzFGNlMxSnFTVVZu
>>42762 what's that site anon?
>>42832 Empornium
does anyone have this vid available?https://thisvid.com/videos/curvy-yoga-girl-in-goodnites/ she's hot af
>>42833 How we're supposed to join this site? There's only a "Home" button and a "Login button" and the first one it's useless. Can you tell us?
>>42852 Don't bother. It's a private tracker that you can only join on invite, and good luck on that if you don't know anything about p2p.
>>42762 Are you boasting about frdiapergirls stuff? Really? LOL!
>>42858 Don't reply to him. Filter his posts.
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>>42873 >newfag I can get around that quite easily. >>42858 No? Did you not see the giant obvious red circle that was meant to indicate exactly how much content is on that site compared to how much you people have circulating here? 1 video post in a week+. Crazy. Imagine being that much of a fucking retard playing your secret clubhouse game. I'm tempted to just post every single link that's posted here and report them all just to fuck with you all. But, honestly I can't be bothered. Don't tempt me though. Just don't reply to me like the retard said. I'll just spin you around in circles until you give up replying after realizing that I am not going to stop talking my shit like everyone else that I've embarrassed.
>>42877 tldr
>>42883 >baited into replying anyway >tldr but you read every word >you trying to save face >getting embarrassed that hard Yikes.
unless you are going to share content, SHUT THE FUCK UP V1ZWb1UwMUhUa2xVVkZwTlpWUnNNRmRzWkd0aFJYaDBUbFJhVFUxc2NESlphMlJUWWtkT2NFOVVRbHBOYXpWMlZXdGFTazFHVGpWVWFrWlVVakpvUTFScmFFTlRiRTVYVm1zNVdGWlhhRzFYYWtwdVRsZEdSVk50UmxkaVJVcFQ=
>>42887 That was a fast takedown... out of curiosity, who was it?
>>42892 Probably salt over being called out
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(619.45 KB 1200x3440 ACZD-044-1080p.jpeg)

for the unaware, jav are pretty available to just stream. many such websites but heres one: https://www5.javmost.com/tag/Diaper/ ACZD has made many through the years A lot of them don't do it for me, either language barrier or just amateur casting couch crap, but there are some gems like https://www5.javmost.com/ACZD-044/ if you want a copy for safekeeping, https://sukebei.nyaa.si/ is a good tracker based resource if you aren't on empornium, but all of them are of course on there as well
>>42895 How likely are you to eventually get a seeder even when a torrent is listed as not having any? I sometimes want DL a JAV from there but every time I check the torrent is unseeded. Not sure if that just means "no seeders right now" or that means "no seeders in the past X days"
>>42892 It was me. I told you not to fuck around. Now you found out.
>>42886 >baited into replying anyway You mean like what happens to you every day? rofl
>>42898 >poor baby is mad that the video thread on 8chan is officially cancelled >had to come up with some witty come back >failed >still mad as fuck "rofl" Indeed. Get fucked. This thread is done.
>>42892 >>42893 He means which content creator probably... Which I'm curious about too. On a side note, just ban both of them, though I wouldn't be surprised if the dude is replying to himself at this point... Can everybody just literally stop replying to it? Act as if it is not there. Don't reason with it, don't argue with it. It's just a dog looking for attention.
>>42904 You know they can't do that. Their internet pride is at stake after all. It's all they got. I told them what would happen if they continued to reply. All they had to do was stop or apologize. Now it's game on. Their fault. >ban >2024 LOL
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REMINDER: If you dare to post any hdwetting/hddiapers in these threads the autistic owner of the website WILL SUE YOU. Stay safe bros.
>>42657 Do you have more mommyandbabybruce videos?
anybody on telegram able to see if there are actually other videos of her? she's cute af https://dp-vids.com/videos/5396/peeing-my-pull-up-diaper-again-showing-insides/
>>42887 i will try to reupload this with more encryption when i get a chance. it had some good c4s stuff in it that i haven't seen posted anywhere else.
>>42919 Appreciate it, anon.
>>42919 Good luck with that. It's getting reported immediately. Furthermore any encryption method used here will be explained in detail to any content creators that are posted here prior to takedowns so they themselves can file the reports.
>>42914 imagine some fancy ass white collar lawyer coming to find me in the middle of the amazon where I am fapping currently... just simply retarded.
>>42919 Just create a torrent. This way no fuckers will be able to take it down.
>>42916 Pretty sure that's a guy.
>>42946 >says what I've been saying for months >i win ding ding ding
Actually, I apologize. I've been off my meds lately and didn't mean to be so insufferable.
>>42953 What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
>>42953 >>42955 These are both fake, I'm the real schizo. This thread is DONE mate. Done, I tell you. Finished.

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