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Fetish pet peeves Anonymous 02/14/2022 (Mon) 00:03:54 Id: aaf477 No. 14343
Not cringe, not hate, just things that crop up in tickle fetishry that irk you on some level for me, it's when artists give human feet to characters that clearly don't have them because they can't fathom tickling any kind of foot that isn't fully humanoid. Even worse if they have normal human toenails growing over fur, looks cursed.
>>65578 Is that a foot or a flat fork?
>>59622 Video producers like that don’t even care about making money off their product but rather making sure everyone else knows “I’m hot shit because I’m tickling these sexy women and you’re not so seethe more.” and are in total denial that people are more angry at them for ruining what could be good content. They just convince themselves the haters are the ones in denial because they can’t deal with their greatness. Narcissism basically.
>>65578 See this is deviantart garbage I'm finding more and more on something like pixiv. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/102930331 I hate this so much!
>>65657 Ah yes, Gardner James syndrome.
>>65689 Don’t say his name too many times bruh…
>>65657 Close, but it's mostly because it's the only way they can play with hot women. Combination of recording sessions so they feel more comfortable knowing what they're in for, and the fact if you do it on video you're a model but if you do it in private you're a prostitute.
>>65707 > if you do it on video you're a model but if you do it in private you're a prostitute Whoa…never thought of that. That’s weird honestly.
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Bastinado Vs Tickling https://vk.com/video586782881_456239050 https://vk.com/video586782881_456239046 This isn't as much as of a peeve as it is more of a kind of jealously, a common envy for tickle fetishist. Happens a lot when you're scrolling through tickling videos and see a great pair of feet in a thumbnail and go "I'd love to see those feet tickled" only to open up the the video to see the feet being whipped by a cane. RussianFetish videos are usually the culprit. They'll have great set-ups of bondage, perfectly exposed soles, gagged, blindfolded and everything; only for it to be falaka or bastinado or whatever it's called. I'm not trying to start a fetish taste war because there's nothing lamer than that on the internet. It's just foot whipping is not my thing. But I do wanna know if anyone from the other camp feels the same. Like are there bastinado foot torture fetishist that see foot tickling videos and go "Man, I wish they would strike those sole with a stick even one time".
>>67735 agreed. cant stand opening a video tagged 'tickling' only to see hot wax and sticks being busted out. it must be incredibly niche, like bdsm-whipping mixed with foot fetish. i dont know a whole lot of people that are into that
I can't stand tickling content that has characters named like some generic American Karen or Kyle. I've had this happen with a lot of stories on DeviantArt. It's like all the characters are football jocks and cheerleaders from some shitty teen movie. Drake, Jennifer, Cassandra, there was even a fucking Krystal in one of the stories. For me, this is an instat turn off. (Sorry to every Drake, Jennifer, Cassandra or Skyler who's reading this)
>>67735 I'm down with it if I know the model's a freak that enjoys it.
This type of bondage has always annoyed me, there is absolutely nothing that's keeping her arms above her head.
Using animals for tickling is a huge turn off, maybe its not just me. Also toe ties that go overboard. Like i get it you like exposing a spot more but the foot fetish part of me doesnt know what its looking at because the toes are bent all the way back lmao
>>71760 it pisses me off that most tkl artists uses goats for animal tickling since it's the fact that goats licking a persons feet is an actual torture method that's meant to gradually tear the skin off of the soles which would clearly just get very painful overtime so i can't really imagine that being a turn-on unless you're also into that... idk if artists draw goat tickling cuz they don't actually know about that or maybe they do and still draw it anyways
>>71772 I don't believe that, honestly, goat tongues are NOT that rough, anyone who's fed a goat at a petting zoo could tell you that, they're less rough than cat tongues. I have an alternate theory, as to the nature of this torture. These accounts always reference a 'salt solution', most people assume its just salt water, but that would just run off their feet or dry. However, if you mix salt and olive oil together, not only will it stick to the soles more easily, but the salt will not dissolve, creating a a rough, exfoliating paste. This, if rubbed repeatedly with a goat tongue, I could easily see tearing the skin up. Sadly its only a theory of mine I cannot prove. unless someone has some goats and a set of stocks and some volunteers to spare.
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>>71774 My completely unfounded personal belief has always been that goat licking was never suppossed to be more than a way to inflict tickle torture in order to humiliate the victim, and the idea that it was meant to somehow tear the living flesh off of them wasn't developed until later as a sort of fucked up bit of folklore. Kinda like how Iron Maidens were probably never meant to be used as torture devices, and the idea that they were was something british explorers most likely came up with because it sounded scary and cool. Not talking about Iron Maiden, of course. They were as real as it gets. Still are. And don't you forget it.
>>71779 Clean your nails, swine.
>>67735 While we're on the topic of RF videos, it pisses me off to no end when I see feet tickled in supposedly restrictive bondage at their ankles, but their feet are willingly remaining taut and unmoving, as if for the sole purpose of showing them off to the camera and nothing else. Like holy shit, at least act like your feet are somewhat ticklish enough to holler like you do in the video. Bonus points when they are supposed to have toe ties to restrict further movement, but those toeties are loose as hell and serve absolutely no purpose in actual bondage. Also, am I the only one that wants to shrivel up and die when I hear them "tease" in English? The broken grammar and that heavy-ass Russian accent is so forced, it's an immediate turn off when everything else about the video could be stellar.
>>71772 I simply don't care and pretend that doesn't happen. Seems like a skill issue on your part.
Big feet. I don't mean slightly bigger either. Like big ass feet. If it's a big character? Fine, it only makes sense. Nah I'm talking like regular sized woman, twink, whatever you fap to with like 14+ mens feet. Like bruh you're like 5'8, no way you have them clown ass feet bruh I get it, same principal as tits and ass, bigger is better but like there's gotta be a limit lmao at least characters like rabbits, bears and kangaroos have the excuse of having big feet irl lol
>>71774 >>71779 well I suppose if the skin tearing doesn't actually happen (unless it's with the salt solution theory) then I could just conclude I'm just a dumbass at that point, though that just depends on if it's true or not which idk who's gonna find out >>71794 you think saying this is gonna make you sound or feel any less pathetic
>>71806 >I get it, same principal as tits and ass, bigger is better I've been a footfag for all my life and after reading that sentence it just struck me why I love girls with big feet. It's the same why normies love big boobs. Never got the appeal of huge tits but e.g. Princess Teeva resonates with my fantasies a lot. Yeah, gotta get a cutie gf to cover my face with her large soft pampered soles.
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This foot flesh spread shit is really weird where they use crochet or ear cleaning hooks to pull a section of the arch taut. Every time I see it I'm like that's not how skin works. It's like they treat the sole skin like vagina folds to be reached deeper into. It's not a belly button. I mean sure, if I really got into a super-horny gooned-out headspace, I can get into the fantasy of overstimulating a pair of hyper-erogenized feet by zeroing in on the epicenter of their sole. But most times I'm not trying to see their arch be turned into a birth canal. Especially when its part of an otherwise standard tickle torture set of CGs, and this foot spreading stuff is the penultimate procedure before fully gagging and sen-depping the victim, applying all the tickling implements and leaving them to their bad end demise. The slightly more acceptable version of this are these blunt claw things that wrap around either side of the foot because it can act more like a restraint if mounted. Still a little weird but I guess it's just a different flavor of tickle fetishism. A far more foot obsessed flavor that I'm not eager to go toward. >>71792 >am I the only one that wants to shrivel up and die when I hear them "tease" in English? The broken grammar and that heavy-ass Russian accent is so forced I'm sure you're not the only one, but would it surprise you to learn that some contingent of porn watchers actually seek it out? Myself included. Something about hearing their ESL trying to sound domineering is enticing for some. It's the oddly endearing shamelessness of it. Who knows? There's different reasons for people to love it or hate it.
The somewhat prejudice or bad view towards male ticklers when there's a female ticklee. Majority of the time they're looked at as creepy or a potential threat (women can be creeps too but I guess it doesn't get called out as much due to people letting it slide for being "hot" or "harmless"). But switch that male out with a woman tickler who can do the same thing(s) as the man and get called sexy.
>>76492 I think you're caring way too much about what two weirdos said online
>>76492 No surprise there. In M/F videos the male's either hidden or painfully fucking ugly (FrenchTickling), and in art it's almost the same way. Leaves no room for male lers to be seen as anything other than creepy or threatening
Theses are probably gonna be some hot takes but I have tons of pet peeves: 1. Going overboard with BDSM. Like if it's ski masks, and overboard stuff like that, it just feels too far away from the actual tickling. 2. Scream laughing. When a girl, or even a guy, hell, in a tickling video is just screaming... it's just annoying, at least in the way they tend to scream. 3. Cheezy Male Lers. I hate it when the ler is just some fat nigga in a sock mask. I want a chad tickling chicks not a soyjack. 4. Too much cum and other fetishes in tickle art. Stuff like Denied orgasm. It just strays too far from what I actually wanna see. I guess this ties back into #1. Oh, and when in the art they're tickling pussy with a feather, and the feather gets covered in cum it's just aaaaaaaagh.
That one female VA that's in all of the /F tickling animations. God her laugh is so annoying and it doesn't sound like someone who knows what it feels to be tickled at all.
>>76492 Could also have to do with most dudes strokin it while watching and hating to see a fat hairy dude take up space. Reason I prefer F/F or homie wearing gloves off screen lmao its a turn off
Tears, sweat and saliva running down a 'lee's face as they're tickled intensely are obscenely arousing, but runny noses are fucking disgusting and artists that do that shit need to pull back. It's snot, you're literally depicting snot going everywhere and often getting inside the 'lees mouth and it's an absolute boner killer every time, stop it, get some help. I know it's something that realistically would happen if someone was cry-laughing hysterically, but that's the kind of realism that needs to be kept out of porn, ie., the one that makes it worse.
>>80660 Just to be clear, the first pic I think is good, the second one I take issue with.
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>>80660 One artist immediately comes to mind
>>80663 Shit grinds my gears man, especially because I know he can do better. There's a myriad ways to depict intense tickle torture, why you gotta go for the gross one?
>>80668 His streak for doing extreme snotty faces was especially bad in the last couple of years but I hope he isn't still doing them. It would be nice to see more diverse faces even without all the tears and saliva
>>80660 Literally never even noticed the snot until you just pointed it out. I guess my eyes never really focused in on their nose too much and now I can’t unsee. Fuck you Anon.
>>80670 Seriously, the man has other issues to fix when it comes to his expressions for sure, but this one's as easy as just... not doing it. >>80675 >Fuck you, I cast awareness of flaw in tickle art

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