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Color/lineart/edit thread 3.0 Anonymous 06/03/2022 (Fri) 14:17:09 Id: 60fba4 No. 22499
New thread for color suggestions since the previous thread has hit bump limit. I’ll start off with my request from the previous thread, which is to have this pic by FireFox-SF (now calling himself JohnnyRespawn) to be colored. Considering the background I’m pretty sure the dojo from SFV is what’s being used in this pic, but just in case I attached a reference for the outside of the Rindoukan dojo as well.
(541.59 KB 1977x913 ClipboardImage.png)

(1.72 MB 1280x720 ClipboardImage.png)

(1.47 MB 1600x900 ClipboardImage.png)

gonna repost my request from the old thread as well Zero from Drakengard 3, tickled by One, Two, Three, Four and Five
This was requested in the previous thread. The characters are, Maya Fey and Franziska von Karma both girls from Ace Attorney.
Rin Shima from Yuru Camp
Wonder Woman by Fire-Fox SF being tickled by Frost and Cheetah.
(2.84 MB 2322x3000 panelblind_corrinsktch_f.png)

(3.15 MB 2469x3500 panelblind_corrinsktch_ff.png)

Corrin from the previous thread. She is always worth coloring.
>>>22257 From the last thread
>>22502 Holy crap that's a good pic...when did BP draw that one?
>>22726 He posted it on his Pixiv account as an old unfinished sketch. https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/98488245
Would anyone mind doing these
>>22745 Quick 10 minute flat color since I doubt anyone was going to color and shade this anyway based on the last thread >>22652 Totally agree with this statement, I’ll do this one soon
>>22750 Thank you so much man like seriously I have been dying to get it colored and it looks good thanks
>>22973 I wasn't the one who requested this but damn solid work, man!
Wanted to test to see if I’m decent at coloring
Had to fix one mistake I somehow missed
Could someone do this pic of Starfire? I know it’s a bit more content than usual.
>>23080 >>23081 This is pretty well done.
Character is Jack the Ripper from the Fate series.
Colored this Penelope pic, also does Shakezula have a secret place where he posts the rest of these, or does he just have them save in his files only, he made a Penelope account recently with this being in it
Had to make a fix
>>22711 Sauce for the artist?
>>22502 Holy crap that would be amazing! Just need to highlight those lines a bit, add some colour...
>>23157 >>23159 Where did you get this from? Can’t seem to find it
>>23160 Pretty sure one of their names was Hangten. They did some nice stuff, but I think ended up deleting their DA accounts both times.
>>23140 Since I doubt anyone else would’ve colored it as it’s the 3rd or 4th time it’s been requested, here’s a quick 15 minute flat color >>23176 This one is like a multi-hour project lol, better off just commissioning BP if someone really wants to see it colored. Also according to the last thread BP might color it anyways so idk why someone suggested it if it’s a WIP
Naruto: Sakura and Ino
(2.23 MB 5000x4000 illustration26-27-28.png)

(365.05 KB 600x584 101.png)

(462.20 KB 595x800 595px-Laffey.png)

Azur Lane: Javelin and Laffey
>>23140 Sauce?
Working on another Penelope color edit
Not too proud of it
>>23157 You got a link to the account?
>>23307 >>23193 <— here
>>23306 Version with the extra sketch layer removed
mabel and bill from gravity falls
>>23336 nigga this threads full of CIA agents, why are you only kicking up a fuss about the western one? >>23234 >>23233 >>22989 >>22502 Grorious nippon can do no wrong?
(62.60 KB 365x135 ha wow.png)

>>23337 >that filter fucking lol
>>23325 Ok but sauce?
>>22973 >>22652 Fixed a mistake I just noticed regarding Corrin’s teeth >>23325 Just use saucenao.com to find image sources https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/98925201
>>23350 Ticklespots on DA and Pixiv
Has anyone done that Annie and hange one from aot
>>23393 This pic forgot to put it in
>>23393 Here are the messages regarding the status of this image: >>19092 >>21426 Since someone else had already started coloring it I never bothered to consider coloring this one because someone was already on it. Idk if it has been colored by now. >>22711 I’ll do this request, coming soon
>>23437 >>23442 Original requester here, hasn’t been colored yet! They said it would take them a long while, but it’s been a couple months about now and nothing. Of course they have no obligation and I’m not trying to call them out but just letting you know the status!
>>23443 I'm not surprised it's takeing a while because Grey scale is hard af to do.
>>23454 I’m sure they’re just busy and have more important things to do than color some requests for some time. Personally I find it much faster/easier to color grayscale images than lineart based requests, but that’s just me.
>>23456 Lol I can't color for shit I did it once in the last thread of some ruby girl and it was so bad
Eva girls, you know what they look like
DR girls by TM
(42.38 KB 392x608 images.jpeg)

(766.15 KB 1200x1600 2(1).png)

>>23496 Tried I guess
>>23513 Thank you, you did a great job!!
This was in the previous thread yeah idk when it was done but its weird only having half the image colored Rise Kujikawa and Nanako Dojima from persona 4 Btw what tools do you guys use to color? I know nothing about coloring but I might give it a shot.
Going to try requesting this again. I just want Velvet (Tales of Berseria) on the far left and Alisa (God Eater) on the far right.
>>23576 I usually use ibispaint since it’s kinda convenient
>>23613 Forgot some things
(135.81 KB 717x1011 00.png)

(3.76 MB 2150x3034 13.png)

(171.73 KB 1280x909 gunsmith_cats_tickled.jpg)

(213.25 KB 1280x840 samus_assaulted.jpg)

>>23617 doujin source if somebody wants to do the whole thing https://exhentai.org/g/1739399/a39b5ae02b/
(93.73 KB 218x415 ClipboardImage.png)

(1.78 MB 1280x1619 ClipboardImage.png)

Friendly reminder to include color references and names and series. you’re only hurting your chances if you don’t, like I have no idea who the characters from >>23488 are >>23617 >>23619 This one was done in the last thread already. The samus one has been done already as well but I’ll have to look for it, maybe someone else has it >>23576 >>23613 I use ibis as well. Any color platforms work and all of them are about the same except photoshop which grants a ton more extra features and options. The auto-color AI on ibis is also pretty convenient If you don’t care as much about quality you can flat color any lineart by spamming the paint bucket tool, won’t look as good as with shading but better than nothing I suppose, that’s how I do some of the 15 minute flat colors when I’m lazy and don’t think anyone else will color and shade it like >>23225
(5.86 MB 3201x2100 Samoose.png)

(4.17 MB 2796x4000 Mabel - (TickleSpots).png)

>>23622 Included the Samus pic below. >>23488 As previous users have stated if you really want to increase the chances of your request to be coloured... Include the character references. It just strikes me as very lazy not to. >>23325 Here you go man.
>>23628 great job "anon"
>>23615 I should start inspecting my color edits more so I won’t have to repost them with mistakes fixed
>>23613 Thanks bro it looks great. It's amazing how color can change the mood of an image so easily. >>23622 And thanks to the both of you for the suggestions it's gonna be nice to contribute for a change.
Would you mind adding color to this. I just love it when the pics are the people loving being tickled.
>>23443 >>23442 >>23437 Might as well post this here! TWACC got back to me and its finally colored! It's up on their DA too
>>23628 >>23622 Watch eva

(1.95 MB 3000x2344 PowerPuff.jpg)

Anyone wanna take a shot at this?
>>23732 Forgot this one, the girls are in slimes matching their colors (Bubbles in Blue, Blossom in Pink, and Buttercup in Green)

(573.20 KB 1122x2052 99323590_p63.png)

Hinata Hyuga from Naruto
Colored this for fun
(13.29 MB 7016x9921 fgo jalter bocyo color.png)

(11.39 MB 7016x9921 fgo jalter bocyo.jpeg)

(13.94 MB 7016x9921 fgo jalter bocyo translation_.png)

colored for myself and tried to make the translation make more sense
>>24263 moved a couple of lines so saber and jalter's dialogues don't get mixed up
(5.65 MB 3000x2344 PPG.png)

>>23732 Very quick n dirty, but felt compelled to take a shot at this one real quick
>>24269 Thanks so much man, looks great! ^^
>>24263 >>24264 Very based anon, this artist going for the ultra rare tickler Seiba for a second time now gives me life. The translation is specially appreciated too.
Figured I wanted to see some more Jalter and picked up this old kusujinn work. I hope it hasn't been colored before lol
>>24253 Made another mistake
>>24335 This one has been colored already
>>24336 Oh, I’m just gonna do one anyway even if I can never reach that level
>>24337 Also it helped he realized some coloring mistakes I made
If possible, can this be colored? Karin from Street Fighter V tickled by Michira from a doujin artist named Nagamura Regura. Art by TwoMario
>>24535 DocHasegawa did a coloring of it.
>>23598 sauce?
There was a colored version of this pic I saw around for a bit, anyone have it? not the shitty flat one 12beast1212 did, it was different
(975.36 KB 1447x2039 samus 1 yllohkurimonaka color.png)

(1.37 MB 4252x3496 samus 2 color ylloh.png)

(735.11 KB 1447x2039 samus 1 yllohkurimonaka.png)

(2.84 MB 4252x3496 samus 2 ylloh.jpg)

(699.04 KB 2274x1447 fate scathach color.png)

(1.04 MB 2274x1447 fate scathach.jpg)

Always wanted to see this coloured
some sketches I've found in my travels, would love to see them get some love (with a color ref for the witch one)
(917.92 KB 1447x1929 90539811_p0.jpg)

(1.02 MB 2039x1447 83402852_p0.jpg)

(454.89 KB 852x1200 76664479_p0_master1200.jpg)

(710.33 KB 1447x1447 88176298_p2.jpg)

(104.79 KB 1200x1200 E0tHeCWWEAQ3V7j.jpg)

>>24668 I love this guy's tickle art! Think you could do one of these Samus pictures, or this one of Skadi from Arknights?
>>25164 yeah I plan to color more of his Samus pics in the near future
>>25236 counterpoint; that looks like shit
(1.25 MB 1447x2039 samus 6 color.png)

>>25164 here's one for now
This is one I've wanted to see colored for awhile, character is Fawn from Disney Fairies
(1.53 MB 1447x2039 1573098219988.jpg)

>>25164 Not him but I think this is his last Samus one
(5.18 MB 3196x2200 fma lust color.png)

(2.87 MB 3196x2200 fma lust.jpg)

(1.68 MB 2824x2500 fma riza kusujinn.jpg)

(3.20 MB 2824x2500 fma riza kusujinn color.png)

(3.09 MB 1500x2200 mha miruko kusujinn color.png)

saw the new kusujinn work and decided to color it, posting it along with some old ones I colored some time ago
(769.23 KB 1934x2858 rem tickled color.jpeg)

(489.89 KB 1100x900 Rem.png)

(501.72 KB 1100x900 Ram.png)

Flats were added to this picture, but no further detail was added to my knowledge (I could be wrong) if someone wants to add more detail that'd be sweet IMO.

(97.21 KB 900x1236 Corrin.jpg)

(3.15 MB 2469x3500 corrin 2.png)

(6.19 MB 3368x4140 Shamir.png)

Corrin and Shamir from Fire Emblem.
>>25469 working on it, I just need to add the feathers and the laughing
>>25317 Who's the artist for that first image with the little Lizard Girl?
>>25504 You went above and beyond, very nice work anon!
(105.83 KB 720x1200 EpR7bWFUcAEvWXa.jpg)

(2.00 MB 3218x4578 Nakano.Yotsuba.full.2747555.jpg)

(103.40 KB 597x900 E0I_UFxUcAIIvsP.jpg)

(112.15 KB 400x580 226618.jpg)

Yotsuba nakano (girl with orange hairs) and Ichika Nakano (girl with pink hairs, from the Quintessential Quintuplets
>>24287 still me, here's the new one
(3.56 MB 5300x4000 senjoragiredrawcoloring.jpeg)

Colored some crab tickles from a Ghawkg sketch
(1.16 MB 2974x2308 99749925_p0.jpg)

(203.75 KB 2048x1363 12clodfelter-sub-superJumbo.jpg)

(261.42 KB 600x922 frozen2-young-anna-elsa.png)

Anyone wanna give this a shot please?
>>25916 im good bra
A little ambitious since thie drawing was never lined out but who likes to give it a try?
>>25927 I'm giving it a try but as you already said without a clean lineart it's not gonna be very good
>>25933 I manually traced the sketch on the second pic to try and make it a little cleaner, but I'm not exactly an artist so the result isn't great. If someone who is good at lineart (or better yet if they own a drawing tablet) is interested in doing this I can upload the psd file with my colors for you
(89.45 KB 640x480 Clancer_family.jpg)

>>25933 Despite the limitations and what you had to work with that's pretty impressive anon! I'm on PC now but I actually forgot to add the background reference just in case anyone still wants to have a go
Does anyone have imtheguy97 work for rainbowsix
>>26323 Wrong thread retard
if anyone could take a stab at this i would be eternally grateful
(4.31 MB 5000x3500 Makoto.PNG)

(5.05 MB 4096x2867 Untitled1331_20220811134904.PNG)

(639.26 KB 2974x2308 Untitled1332_20220811153452.PNG)

(2.71 MB 3000x2000 Untitled1337.png)

>>26973 one small color fix
(2.72 MB 3000x2000 Untitled1337.png)

>>26974 Added one last thing to it
(91.84 KB 832x380 gagget taped down tickles.png)

>>25161 Tried doing this one as a quickie, enjoy.
>>25317 Whoever drew us, please draw more Argonian and Khajiit feet tickling. I’m too much of a coomer for humanoid looking beast feet. =3
>>27083 >>25519 looks like Spanktoons' work
(549.71 KB 2480x3508 100301421_p2.jpg)

(573.37 KB 2480x3508 100301421_p1.jpg)

(519.52 KB 2480x3508 100301421_p0.jpg)

(3.47 MB 1828x2741 Kuki.Shinobu.full.3713756.png)

(4.10 MB 2160x3000 Kuki.Shinobu.full.3690030.png)

Kuki from Genshin Impact
(29.57 KB 529x579 images.jpeg)

(11.79 MB 7016x9921 ナミ 英語版.jpeg)

Nami from One Piece
Taiga Aisaka | Toradora
(916.74 KB 2485x1572 eula.jpg)

(1.18 MB 1308x2160 Eula.full.3597487.jpg)

(1.31 MB 1450x2000 Eula.full.3299417.png)

(3.01 MB 1223x1833 Eula.full.3388589.png)

Eula from Genshin Impact.
(1.92 MB 1792x2500 TTTS1.jpg)

(1.00 MB 1548x2160 TTTS5.jpg)

(1.83 MB 1791x2500 TTTS4.jpg)

(2.19 MB 1791x2500 TTTS2.jpg)

(2.09 MB 1792x2500 TTTS3.jpg)

It would be amazing if someone could color in the Tied to Twins Side Tickling Comic to match the normally colored main series.
(2.46 MB 1791x2500 TTTS6.jpg)

(2.23 MB 1792x2500 TTTS7.jpg)

(2.40 MB 1792x2500 TTTS8.jpg)

It didn't upload everything
>>27734 bump
(1.84 MB 3000x4000 penny v1.png)

(1.26 MB 1336x2757 Protecc.png)

Penny from RWBY
>>27747 Sauce?
>>25817 Been a long while since I’ve last colored something so here’s Yotsuba. Hopefully the requester is still around to see it (please let me know). I may continue to do a few more.
>>27368 >>27734 In addition to my first two genshin impact requests, I figured I'd toss in Yae Miko as well.
Misato Katsuragi from Neon Genesis Evangelion.
(1.55 MB 3000x3000 evangelion misato sample.png)

(1.72 MB 3000x3000 evangelion misato.png)

>>28815 here's the psd file if you want to make some variants https://mega.nz/file/RUslTLrR#T0AEV6H_wkmzpYPWNWwCCtcyXCZZMSrmH_sUgoNc37Y
(111.24 KB 563x900 40.Ela_Default.jpg)

(1.60 MB 3000x3000 panelblind_ela_v.png)

>>28823 Great work! Could you also do Ela? Panelblind has also made it in psd format
(1.61 MB 3000x3000 r6s ela.png)

(1.58 MB 3000x3000 r6s ela 2.png)

>>28833 Thanks a lot man
(1.96 MB 2480x3508 Raiden.Shogun.full.3491244.jpg)

(16.20 MB 7016x9921 雷電 英語版.jpeg)

>>28225 Genshin character number four is Raiden Shogun.
>>28908 Very nice.
Does anyone have time to finish coloring the above?
>>22499 Finally decided to try this one out... this took a lot longer than I expected
>>29198 Holy shit, I didn’t think anyone would actually do this one. It looks great. You didn’t even have to go for the blush effects on the soles, but they look great too and also suggest that one foot is getting more bullied than the other. I like that the slight tatters to their outfits were kept since I felt like that was a sign of a prior fight, and I think the shading, the background colors, and the colors on their outfits looking just the slightest bit darker to emphasize the time of day the tickling is taking place all came out wonderful. Basically, I love it.
>>29198 Another thing I’d like to add is that it seems like there’s a bit of progression between the sketch and the finished colored version, since in the sketch Makoto’s teeth are clenched as she tries to resist the urge to laugh, but in the colored version she’s fully caved and tears and drool are spilling down her face as she loses it completely. Shows that Ibuki’s masterful brushing has paid off in getting her friend to crack.
>>29254 So gonna be honest here, the progression, save for the tears, was unintentional. I'm so used to seeing mouths with the top teeth and tongue showing that my mind immediately goes to that, but I'm glad you liked it!
>>29268 Ah okay. Still, I think it fit wonderfully. If Ibuki started her teasing exploration in the afternoon there’s no way her hotheaded friend would be able to keep from going nuts if it continued into the evening.
Samus Aran from Metroid, I think this is the suit from Metroid Dread
>>29309 best I could do man, the armor is already hard as it is and those light semitransparent screens made the whole thing a nightmare https://mega.nz/file/UNFVxCyC#qrQ7fwihF-ZGlI13JwvysyLpCFoqUmScZtnECfeeFEY also here's the Nessa pic with all the variants https://mega.nz/file/UcEQVCrJ#AL8Ke5gucOmSHGiuhgWu1Ft_AePZoxw_4RlnMvL6dhU
>>29349 the Samus one has a mid 90's vibe to it I'm liking a lot, good job
>>29350 thanks mate
>>29538 Is this an edit or legit?
(680.41 KB 1200x1600 9.png)

(1.17 MB 2048x1700 Victory-yu.png)

Fuck it I'll throw in a suggestion. Character is Yuzuriha from Under Night in-Birth. Fun game. Cute big sis.
>>29546 Edit
I remember already seeing this colored at one point, but I can't find it anymore. Does anyone happen to have it?
(825.67 KB 2359x2100 ff7 tifa scarlet coloranon.jpg)

>>29772 one of the color anons saved all of her stuff on vk, it was there https://vk.com/album637127885_279211079
oh and even though nobody asked I figured I might as well share my Mega folder with the stuff I colored https://mega.nz/folder/dItR2AxA#DF_J42_gJCefzV97pJO2cQ
>>29776 Bless you anon <3 >>29775 You gotta sign in to that and im not giving russian facebook my info
Alter Jeanne and Saber
>>29778 yeah vk isn't really the best place to store fetish art on, but what can you do >>29789 here ya go buddy
>>29796 >>29873 Blessed Seiba tickles.
Posting this in case anyone wants to take a crack at irl people. The references are from the fetish clip this piece is based on.
(2.88 MB 3000x2396 Sakura_Tickled_Sketch_WIP.jpg)

(112.41 KB 800x858 sakura_t09.jpg)

old pirata3 art
(4.03 MB 4600x3000 fixed.png)

>>30001 Holy shit. Was this posted somewhere else or did you seriously make this less than a day after I asked? It looks gorgeous.
>>30004 Made it in less than a day. Luckily there wasn't much line work I had to work around so it was pretty quick.
(120.01 KB 416x364 7032030.png)

>>30000 Those are digits worthy of a King, King.
>>30009 Well you a great job with it. I was expecting that whoever took this up would use more traditional dojo colors for the walls and floor, but the way you did it really makes you feel as though this is a snapshot of Kung Foot. You made good use of the existing shading in the sketch while lightening in enough so that it's not too distracting, the added blush is nice, and I think you captured Mikayla's hair and golden-bronze sort of skin tone perfectly, to say nothing of Sahrye's cheekiness. Hell even the weapons look nice. If I have just one criticism, it's the line on Sahrye's sleeve. Given how her outfit is design, that line should probably be black. Apart from that this is awesome and really pops out at you.
>>30014 Ah... yeah that line was supposed to be black. Guess the color mask I used messed that bit up a bit. Oops. But I'm glad you like it
(542.25 KB 1280x1009 ryu_vs_ken.png)

(929.91 KB 1200x1600 528324.jpg)

(897.68 KB 1200x1600 ken-c2.jpg)

Ryu and Ken from Street Fighter
>>29991 >>29991 Who are these characters?
(1.80 MB 3000x2500 cyntfix (1).png)

(2.73 MB 3000x2500 cyntfix (2).png)

(8.55 MB 6071x8598 Yelan and Haru.jpeg)

(3.04 MB 2900x2950 Shalllewd.png)

(3.79 MB 3000x3000 NazarickTK.png)

(285.91 KB 1500x1800 Shalltear_Anime_Updated.png)

(354.41 KB 1500x1800 Albedo_Anime_Updated.png)

Shalltear Bloodfallen and Albedo from Overlord
Colored some Artoria Seibah tickles
(202.81 KB 971x1126 1618442537667.jpg)

>>30664 >Colored some Artoria Seibah tickles
and again some more seiba
(573.18 KB 800x600 EGLc0eWWoAE8pCC.png)

>>31240 C-can a man really be this based?!
Can some kind anon add lineart to this picture a fellow artist did for us in the drawthread?
>>31922 Sorry, guys, I forgot the references
Been a while since I’ve colored something, so here’s a random quick one of Chizuru. I was going to do a request but the newest ones are like a month old at this point, lol
(2.88 MB 2349x2790 102371526_p0.png)

(4.00 MB 2349x2790 102371526_p1.png)

(1.10 MB 1579x2600 Tatsumaki by Kusujinn.jpg)

(22.90 KB 254x499 Tatsumaki-0.webp)

Does anyone have time to color this?
>>33087 Set myself a timer for an hour and this is what I ended up with at the end. Wish I could spend more time but I have other things going on.
Barefoot version of this anyone?
>>33241 1 hour? that is being fast. Thank you very much Anon!
(4.98 MB 3039x2200 shantae risky kusujinn color.png)

(2.66 MB 3039x2200 shantae risky kusujinn.jpg)

started coloring this one, not sure if I'll do more
Anyone want to give this a go?
>>33250 Here’s an attempt
(414.13 KB 2048x2048 102526964_p0.jpg)

>>33465 >>29349 -Quick update with the topless version for Samus. PSD if you want to add ballgag/tapegag: https://mega.nz/file/QAUlDKzY#3q49_jG-2gVfKEIaFJDpmCoX6AWtoUkGtO8WtcoEy_Y -Small progress on Risky, but I'm not really feeling it anymore so I think I'll leave it here. PSD for anyone who feels like finishing it: https://mega.nz/file/xElxWA4B#4VQr_LtNH9iQAjKLlqx8UxwBpfDNFJxUw5r7taqyUU8 -Colored a Makima piece by B.N.N., here's the PSD as usual: https://mega.nz/file/QFkC0DwI#V37WHPM6kxyTJGYCpXulbXiaxitIRnbdaMT2wn7ic0s

(133.99 KB 924x854 Cassie_Cage_MK11_render.png)

(228.54 KB 924x854 Kitana_MK11_render.png)

(155.17 KB 1280x1024 Limei-desk.jpg)

(863.36 KB 2048x1152 9Xl78Y.jpg)

Cassie Cage, Kitana, Li Mei, and Mileena from Mortal Kombat

(17.83 MB 4000x3000 nagatoro v6 Socks.png)

(17.85 MB 4000x3000 nagatoro v6.png)

(94.61 KB 768x1039 p9w1zieu3iiy.jpg)

(33.87 KB 366x573 Ivalera_29.jpg)

(18.50 KB 480x480 1748682-chestnutpuck2.jpg)

who volunteers to color this masterpiece? feel free to improvise the background
(139.88 KB 878x975 Fun Tickling .jpg)

(160.69 KB 878x975 Fun Tickling .png)

Can someone recolor this for a Princess Daisy version?
Colored by feet-tickler78
(2.71 MB 3836x4132 85804971_p0.png)

(941.81 KB 803x995 Sakura_Kinomoto_(Clow_Card).png)

Can someone color and edit this
>>36128 Ref for the character?
>>36128 >>36150 Here you go
>>36152 That isn’t what I mean
(184.43 KB 346x376 =).png)

>>36128 i want to pound the poultry
>>36128 Can some one color this PLZ
(77.38 KB 1008x650 IMG_20220817_142820.jpg)

(79.29 KB 458x480 Wander_Happy.png)

Can someone color this sketch that dogeoisie posted on twitter? I don't believe he ever finished it.
Does anyone have the colored version of this? The artist is kusujinn.
>>36334 Thanks Anon! Merry Christmas!
Someone can color this pls 🙏? She is Diana Cavendish from Little Witch Academia
Does anyone have the colored version of this?
Did anyone manage to save this from the previous thread by any chance?
>>36599 Here you go! Figured I'd also post the one done by Codricor1 himself.
>>36600 Thanks Anon! that's very generous of you.
>>35867 Source?
Been a while since I’ve last colored something, but since I’m currently addicted to Scarlet/Violet, here’s a colored pic of Nemona. Merry Christmas.
>>36701 Oh yes, I need those dark-skinned Nemona soles in my life right now.
Can someone color this before the end of the year? Nami from One Piece.
(872.27 KB 1794x2000 6FNWkWHHCgQ.jpg)

(1.14 MB 868x1600 Moana_Render_1.png)

(625.78 KB 1113x1213 Moana_Render_2.png)

If anyone of you beautiful people would like to color this Moana piece, I would be most grateful.
>>37206 First try at coloring
(1.92 MB 1794x2000 Moana.png)

(472.87 KB 633x478 devil_eared_ren.png)

>>37910 excellent job anon, thanks
Someone color this plz
Can someone color this? : We never learn: Fumino Furuhashi Rizu Ogata Nisekoi: Kosaki Onodera Chitoge Kirisaki
(131.76 KB 1389x1764 1675033528334.jpg)

Any chance that someone here could clean up this sketch and color it?
(204.23 KB 2083x2412 1675034585837.jpg)

>>39619 Oh, here's a color ref
>>39619 >>39621 I second this
>>38919 Third.
>>34795 Second
(420.42 KB 1266x1794 evangelion asuka.jpg)

(1.92 MB 1266x1794 evangelion asuka bocyo.png)

(44.07 KB 450x910 Takina_Inoue.png)

(42.13 KB 450x910 Chisato_Nishikigi.png)

(7.90 MB 4572x3000 training in the forest.jpg)

Someone can color this pls? Takina and Chisato from Lycoris Recoil
>>41280 Off-topic but is there a practical reason to using JPEG as an export format for indexed greyscale such as this picture by Kusujinn? Unless you don't care much about filesize, PNG seems more efficient and would ensure lossless compression. (Politely saging because I'm neither asking for a coloring nor offering one in this post.)
(4.15 MB 2480x3508 Komi_Shuuko.png)

(7.51 MB 3508x2232 Asuka_Socks.png)

(4.18 MB 2480x3508 Komi_Shuuko_Bare.png)

(7.59 MB 3508x2232 Asuka.png)

>>41280 This is the best I've seen from the artist Kusujinn. Please someone color it, I would be eternally grateful.
(3.70 MB 3508x2480 104874867_p2.png)

(4.79 MB 3347x3665 fix-1.png)

(813.31 KB 2880x3840 fix_2.jpg)

piss off
I have a carnal need to see this colored in
Anyone wanna give this a go?
(1.23 MB 1024x2133 Tracer_render_victory_pose.png)

(3.96 MB 3508x4961 Tracer(DazidentEvil).png)

I've seen a few Daz works here and it reminded me of this Tracer pack. This should have gotten colored ages ago.
>>41693 Also there was a D.va pack that I completely forgot about until now.
>>41478 Sauce?
>>22502 Here it is
>>42212 Your coloring is quite good, I honestly thought that no one would do it because it was a mere sketch, I even thought that Bad-Pierrot would most likely finish the drawing earlier, so it is a pleasant surprise that you have been faster. It really is incredible how you managed to do the full coloring, both of the characters and the background scenery, with just a couple of strokes and almost invisible lines; And speaking of the stage: I will always say it and I will keep saying it, the fact that the shoewear is discarded to one side but in sight is simply wonderful. Thank you very much for taking your time.

(457.78 KB 660x700 Videl_BT3.jpg)

(465.67 KB 450x706 CaterpyVsGoku.png)

Videl and Caterpy from Dragon Ball Z

(88.17 KB 241x380 ROLL_001.png)

(58.54 KB 225x380 mml-roll-caskett1.png)

(310.47 KB 275x464 Roller.PNG.png)

Roll from MegaMan (Original, EXE/Battle Network, Legends, and Ruby Spears)
Could someone clean up and color the rest of this? Wtfeather posted it as a wip but never got around to finishing it.
can i request these to be colored?
(3.18 MB 1122x3266 zelda.png)

(1.83 MB 1017x2835 saria.png)

(982.69 KB 770x1664 malon.png)

(1.11 MB 1004x1078 deku princess.png)

(2.02 MB 1258x2380 ruto.png)

>>42357 ref for these if anyone wants to take up the offer.
(97.55 KB 250x343 250px-Young_Link.png)

>>42358 and link
(1003.68 KB 2070x1800 106023970_p2.png)

(836.17 KB 1244x2177 106023970_p0.png)

(64.98 KB 570x570 fd0f36f.png)

>>41280 Had some time so I colored it. Couldn't decide which was better so instead have both versions lol
>>42570 You are a demigod. The coloring is simply flawless and satisfying. I thank you very much for taking your time to give the deserved coloring to this wonderful drawing.
>>42754 Goated
>>42754 Apart from the good drawing, I like the background that you added to it.
A new one

(34.34 KB 500x500 nelespada.jpg)

(80.98 KB 720x1075 vv08bxp4o6891.jpg)

anyone mind doing this one of Nel and Isane? and use the headshot for the hair color of Nel please
(1.41 MB 2324x1268 Bondage - Tatsumaki.png)

(592.09 KB 900x1781 Toph's revenge Colored.png)

>>42941 I also found this colored version of another artist.
(967.97 KB 1653x2000 Mia Fey Tickled by Kusujinn.jpg)

Does anyone have the colored version of this drawing by the artist Kusujinn? I think someone posted it a long time ago but I couldn't save it.
(5.18 MB 2938x2000 KorsicaTKColored.png)

Would someone do this one? I’d appreciate it
Would love for this work by TwoMario to be colored.
>>43960 Proof that Kusujinn can actually do attractive laughing faces, he just chooses not too for some stupid reason.
I'd be willing to trade this one for a caption (if you'd have me though, mine are all shit, sorry)
(4.95 MB 6071x8598 csm reze.png)

(7.06 MB 6071x8598 csm reze en.jpg)

It has been a very long time since I last colored something, but I ended up coloring this as celebration for KnY Season 3 starting I guess, enjoy.
Anyone mind doing this one colored?? Was an old commission deal that fell through, would love to see it realized
>>45344 Who drew this? I usually see TicklingOscars draw her but those feet look way better than his art
>>45355 Ah it's been too long so I forgot the commissioners name, I just had these on my computer for a few years and rediscovered them
The One Punch Man manga has been very popular lately (largely because of the psychic sisters), is there anyone who can give this old drawing by the artist Master417 a well-deserved coloring?
Humba Wumba from the Banko-Kazooie series. This isn't a tickling themed piece, just another rj88 sketch that never got finished. Just hoping someone out there would like to give this one a shot.
(6.32 MB 3500x4000 Kocho Kocho Kochou by Ghawkg.png)

(214.56 KB 1328x1897 Shinobu_anime.webp)

I remember someone colored this, someone saved it or someone is interested in coloring this?
Anyone want to color this one?
(294.80 KB 580x800 image_2023-05-17_235106833.png)

(2.92 MB 3000x2750 image_2023-05-18_000411398.png)

(518.62 KB 724x1500 image_2023-05-18_000428680.png)

Been wanting to see this one colored for while now. The artist has done colored Sayori before so idk if it would be better to use his colors, or the colors straight from the character. Either way, i'd really appreciate it.
Does anyone have the first one colored? And for the second I’d like to see if someone can just color this to their liking I don’t believe they are characters owned by anyone but it’s my favorite futa pic❤️
(2.30 MB 6071x8598 fma riza 2.png)

(4.03 MB 6071x8598 fma riza 1.png)

Anyone got a colored version of this?
Does anyone have time to color this? The characters are Tatsumaki and Fubuki from the Anime One Punch Man.
Anyone interested in coloring this?
>>48086 Great job, thank you for doing all the ones you've done so far.
>>48296 I actually colored this myself as well a long while back if anyone wants an alternative take. I could’ve sworn I remember posting this here, but scrolling back through, I guess I didn’t or I posted it in some other thread, or maybe it got deleted or something. Anyways, good work anon.
>>48319 oh damn, sorry, I should've double checked. Yours looks great. Maybe you posted it on the old board on 8kun?
(1.44 MB 1470x2300 Revenge On Monika by Kusujinn.jpg)

(115.91 KB 602x1080 Monika-0.webp)

I'm sure I've seen the colorized version of this one before, does anyone have it?
(3.31 MB 1470x2300 Monika.png)

>>48398 Thanks You!
>>48344 No worries, it’s honestly really difficult to keep track of what has been colored anyways, especially if it was colored in different threads or elsewhere, I’ve done the same thing before. I think I just forgot entirely to post it at all though and your coloring reminded me to go search for it only to not find it, since it’s not on the other thread either and idk what other thread I could’ve posted it in. No need to apologize. Maybe I’ll look through some of my old colorings and share any others I may have forgotten to post too later after realizing this lol.
>>48527 Seconded.
>>44132 I guess I should say who the characters are. The tickler is Miia from Monster Musume. The ticklee is Kunimitsu from Tekken 7.
(670.36 KB 2500x2500 IMG_4129.jpeg)

(985.63 KB 828x1451 IMG_4131.jpeg)

(3.10 MB 4096x2457 IMG_2472.jpeg)

Raiden Shogun and Kujou Sara
(204.84 KB 1448x2048 DBp8shW.jpg)

(314.86 KB 1536x2048 WchbMWc.jpg)

(627.22 KB 1536x2048 E9b09W3XoAUyMoI.jpg)

(345.67 KB 1536x2048 RTXvJ0I.jpg)

Art based on a twitter model
Anyone wanna give this a shot?
Ended up going through some of my old colorings and not sure if I ever posted this one either. If I did here it is again I guess. I’ll probably look through them again later to dig up more random stuff. I think I may not have posted this cause I rushed to color this in under an hour or so back then lol, so it looks kinda sloppy
>>49982 It looks brilliant, great pic and great colouring. A fine reminder of what Kidetic can do when he's not f*cking around with non-tickling and robotic, lifeless Asian chicks.
(78.74 KB 714x952 JThSXE6.jpg)

(254.23 KB 2048x1536 jKvAPVS.jpg)

(74.09 KB 715x536 1XZiC3O.jpg)

(245.56 KB 1152x2048 F1L1i84X0AErKqd.jpg)

(136.15 KB 1024x895 IMG_3068.jpeg)

(124.96 KB 1024x1320 IMG_3059.jpeg)

Got some old BadPierrot sketches that I don't believe have ever been colored if anyone wants to take a crack at them. If they have been colored though then I would to be wrong
(1.22 MB 1544x2200 mordred's request color.png)

Colored this Mo-san sketch by Kusujinn
I'm hoping someone may be interested to give this one a shot. The character is Nagato from the Kancolle series, with the original picture by Meteotickling.
anyone want to try these? all i remember from these is that one is a white blonde and the other a brown hair latina
Shimura Nana of BNHA, with the B/W picture done by Kusujinn.
>>51862 Y'know it'd help if we knew who the characters are
>>52087 Randomly came by and saw this request and ended up coloring it since I knew I could finish coloring this in under 30 minutes (it’s a bit sloppy as a result since I set a timer to not go over). From what I can tell the thread is a bit inactive anyways so not sure anyone else would’ve colored it and do a better job. I like coloring the Kusujinn pics since sometimes they can be so easy to color quickly. Anyways, enjoy.
>>52089 It looks really nice, anon. Thanks for the quick but clean work!
(2.17 MB 3508x3501 YangSTOCKER.jpg)

(119.31 KB 1045x1600 Yang_concept_full_portrait.jpg)

Anyone wanna give this a shot please? (Bonus points if you color the feet tickling her to look like Ruby's)
>>49982 While I’m around I dug up this old coloring of Wiz that I’m not sure I ever posted. I’ll try to dig up some more past colorings I did that I probably never ended up posting, but my files and organization is a complete mess right now lol. I still look at requests somewhat regularly but I don’t really have much time nowadays to color stuff cause shading takes a while, but I’ll color anything that really catches my eye (probably not a lot of stuff but you never know) or quick colors like >>52089 or this Wiz one which don’t take very long. If people are also okay with flat colors I can easily color some of the easier ones, but I tend not to flat color any requests cause they just look really bad and are not worth coloring without shading imo and someone else could end up taking the request later and doing better. Since it doesn’t seem like there are many colorists around though, if you’re okay with flat colors and lack of quality or attention to detail isn’t a big issue for you, you can mention it in your request and I’ll flat color it if it doesn’t take too long (although you could probably do it yourself for the most part via paint bucket tool lol).
>>52088 All i remember are they were OCs from the description, both best friends who needed extra cash so they volunteer for this
>>52230 Quick one
Someone willing to try one of these?
(57.64 KB 495x640 Winry_Rockbell.webp)

(384.70 KB 1082x650 Winry In Distress by Kusujinn.jpg)

Can someone give this a simple, light color?
(1.90 MB 1860x1940 CalloftheTK.png)

(147.18 KB 399x721 Nazuna_Nanakusa_Anime.png)

(234.87 KB 422x972 Anko_Uguisu_Anime.png)

I would love to see this sketch from Ghawkg in color, maybe with some line cleanup too. The girls of Call of the Night are top notch.
(3.68 MB 1879x3000 winrycolor.jpg)

>>53642 Here you go, anon. This is my first time coloring art, so I hope you like it! I got a little carried away and gave the background some paint, too.
>>53773 That would be amazing.
(2.95 MB 3508x3501 YANGCOLOR.jpg)

>>52132 Tried my best with my limited skillset.
>>53808 Holy fuck this is great! Ruby doing that to yang with her small feet, excellent choice. Some would've gone with Blake but Ruby is a great choice!
>>53773 Thirded like crazy.
(120.01 KB 416x364 7032030.png)

>>53879 You deserve all the figgy pudding.
>>53879 godbless you anon, godbless
(1.79 MB 2311x2127 XC3_Eunie_Artwork.png)

(2.23 MB 3508x4961 Euni wants tickles.jpg)

(2.02 MB 3508x3493 1.jpg)

Can anyone color these? The character is Eunie from Xenoblade Chronicles 3.
(230.19 KB 282x1080 DeliaFull.png)

(790.07 KB 640x1780 Adult_Chi-Chi.png)

Since at least one person here has colored this guy's sketches before, it's worth a shot
(755.93 KB 1998x4344 Favorite Torture 1.png)

(356.15 KB 593x2160 Aja Prison cloths.jpg)

Is this thread still going? I can't remember who the tickler is so I don't have a reference for her. But if someone wants to color the ticklee that would be great.
>>56316 Care to share the whole comic panel?
>>56316 Colored because it was a quick one. I still lurk on this thread semi-frequently, but I only color things that catch my eye nowadays, which not a whole lot does. I also am willing to color things I can do relatively quickly, which also doesn’t apply to a whole lot of requests.
>>48527 Bumping this again.
(1.36 MB 1794x2592 Klara_sketch.png)

(142.39 KB 475x475 465.png)

May someone color this please?
If anyone would color this, I would truly appreciate it. I think a colored version existed on 8kun before it got taken down.
>>56689 Quick one just cause. Could also do the Ishtar one but don’t want to do 2 requests from the same person.
>>56770 You did a really great job on this, thank you.
(558.89 KB 1823x2160 rin44.jpg)

(499.52 KB 512x724 ishtar.webp)

(371.78 KB 512x724 ereshkigal.webp)

>>56770 This one looks like it would be harder to do so I understand if you don't want to bother with it, but I thought I'd put it out there. Character on the right is Ishtar and on the left is Ereshkigal.
>>56749 Original artist here. Heh, did you like it enough to want it colored? I think I'd rather redraw this than color it, tbh.
Would be lovely if someone could do this piece of C.C. (Code Geass). Was drawn by the mighty Eudetenis
>>56904 Yeah I loved it, it's nice seeing Klara tickling content! You can redraw it if you want, can't wait to see how it turns out!
Was wondering if anyone could get this colored. Old piece by Twomario (many people say it's a little hard to color, I don't blame them). From left to right, it's Yui Hirasawa in a chinese outfit w red sandals, Mio Akiyama in her summer wear, Ritsu Tainaka in her house clothes w orange sandals, and Mugi Kotobuki in these nice clothes from a picture online, all tickled in wooden stocks, tied with rope (except for Mugi for some reason. She's just too strong to be held by rope?)
>>56970 Didn't upload the Mugi reference for some reason. Shot in the dark, but thank you to whoever can take the time to do this!
>>56971 ALSO, I see now that Mugi is tied up, from her elbows to her wrists.
>>56791 I honestly don’t mind coloring any of the ‘harder’ pieces at all, I just have to be interested in doing it since they just take longer and I’m pretty limited in time nowadays and can’t see myself spending time and effort on coloring something I don’t like that much, at least not anymore/currently. My max timer is 30 minutes-1 hour for requests that I only like somewhat nowadays. Usually this ends up being the Kusujinn pics because I like their art style, which seems to be shared by other colorists since their works seem to get colored often, lol. Doesn’t hurt to request though, and I’m not the only colorist around. (Not interested in this btw sorry, but someone else might be!) >>56970 Not interested in coloring this but given many people have said it’s harder to color, if someone was interested in doing it should be fairly simple to color either by just turning up the brightness or if you don’t want to sacrifice some shading and other details, can make use of blending layers to color it without it looking all dark in the end product. As a side note, I can probably flat color just about any request if desired cause it’s quick and easy, I just usually don’t do that cause flat coloring just looks bad imo and also takes away the opportunity for it to probably end up being colored and shaded by someone else. Most people that are okay with flat colors could also probably do it themselves via paint bucket tool for the most part.
>>26485 >>26485 what artist is this? I've never seen it before
>>57082 Really appreciate it my guy.
(455.84 KB 1707x2159 IMG_8220.jpeg)

luffy, nami, robin from pre timeskip one piece
(815.62 KB 3389x3566 20240112_135855.jpg)

(666.22 KB 2768x3998 20240112_135742.jpg)

(808.29 KB 2947x3680 20240112_140031.jpg)

(737.98 KB 3479x3862 20240112_135702.jpg)

(666.59 KB 3709x4096 20240112_140041.jpg)

(142.02 KB 1280x1040 80218598_p3.jpg)

(218.89 KB 1280x1086 80134697_p0.jpg)

>>22499 OP or anyone got the coloring of loz's pics of Yennefer and Triss? I dunno if it was these specific pics or one of the variants.
>>60285 Im just after finding them on my computer, posting them here. If theres any others I missed, please post em.
>>60239 Nice, where did you find that? Would love to know the artist. Cool that Luffy is desperate to maintain the hold even as he's being tickled.
(3.49 MB 1864x1582 Ciri_Sketch_colour_1.png)

(3.46 MB 1864x1582 Ciri_Sketch_colour_2.png)

>>60285 I remember colouring them a few years ago, really botched Yen's skin tone on the Triss pic, kek I've never made variant with any of the gags, but I can post the psd file if you want
(673.48 KB 1160x950 takemicolor.jpg)

>>56689 One of the best girls in P5 so why not?
>>49938 Bumping because this is a cute fucking pic
Anybody can color this pic? The characters are Sadayo Kawakami and Futaba Sakura from Persona 5
(333.91 KB 800x705 Transparent.png)

Could someone color this? Cynthia from Pokemon tickled by Female Rocket Grunt.
>>60320 Sorry for the late reply. But yeah if you've got the psd file, if love to see it. Im trying to learn art and colour and like seeing other artists process.
(1.24 MB 6000x4000 114540192_p0.jpg)

(216.07 KB 815x1204 Yuh4aPH_1I4.jpg)

Kirifuji Nagisa - Blue Archive

(86.70 KB 316x733 YugiMuto-DSOD-DULI.png)

(111.49 KB 344x699 Leo-DULI.png)

(229.23 KB 561x592 Syrus-l.png)

>>22499 If anyone is feeling brave:
>>60749 Unfathomably based. Wished I knew how to color though :(
>>60766 You and me both. It's honestly the best pic TwoMario has put out in months: recognisable characters instead of a random load of no-name OCs, multiple victims, no ridiculously OTT expressions and not a cock in sight.
>>60589 Sure, here you go mate (I would have done it differently now, using one base layer for to clolour and some other minor things) https://mega.nz/folder/vB91GYJR#LR028S2XYEuBHkrIGxZwkA
(429.98 KB 1775x2048 GGcJ_PkWwAIFkkw.jpeg)

(1.14 MB 604x869 GGcKBMxWcAAigSA.png)

New masterpiece from Feeteraco dropped on Twitter. Could someone color it? Would be nice to see some reddish blush on that hottie's heels and pads under toes, like they're fresh out of shoes and getting well-deserved tickles. I swear, Raco is getting better and better at drawing feet, less grotesque and more... idk, meaty? while maintaining a nice slender shape with long and neat toes. Probably my favorite artist nowadays.
Is anyone up for coloring and drawing lineart for this codricor1 piece? It's of Maria Cadenzavna Eve in her battle costume from Symphogear XV.
Please color futa Corrin guys it’d be so awesome 100%
>>62131 Color's already out
>>62534 Thanks for thr heads-up.
Can anyone color either of these two?
(10.37 MB 4074x5500 8chanTkrColor Cynthia.png)

>>60393 >>63057 rough Cynthia color
>>63091 Thank you very much Anon! It is an exceptional color despite being rough. If it's not a bother to ask, what did you use to color it?
>>63095 Krita
>>25317 Mildly surprised nobody did this one yet Ms. Frizzle could get it ngl
(5.59 MB 2930x3821 frizz text.jpg)

>>63107 There is also this one pic from BadPierrot
>>63113 Please let this be a normal sexual experience... With the Frizz? NO WAY!
Hoping someone might be willing to give either of these a shot, with the first being Nagato of the Kancolle series and the other being Boudica from Fate/Grand Order.
>>23506 >>25164 >>52806 i don't post often but I did some old ones that caught my eye
(1.11 MB 2682x2380 Miko Yotsuya sk.png)

(124.86 KB 300x642 Miko_Anime.png)

Someone can color this pls 🙏? She is Miko Yotsuya from Mieruko-chan
Sienna Khan from RWBY by Kusujinn, had to decrease the size a bit as the original version would have been more than half the acceptable download size here.
Someone can color this? She is Diana Cavendish from Little witch academia
(614.16 KB 1439x2160 l3.jpg)

(631.51 KB 1550x2160 l8.jpg)

(1.12 MB 2162x2780 cavendish.png)

>>36389 >>65032 My man waited over a year to bump his request. Mad respect. So, I've never done linework before, but I tried my best; it was a little tricky to interpret the pencilmarks. I've also never watched this show, so I hope I did the colors justice. I've still got the KRA (krita file) if you want it for variants, or want me to change a color or two.
>>65170 I love it 😍, thanks ☺️
>>65170 I would like to see the variants
>>65180 >>65182 What I meant was: I've got the original file with all the layers still separated so that you can make variants if you wish to. Sorry! Glad you like it though. :)
Anyone want to take a shot at this?
Is anyone interested in coloring this?
>>64427 Bumping this one. Wow this thread really disappeared for a while.
(106.53 KB 780x711 himeno_and_kobeni 1.jpg)

(814.72 KB 3072x4096 himeno_and_kobeni 2.jfif)

(56.27 KB 749x869 himeno_and_kobeni 3.jpg)

(10.21 MB 1950x3901 himeno_and_kobeni 4.png)

Himeno and Kobeni are captured by the Tickling Demon.
>>68797 I'm gonna do it. However, where did you find this? I know it's from Moekaki's patreon, but I can't find it in his kemono or in the recent potreon's uploads. If you have some more good mokekai contents that cannot be found easily online, feel free to share
>>68804 It’s actually public on their twitter/X. It hasn’t even been posted to their Patreon from what I can tell. I’d honestly refrain from coloring it for now since it seems like a WIP and was posted fairly recently, or at least ask if they plan on coloring it. There’s a bunch of random stuff they post to there nowadays like some other sketches or more recently stuff like this Dendra thing they did: Link to image: https://x.com/Moekaki69/status/1808982107181756751 I personally just don’t like coloring images until finding the original source and verifying whether or not it will be colored if posted recently since I have colored suggestions from here multiple times only to end up finding later they were WIPs that ended up getting colored and I basically just wasted my time.
This is one that they “confirmed” (in quotes since technically the conditions were met but was ignored for like 2 years until an update like last week lol) they are going to color already so I would not be surprised if the other one also ends up being colored, and (most likely) posted publicly since it was a Twitter challenge that they did.
Anyone want to color this? The characters are Aqua and Darkness from the anime Konosuba.
Would be interested in seeing colorings done for both of these. The latter one is easier since Soi Fon’s shoulders are bare and most of the outfit is concealed under wrappings. The Viridi one will be trickier though.
>>68812 >>68797 Did Moekaki ever color this?
(6.82 MB 3072x4096 kobehime.png)

>>76715 In case he didn't, I gave it a try (sorry for the bad quality but the og wasn't HD as well)
>>76782 Really good shit anon, nta but I love it
As a Christmas present. Could someone please color this? The characters are Grace Howard and Ms Sarah from Zenless Zone Zero.
(605.84 KB 4191x2923 IMG_9184.jpeg)

(7.21 MB 3337x4960 IMG_4955.png)

Would love if anyone can take shot at colouring this piec of futa Samus tickled by a lignum by Twomario
(99.60 KB 1280x502 IMG_0130.jpeg)

(97.82 KB 1280x502 IMG_0131.jpeg)

Someone please!
Hoping someone could color in this picture of IrkinGIR's character, Jenn. Original picture was made by Rali-Arts
(4.34 MB 5333x3413 Grace.jpg)

>>55992 Really hope someone does this one
>>77942 Thank you so much for the gift Anon!
(10.03 MB 3200x4200 nier 2b a2.png)

>>78220 Great job, thanks for sharing.
(2.69 MB 2550x3300 IMG_8139.jpg)

(17.43 KB 498x353 Fc6ov2iXoAIYccK.png)

Ramlethal Valentine from Guilty Gear Strive
(97.82 KB 1280x502 IMG_0131.jpeg)

(99.60 KB 1280x502 IMG_0130.jpeg)

(53.40 KB 735x1069 IMG_0144.jpeg)

(28.81 KB 250x342 IMG_0145.webp)

(53.39 KB 720x960 IMG_0147.jpeg)

(2.02 MB 2190x2020 Midna.png)

(2.00 MB 2190x2020 Midna2.png)

(2.32 MB 1588x1920 raffle 23.jpg)

Kandenrem really looked at these amazing Imp Midna tickle sketches and (for now) didn't color them. Hope he does at some point, but I've posted his true form Midna picture for a color reference
(1.23 MB 1348x2160 MpZ0hEVAD0U.jpeg)

(839.59 KB 2085x2160 a3R85o7ktSc.jpeg)

Found these colorations on a discord server

(346.83 KB 885x1130 V8_Ruby_Render.png)

(395.79 KB 446x894 Atlas_Weiss.png)

Ruby and Weiss from RWBY
>>80631 God she's adorable. Seconded.
>>80632 Yeah 👍

(531.97 KB 488x1017 Waai_Fu.png)

Anyone wanna try?
>>80691 I mean, who wouldn't want to get that cutie out of those knee high boots and tickle the crap out of her?
>>80729 seconding this one
>>80729 Also, full res

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