/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Insane Asylum Tickling Anonymous 11/21/2021 (Sun) 11:00:35 Id: 74d968 No. 7394
I'm talkin leather straps, straight jackets, let's make some crazy bitches go even crazier
I really love the nonchalant, clinical cruelty of asylum tickling fantasies. Makes me diamonds to imagine nurses and doctors politely and professionally planning new tickle torture treatments for their patients based on prior observations during previous tortur- I mean therapy sessions and being proper and scientific about their sadism.
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>>11309 This is just a thumbnail, anon.
>>11434 Post the actual pictures you fucking idiot
>>11465 Alright that actually made me laugh
>>11476 Wait Briel7 made 4 of these? I thought he only made 3
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Is it hotter if the person being tickle abused in the asylum is actually crazy or if they aren't? On one hand, if they're not crazy and shouldn't really be here, it's hot because 1) they in no way deserve to even be in this situation so it's just senseless punishment and 2) they can be tickled to insanity. On the other hand, there's some particularly sadistic part of me that finds the idea of tickling an already insane person hot. Like they're laughing and struggling but they don't really have a grasp on what's even going on. Maybe they believe they really are being treated. Maybe there isn't even that much awareness. A sort of purer tickle object. I dunno. I like both ideas.
>>12802 Great. You just awakened another of my already highly perverted mind
>>12802 I agree that both are hot, but for me the concept of the tickle asylum is best when the people running it and working there are completely immoral and are using it as an excuse to capture and torture people under the guise of helping them. So if I had to pick one, I'm on the side of victims who aren't insane, don't deserve it, but are inevitably driven insane under the cruelty of the staff in a tragic irony.
You cant have a tickle asylum thread without art by Augustine
>>12802 I'm leaning more towards the fantasy of a perfectly sane woman being tickled out of her mind in an asylum, especially if there are some malicious machinations, like how troublesome people are arranged to "disappear" within the asylum walls, behind it. The asylum setting adds it's own special flavor in it, it's very appealing to me when captives are constantly treated like they were insane even if they aren't - yet. Also, there is a particular scene I like to think of in my tickle asylum fantasies, where a woman committed within manages to escape and makes it to the town nearby, where she of course tries to get help... But what do you think the townspeople think of a disheveled and jumpy lady in asylum garbs, blabbering nonsensical things about the asylum torturing girls with tickling? Mindless drivel about an entire wing of padded rooms converted into torture chambers where the soundproofing barely muffles screaming laughter of the poor imprisoned "patients" within, and how she is being held there against her will and subjected to most cruel and prolonged tickle tortures, and how she now MUST expose their sadistic atrocities and get rest of the prisoners rescued too before they are tickled into crazed patients. Naturally, the people would just consider it all insane, apprehend her, contact the well respected nearby mental institution, and tie the hysterical and pleading woman down as they wait for an ambulance to arrive and take the poor disturbed lady back to the asylum where she can keep receiving the help she obviously needs...
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>>13170 Haunted/cursed tickle asylums are also a subfantasy I enjoy very much.
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>>13170 I have a similar asylum fantasy where a victim escapes the relatively tame tickle torture, like a light feathering in stocks. But they find it unbearable. So they attempt to escape, only to later be captured. And for punishment, escapee is subjected to more hardcore tickling. Sensory deprivation, rough tickling, longer sessions, being left for hours in a padded room with vibrators taped to various places. Bonus is the escapee realizing that if they hadn't attempted to escape, they could have been 'enjoying' less severe tickling. Maybe one of the asylum nurses with e foot fetish could have been worshipping their feet right now. Anything but being trapped in a wall or strapped to gurney
>>13223 Real shame this comic never continued.
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Holy shit, I wanna be in his place
This subgenre makes me diamonds. I dont question it, it just does, and I wish more studios used this setting. Sharing a couple of my favorites https://we.tl/t-bfug7I2UM3 https://we.tl/t-j333m1cYWI
>>62550 Neither link is working, got anything else you can pass it on?
>>62553 Damn, sorry. Maybe the originals were just a 1 time link? Anyway try this https://www.mediafire.com/folder/l7h4u7g5huadp/Favs
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Anybody got this from TKCENTERSTUDIO?
>>62767 Its pretty shitty, just one page with one panel of tickling and the other of her laughing
>>66136 Got a source for the first image?
>>66278 something about it smells like TicklingOscars, but there's no way I'm subbing to that FanBox to find out.
>>66278 Sorry man, I'm afraid I don't. >>66295 I think this is from a different artist.
I have a decent collection of videos, but I'm pretty dumb with anonymous file hosting. Anyone have a recommended site?
>>66531 Mediafire or Mega will work Google drive gets too overloaded with too much traffic
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one subgenre i absolutely love is that person wants to try out bondage so they pick a patient that is scheduled for release soon and switch places, but after they switch it turns out that patient time gets extended indefinitely and "treatment" gets severly altered to be more torturous (actually it works for both asylums and prisons) guy from pics below(dodenial) have several of this type of stories (there is a story attached to this set ofpics) you can findhim on keamono, anyone else have something from this subgenre ? (can be gay idgaf)
>>66278 oh hey, thats mine, I lost it someone else colored it though, don't know who did that. did a good job though. wish someone had the sketch
Not sure if this thread is even alive anymore, But here's some of the stuff I got. BTW, I'm not sure if people are Familiar with The Taimanin series, But Feral/Felicia is pretty much a forgotten character if you ask me and if you like SJs you'll probably like this, due to it being her Default clothes!
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>>80625 >00 So hot!Who is the artist?
>>80625 Second please share the artist
>>80630 >>80638 It's by me, I posted a few of my works in other threads

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