I honestly don’t mind coloring any of the ‘harder’ pieces at all, I just have to be interested in doing it since they just take longer and I’m pretty limited in time nowadays and can’t see myself spending time and effort on coloring something I don’t like that much, at least not anymore/currently. My max timer is 30 minutes-1 hour for requests that I only like somewhat nowadays. Usually this ends up being the Kusujinn pics because I like their art style, which seems to be shared by other colorists since their works seem to get colored often, lol. Doesn’t hurt to request though, and I’m not the only colorist around. (Not interested in this btw sorry, but someone else might be!)
Not interested in coloring this but given many people have said it’s harder to color, if someone was interested in doing it should be fairly simple to color either by just turning up the brightness or if you don’t want to sacrifice some shading and other details, can make use of blending layers to color it without it looking all dark in the end product.
As a side note, I can probably flat color just about any request if desired cause it’s quick and easy, I just usually don’t do that cause flat coloring just looks bad imo and also takes away the opportunity for it to probably end up being colored and shaded by someone else. Most people that are okay with flat colors could also probably do it themselves via paint bucket tool for the most part.