/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Non-Tickling Hot Content General Anonymous 05/01/2022 (Sun) 18:49:43 Id: 42861f No. 20592
For material not containing tickling that still stimulates the ticklefag monkey neuron. Sexy body parts that fill you with desire to tickle them, bondage or situations that seem ripe for tickling shenanigans, outfits that just scream 'tickle me', etc. 2D and 3D are both copacetic. Some overlap may occur with the anticipation and the temptation threads, but unlike either of those, this thread doesn't require a premise of implied tickling.
This thread was born from the discussion in a different thread around how insanely hot the big broad pits of really buff girls are (and how they seem to have a tendency to be unbearably ticklish <3). Also, to add to the list of muscular girl traits that make me want to do unspeakably ticklish things to their bodies for hours on end: LEGS.
>>20594 Pit talk aside good Christ I want every one of these women to do unspeakable things to me using their muscles to overpower me.
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>>20592 Dykes. Full on hardcore "No dicks plz" lesbians. I'm a straight man but something about these women turn me on beyond belief.
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>>20603 Actually, that's really good too. Fuck crushing watermelons between their thighs, imagine one of these bad girls gets a hold of a single one of your feet there and decides it's her toy now, and you literally just have to take it and lose your mind laughing for as long as she wants~ >>20604 And in what capacity, pray tell, would you engage this based taste? Some sort of gay conversion therapy through intense tickle torture that ends with them begging for dick if it means even the smallest of breaks away from the insane tickling?
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Dunno if hairy pits are considered taboo, sorry if that's the case
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Feet make the horny animal brain go "ooga booga"
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>armpit window Tell me you're a thirsty tickle slut without telling me you're a thirsty tickle slut.
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>>22555 Based, biggest sign someone wants you to sneak your fingers up there and dig in until they lose their mind laughing.
I always wondered why we never got a general foot fetish board. I'd contribute to that a lot more regularly. I love tickle content, but there's only so much tickling you can do.
>>22653 https://8chan.moe/feet/ There has been one for ages, but nobody uses it.
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>tfw no ticklish orc gf
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>>24805 Chika butt squishy. Very much deserves tickles.
>>24927 that last picture is veryyy hot grab that lotion bottle on the windowsill and offer her an innocent foot rub... and then do a little trolling
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Something about QuinnStix's recent Bridget pic really activates every footfag tickle neuron I have more than usual. She (as opposed to he as of late and that's kinda beautiful tbh) is soooo asking for it with this one.
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>>26557 I just want cute femboys why do they have to turn into girls
>>26559 aren't there dozens of "heehee well actually I'm a boy" anime traps/femboys at this point? It's a whole established trope at this point, they aren't some endangered character archetype. A rare trans character who isn't blatant fetish fuel or a blatant woke points pawn is also a refreshing change of pace. that and watching terminally online weirdos seethe over absolute nothingburgers is always funny
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>>26561 >watching terminally online weirdos seethe over absolute nothingburgers is always funny
>>26561 Bridget is one of this trope's first and most popular representations in vidya, that's why it's kind of painful to see this development and I'm not even a "fan" of the series.
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>>26667 Yikes, a lego to the foot is a true travesty. But some tickles could definitely improve Yor’s mood.
I liked most of the original but edited it to fit my preferences a little better
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Got yor on the brain
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The Holofeet review was reasonably entertaining. And evidently it inspired at least one shrimp out there.
>>27082 such good pics thanks for sharing holyy >>27085 fuck me i hope this gets finished its so good. reine tickling moona's foot FUCKK
>>27087 Considering the tweet from the artist was actually deleted a few minutes after I downloaded the image, I'm not terribly optimistic. But I hope the same.
>>27088 My brother in Christ, it was deleted because he is currently working on it and is posting updates.
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>>27094 What a lovely piece of news to wake up to
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>>27094 !!!!!!
>>27103 >>27116 Yeah, you guys need to follow this artist. This isn't just a happy accident because he wanted to draw this one scene, this artist legitimately does have a foot fetish and loves Hololive so he is drawing them a LOT. Case in point, when Ina's back was the big art trend, he deliberately drew a version that showed her soles while saying "smh all these people drawing Ina's back keep cropping it right above the good stuff". He also did an inktober-style thing where he drew one Hololive girl every day and every single one was barefoot or showing feet in some way. He's legit /ourguy/ and you all need to keep an eye on him, he's great.
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>>27129 Finally, some art of the Apex Onion
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>do you want to play 'tickle tickle' with me again, anon?
This one falls into a sort of weird space. I know this art is probably just a standard depiction of the basketball match between Kanbaru and Numachi, but the teary eyes and her expression almost make it seem like she’s being tickled. But since it doesn’t appear like she’s ACTUALLY being tickled here, I’ll drop the image here.
>>26263 This one makes me hiss in annoyance, I mean look at this a position perfect for tickling with Tiona’s hand just inches away from Tione’s armpit while she’s sitting on top of her with Tione’s arms crossed over her head I mean really, come on!!!
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>>28132 Funny you posted this because the same happened to me a while ago with picture related. I can't say for certain it's tickling but it sure damn looks like isn't it?
>>28178 True. The position of the hands makes me think it’s tickling, but this could also just be Mitsuzuri getting embarrassed from Rider copping a feel. Also the dynamic between these two in hollow ataraxia is pretty fun.
>>28178 >>28193 >this could also just be Mitsuzuri getting embarrassed from Rider copping a feel. Almost assuredly, but... C'mon, anybody willing to claim NTRider wouldn't get off on making somebody submit completely with just some skilled finger movements in some ticklish areas? >Also the dynamic between these two in hollow ataraxia is pretty fun. Yup, yup, very much so.
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>>28736 Yes, that Peach pic is a total banger. Somehow I always imagine her as a bubbly tall blonde with big feet who at least won't mind tickle fetish.
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Thick girls with pretty faces who flaunt their smooth underarms and soft bellies deserve to be absolutely destroyed with tickles mercilessly. This girl in particular, she looks soft and squishy and would be the perfect tickle toy. I bet her expressions would be so damn sexy…

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>>29453 >girls with pretty faces who flaunt their smooth underarms and soft bellies deserve to be absolutely destroyed with tickles mercilessly In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, Amen
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This birb really does know how to make me want to tickle the absolute bejesus out of his OCs. Big fan of Kat, can you tell?
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>>29416 Sauce for that Nilou pic?
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>>38243 The third pic thou... I wonder has somebody made a 'stuck in xyz and tickled' bot on character AI?
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you can't tell me this isn't an anticipation pic https://twitter.com/pastepiphany/status/1612253825645027329/photo/1
>>22003 Hadaka apron is so underrated >>22654 That’s because it’s even more of an absolute dysfunctional shit hole than this place >>26557 >>26559 >>26561 Well the main issue I’ve seen is that there are hetero coomers out there who will find a femboy character attractive then immediately get artists to draw them as female because they can’t mentally process the idea of the confused boner and need to “make it right” because how could anything that hot not have tits. This in turn infuriates the femboy fan community as if these characters are being stolen from them and ruined by ultra hetero assholes. Not exactly the same but I still remember the shitstorm that went down when capcom announced Poisons “newtype” status (trans) and the overwhelming denial and rage the hetero fans went into over it.
>>38888 Always strange to see something kinky for characters whose only interrogation is shooting and knife to the neck, but it looks neat.
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she got some ideal feet, would kiss her smooth meaty soles for an ethernity
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When I saw this image, I went crazy.
>>40555 Sauce? Tried saucenao and google images but could only find https://www.clipartkey.com/downpng/ihxowwh_anime-belly-button-tickling/ and https://www.clipartmax.com/download/m2i8b1G6N4m2m2i8_uploaded-belly-tickle-animation-equestria-girls/ Looks like cesar3o0 but I couldn't find it on his deviantart.
There's something about outie belly buttons that gets me in a tickling mood.
So I'm not sure if this is the right thread for this or not. But I was rewatching a Best of the Worst Halloween episode and noticed one of the actresses in one of the movies RLM reviews has done some softcore tickle vids in the past. https://youtu.be/R5xa7r6oIBQ?t=2723 Jackey Hall is her name. She went by the name Chassy in her videos.
>>40610 I guess it'd be better for the 'tickle models doing non porn things' thread, but that still a wild catch. If that really is her, would you be the first person to notice it? What's amazing is I've seen those videos multiple times and never once made the connection.
>>40693 That's a good point. I just found the thread. I'll post it there now.

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Us Destiny fans have been eating well lately, jesus christ
>>40512 >third pic Oh yes please
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>>41574 Marika is woefully neglected. She is such a good target for tickles.
>>40696 Very nice, I love this one. Might as well include the other pics anon posted of her for context.
>>42165 Makes sense, yeah. She is damn cute lol. Big slender feet are god tier
>>42165 >>40696 What thread is this from? Asking for a friend
>>41578 Very much so, yes. Her classic pose? Begging for it. >>42170 Indeed. >>42176 It's near the bottom of >>29279, along with some art the based anon who shared them commissioned himself, and a couple other cuties.
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I fucking love this so much, lol.
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A choice must be made.
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>>44909 Sauce for this?

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>sexy AI generated wrestling girls Choose who'd you have an absolutely brutal tickle torture tournament with.
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>>45375 Superb taste
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>>46007 That Saber pic is so goddamn hot. Sauce?
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>>46049 >That Saber pic is so goddamn hot. Right? Crazy Clover Club. Their Saber stuff is just so good. Check it: https://exhentai.org/g/2452739/a335d022de/ They've done some good doujins too. All vanilla stuff though.
>>46007 What's the deal with this Himari girl from Blue Archive? I've seen a disproportionately high amount of foot fetish fanart of her, even compared to more popular franchises. I can only imagine there must have been some sort of event or scene with her drawing attention to her feet, for there to be so many feet-focused pics of her. Not that I'm complaining at all, mind you, keep them coming, but since I don't play gacha stuff, I'm really curious.
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I'm deranged but I genuinely get turned on by this shit. Violetgordon on DA regularly produces this kind of scene.
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Does anyone have the Rottenheart10 caption plasma mega link? https://www.patreon.com/user?u=30538770
>>46610 Fuck wrong thread sorry

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First one is just about my favorite thing ever.
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This is kind of funny
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Literal god tier feet right there, narrow and meaty(?) at the same time and on the larger side. Also that face, thick hair and long legs fuuuuuug. Anybody knows who is she?
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>>51060 Amber from FeetJeans/NoemisWorld, 2006 or so. She's a freakin bombshell but a lot of her sets are considered lost media and she is delisted on the original sites. Would be nice to have them btw, she's among the hottest women I've ever seen.
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>>51125 Based Supes.
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Do girls looking like they're about to tickle torture you into submission count as well?
>>51388 I guess? Anything that activates your neurons, it says in the description
There's some nice anime lewds... https://kemono.party/patreon/user/3295915
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A classic pose.

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First one being actual official art is fucking based.
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Hear me out for the last one, picture it: that wand is enchanted to absolutely tickle the shit out of someone when it makes contact with their skin, and she's *just* about to test it out on you.
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Baeber my beloved. >>55230 Love that 4th pic and the potentially implied tickle massage.
>>55411 Ditto. This guy makes great 2hu stuff. Here's the original in higher quality + some variants https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/103583623

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>>55453 Thanks for the Intel brother
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>>55807 The Zelda one is quite good tbh
I know they are not even the same character but I found this confusion quite hot, so I might as well share it. The girl on the left apparently is Mei from Arknights and I mistakenly confuse her with an "adult version" (or more developed) version of Dori from Genshin Impact, which I instantly associated with this girl doing Dori cosplay (pic from the right). Here there is the video of her dancing with 100 Genshin cosplayers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1R3C7Ft2iEs (2:51 long) If you watch it (or know the girl) you would see how she nailed the cosplay and how expressive she is, so I thought in how hot would be to if the drawing was of her lol
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tfw no big, strong woman to drive completely crazy with just unbearably delicate caresses against her otherwise unbreakable body, to first gently tease her tender spots with a feather and then roughly tickle her abs with your fingertips until she cries like a helpless little girl
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>>58947 Holy based anon, bless you
Pits are pretty cool
https://www.youtube.com/@reyystory Can't tell if it's the original poster, but here are some videos to help fulfill the time-stop fantasies.
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"Sony Mini Disc" commercial from the early 90's
Fit girl pits are the tits.
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Man, this milf's tummy just looks so... INVITING... like it's inviting me to skitter my fingers all over it.
>>63171 I want her >to skitter her nails all over my soles while adoring their softness and teasing me for being such a tickle magnet
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>>62781 Oops, wasn't done and my dumbass accidentally touched the reply button (posting on a phone). Tldr: fit, muscular, buff girls deserve to have their armpits absolutely destroyed by tickles. But yeah, this is absolutely based as fuck. Fit/buff girls armpits are hot as fuck and fuel my tickle-lust like nothing else. Better yet, buff girls absolutely love to show off their muscles by taking pics in poses that leave all of their tickle spots EXTREMELY exposed, ESPECIALLY their (most likely extremely ticklish) armpits. Everytime I see a gym girl striking a pose like this I instantly think about strapping her to a bondage rack with her arms STRAIGHT up, tight so she can't budge an inch, and fucking RAVAGE her defenseless armpits. She'd be so pissed off, so embarrassed and humiliated, trying to yell at me in between fits of uncontrollable laughter saying things like "Fuck you! I'm gonna kick your ass! I'll break you in half like a fucking toothpick!" And she honestly absolutely COULD kick my ass and break me in half... But not when she's all tied up and my fingertips are dancing in her big broad armpits. <3
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"Hunters, ready your traps and tranq bombs, we're going to capture Lagiacrus and Nargacuga so our Researchers can perform some... important tests to see what makes them tick!" Alright, I hope monster girls aren't TOO much of a turn off for you all, because these girls based off Nargacuga (the dark purple one) and Lagiacrus (the light blue one) from Monster Hunter are activating my tickle fetish neurons like crazy. Both of them being barefoot and pretty much naked along with the soles of their big ass dragon feet in view in both pics is giving me lots of ideas. I'd like to think that any part of their body that isn't covered in armored scales or plating is EXTREMELY TICKLISH. Nargacuga would be most ticklish on her upper body, particularly her sides, armpits, boobs and back, but her ass is probably also deathly ticklish. Lagiacrus' worst tickle spot is definitely the bottoms of her feet and toes, but her tummy would also be very sensitive, and her ass too probably. I imagine them both getting captured by hunters and taken back to base where they are bound in chains and giant stocks, so that the researchers can test all manner of different giant-sized tickle tools on them for countless hours. When they're all done with their tickly experiments on the poor monster girls, they will be released back into the wild... Probably. Maybe. Honestly considering writing a story about this and linking it in the writefag thread.
>>63201 I want to make a fit strong girl hold up something heavy above her head and then tickle her armpits and see how long she can keep it up.
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Ticklish GILF tits, anyone? Bullying this lovely old lady's great big boobies with feathers, anyone?
>>64146 We love ourselves some older women, don't we folks? We do, we sure do.
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>>64169 I think it's equal parts hot and absolutely adorable when an old lady hasn't outgrown being extremely ticklish. Look at these wonderful old girls. Especially Ana, man I just wanna start gently caressing my fingertips up and down the soles of her wrinkly yet soft feet and listen to her beautiful deep giggles. As for the last pic, I'm not familiar with the characters at all but I like to imagine the reason why she's saying "Edalyn! Stop touching my feet at once!" is because her feet are actually deathly ticklish if you touch them just the right way, and she's worried that if Edalyn keeps playing with her feet, she's eventually going to find out.
A bit of a mixed bag, but i think they're all good enough
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Alright, moving on
>>64457 Awesome stuff, anon. Man, the soft chubby belly on that ghostly looking girl in the first pic is just BEGGING for some fingers wiggling all over it. Her boobs too, those gigantic fat fucking boobs need to be thoroughly worked over with fingers and feathers until she's literally too exhausted to laugh anymore. And that brown skinned girl in the second pic with her cocky attitude... She thinks she's hot shit. Humble her with tickles torture all over that voluptuous body she loves to show off so much, being especially torturous to her giant perfect tits, her hourglass tummy and sides, her curvaceous ass and thighs, and her perfectly smooth armpits which she unintentionally leaves exposed whenever she strikes a pose to flaunt her flawless boobs and stomach.
>>64463 Well said, my man. Although the witch on the third pic with her brazen armpit tease, begging for a good licking and feathering, the milf on the fourth one who needs to be ruthlessly kneaded all over her fat body before a good scrubbing with brushes and the oni on the last one, innocently revealing her muscles and fat tits and oblivious to the ticklish caress that may follow also seem pretty exciting for me.
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This bitch needs to be pinned or strapped down and have a few dozen fingers scribbling all over her toned, oiled up outstretched tummy. It's kinda hard for me to find the right words to explain it right, but ai just think it's one of the hottest things ever when a woman who doesn't have a tickle fetish (tickling literally never even crosses her mind at all) loves to strike sexy poses in skimpy clothing because she's hot as fuck and she can practically control people with her irresistible curves. These sexy poses and skimpy clothes, by consequence, happen to leave ALL of her tickle spots completely exposed, which, again, never even crosses her mind because the thought of anyone even thinking about tickling her never even crosses her mind, but to her complete surprise she is restrained and driven into insane hysterics by merciless tickles on all the spots she loves to show off so much (her tummy, armpits, boobs, ass, thighs, etc.). I hope that makes at least a little sense.
>>64638 Oh anon, don't worry. I know EXACTLY what you mean. The same thought crosses my mind every now and then. Especially with characters that naturally expose their ticklish parts, like how it is with anime characters and their detached sleeves. Crop tops too.
Is it trashy as hell? Yes, but still I wanna tickle and fuck her so hard. First tickle her all over, especially the spots that are left uncovered by her tattoos - her nipples, her ass, inner thighs, the soles of her feet. Then rail her like no tomorrow
>>63870 Please do it! I think it would be great, I love the idea of a giant monster girl getting tickled
>>64647 I actually wholeheartedly agree with this. I think she needs tickles all over her slender tatted-up body. I actually have a thing for tatted-up women getting tickled, and for a very similar reason to why I love big, strong muscular women getting tickled. You see this woman who's practically covered in badass tattoos all over, and you think, "wow, she looks tough, she must be a total badass!" But, it turns out she is absolutely DEATHLY ticklish! I'd like to imagine this tattooed babe in particular bound strapped down with her legs spread as wide as they can be, and then ONLY her pussy and clit are tickled relentlessly with feathers and electric toothbrushes for a whole hour, driving her insane with tickling sensations that make her laugh uncontrollably, but also making her cunt DRIPPING wet. Then, a gang of like 6 dudes walk in and begin to gently massage and lather her entire naked body with oil, making it tickle quite a bit so she keeps giggling as their hands glide all over her. Then, when she's all lathered-up, one of the guys begins to plow the fuck out of her cunt going balls-deep, and everyone else in the room simultaneously goes to town mercilessly tickling her armpits, boobs, sides and tummy, thighs, and the soles of her feet. When the guy fucking her dumps a few loads in her and gets tired, he switches places with someone else. So everyone is just taking turns pounding the hell out of her pussy while everyone else is tickling her to oblivion.
>>64657 yeah, this guy gets it
>>63870 >>64651 Preach dude. I don't know what it is, whether a story or AIs, I'd really like something with these two.
>>64651 >>64664 Alright, I'll start working on it today. I'll do a story with the Lagiacrus girl first, that's the light-blue aquatic one (not the one in this pic) if you aren't familiar with Monster Hunter. However, if you ARE a ticklefag who is familiar with the Monster Hunter games, just know that so far the only Monster Hunter game I've played is World, and I was planning on implementing some of the mechanics from the game in this story. If that doesn't make any sense, don't worry, it will when you read the story. If people like this story, maybe I'll do another one with the Nargacuga girl. I was also thinking about making a story about tickling this Tzitzi-ya-ku girl also drawn by MuHut, the same artist who drew the other two Monster girls I've posted here. I was actually gonna make the Tzitzi ya ku girl a futanari in my story, 'cause I'm into that shit. If you don't like futa though, don't worry, the Lagiacrus and Nargacuga stories will NOT feature any dickgirls. When I finish the Lagiacrus story, I'll post a link to it in the writefag thread, so if you're interested in reading this when I finish it, be sure to check the writefag thread anytime it gets updated! In the meantime, do you guys have any suggestions for websites for me to post these stories to? preferably sites that let me post a picture to go with the story.
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>>64687 Looking forward to the story. If it was me, id give them ticklish tails and neck/ears due to those being weak/breakable points. Also narga is weak to lightning/fire and lagi is to fire so maybe you could do something with that. As for sites, literotica is still a thing. Theres da, tumblr, pixiv... take your pick.

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These perfect feet with such long delicate toes are something to die for
>>64841 Sauce?
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Hnng these pits
>>51099 Fuck. Was going to post pics asking who is she She perfectly captures that "goddess looks, long legs, big feet" vibe popularized by KandenRem, Feeteraco, hell even zp92. I mean, you can become a footfag just by looking at those voluptous soles, they're like made for faceplanting
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Violently knead and caress her into oblivion
I don't know shit about this character, but cute animation is cute https://youtube.com/shorts/SKI5cqJgWBQ?si=ic3bxaqV-6qmTd-P
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God dammit I want to tickle the ever loving fuck out of Sona's incredibly perfectly voluptuous body. Especially her gigantic milk jugs. Looking at these pics fills me with the urge to tie her to a chair and drink from her tits while simultaneously tickling all over them.
Goddamn this animation activated the primate neuron in a bad way.
>>64638 This speaks to me, although I'm on the flipside on one key element: I prefer it if they're completely aware that they're exposing those sexy tickle spots and they're actually leaning into it. Like idols subtly showing their armpits when posing and maybe throwing out a wink to rile up a niche group of their fans that they know goes crazy for them, or instagram egirls blatantly showing off their perfect feet to try and get you to drop your cash on their onlyfans. I think what I enjoy is the idea that they're aware of the appeal of those more obscure body aparts and are willing to show them off to try and cynically manipulate a small subsection of their fans and keep them hooked based on horniness alone, maybe even mocking them in private for being so easy to bait. And then, all of a sudden, when some psycho snaps after seeing the millionth pic of them showing off their perfect, smooth armpits for the camera, and they wind up in their basement, tied to a rack while one of the weirdos they kept egging on tickles the ever living shit out of their body for hours and hours on end, scratching their oiled up, pampered armpits until they're pink from ticklish abuse, non-stop brushing the feet they worked so hard to keep soft and sexy to tease their fans with, and they're losing their mind because they didn't realize it could tickle that bad and that they could laugh that loud and beg that desperately for mercy... they have no one to blame but themselves. On the other hand, I find it's still a total turn on to picture them doing all those revealing poses and stuff because they secretly WANT to wind up in someone's basement and become their tickle slave, which is kinda funny. Like maybe they don't think they're gonna, right? But they absolutely are aware of the heinously ticklish torture some of their fans would like to put them through and they keep teasing them to rile them up even more because they are totally into it too and are absolutely touching themselves in private thinking about a group of frenzied tickle weirdos destroying their mind by tickle raping their bodies with their fingers, tongues and tools until they pass out laughing. And we don't have to get into the armchair psychology analysis of it all (a part of me thinks that maybe my brain is just trying to cope with having fantasies of beautiful women being brutalized by tickle torture until they lose all capacity for rational thought by making it a bit more "okay" because they kept "asking for it" and thus they "deserve it"), I just think I like being teased for having a tickle fetish and being turned on by pits and feet and stuff man, specially when the perpetrator gets their comeuppance in the form of a good old tickle. It's the same principle why the bratty persona of the likes our very own board's -tan Lila, who will readily mock you for being a loser that gets horny from tickling, right before you tickle her until she's crying and apologizing for calling you a weirdo, is popular among some folk.
Found someone who was willing to finish this old rj88 sketch. Came out looking pretty good I think.
>>65907 You aren't alone brother. I have fantasized about e-celebs and friends that I know both irl and online just getting absolutely ruined with tickles. And the added element of them possibly having been kidnapped and forced to endure all kinds of ticklish tortures that the mind can imagine. Just the idea is neat and people should not be kidnapped and irreversibly damaged irl, I do not wish to be put against the firing squad for some silly ideas.
The fact that there's so little hades 2 art is a crime Eris in particular needs correction, although she might be into it
>>66400 Aside from being new, in beta and Western it also tends to pander more towards women. I'd say /m art is more likely.
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Just gonna let you all know I'm slow as fuck but definitely still working on that lagiacrus tickle story. Also, I didn't know this existed at first because MuHut doesn't link shit on his DA page, but apparently he's got a fanbox with uncensored stuff (except for the two black lines on her pussy because asian porn). Important because I was writing the story based on the censored version, which had no genitals or nipples. But now that I know this is the REAL design for the lagiacrus girl, the story will be based on lagiacrus as she appears in THIS picture. You can bet your ass that pussy, ass hole, and those giant boobs are gonna get tickled like hell. I'll be separating the story into two parts: the first part, which is about a team of hunters chasing Lagiacrus and repeatedly ambushing her with tickles (including some help from some grimalkynes) to wear her down for capture. Then, the second part is all about researchers performing all sorts of tickling "experiments" on her for "research puropses". She would be in captivity and completely bound and defenseless in this part. There's a monster girl tickling thread now so I'll post the story there when it's done, and probably also in the writefag thread.
>>66850 Sounds hot. Look forward to it!
>AWOOOOOOGA! my brain, for some reason, at any innocuous slight glimpses of armpit. Also, the artist of the last one does have some tickle pics in his gallery, meaning this might've actually been intentional, but either way, that fucking hip grabbing man. Sheesh.
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This is literally fucking adorable. The way Elena is just happily sitting there, allowing Sakura to inspect and measure her huge feet is just so god damn cute to me. Also, the sheer size of Elena's feet just makes me want to tickle them even more. In all honesty, Elena just seems so sweet and friendly, she'd probably LET you tickle them. >>66890 Also that chubby oni girl in that last pic is fucking adorable as well. She looks so damn soft and cuddly! For some reason I imagine her having the cutest and most beautiful laugh you'd ever hear, giggling like a little angel and covering her face with her hands as you gently wiggle your fingertips all over her soft, pudgy belly. Dammit, I wanna pin her down and tickle her to the point of exhaustion, listening to her squeals of laughter like music to my ears, and then lay down on top of her with my head on her boob like a pillow and just cuddle until we both fall asleep.
Monster girls deserve it. Especially on their pits. I weep when artists ignore those and give them human feet to tickle instead
>>67817 I actually ranted about this a bit in the Monster girl thread. Characters like Cathyl, Centorea, and Rachnera have some of the hottest upper bodies you'll ever see, and they have literally no feet to tickle. Seems logical to tickle the fuck out of their gigantic, sensitive boobs, their smooth, slender armpits, and their voluptuous ticklish tummies (especially Cathyl's shredded abs, which are also probably extremely ticklish), right? Nah, let's ignore all that and remove all the parts that actually make them monster girls and just give them human feet and tickle those instead. Footfags wtf???
>>67818 Right. Footfags, there's enough foot tickling in the world, get off our property
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>>67888 You seem upset. Have some rabbit feet.
>>35822 Okay that one of Hela is friggin glorious
Everyone's seen nylon-clad feet getting tickled... But what about tickling a nylon-clad tummy? Your fingers would just glide so smoothly over that nylon material as they dance all over her sensitive midriff...
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>>67897 Not anime enough for me, but i appreciate the sentiment
I put behind the spoiler two pics with large bellies since it's not everyone's thing. It's nit grotesque though, and I'd love to just demolish her with raspberries
>>68162 I'm not into big bellies but I appreciate the hot armpit pics! Would love to see more.
>>68179 >>68179 Sure, here you go. These may be less subtle than yours, but oh well
Always thought this one was great. Does anyone knoe who the artist is though?
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Man, cute clerk girls are so woefully underrepresented. This one is just begging for someone to make her squeal by teasing her plump tits with this conveniently placed feather.
>>68848 Oh, fuck yeah anon. I'd like to see that cutie trying to ignore you and stay focused on her desk work while you use that feather to maddeningly tease all over the helplessly exposed tops of her gigantic breasts and nipples which she just can't keep contained. How long do you think she'll be able to hold back her laughter while that feather is gently dancing all over her boobs?
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Vanishlily's gallery is full of exceptionally trained and totally badass warrior and soldier women who could totally never ever never ever never never ever EVER be defeated by tickling. I'm sure of it. These women are the greatest warriors you'll ever see, certified badasses, experts in battle arts. Tickling wouldn't even make them flinch, so don't waste your time. And they most definitely, POSITIVELY could not and would not EVER be reduced to crying, sweating, and begging by tickle torture. Absolutely not. These ladies are way too tough for that. I'm completely certain that if you captured all of those barefoot Aphrodite soldier women and locked them all in pillory stocks and punished them by scrubbing and caressing their defenseless bare feet with all manner of brushes and feathers, the only thing they would be laughing at is your pathetic and futile attempt to make them submit. I also have no doubts whatsoever that if you strapped that topless gladiator girl down spread eagle on an X-rack and had a small team of men mercilessly tickle torture all over her exposed abs, pits, and tits in front of the whole colosseum in an attempt to humiliate her for everyone's entertainment, the spectators would be bored out of their minds because you wouldn't get a single giggle out of her. So yeah, don't even try it.
These soles are to die for I wish I knew the vid.
>>68919 could be from this studio, the wall makes me think of a video I saw of them https://tickling-videos.net/realbaresoles-lil-dees-long-island-sass-sole-tickling-only/
You can't stop thinking about your new coworker. Sure, her looks are an easy 10, but the moment she started airing her feet out on the desk you knew that's the jackpot. That aroma, something a peasant would consider "pungent"... but not you. Your craving for large meaty feet and thick smells with a hint of fine parmesan has been fulfilled. And you want more! Sticking your face right into those cheesy stompers doesn't seem like a crazy idea now. Courage pays. That rough texture of her soles alone is enough for you to go nuts. But the fact that she actually enjoys your attention is something you've never ever dreamed of. Your tongue is sliding across those divine toes, sending her into nirvana. A match made in heaven, that's for sure.
>>68949 I think god should kill you
Moving on Persona 4 has a lot of great girls and a ton of hot personas, but the tickle content is few and focuses on the main cast mostly. I wish to weep.
>>67888 >first image why be a caption "artist" when you can't fucking spell
>>68958 anyway here i saved u faggots 5 seconds of scrolling the front page of paheal and also have myself a new wallpaper
>>68959 appreciated, man
>>68958 What's misspelled? It all looks correct to me
>>68848 Where is this image from? Saucenao didn't show any results
>>69149 I nabbed it from vk, as for the original source - sorry, man, no idea. Pics unrelated
>>24184 >ywn massage your orc gf's huge feet when she gets home >ywn stroke using your orc gf's used sock >ywn tickle fight with your orc gf >ywn lose the tickle fight and have to smell her boots as 'punishment' >ywn tickle your orc gf's clit until she cums >ywn use 100ft of rope to tie down your orc gf and tickle her until she finally begs you to stop >ywn fuck on every horizontal surface and breed until your cock looks like a deflated balloon Why even live
>>69165 Redscript, is that you? If so, would love to ask if your commussions are open.
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Piper from Zenless Zone Zero poses like this in-game and I haven't seen any tickle art yet, a damn shame
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Holy shit those feet are beautiful and need to be touched.
>>69283 Omfg that’s a dude
>>69283 dont care if its a dude those sexy soles are getting lotioned and brushed for eternity starting NOW
>>69283 damn those soles are sexy, anybody know who he is or if there’s any more pictures of him out there?
>>69437 How do you know?
>>69496 Typically it's the penis
>>69282 Based, it's such a shame there's little to no good art on zzz
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>>69283 Also why the fuck was this shit posted in the non-tickling hot content thread? This is just straight up deliberate tickle teasing. The feet literally have "tickle slut" written on them. There are other threads for posting irl teasing pics like this. These pics are literally specifically tickling fetish content. The name of the thread is "non-tickling hot content". Post hot stuff that has nothing to do with tickling whatsoever, but you can't help but think about tickling when you look at it either because it features someone with their tickle spots coincidentally exposed, or someone in a position that just happens to leave them vulnerable to potential tickling, or some other similar reason. Not because they are literally saying "TICKLE ME!"
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Posing like this should be immediately punishable by being bound in this pose with the arms behind the head and tickle tortured in her armpits for an hour straight
So true Also, i know it's not a ZZZ thread, but I'm surprised no one drew Caesar getting destroyed by her underlings with soapy hands and scrub brushes
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You ever look at a part of a person's body and find yourself thinking they're simply BUILT for it? Hip tickling, not the shirt. HIP TICKLING, NOT THE SHIRT.

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>>73739 oh my god, anon, abso-fucking-lutely. I know exactly what you are talking about. That bitch NEEDS to be tickle tortured on her hips. Tickling her tummy or armpits would be fun for sure, but... those HIPS. Those hips just demand tickles more than any other part of her body. bind her up in mummification style bondage with just her hips exposed, and let me ONLY tickle there until I've had my fill (which would take a while). Drive her INSANE with hip tickles. I feel the same way about these two girls, except for their bellies. My god, those BELLIES. These girls need to be stretched out with their tummies COMPLETELY bare and exposed, and each subject to four pairs of hands for a total of 40 long and pointy fingernails skittering ALL OVER their bellies. Make them laugh and cry until they can't breathe. Tickle those bellies until they're sweating, screaming, sobbing, uncontrollably laughing messes! Tickle 'em all over their bellies until they can't even remember their own names! Sure, they've got nice feet, armpits, boobs, butts, and other spots you may want to tickle... but those tummies are just too inviting.
Does this count? Googled a Python library for a uni assignment and got genuinely upset that I made that connection.

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>>73858 I guess? Can't say it's doing anything for me, but if it does for you, i believe it qualifies
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Anyone have the complete pics of these two by Starlitewarrior aka Starlite-Knight?
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Why the hell do cosplayers fucking LOVE showing off their armpits so much? All of these bitches need to be bound like 5th pic with their pits completely taut and then have their defenseless pits mercilessly tickle tortured for at least two hours straight
>>75729 The answer for many is probably just sideboob, but plenty are absolutely aware of armpit fetishes and choose to flaunt those perfect pits because they know some of us go crazy over them. Check out @nekonoikatsu, she just can't seem to help herself from showing them off. Anyways, I'm in complete agreement. Since they want everyone to pay attention to their sexy flawless pits, tie them up, and let everybody they have teased with them give them all the attention they could ever want. I don't think anything but complete surrender of their pits and total submission as armpit tickle slaves will suffice, honestly. Same for female bodybuilders, oof, don't even get me started on those.
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>>75731 You are actually so fucking right about female body builders/gym girls. Look at those smooth, broad pits. Just imagine your fingers skittering in them like spiders. Her whole "jacked muscle mommy tough girl" persona would fall apart in an instant, you'd have her screaming for her life. Yeah, she's swole as fuck, probably stronger than you, would probably kick your ass, but I bet if you poke her in the side she would make the cutest little high-pitched squeak you've ever heard. Aside from their pits, these girls tend to have some of the hottest and most tickle-able tummies EVER. And in my opinion, all the tattoos just add to the "super strong tough gal" vibes, and would just make them even more fun to break with tickle torture. God damn, wouldn't you just love to have one of these girls strapped down tight on an X-rack for you to tickle to insanity until she admits she's a "ticklish little tickle slut" or something else really embarrassing and humiliating like that?
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From Vinnegal cosplaying as Raven.
>>75757 Dude, absolutely. All of those big buff pretty girls belong in cuffs behind their heads that leave those big pits completely and utterly vulnerable. The crime of teasing pitfags with their soft, sensitive skin should be met with the punishment of endless intense tickle torture of those sexy broad tickle spots they love to show off so much. I'd die to see how little those hard muscles matter when the nerve endings on those sexy pits are being overstimulated and they can't do anything but scream for mercy in hysterics. I'm with you on the bellies too, btw. Other than those broad buff pits? Muscular abs are absolutely the sexiest spot to tickle torture on these unwitting muscle gals.
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>>75825 Hell yeah dude. God created super strong buff girls for the sole purpose of being utterly humiliated by tickling. All those muscles just make it a million times more embarrassing when she inevitably surrenders and starts crying and hysterically begging for you to stop skittering your fingers all over her belly and in her pits, of course blushing like crazy the whole time. Also the girl in these pics goes by StrongWaifu, and in my opinion she's a fucking prime target for tickle torture. That adorable tummy is so damn inviting, especially with the tattoos. Her big beefy arms and back muscles and badass tattoos make her look all tough and badass, but I guarantee she would NOT last long if she was strapped to an X-rack with some very wiggly fingers exploring her tickle spots (mostly her armpits and tummy, of course). In no time she'd be screaming with laughter, tears running down her face, which would turn to a bright shade of red from a mix of embarrassment for people finding out that she's so adorably ticklish, as well as the physical exhaustion of being tickle tortured.
>>75825 >>75830 Fuck you fags, buff girls were made to be lers not lees.
>>75853 >why can't you have both? At least post buff girls that look like they're about to tickle the shit out of you to back it up, faggot.
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Very based and true, here's some 2d pits.
>>75889 > sees the first pic for the umpteenth time FUCKING TICKLE HER ALREADY I WANNA SEE HER LOSE IT
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>>76477 Sorry, the only continuation is this
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>>76718 Source? Also, why the fuck is her pinky missing and why is it in Arabic?
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POV: Body parts that make you go "Imagine..."
Do any of you mind some Queen's Blade?
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>>75729 Are you guys aware of Cosplay Music videos/compilations and such? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIftS4aTF1s&ab_channel=TheL.A.Explorer They're usually HD footage of hot cosplayers in skimpy outfits, interspersed with the occasional not-just-gooner-bait cosplay, and amount to little more than youtube friendly softcore porn. They tend to put a heavy emphasis on T&A for obvious reasons, but often feature truckloads of exposed bellies, pits and hips, since these broads are trying to show off as much skin as possible without getting booked for indecent exposure (rarely is there a bone thrown to the footfags though I'm afraid, sorry fellas) They're pretty hot. But more importantly, they've inspired a crazy little fantasy in me that's been gnawing at the back of my mind for a while now. In short: combining the concept of these cosplay sluts, with that of Renfaire Tickling. Now, now, it wouldn't work with just straight up stocks and the vague notion of renaissance fairs, I get that. But with a little tweaking, I reckon you could apply the same methodology, and end up giving some of these hotties some light to moderate public tickling, just for fun, of course. In terms of the means for actually going about it, I only have passing notions, I must admit. Maybe setting up a popular tickle scene scenario, like the tickle machine from My Hero Academia, or getting another cosplayer to play a character known for being a 'ler, like Ranamon or Utena from MahoAko (picrelated), that needs a tickle victim to complete the image. You set it up like a funny creative scenario, you make sure to mention the videos get a shitton of views and you'll link their instagram for all to see, and baby, you got a stew going. All of a sudden, all that exposed skin they love showing off is just one vulnerable target, and all the nerds they've teased with their sexy bodies get to see them squirm and laugh all for their amusement. Now, is it feasible? Almost certainly not, lmao. Not only are the people in these particular circles a lot more likely to either know or intuit this is clearly a fetish set up, but I'm pretty sure making any type of attempt at physical contact with these ladies is liable to get your ass thrown outside and banned from cons. A man can dream though. A man can dream.
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What fucks me up about this one is that she doesn't seem to be ticklish. But at the same time, a couple twitches and inhales here and there make me think that in the right context and with the right kind of teasing... And those armpits are the stuff of wet dreams man. Just imagine.
>>80494 >Arab hentai exists

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>>80484 That's just beautiful, anon. If i had the chance, i'd try everything - fingertips, nails, feathers, soft and stiff brushes, pinwheel, lips, tongue. And that smile of hers hinting at the possibility of success. A veritable work of art.

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