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Hear Me Out Thread Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 20:46:36 Id: 5182a7 No. 78418
I'm curious to know if you guys have any 'hear me out' character hot takes. With sizeable Pokemon and monster girl threads in the catalog, I'm sure we're past the 'generic attractive female character' takes around here, so I'm much more interested in hearing about stuff you think others will find genuinely questionable but that still makes the cylinders start firing for you. Let me start with one of my own: she's just a minor antagonist from the manga BLAME!, but Tsutomu Nihei as an artist has the uncanny ability to make his characters look inhuman and scary while still mantaining just enough femininity that my brain can't help but going 'hold up'. And yes, the fact she's a robot is part of the appeal, as is the fact she looks kinda fucked up and evil. It'd be a hassle to figure out how to make her experience tickling in the first place, but I just know it'd be fun as fuck to see her freak out as the need to laugh and trash around helplessly overwhelms her systems.
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I mean...they're pretty cute, design-wise. They've got iconic and silly laughs, and knowing their personalities, I don't think they'd really HATE it under certain circumstances. If it was all just for fun and games I'm sure they wouldn't mind.
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>>78463 Is that the fucking Wraith from evolve? ...so I'm actually NOT the only one who was thinking of her? Real shit for a minute, as stated by the subject of the thread, HEAR ME OUT. Look at the fucking design of this monster. She actually has a feminine looking tummy, wide voluptuous hips and thighs, the vague shape of boobs on her chest, and she has not two, but FOUR armpits you can tickle. Someone needs to draw her captured by researchers and tickle tortured with all sorts of crazy tickle machines for "science" and "research".
>>79634 There's a couple of us apparently
>>79621 >None of that pink skinned anime looking snoot game/volcano high style dinosaur bullshit, give me that realistic dino looking shit, with the rough dino skin the weird head, small eyes. Honestly, I couldn't agree more and now I want to tickle the shit out of her too.
>>79593 It's not her belly, but's it's something
>>79593 Guess it's somewhat canon that would work
>>79666 Holy shit, did you see how much she screamed when hooves just barely, gently touched her armpits?
>>79518 The boo is one thing, but lefty there is just an anime girl with a tail and no feet my guy. >>79605 I don't think you got the point of the thread, to be quite frank. >>79621 Now this, is really in the spirit of the whole thing. I have no idea wth you're talking about, but I now find myself much more interested in seeing that dino tickled into submission, with the scenario you posted being at the top of the list. Well done. You're 100% on the spectrum though, anon. Sorry to be the one to let you know. >>79593 >>79666 >>79670 Well, goddamn, she's that fucking ticklish? I'm now... interested.
>>79666 Oh yeah, I've seen that scene, definitely leaves it to the imagination.....<3
>>79670 Calm down son, it's just a picture. ...not even worth posting the meme for this one.
>>79716 It is most definitely more than a picture. Many pictures, one after the other. It's a video, anon. Did you even click it? Anyhow, it is also part of the official movie, which makes the character canonly absurdly ticklish, which I'd argue it's a good reason to be into her.
>>79593 >>79666 >squeals the seconds her pits are touched You are not alone Anon. She'd probably go ballistic if you tickled her tummy.
>>79593 >>79712 >>79766 Oh my god, thank you!! I've been thinking that for so freaking long, I thought I was the only one. That big chubby belly deserves all the tickles. I have always imagined all type of stories with her being involved with some kind of problem with lemures and getting tickled all over her big belly. It would be awesome if someone gave us some good content with her
>>78418 >hear me out Well, not a character, but... Instagram algorithms pushed me into a rabbit hole of "obviously gay alpha foot fetish" content. Basically attractive guys posing with their feet in front of a camera while looking all that tough. Common poses include muscle flexing, showing the middle finger, ignoring the viewer, you got it, anything to get some bucks out of thristy fags. What impressed me is that most of these guys have *perfect* feet. They obviously get regular pedicures and wear comfortable shoes - as a result, their soles look incredibly soft and more tender than 95% of girls. I bet a quick scribble with manicured nails targeting those pampered peds is enough to turn such a tough wannabe chad high schooler into a giggling mess. And what I fantasize about is some correction facility which has an unit consisting exclusively of women trained to "tame" young men with reckless tickling. It only takes a quick look and maybe a touch to get the right approach to their subject: the right amount of pressure to glide their fingertip along arches with, the right words for a tickle talk, an optimal speed to switch between e.g. clawing heels and poking toe pads etc. I liked that fantasy when I saw that last pic, an ai illustration for a tickling story describing a similar scenario. But those brats are asking to be starred in its' live adaptation.
>>79950 >"hear me out" thread >posts some normal-ass dudes bro
>>79950 If your hear me out is just a regular attractive dude, you don't have a hear me out, you're just gay (or bi).
>>79950 >implying faggotry isn't normal and is instead a "hear me out" thing based
>>79950 >most of these guys have *perfect* feet. They obviously get regular pedicures and wear comfortable shoes - as a result, their soles look incredibly soft and more tender than 95% of girls. > I bet a quick scribble with manicured nails targeting those pampered peds is enough to turn such a tough wannabe chad high schooler into a giggling mess. And what I fantasize about is some correction facility which has an unit consisting exclusively of women trained to "tame" young men with reckless tickling. extremely based. that might be a school detention punishment as well. ofc i would always break the rules. >>79950 >I liked that fantasy when I saw that last pic, an ai illustration for a tickling story that pic alone is worth lurking in piles of ai slop to find such gems. good F/M foot focused content is pretty rare even among traditional artists.
>>79950 I would tickle the third guy. I am so gayyyy
>>79950 The whole gay aspect is not my thing but as an avid f/m enjoyer and lurker of >>27025 I'd love content with women tickling guys like these (young, reasonably good looking, with impeccable soles). It's just easier to imagine yourself in their place than some shyandwildtickling type creep's. Also, if you're gonna lurk: 99% of male feet content are beefy hairy men suitable for the male tickling thread and not picrels.
>>79989 Truke
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... anyway
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>>79582 holy shit the nostalgia hit me like a train, tf happened with happy farms? anyways i prefer the chicken thingy tbh.
Shovel the Quasit from Baldur's Gate 3 is covered in spikes and scales... except for her belly. She has a very soft belly. She is also bound to obey the orders of whoever summons her, even if she doesn't like it.
>>80012 Cooking
>>80012 I prefer Picaso myself.
>>80016 had to look up vids of her, she is oddly cute even if she is apparently a baby eater
Elesh Norn can get it. I'm not sure how, exactly. But she can get it.
>>80177 who is THAT? from your screenshot what game is that from?
>>80177 Fuck yeah! Princess Crown representation!
>>80387 >>80386 yeah its the gryphon from princess crown, kind of obscure. or is it griffin? I'm never sure.
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I'm not sure this is 100% hear me out, since the character is quite popular, but, oh boy... Every time I see merchandise featuring her... It's everywhere. I wish I could tickle this little thing beyond her wildest dreams. Make her find out what evil humans are capable of.
>>80607 Let's introduce her to my own hear me out...
Samantha The Cat. I hesitate to say whether, were I actually presented with the opportunity to tickle a sentient, talking cartoon cat, I'd be into it or I'd be thoroughly disturbed, because she doesn't look even remotely anthropomorphic, she just looks like a cartoon cat. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't think about it. She's just such a little shit with an attitude. I can imagine the threats, the bargaining and lies melting and giving way to helpless begging for mercy as push I her deeper and deeper into hysterics, and I find that very appealing. If I don't think too hard about the fact that she looks like a fucking cat. So anyways. I think I want to the cat.
>>80694 what the fuck?
>>80694 huh, I always thought this character was a boy. >>80699 A cat is fine, too.

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