/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Non-Tickling Hot Content General Anonymous 05/01/2022 (Sun) 18:49:43 Id: 42861f No. 20592
For material not containing tickling that still stimulates the ticklefag monkey neuron. Sexy body parts that fill you with desire to tickle them, bondage or situations that seem ripe for tickling shenanigans, outfits that just scream 'tickle me', etc. 2D and 3D are both copacetic. Some overlap may occur with the anticipation and the temptation threads, but unlike either of those, this thread doesn't require a premise of implied tickling.
Does this count? Googled a Python library for a uni assignment and got genuinely upset that I made that connection.

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>>73858 I guess? Can't say it's doing anything for me, but if it does for you, i believe it qualifies
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Anyone have the complete pics of these two by Starlitewarrior aka Starlite-Knight?
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Why the hell do cosplayers fucking LOVE showing off their armpits so much? All of these bitches need to be bound like 5th pic with their pits completely taut and then have their defenseless pits mercilessly tickle tortured for at least two hours straight
>>75729 The answer for many is probably just sideboob, but plenty are absolutely aware of armpit fetishes and choose to flaunt those perfect pits because they know some of us go crazy over them. Check out @nekonoikatsu, she just can't seem to help herself from showing them off. Anyways, I'm in complete agreement. Since they want everyone to pay attention to their sexy flawless pits, tie them up, and let everybody they have teased with them give them all the attention they could ever want. I don't think anything but complete surrender of their pits and total submission as armpit tickle slaves will suffice, honestly. Same for female bodybuilders, oof, don't even get me started on those.
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>>75731 You are actually so fucking right about female body builders/gym girls. Look at those smooth, broad pits. Just imagine your fingers skittering in them like spiders. Her whole "jacked muscle mommy tough girl" persona would fall apart in an instant, you'd have her screaming for her life. Yeah, she's swole as fuck, probably stronger than you, would probably kick your ass, but I bet if you poke her in the side she would make the cutest little high-pitched squeak you've ever heard. Aside from their pits, these girls tend to have some of the hottest and most tickle-able tummies EVER. And in my opinion, all the tattoos just add to the "super strong tough gal" vibes, and would just make them even more fun to break with tickle torture. God damn, wouldn't you just love to have one of these girls strapped down tight on an X-rack for you to tickle to insanity until she admits she's a "ticklish little tickle slut" or something else really embarrassing and humiliating like that?
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From Vinnegal cosplaying as Raven.
>>75757 Dude, absolutely. All of those big buff pretty girls belong in cuffs behind their heads that leave those big pits completely and utterly vulnerable. The crime of teasing pitfags with their soft, sensitive skin should be met with the punishment of endless intense tickle torture of those sexy broad tickle spots they love to show off so much. I'd die to see how little those hard muscles matter when the nerve endings on those sexy pits are being overstimulated and they can't do anything but scream for mercy in hysterics. I'm with you on the bellies too, btw. Other than those broad buff pits? Muscular abs are absolutely the sexiest spot to tickle torture on these unwitting muscle gals.
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>>75825 Hell yeah dude. God created super strong buff girls for the sole purpose of being utterly humiliated by tickling. All those muscles just make it a million times more embarrassing when she inevitably surrenders and starts crying and hysterically begging for you to stop skittering your fingers all over her belly and in her pits, of course blushing like crazy the whole time. Also the girl in these pics goes by StrongWaifu, and in my opinion she's a fucking prime target for tickle torture. That adorable tummy is so damn inviting, especially with the tattoos. Her big beefy arms and back muscles and badass tattoos make her look all tough and badass, but I guarantee she would NOT last long if she was strapped to an X-rack with some very wiggly fingers exploring her tickle spots (mostly her armpits and tummy, of course). In no time she'd be screaming with laughter, tears running down her face, which would turn to a bright shade of red from a mix of embarrassment for people finding out that she's so adorably ticklish, as well as the physical exhaustion of being tickle tortured.
>>75825 >>75830 Fuck you fags, buff girls were made to be lers not lees.
>>75853 >why can't you have both? At least post buff girls that look like they're about to tickle the shit out of you to back it up, faggot.
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Very based and true, here's some 2d pits.
>>75889 > sees the first pic for the umpteenth time FUCKING TICKLE HER ALREADY I WANNA SEE HER LOSE IT
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>>76477 Sorry, the only continuation is this
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>>76718 Source? Also, why the fuck is her pinky missing and why is it in Arabic?
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POV: Body parts that make you go "Imagine..."
Do any of you mind some Queen's Blade?
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>>75729 Are you guys aware of Cosplay Music videos/compilations and such? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIftS4aTF1s&ab_channel=TheL.A.Explorer They're usually HD footage of hot cosplayers in skimpy outfits, interspersed with the occasional not-just-gooner-bait cosplay, and amount to little more than youtube friendly softcore porn. They tend to put a heavy emphasis on T&A for obvious reasons, but often feature truckloads of exposed bellies, pits and hips, since these broads are trying to show off as much skin as possible without getting booked for indecent exposure (rarely is there a bone thrown to the footfags though I'm afraid, sorry fellas) They're pretty hot. But more importantly, they've inspired a crazy little fantasy in me that's been gnawing at the back of my mind for a while now. In short: combining the concept of these cosplay sluts, with that of Renfaire Tickling. Now, now, it wouldn't work with just straight up stocks and the vague notion of renaissance fairs, I get that. But with a little tweaking, I reckon you could apply the same methodology, and end up giving some of these hotties some light to moderate public tickling, just for fun, of course. In terms of the means for actually going about it, I only have passing notions, I must admit. Maybe setting up a popular tickle scene scenario, like the tickle machine from My Hero Academia, or getting another cosplayer to play a character known for being a 'ler, like Ranamon or Utena from MahoAko (picrelated), that needs a tickle victim to complete the image. You set it up like a funny creative scenario, you make sure to mention the videos get a shitton of views and you'll link their instagram for all to see, and baby, you got a stew going. All of a sudden, all that exposed skin they love showing off is just one vulnerable target, and all the nerds they've teased with their sexy bodies get to see them squirm and laugh all for their amusement. Now, is it feasible? Almost certainly not, lmao. Not only are the people in these particular circles a lot more likely to either know or intuit this is clearly a fetish set up, but I'm pretty sure making any type of attempt at physical contact with these ladies is liable to get your ass thrown outside and banned from cons. A man can dream though. A man can dream.
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What fucks me up about this one is that she doesn't seem to be ticklish. But at the same time, a couple twitches and inhales here and there make me think that in the right context and with the right kind of teasing... And those armpits are the stuff of wet dreams man. Just imagine.
>>80494 >Arab hentai exists

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>>80484 That's just beautiful, anon. If i had the chance, i'd try everything - fingertips, nails, feathers, soft and stiff brushes, pinwheel, lips, tongue. And that smile of hers hinting at the possibility of success. A veritable work of art.

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