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Roleplay Match-Up Thread Anonymous 10/10/2021 (Sun) 19:06:22 Id: 32c446 No. 2941
discord servers almost always go to shit, so maybe a board where people clearly state what they’d be into in an rp and then connecting privately could work? idk, guess the appeal of the website is that it’s inherently anonymous but if you wanna sacrifice that for a genuinely good rp with someone whose into the same weird shit as you, be my guest ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ im just sorta fed up with the *tickles* and while everyone is into tickling, there’s a lot of microfetishes (or at least preferences) within it that everyone has. i figured if everyone stated their preferences plainly, it wouldn’t waste time. that being said, i’ll start us off. femanon whose a lee, my worst spots are my feet and breasts so if you focus on those, i’ll pretty much be your tickle slut for life lmao. PLEASE put your mouth on my feet or on my tits, like, im on my hands and knees here. non-con is a nonnegotiable of mine, unfortunately, since i can’t get off without it. pretty big on a power imbalance, i like being vulnerable or easy to take advantage of from the get-go which sort of ties into my dom/sub thing. bondage is, of course, great too. and yes, for you freak freaks, i am into more taboo scenarios as well.. sort of like how im laying it out, should someone take me up on this id like you to lay it out for me as well. its only fair i listen to what you have to say and indulge you if i can, so for myself (or anyone else in this thread for that matter) please be as transparent as possible with what you do like, what you don’t like, and what you’re flexible on. the whole point of this is transparency so like minded weirdos can connect with each other ASAP.
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>>2941 Switch here, will play as a girl or femboy, open to partners of any gender (or species I guess, although I am not a furry myself) but yuri is a favorite of mine. I am into non-con tickling, friendly tickling (such as surprising tickling while watching a movie or whatever), and being led into tickling (such as by teasing), but being told "please tickle my feet uwu" is kind of a turn-off for me. I do have a preference for feet tickling but belly, armpits, and breasts are fine too. Other fetishes include bondage/restrained tickling, power imbalance (such as by blackmail, nothing too heavy though, more like "I will tell the class that you lost to me at chess despite being the chess club president ^__^"), stirrup legwear, shoe removal, spanking, nibbling, and a few... other stuff... So yeah, if you (or anyone else) is interested please hit me up. I am also open to answering any questions.
>>2941 >Femanon whose a lee, my worst spots are my feet and breasts so if you focus on those, I’ll pretty much be your tickle slut for life lmao. PLEASE put your mouth on my feet or on my tits, like, I'm on my hands and knees here. God we need more girls like you, I'm personally not the biggest roleplayer but I just wanted to say you'd be like, the dream girl
I mean sure, I'll give it a go. >>2941 You are legitimately a match. Huge Foot Fetish. Love Breasts. You being into Non-Con is just an even bigger bonus. From being taken in an van, or played with in said van while being taken somewhere or something like that. Things like sensory deprivation, orgasm denial and the like would be things that would happen as well. Like, being kept on edge as your breasts are kneaded, feathers flicking over each erect nipple. Or being sucked on, tongue flicking against each erect peak for example. The only things I'm not into are the toilet play stuff, and the gore/pain stuff. Like, the hardcore stuff. Spanking and slapping can be negotiated though. The only other thing is literacy. I gotta agree with you here, the *tickles you* hurts me deeply. I have other things that are more 'darker' but for now I'll keep it to the less darker stuff. But if it goes well then I'll open up more with those things.
>>2972 its the femanon here. i think im leaning more toward a male ler at this time— which is on me since i shouldve specified— but once this thread gains momentum im sure you’ll find matches in no time. im glad you and i are like-minded in the power imabalnxe respect because that is a sorely neglected aspect of noncon when it comes to tickling. seems prevalent in regular old porn, though.
>>3012 that’s kind of you dude, thanks!! im literally just a huge tickle fetishist like every one else, there’s probably lots of fem lurkers that are too shy to come out of the woodworks but the horrid lack of quality and literacy in rp has made me desperate.
>>3025 sounds good, brother! let’s set an example, I suppose, and get something going. though I’ll admit, I didn’t think this far ahead. not sure if a chatzy would work? the link would be accesible to others but if we set up another room after that room, that’ll allow us some privacy. not sure if that makes sense? im open to suggestions. just as an aside: this hasn’t taken me off the rp market, so to speak. im excited to hear from more of you guys!
>>3084 Sure, that works with me. Though you'll have to set up the rooms since I'm not used to Chatzy, to be fair I run discord and what not.
What does literacy in rp mean to y'all? There're people that write a paragraph for rp. I can't do that, I mostly top out 3-4 sentences per turn.
>>3089 Basically not writing "tickles you~" as a reply, or something along those lines. If that makes sense.
>>3089 Weird, I can ONLY do parragraphs
>>2972 are you a boy or a girl?
could also just link an f-list page and let people find u there
>>3107 Yes. (I am a girl)
Can we discuss about how and where we have rp in the past too? I've been using Omegle for YEARS, probably over a decade or something, and maybe I'm just getting old, but it's getting harder as time goes. But if you're patient and lucky, you can find something, maybe, sometimes acceptable, seldom pretty good. But it's there. I've tried ShamChat too, but it's not the same. You can find good RPs there, but seldom (or almost never) tickling-related. Reddit is not easy either. Like if you go to r/tickling or something, and you post there (as a male), you are probably ignored, and if you're a female, I bet your DMs get so flooded that it's uncomfortable, and most of the people isn't that great anyway. I don't know about other sites like Omegle/ShamChat, and God I've tried. I have been forced to stick to Omegle haha. Sometimes when I found a good partner, I used to try to keep in contact either by e-mail (my tickling-related email), using the chat app Kik or making a Chatzy room. It doesn't work. People just get bored after a few days if you're lucky, maaaybe a whole month if you're lottery-winner lucky. I managed to keep in contact with a girl for about a year on Discord once. Like we meet on Omegle and moved to Chatzy, and we talked for weeks until one day she randomly disappeared without saying a word. Weird, but as expected in our world. However, I kept the room and checked periodically to prevent Chatzy from deleting it, "just in case", and after like 3-4 months, she went back. Saying her pc broke, lost access to the link and one day she just remembered how to spell and tried and was lucky. Then we moved to Discord for another months. RPs were greats, and over all my years she is the best partner I've ever RPed with. Very much synergy also. We did very fun stuff, and she even tried some irl stuff when we were RPing, even for several hours, despite time-zone difference. Given the relationship we had (like pen-pals as much, but still), it surprised me when one day without word she blocked me and deleted her account soon after. I managed to find her in Omegle again once, and once confirmed it was her, I told her who I was and she disconnected. I simply decided to let it go. It's fine haha, she owns me nothing. But it was fun! So, what about your experiences? I would like to read a few. ----- As for my preferences, well, I'm a male ler and I like detailed RPs. It can be from a few words to a whole paragraph, but it has to be consistent with the moment. Like OP, the *tickles* just kills me. I like to RP with girls, as usual haha. Also, it has to make sense. It can be a realistic scenario or fantasy, but makes sense. If we are slimes floating in the empty space where gravity works backwards and gods worship humans instead of the opposite, you have to be consisted. I really dislike when, for example, the person is tied spread eagle fully-clothed and then just pretend the clothes disappear or something (sorry, I can't think right now in a better example, but you know what I'm talking about, just whatever bullshit that wouldn't make sense haha). About what I "like", I'm actually pretty simple, I like to tickle feet lol. That's my preference, but not like I don't really enjoy tickling elsewhere, I do. I also like realistic scenarios, but fantasy is fun too, both typically oriented to have some privacy. Like if we are in a fantasy medieval setting, I would still prefer doing the tickling in a private place, were we can feel safe and the only think to worry about is the tickling itself, without any external factor interfering. But I'm also quite adaptable and if I don't dislike something, I like to please too, since I don't have a lot to pick from what I like lol. I've done crazy shit over my RPing years haha. "Consensual non-con" is super fun haha. About what I dislike, I would say stuff like scat, pain or vore, stuff like that. Stuff I wouldn't do irl either. And probably more stuff would come to mind if you ask, but usually I'm open and not too picky, especially if the other person is good at RPing. This message is already too long, so if something else comes to mind I would send another message haha. I'm reading you all.
I've find Omegle is the best place to find rp to be honest. It sucks though because sometimes messages don't get sent. I've had some rp that moved over to Chatzy but they never lasted for me long. But I did have one good rp with other person playing Spider-Gwen lol. I'm a male ler, and would like someone who can play female. I could write as a female lee but I'm better at playing ler I think. In terms of likes, my two big things are tickling and female edging/oversimulation. I like both con and non-con. Dislikes are I would say pretty much any other kink activities that I didn't say I liked, but I'm open to accommodation and doing what makes you happy in general.
I'm a male lee and into dark, non-con stuff. Long-term captivity, unfair imprisonment, heavy bondage and so forth is kind of the baseline. Humiliation stuff like sexual favors to stop the tickle torture, degradation, forced feminization, etc... The darker the better, including taboo stuff like OP mentioned - incest, for example. No scat/gore/minors is the limit essentially. I'm bi so it doesn't matter to me who I RP with so long as the ler is really sadistic. I RP in paragraphs, typically 1-2 short ones. Setting is also up in the air, I can write about fantasy, contemporary, sci-fi, doesn't really matter. But I do prefer concise stories that have a beginning of end, even if the end is like a chapter end for something we go back to.
How does everyone in this thread want to go about contacting each other though?
>>3085 that works too. I’ll send you a chatzy link and from there we can migrate to discord since i’d rather not blast it out there on a fetish forum. once you add me i’ll delete the message from the actual chatzy, if that makes any sense. that way any snooping eyes won’t be so inclined to dig. suppose I could just reject the folks I don’t recognize, but similar to what an anon had mentioned further down, reddit had me flooded with replies and it was incredibly overwhelming. anywho, here’s the link: https://us21.chatzy.com/m/64596091822371
>>3122 Hey, OP, I'm the anon who wrote this. To add up, I'm willing to chat in Chatzy and move from there if you prefer, if interested. I also available for other female anons over here too. Happy roleplaying to everyone.
>>3108 I've used F-List and it's not the best thing in the world honestly. Just pointing that out.
>>3137 I'm the anon you replied to, just joined the room you made, but I'm on mobile so don't know how well it works on mobile.
>>3139 sounds good, my friend! you’re welcome to join the chatzy link above so that we can move to a more private means of communication from there, whether that’s another chatzy room or otherwise.
>>3144 yep, I noticed you joined! left you a message there. it’ll say you’re not in the room if you don’t have the tab open, as was my case. i dropped a message in there so let me know what you’re preferred form of communication is and we can go from there.
>>3151 Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for letting me know! Haven't ever used chatzy before so that makes sense. Just left a message as well
>>3108 F-list is usually full of one-lining shitters. It's pretty damn bad. Omegle tier, honestly, but with the facade of literacy because 'muh profile'.
As anon said in the Ticklish Fates (♀ Edition) thread: >>35891 >>35911 And as anon suggested there as well: >>35894 I'll bump this thread. I've not RPed in a while since beta.characters.ai is good enough to go and lose my time on Omegle, but given the festivities season let's share some warm here, shall we? Spread the loves and tickling, anons. As for me, I'm a M ler, interested in F. Can RP in either English, Spanish, Italian or even mixed (using a different language from the one we are doing the RP like for teasing or else is hot af in my experience, if interested). My discord is tkstoriesandrp#2354 but let me know here because I never check it. Happy Holidays, pretty people
Hi guys! If there's anyone here who wants to role-play with me on discord then I'll be happy to oblige I'm a little bit of a switch if that makes any difference
>>35959 I totally would even though i lean more lee
I love how the very same people who accuse any anon that rubs them the wrong way of being this guy or that guy with zero evidence are so thirsty that they just blindly believe anyone claiming they’re a female.
>>35977 through what methodology have you come to discern that these are the same people show your math I'm pretty sure they're just equal-opposite spergs
>>35978 Fair point. I mean if femanon really is legit than more power to her but people posing as a female for attention (especially the ones who love to RP) has been a mainstay of this community for as long as I can remember. It’s just another character they play.
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>>2941 If OP is still around, I'm a huge enjoyer of non-con breast tickling. Like, sometimes when I'm in the mood for tickling, I'd fantasize many ways to cause the maximum amount of tickling sensation on naughty girl's tits. Bristly tentacles that wouldn't stop brushing the nipples of a poor adventurer, over and over again? Absolute chef kiss to me. So OP, please hit me up if you're interested.
uhh, just occurred to me there’s no private way to match up. is there a discord or something that can remedy this?
I also like role-playing, but it is very difficult for a Chinese speaker to speak a long sentence in English
Hello guys I'm looking for a partner to rp I have everything written here https://www.deviantart.com/yourroleplayer/art/Dark-Chao-Tickle-Roleplay-942545323 Add me on idscord if you wanna rp RpEmma#1313
I also developed a little story that I'd like to rp if someone is interested The girl named Emma is a high school girl who needs extra money to pay for her studies. During her tour, a man notices her who owns a stall at a fair attended by many people from my city, including foreigners. The man offers her a job at a somewhat peculiar "kissing booth." The young woman will be involved in a job in which, without being able to do or see what is happening outside, she will feel like dozens of people pay a sum of money to be able to play a little with the young lady's feet. This is a foot fetish and Tickling focus RP (I'll play as Mina, the girl in the picture and you can handle all kinds of different characters who want to have a good time with the girl's feet in that feet booth) Are you interested in this roleplay? Leave me a note, comment below or send me a message to my discord. I'm a experienced roleplayer I can RP in English and Spanish (Mainly Spanish) Here is my discord RpEmma#1313
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>>36877 if you ever do find someone to do it with, post what comes out of it.
>>36890 Yes sir !
>>36884 Are you a girl?
I never got this kind of thing. I like to beat off to pics of cute girls but holy shit do I not crave interaction with another man pretending to be a girl online. Fuck me though I'm a gay faggot for contributing nothing to this thread, carry on.
i'm looking for someone to do many long terms foot fetish roleplays with me. ones that're long, involve some character and plot, PLENTY of feet stuff, but also....being sappy here, someone to make as a long term friend on Discord.
asked my rp partner for selfies and got a jawline so strong, it could cut diamonds. never rp with someone unless there is substantial evidence of what they look like. lots of ticklefags have insta’s and tumblr’s. If there’s no pics of their face, odds are they have a cock.
>>37277 I've never been a role player, I'm a virgin in rp games. So, if you're not afraid that I might accidentally ruin everything... I'd like to try it.
>>37277 Please be careful, people that ask "are you a girl?" before roleplaying are always the most annoying creeps that produce the shittiest possible roleplays. They also tend to stick on you like leeches and will not stop messaging you even if you show that you are not interested in them. Only approach them with an alt account because some of them will make sockpuppet accounts to message you once you block them for being too annoying. Expect them to keep asking for feet pics and don't expect anything more than single-line "*tickles your feet*" replies. t. femanon who pretends to be a dude online to avoid retards like this. >>37285 I am sorry reddit anon, I have to inform you that you are now gay.
>>37277 are you trans?
Yeah I'm a girl I'm a just a nerdy horrid bitch who wants to RP ~ If someone is interested I have plenty of ideas to rp I changed my name so here is my new discord Aiko-san#1313
>>37318 I'm aware of that anon, thank you <3
>>37325 No, I'm not
>>37346 proof?
>>37267 This is an entirely fair concern, anon. For that reason (and for all other lers who come across this), I’d be willing to send a picture of my tits— which happen to be ridiculously ticklish, but that’s not the point— with included proof (a post it note with a specific phrase, certain amount of fingers up, etc.) to prove I’m a girl. I just want to be fucking tickled, and I feel like a lot of men’s paranoia of other men masquerading as women impedes this. Reply with a discord, kik, Reddit, email or your preferred form of communication if you’re interested.
>>37411 Bastion#2103 I'll talk about myself in private.
>>37412 my kik is theokie90 if you want to reach out!
>>37411 My Discord name is DanTkr#7118
>>37411 Replying to my own post. I’ll be reaching out soon so look out for a friend request/inbox message or something.
I'll send foot pics as well Just leave your Discord username
>>36884 do you only do foot shit?
>>37423 my Discord is sammyswitch#4638 if you wanna add me!
I'm a ler, and I'm a guy. I'll gladly tickle anywhere, and I'm okay with soft, playful tickles or the more hard-core type. Basically I'll tickle wherever and however you want. I'd rather tickle girls, but to be fair I can't stop people from lying and saying their girls anyway, so add me if you'd like! My discord user is That One TKR Anon#4585
Hell I'll put my discord if anyone wants to be friends with a 30 y.o. m lee (that sometimes switches) ShmuckeyTheClown #2648
OP of the thread here, if anyone wants to take me up— by anyone, I mean male lers— then reply with your discord. It sounds one sided but as a femanon, I don’t want to get swamped with messages. As previously mentioned, if needed I will prove I’m a female in DMs. Aside from that, take a peek above if you want to know what I’m into.
>>37468 Just made the Discord account but anyway, it is: tk_account_032#5773 We can discuss the specific of the scenario. I have few ideas lying around, but I will work with what you like obviously. Thank you.
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As unispired as it is to say, Im open to just about anyone, and im in the mood to please. Male but am in my cute emo femboy arc. If youre a vicious male ler who wants to torture a woman silly, I could totally rp that. If you're just a dude who wants to be held by your favorite video game girl, I can make that happen. If you wanna order me around make me take feet pics for you, that also, can happen. Just be chill, at least match the tempo/length of the rp. Im a busy person too so there will be some times where I can't be on right away. Don't be afraid to shoot me a message if I could make your day better :) { Eclyptic }#4770
>>37476 Post bellybutton
Fuck it, I'll bite. oliv.hud#9151
>>2941 Same anon, thought I should clarify— please only reach out/reply if you’re a male ler. I’ve had a lot of male lees/switches reach out with expectations that I can’t meet (you know, me being a lee and all), so just to avoid anyone’s time being wasted, just wanted to stipulate this.
>>37468 I’m a male Ler with a slight bit of switch in me… but still like 90% Ler. I absolutely enjoy what you’re into if you feel like reaching out! My disc is sammyswitch#4638
>>37411 never done anything like this before but if you're still around femanon i'd be interested. 25/m/ler. making a discord account is a pain in the ass and dont want to link my main for obvious reasons. realize talking via email is prob annoying but maybe we can figure something out. ticklethrowaway@gmail.com.
Hey there y'all looking to meet some other folks who are into discussing tickle fantasies ranging on the mostly dark, intense, and depraved side. Im very open minded and enjoy characters of any species, size, or gender when it comes to coming up with ideas/rping. No judgment on whatever your ideas are either. If any of that sounds like fun to you then feel free to shoot me a message on discord~ Feathermonster#0377
>>37468 My discord is the best #1050 Hit me up please
>>37468 >>37430 I know I posted it a bit earlier, but if either of you are still down for it, then my discord is That One TKR Anon#4585 . Just send me a request there!
>>37468 I would like to roleplay as we basically share the exact same interests! Heres my discord: TheDreadedFeather#5980 If anyone may be interested please dm!
>>37468 Hi! My discord is Doomer#8592, if you wanna give me a shot!
>>37468 Lyleth#4490
>>39038 I do need some based /tkr/ fags. The public tickling discords are full of the most insufferable people on the planet. I have no problem with trans in this scene, but it's full to the brim of groomers, coomers and degenerates of the worst kind.
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>>2941 This might be too much of a childish and cringe suggestion, but has anyone ever considered setting up a tickle roleplay world on vrchat? There's one there already (https://en.vrcw.net/world/detail/wrld_a96a0bd8-518b-4f79-8761-cf85df361438) but it's kind of bad and could use a major overhaul. I don't know if anyone even cares but I figured I'd throw out the idea. If haptic feedback suits become cheaper I could see this being kind of popular in the future.
im smelly and bigoted match me
>>39608 i cant decide if online VR tickle sessions is coomer dystopia or based as fuck i'd try it either way, im just pondering the logistics and morality
I am Very interested in the OP’s Rp request! If you are still looking to rp op or are just interested in roleplaying with me please dont hesitate. M 23 ler : Discord : TheDungeonMaster26#8578 >>2941
I suppose I'll throw a line in here. Hope is limited, since I've dabbled on many sites for this sort of thing before. So, here are the deets for ya Tyyralin#6705 is the discrod. 32, male, been an avid RPers for most of my adult life. From classic AIM Roleplay back in the day all the way up to FFXIV and WoW RP. Dabbled in Fetlife, Darknest, a few Discord servers for it, etc. Writing is something I genuinely love and the same goes for RP. In terms of content, while just doing an excluse tickle-based RP Can be fun, I am very much a writer at heart. So be that creating a universe in which tickling is a common and accepted thing, or just creating a fun, interesting story that happens to feature tickling for one reason or another, that's all my jam. I know most prefer to just jump in and start ticklin', but that starts to feel repetitive to me. But hey, ain't here to yuck your yum, like what you like and totally respect just wanting to fun stuff. Naturally, I only really do RP with femanons. If you friend request or throw me a line or whatever and you're secretly a male, just don't mention it and we're gold. Coping is useful. As long as you're playing a female character. And that's it, really. I actually have 2 'worlds' revolving around tickling in one way or another. One the past, one present with sci-fi/magicish elements. If you're interested (or just wanna friend to ask questions or advice for writing and such), throw me a line!
ok I guess I’m doing this Uhhh I’m a femboy who’s lonely and bored so um looking to tickle rp!!! on a… chat board… (kinda sad ngl) Im a lee for the most part, unless rping with a girl in which case I’m more of a switch. But with guys I’m just a lee. I like most types of rp styles, but I prefer descriptive stuff and storytelling I suppose. NC or playful tickles are both fine with me, I don’t really have a preference. Stuff I don’t like, gore, scat, fetishes that aren’t just a subsection of tickling, etc.. And of course it goes without saying, keep it 18+ if you wanna rp, drop your discord and I’ll add you!
>>41333 Hey I’m very interested! if you wanna reach out, my disc is sammyswitch#4638 ^^
>>41343 I sent you an FR this morning in case you didn’t see Btw I’m the one you replied to
So, like.. 38 y/o male switch here (I can RP as different genders and ages, if ya want). I'm always on the lookout for new tickling friends and RP partners. I have one or two go-to scenarios, but I'm open to suggestions for others (I can do fantasy settings or real-world/slice-of-life type stuff). My RPs must necessarily include NSFW tickles. I really enjoy [but don't necessarily require] anything involving tentacles and/or animal lickles (no, I don't enjoy that IRL, just in RPs). I generally prefer to RP with females, but I understand that I'm more likely to get takers if I'm open to males as well, so guys, I'm open to you, but please try to be fun and literate. If anyone's interested, my discord is Doom#8592. Anyone is free to friend me and message me, and we'll see where things go. :)
So... I think this is why so many guys in prison and the navy turn gay. So much begging sausage...
>>42205 *In The Navy by The Village People intensifies*
>>37476 Are you still looking for a chat/rp? Hit me up please, Discord changed usernames and I can't add you :( Mine is rebelliouslee
>>50085 Are you a man or a woman?
>>50086 I'm guy and lee, looking for rp!
>>37476 Hey, it's not letting me to add you, did you changed your Discord tag? 🤔
Female lee of age here. This thread is mostly dead but I’m just gonna throw my kik out there— I know kik has a reputation but it’s convenient easier to deal with on mobile. I’m into non-con, have fairly big tits, and I can indulge your foot fetish if you’ve got one— that and I’m a good conversationalist, so if those selling points were convincing enough: titillatiocunnus101
>>50085 >>50225 My bad, I didn't see this. Try { mothril }#4770
>>52622 Not finding still, I'm pretty sure there should be just a name, without a number tag.
I'll copy my main post from retarddit [M Ler 4 F Lee] Hopeless, endless armpit torture, humiliation and sex Looking for a partner ready to play a female victim(s) of kidnapping, torture, stupidly horny misoginistic fantasy, or pretty much anything non-consensual that involves armpit tickling and sex. Please be clear about your wants and limits, because I simply want to mock, tickle, and store my cum inside my partner's warm and twitching body. Contact me at: Reddit: No_mercy_today Discord: kochokocho. (with the dot) Fetlife: Armpit_tickler Telegram: secret I'll share if you got me somewhere else
Ok I'm a male ler who's strictly into fandom tickle RP'S. I'm fine with the person I'm RPing with to be any gender because we're playing fandom characters as long as the person themselves is over the age of 18 I'm cool. as far as characters goes I'm fine with male and female characters and I'm alright with loli and shota but it's not my go-to. I prefer detailed 3rd person RP's my preferences are Noncon tickling, foot lickling, full body tickling, orgasm denial/orgasm torture. My limits: Bathroom stuff. Guro. Bugs. Sharp objects. Actual sex. Furry. As far as fandoms go here are my preferences: Fairy tail. Edens zero. Black clover. Undead x unluck. Tomo Chan is a girl. And more if this interests anybody feel free to let me know and I'll give my discord
Anybody down to RP a scenario where my lazy college roommate wants me to do their homework for them but I refuse so they tickle me until I agree? 25M DC is qweqwe11_27337
Well, not a lot of options anymore with Omegle dead. Male Switch, will rp as anything with anyone. I’m not picky and enjoy the roleplay aspect so I can be whatever you prefer. Super open to most related kinks, leaning to noncon and intense but I’ll do most scenes. I prefer more structured stories. Feel free to just DM me Ticklethyme

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