/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

Kocho Kocho

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Spiral doesn't get tickled enough. Six arms means six armpits to tickle torture
>>73000 Neither, keep that shit in the quarantine thread
>>73000 How am I only finding out now that Kusujinn is a pedo
>>73006 Should've stated in the OP that it was a no fun allowed zone, friend. No harm done anyhow. >>73009 Kek, boy have I got news from the loli tickling front for you.
>>73009 wait til you hear about like 80% of tickle artists
>>73006 What was it? I didn't see it
>>73021 I just moved it lol >>73012

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There's like no Jubilee shit out there. You'd think she'd be done to death, but you rarely see her.
Here's my absolute favorite I'm more of an armpit guy, but this tail-on-foot action is superb
>>72730 i wish he did a full pic of this. it's such a nice, shapely foot! can't even find his DA anymore now that i checked
>>73314 I stubbled across that pic on accident one day and it awakened something in me.
These are some of my all-time favorites. Just the implication that superheroine is made into a ticklish plaything of some random younger guy is instant boner kind of a scenario.
It's insane how little Cassandra Cain art exists out there. OP's pic from Lewpy, two by Polar, and a new thing from BP are all I've ever been able to find of her
>>73855 man i wish achilles was open to doing /f stuff again. i get not wanting to spend time drawing something you really don't like, but it's such a shame cause the athena stuff is god tier
>>74028 Yeah. I know he said he was discontinuing it because it didn't draw enough people in, but honestly that was the only reason for me being interested in his stufff.
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I make it up in my mind that when Batgirl is tickled besides heroes like Supergirl, that she feels extra fucked. Like if Supergirl can break out of the tickle torture, what hope does she have
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>>80623 Who's the artist?
>>80669 I should probably have specified when I posted in other threads, but these are all by me
>>80671 You on anywhere that I could follow you because holy shit you're good.

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