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Color/lineart/edit thread 3.0 Anonymous 06/03/2022 (Fri) 14:17:09 Id: 60fba4 No. 22499
New thread for color suggestions since the previous thread has hit bump limit. I’ll start off with my request from the previous thread, which is to have this pic by FireFox-SF (now calling himself JohnnyRespawn) to be colored. Considering the background I’m pretty sure the dojo from SFV is what’s being used in this pic, but just in case I attached a reference for the outside of the Rindoukan dojo as well.
(1.12 MB 2162x2780 cavendish.png)

>>36389 >>65032 My man waited over a year to bump his request. Mad respect. So, I've never done linework before, but I tried my best; it was a little tricky to interpret the pencilmarks. I've also never watched this show, so I hope I did the colors justice. I've still got the KRA (krita file) if you want it for variants, or want me to change a color or two.
>>65170 I love it 😍, thanks ☺️
>>65170 I would like to see the variants
>>65180 >>65182 What I meant was: I've got the original file with all the layers still separated so that you can make variants if you wish to. Sorry! Glad you like it though. :)
Anyone want to take a shot at this?
Is anyone interested in coloring this?
>>64427 Bumping this one. Wow this thread really disappeared for a while.
(106.53 KB 780x711 himeno_and_kobeni 1.jpg)

(814.72 KB 3072x4096 himeno_and_kobeni 2.jfif)

(56.27 KB 749x869 himeno_and_kobeni 3.jpg)

(10.21 MB 1950x3901 himeno_and_kobeni 4.png)

Himeno and Kobeni are captured by the Tickling Demon.
>>68797 I'm gonna do it. However, where did you find this? I know it's from Moekaki's patreon, but I can't find it in his kemono or in the recent potreon's uploads. If you have some more good mokekai contents that cannot be found easily online, feel free to share
>>68804 It’s actually public on their twitter/X. It hasn’t even been posted to their Patreon from what I can tell. I’d honestly refrain from coloring it for now since it seems like a WIP and was posted fairly recently, or at least ask if they plan on coloring it. There’s a bunch of random stuff they post to there nowadays like some other sketches or more recently stuff like this Dendra thing they did: Link to image: https://x.com/Moekaki69/status/1808982107181756751 I personally just don’t like coloring images until finding the original source and verifying whether or not it will be colored if posted recently since I have colored suggestions from here multiple times only to end up finding later they were WIPs that ended up getting colored and I basically just wasted my time.
This is one that they “confirmed” (in quotes since technically the conditions were met but was ignored for like 2 years until an update like last week lol) they are going to color already so I would not be surprised if the other one also ends up being colored, and (most likely) posted publicly since it was a Twitter challenge that they did.
Anyone want to color this? The characters are Aqua and Darkness from the anime Konosuba.
Would be interested in seeing colorings done for both of these. The latter one is easier since Soi Fon’s shoulders are bare and most of the outfit is concealed under wrappings. The Viridi one will be trickier though.
>>68812 >>68797 Did Moekaki ever color this?
(6.82 MB 3072x4096 kobehime.png)

>>76715 In case he didn't, I gave it a try (sorry for the bad quality but the og wasn't HD as well)
>>76782 Really good shit anon, nta but I love it
As a Christmas present. Could someone please color this? The characters are Grace Howard and Ms Sarah from Zenless Zone Zero.
(605.84 KB 4191x2923 IMG_9184.jpeg)

(7.21 MB 3337x4960 IMG_4955.png)

Would love if anyone can take shot at colouring this piec of futa Samus tickled by a lignum by Twomario
(99.60 KB 1280x502 IMG_0130.jpeg)

(97.82 KB 1280x502 IMG_0131.jpeg)

Someone please!
Hoping someone could color in this picture of IrkinGIR's character, Jenn. Original picture was made by Rali-Arts
(4.34 MB 5333x3413 Grace.jpg)

>>55992 Really hope someone does this one
>>77942 Thank you so much for the gift Anon!
(10.03 MB 3200x4200 nier 2b a2.png)

>>78220 Great job, thanks for sharing.
(2.69 MB 2550x3300 IMG_8139.jpg)

(17.43 KB 498x353 Fc6ov2iXoAIYccK.png)

Ramlethal Valentine from Guilty Gear Strive
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(2.02 MB 2190x2020 Midna.png)

(2.00 MB 2190x2020 Midna2.png)

(2.32 MB 1588x1920 raffle 23.jpg)

Kandenrem really looked at these amazing Imp Midna tickle sketches and (for now) didn't color them. Hope he does at some point, but I've posted his true form Midna picture for a color reference
(1.23 MB 1348x2160 MpZ0hEVAD0U.jpeg)

(839.59 KB 2085x2160 a3R85o7ktSc.jpeg)

Found these colorations on a discord server

(346.83 KB 885x1130 V8_Ruby_Render.png)

(395.79 KB 446x894 Atlas_Weiss.png)

Ruby and Weiss from RWBY
>>80631 God she's adorable. Seconded.
>>80632 Yeah 👍

(531.97 KB 488x1017 Waai_Fu.png)

Anyone wanna try?
>>80691 I mean, who wouldn't want to get that cutie out of those knee high boots and tickle the crap out of her?
>>80729 seconding this one
>>80729 Also, full res

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