/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Ticklish Fit Girls Anonymous 07/02/2022 (Sat) 23:03:08 Id: 923ab4 No. 24213
Post any fit or macular girls that are just asking to be tickled.
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hahaha yes... YES i don't know who you are anon but i see you too are a man of good taste. sadly, there's not too much strong girl tickling art out there so i hope some regular gym girls are fine too (also hope furfag is fine)
one more for the furfags tonight. so many strong/fit furfag artists... no strong/fit furfag tickling artists
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This one video will always be my favorite
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Alright ya'll, I need this thread to be a hell of a lot more active. So here's some free shit, featuring my interpretation of Nicole Watterson. Not sure why I chose her. Perhaps I'll do Captain Mizuki from OPM sometime later
>>25304 YESS thank you so much for your contribution anon
>>25304 >Captain Mizuki Oh damn, yeah, her. Also, three cheers for Nicole Watterson getting the drawnon treatment.
>>25331 Do you know the source of the last pic?
>>25332 I know him as Firefox, although he changes account every so often and drops from the face of the earth every so often too. Part of his style is drawing well toned/fit characters, which is sweet. I don't know if he's active currently or under what account name, but you can find a lot of his stuff in deviantart by looking up 'ffsd-america' or 'firefox-sf'.
>>25333 Checked and he currently goes by JohnnyRespawn on deviantart
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>>24802 how the fuck do her feet look so soft with a body that strong
>>25304 So damn hot and awesome of you Anon!!! Perhaps close up of her feet? :3
>>25405 A moderate amount of taking care of them. It's pretty much effortless to make your feet look nice, the vast majority of people simply don't give a shit.
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Couldn't leave the foot niggas hanging. Next one will be Captain Mizuki for real this time. I'll take suggestions for her scenario if there's anything specific ya'll want to see.
>>24230 I hate to break it too you bro, but the blue furry is a dude
>>25688 That's hot
>>25688 For the intended purpose he might as well be a girl.
>>25686 Have her tied up in a chair, like the one from Tickle Abuse. Where her yummy soles are tickled for our viewing pleasure. Please and thank you Anon. :3
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>>25698 >For the intended purpose he might as well be a girl.
>>25688 Yeah, but he is tickled by two girls, so it's still hot
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>>25700 Apologies for the wait. I get busy. Here you go.
>>27242 Sweet Jesus. This looks amazing! Love that she's even breaking free from the strap, most likely due to how much it tickles ~ You are too good for this board kind artist. Thank you 🙏

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>>24802 Was just about to post this. Harvi Monroe is way too damn beautiful
>>27242 That’s amazing! Can you please do wonder woman next?
>>27242 Holy fuck you’re awesome Anon!! Poorfag as always but this really is nice of you. Been going threw some stagnant times. Thank you Anon!! :)
This thread needs a comeback
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Don't get any ideas...
>>34967 >two Makoto pieces My man
>>34932 >>34956 >>34967 >>34968 moar makoto plz and thank u
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>>34977 Your wish is granted!
>>34982 So did you kill him with irony btw?
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>>34990 He's not dead, but he came so many times in one sitting that his dick can no longer function properly.
>>34967 Man, anothertkranon's stuff is really good, i wish they did more stuff.
>>34982 >>34991 Based posts but the zoomers on this board won't get it
>>41998 First time I see the word lickle and I love it. Not much into fit girls (tbh as long as it's not an absurd mountain of testosterone-powered muscles still pretty sexy) but absolutely based, thanks!
>>25304 Please draw her feet being tickled. :3
not enough street fighter gals
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Kidnapinc at Deviantart has neat 3D renders about a cute and fit cop girl in ticklish distress. I wish he did other girls and stories too (like 95% of his gallery seems to be dedicated to this one girl) but can't shame the dude for dedication to his OC waifu.
>>42656 The style is great, the plot is good too. But the thing that kills it for me, in like 8 or 9 chapters she hasn't laughed or even smiled fucking ONCE.
>>42695 I agree, the art is fine, but the plot is boring like watching Velma at midnight
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I would do unspeakable things to wiifit trainer She does not get enough love
>>42907 Same, she needs more love.
Jstratus is a treasure. Love the size difference between their feet
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>>43146 jesus christ wtf is that
>>43198 He's been diagnosed with melty skin syndrome, leave him alone.
Heres a comm I got from Arisuyoku Muscular amazon type gals that also happen to be devastatingly tigglish are based.
This is Vladislava Galagan. Bodybuilder and wrestler. I would die to see her get tickled
>>51720 I bet everyone on this board is fat though XD
Not tickling unfortunately but just an appreciation for some deep underarms. This is a screenshot of pro wrestler Jordynn Grace from a recent insta reel. The neurons were all sorts of activated once it was sighted. Especially thanks to that little grin. Almost darin' ya.
>>51719 >>51720 Y'all got any more of them (allegedly) size 11 feet?
>>52326 I bet securing these feet in stocks, giving them a quick pedicure, then tenderizing them with a lotion + hairdryer combo and inviting a fellow model to lightly caress now-buttery soft soles with her manicured nails would be a good endurance test for such a tough girl
>>45521 My GOD they could not have paired her with a more perfect tickler. A mature lady in a very matronly stylish outfit bringing this muscle girl to absolute weakness with tickles, making her giggle and squirm like a little girl while all that strength is for nothing. It's so fucking hot. >>51723 thin as a pin at a buck fifty over here ;)
This girl is like killing my switch mind. Her smile and aesthetic and playfulness make her such good lee material, but then the playfulness mixed with the muscles and that accent makes it seem like she'd be the most teasing ler. I need both rn
This chick on the cover has been an obsession of mine since first seeing it. My dream scenario would be to have her be in all kinds of tickling scenarios involving yoga practices and techniques, or to just give her beautiful dirt covered soles a sensual scrub and massage after a whole day of practicing barefoot.
>>52546 Ewwww fucking euro tard.....
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one thing I really like to see is when a super strong fighter girl is using both arms to lift an extremely heavy object, or grapple an opponent, or block an attack or something of the like, unknowingly leaving her tickle spots exposed, which is then taken advantage of by her enemies.
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>>61146 source?
>>61151 Anothertkranon
>>42709 >>43118 Zarya doesn’t get nearly enough love.
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>>61166 You think she would be, since she's swole but also canonically very well groomed, you would think "muscle tank with unusually soft and pretty feet" would be fetish gold, and she seems to be one of the least utilized Overwatch women by far. I guess all the OW shit in general is on the decline, but still.
>>61498 Yeah, it's a shame there isn't a lot of Zarya art out there. She's a tough girl you would love to break with tickling
A few gifs of Wrestler Nikki from Boston Tickling and the Russian Powerlifter from TA
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>>61503 And here's a few more of the two
>>61503 do you have a link for the first vid? it looks super good
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>>51719 >>51720 >>52327 I decided to pay $10 to subscribe to her Onlyfans so I could message her and ask her if she's ticklish. She said yes. She also does fetish content and customs. Very very expensive though, a custom video starts at like $400 I think, I would never pay that much. But if anyone here REALLY wanted to, she DOES have cuffs and other bondage equipment, I bet you actually COULD pay her to make a custom video in which she is tied up and getting mercilessly tickled in her big broad armpits and all over her chiseled abs, and any other tickle spots where you want to see her get destroyed. She has tons of feet fetish videos on her clips4sale, so she's basically already halfway there to tickle fetish content. Just needs someone who wants to see it badly enough to pay the hefty price tag on a custom.
>>62505 I'd be willing to pay that, but only on the grounds she went to some at least mid-level producer with actual restraints who knew what they were doing. She wouldn't be the first person "willing to get tickled" only to put forth less effort than a FTKL production with even more telegraphed, faked reactions. Without the involvement of a genuine ticklefag, there's next to no chance what she makes on her own is worth that amount of money.
>>62518 That is very true, and I did think about that a little bit. Even if she's down to do fetish content, as far as tickling content goes, she has no experience in the field as far as we know. Messaging her doesn't cost anything while I'm subscribed, so while my subscription is still active maybe I'll send her a couple more questions and bring up the idea of a custom video in which she gets tickled, and see what she could potentially do.
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Well, unfortunately she's not on board with the idea of getting tied and tickled tortured. Oh well, nothing to be done about that. At least now we know she is indeed very ticklish, I think it's cute to know that this shredded tank of a woman is actually super ticklish.
>>62725 She's very ticklish because you paid her 10 bucks
>>62727 I bet if you give her $50,000 she'd become very ticklish! Everyone know that ticklishness scales with the amount of $ spent! Who knows? Maybe you might even get 3 minute animation
>>62737 I'd rather invest $50,000 in ETH than give that money to a random camwhore.
Enough about the Onlyfans slut, post more strong and muscular ladies getting embarrassed and humiliated by tickling
Found some accidental fetish art on my doom scrolling adventures. Fem-Hercules isn't something I knew I needed, but here we are. It's also just cute as shit. Look at her trying to hold it in. So powerful yet utterly helpless to such a delicate touch.
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speaking of Urbosa, does anyone have the Sada vs Urbosa comic from badpierrot? https://kemono.su/patreon/user/2290118/post/99738543
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This thread is a godsend; thanks to all you anons for posting good shit.
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Of course all of us in this thread think tickling buff girls out of their minds is hot as hell, but how many here besides myself specifically love the embarrassment/humiliation aspect of it? I'm sure you all know how much athletic and muscular women LOVE to show off and make themselves appear powerful, and honestly the idea of tickling them as a means to embarrass them and ruin their image of being powerful and unbreakable just makes my dick turn to diamond. Take this girl for example: tie her in a position like the pose she's doing in the first two pics so I can tickle the ever loving fuck out of her armpits until she admits that she's a cute little ticklish baby or something like that. Skitter my fingers all over her tummy as well, calling her cute pet names and talking to her like a baby and making fun of her for being so ticklish the whole time. Also, the girl in these pics is only 5'1", if that matters to anyone. She's buff but she's REALLY short, so you could tease her about her height too. I can just imagine her blushing as red as a tomato while screaming and crying with laughter, desperately trying and failing to cling to her dignity, eventually giving up and caving to the tickles and saying she's a "subby little tickle toy" and blurting out any other embarrassingly submissive things she's told to say in hopes that the tickles will stop (they won't).
>>66227 For that Baiken one, do you know if the background monitors got full art for the other girls as well? Or are they forever in the background?
>>66319 That piece was made by Codricor1, and I know he made Jack-O and Elphelt into full pics! I don't think he's done any of the other girls seen in the monitors, but he might in the future. I personally think Baiken's is by far the best, though.
>>66309 you have the best most aristocratic tastes around
I'll post this here since OP was literally a pic of Leanbeefpatty with OP saying she's "just asking to be tickled", and also because I'm sure most of us here can agree that we all want to tie Leanbeefpatty up and tickle those beautiful abs and pits until she can't even form the words to beg us to stop anymore. Deviantart user named DreamDaddy3000 actually drew fanart of her getting tickled. He doesn't make any digital art, he pretty much exclusively draws traditional pencil on paper stuff, but I like it regardless.
Also, that same guy made a cute little series he called "Tickling the NFL" in which he drew girls from each of the NFL cheer teams getting tickled. I personally think it's pretty cute, and I figured I'd throw it in this thread because this is the fit girl tickling thread, and cheer leaders are nothing if not fit.
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technically the Thorr one has already been posted in this thread before, but it was the SFW version, so here's the nude version. Also a Totally Spies piece that gave Sam a nice set of abs, which I think is a really nice touch for her.
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So strong and lean and yet so ticklish. Can't get over those abs and her tits shaking while she's laughing her head off is so fucking hot
https://cz.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=661cd6c9be859 I'd love to see her pits and soles get tickled good.
>>66653 Screw her soles man I'd be licking those ungodly shredded abs like a hungry dog. Also that large clit is begging to be tickled
>>72774 You're right, it has been a while since the last post in this thread... which is weird, because there isn't exactly a shortage of content for it. Post more big and strong women getting humiliated by tickles
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Man, I'm seriously in love with the way ImTheGuy97 draws girls with the most shredded abs you've ever seen getting wrecked with tickles. All that muscle just to be defeated by TICKLING. Also gotta love the way he describes the character being tickled in the last two pics: "an OC of imposing size and great muscles who, despite being a great warrior; she ended up succumbing to Anya Knismesis' hunting tactics." How cute.
Rhea seems like the type of girl to play it tough, but once she breaks, she's got the highest pitched girly giggle in the world.
>>74004 Man, that's a bad picture.
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>>74005 Oh yeah, as soon as I saw that post on her twitter, tummy completely bare and arms up behind her head, completely exposing her armpits... I just thought to myself "I need to tickle the shit out of this woman until she thinks she's gonna die." Here's another good pic she posted. Nice view of her armpit and the side of her tummy, which are probably both deathly ticklish. >>74004 You're definitely right, though. She's a beast of a woman and takes pride in her strength and lack of weakness, she thinks herself to be invincible. But God forbid you poke her in the side... she'll squeak like a mouse.
>>74005 Lol Fair. >>74008 And let's not forget those massive legs. I swear, think more about squeezing her knees and making her snort laugh than I ever did her crushing my head with them. Getting scribbles in on her inner thighs. Hell yeah
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>>74008 >>74004 >>74005 >>74009 Stop thirsting and post shit
So this is only just now coming to my attention. Caught the new Moana and they've made her very muscular this time around. She's apparently beefier from years of sea travel. And I really hope we get some good art of those Samoan abs getting teased while her muscles desperately flex against restraints. Oh who am I kidding, the foot dorks (me included) are probably already piping out new pics of those giant feet.
>>76584 Oh 100%, nothing really good yet tho
>>76586 Bombers gets a pass from me since I've always been into his stuff. But yeah, that's the shitty part. Nothing super good.
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Kinda wish the girl getting tickled in the last pic was being restrained in some way while her feet are tickled, especially since the dialogue has her giving up and surrendering and reluctantly agreeing to join and help her tickler's group because the tickling is just too much and she can't take it, even though she could easily just pull her feet away... but I still like the pic anyway. Those sharp finger nails look absolutely DEADLY to those soft soles, and to me that's hot enough to make up for it
super downbad for her and her soles, anyone care to bite the bullet and share? this and more @ her OF foot profile below: https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/kayhansenfeetpage
>>80581 Goddamn do I love Dusty Shelvesc OCs
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>>61502 Ask and you shall recieve
https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/40190/22972651/tickling-hd seems to be an account dedicated to tickling muscular women

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