/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

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ABDL Video #5 Baby 11/12/2024 (Tue) 14:19:26 No. 42579
Old thread reached it's limit, please continue sharing here. Old thread -> >>37359
Here's a new link to get us started. Couple of nice diapered blowjob videos. If anyone has any diapered couple videos they could share, that would be amazing!! WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0TlRaTU1scDJZa2RTYkdOcE9VOWlTR1JWVFRGS2FWbFRUbk5OYTNnMFUwVmFNMVZHVWtSV00yaElWWHBTYjFsNmJETmxhemxD
filles aux couches françaises https://bunkr.fi/a/b7Ttx7ot
Tons of random ABDL videos https://bunkr.ph/a/xESeIkzH
This makes me remember the fags that go: >"wHy ArE yOu EnCrYpTinG ThE LiNk??1?1! iTs MoRe EaSy iF yOu pOst iT NoRmaLly" Welp jackass here's why
Does anyone have videos from ABS? I love their pov work https://mega.nz/folder/IhFD1TBa U3pscmRtNXZha0ZWYUcwNU1EbFNNMmRXVERRMVVRPT0=
Sex in Diapers. Will try to add to the folder today. Please share if you have any good diapered sex scenes. WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0TlRaTU1scDJZa2RTYkdOcE9YWmtNMlEyWWxkS1JWTlRUbUZXVlZWMFVXcEpOR1F3Y0U1YVIwVXdXak5zVUZWV1JrOU5NV1J1
>>42656 To at least protect the links against bots and scrapers. Which prove very useful as we could see today.
>>42656 Like >>42658 said. They don't show up in searches this way. It only takes like another 30 seconds of decrypting. Any level of obfuscation is good for protecting this stuff from people trying to remove it. I'm not tech savvy at all but I eventually figured it out.
>>42658 Thanks for the info.
>>42615 >>42618 >>42619 >>42636 >>42637 >>42647 >>42655 Oh no, not my mediocre porn videos most of which were from non-abdl creators that syphon money from incels! Whatever shall we do!? All of this content has been readily available for a long time on private trackers and other sites. Encryption does NOT work. Imagine thinking they don't know about simple checksum encryption. You retards can figure it out. You think the people that take advantage of you to make money don't? Actual psychosis.
>>42661 well for starters you got the name completely wrong this is not encryption and there are no checksums involved.. other than that you know exactly how it works... i'm sorry i just felt like being pedantic a bit.. however i do agree with your point about content creators knowing how to use "checksum encryption" as well >>42658 genuine question how does it protect from scrapers ? i don't exactly know how they work to be hones but it can't be that hard to write a regular expression for those "checkusms strings" and "decrypt" them again not trying to be a smartass here (unlike the above where i actually am) really wondering
>>42663 It's indeed extremely simple for a scraper to break this kind of encoding where there's no encryption involved. But this is just a first, simple layer of obfuscation,thus making harder for the scrapers and the bots to detect an actual link instead of a random piece of string. Now your bot have to be able to do a pattern recognition of a random string. Then,if you just encode the link once, of course, this is not really effective, but add one or two more encoding, and you multiply the chance the bot will fail, because now the bot have to know how many time he should perform the decoding. Ultimately, this is not a very effective safeguard,because a lot of bots can do that, but it's far better than posting the clear links like a moron. Proof being the speed at which it was taken down.
>>42663 Same idea as a captcha. Unless a bot is specifically programmed to go through those few extra steps, it'll just pass over and move on. Currently, none of them seem to, so it works. Alternatively, there are some simps and retards that do it manually, for free, reporting content because they're big enough faggots to do something like that. >>42661 Probably this queer, who strangely wants to shit on people for using the most basic opsec in this context. He will still go through the process like a good little cuck, but it's funny wasting his time.
>>42663 This board automatically changes the name of the actual encryption name to checksum for whatever reason. Like that's effective or something. >>42665 Relax loser. Even I'm not that much of a weirdo to go and report porn for take downs. Even if it is all generic garbage from fake whores looking to take advantage of you. I care, but not that much I assure you.
>>42666 i genuinely didn't know. sorry about being a smart ass then
>>42661 It doesn't change the fact that even with just simple obfuscation we've managed to have content that gets posted and stay up for relatively long periods of time, and just opening posting links means they'll only be there for 24 hours or less.
Those albums are all still there. I seen anon sharing all my links, so I changed them. VUdGdGNHVnlaV1FnVUdWdWJua2dJR2gwZEhCek9pOHZZblZ1YTNKeWNpNXZjbWN2WVM5TmNWTlNNMFJ6YUE9PQ== VTNSaGNpQWdhSFIwY0hNNkx5OWlkVzVyY25KeUxtOXlaeTloTDNsSGVFSm5iME5R VTNWbllYSjVJRXhwZEhSc1pTQm9kSFJ3Y3pvdkwySjFibXR5Y25JdWIzSm5MMkV2VlRGSmExUnpVakk9 VEU1SFZTQm9kSFJ3Y3pvdkwySjFibXR5Y25JdWIzSm5MMkV2ZVRab2RtOXJaR1k9 UkdsaGNHVnlaV1FnVkMxSGFYSnNJQ0FnYUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwzRkNVbmh1YVZsVg== UW1GaWVTQkNaV0VnSUNBZ2FIUjBjSE02THk5aWRXNXJjbkp5TG05eVp5OWhMM2RaVm1SMldrbGs= UW1Wc2JHVWdWVXRFUnlBZ0lHaDBkSEJ6T2k4dlluVnVhM0p5Y2k1dmNtY3ZZUzlPTUZkYU9XUmpidz09 UkdsaGNHVnlaV1FnVDI1c2FXNWxJR2gwZEhCek9pOHZZblZ1YTNKeWNpNXZjbWN2WVM5emJHcE9ZVFo2Y3c9PQ== UjI5MlpYSnVaWE56SUZnZ0lHaDBkSEJ6T2k4dlluVnVhM0p5Y2k1dmNtY3ZZUzl1Y1VSbU0wNVBXUT09 V1hWcmFTQWdhSFIwY0hNNkx5OWlkVzVyY25KeUxtOXlaeTloTDNkcWRFbFZkWHBy UVdGc2FYbGhhQ0JVWVhsc2IzSWdJR2gwZEhCek9pOHZZblZ1YTNKeWNpNXZjbWN2WVM5VWJVNUpSVTFIWnc9PQ== VTNWdWJubFhhWFIwYkdWRVlYbHpJQ0FnYUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEx6SXlXbE5QUm5odQ== UVdkbFVHeGhlU0F5TkM4M0lDQm9kSFJ3Y3pvdkwySjFibXR5Y25JdWIzSm5MMkV2YTIxTVlUaEVXVlk9 VUdGa1pHVmtJRkJ5YVc1alpYTnpJR2gwZEhCek9pOHZZblZ1YTNKeWNpNXZjbWN2WVM4NVZVNWtWMnR4Y1E9PQ== UlhaaElFUmxJRlpwYkd3Z0lHaDBkSEJ6T2k4dlluVnVhM0p5Y2k1dmNtY3ZZUzlPUmpCUE1FMXJUdz09 Umt4Q1lXSjVSMmx5YkhNZ0lDQm9kSFJ3Y3pvdkwySjFibXR5Y25JdWIzSm5MMkV2VUdKM01rOVFSVlU9 UkdsaGNHVnlaV1JUZFc1VGFHbHVaU0FnYUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEx6Vnhaa05JY1hCMw== Uld4c1lTQlNZV2x1WlNBZ2FIUjBjSE02THk5aWRXNXJjbkp5TG05eVp5OWhMemhPZUZwV2J6WTM= UTJoaGNtMXBibWNnUkdsaGNHVnljeUFnYUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEwxSlhaekpLZFRCeQ== VW1GdVpHOXRJQ0JvZEhSd2N6b3ZMMkoxYm10eWNuSXViM0puTDJFdk5HTklTME5oUWpZPQ== Um1GbElHaDBkSEJ6T2k4dlluVnVhM0p5Y2k1dmNtY3ZZUzl5YTFKcGIxTkVOdz09 VUhWc2JIVndSMjlrWkdWemN5QWdhSFIwY0hNNkx5OWlkVzVyY25KeUxtOXlaeTloTDB4NFJrWTJVRE0z UVVKRWNtVmhiWE1nTVNBZ0lHaDBkSEJ6T2k4dlluVnVhM0p5Y2k1dmNtY3ZZUzlXWm5OSlRVZHJaUT09 UVVKRWNtVmhiWE1nTWlCb2RIUndjem92TDJKMWJtdHljbkl1YjNKbkwyRXZlRWs0UVUxT1pEVT0= UVVKRWNtVmhiWE1nTXlCb2RIUndjem92TDJKMWJtdHljbkl1YjNKbkwyRXZjSEE1WlRSRlVqRT0= VFhsRWFXRndaWEpIUmlBZ0lHaDBkSEJ6T2k4dlluVnVhM0p5Y2k1dmNtY3ZZUzlCUlRSc1NrOVdNUT09 U0dGc1pYa2dRbXhoYTJVZ2FIUjBjSE02THk5aWRXNXJjbkp5TG05eVp5OWhMM1ZTUkdablVUa3g= UW5KaGRIUjVJRUZ1WVhOMFlYTnBZU0FnSUdoMGRIQnpPaTh2WW5WdWEzSnljaTV2Y21jdllTOHhRVEYzTm5wQlRnPT0= UW1GaWVTQlFaV0ZqYUhrZ0lDQm9kSFJ3Y3pvdkwySjFibXR5Y25JdWIzSm5MMkV2VGxOa1ZXMXFRa0U9 UkV4SGFYSnNJRUoxWW1Kc1pYTWdJR2gwZEhCek9pOHZZblZ1YTNKeWNpNXZjbWN2WVM5TlUzcEVPRzEwU2c9PQ== VUdGdVpHRlFZVzUwY3lBZ0lHaDBkSEJ6T2k4dlluVnVhM0p5Y2k1dmNtY3ZZUzlFTlhOdVNFWlBPQT09 U1U1bFpXUkJUVzl0YlhrZ0lDQm9kSFJ3Y3pvdkwySjFibXR5Y25JdWIzSm5MMkV2T0ZsSlRFNDJZbm89 VUU5V0lDQWdJR2gwZEhCek9pOHZZblZ1YTNKeWNpNXZjbWN2WVM5VVVEWjRVRnBXU0E9PQ== UW5WdWJtbGxJRWgxWjJobGN5QWdJQ0FnYUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNuSnlMbTl5Wnk5aEx6bFNXVmx4YldGQg== UkdGcGMza2dSR2xoY0dWeVpXUWdJR2gwZEhCek9pOHZZblZ1YTNKeWNpNXZjbWN2WVM5S1JHSkZPVGRNTWc9PQ== UkdsaGNHVnlJR1JoWkNCTWFYUjBiR1VnVFdsemN5QWdJR2gwZEhCek9pOHZZblZ1YTNKeWNpNXZjbWN2WVM5SlRHbFpabmh4Tnc9PQ==
>>42669 You're good. I'm literally a troll you don't need to apologize to me. Just wanted to make sure you knew. >>42676 The best solution are torrents. But this community can't be bothered. Half the community here has never heard of a single private tracker site. I 100% promise you that if it was posted here it is on various private torrent sites. I know, because I myself upload a fair bit of the content posted here and elsewhere to empornium as an example. And none of that content EVER gets deleted. It's wild to me that you people decide to play secret club house like 10 year olds when the actual solution to keeping content sharing alive has been in place all along.
Can someone tell me how to decrypt :') and how to encrypt? I have over 1000 videos.. But seemingly just sharing a mega link doesnt work. so if anyone got a link to information on how to. Ill gladly share some of my content :)
>>42703 It’s not an encryption but an encoding. Now,put two and two together and figure out what could be the most popular way of encoding a string.
>>42661 Fucking moron. Those folders were good for several months and lo and behold, these are gone within 2 days. Your stupidity and misplaced confidence suit your room temp IQ well.
>>42713 https://www.empornium.is/ Shut the fuck up retard and go download your mediocre porn on the private tracker like anyone with a god damn brain.
>>42715 on the site that removed the ability to sign up like 10 years ago?
>>42715 NTA but a genuine question: why are you acting so unpleasant? You're in a bunch of threads being overly aggressive, rude, self-righteous, etc. You're obviously somewhat self-aware about this. I don't understand the end goal. If you hate the site, why keep coming back? I can't even see how this would be fun just for trolling sake, this is some random diaper board on a chan. Do you have a grudge or something?
>>42716 >being this unaware >newfag Not my fault you don't want to spend the time to get an invite. There are other trackers available that don't require going through the loop but I'm not about to teach someone like you anything. Go fuck yourself and keep playing secret club house. All the content that's posted here I've had for months/years. Spoiler: 90% of the porn out there is trash made by people not even into the fetish. I couldn't imagine being the kind of loser that jerks off to porn of girls clearly doing this shit for money. You'd be better off hiring a fucking prostitute you actual retarded piece of shit. >>42717 There is no end goal. I speak my mind. Sorry if that triggers you or whatever.
Does anyone have a way to download videos or record from darkfans? I have a new subscription I want to rip and upload somewhere. But I can only do it from mobile...
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>>42760 >angry that I checkmated you >secret clubhouse retard >can't handle the fact that I made fun of you for using codes like a 10 year old playing around in his moms basement Sure bud. Keep playing your secret clubhouse game while I have every bit of content you are upset about losing. Don't be mad at me for pointing out how best to get what you want. Just go get an invite to a private tracker and stop whining and focusing on me like the bitch you are. Every reply you make to me is a fucking embarrassment.
>>42715 TBH only 90% of the videos posted here are on there. There's some gems that you can only find from another person on the board. Plus porn is porn even if its mediocre. Also not a lot of people been uploading diaper porn there. Have to wait about a week for a new upload.
>>42763 While this is true and fair the other 10% can be acquired by simply using google. There's nothing that's ever been posted here that I have not seen elsewhere first. That's kind of the point of chan boards. Everything posted here is posted from another source. Nothing is original. Everything is copypasta. Threads like these would serve a better purpose if the sources of said content was posted and a viable, consistent, safe, and secure way of saving files was in place with a system. What's the saying? Repeating the same thing over and over is insanity or some shit? Y'all post the same old garbage over and over that's already elsewhere and expect it to not be taken down. Imagine being that retarded and then choosing to die on that hill. Couldn't be me.
>>42771 It's a guilty pleasure. >>42770 So being an insufferable, narcissistic, whiney attention whore is just your way of self expression? Talk about emotionally stunted. Did Daddy diddle you when you were younger? Maybe Mommy?
What the name of website in the screenshot ,?
>>42773 Here let me stoop down to your level my guy. No, but your mom did. OHHHHHH GOTTTEEEEEM >>42771 This guy fucks.
>>42773 Also, I don't know if you're aware of this but the only type of people that I've ever seen freely go to the word "narcissist" as their primary insult or argumentative point are tumblrina fat slob fuckwads who dye their hair green ask for the manager and claim that their exes telling them they want them to lose weight so they don't fucking die at the age of 40 from a heart attack is emotional abuse. It isn't a good look. I suggest sticking with faggot or retard or something. I'm fairly positive you know the definitions of those. If not, just look in a mirror. >>42774 Remember when I said that half the people here have know idea that private trackers even exist? Is it narcissistic to enjoy being proven right? Or is it just a human trait? Either way, you're all still playing secret club house and I'm laughing my ass off.
I personaly use torrent a lot and as annoying as sageanon is, he's right that it's a much more civilized way of sharing file, but once you have say that, it doesn't change the fact that getting into a private tracker from nothing is a pain in the ass. The real chad alternative would be IPFS, but that's probably asking too much.
>>42775 >>42776 I've never seen someone, "No U" as much as... Well... You. I think I may have struck a nerve. It must have really sucked growing up being a piece of meat for your parents(relative) to find gratification with. But that's okay! Look at you now! Surely you have one of the bestest porn collections with your private trackers, and all. We're all just jealous of you, oh King of Coomers. I see big things in your future!
>>42778 Ooo! I was waiting on this one. I was like "watch some dumb fuck go there just watch lmao". Okay so here's the thing about your argument. You're... posting on a uh... porn website? In a video sharing thread? Like... LMAO LMAO LMAO. NO ARGUMENT. Get fucking cooked.
>>42780 You have the reading comprehension of a toddler. There is no argument or debating going on here, and it being on /abdl/ has nothing to do with anything at all. I am genuinely baffled by your response. If that was the intention, then good for you? I guess?
>>42782 >getting baited this hard and still typing Yikes.
Either post videos or fuck off, no one cares about the small penis measuring you two are doing.
>>42811 Thank you for saying it!
>>42811 Sounds good bro.
Less yapping, more fapping. Not my collection but I've kept it stored for a while. YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOUlOV3hwYVV0UlZDTktUMU5DWkMxMFgydzRibFJ4YzFGNlMxSnFTVVZu
>>42762 what's that site anon?
>>42832 Empornium
does anyone have this vid available?https://thisvid.com/videos/curvy-yoga-girl-in-goodnites/ she's hot af
>>42833 How we're supposed to join this site? There's only a "Home" button and a "Login button" and the first one it's useless. Can you tell us?
>>42852 Don't bother. It's a private tracker that you can only join on invite, and good luck on that if you don't know anything about p2p.
>>42762 Are you boasting about frdiapergirls stuff? Really? LOL!
>>42858 Don't reply to him. Filter his posts.
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>>42873 >newfag I can get around that quite easily. >>42858 No? Did you not see the giant obvious red circle that was meant to indicate exactly how much content is on that site compared to how much you people have circulating here? 1 video post in a week+. Crazy. Imagine being that much of a fucking retard playing your secret clubhouse game. I'm tempted to just post every single link that's posted here and report them all just to fuck with you all. But, honestly I can't be bothered. Don't tempt me though. Just don't reply to me like the retard said. I'll just spin you around in circles until you give up replying after realizing that I am not going to stop talking my shit like everyone else that I've embarrassed.
>>42877 tldr
>>42883 >baited into replying anyway >tldr but you read every word >you trying to save face >getting embarrassed that hard Yikes.
unless you are going to share content, SHUT THE FUCK UP V1ZWb1UwMUhUa2xVVkZwTlpWUnNNRmRzWkd0aFJYaDBUbFJhVFUxc2NESlphMlJUWWtkT2NFOVVRbHBOYXpWMlZXdGFTazFHVGpWVWFrWlVVakpvUTFScmFFTlRiRTVYVm1zNVdGWlhhRzFYYWtwdVRsZEdSVk50UmxkaVJVcFQ=
>>42887 That was a fast takedown... out of curiosity, who was it?
>>42892 Probably salt over being called out
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for the unaware, jav are pretty available to just stream. many such websites but heres one: https://www5.javmost.com/tag/Diaper/ ACZD has made many through the years A lot of them don't do it for me, either language barrier or just amateur casting couch crap, but there are some gems like https://www5.javmost.com/ACZD-044/ if you want a copy for safekeeping, https://sukebei.nyaa.si/ is a good tracker based resource if you aren't on empornium, but all of them are of course on there as well
>>42895 How likely are you to eventually get a seeder even when a torrent is listed as not having any? I sometimes want DL a JAV from there but every time I check the torrent is unseeded. Not sure if that just means "no seeders right now" or that means "no seeders in the past X days"
>>42892 >>42893 He means which content creator probably... Which I'm curious about too. On a side note, just ban both of them, though I wouldn't be surprised if the dude is replying to himself at this point... Can everybody just literally stop replying to it? Act as if it is not there. Don't reason with it, don't argue with it. It's just a dog looking for attention.
>>42904 You know they can't do that. Their internet pride is at stake after all. It's all they got. I told them what would happen if they continued to reply. All they had to do was stop or apologize. Now it's game on. Their fault. >ban >2024 LOL
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REMINDER: If you dare to post any hdwetting/hddiapers in these threads the autistic owner of the website WILL SUE YOU. Stay safe bros.
>>42657 Do you have more mommyandbabybruce videos?
anybody on telegram able to see if there are actually other videos of her? she's cute af https://dp-vids.com/videos/5396/peeing-my-pull-up-diaper-again-showing-insides/
>>42887 i will try to reupload this with more encryption when i get a chance. it had some good c4s stuff in it that i haven't seen posted anywhere else.
>>42919 Appreciate it, anon.
>>42919 Good luck with that. It's getting reported immediately. Furthermore any encryption method used here will be explained in detail to any content creators that are posted here prior to takedowns so they themselves can file the reports.
>>42914 imagine some fancy ass white collar lawyer coming to find me in the middle of the amazon where I am fapping currently... just simply retarded.
>>42919 Just create a torrent. This way no fuckers will be able to take it down.
>>42916 Pretty sure that's a guy.
>>42946 >says what I've been saying for months >i win ding ding ding
All of the bunkr links are dead
>>42947 don't care just want the sauce
>>42989 Zara Diaper Girl. I am also pretty sure it's a dude, but "she" sells videos through a telegram account. Last I saw, nothing had been updated in a while. May be inactive now
anyone has vids from aunt elli and wetset?
Hey looking for a vid I accidentally deleted, a girl in latex revealing wearing a diaper then changing to a messy diaper from the trash, jerking off a guy in pov. Mybe it was DirtyBetty or something similar. Pretty slim latina girl
>>43032 not going to bother posting/linking it because of current climate but go to other diaper related websites and search for Lissahil and i think you should be able to find it without too much difficulty
>>43035 Found it, thanks man! Appreciate it!
Could you give me a hint where you found the video (maybe the video name). I wasnt able to find any videos of her with used messy diapers and latex yet
Found it on many vids it is called lissahil fuck with dirty diaper. Sadly I cant find it anywhere for free
I found it on DP vids but only private . https://dp-vids.com/videos/6747/lissahil-diaper-sex/
>>43060 Thanks. It's easy toi bypass on there.
Still hoping someone can help me download scatbook/darkfans videos on a mobile device. I'd be uploading them all to thisvid as well.
>>43060 just look at it more carefully bro, like, really a close inspection, you might see what its all about
Thank you for the advice. What do you exactly mean with the inspection?
Does anyone have Diaper Therapy content?
>>43209 Although it's great in theory videos like this never do it for me. I'm just cringing at the sort of coments they're inviting by doing this. It's always some bullshit granny panties pull-ups. And it's almost always over clothes, which is the case here. The best you can hope for with a video like this is at least some cute comments or teasing but there's not even any of that really.
Does anybody have Scarlet Rose videos or remember if they have already been posted? Just discovered her and and trying to find more but there is only a few videos i have found.
>>42579 I recommend you strongly this channel: https://www.youtube.com/@HowItShouldBeFilms/ Please subscribe, so she can continue making these videos.
>>43412 I've seen this channel before, and it looks great for what it is. But it's not women in diapers.
>>43412 I recommend that you kill yourself. But we can't all get what we want.
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Does anyone have any abdldreamdollie / daddysdreamdoll00 content? I have 350GB of content I can share in return
>>43470 No, and it's going to get reported and taken down immediately. Find somewhere else to share it.
>>43470 It's not much but here's what I got. WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0TlRaTU1scDJZa2RTYkdOcE9VNVRSbXQ1VFd0T1lWRjVUbmxQUkZFeFVUSndiMU5ZWkdGaGF6Z3hVMnhzTldOWFZsaFJiV1JD
>>43477 What's your problem
>>43479 Do we not have a board owner anymore or something? How has sagefag not been banned yet I know he'd just evade it, but still the bare minimum would be nice
>>43500 >2024 We got a new board owner like 6 months ago but he doesn't really seem to do his job.
What is nowadays the method for downloading videos from Heavyfetish.com? VideoDownloadHelper has worked earlier, but it doesn't work any more. Also I tested some other download helpers (VideoDownloader Pro, Flash and Video Download) for Firefox, they did not work either. I'm using Firefox under Ubuntu. I tested this on two different computers, same.
>>43571 Why bother taking a guess at my name if you're going to be wrong 99% of the time? Weirdo. >>43598 I live in the Midwest so I can easily come down there if needed. Give me some contact info so I can more privately connect with you without all the nonsense on here. See if you're all talk. I'll fly out there when I can put in some PTO. I got bills to pay.
>>43478 >link down Yikes. I told you fuckers. Tried to warn you. But nah. You wanted to engage. This is what happens. Get fucking destroyed.
>>43609 And now I cry. We're sorry Matthew...
>>43470 Yes bro I have some her pcs and vids, what do you have? Maybe do you want to chatt on insta? I have abdl account
>>43609 >This is what happens For what? That's said in response to something. What have people done to slight your petty vengeance?
>>43609 >>43621 >For What? Yeah I don't know what's up. I posted that link. I don't know who you're beefing with in this thread or what's going on but I just come into this board every now and then and am not up on the drama. If you're trying to fuck with someone specifically I assure you I'm not them. I'm just a tourist who posts links sometimes.
Why Ella raine content so hard to find ? Someone have something ?
>>43675 because it's mid
>>43675 Either her or someone who works for her actively searches that stuff out and tries to get it taken down whenever it gets posted somewhere.
>>43675 i have some. but when i tried to post it recently some asshole reported it immediately. so i'm waiting for a while to try again.
>>43675 Agree with anon above that mid-tier at best, but her simps are bizarrely devoted to lodging takedowns. Torrents are your best bet; magnet links to the 2023 Megapack are easily found which has about 12GB of her clips in it.
>>43677 some of her regression vids are ok, but yeah, mostly mid, also I noticed that for a while there was something wrong with her teeth as well
Well, is there someone that you would recommand else ? I find her really cute IMO
>>43651 No I won't. >talked a lot of shit a bit ago >thought he was king shit >now he's at the bottom at the site is fucking dead Dumpstered.
>>43719 Yeah fair enough anon the pp likes what it likes, ain't no arguing. You checked out Fae/itsbabyfae? Does some of the same kinda stuff but absolutely banging body and doesn't give me the same fucked in the head vibes as Ella.
>>43730 ella is fucked in the head but that's why she's hot. she clearly has an actual paraphilia for diapers, which is pretty rare among female ABDL creators. when she cums, she is actually cumming from diapers. (fae is great too not trying to discount that)
>>43739 Personally i believe her “cumming” is staged. She just screams at the camera like a banshee
>>43744 her leg spasms are legitimate
>>43825 That's LittleBabyJade. She has a twitter and a tumblr.
the guy uploading all of the videos with 'just another diaper girl' and putting them on private needs to be beat. the site itself is cancer but has some ok vids.
>>43833 why? just make an account and you can view everything
I don't suppose some kind soul has any of Claire from ABDreams videos floating out there? There were some great ones of her playing in a diaper that disappeared some time ago. https://dp-vids.com/videos/6758/claire-pillow/
>>43834 you need to make an account, bypass the EXTREMELY and annoyingly retarded filter that takes 99% of the content that you upload THEN you need to PRAY that once you submit a friend request for the few amount of people gatekeeping good content they will even DARE consider your friend request even when you state in the request itself "check out my videos bro, diaper, abdl, regression, mommy, all that jazz" honestly, I am so glad I managed to score a disposable SIM card in the UK last month, I created a VK videos account and I am fucking living the life, even if heaps of content has been taken down there are quite a few users still uploading some good stuff from time to time, no fucking begging or gatekeeping involved its just a shitty navigation you need to deal with on the platform, thats all.
>>43844 private there is not the same as with with thisvid. on this site the only thing you need to do to to view private videos is literally make an account with a disposable email and login ... no friending needed
>>43844 you don't need to friend anyone are you stupid?
>>43829 i love how small she is
>>43844 yeah you just click sign up and smash the keyboard for each field as long as the passwords match, email has an @ and a .com or etc and the captcha is valid youre done not even a verification email
>>43846 >>43849 >>43857 oh shit I thought we were talking about thisvid
>>43833 >>43844 >>43846 You don't need an account, just TG9vayB1cCB0aGUgImNvbnRlbnRVcmwiIGluIHRoZSBIVE1MIHNpdGUgY29kZS4gRGVsZXRlIHN5c3RlbTMyLCBzZXJpb3VzbHku
>>43896 And most of those videos are not worth watching at all. I really do mean most. It's like 95 percent just filler.
>>43897 im blown away by how many videos people make, share, etc. and they're all less than like 18 seconds
>>43901 >im blown away by how many videos people make, share, etc. and they're all less than like 18 seconds This is my biggest problem with modern ABDL porn. I see cute girls with cute setups but the only content they produce is 30 second clips of them silently peeing themselves in their bedrooms that they film on their phone. I mean I get it. The goal is just to produce as much 'content' on a regular basis as possible. There's no real incentive for there to be porn with like plots, multiple models, and sets. But still, it's all so boring despite how many women are making ABDL content nowadays.
>>43902 >TFW gone are the days of studios like LittleSophie or LittleHaley producing comfy AR/ABDL clips why even live babybros?
>>43902 Exactly. It's either that or stupid fake roleplay with obnoxious baby talk, cliché props, and general lack of genuine passion. The best videos are made by girls genuinely into it while not trying to pretend hard or play up a porn persona for the sake of it. Unfortunately, the shitty paysites cause the exact opposite of this being mass produced. It's better at this point to either dig through and find some amateur doing it for the hell of it on Twitter, or chat up someone on Discord, if you have any workable personality. Rest in peace, Omegle, you were a goldmine for these kinds of people sometimes.
>>43918 We're probably a little different in tastes because I actually like the way the old paysite content used to be. I like authentic ABDL girls too but that's like a different genre to me. I want production values. I want dialogue. I want sets with proper lighting. 'Porn personas' can be hot too if it's an exaggerated version of what I already want. I imagine that a lot of the girls producing the '30 second clips of them silently peeing themselves in their bedrooms' are actually into this fetish. They're just trying to figure out a way to profit off of something they were into but don't have the creativity/motivation/means to go bigger and more elaborate than that sort of setup. Authenticity is great but I also want to be entertained.
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>>43910 I think there are several ABDL models going by the name Little Sophie, but if this is the one you meant, then yeah I couldn't agree more. Goddamn I wish she was still active or that you could at least find her content anywhere.
>>43923 indeed I was talking about her, check out Little Haley as well
Anyone have DiaperCherry stuff?
Anyone has videos from TaylorMadeClips? I was looking for this one: https://c4sremix.clips4sale.com/es/studio/2119/4667963/boss-to-baby-a-long-regression
Anyone have Zuleyka Basil diaper vids?
Hope everyone is having a Merry Christmas! I got socks, and a distinct sense of grief that I haven't felt in years! Upload Penny Barber content. She's my favorite.
a late merry xmas and a happy new year aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvNE9KeEdKSkIjbUV3d09LYl83aHJHU0hiV2QyNDlVNHp0WmIyTFN5aHdTUlR0V3lMbS1oRQ aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvUktwa1ZRNkMjd09MUm9WZy1OcmNOZEFEX0hQT3dPa21XbGh2dDhVcHBBS25POWVTZ2hiVQ
>>44120 See, another dry ass diaper. So tired of these fake pictures
>>44120 Busted already
Anyone have something from them adventuresofaandmistressk ?
>>44131 Oof.mp4. Missed it. Was it any good? If so, Any christmas angel feel like making a bunkr or torrent of it?
>>44120 my dudes, remember x3 or x5 these are down
(8.93 MB 352x288 felicity10.mpg)

(8.69 MB 352x288 felicity11.mpg)

(8.95 MB 352x288 felicity12.mpg)

>>44133 seconded
The solution is easy and should be what we have done from the start: just use torrents like civilized peoples instead of using mega or whatever like some sort of feral raccoons. I’ve got all the content that he shot down ready to be shared but I’m not seeding alone.
Doxxing isn’t even a concern. Just setup a seed box ,this take a few minutes at most. Even a monkey could set this up in this day and age with something like ChatGPT available.
(29.09 MB 720x1280 8533.mp4)

>>44203 No point, since this fag ( >>44183 ) has made his life's goal to report anything posted until he gets his way and we all conform and start using torrents.
>>44203 Kinda hard to know what to request unless you show us your collection That said i've been looking for this particular s&d video for years if anyone has it https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/124249/22520433/diapers-spanking-on-the-school-trip-1080hd Otherwise if you have SL's "Princess Potty Pants DIAPERED" that'd be great, only time ive seen it is on bunkr and it was corrupted
>>44205 I've got all sorts, sadly haven't got that video or the SL one but here is a link I believe for that video https://filespace.com/h40bjjw19lgb
>>44209 Since her content is kinda hard to come by, you wouldn't happen to have anything of Little Sophie, would you?
>>44210 YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOVRVSGRUYWtsM1F5TlRXRGN4TjJNelZUaE9UM1Y2UVRKamFtSmZibHAz only got a few vids of her, will delete soon so be quick, also think this might be her too https://filespace.com/g00ina2vzf02
>>44211 Thank you kindly. I would repay the favor, though I don't think I have anything that isn't already available somewhere else. Mostly ukdiapergirls, abdreams, pampered penny and the like.
For Jav stuff you can go to https://sukebei.nyaa.si/ or https://torrentsee266.com/ for torrents. Search 'ACZ', or just cross reference with javlibrary.com to find what you're after. The URL for torrentsee changes frequently so you may need to search 'torrentsee' on duckduckgo to get the latest URL if the one above no longer works.
>>44240 Might be a stupid question but once im on torrentsee and foun something, wheres the button to download it as a torrent?
>>44242 Ah shit nvm saw it obviously on another one. The first one i looked was just hosting the video directly ig.
>>44244 Blame the JPN Gobment
You need to chill out sagefag, let anonies share content in peace. On every level of human life, compassion is the key thing. -Dalai Lama mwxaygmzgrntepgwxiutqhtithk://ustc.bl/uodvmf/9a0IPFeY#TuHtMgaSq4au_XMdSVcHBQsmbwfvwovojatznpwsvej
Can someone upload "Two Diaper Girls, One Vibrator POV"? https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/269459/30101047/two-diaper-girls-one-vibrator-pov
>>44284 Thank you! Here's some more stuff: groyywvwibsxrwismlahnxcldibgdeczhalmikqtmmvpalplfcq://ysra.vh/xaybqf/mnItOWuz#atWgTVHwiehQN37fd2bJdNwmzwspwmxqeujpkxwhmgpkpjtpmoml You need to be part of the secret clubhouse to see it though 😎
>>44350 It's not even new years on my end and it's already down.
(260.35 KB 600x600 (((you))).png)

>>44352 sagefag has nothing to do on new years
Use checksum if you're going to encode/decode anything, anon There are bots on this site that scour through links posted, and immediately report links (blame the glowies from Jan 6/ TAPA)
>>44357 checksum = checksum
>>44358 md5sum
>>44359 bbaassee6644
(608.58 KB 1080x1453 ANtbnhtMf1OPvWSLwxyssQS6.png)

>>44386 First link: Taxes (not gonna open it cuz zip file) Second link: >"No wait, never mind. Sorry for wasting your time, sir/madam Mega.nz representative. I'm just not sure what to do with my life but maybe you want to talk?" Lol ur funny
>>44379 Sage didn't commit to it this year, but here's to the next! Happy New Year, Anon!
>>44388 It's just a zip file quit being a baby
>>44387 "work it out", wat. There's nothing to 'work out', idiot. Should've taken anyone with half a brain literally 5 seconds. Room temp IQ right there.
>>44387 How about we write a little script, that will upload some random files to mega and use a LLM to respond to your gibberish. You will have a lot of fun removing all that bogus files.
>>44399 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6t8g6ka4W0&themeRefresh=1 Instead of talking shit, create a torrent faggot
>>44401 > Do better and maybe I'll spend this energy on helping you people instead of hindering you. The one thing you're definitely not doing is helping. If you really wanted to help, you would collect all the files here, deduplicate them and upload them to EP.
>>44386 Alright, gottem. Link was taken down, but in doing so sage has shared (one of) his email address(es): blanchmaria49@gmail.com Every takedown request made by him ensures that his contact info is automatically shared by Mega with whoever originally uploaded the file, so they can counterclaim. Do with this whatever you want.
Whatever. We'll see how many you have. In the meantime, here's the file again since it was up for a fair bit. WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0TlRaTU1scHdZa2RWZGs1Rk5ERmxiRnBWWlZacmFsTjZiRWRsUm5CdFdtcHNVMVZXWkd0VGJtZDRUMVJTYUZSdVJrSldhMDB3VkhwQ2FscEhaR3hVTVZVd1VWUlNWR1J1VVhsa1ZrNDBaSGM5UFE9PQ== Same PW as the previous one (>>44386), though changed slightly: I capitalized all gendered words. Might slow sage down a bit since I don't think he's actually that smart.
>All this because he got into an argument with some anon that's probably not even here anymore three threads ago. Please seek psychological help.
>>44411 >>44409 Meanwhile the file is still up. So there goes your theory. I grabbed it just now, thx for the MPP vid, it still being up must mean you actually haven't figured out the password yet.
>>44418 You claimed to have a, "Partner." Guess we know who the Bottom is in that relationship. Do you at least get to be in the same room to watch when their actual Lover comes over?
>>44418 Good. So far you have been playing the exact moves I have expected you to play. Cracked that password yet? ;)
>>44424 Let's just give it some time and see what happens, okay dear? :)
>>44424 Try Googling it.
I'm not even coming here for porn anymore, I'm just here as if it was a Kiwifarms lolcow thread. Thank you Sage, you're so milkable.
any good real messing videos from those encrypted links that were posted?
Y'all may as well stop sharing at this point. This sage dipshit (as in, 'diaper-shit') clearly has nothing better to do than to constantly refresh this page to report all links because he he's mad that he made a wittle poopy in his diapey and has no one to change him. Meanwhile, he is probably downloading all of your free files before reporting, so you're only benefitting him. You're not 'letting him win' if you stop posting, but you are letting him win if you continue to do so.
>>44424 I don’t care about your little war but I can confirm that there’s a password and it’s surprisingly easy to find so I guess that confirm you’re a midwit at best.
WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsc1ltazFNMkZYZEhCalIxWnJZVmRGZFdJelNtNU1NMlJ3WVRKcmRsVXlUbTloV0hCMlkwZG9lVnBYTlhCWlVUMDk= Quick, quick.. grab it before our little naughty Grinch is snatching it!!!
(66.57 KB 500x409 sage.gif)

>>44436 >you are letting him win if you continue to do so Nah, >>44431 has the right idea. May as well use this thread for something, and why not use it to poke the cow? 90% of what's posted here can be found on Omo or the various Tube Sites, and the other 10% will eventually end up on said sites.
>>44416 Being this dedicated to shitting up a fetish porn thread is not a sign of a mentally healthy person.
>>44454 he very clearly doesn't have much going on in his life, let him have this
>>44467 Yea, you're clearly so confident and care so little about what others think of you that you totally did not need to dedicate hours of your 'precious time' to try to get even with some random dude that said something to trigger your PTSD a few weeks ago. Also, you care so little about how others perceive you that you totally did not just delete a post only to spend 5 minutes more on it to rewrite >I stay inside to avoid people like that, and people like you. into >When I read that shit I said to myself "Man, I doubt it but it'd be hilarious if that faggot that said something about holidays decided to go out that day and then got fucking got by some psycho with a gun." But no, I stay inside to avoid people like that, and people like you. And added the word "Trash" for good measure. You go girl! Room temp IQ man. You care a lot and it shows. It's really entertaining to see you trying to convince yourself that you don't. Lulz.
hes not including the paperweight with time stamp, very clearly fake sage
>>44472 Damn, you're right. Good fake, but seems like original sage is gone. >>44473 Haha nt but we all know you 100% read every single word of it.
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>>44473 Very confident.
fake sage still going lol
Don't have my phone with me right now so picture will have to come later, but jeez this thread is COOKED.
look i don't give a shit who the imposter(s) is/are and who the real one is. but seriously fight it out amongst yourself and let the rest of us enjoy our porn ruining it for everyone because you're angry at a couple of people is just dumb also you want torrents that much... just download the content from mega make a torrent out of it and seed it yourself then post it here to prove you supposed superior sharing method... no need to actually report the the link... At least then you might make an argument instead of just fucking everyone over
>>44485 And you definitely don't care how you're perceived by any of us. Gotcha. Lol.
>use 8moe for /abdl/ when I wanna scrape for a SL video >see hundreds of posts of lolcow autism Ya hate to see it. >>44485 You're obsessed with espousing your own justification for your behavior which clearly tells you want to be perceived as right. If you didn't care what we think, why do you constantly tell us why you're behaving this way? Nobody here cares WHY you're on some autism crusade and wasted hours of your own time to mildly inconvenience somebody. As if >>44446 didn't BTFO you completely btw. You've also admitted to actually wearing diapers, which makes you a faggot, because most people in these threads want to see women in diapers and not wear them like sad pathetic men such as yourself. I recommend you go get your B-Cluster personality disorder looked at and compile a 500 word apology for us or just continue to respond because you have been mind broken by everyone here.
>I am once again asking for any daddy and little boy stuff. Especially punishment stuff. It always surprises me how hard that stuff is to find. I probably should have kept all the adorable pictures of the last little guy I babysat...
>>44485 I mean this in all seriousness. Have you ever been diagnosed as bipolar? You remind me A LOT of a guy I used to know.
This thread has some of the most autistic retards alive in it. Kill yourselves holy shit.
I miss when this board had a board owner who gave a shit. This asshole needs banned. This thread is nearing 400 replies with less than 20 of those being actualy useful.
>>44514 Damn I can't tell who the real sagefag is anymore. This one reads a little fake but idk.
>>44522 Lame.
>>44522 People have already said it in this thread, but you're an incredibly sad person, sage. You're right that torrenting would be the best way to make sure videos don't get taken down. But who the hell wants to deal with torrents these days? You gotta have an invite to the group, you gotta seed shit, it's more hassle than what was going on here. I don't even care about videos, but let people enjoy their mediocre porn in peace.
>>44525 >all that drivel >on an obscure diaper shitting forum >because you're mad over how people share porn >not sad yeah ok buddy
>>44444 checked
>>44514 >>44528 >makes two posts seething about me >thinks random posters are me because he's seething so hard One post and I mindbroke sage, KWAB
>>44533 cope lmao
>>44535 cooked lmao
>>44541 Too quick, I decided 5 levels was too many
Yeah but I wanted it to at least look normal lmao
>>44546 > sage Baby 01/03/2025 (Fri) 22:01:01 No. 44546 >>>44544 Tbh you don't sound like that bad of a dude. I wanna send you an empornium invite. Where can I send it? I'm already on emp. Username is abwerty1
(176.30 KB 500x375 big boy.png)

honestly this thread is the best thread I've seen on here in years! (open image for pic of yourself) ;3
Everyday, I come to this thread hoping to jerk off in peace and all I find is massive faggotry in the replies.
>>44555 >Is your hard drive filled with 100 kilobyte images? Serious question, do you comprehend how data works?
>>44564 I can answer that for him. He does not understand how either data or social interaction works. Like all cryptobros, he thinks torrents are the answer to everything (they're not) and acts like a giant child just because he doesn't get his way.
>>44557 its a dead thread, just leave it as containment and move on
>>44571 >Let this be a fucking lesson >Share your address so I can beat you up irl >How dare you share porn on an image board
>>44574 Uhh that's me, different anon, I regret posting that.
>>44579 Definitely did learn to not bitch that much because of porn, I agree that I got carried away.
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Do you enjoy these puzzle's sagefriend? I enjoy making them. https://mega.nz/folder/(https://pastebin.com/vk8vA1AX) You'll need to answer to 10 decimal places.
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>>44586 There is content in the folder, I'll share more later.
I am actually starting to think that this dude has been promised payment or led to believe he will "get something" by lolly or another of that ewhores to come and mess up the thread, this is consistent with the insane amount of desperation of a retard with heaps of free time white knighting for a girl he'll never have
>>44587 Nice, but did you have something ABDL and bondage instead of poop?
Alright kids playtime is over. Just to prove that sagefag isn't the genius he pretends to be, here's how we're gonna do it for the time being: WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRrelpETmpkVnBJU25aalIwcDJaVU0xYW1JeU1IWmpNazV6VERKYWNFd3pVbWxqZW13MVdrUm5NbUo2Um5aamFsVjVXVzFLYUZwWGFERmFlVGxVV1Zka2JGTllUa1JpTWpseVdsZFJkVTR6Ynk5amJYaHlXbGhyT1dSVWJIRmpNMHByWVROQ2EyTklUalphZWswMFpGUm5OR0V5T1RGalJ6RnVaVU5hZW1SRU1XMWlWMmh6VDBjNWFGbHBXbXRpUkRCMw== That's a dropbox link to a locked archive - 7zip, filename encrypted too. In about 24 hours, I will delete the file first and then release the password. Unless sagefag wants to perjure himself, there is nothing he can do - dropbox will not allow a random Andy to send a takedown request like Mega. Next time I share, I will be sharing 50/50 mix of relevant archives and dummy-file archives. This way, if sage *does* want to perjure himself and go as far as to use his real info so that Dropbox will pick it up, he'll be DMCA'ing a file I myself have legal copyright to, which means I could then summon him to court. And if he decides to wait until I release the password to avoid this risk, then obviously there will be nothing to report. Just one file for this test, tho, on a burner dropbox acc obviously. Good luck, sagefag..
>>44601 Did you mean to leave sage as your name?
>>44602 Who knows. Get CoOkEd.
>>44604 Looks like he's got you there then, lol.
>>44607 >My DaD iS a LaWyEr!1!!1 Hahaha you did not seriously just say that! Pick me up pls, rofl :'D Anyway, checkmate. There's nothing you can do. Or DMCA it with your real info, then. Do it.
>>44609 Best of luck. Hope you took enough precautions. >I hereby state that the information in this Notice is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that I am the owner, or authorized to act on behalf of, the owner, of the copyright or of an exclusive right under the copyright that is allegedly infringed. Sagefag actually checked this box if he's true to his word. Amazing. Just the fact that I could make him do that is amazing. Regardless of what's in the file, he literally just perjured himself. All I had to do was spend 2 minutes uploading an encrypted file. Rofl. He mad. >>44610 couldn't even finish typing my reply and he's already screeching. See y'all in 24 hours, will sagefag post more or less than 10 times in the meantime? Place your bets now!
This has been the most cringe season I have had the displeasure of reading, when is the finale?
>>44609 Fuck dude, I already posted the daredevil dog meme. You do realize that half the thread is just here to laugh at you, right? You're a lolcow to us. Everytime you say that we're "cooked", we laugh at how much of a petty nerd you are. >>44589 Why are you so obsessed with shitting up threads on the only abdl imageboard anyway? Chans have their problems, but at least we can call people gay retards without some gay retard having a problem with it. >>44615 Sagefag said it himself, he won't forget about this thread because he has nothing better to do.
>>44620 what a faggot this guy is
>>44626 baited (like a fish) and cooked (in a seafood restaurant)
I have no idea why everyone is acting like they can't share any videos when torrents exist. Just make a torrent and post a magnet. There's still people seeding that torrent posted last year that had multiple TB of videos.
>>44633 More hassle and more risk. Can't setup a torrent without paid VPN or you're literally hosting content from your private IP. If you don't know what you're doing, the risks are miles higher than a mega / dropbox / gdrive on an anonymous email.
>>44633 Depending on where you live, upload speeds can be abysmal, so torrenting isn't much fun if you're the only seeder. Also, you have to seed the torrent for a few days first. If you upload to Mega & Co, you don't have this problem because it's a one-off.
>>44620 Sagefag, I only just started replying to you. I'm sure anyone who uses this board knows who Chris-chan is and therefore knows what "lolcow" means. Also, nice job dodging the question, why do you keep shitting up the only abdl imageboard? Despite having raging autists like you, it's still the most freeing place to talk about our fetish.
>>44651 >have my IP whatever shall I do So do you not understand how computers work or what?
Sage check: reply to this if you're sage, with proof that you are in fact sage (I wanna see if I know you irl)
>>44660 not convinced.
>>44652 >It would require you being a massive prick and being a target Like you? You keep saying that you don't care if someone knows about your diaper fetish. Good for you, but the average normie equates AB/DL with paedophilia. I certainly wouldn't want my friends and family finding out about it and making that assumption. And besides, nobody wants to deal with the hassle of torrenting and seeding when mega was much more convenient, even if it was less secure.
>>44601 The file was still up just now, proving sage has lost his one and only power over this board. I deleted the file, here's the archive pass, copy paste in full after decode: SWYgc2FnZSBlbnRlcnMgdGhpcyBwYXNzd29yZCBpbiB0aGUgN3ppcCBmaWxlLCBoZSBpcyBteSBiaXRjaC4gSSBvd24geW91LiBZb3UgYXJlIGdvbm5hIGNvcHkgdGhpcyBwYXNzd29yZCBpbiB0aGVyZSBhbmQgdGhlcmUncyBub3RoaW5nIHlvdSBjYW4gZG8gYWJvdXQgaXQu Now we can actually fully ignore sage or just milk him with some ragebait for lulz, cause his one and only sliver of power was the way Mega deals with DMCA requests. So tl;dr - Add shared files to password-protected 7z, encrypt filenames too - Upload to dropbox (or gdrive) on anonymous email - Share links, wait x amount of hours - Delete files, then release passwords - Add in a dummy file every now and then just to fuck with sage Why? a) your own account runs zero risk for nobody could ever prove what's in the file if somehow it does get taken down before releasing the password b) sage can't run to the content creator for legal DMCA because he doesn't know what's in the archive before it's removed. c) sage can't file a DMCA himself as on these platforms that's perjury Little more effort than mega, lot less effort than making a torrent.
>>44666 Also for overabundance of caution; don't forget to permanently delete the file in the 'Deleted FIles' section.
>>44668 Screen grab the email and prove it
>>44668 Ahahaha he's resorting to play pretend. Nothing was taken down bro. You're beat.
>>44666 A lot of effort for minimal quality porn
>>44671 Take it or leave it bro.
>>44672 >Be grateful Well I don't even know what it was before grabbing so... No
>>44673 Not putting 'sage' in all fields doesn't make it any less obvious that it's you, bud. I'll be sharing with this method and there's nothing you can do about it. Also >>44668 >>44669 You got cooked.
>>44666 >lot less effort than making a torrent No, it really is not.
>>44680 >uploading for max 10-15 minutes >keeping your PC on for minimum 24 hours to even seed your torrent You're not fooling anyone, sage.
For extra visibility.... To ALL. I have a month of access to ABkingdom.com They don't have any video's but tons of old photos from before 2008. Some that are not archived any where else. I am taking requests.
>>44685 Aww little sagebaby is mad he can't take down files anymore. >By doing so I got a pretty good sense of exactly how many people are downloading from this community. Hint: It's not many. You fail to realize that number only accounts for the people who actually bothered to partake in your archaic means of filesharing, right?
>>44684 I'm crying because I shit myself, not because you've overpowered the board lol
>>44694 Then why haven't you done it instead of bitching all the time?
>>44694 again with the TB shit? "I have more diaper porn than you do! Na-na-nana-na!" Calm your tits, and kiss my shit-covered ass, sagefaggot
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>>44694 New pornography will always be made. Diaper girls rise and fall as the time go on, and eventually your TB will become the "old shit nobody cares about". >>44692 >This will be my final post here. Aight, bye. Nobody will miss you, sagefaggot. Who are we kidding, you'll still reply to this post to "get the last laugh".
I really really wish, that we had the real adress and identety of this sage guy.
>>44692 >This will be my final post here. >4m47s later >>44694
Now that the faggotry's winding down a bit, anyone know the original source for this? It's one if my favorite messing vids- good view, good sound, no cringy baby/pillow talk, and she doesn't take 15 minutes just to take a shit. https://thisvid.com/videos/petite-diaper-girl-does-a-nice-mess/
>>44717 >she That's Princess Cereal. 100% a Tranny.
>>44720 Well fuck.
>>44720 I've always presumed that. But people keep saying they aren't. They most certainly are lol.
I don't get why it's so difficult to just make a torrent
>>44732 There's a difference between hating trans folk and not using incorrect pronouns just because people are trying to bully you into doing so. BTW, I'm not the fella you were responding to. I'm just here for the (sadly lacking) links.
>>44732 Degenerate fuck, absolutely. Hates trannies, nah, just not that into trans girls. But it's a diaper getting filled and I can still get off to that.
>>44732 Some of us want to jerk off to pussies, not dicks.
>>44750 Speaking of, are there any good sources with some more wholesome/not directly sexual abdl videos with men? ABdreams has some videos featuring men, but not a whole lot.
>>44749 he says about a video of someone shitting themselves where neither is visible
Seven links today, will keep them up for about 3 days and then release the archive passwords. YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdVpISnZjR0p2ZUM1amIyMHZjMk5zTDJacEx6WmhaR0Z6TVhkNWJHOXBNRE0wZVRaa04yb3hZeTlCY21Ob2FYWmxMamQ2UDNKc2EyVjVQV3R3YmpZeFpUbDNlR281ZVdodU5qTTBhREYwY1dOdmMySW1jM1E5T1hwdU5XRmlhM2ttWkd3OU1BPT0= YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdVpISnZjR0p2ZUM1amIyMHZjMk5zTDJacEwyOXlkMlpzT0RrNU9HczVNWE0zWm5Nd2NIVjRZUzlCY21Ob2FYWmxNaTQzZWo5eWJHdGxlVDFzYnpCbE1qQTRkRFYwYW10NWVuYzBaREprY3pWeGIybGpKbk4wUFd4Mlp6QjJhakE0Sm1Sc1BUQT0= YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdVpISnZjR0p2ZUM1amIyMHZjMk5zTDJacEwzSm9jelpxTnpZMU9UTTJZVEJ4WTJKc2RIbHhPQzlCY21Ob2FYWmxNeTQzZWo5eWJHdGxlVDFpTVhadVptaHdaMlZ5ZW5oek9HdG5kbU5uY25RMk1XSm5Kbk4wUFRWbllqbHJkV3MySm1Sc1BUQT0= YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdVpISnZjR0p2ZUM1amIyMHZjMk5zTDJacEx6ZDRjR2h3ZW05a1pHaDViM1J0ZDJGaE9UQjRlaTlCY21Ob2FYWmxOQzQzZWo5eWJHdGxlVDA1Y3prek9HNXNkMnB6WjJkeGJqUnVORzFyZEdZM1oyeHhKbk4wUFRkMU5tY3lZbTV0Sm1Sc1BUQT0= YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdVpISnZjR0p2ZUM1amIyMHZjMk5zTDJacEwyMWpjblYwYzI4ME5YUTRObU50ZEdWamVXSnhZeTlCY21Ob2FYWmxOUzQzZWo5eWJHdGxlVDF5WTJ4amRtSnpNbVYwYkc4NWNUZDFhVEk1ZFROdmQzVXdKbk4wUFRkMU5taHFZbkE0Sm1Sc1BUQT0= YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdVpISnZjR0p2ZUM1amIyMHZjMk5zTDJacEx6RnZaRzlwWlhNMWIyUm5iREIwWlhWMmRXMXFkUzlCY21Ob2FYWmxOaTQzZWo5eWJHdGxlVDFyWkc5amIyeHhkamt5YlhGb1pHNWpjM2syZUhkeVlXbDRKbk4wUFhsemFYbHpOVGMxSm1Sc1BUQT0= YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdVpISnZjR0p2ZUM1amIyMHZjMk5zTDJacEwzQjVObVo0WjJ3d1pqZ3dZVzU0T0hrNU1HWndieTlCY21Ob2FYWmxOeTQzZWo5eWJHdGxlVDEyTUdKb2RHSTFhVE5yTUhOblluaDBhbnB3WmpRMU1EbG9Kbk4wUFhjd2JtTjVNbTgySm1Sc1BUQT0=
>>44736 because in many parts of the world, there are hurdles involved that you dont realize when you have access to reliable internet and power this whole thing is some lolcow having a privilege fit
>>44766 to elaborate, one of the major points of piracy is accessibility. not everybody on this board is from north america or western europe. there are parts of the world where the power costs involved in seeding for long enough to keep the torrent alive would be higher than buying the damned porn in the first place, which is already dramatically outside of the range of what is reasonable in certain parts of the world. This isnt a discussion of keeping people safe from a legal perspective, or keeping the files up. It's one of making sure that *everybody* can access them. Torrents, while good at this, aren't not perfect, and aren't appropriate for this application.
>>44768 >>44692 thought this was your final post my dude
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>>44770 Not me guy
>>44772 Look at your first response to me and apply that same statement. The topic was why torrents were so difficult to make. You responded with why you putting in effort to force people to your inappropriate format. That's pretty far off topic as far as things go. Look, I get that you think that you can help with the distribution here, but it is flawed. You aren't going to move the needle, and nobody is going to remember you 3 months from now. If you want to help, you can look at other technologies that provide alot of the same benefits of what you are talking about, but are actually appropriate to the platform. Usenet is one massive example.
>>44774 And to be clear, also not *actually* appropriate, for similar reasons. Usenet access is also gated by financial barriers. But it is no more inappropriate than torrents
>>44779 "I got BTFO and now will return to monkey to make people think otherwise"
>>44781 the fact that you cant comprehend that multiple people disagree with you is probably the biggest reason nobody is going to listen to you should consider that in your personal life as well
>>44783 havent posted about this before today but have your fun i will be probably the 10th person who no longer pays attention to you and simply consumes the porn when it is available. Have a nice day, and i hope you get better. I see your suffering and hope you crawl your way out of it.
>>44764 Hi, it's me. Looks like sage's ego is in shambles. Where is your cube, my friend? The funny thing is, all us anon's that reply individually get to factually *know* when you're having a psychotic break where you hallucinate that the entire world is one and the same person. It's a treat for me to see, personally, I relish in this knowledge. In the meantime, reposting the 7 links cause my god I did not expect it to immediately get snowed under by almost 20 posts of meltdown. Again, will stay up for 3 days, then passwords are released. YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdVpISnZjR0p2ZUM1amIyMHZjMk5zTDJacEx6WmhaR0Z6TVhkNWJHOXBNRE0wZVRaa04yb3hZeTlCY21Ob2FYWmxMamQ2UDNKc2EyVjVQV3R3YmpZeFpUbDNlR281ZVdodU5qTTBhREYwY1dOdmMySW1jM1E5T1hwdU5XRmlhM2ttWkd3OU1BPT0= YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdVpISnZjR0p2ZUM1amIyMHZjMk5zTDJacEwyOXlkMlpzT0RrNU9HczVNWE0zWm5Nd2NIVjRZUzlCY21Ob2FYWmxNaTQzZWo5eWJHdGxlVDFzYnpCbE1qQTRkRFYwYW10NWVuYzBaREprY3pWeGIybGpKbk4wUFd4Mlp6QjJhakE0Sm1Sc1BUQT0= YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdVpISnZjR0p2ZUM1amIyMHZjMk5zTDJacEwzSm9jelpxTnpZMU9UTTJZVEJ4WTJKc2RIbHhPQzlCY21Ob2FYWmxNeTQzZWo5eWJHdGxlVDFpTVhadVptaHdaMlZ5ZW5oek9HdG5kbU5uY25RMk1XSm5Kbk4wUFRWbllqbHJkV3MySm1Sc1BUQT0= YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdVpISnZjR0p2ZUM1amIyMHZjMk5zTDJacEx6ZDRjR2h3ZW05a1pHaDViM1J0ZDJGaE9UQjRlaTlCY21Ob2FYWmxOQzQzZWo5eWJHdGxlVDA1Y3prek9HNXNkMnB6WjJkeGJqUnVORzFyZEdZM1oyeHhKbk4wUFRkMU5tY3lZbTV0Sm1Sc1BUQT0= YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdVpISnZjR0p2ZUM1amIyMHZjMk5zTDJacEwyMWpjblYwYzI4ME5YUTRObU50ZEdWamVXSnhZeTlCY21Ob2FYWmxOUzQzZWo5eWJHdGxlVDF5WTJ4amRtSnpNbVYwYkc4NWNUZDFhVEk1ZFROdmQzVXdKbk4wUFRkMU5taHFZbkE0Sm1Sc1BUQT0= YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdVpISnZjR0p2ZUM1amIyMHZjMk5zTDJacEx6RnZaRzlwWlhNMWIyUm5iREIwWlhWMmRXMXFkUzlCY21Ob2FYWmxOaTQzZWo5eWJHdGxlVDFyWkc5amIyeHhkamt5YlhGb1pHNWpjM2syZUhkeVlXbDRKbk4wUFhsemFYbHpOVGMxSm1Sc1BUQT0= YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdVpISnZjR0p2ZUM1amIyMHZjMk5zTDJacEwzQjVObVo0WjJ3d1pqZ3dZVzU0T0hrNU1HWndieTlCY21Ob2FYWmxOeTQzZWo5eWJHdGxlVDEyTUdKb2RHSTFhVE5yTUhOblluaDBhbnB3WmpRMU1EbG9Kbk4wUFhjd2JtTjVNbTgySm1Sc1BUQT0= Gonna be gone for at least a few hours, don't kill yourself sage ok?
>>44788 Thanks anon, eagerly waiting the pw.
Well, we finally broke him. He's been at it for 20 minutes already. Just share the pass in the next thread, anon.
>>44856 Yeah so what? We will just make a new thread?
>>44865 Can't wait to see how you will physically prevent any new thread to be made. I'm sure you have a lot of tricks in your sleeves for us to see.
His evil plan was reduced to... hitting the bump cap, lol. As if the thread will magically disappear - oh wait, no, literally anyone that frequents this thread will have no trouble finding it. However, there's now literally a massive Spiderman-sized banner pointing directly to the very post of links he's so desperately trying to 'bury'. If your reports were working so well, then why the meltdown? Also, "I'm using a bot" ---- literally replies within seconds to any post being made. I am, however, amused.
>>44889 10 minute gap is too obvious man and biblical? lmao you truely have no sense of how your actions are actually affecting those around you. nobody cares
>>44895 Who is 'me' in this case?
>>44905 id assume the bab providing links atm, as they are the only person who anybody would care to hear from again
Yeah but is >>44889 the same as >>44788 or is this some big ploy by sagefag to create and own the new Video thread, and delete it when he sees fit?
>>44918 the latter
(8.30 KB 425x336 proof.PNG)

>>45058 Well whoever >>44889 and >>44895 was, that ain't me (the one who shared the links). See pic attached for proof. I made the Sagejail thread at >>44888 and that is where I will be posting the passwords and nowhere else.
We sent him into a rage fit so hard he bumped 8 pages worth of threads for no reason The autism is frankly impressive
>>45124 thats cool, if you are real just post them whever and we will move to that thread theres zero reason to believe this post though, and also zero reason to worry if it is real. nobody loses if we simply swap threads after a few days other than poopoo pants
>>44788 Excuse my stupidity but am I missing something? Dropbox says the archives have already been deleted. In any case, thanks for sharing.
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>>44764 Hopped onto the thread for the first time in a couple days. Checked to see if there was anything new. Nope. Already deleted. It's a shame, really. Thanks for the milisecond of hope for new content though
>>44788 Maybe it would be a alternative to use bunkr.site or junkfile.xyz. The handling is similar to mega. Maybe they are more resilient to takedowns.
>>45432 Someone posted bunkr links in the past which got taken down super fast and I’m almost certain led to onideus or sage in this instance going ape shit and holding the board hostage.
>>45439 the files are still there. The links were just changed. I know because I'm the uploader
>>45483 Registrations on bunkr.site are disabled. Unless you have an invite code, it's no bueno I think. (dropbox guy here)
>>45483 Trying junkfile, owner says to only respond to valid DMCA's.
>>45486 any update?
>>45759 Yeah. I won. People are using happyfappy now to upload torrents like I had suggested from the very beginning. Go fuck yourself.
>>46749 Okay, you won an internet thing. Who the fuck cares?
>>47010 >who cares Clearly you. You're the one who pulled up an old thread from months ago. Proves I got you tilted and you're mad as fuck. I win bitch. I told you I'd win. I told you I was going to get the last word, and I told you I was going to get my way. Sit the FUCK down bitch. I completely and utterly destroyed you.
can everyone please shut the fuck up and share videos? i'm looking for Rachelle Summers clips from Diapergal, i had a major crush on her as a teen.
>>47140 No one gives a fuck get fucked bitch.
@dropbox guy Don't wanna shit up the new thread as content is actually being posted and this little war we had is over now but I just wanted to say, bro what the fuck lmao. You legit went through all that trouble, tried to find 600 different solutions to a problem that already had a clear cut solution just because you were upset at me and wanted to do it your way out of spite. How does it feel bitch? How does it feel to lose in spite of all that effort? You saw how completely pointless it was to continue to upload content for it to be auto deleted after 48 hours yeah? I told you bro. I told you that I was going to win this. Next time don't join a battle you aren't prepared to fight for months/years. I wasn't even warmed up yet. You gave up so easily too, what a fucking joke. I meant this: You're a FUCKING joke bitch. Don't come back or I will make you crazy to the point of suicide I swear to god. You think this was bad? Imagine how bad things could get if I *really* decided to shut everything down and not just mega uploads. Do yourself and the community a favor and never speak again bitch.

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