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Shameless Venting your Tickling Fantasies! Anonymous 03/06/2022 (Sun) 03:57:16 Id: 53cd5c No. 15941
Excuse the picture I think it's funny... This is a thread for venting your tickling fantasies, this started from talk in whyboners thread about our m/m fantasies involving tickling mafias and the like.
I fantasized tickle torturing my ex and all the girls I've dated before as revenge or just a way to mess with them. Yeah, I'm that terrible.
Assuming OP is >>15940 >I have a lot of politically fuelled fantasies. Please elaborate! This actually reminds me a while ago I saw this picture by whywhatwhy on Deviantart, and it really got my mind going. This scenario of women of different ethnicities all held captive by (assumedly) the USA and being subjected to torture like this really ignited something dark and perverted within me. The way they're all kept on display like trophies and are reduced to just a pair of feet being tickled and forced to submit to American politics feels so appealing in a cruel, inhumane way. Is it something along those lines, or am I way off?
Is it bad to say that I want to trick my streamer crushes into agreeing to be part of a fundraiser with the entire thing being a very long tickle session for them? And all the goals for the fundraiser just increase how bad the tickling gets, like a goal would further strip them, add a tool, or add stuff like gags, blindfolds, ear muffs, etc? >>15942 Evil, but can't blame you. Always wanted to tickle torture my ex-girlfriends as well lol.
>>15941 Tickle Mafia fantasy expanded from the other thread. The premise is sort of like the John Wick universe, but with tickling instead of assassins. There exists an alternative society unknown to most, but effectively has control over governments and can operate from the shadows as it pleases. The organization has clear rules and etiquette with serious repercussions for breaking them. Those outside the organization have different rules of engagement, but who are “initiated into the world” are bound to the rules at all times. Of course, once you're in...it's for life. The organization will often target politicians, business leaders, celebrities, and any one else to gain influence. There are several factions major and minor maneuvering for power, and each have a a clear hierarchy of members. Members range from low level runners, informants, and enforcers to The Solleticos, or Tickle Assassins. The Solleticos run from low level thugs to legendary 'hitmen' and 'hitwomen' who roam the night. All Sollecticos are ticklers expert in their craft, and simply mentioning the name of certain infamous Sollecticos can send tingles over one's body. Some specialize in capture, some in interrogation, while others have set up shop running their own dungeons, outsourcing “acquisition” to their underlings or other Sollecticos. Next to Bosses and other higher ups, Sollecticos have the most privileges and free reign in the Society, but this freedom comes at a perilous price. Not only does their line of work put them at risk of capture, Sollecticos regularly skirt the lines or outright break the Society's etiquette, often putting them in an even more treacherous position. So even elite Solleticos can find themselves tied up at someone's mercy and can do nothing about it. The currency of the Society is Knismos, coins which are a visible representation “Tickle Debts” owed. Those who lack currency must offer themselves, and effectively become a tickle slave. Sometimes this is just for a few hours, other times long term, Many will offer themselves as currency for short term sessions just to earn favor or make a few Knismos. Long term tickle slaves from both inside and outside the Society are also “acquired” and traded regularly. Since most view the Society's rules and etiquette as 'guidelines,' blackmail and getting leverage over one another for breach of etiquette is businesses as usual. Sometimes someone will simply vanish off the street and end up in one faction's Tickle Dungeon, uncontrollably laughing in vain hope they may one day be freed. My current working title for this universe is “Society Solletico.” I might flesh out this idea more later. Anyone is free to add or expand on it or turn it into a full story of their own.
>>15952 >my streamer crushes Confess your crushes, give us context. We demand context!!
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>>15954 Well, tbh, the ones I simp for are more 'content creators' since they both post on YouTube and stream. But yeah, it's Faye Mata, Adriana Figueroa, and Hackerling (who I know hasn't done a face reveal and all that but I still love her to death.) I wanna see any of them in a tickle stream and suffer ticklishly~ Also they have like the cutest laughs ever and I can't get over how cute they are-
>>15949 I love the idea of tickle torturing a prisoner of some foreign nation, dragging all this sensitive info out of her, just working every little detail out. And eventually striking a deal with her home country that consciously does not include the return of the captured prisoner, essentially dooming her to indefinite captivity. The "interrogation" continues long after I have run out of things to learn from her. And of course, she's made aware of the deal, and she knows that her country has abandoned her to her fate as part of the price for the deal.
>>15956 On the completely unrelated note do you watch the internet funny man? These three seem to share one striking similarity
>>15956 Oh shit, I am aware of two of those names. They're very good choices. A terrible terrible part of me wants to see Adriana take on a singing challenge where she has to sing through having her feet tickled...
>>15962 >based anon is into both the licensed internet funny man and tickling I see you're a man of culture, as well. Thought I was the only one Highkey tho, to add to the list of content creators that know Alpha and really need to be tickle tortured, I can imagine Deanna Gowland having the most attractive, giggly laugh. Personally, I'm a "really" big fan of girls that want it. Just imagining Dee writhing under my fingers, and when I try to give her a break, she just asks for more... I'm drooling just thinking about it. (o_0)
>>15962 Yes, I do watch the internet funny man, he’s how I got introduced to Adriana here! Tbh I should’ve added Jaiden as well since she’s also a part of that group and I simp for her~ >>15966 Same! I’d love to see Adriana and Hacker (since she’s a singer as well) both take on that challenge, but they have to sing multiple songs, and with each song another part of their body is tickled as well. They aren’t allowed breaks until they finish the song, hehe~
>>15969 Fans of internet funny man and tickling rise up-
Lately I've been an absolute sucker for cheesy horror themes of all kinds in tickling fiction. No matter how cliche, no matter if the execution stumbles, slasher villains, ghosts and creepy monsters subjecting sensitive girls to ticklish bad ends just is both entertaining and hot. I've been thinking of writing a related story about college girls on a road trip or camping menaced by tickle sadist rip-offs of horror villain archetypes and falling into their hands one by one, but I'm lazy.
I just want a group of voice actors tickling each other while doing their characters, trying not to break them. And not that weak ass 1 single feather stuff, but actually getting tickled by the others at the same time. The one who lasts the shortest of course gets the real tickle punishment.
>>15949 Oh shit that is really hot, ticklishly colonized, fight us and then giggle forever. See I'm more of a masochist and like the idea of getting tickle tortured by feminists or black activists and tickle tortured for my views and forced to change them. Or tickle torturing a Democrat till they change their views
>>15953 Holy shit thats a really cool concept, would love to see a story or rp of this. Like imagine a new local politician rises up to challenge this secret society and they are now targeted by the Solleticos for them trying to resist the order of things
>>15975 oh shieet I feel you on horror stuff I love the idea of tickle monster scenarios with bad ends. The idea of a tickle stalker hunting lee down and harassing them with threatening calls and texts and letters till they GET the lee and tickle them to wits end. Maybe someone summons or meets a tickle monster that ends up tickling them to till they go insane, I like the psychological angle
Total War: Tickling Basically a strategy game where you fight battles using tickle weaponry. Swords with feathers instead of blades, magic spells to strip and torment opposing armies, units with different strengths and weaknesses that involves stamina when being tickled instead of health, all that. Something that will never happen unless a particularly kinky and dedicated modder throws their time into it, but something I do enjoy thinking about from time to time.
>>15981 Oh shit i'd love to hear more of that concept. Strategy game where the consequences of losing is getting tickled silly.
>>15976 Oh this would be sooo friggin cute! Could have multiple rounds to determine the loser with them having to play a different character each time. Maybe the final session for the lose has them getting tickled for two minutes by all the girls as they’re forced to play a character. Every mess up adds ten seconds, and after a minute tools are permitted. It would lead to the loser thinking they have hope, but then seeing the add up more and more as they lose more and more confidence until, finally, they’re nothing but a laughing mess and just keep adding time, to the point hours are added~ Also for voice actors, based on this pic, what if they were tricked into signing up for an anime revolved around tickling. This may seem harmless, but according to the contract, they themselves have to be tickled while recording the audio as to make the laughter seem real, with them being tickled on the spots the characters are as well. Also, no information about the recording process is to be leaked as to not drive away potential voice actors, but all VAs are also recorded by a camera as well, for…reasons~
>>15969 Also forgot to say, but Dee is yet another super cute lee that the internet funny man is friends with. Gosh her asking for more would be so friggin cute, something I need in my life now-
>>15949 >>15957 This is soooooo friggin evil, but gosh, tickling a foreigner into admitting everything but then also striking a deal with the country their from that doesn’t include their release is just amazing, especially since they learn that they were abandoned to be tickle toys for their captors~ Imagine an entire city, one that doesn’t hold major significance, being captured during war and, when they surrender, their freedom is not given and the citizens are chosen to be tickled senseless~
My fantasy is the ability to lick some niice Khajjiti feet beans. Just see a cat girl laugh and giggle would indeed the cats meow. :3 *sigh* When will technology catch up to this?
>>15985 Who are the girls in this picture? Who is the artist and where did you find it?
>>15988 Oh I love fantasies like this of tickle subjugation. Where a country or city or even planet is invaded and taken over and the citizens of said place are now forced to get tickled crazy
Personally I’ve always had a fantasy of wanting to tickle some tickle artists that you see online. Especially the female artists. I’ve always liked the the idea of an artist who exclusively draws tickle content getting tied up and tickled just like their drawings. I would love to make some cute artists squeal at my wriggling fingertips.
All of these fantasies are childish and cringe, and you should all be shamed for having them
>>15994 So is this fetish. And here you are.
>>15994 I fantasize about tickling is childish and cringe anon being tickle tortured until they cry and confess they love tickling!
>>15991 Faye Mata, Cherami Leigh, and Abby Trott are the girls. The artist is TK-GEEK and it's on DA. >>15992 It's so evil but I love it too much. I wanna see a bunch of cuties getting nabbed and tickled, unable to do anything to resist the alien tickle tech~ >>15993 O-Oh, I see- >>15994 Great fantasy would be if I tickle you and Lumine for hours-
>>15997 Thanks. I’m not really familiar with any of them and I usually like voice actors. I kind of know Cherami Leigh I think but not the others
>>15994 Very true, tickling is very childish, that's why people don't suspect it being an actual fetish and you can get away with it more often.
>>16000 Do you prefer it that way or wish it was seen as more mature?
>>16003 Honestly, it has it's upsides but also downsides. Like depending on the situation showing to someone who thinks it's childish that it's actually a form of torture sounds really hot. But also your partner maybe being like "Okay, that's a little weird?" sounds like hell. I guess it's better this way. What about you anon?
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The tickling fantasty that really gets the nuts bustin is the perma-doom tickling stuff, where the victim is utterly helpless and will be tickled indefinitely with no hope of rescue. Bonus points for added autistic details such as elaborate traps and stimulants/drugs that bypass the "after awhile you'd feel numb to tickling" reality.
>>16009 Unironically this. No hope, only endless laughter. They fucked up and now they are going to be tickled until the end of time. Despite the attempts of people close to them searching for them. Add in some sexual stuff to it (optional but adds bonus points) for the Chef's Kiss
>>16011 >>16009 I see there are some chads with us tonight
>>16006 Yeah I know what you mean. I do enjoy when it looks like something childish but then it turns out to be really torturous. That’s also quite a fantasy. Wouldn’t mind tickling a girl who thinks of it as stupid, then a few hours later watch her crying and begging it to stop
>>15974 thats a hit
Race-based tickling. Particularly I wanna see a gaggle of Japanese or Chinese women tickling a white woman until she's red in the face and begging as they mock and demean her.
>>16009 THIS Bonus points if it's something like this. A creature or even a full-blown god that never lets its victims go, never lets them rest, never lets them stop or allows their minds to snap. Even in situations where the lee isn't made immortal/unbreakable I like there being a very clear showing that they're never going to get away. Just absolute heartless sadism on the side of the ler. I have a personal fantasy with a tickle-hungry succubus that loves mocking her victims by showing them pictures or trophies or tally marks of past lees so the victim knows they're not the first, they won't be the last, and they're absolutely not getting out of this alive or sane. So a tickle-horror scenario.
>>16023 I've thought of this as well, though Ebony Ticklers on White Women, or White Women on Ticklish Hispanics Women, etc.
Mine's kind of weird, but I really love the idea of a fetishized business, catering to ticklefags. Specifically the idea of a "tickle arcade." You go in, and there are dozens of creative machines that either tickle you, allow you to tickle a partner (or one of the staff for an extra fee) or put both of you in a contest-type game where you try to outlast the other contestants in endurance tickling. You can basically let your imagination run wild and think of any number of existing arcade cabinets or games that would benefit from adding in a tickle element. Or create an original idea. In one you might be strapped into a faux-interrogation machine and have to solve puzzles on a screen while the machine tickles you all over, changing patterns and pace in response to how far you're getting in a level. In another you face the body of a helpless "volunteer," their head completely obscured behind a screen displaying any kind of character you want. Tickle them all over as they scream and laugh into the darkness and the screen shows the laughing face of your chosen lee. Of course, there are more adult cabinets and services offered too, but those are only for select VIP members. Maybe you'll be sat up in an arcade cabinet, your member jutting out of the console like a joystick, ready for a personal attendant to tease and tickle, while the inside of the machine comes to life with all sorts of brushes and hands to tickle your upper body to exhaustion. Maybe still, you'll be "kidnapped" into a virtual reality simulation, and milked by strange alien machines as you watch other captives helplessly tickled nearby in their cruel experiments. The better you tickle or the longer you last at these games, the more tickets you earn, which can be exchanged for prizes, or to have a staff member remove some of their clothes. It's not a strip club if you're not paying real money, right? (You can pretty much apply the format to whatever other fetishes you have, like mine is feet, and still come up with different ideas). And then there's the tickle theme park, with rides, attractions, games, and costumed characters all themed around tickling. Kind of self explanatory. There's that really good Summer of Laughter story on writing . com that has a whole section on the idea. But you can tickle or be tickled on tons of different rides, or venture off to find whatever video game character, disney princess or famous celebrity you can like, and book a tickle/tease session anywhere from a public stockade in main street or buried in the sand along the beach. Tickle coasters (where your feet or whatever body parts are left bare and exposed and put on a track where they'll whiz by thousands of feathers) and the house of horrors (populated by all sorts of monsters that pop out to tickle you as you're strapped in your cart) are just some of the other attractions on offer.
>>16009 The cruelest type of tickling, but one that's just so friggin cute. I imagine a poor cutie walking into an old booby-trapped house or some magical girl casts the wrong spell and just being eternally tickled. They'd beg and plead for mercy, for someone to save them from their small error, only to eventually realize that they are forever doomed to being tickled. Idk if this would be better with a lee that deserves it or one that doesn't deserve it at all~ >>16021 Gosh Ellie is so cute as well, like really friggin cute. That tickle pic of her is sooooooo friggin cute, I wish I was a Piranha Plant here-
A while ago I was really into the fantasy of someone being tickled until they admitted that they "deserved" to be tickled, even if (and in some cases ESPECIALLY if) they really didn't. As an example, imagine a woman who wears sandals or goes barefoot a lot. That's just a personal choice that says nothing about her or her intent. But imagine she knows a guy who's kind of a self-righteous incel type who has a foot fetish and assumes that her doing that is a subtle implication that she wants comments on her feet. So when she rebuffs him and says she'd really rather he didn't, he gets upset and takes it out in a completely rational way by kidnapping her, strapping her to a table or chair, and mercilessly tickling the soles of her bare feet until she admits that it's her fault that she's in this situation and she deserves everything she's getting. Surely if anyone else reasonable were around they could vouch for her, but they're not, she's all alone with this guy, so her only options are suffer the torture or "take responsibility". Sucks to be her. Could be totally gender-flipped, too. Crazy fangirl gets it in her head that her favorite heartthrob singer secretly loves getting tickled, so she sneaks into his dressing room and tries to get him to "admit it". The kind of stuff that would surely get someone locked behind bars if things were even slightly realistic, but because I want to jerk off, things get a little weird. I am always and will always be into the classic spy interrogation. A perfectly capable upstanding spy makes one small mistake and ends up shackled in the back of the enemy organization's warehouse as the boss sics their most twisted interrogation specialist to get the information out of them. The kind of interrogator who's clearly just using this as a front to satisfy their own sick fetishes and their need to see strong, capable individuals break down in front of them. It depends on my mood whether the spy gets rescued just in the nick of time, or if their organization abandons them the moment they're trapped behind enemy lines and there's no hope left but to start rattling off your real name and information and ratting out your employer, and hope that maybe they'll have mercy if you comply. >>15978 Honestly I've had exactly the "change your political opinions or we'll make you suffer for them" fantasy too. Based on your specific call-outs I'm left to assume you're pretty a pretty conservative Republican? I'm not gonna judge you or anything, I just think it's very weird (in a fun way) to see someone I politically disagree with subscribe to the exact same kink fantasies I do. >>16009 I've had similar perma-doom scenario fantasies where the victim is being held captive, and their "reward" for submitting to the torture is being placed in a box or a spot in the wall for the rest of their life, with just their bare feet sticking out for the captors to use their feet however they want. Just turning the victim into a helpless pair of feet to tickle and use for the rest of their life, getting that one last look on their face as the box shuts closed. Bonus points if it's just called something ominous like The Box or The Wall and you get to watch the victim get dragged kicking and screaming as they try to beg for their life to avoid their fate.
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>>16060 Very based, the cuties deserve to get it the worst. Give me those adorable faces completely screwed up with sweat and tears and spit as their owners lose their mind eternally stuck in ticklish agony <3
>>16063 It's just too flippin cute, right? A poor cutie getting stuck in what is essentially eternal tickle hell, no matter what it is tickling them. They assume that someone could help them, but as the laughs keep coming out and the tears keep pouring, they slowly realize that this is their fate. I think it's even better if some magic is involved and they are now immortal with infinite stamina, meaning they can never pass out or perish, just laugh and cry~
>>16060 “Ellie gets her feet tickled IRL feat. Keely”
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>>16064 i concur with this as well, an entire realm where no matter where one goes, where one steps, there is always something out to milk them of their laughter.
>>16065 Gosh that'd be so cute. I wanna see a tickle challenge video with Ellie and Keely with both of them getting tickled with a timer, and whoever holds out longer wins. The loser, of course, has to be tickled for however long the winner wants and in whatever way they want- >>16066 No matter where one wanders off to, there's always another ticklish experience to be had. They're forever trapped in a dimension where they are the lee~ Or, alternatively, they're bound and tickled in one position for eternity, unable to do anything but cry and squirm as they laugh during their calls for mercy. Sadly, they're stuck in that position to be tickled forever~
>>16068 I like the way you think. a perfect description of a ticklish hell. Though, truthfully, there should be circles of laughter, no? A circle of tickling beasts and monsters, a circle of a neverending nightmare temple of tickling traps, a circle where the specters of close friends tickle them all over, a circle where its just a mass of tickling slime, everywhere, even raining down at times. Things like that
>>16066 Not sure what you mean by milk, but that reminds me of another fantasy. Tickling a girl like crazy and then milking her. That’s pretty fucking hot I think
A combination of all of yours pretty much is my fantasy. Mine is to be one of those crazy powerful rich tycoon type people, the kinds with money and connections, and as that obviously comes, corruption. Now, imagine every friend, coworker, classmate, person on the street even, that you looked at and thought "She'd be fun to tickle." Imagine if you could just DO that. Say you had the connections to make all of these people disappear. Right into your secluded bunker, hidden somewhere on your estate not listed in the blueprints. A soundproof gigantic prison, with interrogation rooms and cells on cells. Girls are taken there for being your personal toy. You toy with them, strip and tickle them, slowly convincing them that this is their new life, and they should accept it. Nobody is coming to save them. All they're gonna know is tickling for the rest of their lives. And tickled they are, for hours and hours. Tickled until they're crying, screaming, offering themselves to you. And when you take up their offer, you make sure that it's with their legs in the air, biting their heels and tickling their toes, another hand pinching their sides as you fuck them hard, their mind splitting in two between agonizing ticklish hell, and pure pleasure. When you're finished with your session, they go into The Wall. A cell beyond a wall that cements their permanent stay. It has food, a bed, water, a toilet, etc. But against the bottom part of one of the walls is 3 holes: one their ass to sit against, and two for their feet. When they are requested, they have 2 minutes to get into position within the wall, where they are locked in place. Waist is tightened firm by mechanisms, ankles are latched and toes tied. They will be used and tickled for as long as the session may last, afterwards they are free to do as they please in their cell. And if they don't meet the 2 minute mark, guards will force them into the position, with the added punishment of said guards tickling her upper body at the same time. Of course, they're more than welcome to give her a round in the wall after you're done using her. They all stay like this, anyone you please, no repercussions. They all simply are your ticklish prisoners to use and tickle as you like.
>>16071 As in make them laugh, just keep it pouring.
Anything that has to do with a cocky and stereotypically attractive character be it hero or villain wearing locked-on tickle clothes with no other restraints. Specifically the Tickle Belt is really hot to me cause it taunts the wearer with mocking hysterical laughter, and it's impossible to take off or stop without help. If you wanna humble or humiliate or force a character to submit its basically perfect for that.
>>16080 I now want a villain who can make people's clothes tickle them. Imagine a cute hero is fighting a villain and manages to pin them down, ready to take them to prison when, all of a sudden, they feel their clothes tickling them. They'd be an easy target for the villain to push off and knock out then, since they're crying in laughter. Then maybe they're taken to a completely sealed room where, once they wake up, their clothes begin to tickle them as they squeal and thrash around, trying to find an exit as the villain mocks and teases them over a speaker~
>>16082 A straightjacket given this tickle curse would be absolute hell, huh?
>>16085 Oh it would be! I imagine being tickled like that would be beyond maddening~
>>16086 It'd be so maddening that you'd probably end up needing the straightjacket! It's a endless cycle!
>>16087 An endless one, but an amazing one! >>16082 I never understood why villains don't rely on this more, it's an easy "incapacitation" button plus its hot as hell.
In a straight jacket, feet also covered or left uncovered. Which one are you choosing?
>>16087 Too bad for whoever's wearing it~ >>16088 Well it's likely cause it's hard to make tickle clothes. The villain here has a power to make clothes tickle, so they have an easy time here~ >>16091 Depends, am I wanting to watch them suffer, or do I wanna physically join in on making them suffer?
>>16092 Why not be the villain themselves? Don't want to sound cliche, but I'd just be a clown based villain with magic. Laughing gas, hankchief ropes used as tentacle tickles, spritzers that make them super sensitive to tickling, tickle machines, and a strait jacket gun that tickles whoever is hit.
>>16092 Depends. Whatever you think
>>16093 Honestly? Based. I imagine you keep your favorite ones as your 'audience?' >>16094 I'd prefer watching, it'd be fun to see how a lee reacts in that situation-
>>16095 of course, an 'audience' to entertain and keep them laughing~ however I please. their bodies nothing more than canvases to my tickling whims
>>16096 Oh my, what a lovely villain you are! I can imagine that you nab fellow villains who aren't complying to your terms for a partnership and 'entertain' them until they comply~
>>16097 if you have a discord, i'd like to talk there to keep things from flooding this thread
>>16098 Sure! It's CoFu#4382
>>16099 >CoFu#4382 sent
Here’s a fantasy I would like to share. Tickle Cucking. Basically the idea of cucking, consensual or forced but with tickling. Imagine you and your girlfriend get tied up, and I tickle your girlfriend while you can only watch. Or I capture and tickle your mother as a way of getting to you. Tickling somebody else to humiliate you or another person. Be it the wife of a neighbor, your best friend’s sister, the mother of your enemy. Would love to wreck some ticklish girl completely while somebody else watches or begs for it to stop
>>16023 This. I once watched a video called White Girls Are Ticklish. Will try to post it if anybody is interested by it involves a black woman tickling a white woman and mocking her with teases like how black people deserve to dominate ticklish white bitches...white girls are the most ticklish people on the planet... etc
>>16061 Two enemies united through our shared love of tickle torture
>>16066 THIS... not enough stories about literal tickle hells where everytime they escape one trap they wander into another in a world comepletely uncaring about their torment
>>16115 I find cucking kinda gross tbh but oddly enough this is a hot scenario
I play a lot of gacha games, and you'll notice a recurring theme with those games that they always have a specific title they call you (so they don't have to use a name) and it's almost always something with a lot of respect or prestige tied to it (to justify why they all answer to you, but also to feed the ego of the player). Things like Captain, Doctor, Commander, or even Master. The issue with me is that I'm generally more submissive and a lee, so despite the game giving me an excuse to dominate all my cute waifus and husbandos, I really just want them to fuck me up instead. So I love to imagine that my high ranking term is really just a formality, and they all know they can push me around and make me do whatever they want with the right pressure, and I kind of just have to deal with it because I can't say no. This usually culminates in the character that represents me being placed in the stocks right in a public place so that all the female units I've pulled can mercilessly tickle my feet and all the male units that I've pulled can relentlessly fuck my feet and just use me for their own pleasure. I just wanna be used, man. I wanna be public use in a pair of stocks with a little sign next to my bare feet that says "Free to use! Do whatever you want!" and be forced to accept and deal with whatever happens.
>>16139 Oh, minor addition: This also goes for Animal Crossing: New Leaf, where you're the mayor. I want to be put in the stocks in the middle of town with Isabelle encouraging everyone to come have their fun with me at my expense and completely ignore my status as mayor, just treating me as someone to tease and use and make suffer.
Alright, time for some prime depraved meme posting I'm talking Incest here so moralfags be gone. Take a Mother and Son, or Father and Daughter. Or Both that's also fine. Son is forced to watch her quite attractive mother being tickled fucked by machines ruthlessly. Pistoning out of her cunt, her toes sucked on, nipples teased. And he can't help it, he gets an erection. His own cock being teased and edged as the headphones around his head let him hear her squeals, shrieks and grunts as her first orgasm racks her. Her tits squeezed, her clit teased, hands squeezing her hips and sides and one finger around her navel. He's not allowed to cum though, forced to watch her enjoy another forced ticklegasm as his cock is leaking precum. A different room, the Father is watching as her daughter is debased by depraved men who want to make her scream with laughter. Tied similarly to the son, but watching as she is deflowered and DP'd on both sides, but also aroused at the fact her daughter is being absolutely annihilated. She's filled to the brim with Cum in all holes before they start using her ticklish feet to please themselves, then using the Cum as lubricant for the brushes that abuse every single inch of her soft feet. Her perky tits with marks from heavy squeezing, her chin coated with residual cum from the person she was forced to suck off, leaking from her ass and tits as well. And yeah here we are. Like and Subscribe.
>>16143 >>16143 I like some ticklecest from time to time but jesus man
>>16143 Don’t know if I am just down bad but damn man that is really fucking hot
>>16148 Hornyposting
>>16153 Glad someone else shares this sentiment
>>16129 Not the person you're replying to but post that shit son
>>15941 One thing that i find super hot tbqh in a degrading kinda way, is as a lee getting gaslighted while getting teased and tickled.
Is it weird that I find clawed feet more attractive than regular feet? Like the demon-like feet you'd typically see on certain Succubi, with slightly elongated toes and sharp nails. You typically see this on some lizard/fish/monster girls too. I guess this is my "I'm not a furry BUT" moment. Whenever I see a barefoot demon girl with long nails my dick takes control of my body.
>>16161 No, I can get into that too. Sometimes it doesn't look great, but I kind of like the idea that sucking on a monster girl's toes might be dangerous.
I'm joining people with politically charged fantasies. One of my favorite fantasies is being a professional interrogator working for an authoritarian regime, tasking with making all those (real or suspected) student activists, troublesome journalists, radical dissidents, spies and generally suspicious foreigners talk. One soecific convoluted fantasy I like is being tasked with with discraging some prominent opposition politician by subjecting a chain of people to lenghty interrogations, starting from people close to her staff and family members, using their confessions to get closer and closer until the politician herself can be legally arrested and sentenced for life (of tickling) through a completely legit conspiracy case based on dozens of written confessions.
>>16181 Less politically-charged so much as I really like class-based stuff. I've had a fantasy percolating in my head for a bit of a Duchess that's always been morbidly curious about what they do down in her dungeon, so she tells the guards what she's going to do and strips down to a prisoner's gown and has them roleplay taking her down to the dungeon to share a tickle torture session with a common prisoner. The duchess in disguise and the prisoner get to know each other in their cell and share "sympathy" over the unjustness of their sentences. When the time comes for tickle torture, the duchess lasts all of five minutes before she says that she can't take it and makes the guards stop and take her out of the dungeon. As she's leaving the guards ask what to do with the other girl and she says something to the effect of, "oh I'm sure the peasant deserves it. Carry on." I've got a handful of these fantasies that essentially boil down to, "rich elite has callous lack of empathy for other people's suffering and inflicts meaningless tickle torture on a whim that they may not even get off to or care about in the slightest."
>>16157 Damn, I was not expecting to enjoy that as much as I did. I have no problem believing she wasn't acting
>>16186 That duchess scenario is hot af. Enduring it in a controlled environment she can stop at any time just to get an idea of how bad it is, realizing it's awful, and immediately continuing to order it anyway. Absolutely devilish. Maybe after she's experienced how bad it can be, she actually takes more of an interest and spends more time watching her dungeon guards work. Occasionally gets a hand in herself if it's a prisoner she takes a particular interest in.
>>16192 No fr though, i wish there was more like this
definitely my biggest fantasy is like tickling rude or bitchy customers that you meet. like u find them after work and you tickle the hell out of them until they apologize for acting like a whiny brat
>>16213 Wow, something like that actually happened to me when I was younger. I used to know this girl from school when I was 18 I think and I absolutely hated her. She was selfish and really bitchy but her boyfriend was my friend so I had to put up with her. Then one time at a party she was being really loud and annoying, and when she took her heels off after dancing, I tickled her feet and sides and gave her a really good tickling for a good few minutes. She was screaming and laughing but the party was loud and she normally was loud so nobody really cared or noticed. I tickled her for a while and played it off as a joke and she kept saying she was gonna piss herself which I found pretty fucking hot. I did stop after a while. Lucky for me after the party she didn’t even remember it because she was so fucking drunk that night lol. Eventually my friend broke up with her after she cheated, so I’m glad I was able to at least get some sort of revenge on her at the time for being quite a bitch
>>16226 u are one lucky person u know that?? that sounds like heaven lol
>>16229 Thanks it was definitely pretty great at the time. Even if she was really annoying to be around, I can’t lie and say she wasn’t hot or fun to tickle
>>16231 I would even go to say that her being annoying made it hotter no? Call it revenge.
>>16161 Not at all I accualy wish someone would make a thread just for clawed feet like in that pic but if it's like accualy resembling a animal like a birds claw I don't like it
>>16250 Exactly. I took joy in tickling her to her screaming levels. I didn’t like her but she was hot, so that was worth it. She was really annoying and quite rude, so that was also worth it. And she later cheated on my friend anyways so at least I got a chance to tickle her at some point. Honestly would be interested to see what she’s doing now and if she’s mellowed out or is still a princess that deserves another tickle torture
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there's nothing more i want to do than grab one of those fluorescent colored hair twitter "enby" girls, tie them up and tickle them for hours on end, giving them the personal attention they crave oh so much until they admit they're not enby they're just a tomboy or bi and like the attention. kind of like the reverse of this image basically, but with tickling
>>16279 Based and hot as hell
>>16279 This except with forcing straight men to beg to suck dick
>>16322 Yes, yes yes! Straight guys being brainwashed into being gay is the hottest thing ever! I think this exchange has showed us that anyone being indoctrinated into abandoning their previous ways and accepting a new identity is hot no matter who or what it is, but straight guys have always been my favorite to "corrupt". Just tickle and edge them until they're so backed up from the orgasm they can't have that they'll beg anyone to give it to them through their tears, even if it's another guy. Who could resist such a thing?
>>16325 i can cum hands free from doing kegels so much, your gay conversion plans are useless against a man of god such as myself
>>16339 Damn, and here I thought I was special
>>16051 I don’t think this idea’s weird at all, it’s actually pretty adorable. The rollercoaster piece by Bombers is a good choice for depicting your idea, since a tickle based theme park would certainly be funny, especially if the mascots specialize in their own unique tickle methods. Booking a beach tickle session and a tickle house of horrors are especially enticing to me. >>16073 Extremely hot. I know there’s many a person who has strangers, friends or acquaintances they really want to see screaming and squealing for the rest of their days. I naturally have a couple myself. >>16139 Hot. You know what you love, and what you love is pretty hot. I’m particularly picturing something like FGO where all the female units go to town on your feet. Especially since a lot of the ladies in FGO can be pretty cheeky.
>>16051 >>16554 I've always been a fan of horror fetish stuff, and like a haunted house where you get scared and tickled by things that jumps out is so exciting to me and it's something i have always thought about. Or tickle rollercoasters that go ultra fast terrifying you but tickling you into a giggly mess
>>16555 Rollercoasters can sometimes make me feel nauseous, however I think the tickle element your mentioning could make them feel the right amount of terrifying and exhilarating. I dunno how to explain it, but the two examples you’re mentioning here sound like the person on the ride wouldn’t know whether to scream from fear or scream from laughter, creating a more memorable experience and perhaps enhancing the tickling itself given that their nerves are on edge.
>>16559 Oh yea totally imo a big thing as well is feeling disoriented and unbalanced I believe might increase the feelings of sensitivity.
My fantasy is utter and complete humiliation. I’m talking about rich women tickle tortured until they give up all their wealth and possessions, young girls randomly kidnapped and kept as pets only meant to suffer and public tickling punishments on which people are restrained against their will and absolutely destroyed for anyone to see.
>>16560 Very much so. You could be on an elevator, get spooked by some cackling cartoon jester with fuzzy fingers that then tickles your sides while you can’t escape, then suddenly isn’t there when the lights switch back on. Then as you go into the next area you’re already on edge waiting for something to happen, making the next tickles feel worse and worse. A good friend of mine has an OC that leans into disorienting her victims since her domain is basically a swirling realm of chaos. And she has a somewhat creepy design, which I think further works in your favor. Of course, another funny thing to see after these rides would be glimpses of photos of you being tickled by the rollercoaster equipment or horror characters, photos that you can purchase for a dollar each either out of morbid curiosity or a lingering rush of excitement from the whole experience.
>>16563 Totally, imagine how confused one would be just stepping out of that elevator heading towards the next area still alittle dizzy and giggly. Also friend seems to have a very based OC Also the pictures are something I never even thought about, it'd be an extra teasy touch to have to see how red your face got or what kind of faces you made.
>>16564 Extremely based OC. And yeah, would be funny to stumble around all dazed from the tickling right into the clutches of another monster. Exactly! You’d turn red with embarrassment just looking at all the hysterical faces you made, maybe even catch glimpses you weren’t able to in your laugh-addled state of the monsters smirking in smug satisfaction at having you right where they want.
My fantasy is getting lovingly tortured by pretty girls!
On the topic of turning guys gay >>16325 and all the other posters talking about how much being a tickle toy turn them on from the whyboners thread, I have a fantasy that merges the two. Tickling straight guys into realizing they're One: gay and Two: get hard when they get tickled. In essence - "Tickle him stiff". Bonus points if they're feet end up being erogenus zones too. And the imagiry to look for is simple. A bound guy tickled with a tasteful hard-on. Bonus bonus points if they also still reject the notion that they love being tickled but deep in their psyche know they are the most turned on they have ever been. And for you >>16339 , to tkae this fantasy to the its logic end, if that guy is so turned on and so erognous on his feet and body, they may even be able to cum 'hands free' as you put it. No jerking the gherkin, just tickling everywhere else that sends them over the edge. Maybe then they will confront the fact they are a tickle slut (or whatever the male equivalent is) (I guess still slut?).
>>16619 I have kind of an inside-out version of this fantasy where I'm in a torture session when my torturer says that it won't end until I cum from tickling alone. But while the torture is enough to get me hard, I'm forced to deliberately concentrate even harder on my own torture to try and bring me over by the added power of my mind. Unfortunately, the torturer slows down to more teasing tickles at that point, and so, after hours of begging and pleading for the tickle torture to stop, I now have to start begging and pleading for harder tickle torture. I'm even forced to start bargaining for MORE tickle torture by promising footjobs, blowjobs, agreeing to a longer sentence, or saying humiliating things like that I'm a tickle whore who lives through the soles of his feet. Literally anything to make the tickle torture bad enough that I can cum from it. If and when it's finally enough to tip me over the threshold, the tickling continues for another 15 minutes so that my post-orgasm sensitivity doesn't get wasted before a cock cage gets locked back on and I'm made to crawl back over to my cage and stew about everything I had to promise to increase the torture enough to cum from.
>>16636 Damn. I'd be lying if I said that's not one of the hottests fantasies described to me. Literally ticked all my boxes for the perfect tickle slut. brb i'm going to the bathroom
>>16636 Hey that's cool anon why don't you post your address and personal information and when you're least likely to be noticed being taken from your home for absolutely no reason
>>16636 Honestly that’s been mine for years, sans the gay shit. Good taste buddy
are there no women on this site? probably not...smh gay people out here having all the fun
>>16636 Also love that there’s more chastity crossover with tickling. Now we just need some more art.
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>>16636 Holy shit
>>16845 >Women >On imageboards kek
>>16845 women into niche kink shit tend to keep a low profile because the communities are flooded to the brim with desperately thirsty spergs
>>16619 Tbh I enjoy the idea of getting tickle tortured by a man in a humiliation way I love the idea of getting humiliated by being tickled and responsive getting a boner and feeling humiliated and emasculated cause another man Had this much power over me and used it to make me giggle like an idiot and then it made me hard. I also love the idea of being tickled to organ I imagine that'd be mind breaking the ultimate humiliation of getting tickled and giggling until I ejaculated with the best orgasm. Both point for getting mocked, and bullied relentlessly and being pinned or held making it more embarrassing. The idea of getting kidnapped then have this just sends me.
>>17094 This sounds kinda hot anon. I hope you find a female let willing to drive you nuts and give you the ticklish affection you deserve.
>>15941 my biggest fantasy i basically beeing transported into fantasy-medival tickle world scenario (basically a world where everyone and everything wants to tickle and/or enslave you) with me and every person i ever went to class with (middle/primary/highschool/colledge etc.) i basically get off to the idea of me and them beeing trapped in the endless series of tickle torture in different scenarios, sometimes it's a plant that traps you and tickles you for several years, sometimes it's beeing enslaved and tickle tortured/bastinado-ed/raped for lifetime of the owner, sometimes owners are orks, sometimes are hobbits, sometimes are other human, sometimes its getting sacrificed to tickle god, really whole point is that they know it's because of me they are now trapped in their nightmare and my wettest dream, oh, and also most of the time i have some kind of perma chastity to prevent me from ever cumming, sometimes they have it too ...
I fantasize about being a sort of feudal lord and exercising a sort of tickle-based "droit du seigneur," where I reserve the right to take any woman on the day of her wedding and, for the first night of her marriage, tickle torture her senseless. Her new husband is made to watch, naturally.
I love the idea of dorky unattractive female ticklers, particularly if they are outwardly prudish and/or religious. I want to be wrecked by a sex-deprived girl who is chubby with glasses and not the best teeth, packed awkwardly into a dress with a big waistbelt, hair up in a careless messy bun, who is tickling me mercilessly to hotwire my body into wanting her. And the whole time her face is in a giggling sneering grin.
>>17788 You conjured up that much of this fantasy ler's description and you're just gonna not tell us how big her feet are?
My fantasy is getting tied up and tilked while i'm milked dry with post orgasm torture. Got another fantasy where i'm being tickled while milked by a machine next to a girl i like getting the same treatment and we are next to eachother so we can hold hands to comfort eachother through the experience and maybe bond from it.
>>17801 Look there's something hot about getting taken to be a tickle cow. Getting milked and tickled till im literally drained of everything constantly
>>17801 we can hold hands to comfort eachother through the experience and maybe bond from it. absolute degeneracy
>>17788 I have a similar fantasy, getting absolutely tickle-wrecked by some chubby fujo. maybe after spotting me at some anime con dressed as her husbando, follows me back to my hotel room and ambushes me. Sadly, I don't think i'm the average chubby fujo's type, I'm not attractive in an anime pretty boy way. I'd say I'm a decent looking guy, just leaning hard into the masculine side.
>>15941 Reading this actually just realized how hot itd be to the subject of tickle cucking. Imagine your with your girlfriend and get pulled up by some sexy dom maybe shes supernatural or just some really tall dom. Your girlfriend is jealous and tries to stop her but then she holds you or sits on you or ties you up as you watch her completely wreck your girlfriend like completely past a breaking point till she just lying there drooling, slightly giggly and giddy in tears watching you get carried away by your new dommy mommy
>>17793 Not really a feet guy but to complete the picture, definitely wide awkward fluffy on top feet - pedicured but it was obviously a long time ago.
>>17823 Just a lil trauma bonding as the cherry on top of the depraved tickle sundae
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My fantasy is scenes like this~
One of my biggest fantasies has always been having tickle art made of non-tickle artist’s ocs without them knowing I’m not an artist though so that’s never gonna happen lmao
My biggest fantasy is to have lots of intense but loving tickle sessions with the girl of my dreams! She doesn't have the fetish and is super sensitive, can't take it at all, so she only indulges me at first, but slowly develops an interest in it which culminates with her coming to share my fascination with tickle torture, specially when it's time for her to dish it out and for me to take it instead!
>>17992 sauce?
>>17998 commission someone nigga
>>16279 >>17998 Like this but more specific i know a guy who - for the longest time - was gay "but not gay(tm)" type; used to jerk off every single time and go on about how much he wanted it. years later he made a twitter and somehow became a popufur, claims to be a sexual now with heavy fetish focus but even some in his inner circle admits he makes that up so he can play the gender/sex card for attention. he was always an attention whore, he preaches that sex and those who get aroused are evil and how asexuality is some kindve master race while having sex often himself my biggest fantasy would be tying up and torturing him and forcing him to cum over and over again so i could leak it to his twitter and humble his lying ass lies to his poor bastard bf too they havent met irl yet but theyre both filthy rich i hope he isnt using him but i know he is
>>18022 Holy shit based anon
>>18022 Very based
>>18022 I remember a confession here similar to this. Are you the same anon who ranted about a friend?
>>18022 Usually IDGAF about furfag bullshit but holy shit Anon's not kidding, look at this arrogant fucker. He deserves that shit. Anyone have any other proof?
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>>16279 This one in particular
I've always kind of fantasized about finding a video someday where it's just... different. Like it would start with the girl being bound and very clearly terrified, gagged but obviously trying to speak. And as the tickling starts, it becomes rapidly apparent that she's not only deathly ticklish, she's also utterly unable to handle this. Over time it becomes more and more clear this is an actual non-consensual tickle torture session being filmed. After a while she's crying, bargaining, trying anything to get out or even just get a break. And it's a long session, too. I'm convinced such videos must exist like that somewhere, but I've never earnestly looked. More just an idle thought.
>>18548 Would you keep the video for your "enjoyment" or would you help the victim keep some dignity by destroying it?
>>18551 Almost certainly keep it tbh. It's already made, and it's not like I would go spreading it around.
>>18009 Looks like oneortheother from the dots. I think the galaxy series.
My biggest tickling fantasy would be going back to being a high schooler senior year. I pay the jock with the hottest girlfriend to try “something new” in the bedroom with her. “Something new” being tying her up to the bed by her wrists and ankles blindfolded. But right when she’s at the peak of being turned on I come in and mercilessly tickle her. The whole time she helplessly wonders where Brad, who is a nice and busy football player, got his torturer kink. We continue this ordeal for months until she gets turned on purely or mostly by tickling. Eventually, when Brad was busy at practice or studying, I’d kidnap her and tickle her stocked toe-tied feet and exposed armpits while stimunaging her clit for hours. Not saying a word having her convinced it’s her lover. She goes to school wondering how Brad has time to be a grade A student and star athelete yet STILL make her cum so hard to her new kink. Eventually after graduation she and Brad go to seperate colleges. We all part ways, me being content knowing I gave a young man a loyal wonderful lover and a young woman a life long sexual perversion she would beg her future partners to partake in
>>18715 stimulating*
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:) Heh... won't be much of a surprise to anyone, but I love situations where the 'lee is magically cut into pieces (or has parts "portaled" away to another location) and tickled. For me, there's nothing quite so helpless and hot as a collection of ticklish girl pieces, all separated to the point of utter helplessness, and squirming under lots of loving tickles...
>>15941 Lowkey would kill to get tickle bullied. Like imagine you're not fairly strong or big just trying to get through and now constantly you get pushed around and teased by bigger bullies that tickle you and poke you randomly as they push you around, sometimes even pinning you and tickling your armpits and feet, or they hold your arms from behind and tickle your sides and underarms till your knees collapse. Maybe they circle around you and push you around taking turns tickling you silly.
>>18744 200% felt. Definitely doesn't help that I have an insatiable love for stronger/taller women. Talkin' 6'+ tomboys with abs, or at least toned a good bit. What I'd do to be locked in a room with one (or more, tbh) of them.
I don't know what it is about the word "slut" but it just really adds a rush of "fuck yes" to any tickle scene. Love when the word is thrown around to describe the lee, especially a lee in the throes of some incredible, mind-breaking torture. Been seriously digging mental scenarios where someone who's normally hypersexual/who sleeps around a lot is caught by some tickle monster that doesn't begin with tickling right away, instead just holding them down and teasing them relentlessly. Rubbing up against them, grinding against them, stroking them off while feeling them up, threatening them with tickle torture on their hypersensitive body if they actually cum so they have to fight against their normal instincts and mounting frustration, essentially putting themselves in edging hell to avoid tickle hell. Bonus points if there's no real way for them to get out of either situation, so it's a matter of when and not if.
>>19004 Actually while thinking about this I remembered another fun scenario that keeps popping into my head, where a hapless slut-mage gets tangled up in some spell meant to get them off, but it was actually a magical trap. It's a false sex spell created by some evil third party to help gather victims, slipped into places where people who'd use that kind of thing would be expected to find it. You know, like normal fantasy forbidden knowledge shit. The spell binds the user to the wall and summons a gaggle of fairies or demons or whatever that just start tickling the shit out of the user while they're helpless to fight back or avoid it, and then comes the real fun part. If the victim cums while being tickled, they forever belong to the fairy/demon gang and immediately get pulled into their realm to be ticklefucked forever. Since there's no way for the victim to break the spell, escape, or even call for help, they can't do anything against their inevitable fate and lay there while their tormentors mock and belittle them, taunting them with the knowledge that their eternity of torment is coming and nothing can stop it.
>>18969 >tfw you will never be bullied by harpy girls
I want to be held in a naga's coils while she teases my neck and ears :( or grabs my head by the hair and forces it back so she can tickle and lickle my neck. And don't even get me started on affectionate slimegirls...
>tfw you will never be tortured by big tiddie bunny girls
>>18969 Frrr i feel you on that, plenty of opportunity for teasing and humiliation would abound
>>19005 What a fucking hot scenario, scenarios where lee can't cum or will be royally destroyed by tickling are so hot. Not to mention trapped in a tickle hell for cumming.
This might be a weird one, but one that's always kinda lingered in my head. I've always been fascinated and painfully intrigued at the idea of someone being tickled, but somehow unable to register it's happening. So how I picture it is someone suddenly giggling and wriggling around a bit, but continuing their action or conversation like normal, as if nothing is happening at all. I don't know why, but the idea of seeing someone giggling up a storm and wiggling around while asking what you want from McDonalds is weirdly arousing. I got plenty more, but I figured this was one that was less likely to have already been shared or to be shared in the future.
>>19146 Thanks! Hopelessness is a big turn-on in a lot of my scenarios, especially if the lee is told, repeatedly, that there's nothing they can do about their fate. The tickle mimic from the caption thread was good for me because of that, the captured adventurer's own mind repeating to her that someone caught by a tickle mimic is unlikely to ever escape on their own. I think I've said this in another thread but there's a fantasy I like going to where the lee is captured by some supernatural creature who's an extreme tickle sadist. The victim is kept relatively healthy but tickled to breaking point every day, and every day the creature gently pets their hair as they're coming down from the latest bout of torture and tells them that they're making "a wonderful sacrifice," how their suffering is keeping "so many more" from suffering the same fate, and how the creature is wondering how long the current toy will last. Then the victim looks over and sees walls of trophies or tally marks, so they know they're not the first, they won't be the last, and none of the past victims have ever escaped or been rescued. Then the tickling starts again.
>>17825 This but I'd be in a cute crossplay. Same with incorporating my cross dressing kink with a session of merciless tickling slash edging. Did a few sessions like that with my ex, good times.
m/m tickling and getting tickled by another man does nothing for me. But lately I've been getting off at the idea of a girl getting off watching me being tickled by dudes. It all started with a girl sending me an xvideos clip where a guy is being milked by a venus 2000 and fingered by a dude while two other guys watch. She said it makes her cum like nothing else and ever since then I can't stop thinking about being in an mmm/m tickle session at the behest of a girl who is watching and getting off.
you know what's really good? noncon kidnapping, i don't know why i have a tickle fetish, hell, most of us don't, but i can attest by many here that one of the bst aspects of this fetish is kidnapping, regardless if the lee is into it or not, the idea of nabbing a girl and leaving her powerless, just forced to endure her tickle torture for as long as the captor wants her too, that's fucking peak deliciousness. that said, consentual kidnapping is the most basic, boring fucking by the books bitch pussy coward yellowbellied setting that can exist in this fetish, it's the antithesis to it, it's basically a fucking playdate arrangement, pussy shit, i spit on it. noncon kidnapping 4 lyf
>>21853 Based and evilpilled.
>>21853 This, but instead of capturing a cute girl, I'm a male who wants to be captured and tortured for an extended period of time. You guys ever hear that Taylor Swift song Blank Check? Where she goes "boys only want love when it's torture, don't say I didn't, say I didn't warn ya" twice before going back to the song? I'm just saying I think about that specific line a lot, and evil women sensually singing about how bad their male victim surely wants it while they're stretching him over a rack and exploiting his helpless body.
>>21853 >second picture Ambitious snooping journalist/detectives/amateur investigators/etc. getting in over her head into a ticklish distress will eternally be dangerously based.
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>>21856 i don't mind the gender or the sexuality of the lee, just the general idea of taking a character, pinning them down and tickling them senseless is a golden idea, hearing them scream and beg for mercy or plea for help from their friends or family, hopelessly crying out for anyone to help them and to make it stop to no avail because they're so deep into the belly of the beast that nobody would hear them besides their captor is like the horniest shit you can imagine. >>21863 yeah, totally, i wanted to do a comic, i think i mentioned it on the previous board, about one of my characters trying to flee from a facility owned by a competitor in the market only to be caught and subequently subued by twice the ammount of tickles she would have recieved if she had just stayed put, it's like some perverted cat and mouse game, where the mouse loses almost every time. >oh, and inb4 tickle twitter comes for me bcuz "dangerous sexual predator" or "threat to female acquaintances" if you couldn't tell, everything i'm bringing up here is fictional, because i have enough braincells in my fucking head to know that you shouldn't do this shit irl unlike the people who need to constantly cover their ass and pretend it's con and have to constantly remind themsleves of it or convince themselves about it, it's just fucking stupid TBH; if you really enjoy Con kidnapping, be my guest, but if you constantly have to go on about how it's immoral and shit and tone down your fics due to flak you may recieve or something, then just fucking grow a spine.
>>21880 >oh, and inb4 tickle twitter comes for me bcuz "dangerous sexual predator" or "threat to female acquaintances" Are those people relevant nowadays? I have written some very non-con fetish fiction (though not for a good while now) and don't remember ever getting feedback like that.
>>21880 >That restraint in the third pic that has appendages tickling her belly I love that shit, it's so rare to see though.
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>>21885 well, that's more of a personal thing, i brought it up because it's happened before that people acuse me of writing posts in this platform, one incident in particular involved some anon foaming out of the mouth about some people with feet fetishes and having basically a meltdown, and though i don't wanna mention her by name, she inmediately acused me of doing it and started shit talking the fuck out of me on her server which i had been on, and it felt really shitty because i never did anything to her or any of her friends and believed i was her friend at the time, so yeah, i rather just specify instead of having to deal with something like that again.
>>21880 holy fuck that second pic with the blob wall and belly focus is *exactly* my jam Where'd you find it?
Stumbled onto this place while looking for inspiration/prompts for stories, and holy shit, I hit the biggest motherlode imaginable. Y’all have some AMAZING fantasies~ 🤤
Alright, I'm fucking back bitches this time with a real fucking curve ball. Firstly, I wanted to give a shout-out to tadashbaka for flipping the switch in my head to the concept of Rule 63 for this use. I initially dismissed it as a nothingburger in hentai but then he fucking did the pic included and I've basically been full "Neuron Activated" over it. So far it's only her that's gotten my attention but I wouldn't be surprised if in the future it hits me with someone else. But I just want to see her, along with Alexis just....they lose. This is their fate. Like 4Kids Ending for the show but enjoyable for us degenerates instead of how they ended it.
>>16129 >>16023 https://8chan.moe/tkr/res/21060.html Me too, there's a page for that, we really need more content!
>>15941 Holy shit fantasy thread reborn
>>16129 Black girls legit love torturing white girls. There was that video footage years ago at a cheerleading camp where a white girl was being forced to do the splits by two black girls and they were obviously loving it. A white friend of mine briefly had an IG bellybutton page and told me multiple times black girls would want to do RP sessions where they tickle tortured relentlessly until she agreed to make out with them. Which also is exactly the premise of this clip, leading me to believe that tickling a white girl into wanting to kiss them is a common black girl fantasy and that is hot as fucking hell. https://txxx.com/videos/11688541/skater-chick-toetied/ (2:35 and 4:00 for the moments)
I've had this one fantasy lately where I love the idea of buying slaves for their ticklishness and forcibly breeding them together to artificially select for extreme ticklishness as a trait. The offspring would be given out to selected families so that they could grow up normally (you don't want their brain development slowed by spending their formative years in a tickle dungeon). But at 18, they're re-captured and get to learn the truth when they join their real parents in being tickle tortured and they find out that they are also going to be bred the same way. Rinse and repeat until you have your own race of natural tickle slaves bred for hypersensitivity.
Have you seen Edge of Tomorrow, with Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt? What I thought of involves the time travel aspect of the movie. For all of you who haven't watched it, the idea is that if the protagonist dies, he is sent back in time to the previous day at a specific time, where everything happens the same unless he changes it. It's sort of like a branching path situation. Recently, I've been watching a bunch of videos where the lee is tickled with a hairbrush, and the first time that it's done is always the worst. I was thinking it would be really cool to be able to explore a lee's spots "freshly" as if for the first time through the time travel aspect. Obviously, this wouldn't involve dying, but some sort of mechanism that would let you go back in time to the start of a tickle session.
>>22715 Why is the idea of get race dommed so hot?
>>22715 Also post more about anecdotes where you've seen this i wanna hear more
>>15941 gonna resurrect this to post about a dream I literally had. Where I was taken to this giant white building along side other people where we were gonna get tickle tortured by our friends. But as they were tickling us we were gonna get auctioned off?? But also for some reason getting auctioned off meant we die??? Unfortunately some giant storm happened before any tickling took place
There's something incredibly enticing in the concept of tickling conversion camps. Like, yes, mindbreaking someone to the point where they change sexuality and/or gender identity or at least repress hard is just.... *chef's kiss*. Like, obviously in real life this would be horrific and about as ineffective and destructive as the other methods they've tried but the aesthetic is 10/10. t. bi theymab enby incorporating my brainworms into my kinks
>>23373 For real the idea of complete emasculation where a guy is tickle tortured and teased endlessly is hot. I had an intense rp with a guy who would describe coming to kidnap and that he'd slowly erase things of mine while tickling me like tickling me to beg him to destroy my belongings or photos for relief. Threatening to tickle me to death if I didn't hand over my phone so he could tell everyone I'm leaving (in rp ofc), tickling me and gaslighting to forget my name and other memories. Also getting thrown around and physically dominated. In rp all to break me into a sensitive giggly tickle slave.
I want to be completely and utterly helpless. I want a session to last merciless years. I know it's impossible irl, but I've recently been thinking of concepts like time bubbles; the sort of year-inside-hour-outside deal, but while inside, you don't need to eat, sleep, or do anything else. Can't get hurt or rope burn or bed sores or anything; pure fantasy realm. In the bubble with me is some hot witch or demon or monster girl that never gets bored of me, binding me or holding me down in inescapable binds/holds. Tickle torturing me, edging me to the point I lose my mind, sucking me off, and taking advantage of post-nut sensitivity increase. I never get used to it, and it doesn't stop for weeks or months or years. Once the bubble pops, barely any time in the 'real world' has passed. In my fantasies, depending on the mood it either results in terrified despair as the ler effortlessly creates another bubble and taunts me with a potential eternity (or so close to it that it doesn't matter) of ticklish suffering and forced orgasms, or I ask them to create another willingly because nothing else compares to it.
>>23394 Mf wins the thread
>>23505 not at all bro
>>23373 >>22387 I spun off of these ideas with a fantasy about a utopian future where, to combat those evil large corporations soaking up the whole penal market, someone comes up with an app to let small, mom-and-pop prisons compete. Airbnb for prisons, if you will. Law-abiding citizens interested in diversifying their investment portfolio can bid for government contracts to keep a few prisoners in their basement to help pay their way through college. This is also a win-win because, since these Airbnb prisons are run by private citizens, they aren't bound by annoying, burdensome regulations like the 8th amendment. One of these boutique prisons specializes in taking violent criminals and making them tame and submissive through a program of tickle torture conditioning. Daily tickling sessions, humiliating rituals like thanking their warden for their punishment and being forced to refer to themselves in third-person as, "this ticklish prisoner," maybe some brainwashing by adding estrogen to their meals and requiring prisoners to speak in a higher-pitched voice to avoid punishment. The chastity goes without saying. This would of course be wildly successful at reducing recidivism, because how can anyone take seriously a violent criminal who leaves jail with pedicured feet, a docile demeanor, and a healthy learned helplessness in the face of wiggling fingers. The free market triumphs once again.
>>23529 Such an amazing idea, I love it imagine getting all your masculinity tickled away, and having your whole world view destroyed by tickles and brain washing. A great means of social humiliation would be marking free prisoners with a tattoo or something so EVERYONE know what's happened to them. See my crooked fantasy us someone wrongfully being tried in a kangaroo court and sent there
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I really like the idea of an FBI or other alphabet agent getting kidnapped by some creep they were sent to investigate and slowly mindbroken through tickling into becoming a willing slave.
>>24139 Add to it, how said broken slave will still work for the alphabet and help you capture more victims. Adding to your growing harem.
Not exactly a fantasy but i just recently started living alone and whenever i go home from someplace after a long day out of the house i get slightly paranoid that theres someone hiding in my house ready to grab me if i go into the wrong room and take me away to be even more feminized than i already am an then tickle tortured until my mind breaks. I get really on guard and terrified that i could be right even though logically thats never going to happen. Yet at the same time the idea is weirdly thrilling and i soon end up beating it to the thought
>>24139 peak glowie behaviour
>You are a young man in your early 20s >You are nice looking, skinny, slightly feminine >you dont dress or act femininely but you very easily could with a change of wardrobe and a bit of shaving >you have a tickle fetish >you are a ler by choice, but you are also pretty ticklish >you are hornily searching the Internet one night >you happen to randomly come across the location of a tickling-themed casino in your state >you decide to see if its for real, and oh boy it is >you pay them money, youre able to gamble to win a number of minutes with one of the casinos “tickle servants” which include mostly hot girls >you waste a lot of your money but you enjoy yourself at the tickling casino >you decide to go back another day >and another day >and another >now a regular at the casino, today you find yourself on a streak of good luck, winning hours of tickle time with multiple tickle servants >your luck is so good that you catch the attention of the owner of the casino >he approaches you and has you escorted to his office >he brings you to his personal blackjack table and offers you a wager >”if you win, you get free access to your pick of three of my girls for 10 years, tickle them to your hearts content” >youre interested >”but if you lose, you sign a contract and work for me, becoming one of my tickling servants for ten years” >on the one hand youre too horny to not consider 10 free years of tickling hot babes >on the other losing means that signing your life away to be a ticklish prize to be won by anybody >you have been on a lucky streak lately… >after thinking it over, you decide to accept his wager >no take-backs now Betting your own body just to tickle hot girls and there being a possibility it turns right around for you is extremely hot
>>24407 This + the other casino girls are desperately trying to warn you "Get Out" style that the game is rigged against you because the same thing happened to them but you keep ignoring it because you're horny.
>>24344 I get similar fantasies, that I piss off someone that tracks me down stalks me then breaks into my house to take me away to get tickled until I break into a slave
>>25028 Holy shit that is gold. Are you planning on writing a revenge story?
>>25061 Could do; I’ve been wanting to write more for myself and a revenge story would definitely be fun, but I’m working on a story from another prompt here~
>>25065 Holy shit im desperate to know which prompts you're planning
I want a woman like, twice or more my strength to just absolutely decimate me. Like it'll start off innocent enough with her just overpowering me and tickling my sides or ribs, but it escalates as she realizes I'm getting hard from it. She pins me down with her strength and absolutely destroys me from head to toe, all the while taunting me about how much I'm enjoying this despite my begging. Eventually, she just starts to edge me while she smothers me with her feet in between all of the ruthless tickling., taking unending amounts of joy in hearing my pathetic pleads for an orgasm, teasing me about being such a weirdo who gets off to this kinda stuff. And when she eventually, after hours, shows pity and lets me cum? She tickles even harder, taking advantage of the sweet post-orgasm sensitivity, trying to see if she can make me bust even harder while tickling me further. After all, I did want to cum, didn't I?
>tfw no abusive ler to ignore my safewords and tickle me to exhaustion every time i slightly upset them
All I want is a sweet and innocent (but totally legal) 'lee I can hold up suspended in midair, arms and legs spread apart, leaving every inch of their sexy ticklish body open for all manners of teasing and tantalizing, filling the room up with endless amounts of their soft and beautiful laughter until they pass out in a sweaty, giggling heap. Is that so wrong?
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I like all types of tickling content but I have to say that navel tickling is by far my favorite. Not just any old tummy tickling, but navels specifically. The fact that there's a cute little knot full of sensitive nerves to be poked, prodded and stimulated right in the middle of the body is too good. Even better that so many female characters are just casually designed showing it off like it's nothing. I'd love if it was more popular but the fact that it isn't doesn't bother me that much because it kinda adds to that appeal, like it's not the first thing you think of when it comes to tickling so it just makes it all the more special.
I want to be subjugated by an all female police state that tickles any criminals to both subdue and interrogate them. Those in jail or prison get hard tickling torture every day until they're released. I would commit so many crimes if this was how things were
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>>29228 Also despite saying this I think there's also something magical about tummy tickles on characters that don't normally show it. Thought you were safe? Too bad, guess again, get your bellybutton probed.
>>29374 pic related
I've been lurking here for a while but I think now is finally my time to strike, purely because it's as unique a circumstance as you'll ever find on this board. Forgive me if I drone on about this mostly mundane fantasy, as I'm not particularly aware of posting etiquette, and just thinking about it is making me act unwise. There's a tickle artist out there that a few of you know, most of you seem to hate, but I've actually met. I spoke to her, face to face, not revealing a thing, and all I wanted the entire time was to push her over, lock the door, yank her shoes off and go to town on those pretty soles. And I think after I give this vague description, you'll tolerate her shit more with the knowledge that she is quite possibly the most deserving lee in fucking history. But first some background. I started at university about a week or two ago. We have artwork and student awards trailing up the stairwells, pretty standard stuff, nice atmosphere. I'm a music student, so I don't often go into that stairway, as it leads to the art blocks. But one errant duty led to me travelling up those fated steps, and then I see a certain piece on the wall. I recognized that fucking style. Lightning in a bottle moment came this week, on monday; a collaborative project to get us first years settled in. And it was with the people in that art course. Immediately I said I knew the artist and wanted to work alongside her, and so a meeting was set up during that day's break period. Her course only had a single chunk of lessons that day, so she could afford the diversion. I was sat down in a room, mostly empty, and if it weren't for a single professor that was using a 3D printer, I would have risked my entire future just for this one shot. I finally saw her walk in. Long, red, bouncy hair, coming to fluffy curls along her shoulders. A black denim jacket, the skinniest jeans in history, a low-cut t shirt and chunky vans. Under that I could just barely see some pink socks that I craved the opportunity to ravage and tear. The way she walked made me curl my fingers against my knees, her sides just barely showing between the gaps of the jacket. And she had the most fucking adorable little giggly smile I've seen yet in this fucking building. We spoke for a few minutes, and I tried my best to just imagine it, just picture it; her tied down, her hands and feet squirming as I destroy her shoes, rendering her unable to escape without attracting other hungry bastards. I told a joke. She fucking LAUGHED. How much I wanted to force that laugh for hours on end. I got a few more out of her, explaining the 'misunderstanding' as she had no idea who I was, her talking about how she got lost around the building just like me, and every time I got one of those giggles, I had to put my bag onto my lap and passed it off as fidgeting every time. The worst part? The spinning chairs. I think she has adhd or something, because she kept spinning around - and I got full glimpses of those beautiful shoeplaying sweat marked socks. My friends I wished I could have done something, ANYTHING to preserve the moment. But the meeting concluded with a little 'I have to catch my train, sorry!' and she dashed away. And that's where we are now. We didn't exchange details, I want to take this slow after all, maybe I'll get something out of it. I'll keep you all updated if there's a development, maybe if there's ever an updated tickle experiences board I'll be like the grand hero of it. If you're reading this, anonbb, I want to ravage you in the most beautiful and ticklish way possible. I want to indulge every fetish on those pretty feet of yours, and I want you to beg me for more and more every time. I want to prove to these anons that while your opinions are shit, you are a fucking delicacy.
>>30640 >”…while your opinions are shit, you are a fucking delicacy” If you somehow didn’t scare her off with that whole novel then this seals the final nail in the coffin. Fucking listen to yourself. Have some tact and get to know her as a person before anything else, or you’ll wind up getting neither tickling nor friendship and be stuck with someone who hates you for the entirety of your time at university.
>>30640 I know the thread says shameless but Jesus dude.
>>30646 Isn’t anonBB a fucking tranny?
>>30646 >>30640 >>30648 I'll bet money it wasn't even her. >>30649 hey, trannies can be hot. Not every tranny is a 5-o-clock shadow adams apple bluehair going "it's MA'AM"
>>30650 Eh, as deranged as I think they can be, you’re not wrong.
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>>30640 Do yourself a favor, please.
>>30640 You belong behind bars
>>30640 The simple idea of a member of this board meeting someone seems a unique circumstance to me, I think most people here like only to imagine to be wrecked by other members, maybe such element of secrecy and impossibility is inherent in their fetish... Anyway your story is sooo unique that goes the other way around and starts to appear as fake, sorry mate >>30657 What crime has this knob committed, your honour?
I am not a sadist. I do not derive pleasure from having physical dominance over someone. I only want someone who undestands my kink and loves me enough to know that no matter what I will never cross the line that they draw for what is acceptable, I only hope and pray that the rest of you anons live the find that kind of person who is willing to love you and tolerate your freaky desires,
>>30650 Can confirm. There's a lot of idiots and freaks out there giving trannies a bad association but there's plenty who make the effort, have curves, luscious boobs, and good senses of style. One in particular I follow on flickr has mentioned being deathly ticklish on her feet and my god I would push aside any genetic girl supermodel or celeb to play with this chick.
>>30721 >>30650 You're right and it was the popular opinion for years before election tourists showed up.
>>30689 Most wholesome post I’ve read on the site. This is all I want bro, like you wouldn’t believe 😭
>>30689 I have found said person.... Problem is they're not in the least bit ticklish, despite having feet that are to die for T_T
I want so badly to tickle and edge a t-girl. I find galleries of them on imagefap and dream so much of interrupting their transition with endless tickle torture and teasing on their girly boy parts. I love the way they laugh and moan. This one does it for me so bad lately. https://www.imagefap.com/pictures/8977938/Fabulous-Tylla-2-%28Amateur-Tgirl%29
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I would love to be imprisoned in some kind of chaotic tickle dungeon where the bureaucracy is ridiculously behind and no one has any idea who is supposed to be there, for how long, and why. Tickle torture is meted out not according to any set sentencing but entirely on the guards and warden's whim. No one is enforcing regulations so they're just stuffing men and women in the same cell. The woman I share a cell with is absolutely gorgeous with the prettiest, most ticklish body I've ever beheld, but since all bodies in the dungeon are considered prison property, touching another prisoner will earn you extreme punishment. I can only lay in my chains and admire her soft, ivory body and crying face while the guards take her away to tickle her for as long and as hard as they please and I feel the jealousy down to my bones. Naturally in a chastity device, can't have the male prisoners molesting the female ones.
>>32059 I'll never understand the mindset of a cuck but being one of the guards or wardens in your scenario sounds pretty great.
>>32067 It goes hand in hand with being submissive I think. Like the core concept is hot for some (even myself I would admit). I think it's also part of a jealousy aspect too.
I'd go with being a head researcher/doctor at your typical shadowy organisation. Enough power to get a hold of most items and most people without facing consequences for it. Always loved the whole medical fetish for BDSM purposes. Medical devices have a way of reducing people to their mere bodies, bundles of nerves that can be played with, spincters waiting for catheters. There's also sweet hypocrisy in calling your victims 'patients' and feigning benevolence. An extra layer could be that of running a larger asylum-style institution and see how inmates interact, maybe bolster sadism toward others as a way to get ahead in the hierarchy. These are not particularly tickling-oriented tho it would likely play a part in it. Sadly the equipment is quite expensive so it's not an easy one to live out in real life, also can't help but think that kind of roleplay would feel a bit fake, ah well...
>>32059 Would be hot from a lee perspective
>>31882 Dang dude, that sucks. Maybe let her tickle you instead?
Lately I have really been into "forced marriage" tickling fantasies for whatever reasons, where a beautiful young woman is coerced into marrying an unappealing man through some merciless tickle persuasion. My faves I like to think about are a young medieval duchess getting captured and tickled to marry a long time rival of her family, and fantasies of urbanite college girls getting kidnapped and tickled by rural hillbilly creeps until they submit as their wives.
Fuck it, let's get taboo. I'm inebriated enough to admit this. I have gotten off to incest tickling plenty of times. Mainly son and mother/step-mom/aunt. Aunt has been on my mind specifically. I'm going deep into my head here just cause I've never said this shit. But writing it out feels like confronting it in a way. I cannot understand why, but there's something so raw about an aunt tying up and tickling the shit out of her nephew against his will. That's her sisters son. What's even better is that he seems to be enjoying the attention from his auntie. A tent being pitched in his basketball shorts he wore over to spend the night. The young man she saw grow from a boy, giggling and squeeling under her nails. Bonus points if she's "the weird aunt". I had one growing up. She'd always walk around barefoot. Very tall. VERY big feet. I think she's the reason I'm like this. I always wanted to take a go at trying to tickle her feet but I always backed out. And I was SO close so many times. Plus she was like one of those weird like, redneck hippies? So I feel like she'd had at least laughed at my goofy ass if I even tried to as a kid.. yeah. Well. I think I'll stop there.
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>>19004 >>19005 >>23394 bringing these back. Really feeling 'em. Especially loving the inevitable doom in both scenarios.
>>41418 >>19004 >>19005 >>23394 >>41413 As a ler, these do it for me, and I'd love to hear some similar ones, or for them to elaborate. The way these guys put it is the best, damning lees to an eternity of orgasms/edging, indulging secret desires (I definitely understand the aunt thing), and mentally breaking them.
>>41414 >>41421 Well, I'll yet specific with the Aunt I described in my last post. For now I want to get this out. I'd get her long, tall body tied to my bed somehow. She'd try and talk me into letting her go. Going as far to threaten to tell my mother. I don't listen. Her long, wrinkly soles cold in the air. She's face down so I can see them in their entirety. Her blonde hair tied back. Granny glasses on the night stand. I'd trace out my attack. And then when she's begging for me to stop it through her mature belting laughs, I begin my assault on her soles. Going wild with feathers, fingers, oils and scrubbers. Cackles erupting. I go for a while. Getting my nibbles and licks in. But then I attack her upper body. Laying on top of her. My face right behind hers, while she laughs through embarrassed tears. How could she let her sisters son do this to her? Why does she like it. I'll be back in a while to do the Lee side. You dudes enjoy this fuckery in the meantime.
>>41413 >>41445 If you're into it, have you checked these threads in the TMF? https://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?288279-Any-stories-about-mom-or-aunt https://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?339882-MORE-stories-of-Moms-and-Aunts-a-new-thread-for-2022 I've browsed there and most of them are not appealing to me, but some are iirc, but can't remember exactly which If anything, I really like "true" stories, so for me the TMF true stories archive is gold: https://www.ticklingforum.com/archive/index.php/f-173.html Most of the time I decide to believe them just for the sake of my own enjoyment, unless it's too bad or too obvious it's fake, what about you all, anons?
>>41449 Shit, dude yeah. I'll be prowling through that for a while then. The auntie Loraine threads actually also top fuckin tier.
>>41453 Feel free to share any good finds then
>>41421 IDK which thread I mentioned it in but another recurring mental image I have is a Promethius-esque situation. Someone punished by the gods is bound to a stone in unbreakable chains that keep them locked in place, spread for the pleasure of a gang of monstrous women who really, REALLY love to tickle them. I mean the monsters are literally created for this purpose. It sinks in to the victim that these creatures exist specifically to cause them to suffer as much ticklish agony every day as they possibly can, and that there's NOTHING they love doing more than maximizing the victim's suffering. That's a big thing for me; a tickle monster that lives to tickle. Loves to tickle. Never, ever gets bored of doing it. Anyway, they mix it up now and then. Usually they tickle the shit out of the sinner, but sometimes they edge them, fuck them, or even ticklefuck them to keep them from ever getting used to it. How long each session of 'love' lasts is completely random so the victim's always on their toes, always dreading when their rolling orgasms will be torn away by tickling claws, licking tongues, flicking tails, and whatever other torturous limbs the monsters have. and of course, the piece de resistance, the monstrous ladies leaning over to whisper in the victim's ear, constantly telling them that this will continue eternally. LOVE having it reiterated; it's boring as shit if it's written out, but when it's in my head? The repetition forms kind of a mantra that really just GETS me.
>>41454 I'll link it later but I found a really fuckin good FF/M 1960s Batman story where Robin gets the shit tickled out of him.
Mines kinda boring but still gets me diamonds. Girl (or sometimes guy) trapped in a wall with just their pelvis and feet sticking out and a monitor with a direct video feed of their faces. I can tickle them, worship their feet, fuck them, finger them/jerk them, eat them out/suck them off, etc. Preferably I’d have them right side up with their feet above so I can just fuck the shit out of them while savagely tickling their feet. Once I’ve had my fill I just sit back and watch as anonymous people each take a turn one after another never giving the trapped person a moments rest.
>>41496 >kinda boring For me it's the opposite of boring lmao, so based and high quality
>>41496 Yeah this wall thing gets me every time too. It's hot af
>>41496 this would be my fetish however i do not understand how a person can get stuck in a wall
I've always fantasized about a sort of 'glory hole' scenario but with the focus on tickling instead of sex, with various ticklish areas exposed. I'd be fine with being on either end.
>>41499 >>41502 I’m just happy some people are still into actual sex mixed with their tickling honestly. There’s way too many people now who flat our replaced sexual desires like that with tickling entirely. >>41515 Well like plenty of fetish based media there usually a great deal of suspension of disbelief involved. In a real world setting it would be more like the pic attached or custom molds made of the persons hindquarters to fit them comfortably into said position but then it would be fully consensual of course which I wouldn’t be totally against. Just don’t think most studios have pockets deep enough for such a niche concept.
>>41539 Yeah, I agree. For me it's also more of a fantasy thing, so I don't think too much about it and pay a blind eye to how/why a person would get stuck into that position if the image is good. Of course, if someone wants realism, then things are different. I guess the best you could get is something like on this story: https://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?122650-Trapped-and-helpless-a-cute-teen-tortured A girl got tickled in her feet being stuck under a fence while crawling to get a ball on the other side (which I really like too btw)
>>41540 That story is from the True Stories section of the TMF, but I also remembered another good story from the Stories section. A girl was tickled by her roommate while stuck under her bed. The roommate would tickle her, suck her toes, etc., at some point force her to open her legs, pull down her pants, finger her, forced her to say things, etc., so hot and well written. It's actually a 3 parts story (that I know), but the tickling in question is only present in parts 2 and 3, here you all have: Part 1: https://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?35808-Confessions-of-a-University-tickle-slave Part 2: https://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?36064-Confessions-of-a-University-tickle-slave-part-2 Part 3: https://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?36360-Confessions-of-a-university-tickleslave-part-3
Came across this image; looks like FTKL did something along these lines just not sure if it’s a video or not. Can’t find anything on his Clips4Sale store.
Thought of another one. Some incredibly bad ass and highly trained secret agent or military female who’s been trained to withstand any degree of pain based torture is captured. She arrogantly believes she can take whatever her captors can dish out…then she’s stripped down, put into bondage, she sees the tickling implements and her eyes go wide with terror. She tries to act tough but it immediately becomes noticeable that her voice is cracking slightly. She begins whimpering and crying like a child the very second the tickling begins which turns to shrill screams of laughter. However because of her peak physical condition and superior stamina they can tickle her for a good long time before any signs of genuine exhaustion set in. Something about such a tough and domineering woman squealing pathetically like a little girl is so friggin hot.
>>41568 https://ftkltickling.com/sets.php?id=30&page=3 I searched for the website at the bottom of the image and found it here. I think it's just an image set, not a video.
>>41819 I think you might like this three part story. I love it because it really does feel like the agent is both tough, and yet being meticulously broken down. One of my most memorable reads. https://www.deviantart.com/featherheart22/art/Breaking-Natalya-Illustration-867502389
My biggest one is probably involving fully armored women having a chink in their defenses being exploited or just being rendered powerless and vulnerable in general. Just something so satisfying about seeing what people view as an unstoppable engine of destruction reduced to a giggling hot mess, and potentially by her sworn enemies no less. Also I suppose I'm kind of into the armor itself too, how strapping and masculine it makes them look, only for it to give way to some delicate, sensitive feet and other size ticklish spots. Unfortunately I don't really have any other examples other than Samus, but if anyone has any leads for other characters it'd be much appreciated.
>>42479 I've got Fire Emblem's Effie, a heavy armor knight known for her superhuman strength, in a similar situation.
Not my thing, but maybe some of you degenerates will like it. I found in reddit under "What’s your personal favorite tickling video you’ve seen?" ( https://www.reddit.com/r/tickling/comments/11ocv4k/whats_your_personal_favorite_tickling_video_youve/ ) the following video: Sunshine - Tickled Till She Lactates https://www.tnaflix.com/amateur-porn/Sunshine-Tickled-Till-She-Lactates/video6314065
>>15941 I've though of another one. Now this one came around middle school. 8th grade. I was just starting to fully realize what was going on with me. And when that neuron was activated, I started making up tales in my mind. One (which was pretty basic) was being tied down and tickled by multiple teachers. And I was always very specific. It was usually the same 4-5 teachers. I'd be tied down tightly to a table in one of their classrooms. Just to go down the list of descriptions of sed teachers: We had the had one of the math teachers. A tall, red headed kinda thickish woman. She always intimidated me. And it made me nervously weak. She would go after my feet. Drawing and scrubbing off equations. Then up at my armpits, chest and nipples, would be attacked by my former art teacher. Who was a petite woman. About 5 feet. Blonde. MILF and a half. Unfortunately for all those spots, I'd be brutalized by her paint brushes. Fun fact, she's the only teacher in this list that actually tickled me slightly. Just a gentle rib pinch. On either side of me going after my belly would've been the science teacher (not particularly the hottest of the bunch, but she was charming). She was incredibly goofy and always smiled. She was a bit over 5'5", big poofy read hear and had a lot of junk in her trunk. She would see this as an opportunity to test her new tickle machine on my poor, defenseless ribs and tummy. And finally (the not really a teacher) was a middle school guidance councler. She was very sweet. Helped me through plenty. I even got to look at her toes once... God that pink looked so good on her. She had some puffy blonde hair. She'd be the moral support while she decimated my other side. Just whispering "good jobs" and that's a good boy. Interspersed with some gentle coaching coos and tickle tickles. After hours of putting my young mind through hours of torment, they finish it off by getting on the table, not caring of they were sitting on my face or near my cock. They'd then remove my underwear (I'm stripped to that if it was clear) and just annihilate me with cock tickling. They keep building and slowing down, building and slowing down until I ERUPT. Causing me to shake, and shiver, span out. All while they're watching me squirm and telling me how adorable I am... yeah... well. Hope yall enjoy this
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Femdom tickle dystopias, I love them. I can't get enough of them, the idea of some extreme social change and BAM, now woman are dominant, men are nothing more then their sensitive tickle toys (sometimes overnight in some stories). mostly it's though a natural virus or a woman-made virus. I just can't help but imagine myself in such a world, to get captured to be turned into someone's plaything, or in some stories, trying to live my life, but instead get to be taught a lesson about my place in the world by some vicious women. And now, to further explain them I'll link and give a small description of all the stories that contain it; if you have any more stories that are in the same vain, please share. The content for this one is sparse, but I love that first chapter; a meteor containing a virus lands on earth, making both woman and men ultra sensitive, and woman into tickle-crazed "zombies" https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2154052-Tickle-Apocalypse this one has multiple parts(the link is just to part one); long ago there was a series called nylon dungeon, it focused on tickling women in nylons in a underground facility. This series continues on in the same universe, just with the facility being repurposed into a tickle-reeducation prison for tickling men into submission to follow the new madam president/dictator. https://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?341048-Nylon-Dungeon-2-0-(strictly-F-M-intense-and-yes-lots-of-nylon) This one is sorta soft-femdom and kinda high concept; in this world women have always had magic, one of them discover that if they tickle a man into hysterics, they can get more magic power, of course this causes women to capture men and treat them as commodities, all while torturing them. then a war between the women with the most captured tickle slaves happens. they end it by writing a treaty and making a rule intertwined into the magic of the world that any man must willingly submit themselves to a women, to be tickled to be her source of power. after the war, of course no man would subject themselves to that, so then sometime passes and the protagonist is the first man to submit himself to a women. that is where the story starts btw, the stuff with the tickle-war capturing is explained in a paragraph, and (I think) would have made a better story. but it is pretty good. https://www.deviantart.com/ticklishmatt81/art/Witches-World-part-1-F-m-754234345 again this one has multiple parts(the link is to part one); This one is probably the best written of the bunch, a man hides and tells the reader of the fall of man. how he thinks it started with a mutated virus that was to treat the falling birth rates, by making women more sexually aggressive and prone to touch a man. of course if fails with them becoming tickle-crazed and capturing all the now hyper sensitive males. great story. https://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?147670-I-Am-Laughter-(f-m)&s=5defe72ca00c9f1178cac0af3a987d71 this one is probably the most "mean" femdom on this list; this story begins after some femdom-terrorists made a virus to make every male on the planet to be extremely sensitive to tickling and released it. this story sorta deals with the fallout of such a thing, and the social repercussions, and how women are now going to be on top. https://arthurhpemmington.blogspot.com/2021/01/the-ticklish-men-of-baxter-university.html This one is a series, kinda poorly written, lots of cum milking and foot tickling in this one; in this world women get sexual pleasure when they hear the hysterical laughter of a male, the male laughter is also used as a power source, and lastly the cum of a male extracted for use in feminine products. in part two they explain the human race was exposed to a alien virus to make them this way. https://www.pixiv.net/novel/series/9793413 And that's it, wow this was long, if you have any more stories in the same vain please share.
>>42666 while i am less on the side of f/m femdom, i absolutely love the idea of a post-apocalyptic world where people, men and women alike, have to survive a dystopia fueled by tickle torture. idk something about being forced to constantly be on your toes and evade hellishly ticklish situations around you, even in your own hometown, is just absolutely hot to me. kinda reminds me of this story that i stumbled across on DA a while back. it details the capture and torture of a female member of a rebellion against men who have assimilated women by tickling them: https://www.deviantart.com/cjz2448/journal/Rebel-F-machine-tickling-558966459
I want to tickle a hetero romantic couple. Add the panic of worrying about your significant other to the reaction of being tickled, maybe play head games where I try to get one to turn on the other and get tickled more or force them to try to get the other one off as the only way the tickling stops.
>>41477 I absolutely love this scenario, regardless of whether the victim is male or female
>>43430 While I'm more about lesbian/bi girl-girl couples, yes - tickling a couple in love makes me absolute diamonds. I got to fulfill this fantasy once but ended up not being sadistic enough to carry it to it's end-point (Mostly because one party hated it and the other liked it lmao)
>>43484 > Mostly because one party hated it and the other liked it lmao That actually makes it pretty hot to me. Like one is just doing it to make the other one happy; willingly enduring the torment out of love.
I had a best friend growing up. She was a little taller than me. Lanky, pretty thin and goth as shit. She also happened to have incredibly hot sisters that all loved being barefoot. Same with her mom. A gypsy woman, with tan skin and a southern demeanor. Her younger sister was super smart, long hair and also had the fetish herself. My friends third sister was a beautiful blonde hippie woman in her 30s who looked like she was in her mid twenties. Add on top of that, she was a clown too. To say I've thought about having all of their feet looked up and toes tied back for my tickling pleasure would be an understatement.
>>43495 >and also had the fetish herself Care to expand on this part a bit? How’d you find out and did you ever…..?
>>43430 i am the m in a hetero romantic couple and i'd love to be a part of something like this. so I post OC feet and tickle content of my gf. My fantasy is a woman fan with a crush on my gf developing a delusional parasocial relationship with her and dislikes the way I keep tickle torturing my girlfriend so she captures us both. She “gets revenge” on my girlfriends behalf by tickling my feet and indulges in foot worshipping my girlfriend, who’s actually so ticklish that worship ends up tickling her. She realizes that her worship of my girlfriend + tickling me is actually turning me on, and so to prevent me from enjoying it, she somehow rationalizes that it'd be better for me to cum as quickly as possible in order to suffer under post-orgasm tickle torture. She puts her smelly feet in my face and gets me off, all while still enjoying my gf’s feet. Then, because I’m a switch, we get out and tickle her in revenge. Happy ending all around >pic related: commission of the above scenario + 2 gifs of me tickling my gf and vice versa
>>43542 Cute as heck, and that foot looks surprisingly soft and well kept. Your gf must be pretty lucky. Dunno how feasible that fantasy is, but it’s fun to speculate about.
>>43546 absolutely 0 feasibility to that fantasy but it's probably the peak of my */fm tickling fantasies
>>43430 Second pic description: >Upon finding this folly and testing the hypothesis to the extreme for some minutes... Well, I can't tell you what was happening behind those timbers but suffice to say they ended up in total agreement. My husband and I left the gathered crowd to test further.
>>43430 I think what I'd prefer is, like, a pretty girl and her kinda twinky boyfriend. Bonus points if he's a little bi.
My fantasies are definitely a lot more tame then most on here, but still feel so embarassing and cringe. I've always wanted to been tickled by two guy friends who coo about how cute my laughter is and who want to keep me giggling and blushing. Just gentle soft tickling to my sides and underarms barely pinning me down all while teasing me. Just the idea of it flusters me to hell. But when guys do tickle me it's a quick poke then they laugh and back off. Who told u to stop dammitt...... >:'(
>>43542 Where can I find more content of your gf?
>>43892 That's because if we do anything more, we run the extremely high risk of coming across as creepy and/or being accused of sexual assault. Personally I'm so paranoid that I won't even touch a woman unless we're dating. Too fucking risky. No idea who's going to go all Hugh mungus on my ass. If you really want guys to do that tho, I'd suggest discord communities, they're a lot more open to the kind of soft teasing vibes that you're looking for
>>43912 That's because if we do anything more, we run the extremely high risk of coming across as creepy and/or being accused of sexual assault. You first-worlders made your society so shitty. As someone who grew up in South America, I never felt I would be crossing a line by tickling my friends, even at my early/mid twenties and in college. And I don't mean just a poke here and there. But full armpit/belly/sides/ribs tickling, sometimes even feet, after taking shoes and even socks off. It wasn't super common but it wasn't super rare either. The bigger problem would be that your friend either didn't like to be tickled or that it can be considered flirting or that you're hitting into someone. So of course it isn't nice if the person is in a relationship or not interested into you. But nobody would call the police
>>43923 I'm retard and forgot to quote the first lines with >
>>43912 I don't really get that whole "if I touch a woman it'll be sexual harassment!!!!" Cause I've never seen that at play. If you're not groping a chick nobody cares. Obviously don't randomly touch people you don't know, but if you're flirting with a girl or are friends with her tickling her will not put you behind bars. Just use common sense bruh.
>>43939 Ever notice it's only people who look like they'd never fuck to begin with saying it? It's cope, pure and simple. "Oh yeah... I'd be fucking left and right but.. th-they'd just accuse me of RAPE! if I did". Lets them try and paint their lack of action as not only a choice but a wise decision, instead of dealing with the fact they couldn't pull anything off if they tried.
>>43939 I love how people keep going "lol just use common sense!" when it comes to flirting vs being creepy literally the secret is to just be good looking. that's it. people laugh and meme about this shit all the time, but it's 100% true.
>>43944 U can tell urself that bud, but if u read what I said there's no way it'd be deemed as anything bad if ur just tickling a friend or someone you're on flirtatious terms with. That's the common sense part. Don't grope chicks when you're playfully tickling them. Don't tickle people you don't know. I don't get how you can skew that. Nobody gives a fuck if you're ugly. Don't use ur shit genetics as an excuse to give up and assume you're screwed forever. Pussy move. Just leads to a shitty angry sad personality. Be a good interesting person and nobody will care about your butt face.
>>43946 I'm actually decent looking. I'm speaking from experience because I was pudgy and awkward in my teens/early 20s, and lost a bunch of weight. The sheer difference in the way people treated me was insane. my stumbling over my words when I speak was no longer 'awkward' and 'weird' but 'charming.' tell me, what do your two guy friends look like? are they ugly?
>>43947 I don't really have two specific guy friends in mind. But the only guy Ive ever dated was considered ugly and weird, he was rail thin and lanky with glasses and no jaw. I loved him to death though. You can keep trying to catch me in a gotcha moment and try to continue with the idea of only beautiful people being respected but nothing you can say will completely change my mind. I get that attractiveness certainly comes into play, I'm not naive to that fact. It's biological, we like things that look nice. Even babies are shown to like attractive faces more. Doesn't mean that's all there is to it. Nobody has ever became friends with me because they think I'm pretty, no boy ever liked me for my looks alone. I'm pretty proud of the fact I never was loved for something I didn't work at. I'm cool because I made myself cool, not because I won the genetic lottery. I like to think the same applies to other people. Kinda off topic, but I stand by all my original points !
>>43948 I'm going to choose to believe you because I don't want to be so jaded
>>43923 >You first-worlders made your society so shitty You're telling me pal >>43939 For the record I agree, I don't think tickling should that big of a deal, and obviously I'm not gonna tickle someone who I barely know or who's already taken, that'd be stupid. >>43943 I was debating whether or not to even entertain this baseless armchair psychology shit. I shouldn't even need to point out that you don't know me, but for the record, I've dated before, I've asked out girls before and had them say yes. I hate that I'm in a position where I have to say obnoxious shit like this. But such is the nature of this website. >>43946 >Nobody gives a fuck if you're ugly I appreciate that you don't care if people are ugly and yes, there are definitely a lot of people who are the same, but there are also a lot of people who do care about it. You can't really apply blanket statements like that, there are always exceptions. That being said I agree, as long as you're just a nice person to be around, a lot of people will gravitate towards you regardless of appearance.
I think that the attractiveness topic can be compared to the money aspect to illustrate how important it is, even if not completely limiting. Attractive people don't understand how harder is for uglier people in the same sense rich people don't understand the struggle of not having enough money. For example, I live in Europe since a few years but I'm from South America, and people here (or some people I've met from the USA too for example) simply CAN'T understand the struggles I've faced in my country. Like they can in a "rational level" get that it must has been hard, but their brains simply can't process it to really get it. Like, I'm sure they would have died or kill themselves in some situations me or some acquaintance have been through. It's not that people are braindead (even if some are), but it's simply too hard to live through other person's experience. To address if "looks" are important, you must first understand the context. WHERE? Like, if you're using dating apps it's almost the only thing that matters. Not because people are necessarily superficial, but because there's a ton of profiles and you must filter somehow. You either get lucky (given the app is not rigged) or some autistic/based person decided to filter better up to their tastes and expectations (which is another kind of luck). It is almost the only thing that matter if you're cold approaching or similar. However, if you like meet people at work or school, the environment is different. There will be enough instances for you to show your personal value to the other person, and with time the other person could see it, leaving the appearance aside. But that needs TIME and EXPOSITION, which is provided by an EXTERNAL FORCE (work, university, lessons, hobby, etc.), which is you're bound to share the same place and time given something besides you and the other person. Without it, I would say necessarily the looks are important, even if people don't want to accept it. I've met a lot of friends that of course are not super good looking that find a partner that is, but that always happen because they were sharing either a group of friends, hobby, or else. Stories about "well, he left me a note at my desk in the library at college when I was into the bathroom" or similar always worked between good looking people. You have to be lucky as well. It's not that you're DOOMED if you are not attractive, but you have it HARDER, and people refuse to acknowledge that. Nobody is going to tell you to die alone, but at least people should recognize that not-good looking people have it harder, that's all that is needed I think. Good luck, bros, stay hydrated.
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>>43978 Look I don't think anyone, anywhere, has EVER actually insinuated "Hot = Ugly", but the fact that you literally cannot objectively live a normal life while not being an 8/10 is what gets made fun of. And make no mistake, people legitimately think that. The thing that set this off to begin with was "Why I wouldn't DREAM of such a thing, I'd be accused of sexual harassment!". A thing that clearly happens to literally everyone all the time, constantly... Do you guys not watch "amatuer" content? Did you seriously not realize how many of those people are not hat anyone would call physical specimens? How do you think they pulled that off? Nobody is actually saying that attractive people don't live on easy mode, it's the insinuation that normies and anyone who isn't outright deformed is doomed to essentially not living life or ever interaction with the opposite sex that's getting goofed on.
>>43981 >but the fact that you literally cannot objectively live a normal life while not being an 8/10 is what gets made fun of. I get what you're saying, but the thing is that the situation is actually more complicated like that. We as society have satanized some things, which makes someone self-conscious to take some risks depending on chances. If you're young, you're at college, etc., probably the social aspect of it is what can be your bigger obstacle. Like you're afraid of mess up or embarrass yourself. But if you're older, and like the only place you go is your work, maybe you would refrain yourself to make a move there when a colleague if that could cost you your job. The bigger problem is not that probably nothing bad will happen if you don't do something really improper, the problem is that as we have satanized it, people is simply too afraid to take the risk. Maybe you're a 6, but a bit self-conscious or too autistic to be willing to embarrass yourself, and that will literally make you and incel even if you're a great person, not ugly and etc. People don't know anymore what to do, in some cases it depends a lot, and I can tell the difference between USA/Europe and South America, for example. Of course broadly speaking. So, not to defend anyone, but I have some sympathy because I understand them. I'm not standing for the weirdos tho And of course the risks of anything are lower if you're +8/10, because most of the time it's about gray zones, not like you will go and do something clearly stupid. >it's the insinuation that normies and anyone who isn't outright deformed is doomed to essentially not living life or ever interaction with the opposite sex that's getting goofed on. Even if people sometimes take it out of hand, I don't think that the big strugglers out there are always ugly or deformed. It's just that life nowadays is absurdly harder, with quite higher expectations and a lot to do on your end, with quite lower ROI (that for example what boomers had, of course the people from the WW II had it hard), and for some people under certain circumstances or realities maybe what draws the line before feasible and not is how good looking you are. Like, imagining everybody is lifting weight and we can all in average do 60 kg, some can do more, some can do less, but let's say 60 is the average cut. Maybe if you're a +8/10 it's like 58 kg and if you're 6/10 it's 62 kg. Even if the difference is "small", it could make the difference between being able to manage or not. That's the point, how it adds up. People need to understand to evaluate things as whole and not only by the individual parts, that's why people usually don't get shit
So yeah, I think about tickling my boss sometimes... Wanted to attempt to get the thread back on track.
I cant exactly say this shamelessly but I just wanna be someone's rp slave. Like, it doesnt matter how weird or creepy they are, or the scenarios they wanna do, I HAVE to rp what they want. I want this even though it's really wrong
>>43987 You gotta be more specific than that anon. Position, methods, bantz, lay it all out.
I recently watched Avatar 2, and I've come down with a bad case of the blue fever. I don't know if was just horny while watching it, lol, or if the fetishization of xenos was intentional, but I kept getting distracted by smooth naked armpits, toned abs and big bare feet with lighter hues that make them look soft and sensitive... Like, I'm not crazy, right? Proud, powerful, tough, big and exquisitely physically fit amazonian women, at war with evil people that see them as lesser beings. I just kept fantasizing about humans finding out the Na'vi just happen to be way more sensitive to tickling than humans, enough that it's an actual weakness, and using tickle torture to interrogate captives, or for the public humilliation of important Na'vi leaders or actively weaponizing it by developing electric prods and projectiles that attach to a Na'vi's skin and can tickle them into a frenzied submission in seconds. Not to mention the possibility of selling them as slaves. I highly doubt turning the powerful warriors into sexual slaves for depraved humans is a new concept, but tickle slaves...? Super sensitive beauties with inmaculate skin, elegant silky armpits, vulnerable flat bellies and huge, delicate, and deliciously plush and terribly ticklish feet, so much so even their fabled pride falls apart quickly in the presence of a few scratching nails, and even their toughest warriors end up howling with laughter, calling you their master, begging for mercy because they just can't stop laughing... I might be going to hell for just thinking it, but... Fuck does a Na'vi tickle slave sound good. Kek, even their world seemed, at times, like it could house some kind of tickle monster of sorts. A lot of it looks flowy and soft, stuff seems like it'd love to caress and titillate the skin of a careless hunter and send them into a laughing fit while more funny critters gather to tease them and enjoy their reactions until they're crying with laughter. Some might even be less kind, and actually act as traps that catch the unwary and tickle torture them for sustenance, deep within the jungle where not even their brethren, listening to their cackling and cries for help, dare to go save them, lest they become the next ticklish prey. Well, there you have it. I had to put these thoughts somewhere in an attempt to exorcize them from my mind somehow. Now I'm off to fap to the mental image of Neytiri's laughter and cries for mercy as I rake a wide brush over the delicate light arches of her huge feet for hours on end. ... I somehow think my efforts were in vain.
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>>45437 I'm glad that I wasn't the only one who spent the entirety of Avatar 2 basically just lusting after the tall blue women. I would do heinous things for a Na'vi tickle slave.
https://spankbang.com/7l4vd/video/magic+box+feet+ Video execution is a bit cringe, but what i would give and pay for one box of ticklish feet that I can inflict my deepest desires on at any time.
>>45923 link doesn't work for me
Just thought of a scenario that would be insanely hot. So, the family, unknowingly for them, gets cursed by a witch: each time their future daughter will feel sexual pleasure, she will get tickled by an imp only she can see. It does give her a fair share of troubles, but eventually due to how sex and tickling are linked for her, she starts getting off on it. Crazy in the bed, but laughs and squeals kike a crazy person too, flaunts her pits, feet, ass and other weak spots for the imp to tickle whipping her into bigger frenzy as you rail her. So... based or cringe?
>>46445 Was the Witch horny or did it for the lulz?
>>46446 It was intended as an actual curse to make the heiress's life miserable The results were unforseen
>>46445 Based. Get me a princess like that. I guess putting her into any kind of bondage would drive her nuts, given her predicament. Also, nice pic.
something really gets me about male characters being magically transformed into a female and tickled I don’t know what it is. Or if you wanna take it one step closer to completely fucked, a “the skin I live in” situation where the transformation is surgical but add in giving the victim more sensitive nerves than they had before just for shits and giggles
i just want a guy to fuck my (male) feet, is that so much to ask
>>46445 A beautiful member of the royal family with a massive tickle fetish you can drive out of her mind with tickles just by sexing her? Pretty based I recon. >>46634 I'm currently approaching your location with the intention of tickling the shit out of your feet until you can't take a second longer before using them as my personal fleshlight. Keep the door open for me, will ya?
>>15941 Obsessed with mind breaking or riskplay tickling. Used to rp with a guy that we just pretended he was for definite coming to get me to take me away then tickle me senseless. He'd taunt and tease me about being unmanly, deserving to get ruined by ticklesn people being happy that I'm getting taken as a tickle toy etc. Also would taunt me about how he would tickle me and overpower me in various ways and how badly he'd tickle me so my intelligence and memoriesand will got drained and deleted
>>47114 Sounds hot. What happened to the guy?
>tfw you will never be a succubus tickle slave
Na fam, liike you I worship them. liike how the this post is not in vain. Hah liike this poster here. :3 ty for the posts
>>47114 Fuck, I love mindbreak tickling. I love tickling being used in combination with brainwashing or mind control to weaken the victim's resolve and make them slowly give in without even realizing it. Just slowly chipping away at their defenses with every sweep against their soles or poke in their armpits.Imagine losing all sense of self and identity just because you were unlucky enough to be ticklish, and that one weakness did you in. Then once it's all said and done there's no point in releasing you back into society because you can't even remember your own name, so they just keep you as a plaything and masturbation tool, tickling you and fucking your bare feet or shoving their cock down your throat to get off. Just an absolutely tragic bad end for an innocent victim. God I want it to happen to me so bad.
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>>47187 Be a shame if they made you record a ransom video in this state where you tell your friends and family that you chose this life and that you deserve it, huh? You wouldn't even know what you're doing. You'd just say all of that with a dopey smile on your face and maybe a single tear from some distantly buried part of your subconscious that is still dimly aware.
>>47187 Ong exactly what I feel thats exactly how he used to tease me. One part was him threatening that if I wasn't good id get tickle broken then thrown back into society without an property or memories
>>47172 Just ghosted me one day sadly
>>46445 Just thought of something re: this idea. If she gets tickled whenever she feels sexual pleasure, and starts to get off on tickling, would it be possible to send her into a positive feedback loop?
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This is a pretty doable idea but I guess quite a niche one since I haven't seen this done before. So if nothing else I'll have sent the idea out to the universe. It's basically standard tickle torture session of a lee (I personally heavy bondage, gags and blindfolds) but add to their humiliation by playing back a JOI or tease video the lee made while you tickle them. They have to watch and/or hear themselves being bratty and high & mighty to the viewer. Calling them losers for getting off to feet and how lucky they'd be to even to the feel them. It'll be extra ironic if in the video they lee said something like "I bet you ant to tickle my feet too" while the ler is currently tickle torturing them now. And to finish off, the ler follows along with the Instructions of JOI, the lee in the video commanding them to cum on her feet by her countdown and the ler does so whilst still tickling them. Makes it as if the lee brought this upon themselves
>>43987 Same. My boss is an asian milf with size 9.5 feet. I'd love to tickle and worship those big soles, but that's never gonna happen.
>>47409 How do you know what shoe size your boss is?
>>47439 I asked during a conversation one time. I needed some new work shoes (work at a restaurant) and she was telling me where she gets these non slip skechers she usually wears.
>>47440 Not bad. Should hire someone to lock her in her own office and tickle her feet during a work shift and then give you the video.
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>>47448 Don? Is that you?
So. A powerful sorceress lady leading a rebellion against the cruel king, her insurrection small and depending heavily on her magic. But her main shtick, a pack of demons capable of fighting royal army, requires something in return, of course. At any given time every night they can grab their mistress and tickle and tease her near out of her mind. If she ever orders them to stop, the contract is void and the rebellion is crushed. So this poor, insanely ticklish witch has to bear with such a price, and can only hope that this rebellion triumphs before her already sapped will finally breaks and everything she stands for is lost.
>>47982 Love it. "Says no and is ignored" is one thing, "wants desperately to say no but if she does bad things happen" is another. What happens if she *does* order then to stop? Do they simply demanifest and abandon her, or with the contract broken, are they free to *really* fuck her up?
>>47998 In original concept, they just disappear and leave her with the cause and the people she failed, but whatever floats your boat of course
>>47998 Then the king captures her and learns about her deal with the demons. And makes her pay. For the rest of her life
Young cyberpunk ninja girl attacks a corp's caravan in hopes of rescuing her mother, who was taken prisoner by the corp after a "hostile takeover." But it's a trap. Girl spends rest of her life as a tickle slave of some cyberpunk corporation, being tickle tortured on camera for the profit of her captors.
I want to tickle the fuck out of all those artists that have an OC based on them, not the OC but the artist themselves. Hiding behind a character because you're too ticklish should get you destroyed by tickles.
>>48635 This man speaking straight facts
>>48635 Which artists?
>>47402 THIS. Any time I see one of these foot show videos where the girl mocks and insults the “pathetic foot boys” all I can imagine is just tickling them until they scream and beg for mercy, the whole while I’m the one mocking THEM for being so pathetic.
>>48665 Erimoto and arisuyoku to start with.
>>48709 Nice. I like how you say ‘to start with’
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>>48745 Azamuku, Erimoto, and ArisuYoku need to be given ticklish attention. Though I'm fairly certain that Arisu would be the hardest one to crack.
>>48763 Which is exactly why she deserves it the most! Act tough, get reminded of your place as a subby ticklee.
>>48793 Might commission that from Arisu at some point...I'm sure she won't care too much if I ask for Aza and Eri right?
personal fantasy, always wanted to tie up one of those girls who wear binders (preferably with it on) so that I can take scissors or something to the binder and free the titty from beneath before tickling them to oblivion Just something about it really gets me yknow
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It's nothing fancy, but the thought of tickle milking cow- and the like girls is just so hot to me. To enter her unit and mundanely, without even giving it much notice, place your hands on her smooth pits or ribs and go to town while the pumps are doing their work, or even put your mouth on her breasts and drink straight from the source while she's losing it. Optionally add sex to it - again, mostly so this laughing and moaning mess of a girl surrendered more milk from the sheer stimulation.
Speaking of artists who need to get tickled, a new artist appeared recently as she says she's not ticklish, we need to prove that she's wrong folks
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(Pic related. My amateur as fuck tool set) So. Recently I have done first official session. Alt BBW who seemed perfect but hey. If dating was easy in the realm of this particular kink, then I wouldn't be finding stuff to get off to here. I'll be honest. But recently, I've had a mighty craving. I have a set of wrist and ankle straps. The kind you just kinda run under your bed and they come over the sides. But to very blunt, I have had the craving to just decimate a twink with perfect feet. Gagged and blindfolded. Tightly strapped down. I'd start off slow. Very basic, just tracing the poor young man's most sensitive spots. Seeing how I can make him squirm. Noting each reaction that gets a jump. And after a while, I'd let him think this was all it was going to be. He let's himself fall into a false sense of security. "Maybe he'll be nice", he'd think. Oh the poor thing... That's when I'd pounce. Digging and squeezing into his tight stomach. Scribbling my nails on his tummy. Getting that deep laugh outta him. The desperate kinda "oh shit" laugh most Lee's have when they have insanely sensitive bellies. My fingers would continue to travel to his deep pits, those perked up nipples and of course his sensitive feet. Finishing it off by rubbing coconut oil on his feet and sucking it off his toes while I tickle the shit out of his arches. And after the session is through and he's calmed down, after he's gotten his water and caught his breath... he'll get his reward for being a good boy. A smooth hand job (with maybe some polishing here and there). God. Felt good to write that out. Now I just gotta make it happen now.
>tfw no eternity of tickle and orgasm torture by kind and gentle girls why live
>>52340 "Artist" is a very generous term. "She" uses Koikatsu and I've seen better rigging/movement from other people using Koikatsu. It's very rough and unnatural the way she does it. She needs to work on that quite a bit honestly.
I want to see Erimoto and all of the family she's drawn absolutely wrecked from head to ticklish toe. Bonus if it's lewd or has footjobs involved. I'm sure those feet she's teased would feel so, so soft wrapped around a throbbing cock.
>>52359 Yes indeed all artists started by alittle experience she is getting improving alot recently and getting alot of fans, still doing animations is something admirable to see not all artists are capable to do animations
>>52347 Hot story, sounds like you both had a blast!
When I am no longer a soy drinking, goy slop eating bugman living in a pod I will have a nice and cozy area at home like the one pictured where I can introduce adorable 'lees to the joys of being put in the Tickle Bean™ and become a multi-millionaire producing gimmick-ridden video content.
>>17830 Been on the fence about this kind of stuff for a while. I'll have to put it to words here tomorrow when I wake up. Seeing some of the scenarios really gets one thinking...
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https://twitter.com/6luma6?lang=en Been dying to see this trans girl get jerked off and tickled at the same time. Gagged and tied up with her arms above her head. Her legs, ankles, and toes tied so she's completely immobilized. Naked, helpless ...
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I want to get wrecked by pretty girls while they give a gentle and sweet smile...
>>53150 I want to wreck Alexis was tearing off that uniform of hers. Some of y'all just venting wanting to be a lee. I'm over here wishing to have this hot blonde (And a few other hot blondes) at my fingertips (and mouth) to do as I please.
>>53162 Hey man, being a lee is great. But I would also love to just go to town on Alexis's lewdly exposed thighs. Do you think she'd get immediately aroused from tickling at her inner thighs, or would she squeal and laugh hysterically at first contact~?
>>53163 Entirely depends. If she's bound with her legs spread wide she's going to be squealing as those creamy thighs are squeezed. Just wiggling your fingers at them would have her trying to close her legs.
>>53166 Ugh, now I yearn to just, scrabble my fingers all up and down her inner thighs as she giggles her way into hysterics… orhaveherdothattome
>>53167 I'll be the one wishing to do that to her, thighs are a good starting place after all.
>>53141 ...I just barfed in my mouth a little...
>>53163 I mean, sure, these thighs are great, but what about her armpits? You don't even need to undress her to torment the naked skin, I'd say this is quite hot in itself.
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Man, i bet the prelude to this picture was glorious, when each of them had to paint each other's most delicate spots with these tickly, tickly brushes. Maybe scrub the slate clean at some point with another brush and start over...
Stuff like this has always been a huge fantasy of mine. It's so incredibly hot, the idea that there is some poor ticklish girl locked away somewhere, mercilessly tickle tortured and on the verge of losing hope when against all odds, she is ultimately discovered. Her prayers have come true, finally someone has come to save her. She may be a naked, shivering mess of sweat and tears, humiliated and embarrassed to be found in this state, but it doesn't matter - her torment is over at last. Except, it has only just begun. The ultimate betrayal takes place, so unexpected and cruel she wouldn't have dreamed it in her worst nightmares. Her knight in shining armor loves the view of her all helpless and laughing hysterically way too much to put an end to it. All her endless relief, crushed in an instance. Not only do they simply stand by while she is desperately laughing and begging for them to stop it. Not only do they tease her and ramp up the tickling torture even further. They also thwart any further attempts at rescuing her, ensuring that nobody else will come to help them. Instead of being freed, our poor ticklish girl is left to her suffering, doomed to be tickled and tickled far beyond anything she could possibly endure, when she was sooo close to being saved ~
>>59550 Boring...
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A recent fantasy I’ve had inspired by this picture: A mysterious alternate reality similar to those in things like Alice in Wonderland. If people somehow stumble into this reality they are captured by a society there is very similar to humans, but they do not understand human language and they are not ticklish. Many studies over the years have taken place and they have deduced that the only thing that makes the confused people that somehow come into their world laugh and be happy is tickling them, which naturally with the lack of proper communication, the fact they don’t understand tickling and the fact it immediately causes what seems like joy seems to seem that is the best way to take care of these mysterious wild creatures. So in their culture it is common to see humans who have been trained as tickle pets. The idea of someone being captured and basically kidnapped and turned into a tickle slave in a benevolent way while all their other needs are met and they are taken care of is hot to me
>>59550 Love it! Source?
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So this one, I've been sitting on this one for a while. It had always sat deep inside me somewhere, I've just never had a piece perfectly depict a fantasy I've had. But we all remember the tickle belt. I remember being a little kid, being confused, scared and then eventually embarrassed everytime that scene would come on the air. Eventually, it got to a point where I'd actively avoid it to not get the butterflies in my stomach. But recently this picture has brought this fantasy back with a vengeance. Imagine if you will; You're strapped down tight. You can't bring your arms down, your legs up, you can barely even roll around because there's a blue, leather belt with a gold buckle on it is magnetizing your hips and pelvis to the metal table. Keeping you there firm and solid. The cold breeze on your groin and everywhere else gives you the stunning realization you're also bare ass naked. Suddenly, you hear steps echoing in the shadows of the poorly lit room. Maybe it's a scorned lover, maybe it's a professor, an agent trying to get information. It doesn't matter. All that matters is the black remote with the red button and the antenna. Because when that person presses that button, you're immediately struck with a shock to the system. It's like billions of feathers have entered into your nervous system, tickling you at the very root of the nerve. It's overwhelming. Yeah, I could lie and say you'd hold on before laughing, but it sends you into immediate fits of giggles and laughter. You try to thrash, but again the belt has you firmly planted against the table. And even then, where would you go? With the belt, there's no stopping the tickling. Not until your torturer decides it's over. So all you can do is beg and scream, and cry, plead, do whatever. But it falls on deaf ears. As your captor seems to be enjoying a cup of coffee while sitting in a chair at the end of the table, just enjoying the show. Every so often taking a comically stereotypical feather duster and "cleaning off" your already agonized feet. The feathers dancing around your body almost feel like they're actually touching you. The feathers dance all over including your vulnerable groin, making your face hotter and causing moans to become more frequent than your rabid cackling. Then you burst. And burst, and burst until all your most ticklish spots feel even more intense. You think it's over, but it doesn't stop. The tickling won't stop for a while. For your keeper has lain the key between your feet. Far from your grasp. The remote is taken with them as they open and shut a door leading out of the room. You hear the door lock. Leaving you to suffer in a ticklish fate that you have no clue when it'll end.
>>59973 I'm with you. I wonder how many tickle fetishes that scene inspired. Also funny how so many gay guys talk about how this scene made them realize they liked boys. And how many girls say it made them like seeing a guy in desperation. This fucking scene. Anyway I fantasize about using the tickle belt to torture that chick on Tumblr with a belt fetish out of her mind.
i mean this is pretty much just about my taste in girls, and just one of many submissive fantasies that can almost certainly be fulfilled at some point, but i just want one of those kinda depressed alt girls to get legitimately happy through tickling me like being tall but super thin and easily overpowered: a dim room, one of those girls with messy dyed hair smelling like cigarettes wrapping themselves around me on a bed, pinning me to it and slipping her hands under my shirt, fingers skittering along my ribs and digging into my sides i'm only 18 so i haven't had any actual tickling experience yet, but the visceral reaction from times where i've been brushed against or where i've felt my own sensitivity tell me i'm probably really ticklish, so just imagining bucking and squirming while being completely unable to escape breaking the usual relaxed, straightforward demeanor of the relationship with her giggling at me, cooing and mocking, making me squeal whilst talking about how i'm usually so quiet - generally just enjoying torturing me, since lers/doms who actually visibly enjoy what they're doing is a massive turn-on i am fairly feminine with slimness, long hair, shaving, etc., so that being incorporated would also be fun, like her dressing me up, calling my laugh feminine, whatever don't have any desire to like transition or go out wearing dresses or whatever, i just enjoy feeling pretty, and especially having a girl with that untraditionally feminine punk-y aesthetic put me into the traditionally feminine role all-round is ideal Anyway maybe i should just stop being a retard and actually go out and find one so this can happen
Oh to be a big burly pirate, restraining your twink cabin boy to the mass and just destroying him. And if he makes a mess on the deck, he can clean it up himself in the nude. Maybe it's just be a while since I've had human contact, but I'm on my gay shit again. The burly bearded dude with long hair and the skinny twink dynamic has been plaguing me all weekend. Like I'm stronger than this guy and I wanna embarrass him more than he could ever be. It gets me off knowing I'm overpowering them and just making them frantic. Anyways here's guy pirates. And if you're a twink, hit me up lol
>>62134 Put an overweight deprived pirate chick in there just watching and getting off and my straight skinny ass would be there in a heartbeat.
>>62134 Asking for a friend, how exactly does one “hit you up”?
>>62134 Also asking for a friend how one would "hit you up"
I have a student who turned 18 a few months ago, and she’s been flirting with me pretty strongly. I can’t tell if it’s genuine interest or just how she is with older guys, who knows. She’s beautiful, dark complexion, dark eyes, petite, fun, goofy, always clowning around. I want to bring her home, and with her consent, I want to tie her down to the bed, nice and tight, in just her underwear. I want to hire two women (I guess from Craigslist or something?), amateurs, not professionals… two women who know each other, sisters, best friends, a mother and daughter (that would be best). I want to hire them to tickle and tease my flirty student all night, sometimes with me directing and helping, and sometimes just letting them do whatever they want while I go make us some cups of tea or something. I want to hear them coo and flirt with my student while they make her laugh, howl, squeal, moan… until she’s a wreck, just a trembling, whimpering mess, totally out of her mind. I can’t stop thinking about it.
>>62134 Lord of the Twinks
>>62168 Based af man. Finally a good fucking tickling fantasy that involves some m/f action
>>59550 I actually vibe with this. Not the idea of someone being tickled prior, but something like "soon to be experimented on, interrogated, victimized in some way, etc." And then you show up and you're like "oh shit! gotchu!" But maybe it'll take a sec for the guard duty to clear out. Maybe it'll take a sec for the restraints to be hacked open. Maybe they owe you. You walk over to the foot of the table/chair/restraints, and they're like "??? wtf". Then you drag a finger up a sole.
>>47187 This but low stakes. Couples, little to no danger, w/e. Someone totally resisting but they can't focus on that when being tickled to hell. Telling the hypnotist to fuck off at first, then desperate pleading when they realize they're slipping.
>>62170 Lol, I fucking guess >>62164 >>62165 I don't usually try putting out social media on sites like this, but hey. Never hurts to meet new people. Try my discord. Tweedle_Dum. Who knows, could be fun.
I would love to see how I'd fair in a realistic tickle torture interrogation scenario. Maybe with two women, their goal not to tease me but to make me confess something. Would I ever tell them? If so, then how long would I last until I break? I want to try it so bad
>>62184 Sent fr
>>62168 cool fantasy except dark complexion fucking gross
I think about kidnapping a girl-next-door type college student. The kind that always parties, has a lot of friends, and does well in her classes. She has a privileged life. Never has done any real work a day in her life, daddy bought her car and pays tuition. She has perfect feet, gets her toe nails done often. The only time she undergoes physical stress is in the school gym squat rack. I kidnap her. She thinks it’s a sorority playing a trick on her. Maybe her boyfriend being kinky. The point is the isn’t scared at first. As I strip her down she becomes increasingly more nervous. Maybe threatening her lawyer father, or to report me to the school admins. She starts throwing insults. Arms tied over her head. Feet in the stocks, toes tied back exposing her perfect soft soles. The tickling ensues. It starts slowly. She giggles. As the pace picks up she tries to hold in laughter until she can’t anymore. I scratch her flat stomach and soft armpits already building sweat. She starts begging. I’ve only used my hands. She has no idea I have tools. As I’m getting bored of scratching her soles with my fingers I pull out a tootbrush, copsticks, a fork, then a hairbrush, which sends her over the edge. Her laughter is silent, tears well up. But I keep brushing. I let her catch her breath and do it again, and again. Eventually, as exhausted as she is, I let her sleep in her sweat for a bit. I disrupt her sleep by a bag over her head. I let her go free on her campus. She has no idea who I was and never will. She tells the school administrators, and they claim that it’s been happening to lots of girls on that college and surrounding colleges. But the university police are too lazy and the real cops don’t want to get involved because no “real harm” was done no “evidence” is ever present and the cops are too tired of so dealing with so many rich lawyer fathers. Oh well, maybe the next girl can take her tickling better. But they usually don’t.
>>62840 ...what the fuck?
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>>62840 Time to take a step back, Anon.
>>62840 this is why ticklefags will never be assimilated into society and it will forever remain taboo pls dont kidnap someone anon
>>62840 You fucking dumbass, you're doing it wrong You get a burner phone; then you text her dad a picture of her bound. Demand a Ransome. Don't go crazy either, 10, maybe 20 grand tops. Get it in Bitcoin or some shit too so it's untraceable. Drop her off after you've molested her. Move to a new town quickly and unceremoniously, rinse and repeat. Congrats; you've just solved your virginity and financial woes.
>>62845 >>62848 >thread called 'shamelessly venting your fantasies' >anon shares most basic, plain vanilla ticklenapping fantasy that is the premise for a huge portion of tk art >the horror
>>62856 Just because it's shameless... Doesn't mean it's right...
>>62856 Yeah, but the multiple loli threads are okay.
>>62859 They don't exist. That sounds more like a manifesto than fantasy...
>>62843 >>62845 >>62848 >>62858 >>62861 >board contains loli threads, literally filled with fictional torture images, tickle HELL threads, furry shit, (way worse) caption images, incest, etc, (even a literal tickled to DEATH thread down there) >some guy writes a paragraph fantasy about tickling of age girls and letting them go back to whatever the fuck >somehow that’s too far a bunch of contrarians on this board but wouldn’t expect less from this shitty community
>>62134 Yeah I'm straight but this is hot as fuck
>>62868 "be me, straight" moment
>>62840 The people in this community continue to be lame as fuck
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>>72858 This nigga when someone fantasizes about tickling an adult woman without her written consent and asking her parents for permission
>>62863 Yo. Got a problem with the tickle hell thread?
>>62872 This is a Christian board, young man.
>>62870 and you’re the driving factor huh
>anons jerking off to HD images depicting little girls tied up and tickle tortured: :) >anons when someone writes a few sentences fantasizing about of age women getting tickled: >:(
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>>62881 without consent...literally rape.
>>62891 as if 99.99999% of tickling art on this board has ANY consent written or implied at all you disingenuous moron
>>62891 yeah I’m sure all the little girls consented to torture
>>62840 >>comes to thread for venting tickle fantasies >>vents tickle fantasy >>Prude Squad springs into action Godspeed, anon. Dream your sexy dreams.
>>62891 >without consent...literally rape. >Fantasy Venting Nigga who the fuck cares.
>shameless fantasy thread >look inside >shaming
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>>62880 i'll drive my fist up your ass if you keep talkin to me like that boi
>>62906 News at 8. Man arrested after the kidnapping and murder of... Yep. Keep dreaming...
>>62905 You really are obsessed with little girls... Care to vent? :)
>>62920 like 90% of the fantasies here say nothing about consent why is this one getting so much shit? Cause it’s somewhat realistically written? Are our written fantasies supposed to be hyper-ausitically detatched from reality in order to not get scolded for fiction?
>>62925 >of-age girls fantasy vented >seethes >little girls mentioned >care to vent? ;) your true colors are showing pedo
I don’t know what you lot are tapping on about but I want to tickle AND be tickled by a handsome woman in a suit immediately The suit stays on but her shoes are coming off
>>62930 *yapping
>>62861 today on /tkr/ anon has no idea what the word ‘manifesto’ means
>>62932 Someone's mad that they're a serial killer inside. :)
>>15941 OP I think you made a serious mistake trusting anons XD
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>>62930 Oh fuck yes. Tickling the shit out of a hot, dominant woman in office attire is literally 10/10
>>62936 Makima especially I have a nice fantasy for. I challenge her to a wager, a simple coin flip. If I win, I get full control over her to tickle her and her feet as much as I desire. If I lose, she gets full control over me. A simple, fair wager. Little does she know… I win either way.
>>62839 ...wait you're racist too? Fuck. Just fuck.
>>62948 >Racism? >On my 8Chan??? Welcome to 8chan, nignog
>>62840 This is the most tame vanilla tickle fantasy I've ever read. Who the fuck took over this board for you fags to react like this is some act of terrorism?
>>62930 >Kim Wexler posted Kingly opinion, sir.
>>62965 Idk. Some namefag named DQ?
>>62916 Literally my thoughts exactly
>>62930 Same ong, I imagine like a dark government agent or mafia woman, she's an interrogator or maybe just a torturer and not just tickling but acts in a maternal way while she torments you, talking about breaking you and making you dumb and giggly but in just a cheerful loving way
>>62990 Sounds like a psychologist more than a slang talking mob woman. Certainly not a camp guard....maybe government bitch, hell they're kinda doing it now albeit minus the tickling
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>>16619 https://twitter.com/TwoKinkyBoys/status/1773093889135784377 Returning to this post from way back to address that last point due to stumbling across this clip cuz holy shit. I've never actually seen a hands free orgasm achieved whilst being tickled. It's easier drawn than done is the reason why. Though I don't doubt that the lee was probably teased and jerked just before this clip starts cuz otherwise if he really did just ruin himself by being tickled, that's really something. A furthering of this fantasy is instead of a guy being predisposition to being turned on by tickling, that he is instead trained or rather brainwashed into liking tickling. Like they are always edged right before climax but immediately before they can come hands off their cock and immediately starting tickling them. Repeat until they can't stop themselves from cumming whilst they're tickled. Each subsequent session they further associate tickling with arousal and orgasming. Until you can get to the point where a session is only tickling, he gets rock hard, throbbing, and ruins himself without a touch besides fingers on his feet. I don't know if that's even humanly possible but we are talking fantasy here. If anyone can do that, you must be the Mahdi.
Getting some random or possible celebrity in the stocks for a good cause appeals to me for some reason.
>>62930 I totally get it. I follow this french chick on insta who posts pics and videos of her professional apparel every day and it's suit-like with blazers and such with pant suits or skirts, with slicked back hair and god it's the hottest content to take those images and think of being tickled or making her professional cry of laughter.
>>62930 >>64136 Yeah, this is based as fuck. When a woman is normally so professional, so stoic, so serious, so calm and collected, so level-headed, no-nonsense, but completely falls apart and blushes like a tomato and melts into uncontrollable laughter and begging for you to stop when you stroke her soles... Oh yeah, that's HOT
>>64099 Let's be real, we're never gonna ever hear about those being used unless a serial killer does some shit that'll lead to them getting removed But I have a solution, anon. A solution both straight and gay could have fun with. The answer? Pride Start stirring up about a Gay Pride fest in that town, fags will come from miles around and because it's England, the town will be too chicken shit to say no. Now, disguise yourself as one of them, make it clear you're into tickling. They're not gonna judge your sexual fetish on display in front of a pair of stocks, especially when they're walking around in latex and shit. Convince lesbians and women who are straight but make up some bonkers term for it because they're afraid to get called straight to get in on the fun? Problem solved. You now have a woman in the stocks.
So... back in kindergarten my teacher was a very pretty woman. And still is to this day. I recently ran into her at an event we both happened to be at. She's a little shorter than me, petite brown hair and blue eyes with a very sweet smile. And she still has that charm. She also happened to do something called birthday tickles. Basically if it was your birthday you'd come in front of the class, choose from a basket of feathers like the ones in pic related. Then the teacher and the class would count up to your age and she'd tickle you with the feather while counting up. Safe to say this is where the initial spark was for me when it came to turning into a tickle fetishist. And recently I've had a fantasy involving her. Maybe we meet at random. We chit chat, catch up. I bring up the birthday tickles. She's of course surprised I remembered something so apparently mundane to her. Some how some way it gets to me confessing how that event inspired my fetish and setting up a session. I haven't really worked out the details yet but somehow we're in her class room, I've tied her propped up legs to her desk and tied her toes together. I ask her her age, maybe a rude question but it's part of the act. She has to be at least in her 40s. But I'd let her chose the feathers from her basket. And I'd take those feathers up and down her vulnerable soles. Counting slowly. Deliberately. Maybe I'd "forget" once or twice to start over. Every so often I'd drag a feather under her toes to make her jump. And then when I've had my fun, I'd reveal my obviously hard member and slide it in between her poor tired arches. Then I'd restart the count. Thrusting with each number. The feathers are still in play however. I'd use them to tickle the tops of her toes and feet, every so often bringing them back to the soles, giving myself a little tickle in the process. And within the last five or 10 strokes I feel her arches tighten around my cock. She slowwwly brings her feet back and fourth on my dick, jerking me up to the last number where I blow all over the tops of her feet and her desk. Of course I'd clean up for her after untying her. I wouldn't be a good student if I didn't.
>>64164 You're brilliant Anon!
>>64164 I don't know... Sounds like a way to get unwanted cornholing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqyjOc3EpT4
>>64202 Youtube however could use a good one... >.>
I have two fantasies that might seem quite strange. One being fit/muscular girls where one holds me in a full nelson and the others gang tickle me and the other being strapped on a dungeon rack, stretched taut and tickled by succubi, with them trying to break me into being a tickle slave.
>>64087 based as fuck taste, anon. especially love it when the lee gets tickled around their inner thighs, hips or waist, just barely around *there* but it never gets a single touch. then after they cum they get tickled and teased twice as hard on their cock ;)
As a tgirl ive always had this underlying fantasy of getting tickled into giggly shit by a homophobe. Like even over discord, just the total humiliation itches a very deep scratch for me
>>66504 Give me a discord ID and I'll make it a reality
>>66504 Along that line it's hot af when I think about a reluctant straight M getting tickled and made to be turned on by a tgirl until he wants her so bad
>>15941 Always considered myself straight but I'm a fairly shorter guy and have always fantasized about a game over type scenario getting threatened by some stronger guy coming to tickle me insane or till I can't breathe anymore. Used to talk with someone that would threaten me to come get me and humiliate me by telling me his plans and mocking my masculinity but lost contact. I've used cat bots to fill the gap sometimes but ifc not the same Not a fantasy I take pride in lmao
>>66554 I'm a straight male but the idea of being non-con tickled and my fetish exposed is kind of hot from an exhibitionist and humiliation standpoint. I have a fantasy where I basically say I'm not gay so they sissify me and continue to tickle and edge/milk/ruined orgasm me insane. Of course I'm a virgin in his 30s who's never even been kissed, let alone able to indulge in my kinks with a girl, so I think it's just a result of being extremely pent up. Admittedly my sissification fetish is much more centered around women doing it to me. Like captured by a sorority or a sleepover ect.
>>66504 I've had similarly cruel fantasies about trans people being tickled until they "admit" that they're pretending to be a different gender, or things of the sort. There's something about how heartless and cruel the whole thing is while appealing to my specific fetish. To be fair, I also have fantasies about bigots being tickled or edged by trans people until they say "trans rights". I guess that makes me a filthy centrist. I bet trans girls make excellent lers for some reason.
>>66558 You definitely deserve to be tied down to be tickled and used by a bunch of guys, probably anonymous guys from this very community so there's absolutely no consequences of them doing it to you and no hope that you'll ever see them come to justice.
>>66583 Yeah, what was your first clue? The fact that I offered to suck another dude's dick?
My tickle fantasy involves having a wife/girlfriend and her having a tickle-hotwife relationship with me. She would only be comfortable with other guys tickling her. These guys can tickle under her clothing, strip her nude, be nude themselves and even have body to body contact. Licking would also be allowed during the tickling too. Sometimes I would watch her get wrecked with tickles while she also gets turned on. Other times I won't be present but she would tell me about what happened.
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>>66585 I will tickle your gf/wife. You can watch if you like, tied to a chair in the corner. And I'll make her howl with laughter in ways you would never be allowed to so much as dream of.
Had an idea brewing in my head for ages. A political streamer who's going off on some long tangent on her show about "the wrong ones" and all and just loving how her chat's all agreeing with her. She doesn't see the guy come in to her room behind her because she's too busy wondering about all the new people joining chat that she's never seen before. The new accounts in chat ask to see her feet and start saying she's really rude about them and needs to smile more. She flips the bird to the camera just as the invader comes up behind her with the ropes. He ties her to her chair and puts her feet up in front of the camera then wrecks them. He makes her watch as all her regulars in chat start to say they hear people outside their houses and then start sending pictures of themselves tied up and getting it from people dressed the same as her intruder. He tickles her out of her mind and makes her weepily apologize on stream for every opinion she's ever had before pulling her by the ankles out of the room as her chair rolls along behind him. The last thing anyone sees of her is grainy footage of a van in her driveway with a ramp to the back and him pulling her by her ankles up it in her gaming chair, tickling her feet the whole way
Wow. We’re all cucks who like humiliation.
>>66594 You use telegram? Love to talk with others that share interest in tickle-wife/gfsharing.
>>66582 Holy shit I can't even start to imagine how fucked I'd actually be
>>66604 >>66585 >>66594 We always see tickle cucking where you watch another dude or girl tickle your gf/wife but I wanna see a scenario where your wife/gf goes with some else and he and she tickle torture you as a humiliating farewell. BONUS if your wife abandons you to go lesbian and they tickle you
I am a simple little guy. I get horny at times. And when I get horny I get a bit slutty, tickle slutty that is. Now a long time ago I felt slutty enough to take pictures of my feet and body and post them here on the /tkr/ thread of 8chan. I know, probably the stupidest thing you can do in a place like this. Now this was long enough ago that they’re certainly buried or possibly even the threads they were in are long gone, however I still have a recurring anxiety (and occasional raging masturbation fantasy) that some random channer or two or three from back then has not only kept those photos, but has used them to figure out who and where I am and is secretly plotting to find me, scoop me up off the street and make wish I’d never been born as they force me to indure every fantasy of being tickled half to death I’ve ever had until I’m nothing but a shell of my former self, only existing to be the little ticklish slut I portrayed myself as all that time ago. But of course that would never happen.
>>67410 Bro has my exact same fantasy minus actually posting my feet
>>66604 speak for yourself. I'd rather kick your faces in on a sidewalk corner.
So about a week ago I stumbled upon this youtube channel by chance, and I guess her whole thing is that she looks and dresses like that one nerdy girl you went to highschool with that was kinda friends with the popular kids but only because she did their homework for them, except she actually has like a 10/10 body and is really good at dancing for some reason, and it took me a while to realize that she wouldn't leave my mind afterwards. Like she's hot, obviously, she kinda looks like that meme of the unassuming nerd girl that turns out to be secretely ripped (and from the core strength in this clip, she might be, honestly) but for some reason I REALLY fucking wanted to see her get tickled. She has a deadpan expression in all her dancing videos (except this one, where someone challenged her to smile) and I just kept thinking that it'd be so much fucking fun to force her to break it by tickling her and teasing her until she gets to that point where ticklees are losing their mind for real and they look drunk, tired and painfully happy all at the same time. But then, I hit me that a big part of my little obsession had to do with the aforementioned comparison with her looks, and the fact that her looking kinda nerdy sort of evokes a fairly specific trope or scenario that I really, really like: I really, really like tickle bullying. And I don't mean it in that broad sense of calling tickling someone 'bullying' them because you're being mean, I mean it in the literal sense of bullying happening but the physical abuse part of it is the victim being forcefully tickled. That idea really gets the monkey neuron going for me. I think it's the combination of the typical aspects of bullying (intimidation, humilliation, taking advantage of somewhat weaker, cruelty) that just fit so perfectly into the idea of tickle torture. It can take place at school, at a workplace or even at home between siblings, don't matter, I love it. I love the idea of some mean girls cornering their shy nerdy classmate and pinning her down and tickling her until she wets herself just because they're assholes and they think it's funny. I love the reverse of that, with a nerdy girl with a tickle fetish that uses some kind of embarrassing information to blackmail a cheerleader into regularly coming to her house and letting her tickle the shit out of her for being pretty and popular. Hell, I like the idea of an abusive sibling relationship were an older sister gets her kicks out of tickle torturing her younger sister without mercy and taking it way further than just child's play, and their neglectful parents don't notice or care that she's essentially made her into her little tickle slave. And specially, I love all those scenarios all the more if somebody's secretly getting off on it: maybe the bully's not doing it just to fuck with their victim, but because they actually find it hot as fuck to tickle them into submission, or even more interesting, maybe the victim is all conflicted when they end up touching themselves at night thinking about how it made them feel when their agressor wouldn't stop digging into their sensitive spots and they could do nothing but scream with laughter. And it kinda fucks with me that I feel I'd be super into being a tickle bully myself. Like, I was lightly bullied in high school, and that shit sucked, but the allure of the idea makes me think if I was in a position of power where I could abuse someone weaker than me by tickle torturing every time I wanted, I'd almost certainly jump at the chance. I don't know if it makes me a bad person that I fantazise about taking advantage of a position of power to ticklebully someone, or that I'm fetishizing abuse or whatever, and I'm sure in reality I wouldn't have the balls to go through with something like that (I think), but that's what I want to do this girl. I want to dunk on them nerds and tickle her sexy body until she's crying for her mamma and she gives me her lunch money, cause it makes me feel like a big man I guess. Anyways, that was my rant of the day, hope it gave you a semi or something, idk.
>>67452 Unrelated, but was pic #4 translated? Anyone have a link to it?
It's weird that I'm only ever able to be open and willing to these sorts of things when I'm a little tipsy. But I've been thinking about getting tickled by other guys. Like a lot. Usually, the scenario is one on one. Like. I'm not a giant, by any means, but I'm bigger than I used to be. I'm stronger. However. All that said. The idea of another man making em squeal and beg for him to stop tickling my feet is so emmasculsting. So embarrassing. Yet it's always one of the hottest fantasies I have because it's not been realized fully. I've tried pulling the trigger a couple times. I ALMOST signed up for a top tickle pig when I was 18 but got intimidated and backed out. Which is a bummer because 18 year old me was ticklish as fuck. He would've made mincemeat out of me. Especially knowing how foreign the sensations would've been to me. But I had saddled myself in a relationship at a young age and not only felt intimidated but guilty. So I backed out and he passed a few months later. Recently I'd gotten in contact with a dude who has stocks and wanted to shoot a video. Everytime though, I get cold feet. I don't know why. His vibe just sets me off and I can't jump. He has toe ties too. And it's super fucking difficult to find a dude with stocks willing to tickle another dude. I don't know. My birthday is coming up, so maybe something will change. Wishful thinking but hey. Gotta dream I guess. All that said, one day hopefully. I'll be able to make that jump. Let some dude have his way with me while I'm tied down. I'll feel the shame and pleasure when he gets in between my thighs. Me being hard as a diamond not inches away. But he's only there to tickle me. Not to get me off. I have to grit my teeth and bare it and wait til I'm unshackled to relieve myself. But he has to have his fun first. Getting underneath my toes, a part of my body almost never touched. Making me lose my mind in a high pitched giggle. He'll sit down next to me, not on top of me to avoid grinding against my raging hard on. Tickling my armpits with ruthless tact. Every so often taking his other hand to my nipple, tweaking and tickling me. Making me even harder and he knows it. He knows it drives me mad. This asshole just wants to tickle me and make me feel like less of a man. He knows it gets me off. That's what makes it even worse. He KNOWS. Im grinding against my shirts, physically pleading for him to grip my hard on and jerk me til I blow all over his hand. But instead, he puts on his brush glove after oiling up my soles and taking me to my limits. God. I should text that dude with the stocks and see if he's still willing.
Pic related. It might be what I missed out on though she's much older than the subject of my story and shameless fantasy. Also if anyone knows where the pic came from that would be great. Supposedly the woman has a fetlife account. Back in my 10th grade year I had a history teacher who was very much into tickling. She was maybe early 50s, a bit hyper, wore business casual like pink blazers and dark dress pants, lots of makeup, and had long manicured nails. She was always tapping those nails, especially on windows to get peoples attention. I saw her tickle a guy once who was reaching into his locker, she reached out and drew her nails in his underarms. I thought at the time that must be her son or something. Though even with the double standard of female on male it seemed unbelievable a teacher would tickle a student out in the open like that. But then one time she was asking me a question and before I could respond she spider tickled my belly through my shirt with two quick grasps. It was absolutely a tickle from someone who had a lifetime of tickle experience. She had a sly grin about it. She tickled me twice more. Once was a quick drive by poke to the side as she walked out the door. But the last time hoooooly shit. We were working in a group project, my team was three other girls and our desks were pushed into pods. She came over to check in and started poking at my side repeatedly. Then she started tickle tickling my stomach and was teasing saying things like "You say oh ms [teacher] don't tickle me!" It went on for like two minutes, her working around my hands as I tried to block the tickles getting my sides, tummy, ribs, even a little underarm. The perpetually pissed off girl across from me was laughing like I'd never seen before, loving how much I was squirming and blushing and had this look of disbelief yet absolute delight. The other two girls were kind of in shock at what was happening. This was some time ago, kids didn't have phones in school yet otherwise I'm sure this would have been captured forever on tiktok or something. Fuck. Anyway. This teacher towards the end of the year announced to the class she needed a painter for her house, she wanted to hire a student. I should have jumped on that. Why the fucking fuck fuck I didn't will forever haunt me. I don't know if it would have led to tickles and I surely don't give a fuck at the depravity of the situation. She was a really good tickler and clearly loved tickling guys and I regret like hell not taking that chance to be abused by a mature lady tickler.
A big fantasy of mine revolves around a “Serial Tickler” who has been terrorizing people throughout my local area. They break into peoples homes at night, gets them bound and tickled them practically to death. The victims aren’t physically harmed and nothing is stolen. The Tickler just wants to act out their sadistic desires. Well, one night as me and my wife are sleeping, the Tickler breaks in and slowly, and methodically gets us bound, mummy wrap style (don’t ask how lol), so just our heads and feet are sticking out. We are secured so we can’t move at all. We are both awoken from light tickling and we are so confused. It’s pitch black except a little bit of moonlight coming through the windows. It’s angled so the Tickler can see our soles perfectly but we can’t see them. They start tickling us both at the same time with fingers, and has a whole bag of toys waiting to get used. They start focusing on my wife, her laughter, screaming, pleading, yelling for me is so hot, hearing it all is getting me hard. The Tickler notices, so they start focusing on my soles, tickling the fuck out of them, now I’m howling and begging them to stop. My wife can do nothing but lay there listening to her husband cry and scream for this torture to stop. The Tickler takes it further by making an opening around my crotch, so my diamond hard cock is out and they can stroke me while vibrating brushes are attached to my wife’s soles. This goes on for what seems like eternity. Finally they offer my wife a deal; they will free her if she agrees to help them. She can’t take the tickling anymore and says yes. So now my wife is at my feet tickling my oiled soles, knowing all my worst spots, while the Tickler edges me. The “Tickler” is always a guy in my fantasies too.
>>42666 I NEED to know the video of the last gif
>>67470 twice; here >>33975 and also here >>56332 + there's another one right above this from the same artist(s) that anon also translated🙏 i don't think anyone added the translations to n/ehentai
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This one goes out to all you guys talking about your fantasies of some flavor or other of tickle cuckoldry. I want to tickle your wife. I want to tickle your girlfriend. I want to tickle your sisters and daughters and that one friend you always liked but never had the cojones to ask out. If she's an attractive lady, I probably want to tickle your mom. I would 100% be more into tickling someone if I knew there was a guy close to her that would get off to it. Doubly so if he wanted to watch. Triply so if his wife/girlfriend was absolutely helplessly ticklish but never lets her man have fun with it. And if she has big, soft, adorable feet? I may never want to leave. I want to tickle the shit out of the woman you love.
>>67601 Based
>>67601 I don't know how to feel about this.
>>15941 Someone spoke about tickle bullying which one of my all time deepest desires, the idea of trying to get through my day then getting mocked and teased for being smaller or weaker then getting tickled ruthlessly. Knowing it's my fate, especially being encircled and pushed from tickler to tickler, getting carried, raspberries or pinned publically. Knew someone that used try to embarrass people by act macho once held me and made his girlfriend tickle me from behind and I was an actual mess. He tickled ne a few other ways.
>>67601 Only if you get shot at the end, just like the olden days. :)
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>>67657 Ooo, did I touch a nerve? Calm down there slick, I'm just out to bully cucks (and their women). Your masculinity is safe.
I have a lot of culturally insensitive or just flat out racist fantasies although I don’t consider myself to actually be racist; I’m cool with everyone regardless of culture, ethnicity or religion. Sometimes I’ll imagine I’m from a traditional wealthy family in the Middle East, China, India, etc wherein through an arranged marriage I end up with a sexy and flawlessly obedient wife who has no choice but to submit to my tickling desires whenever I wish. Other times I just fantasize about being a full on southern plantation owner with a handful of sexy black slave girls who receive sadistic tickle torture for the most minimal of infractions. I think it’s more the inherent erotic aspects and genuine sense of true helplessness behind them that get me going. Plus it’s the ultimate power trip that excels beyond any dom/sub scenario you can imagine while still being acceptable or at least tolerated on a social awareness level. But either way…I fap…I cum…and then…shame.
>>67672 Unreasonably based. Tfw no tickle plantation.
>>67672 Imagine feeling shame, couldn't be me
>>67672 >>67672 Opposite here, I wanna get tickle tortured for being a white boy
>tfw you will never be a girl's plaything
>>67690 I feel that. Whether a fetish toy by white-boy obsessed asian pixie girls or the subject of teasing torture by big black diva mamas. And for some reason the idea of a latino chick pegging and tickling me out of contempt is hot as hell. Like there's that TA vid where one of the girls I think it was Tasha tickles a guy and makes him say how she's so hot and sexy and then ends it by saying he's weak and ugly for being so ticklish. I'm not into degrading domme stuff but just a little taste of that with tickling across racial lines is hot.
>>67697 Literally, white girls are ticklish is my favorite Yk honestly a huge turn on for me is getting tickled by someone that contempts or wants the worst for me. Giggling and laughing and squirming in someone's arms or under their fingers knowing they think I'm stupid and they dont like me DAMN
Getting back to ticklecest, for a while now I’ve imagined a scenario involving a brother and a sister (sometimes two brothers or a son and mother, but I keep going back to brother-sister) being kidnapped separately, knocked out and having hoods placed over their heads. The kidnappers then take the siblings into a room consisting a nondescript ceiling and floor, along with four walls covered with mirrors, with one of those walls having two-way mirrors behind which the kidnappers operate a control panel. Once siblings wake up, a pair of metal claws descend from the ceiling and remove their hoods. At this point, the brother finds he is being forced to stand by a soft, basic harness suspended from the ceiling and going under his arms, while his ankles are shackled and chained to the floor. He’s then shocked to see he’s completely naked and straddling a pair of ankles with the feet beside his genitals. Each ankle is wearing a shackle that is connected to a shackle on each one of his wrists (i.e. right ankle-right wrist, left ankle-left wrist). He then hears a scream behind him and looks in the mirrors to see his sister fully naked and bound to an armchair with her legs extended forward and her feet being the ones beside his genitals. The siblings are horrified and deeply embarrassed, closing their eyes so that they don’t have to see the situation they’re in. They’re not sure what to say or what to do, but then the brother hears his sister start to laugh and feels his penis being stimulated, causing him to open his eyes and see that a panel has opened in the floor in front of him with a pole extending upward out of the hole and a pair of robotic hands on the end tickling his sister’s feet, causing her to kick them around and inadvertently give the brother a footjob. Despite himself, the brother gets hard, but he tries to think of how to escape. At least, until two more poles and hands extend up from the floor behind him and proceed to tickle his butt, causing him to thrust his hips forward and unwillingly participate in the footjob. After a few minutes, the brother has given up on any hope of escaping and has been reduced to shutting his eyes and biting his lip in a desperate bid to ignore the sensations overwhelming him, while the sister can only laugh out loud after being broken by the tickling. They’re overwhelmed by humiliation…until they aren’t. He’s not sure when it happened, but the brother opens his eyes and sees that the shackles binding his wrists and his sister’s ankles have been released and fallen to the floor (thanks to a remote command from the kidnappers), and now he’s holding her ankles with his hands. As the robotic hands continue to tickle the sister’s feet, albeit more slowly, he wonders why he’s just now noticing how pretty those feet are, and how wondrous those smooth soles feel against his manhood. As he looks in the mirrors around him, he sees the robot hands still tickling his butt (slower, but still) and wonders how much fun it would be if they could, how to put it, go a little deeper? More than that, though, he sees his sister and is overwhelmed by just how irresistible she looks in that moment. For her part, the sister is leaning back in her chair, her arms freed, her nipples erect and her womanhood thoroughly wet as she giggles. She wonders how something like tickling could get her so turned on, but more than that, as she looks forward and in the mirrors around her, she wonders why she’s just now noticing how…impressive…her brother’s body is, and she feels oddly empowered by how she’s getting her brother off just by stroking him with her feet. Eventually, they stop speculating and embrace it all. The tickling, the footjob, and eventually, the climaxes. They’ll never know what lifted the veil concealing the feelings they had for each other and their fetishes. They never even had any previous inkling that that those feelings even existed in the first place, but it doesn’t matter. They’re aware of those feelings now, and even after they escape from the room via a door hidden behind one of the mirrors, they know this will not be the last time they indulge in those pleasures together. Granted, those feelings were never really buried within them in the first place. No, they were cultivated by the kidnappers and their control panel. Those incestuous feelings? A result of the siblings inhaling a highly potent aphrodisiac in the form of a colorless, odorless gas pumped into the room via a vent. That tickling fetish? A result of tiny concealed speakers in the harness and chair, speakers through which the kidnappers used AI to whisper to the siblings in their own voices, giving voice to those unconscious desires they “never knew they had.” Regardless, the siblings have fully embraced their shared fetish and mutual lust, and who knows, they may even come back to that room thank to a little post hypnotic suggestion planted in their minds by those AI speakers. Those kidnappers could use the footage, after all. Yeah, my mind’s a little twisted.
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>>67791 I gotta commend you for putting that fantasy into words. An excellent short erotica even. I very mush have the same tickle footjob fantasy. Where both giver and receiver are kidnapped unwilling participants. Even the double-sided mirror thing like you plucked straight out of my brain is a crazy coincidence. Same with the AI voice subliminal messaging though I imagined using one victims voice against the other's as to make them say thing they never would given their circumstance. The story and characters are nebulous and ever-changing every time I revisit it, like you have prefaced. But dude. Does it have to be incest? There are work-arounds here, man. Make it a friend or a crush. Girlfriend and boyfriend. Finances or husband and wife. Any sort of professional relationship like a boss or co-worker. A captured pair of spy agents, cliché, I know but it works. Hell. Just put the all important 'step-' in front of 'sister' is shit's Gucci. I don't know. I don't know what I'm trying to convince you of. You set yourself up from the start with "ticklecest" so I don't know what else I was expecting when reading through it all.
>>67590 Wanted to update my fantasy with pics of me and my wife’s soles. Hopefully there’s no Ticklers out there that will break in and torture us…..
>>67797 For me, the incest just adds a tantalizing taboo element to it, especially given the subliminal/externally suggested origin of it. Any of the work-arounds you suggested would fly, though. Kinda crazy the number of parallels between our fantasies, eh?
>>67800 Both of you would be so in for it. Mummified, toe-tied, and howling with laughter. Especially that adorable wife of yours. I could spend hours just on those arches.
>>67601 I've always loved the idea of someone else, who actually enjoys tickling, going at my wife's soles. Good for people like you!
>>67835 Oh no, not that, anything but that!
from the first coom thread. >>56912 >I was 13, my sister was tickling my feet and I thought I peed myself, ran to the bathroom and yeah...taking that to the grave. >yeah, not gonna lie. Long haired pretty tomboy with maybe the most feathered touch I've ever felt, who loves to torture guys and makes this little tongue poking out smirk when doing so.
When this influx of smug findom “paid to exist” social media cunts peaked, it tweaked that sadist node in my brain way more than I expected. So another fantasy I often have is about tickling the ever loving shit out of these “I’m hot so give me money because I have no other use in society” cam whores. Said fantasies usually includes kidnapping, bondage and excessive tickling to which they start out arrogant and cursing me out but inevitably they become whimpering, sobbing little bitches begging for mercy with teary lines of black mascara drying against their flushed red cheeks. In some cases I imagine myself tickling them to the point where they piss themselves (not into that sexually but just adds to the humiliation) and/or pass out entirely. Other versions I tell her the tickling only stops if she begs me to fuck her (more humiliation) as she’s bound on her back with her legs up. I keep tickling as I fuck her but then of course after busting that nut I laugh and keep tickling as they scream and weep. In all versions I’m wearing a mask to hide my identity and filming the whole thing (more humiliation) usually ending with her passing out, being dumped somewhere and after coming to, having no idea where to even begin finding me. In this fantasy the fear of the video surfacing forces her to disappear off the internet and hopefully eventually find something more meaningful to do with her life. In another version I tell her if she tries to pursue legal action then the video goes online for all to see. Since all she cares about is her social status and popularity she’s basically sworn to silence and I can even use the video to blackmail her further. Plus she has to keep doing the internet findom thing since I want to keep admiring her from afar. One more variant has it set up like a livestream on a private server where people vote on what I do to get next so she can see just how sadistic her fanbase really is. Based this one off of an old episode of law and order I saw… I know that any of those endings absolutely would not work in real life and I’d totally end up in prison while she gets even more money from simps out of sympathy but suspension of disbelief regarding sexual fantasies is a beautiful thing. Disclaimer: and yes I know these women are totally exploiting pathetic cuck worshippers and they wouldn’t be as prolific if not for the thousands of simps who want to be treated this way; they caught the golden snitch of life. I guess the fantasy exists in a bubble of sorts where they’re just spoiled rotten smug bitches who deserve to be punished.
>>68016 Absolutely based fantasy. Smug, spoilt bitches with no talent other than flaunting their bodies make the most deserving of lees. Love the idea of letting a smug foid's 'fanbase' choose her tickle punishments. I know most of these girls are under no delusion of what kind of people are following them but if they really knew how depraved they can get this would really open their eyes and make them think twice about their 'career' choice.
>>67852 >>67872 I'm gonna need both of your wives barefoot in the stocks right this second.
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>>68039 Definitely, she deserves it for always being barefoot anyway
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>>68039 Sounds great, hopefully you can handle her stompers. BTW they're genuinely feather ticklish.
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A recent one that's been on my mind: A lesbian stalker tickle torturing my gf and I For context I post hella feet and tickle content of my gf. My fantasy is a lesbian stalker who has a crush on my gf developing a delusional parasocial relationship with her and dislikes the way I keep tickle torturing her. So she captures us both. She “gets revenge” on my girlfriend's behalf by tickling my feet and indulges in worshipping my girlfriend's feet. Problem is, gf is actually so ticklish that worshipping ends up tickling her. The stalker realizes that lickling my girlfriend + tickling me is actually turning me on. But she wants me to suffer. So she somehow rationalizes that the quickest way for me to stop enjoying it is to cum as quickly as possible for that post-orgasm torture. So she puts her smelly feet in my face and gets me off, all while still enjoying my gf’s feet and sending her into hysterics with each lick. Then, because I’m a switch, we get out and tickle her in revenge till she breaks. Happy ending all around >pic related, is us
This story perfectly captures my fantasy: https://www.ticklingforum.com/threads/julia-the-interrogator-f-m-feet.434572/ Basically, having my feet tickled by an attractive female dom who's clearly into this. The fact that I'm 20yo with size 12 feet just like the story's lee and keep my feet as pampered as possible sure helps lmao. I even thought of applying to TickleIntensive become a tickling/foot model but I'm too much of a pussy to star in actual porn. The pic seems to be AI-generated, and it's the best AI tickling piece out there IMO. The ler's joy of seeing and teasing those flawless soles mere inches from her face, the cute lee trying his best to supress giggles as her hands barely touch his heels. Some tools on the table along with a bottle of what I assume might be some sensitivity enhancing lotion like Teeva's T-Oil. Everything implicates that he's there for a long ticklish ride. And judging by the ler's expression, she would love to worship his feet if he'll be a good boy and submit. Or use her teeth/tongue/lips as tickle tools otherwise.
>>68066 Based fantasy, I rarely thinking of cucking but when I do it's a lesbian tickling the fuck out of me then making me watch her make out with my gf, if I try to protest she tickles me or they both do
Few days ago I realized that I really want to tickle my gf's older sister.. She is like 10years older than her, no kids, crappy bf, thick and very fun to hang out with. We were at the aquapark and she shortly and joyfully tickled my gf from behind and also another girl who was with us so I tickled her back on her ribs shortly too and she laughed happily. I know for sure that she loves tickling, takes it more like a way how to have a bond with someone but she also is kinda kinky (on one of our visits my gf found cuffs under her bed accidentally) and I'm dreaming I could tickle her someday even more. Maybe while someone would hold her arms too. Tying and tickling her would be too ambitious and she would have to be drunk for that haha, but I can always fantasize about that...
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>>67872 >>68053 So you’re that couple that’s been positing videos for the better part of a decade on porn streaming sites right? I recognize those size 11 lady feet immediately.
>>68158 it's funny, i dont even consider this a cucking fantasy necessarily, more of a f/mf tickling fantasy but i guess there are elements of cuck shit here
I really badly want to hear how fucked up someone would tickle/fuck with my girlfriend, she absolutely hates tickling and would never want to have it happen. Fucked up fantasy where I want to hear so badly what another guy would do to her, she never takes her socks off around me but I can't stop thinking about someone else forcing her knee highs off and making me watch Started to develop this interest looking at this thread
>>67852 >>68250 You and me both bro
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>>68250 one of the hottest scenarios is hearing your girlfriend beg to do anything to make the overwhelming sensation on the soles stop, having someone way more brutal and ruthless take advantage of the pleas to pleasure themselves on the cuck's gf/wife I never got to tickle my girlfriend and I'd be so fucking down bad watching someone else do it first
>>68250 >>68256 Post your gfs cucks (feet too if you have them) I wanna imagine fucking them up
>>68170 Yes.
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>>68257 from the rare times I got them, "go easy on them"
>>68260 would not be opposed to adding some people on telegram to share more/discuss fucking her up~
>>68260 I take it she must be quite ticklish then ;) poor thing. She'll hate it when we lather them in tons of oil, before scrubbing them hellishly for hours on end
>>68263 she'd be screaming with laughter, begging you to stop as she tried to buck her leg, her soft toes being a weak spot I imagine! I love hearing the worst things people would do to them!
>>68269 I want all ten of her toes tied back and unable to curl, absolutely slathered in oil and aggressively brushed by a hairbrush til she's screaming for my name instead of yours ;) I can see her trying to struggle to not get aroused by having her one foot focused on so hard and mentally fucked with to the point where she can only crave more
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Imagine our wives/girlfriends in public displays, like stocks, buried at the beach, etc. Just trapped, with no hope of escaping the torment of strangers. Watching passerby's teasing and torturing my wife's massive size 11's would be insanely hot.
>>68269 Her feet look so goddamn soft, I just know for a fact that she'd break after one particularly fucked up session. I want your gf hogtied on the bed in a soundproof room. Tools and accessories strewn across the bed as she lays, screaming for help from you. Setting up multiple cameras so I can enjoy her torture long after she's gone. I'll waste no time, first by squeezing her sides, tummy, thighs. I want to toy with her as I find out some of her other terrible spots. But when I get to her feet, it's over for her. Slow, methodical mind break. That's the name of the game here as I sloooowly drag my nails up and down her arches. I want to elicit panic from this sexy girl, watching her feet jump and squirm. Just dragging up and down cruelly. It'll all be broken when I slip my fingertips into banjo picks, which begin to violently scratch and scribble around her arches, sending her into hysterics. She'll probably scrunch and splay her toes at random, in an attempt to free them from their bindings, but that'll just leave my open mouth the opportunity to stuff those short plump toes inside, my tongue swirling around them. I'm sure that's a sensation she's never felt before, let alone one she could handle for long. I'll have the poor slut screaming as I suck on her toes and scribble her arches, occasionally switching it up as I sit on her thighs, lapping at her soles as the sharp tips dance around her toes. Kissing her heels as singular fingertips dance around the balls of her feet, dragging in circles. By the time I'm drawing on her soles, I'm sure an hour has passed. I'm circling and doodling all her worst spots all over her feet. She's sobbing beneath me, begging for an end. But when I break out the cleaning brushes, it's nothing but unintelligible laughter mixed with tears for minutes on end. When I'm done, I offer her a deal: If she can make me cum with her feet in 5 minutes, she gets a break. She doesn't want to take it, she hates me and she's loyal to you, but she feels like she has no other choice. And so, I oil up her soles and slip my cock between her arches. She's pumping the best she can, as best as a hogtied girl can. Soon, the hairbrushes come out. Slowly dragging all around her exposed feet, occasionally speeding up around the sides or toes, causing her to freak out and twitch violently. I like to poke around her toes too, causing them unnecessary torture as she tries to bring me to climax. Unfortunately for her, as I shoot my cum across her back and into her hair, she only managed to do it in 6 minutes. She begins to panic, calling out for you, but I stuff a sock in her mouth and blindfold her. 60 minutes of hairbrushes, no break. Her mind slips as I scrub her soles hard, her sanity shreds melting away from her with every stroke. Poor girl.... Two weeks later you recieve a tape in the mail. I'm sure you can imagine what's on it.
>>68292 hope you don't mind me throwing my gf into the frey too, do your worst
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>>68297 Oops uploaded the same pics instead of different mb
>>68296 holy fucking shit man, if I post my gf's feet here too can you tell me what you'd do to them? I like the way your fucked up mind thinks
I have an ex whom HATED the idea of tickling and feet, despite being literally engrained in the community for the longest time and knowing that it was my thing for literal years. It was part of the reason why she dumped me, despite me only like getting to touch her feet like once for a few seconds She’s got small feet, super sensitive, would want nothing more than to see her nabbed and strapped down, her feet tickled absolutely mercilessly while she cries and begs for it to stop, maybe forcing her to apologize over and over again, but not stopping.
>>68341 Post away, I'll fuck up your gf too >>68342 Sounds like you may need to post her as well
>>68342 I’ll tell you more about her autistic mannerisms and answer questions if anyone else is interested
>>68344 Would love to hear more about this
>>68346 >>68343 The bitch is absolutely anemic/pale as a ghost, but that’s what you get for having virtually no red meat in your diet nor going outside. She was a total femcel. Somehow she was able to maintain a nice figure, but I’ve heard it on good word that she’s fat/overweight now, Still nice to think about how she did look though, tiny, brunette, short hair too that kinda “puffed” she also hated shoes ironically, really only liked to be barefoot or wear sandals/flipflops The craziest part is that like, despite her hatred for my interests, she was into the weirdest fucking shit imaginable, like mpreg/ egg laying, fucking like monsters and shit, not talking like “humanoid monsters” like talking like weird fucking eldritch horrors she was attracted to.
>>68292 Yo, wouldn’t mind reading some crazy stuff one y’all would do to my wife’s stompers 👆🏻if y’all are so inclined….
>>68292 your wife and >>68297 your gf absolutely belong in the stocks. They can have plenty of time to get acquainted as they're locked up side by side, both doomed to a long, long night of desperate laughter. I'd have a lot of fun making them give each other up just to escape the tickling. I wonder which one would be the tougher lee to crack. We'd have all night to find out.
>>68349 Love her big feet, she looks cute from the bit I can see too. I'd tie her arms and legs down and get those big feet of hers facedown like the first picture, tie her big toes together then mercilessly tickle them with every tool I can think of. I'm talking brushes, feathers, pens until she breaks and ends up learning to love it. If she wanted to save herself from the intense tickling she's going to be getting from now on she better start getting good at footjobs, maybe just maybe if she does well enough I'll give her a momentary break, heck maybe even a massage. Not long after though it's right back to exploring every inch of those big beautiful sexy feet. Maybe I'd have you tied up watching me slowly break her bit by bit until she submits entirely to me.
>>68357 This is great, and lucky for you she’s well versed in sole jobs…..
>>68270 >>68296 Sounds evil, very nice! That would be awesome to watch.. I'd day her feet are definitely her worst spot, belly is a close second. She has a pretty deep innie which gets pretty ticklish too.
>>68356 No question my gf would crack easily, she's ridiculously ticklish and especially on her soles, got lots to share of her and love answering questions, hearing how you'd fuck her up.
>>68358 Lucky for her too, that'll be her one saving grace to convince me to let up on those sexy feet of hers, albeit only briefly of course. Those big wrinkly feet she has look like they were made for it after all. How ticklish is she?
>>68367 She’s off the charts sensitive. She’s truly feather ticklish. It can become legit torture for her. I’ve brought her to tears, and begging. After about a millisecond using a dog grooming glove, she is pleading and tearing up. >>68364 I think will will give you stiff competition for who would break first. 😂
>>68368 Yeah I'm thinking she's gonna need a half hour with a grooming glove at least.
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>>68376 Here's some good reaction gifs of her;
>>68403 Was that your birthday or hers? I'm curious if a guy like me coming along to tickle the living daylights out of her is more of a present to you or to her.
>>68404 It was her B-Day actually, and no it was not a present lol Started this shortly after people left I started tickling her. This is just foreplay for us.
>>68292 Imagine your wives/girlfriends being locked away in the tickle aslyum after being tickled senselessly by so many strangers
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>>68418 They'd look pretty good in those padded stocks.
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>>68368 Haha well I think the good people of this board will definitely be able to find our who'd crack easier Maybe even throw us in to compete too.
Hey guys, can you take this RP to another thread? It's crowding out the other content now.
>>68435 This is the thread you autist
My most shameless fantasy is that she'll come back....
>>68435 >>68460 I don't mean to "Um Actually" except I do. >>9880 >>206 >>22135 These threads are more suited to sharing pics of yourselves and s/o's and having anon's share their wild fantasies of what they'd like to do. This thread is for sharing the premises or concepts that fuel a particular tickle fetish fantasy. It can be as simple as describing a certain act that you find hot all the way to detailing the the inner maddening monologue of a ticklee trapped in the Ninth Circle of Tickle Hell. I have an example of the first. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5dbf23794fa32 Being on the board has really broaden my horizons of this fetish beyond feet tickling. I've seen the light that is upper body tickling, armpits, sides and navel. And much in the same way tickling and foot fetishes can intersect with tickling footjob, I've fantasized thusly. Straddling a bed-spread nude ticklee over their belly attacking the armpits and ribs with fingers. The ticklee can only laugh and look down to the tickler hard cock hanging over their midriff. The slightest bounce of the bed has that cock contact their laughing abs. Feeling the reverberations of laughter starting in the lungs. When the ticklers cock isn't slapping itself on the belly, then they are purposefully grinding on the lees navel while they tickle them senseless. The lee can react both ways. In the gifs of the video related, it's closer to a titjob and the girl is into it. But this is shameless fantasies so I much more imagined that the lee is utterly disgusted by the cock rubbing up against their belly but simultaneously humiliated that the person that cock is attached to has bound and tickled them.
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Been watching The Boys lately and it’s got me thinking about how having superpowers could incorporate into tickling and creating the scenarios for tickling to occur. What say you, Chan-people? What powers would probably be best for becoming a serial tickler?
I'm thinking Telekinetic Nerve Control. About as simple and to the point as it sounds. By keeping someone in your sights, you can tickle them silly without lifting a finger. Plus, it tickles worse than traditional tools since you're directly stroking their nerves.
>>68773 A superpower I just thought of that would be great is gender manipulation. Like what that drag clown guy from one piece has. Know a guy you just don’t like? Turn him into a chick and make him your tickle bitch. It would be so much easier to acquire girls to fuck up because you could just lure guys instead. Guys almost never feel like they’re in that kind of danger around other guys, especially when they’re both straight, so easy pickings. With this kind of power nobody would be off the table
>>68773 The power to induce frictionless or low friction skin on someone combined with supernatural immobilization Mentally controlled insectoids Hair extension and control
>>68839 forced crossdressing + tickling is a superpower in itself. A straight guy is easy to manipulate into arousal when he's wearing something silky girly sexy because he's hardwired to be aroused for the feminine things and from there it's just tickle punishment for being such a naughty bitch.
>>68773 I've always been a fan of thread manipulation a la Best Jeanist. Being able to all of a sudden turn someone's clothing into bondage that puts them into vulnerable positions and tickle tools to exploit their hot spots sounds sexy as fuck. Just picture someone's socks turning into wiggling fingers while threads forcefully spread their toes apart and their shirt wrapping around their arms and pulling them above their head so the newly formed fiber drills can press hard against their exposed pits and tickle the absolute shit out of them. Can't run away from it either, all they can do is fall to the floor and writhe in ticklish agony for as long as you want. Bonus points if the manipulated threads become unnaturally strong and nigh-unbreakable so even other metahumans are helpless against it, and, even better, if spreading the existing fibers to create bondage causes huge gaps in the clothing that generate sexy exposed tickle spots. You'd have to use your own clothes on nude foes though. >>68802 I say all that, but this is actually my favorite. Just imagine how brutally intense you could make tickling feel if you could stimulate the nerves of someone's tickle spots directly. And you don't even have to try either. just a glance, and you can make someone your tickle bitch for as long they manage to stay conscious under the batshit insane tickle torture.
My shameless fantasy is the same as erimoto's~
I was cutting my grass today, among other outdoor stuff, and this fantasy/scenario just crept up on me; So I'm younger in this situation, like between 18-23 (I'm 35). One of the neighbors needs their grass cut and maintained while they are away for a few days. So I offer to do it for some cash of course. Well they return to see a lousy job has been done and to add insult to injury, I'm just kicked back chilling out. So they decide to torture me with what else? Tickling. It's up in the air whether it's a male or female ler. I guess I do lean more towards a single/divorced mature milf type. Although, If she is married, her husband can join in....
Cute co-worker friend of mine found out I was very ticklish about a month or two ago. Now, almost every shift we have together she'll randomly poke my sides or quickly tickle my ribs as she passes by. When she initially found out I was ticklish, she called me a "fruity ass". Lmao I'd love to be tied up and tickled mercilessly by her, which will never happen, but I'll dream on.
>>69135 you should take it further but DON'T mention that it turns you on that she tickles you, just get more flustered from it
>>69137 ^ this >>69135 I believe you can make it happen. You just have to play it slow and maybe even tickle tease her back. Gradually get it to you hanging out with her outside of work and maybe playfully tickle her. Like I said I think it can happen and I believe in you, you just gotta get started.
>>15942 Same anon here, just wanna add that aside from tickling my ex and past dates, I have a fantasy of tickling a coworker of mine. She has mentioned before to others, including me, that she is ticklish on her sides which activated my neurons. Doesn't help that she is hella cute. Why is this shameless? Is because that we are both in a relationship and I don't want our lives to be affected negatively. Occassionally she crosses my mind while masturbating to tickling but imagining the repercussions of even fantasizing of doing it instantly turns me off, probably for the good.
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>>68773 everyone knows that teleportation is the best superpower and that’s no different here. Being able to warp to any girl in the world and then warp them to your secluded cabin filled with every restraint and tool imaginable in the middle of nowhere is objectively the best tickle related ability of all time. You could nab any crush. You could Taylor Swift. You could nab anybody you want and make them howl with laughter with no hope of escaping
>>16619 You know, I'd be a liar if I said I never thought about tickling another guy's feet. Whenever I see a dude with lots of body hair get destroyed, I feel disgusted, but when I see a man who's cleanshaven get the same treatment, I'm legit aroused. I remember seeing a post on this board that said gay men tend to view straight ones as some sort of forbidden fruit. I wonder how many have actually fantasized about being tickled by a straight dude? I can't help but want to meet a guy who's body is hairless and smooth so that I could wrap him up and tickle him to tears. He'd frequently tease me about how much fun I'm having tickling his soles, enjoying the power he has over me. A gay lee trying to convince a straight ler that he's into guys is strangely hot to me.
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>>69689 As a certified faggot with very little body hair because I find it generally unappealing myself, I can attest to those statements. I do find it weirdly hot to find a straight guy be willing to torment a guy who is clearly turned on by the dynamic, all while the straight one is desperately trying to clutch their pearls that they are 100% straight and find tickling another guy unappealing, despite all signs seeming to point that they are absolutely reveling in making the guy laugh, squeal, and scream. Despite ofc dreaming of being on the receiving end, it does bring a sense of dominant satisfaction to see my body being used to confuse and twist the mind of the person who is supposedly tormenting me. Maybe because deep down I would hope that confusing and angering the "straight" tormentor would cause them to be even harsher on me as punishment? In a "how dare you make me question my straightness" type of deal? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ being into guys who are willing to destroy one's helpless body do come with its perks since female lers are still a mythical commodity....
>>69689 I think this fantasy is compelling to many dudes here at one point it wasn't fantasy, just reality. Myself include. We're all pretty comfortable now talking about jerking off to dude's feet getting tickled, but at one point I thought I could only get off to women getting tickled. Then I found photos on DA posted by prettybarefootboy. Feet only shots of these wide wrinkly soles in compromising positions that peaked my brain chemistry the same way a Tickle Paradise clip would. Something about knowing these hot feet belong to a guy in spite of (perhaps because of) not seeing a face was what worked for me. I blame the tkltkltklguy for this taste upon me. Then I saw the collage pic of a tickle session and I think that's when it clicked for me. Because I thought of the straddling feet in between your thighs position and thought 'How could I not get a boner when there is a pair ticklish feet right in front of my crotch?' This fantasy is like revisiting that homoerotic reluctance so you can relive discovering this new avenue of your tickle fetish again. I can imagine a scenario from that straddling position session. Your gay friend who taunts and teases that you are a bit fruity yourself. But you adamantly defend your straightness, sheepish as you may be at that. But that friend is also aware of you fetishes for feet and tickling. So he proposes that you tickle his feet to prove that you wouldn't get off to a dude like himself. You straddle his ankles off the edge of the bed as seen in the photo. You feel them wiggle in-between your crotch, the smell of his feet waft direct to your face as you hunch over them. You tickle them and you immediately feel every ticklish reaction that have directly on your balls and growing boner. And his cute hearty giggling is not helping either. Finally, the bulge in your pants grows too uncomfortable and you have to adjust your hard cock upright in a motion he definitely understand what it was for. You take a beat for a moment, motionless except for the throbbing of your cock he can feel on his feet. And from behind you just hear him say "Told ya." Ultimately this fantasy would lead to something like that last clip. Jerking yourself while you tickle male feet.
>>69693 You perfectly described it. I'd definitely make the tickling more tortuous if the lee were to taunt me. >>69700 To add insult to injury, I can see the gay friend offering a footjob afterwards, and I honestly don't think I'd be able to refuse. While I'm busy panting as his feet play with my cock, he'd continue to tease me about how much I'm enjoying it, going as far as joking that I'm even fruitier than him. From then on, we'd probably just be friends with benefits.
>>69715 Sounds like an awakening to me ;) >>69716 As if seeing "certified faggot" in my initial message wasn't already obvious enough. Just saying, men are much better at wrecking men than women are, if they try.
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There’s just something about seeing girls with obviously and purposely hairy armpits that gets me feeling devious. Wishing I could just have my way, tie her arms TIGHT above her head to where she isn’t moving one inch, take an electric razor to those pits, hopefully tickling the shit out of her while I’m doing so… then take out the shaving cream and regular razor to get rid of any stubble left behind, making those pits niiiiice and smoooooth… and once that soft skin has finally been revealed to the world, make them ALL mine. Lick them up and down, sloppily make out with them, drag my nails across every inch of that newly bared skin, have my way completely with those beautiful, newly feminized pits for hours and hours and hours until she’s driven insane with sensitive snorts of laughter… oh, to be living in a world where that’s possible. This fantasy is brought to you by: https://www.instagram.com/p/C-nwTY0vzMm/?igsh=a3NxcWF1YWQyNzc=
>>70474 So true I wonder if pussy, too, will get more sensitive to tickling if it's shaven like that
>>70474 Dude I've had the EXACT SAME FANTASY for ages, but never had the balls to share it here. There's a japanese video where a guy shaves a girl's armpits only to tickle them later. Anyhow, honestly, just wish there was more armpit tickling the way you described. Making out, tongue, etc. Just fully exploring them. Also the girl your posted is gold, just wish she had some shaved pics. Don't like body hair eiither personally. Relate to your fantasy.
Coming at you with a real basic bitch take here, but I really, really like the idea of a tickle slave. Somebody whose ticklish body is yours for you to do as you please. There's something unbelievably erotic and thrilling about the idea that you own all those sexy tickle spots on their body and that, at your command, this person can be reduced to a helpless giggling mess of sweat, tears and meaningless begging, that won't get a break until you decide they do since they're completely at your mercy, and that as long as you want to keep wiggling your fingers into their pits or their arches, they can't do anything but laugh and scream for your pleasure. And I love all of the relationship dynamics that can stem from this too, like a smug tickle slave that you give just enough freedom that they can maybe act bratty around you, but that you can at anytime punish with tickles until they accept their submission to you while they laugh themselves crazy, or a helpless tickle slave that you can be a really cruel master to, one that's truly terrified of you because they know you can and will put them on the stocks and wreck their feet for hours on end if you ever just feel like it, and there's nothing they can do to stop you from melting their mind with tickle torture over and over again. I even love a willing tickle slave, one that doesn't have freedom per se, but still chooses to go along with you as their master out of their own volition, either because they choose to serve you even if you take advantage of their ticklish bodies until they lose all dignity laughing and crying for you to stop, or because they meet your lust with a measure or their own, and get off on the idea of you owning all their weakspots and abusing them for your pleasure as you drive them insane. A favorite fantasy of mine is the idea of a culture of tickle slavers set in a magical or sci-fi setting, maybe a Star Wars or DnD. Slavers that capture and subdue other races, but with tickling instead of violence. Maybe they worship some sort of goddess of tickling or maybe they as a race happen to be outrageously ticklish themselves and because of that, their whole culture is obsessed with it. So, naturally they use tickle torture both as a means to procure their captives and as a way to torture them into submission. It can be magic or technology, but I picture them using weapons that tickle their victims into incapacitation, or nets that trap and tickle them, or shackles that tickle them into submission if they try to escape. They'd seek to capture the most beautiful and ticklish members of other races, because of course they would, and use them not for labor, but as sexual slaves for their own or other races, since tickling as a torture method doesn't disfigure the captives, and since no matter how a proud a race they could be, after a few weeks in their dungeons, experiencing all of the devious ticklish methods they've developed to bend a being's mind into utter devotion towards their master, their slaves are submissive and eager to please like no other. I'm like 99% sure belonging to such a culture in an alternate universe was meant to be my calling in life bros. Exploring some fantasy world to find humans from all walks of life, strange but fascinating aliens, proud elvish royalty, cute magical fairies, brutish orc warriors and many more victims to capture and tame and, most importantly, tickle torture the absolute living shit out of until they submit to my will, for a living. Anyways, all this to say, Tickling Slave Dealer is the best goddamn tickle game ever made bar none.
>>72558 The fantasy of race with a tickling culture in a fictional world that captures other races is a great setting for an RPG/Sandbox fetish game, anon. Maybe you could even play as both the captured race and the one that captures. Probably never gonna happen, but it's a great dream.
Be on a plane. It's a long, uncomfortable flight. At some point, the person directly behind you removes their shoes and places their feet on your chair, invading your personal space. Instead of asking them to move their feet, touching them yourself or calling an attendant, there's another button... with a feather icon on it. Press it. It bounds the person by their ankles in-place and wrists to the armrests. Tiny feathers and/or metal fingers emerge from the top of your head rest and start slowly tickling their feet. Maybe a gag pops out from their chair to keep them quiet. The tickling continues until: A) You press the feather button again, hoping they've learned their lesson, or B) The plane lands at its destination, which, depending on where it's going, could be a while.
>>72768 You know, next year I'm planning to fly to Japan. That flight is seventeen hours. Could be in for a long ride.
I work in a low-income area and our entryway is occasionally guest to some homeless and/or tweaked out people that we have to shoo out. Sometimes I see them on the way home as well. One time I saw a woman who fit that description, but she was also completely barefoot. It gave me the idea of a fantasy involving some wealthy person rolling up beside one of them in an in-conspicuous looking vehicle and offering them a golden opportunity; a free place to live, all the food they could eat, and (if they’re a junkie) an endless supply of their drug of choice to keep them high forever. Of course they’d accept it and the car would speed off. Then, after a nice shower and a fresh pair of clothes to wear, they’re given exactly what was offered to them, but with one catch; their feet (or any area of their body you’d rather tickle, dealer’s choice really) are locked in a wall-stock, the permanent live-in tickle toy of the wealthy individual who found them. They’re well-fed, bathed, and if they so choose, high enough to not even register what’s going on. It’s the perfect crime; who would be out there looking for a sketchy individual in a run-down part of town? Would anyone even notice if they were missing, much less the police? If so, the cops wouldn’t care; one less junkie off the streets harassing the population in their eyes. Of course, that’s totally immoral. Kidnapping anyone is wrong, right? Much less a homeless individual, who would much rather be laying under the bridge or on their bench in the park... On second thought, are a few tickles really that bad in comparison? And if they’re also an addict, they probably won’t even register what’s going on anyways... Of course, you could always tell them they can leave at any time. Send them back off to the park or wherever you found them to continue their endless search for shelter, food, and drugs. I wonder how many would be willing to give all of that up...
>>73218 ...what the fuck?
>>73244 >thread called 'shamelessly venting your fantasies' >anon shares most basic, plain vanilla ticklenapping fantasy that is the premise for a huge portion of tk art >the horror
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>>73218 Honestly, would that be even ilegal? Technically, even if it's highly unethical, the ticklee would, in this presumed case, be a consenting adult fully aware of their choices and options (given that the offer was proposed whilst they were not high). You'd get bashed and labeled as an imoral asshole if you told someone, maybe cancelled on twitter if you're the famous type of rich, but then what?
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>>73249 Yeah, thread names don't stop shit.
So I just sorta dreamt this one up. Maybe it's been explored before. But I really like the idea of tickle cucking someone. But instead of a significant other, it's a member of the person's family. Mom, Dad, etc. There's a couple ways I like to think about. For example, a young man finds himself tied to a chair. He's naked and shivering and unable to see thanks to the blindfold. It's removed to reveal he's sitting across from his poor mother. Naked, strapped tightly to a bed. Also blindfolded. The person in charge just doesn't explain and begins to brutally tickle the young man's mother. She's begging for whoever's doing it to stop, but they won't listen. Her belly, feet, even her pussy isn't safe. The poor guy can only sit their and watch as the woman who raised him pleads for someone to come and save her while this menace tickles her into insanity. The ler keeps looking over, playfully smiling and joking at the expense of their victims. The plot twist comes when the young man begins to get hard. He tries desperately to cover up, but his ankles are bound to the chair in a way that leaves him wide open. Nice and solid for the ler. And that's when the mothers blindfold comes off. That's when the two get to look each other in the eyes. The mom gets to see her boy, bound as well. She looks over him, her face turning a brighter shade of red than when she was being tickled as she notices his pole standing at full attention. And just before they get a second to process, the ler goes back on attack. Another idea, pretty similar. An Aunt and her Niece tied side to side, standing. A group of three legs ascends on the Aunt. The only way they'll stop is if she tells them to tickle her niece instead. And bless the old woman's heart. She tries. But eventually it becomes too much and the niece has to take the punishment. Just a few blurbs I needed to get out. Might come back to this. I dunno. I was just bored and horny.
>>73265 Depends where you are, there are a few countries that have banned landlords getting paid with sex and it would probably get caught by those laws.
>>73389 I'll admit the first scenario got me hard, so I'll continue by having the tickler strap both the mother and son to a device which forces the two into sexual intercourse much to the victim's horrors all while the tickler targets them both
>>73393 If you`ll be tickling them with their clothes still on, then you`re in the perfect legal loophole.
>>73389 Based >>73394 Not as based. But I see the vision. The best course of action would have the Mother being tickle-fucked as the Son is left watching, and hard.
>>73477 Better yet. Put a vibrating cock ring on him. So even if he tried, he couldn't get soft. And just for shits and giggles, if he tries looking away, you go over there and start tickling him. Now the mom gets to helplessly endure seeing her son tickled. Since he's tied to a chair, maybe you can find space to sit behind him. So you can reach around and she can clearly see her boys frantic reactions. She's pleading for you to leave him alone, trying to use her mom voice. But it's so rough and ragged from laughing that it's not as strong. The only way it stops for him is if he tells you to tickle his mommy. And he tries so hard. He really does. But unfortunately it's too much and he caves. You make him promise to watch. And then you force his mom to give you a foot job while you tickle her feet.
>>73481 There is no way of me saying this without having all the eyebrows raised in my direction But all these cucking fantasies with a mom and son are hot and I want someone to do that to my mother I said what I said
>>72768 Alternatively getting tickled on a long flight by a stranger, forced to hold back laughter since it's quiet
>>15941 So long time fantasy I've had it's a doozy I'm into race play and have a weird thing about nationalities, I like thinking of a big international Olympics like sport where players from each country may try to capture one another. Getting caught means getting ganged up on or tickled I also imagine as a foot fag getting smothered and other things where ultimately the loser is either incapacitated temporarily or permanently brain drained to go back to that country forever. Love imagining you've been training and playing this sport, it's just a game but then Bam you're cornered by women you've never met from a whole different culture closing in to tickle you literally dumb in front of the whole world including your own country. Your team abandons you as you giggle helplessly in these foreign women's arms as they take you off the field pike a pawn in chess, this one game costing everything.
>>73516 In YOUR case then, the ler is forcing you to get the foot job lol It's cool man. Remember. "Shameless venting"
>>73516 You're fucking sick. But also, I'm into it. Embrace the sickness Anon.
I’m embracing the sickness. We’re talking about shameless fantasies and I think tickling a mom to get to her son is hot, and if somebody did that to my own mother, well that would be just be the worst but best fantasy
Warning: Long, dark, and depraved. I have the same or similar recurring fantasies all revolving around the concept. The preamble is what changes most often, but generally it involves some woman abducted. Perhaps it's someone who I have a personal vendentta against like that two-faced bitch who cheated on me or an infuriating coworker or boss. Maybe it's retribution on another's behalf such as their girl-friend or wife who needs a behavior corrected or an attitude adjustment. It needn’t even be so righteous; perhaps the victim is some clueless cunt driver texting while driving or an unapologetic cock-tease at a bar who has grifted one drink too many. Perhaps it’s as simple as opportunity. The possibilities are endless and frankly, nearly unimportant. I say nearly because there does need to be a reason. It doesn’t matter how flimsy or unjustifiable that reason may be, only that it exists. They put themselves in this position and deserve what is coming. A piece of the leverage I will use against them. I would be meticulous in my preparation: no uncontrolled variables. The right time, the right place. No witness and no clues left behind. Only their awakening in a nondescript location. I envision something slightly underground, no windows and only a singular reinforced door. Insulated to be sound and signal proof. No interruptions and plenty of time. And I would use that time gluttonously. I imagine her waking up groggily in a bondage chair: seated slightly reclined, one set of wide padded stocks secured tightly to the frame above her head forcing her arms upward, another at the foot where both of her ankles are snuggly locked in place and spread apart. There’d also be straps on her biceps and thighs, of course, with two more at the ready just below her tits and waist, if she really wants to misbehave. She’d be wearing exactly whatever she was when I took her, but more about that in a moment. I’d start with her gagged, merely so I wouldn’t be interrupted by the panicked, unavoidable, and likely incoherent questions. Speaking quietly and gently, I’d brush the hair from her face and encourage her to calm down; that she should save her strength. I’d reassure her that I had no intentions of killing or maiming her, and that if I had wished that I would have already done so. I would also explain how I’d gone to great lengths to ensure that we wouldn’t be found and that we had nothing but time. She would be told that no matter how bad things were, they could always get worse and that her behavior would dictate that. When I could see comprehension in her eyes, among many other emotions undoubtedly, I would unfasten her gag. Whatever that came out of her mouth next would be inconsequential. Screams, threats, questions, pleading; it wouldn’t matter. I’d have the same calm calculating demeanor while completing my next task. Using medical sheers I would cut away at her clothing one piece, taking mental note of which areas seem to cause her to flinch or squirm away more than others. I’d comment playfully with things like, “Oh, sensitive there hm” and “I hope it’s not too cold in here”. My responses to her would be coy and nonchalant, never directly revealing what was truly to come. Not until I was ready to begin and poised the pivotal question: “Are you ticklish?” It might take hours, it could only take moments, but meticulously and painstakingly I would find every horrible spot. Every inch of sensitive skin explored again, and again, and again. Until the tears and exhaustion become routine and time loses meaning. When they would give anything, offer anything, to make it stop. And I would take everything, and then some more. I would break their spirit, their will to fight. Make them compliant. Slowly, gradually. As long as it takes. But it wouldn’t be enough for them to just be compliant plaything. That would be only the first step. No, the next step of conditioning is when the real fun begins. I would turn her into an insatiable and unabashed slut for tickling. Train her body to associate it with pleasure, only ever letting her orgasm when being tickled. Turn all of her worst spots into erogenous zones. Punish her horribly when she cums without permission, and reward her generously when she cums while begging for to be tickled more. I would be satisfied only when I knew that I had ruined her. Only when I knew with absolute certainty that she craved it and couldn’t get off without it would I consider my work complete. When all that remained was the perfect tickle slave. Then it’s time to find another blank slate and start again.
>>73554 >dark and depraved >basic ass kidnapping/tickle slave fantasy Brother, I've jerked off to liveleaks before. This shit vanilla af.
>>73599 Liveleaks concerning tickling? What the hell did you find appealing there?
>>16009 Fuck yes hahaha. I actually prefer when they go all out and create tickle snuff. The Lee ends up laughing to death or laughing and setting off a death trap.
>>73600 Ok but the real question is what the fuck is a liveleak tickling video
>>73602 Probably any non-con tickle video from Thailand or Mexico where some chick or teen twink is tickled half to death by some sketchy guys
>>73599 Mentioned thoughts of kidnapping in detail with undertones of rape, torture, and psychological conditioning/brainwashing. Yeah you're right, too plain. I forgot where I was for a second. >>73603 While I'd love to see this, I'm sure he's talking about some different fucked up shit.
>>73603 Never seen anything like that on live leak. I bet it's something way different.
>>73520 Sure, but not everyone likes touching feet.
I need a group of women with southern accents to tie me up and tickle the shit out of me. Could you imagine the verbal taunting?
>>73727 Please do continue, anon
There's a certain trope in tickle smut that I don't see utilized all that often that really does it for me, I've found. It's scenarios where large numbers of ticklees are being tickle tortured in close proximity, enough that they're within earshot of each other, and creating a cacophony of ticklish laughter. I just imagine it must add so much to the desperation. After all, if theres dozens of other victims that are also getting the shit tickled out of them, what are the chances YOU are somehow going to escape or be rescued? You get to hear them plead and scream, and you can't help but add your own laughter and cries to theirs. There also must be something particularly cruel about the ticklers if they're putting so many ticklees through it at the same time. Maybe it's some kind of tickle slave market, where rows of soon to be sold slaves are tickled mercilessly to entice the customers. Or a form of gentleman's club where women, either willingly or unwillingly, are at their disposal to tickle torture for their amusement, with their most sensitive spots exposed and vulnerable for anyone to play with. Maybe it's the result of conquest, with members of the losing military tickled in humiliating fashion as they hear each of their comrades surrender one by one, giving in and begging for mercy. It could be a scifi setting where hundreds of patients or test subjects are getting worked over by machines striving to find the best way to make them scream the loudest of the bunch in their collective tickle hell. The more the merrier, is what I'm saying, I suppose.
I've had a few fantasies that have been circling around my head, so... I guess I'll share them here. So one of the biggest fantasies I've been having lately is the idea that my girlfriend and I go on vacation (most recently Canada since we live closer to Niagara) and while staying at an Air BnB, it turns out that the owners are massive tickle fetishists who look for "ticklish looking" guests, keep a spare key to their room and then for the entire duration of their stay, they enter their room at night or while they're in the bathroom and wait to ambush them with tickles. My specific fantasy is that this happens while I'm showering, so one of the owners ties my girlfriend to the bed and tickle wrecks her, while the other enters the bathroom and shower, taking advantage of my exposed vulnerable body, constantly teasing me and telling me how their partner is currently tormenting my girlfriend, before letting me finish my shower, only to tie me up on the bed next to my girlfriend and torture us through out the night. A variation of this is going to stay in an Air BnB solo in some other country, and instead of paying for the room, I agree to work as free "entertainment* for guests, who can freely enter my room and tickle me senseless for however long they want. I'll post more of my fantasies if anyone's interested...
>>73516 I volunteer!
there are so many girls out there with such delicate, soft, ticklish penises, and they love letting them hang, they walk around with their dicks out thinking nothing's gonna happen to them, even when they're well aware of how ticklish they are, and someone should just teach them a lesson, to grab a gal and bind her to a chair, penis and balls dangling out and tickling everything from the urethra down to the pereneum, have her laughing like crazy as feathers, brushes, hands and pipe cleaners are used to drive their dicks mad into crazed orgasm, forced to be tickled and cum again and again.
I want to make my Mom and other family members my tickle slaves. My Mom always makes me massage her feet. It started as a way for me to get to her feet. And I would sneakily suck her toes when she fell asleep or took her sleeping pills. But now she’s always putting her feet on my lap and expecting massages and she doesn’t even let me suck her toes anymore. She says I can only do that with a girlfriend. Now I want to tie her up be it alone or with help from someone and tickle torture her to orgasm. Lightly tickle her belly and hip area. Lick her bellybutton. Suck her tits while I tickle her armpits and tickle torture and worship her sexy feet until she can only cum from having or toes sucked and being tickled. I want to do the same with my aunt who has very sexy feet and is only 4 years older than me. I want to tie her up and tickle her forever. She’s so extremely ticklish in her slender size 5 feet. I just want to suck her toes and tickle them forever.
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>>75104 I thought what you wrote is pretty cute so I took the liberty of rewriting it to my liking: There are so many girls out there with such delicate, soft, ticklish pits, and they love letting them show, they walk around with their armpits out thinking nothing's gonna happen to them, even when they're well aware of how ticklish they are, and someone should just teach them a lesson, to grab a gal and bind her to a chair, arms raised up and pits out and tickle everything from the sideboobs down to the pits themselves, have her laughing like crazy as feathers, tongues, hands and lips are used to drive their pits mad into crazed tickling torture, forced to be tickled again and again. Pic related. But I suppose this text could be adapted to any other similar tickling fantasy.
>>75164 you are a nigger
>>75164 What the actual fuck is wrong with you?
>>75189 No like seriously what the fuck, I really hope your parents see what you've been posting and disown your degenerate ass
>>75187 >>75189 >shameless venting >look inside >shaming I just wanted to say you both are faggots.
>>75199 Seriously, of all the places to safely vent your most fucked up fantasies, this should be the place.
>>75175 I like this one more, preach brother Sorry for the first one being censored, although i think it makes the pic hotter in some way, this girl had no idea her pit is going to be the most attractive oart to someone
>>75189 Some of the dudes in this thread are literally fantasizing about putting people in what essentially amounts to a rape dungeon. The familial fantasy is basically vanilla compared to some of the stuff in this thread. Literally get over yourself.
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>>75258 Hey! That's me anon is talking about! It's funny. Nothing wrong about tickle torturing girls just because they show off their armpits/feet, but people draw the line with family. I guess I should be thankful no one's bashing me instead. My fantasy is still there regardless, though. It's not the family one if it wasn't already clear. Still want them pits from unwilling entitled cuties.
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Picture this >A magic has summoned everyone who has ever posted on the /TKR/ board into one white void >Every person has a QR code on all their articles of clothing >Every person has a smart phone >Scanning the QR code will pull a list of everything the user has ever posted on this website in chronological order >There is no getting rid of or covering the codes unless you take off all of your clothes >Old men, fat men, ugly men by the thousands… >Considerably less femanons and attractive twinks How do you imagine this scenario playing out?
>>75980 Strangling people with my shirt. Dead men tell no tails.
I just want someone to play with my tits :(
>>75202 Who said anything about safety? Threads don't exist in a vacuum. Otherwise the loli thread wouldn't be a fucking landmine filled crater.
>>75985 Good for you. Small victories, like your tits.
>>75988 Don't make fun of them, asshole
>>75984 >You have killed five men with your shirt. Everyone saw >Deciding you are a threat, they work together to subdue you >If you are an ugly man, they kill you >If you are an attractive man, they throw you to the faggots >If you are a woman… >No matter what, someone still scans your code >Your secrets are known
>>75989 Probably a dude for all you know. No one posting proof here. :)
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>>75980 Were this to happen in a real scenario? Long term, given infinite food, water, and housing: Initially, confusion, denial, and anxiety. Forcibly "outing" everyone's identities, desires, and behaviors would be shocking for all. The sight of the QR codes would be very confronting for many, as these are deep secrets that many never wanted anyone else to know. Many people would immediately try to hide them by ripping off their clothing. The ones whose posts were private or socially condemned would struggle with reputations and thus be on the more defensive or avoidant sides. Others might project this discomfort outward, accusing others of being "worse offenders", or attempting to explain themselves. A small group of coomers may embrace the transparency as a liberation or total irrelevance given the circumstances. AKA, we are all here anyway, so whatever. Social groups would start forming fast, first on grounds of appearance, or ideological alignment. Trolls and controversial figures (Hi Caroo) would probably be the first scapegoats to serve as the people to blame for communal frustrations at first; eventually, it could lead to additional "stuff," but more about that in a bit. Over time, QR codes would turn into instruments of influence and control. People with "clean" posting histories or socially acceptable ones would use their moral righteousness as reason for leadership or the exclusion of others. Meanwhile, others, whose histories are embarrassing or criminal, fall to the lower ground. Some factions might forcefully dig through QR codes to gather leverage against other people, or to "punish" them (yes, including in the way you're thinking). The development of groups based on the content of their posts might include artists, trolls, and lurkers (the ones that have posted before). Each of these groups would develop hierarchies based on perceived contribution to the community, moral high ground, or notoriety. With clean or unifying pasts, charismatic men, or super hot mommies, of course, could rise as leaders and establish submission from other members, be it by force or attraction. But now, let's talk about what you actually want to know. Human behavior would inevitably give way to the exploitation of sexual desires. A faction would eventually be born with the express purpose of tickling others. They would self-organize, drawing in predatory people who feel the need to dominate others. This would more than likely be composed of those individuals who have relatively little left to lose because their QR code has already condemned them with posting histories full of messed up shit. If their desires are already laid bare, why not act on them? The concept of tickle kidnapping, and noncon in general, which is very present here, would definitely bring some people together as some sort of "opportunity". This group would, forcefully or not, exploit the QR codes of people generally considered attractive,in order to rationalize their victims. In other words, by labeling people with "bad" posting histories as "deserving" of punishment, they could attempt to justify their actions to others (or themselves). Attractive individuals whose posting histories reveal hypocrisy, trolling, or inflammatory statements would be forcefully dragged into "punishment". But let's talk about resistance and retaliation. We are all messed up individuals, but, still, nonetheless humans with empathy. For several reasons, resistance might emerge in a few different ways. Opposing factions of altruistic people may form in order to protect potential victims, relying on numbers and moral high ground to deter the coomers. These people may take matters into their own hands, using physical force, social sabotage, or even, yeah, you guessed it, tickling, in order to prevent or punish criminal actions. It is also important to note that some groups would inevitably resort to violence, executing individuals with the worst of posting histories (pedos, etc) All in all, this is a very interesting scenario. How did you come up with that idea, anon? Are you a mage secretly planning to execute it? What a great reminder one of the capacity of humanity for cruelty as well as compassion. Can we turn this into a movie?
>>76012 bro don’t overcomplicate this we’d obviously all mutually hunt down erimoto and make her scream as thousands of fingers take turns prodding her body
>>75980 >wyr be stuck with 100 tkranons or 100 bears
I want to be on a game show where my feet are trapped in stocks and they get licked by animals for millions of people to see. I want it broadcasted to the entire world. I want it so I can't go out in public without being humiliated and recognized as having had my feet licked and tickled in embarrassment on live tv. I want millions of perverts to stroke it to my feet being licked as I'm forced to laugh against my will knowing I can never be the same again as they all cum to my hyper sensitive soft feet getting licked by wet slobbery saliva covered animal tongues. I want my feet being licked to be a sexual awakening for countless people as it perverts their minds just like how mine got corrupted. I want to ruin this world and make it worse by making as many people as possible a degenerate pervert like myself.
>>76074 Based.
>>76072 I want in on that
>>76074 I would pay good money to either watch this game show with you being objectified on publc television, be the next contestant, or both. I like that you didn't even suggest what the game show would entail, it's just an excuse to get you on TVs across the nation having your ticklish soles licked as you beg for mercy.
>>76103 The game show would be just a set up. It's like that one guy who ran rennefaire tickling stuff for his fetish and acted like it wasn't. It exists to humiliate people and have them tickled for the public to enjoy for their own sick perverted twisted amusement. And some peoples feet are just asking to get tickled and humiliated, like mine.
Been a fantasy I've held for a long time, only accentuated by discussions I've seen in other threads. It's no doubt that the presence of incel behaviour is much too common on this board. I would like to propose a game that would make things much more interesting for this subset of people. One incel at a time. They wake up to find they are locked up in a dungeon style room, devoid of any colour or life. But something isn't right... they're not this male pervert that they once were behind their computer. No, through some process they do not know of, they have transformed into the most beautiful woman imaginable. Not just any beatiful woman, but the most attractive any man could dream of. But in twisted irony, they cannot do anything with said body given that they have been stripped naked and placed in bondage so strict that there is no hope for them to escape. This once previously involuntary celebate man turned woman realizes that they are not alone in that room. In front of them is another man... one of their kind. Another man, most likely much less than attractive to the unfortunate victim. They plead for answers on what's happening, but the other person doesn't care. All they see is a helplessly beautiful woman with all that sensitive skin for his to play with for the unseeable future. The torture would begin, with no audience to hear them scream and no soul to hear their cries for help. On and on for what feels like an eternity, yet neither person seems to grow tired, hungry, or thirsty in that musty room. Just the two of them for endless fun. ... Unless one of two conditions are met. Either the victim has a change of heart and no longer wishes such a fate on other women, or the other person grows bored. One can assume that this spectral world that the two inhabit in is time dilated to prevent much real world time from passing while inside. Once either condition is met, the victim is returned back to the real world, no recollection of what happened prior other than that change of heart. As for the incel who was previously torturing them, now that unfortunate soul has taken their place. Same beautiful woman, same naked and helpless fate... now with a brand new ticklefag incel to suddenly find themselves in front of them. The cycle continues... There probably would be alternative scenarios set in place for those who are masochistic freaks and would get off to even the ugliest man torturing them, but that bridge can be crossed another time. I might be met with backlash for the context behind this fantasy but fuck it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>76109 Backlash? Based fantasy, honestly. Great way to make incels feel compassion for women, but also giving sexy ticklish bodies what they deserve.
>>76109 If I was turned into a beautiful woman I would not care. Even if I'm just desired for my body it would still be an improvement, it means I'm at least desired for something. Sign me up, infinite tickles included - I will at least be touched.
>>76109 >>76111 >>76112 Not an incel but the scenario sounds alright without the unnecessary moralfagging
>>76127 I would go as far as to say it's absolutely necessary
>>76109 Moralfagging aside, the thought of fugly incels as ticklers is enough to kill my particular interest in this fantasy. Now, if everyone summoned looked like cute anime girls, then you'd have my interest again! It's obviously much lower stakes, I don't think many anons would mind being tickled by cute anime girls all that much, but knowing the depths of perversity around here, it could still get crazy intense. I envision it as some sort of thread where, if you post there, you sign up to join other fellow anons in this theoretical dimension. And maybe it's based on some ticklish challenge or game of luck (like picrelated), but everyime you could end up being one of the lucky ticklers, or the victim of a bunch of lust-crazed anons who get to tickle you for as long as they want in any hellishly ticklish way they can come up with. And the one rule is if you're purposefully setting out to throw in order to wind up the one being tickled, you automatically get kicked out to tickle slut jail, a dimension where no one is ticklish anywhere at all. Btw I know it's hardly in the spirit of the original idea lol, I'm just piggybacking off of it.
>>76109 This is stupid. "Either the victim has a change of heart and no longer wishes such a fate on other women" so if the victim stops being a ticklefag? Yeah, no.
>>76109 Gotta hand it to you, it's at least an interesting and original scenario even if I don't like it. I really don't fw the concept of ugly incels as lers, but what's somehow even more off-putting is imagining that the smoking hot, busty ticklish girl that is all naked and at my mercy might just be said ugly incel after a gender swap. I'd honestly much prefer the beautiful, uppity girls those incels are lusting after get transported to this parallel world and sadistically tickle tortured by other hot chicks/demonesses or whatever, until they submit to the incels and become submissive trad wives. Also, their new husbands' tickle toys obviously
>>76159 Now this is a bit more like it Ive never liked the concept of male lees even if theyre genderswapped. And its even worse if its ugly incels. To me, being a male lee is the equivallent of enjoying being pegged. Its kinda gay.
>>76134 I hate anime.
>>76160 >A dude having sexual intercourse with a woman is gay
>>76184 Male submissiveness in general is just very cringe to me. Maybe "gay" isnt the right word, but still. Male lees are a giant boner killer for me. Especially if the ler is female.
>>76209 Gay is the right word.
>>76209 I agree, except I also don't like male lers.
>>76286 This guy gets it. Yuri all the way
>>76286 Male lers are ok mostly as long as the drawing is from their POV so they dont obstruct the feet or other ticklish parts of the lee. But i prefer when the ler is something like a sentient plant/tentacle monster/machine that has no human qualities and will end up tickling the female lee for eternity.
>>76209 I can get into a male ticklee if they're not a submissive. I fucking hate that wimpy puny self defeating personality type but a tough guy being broken and made into a ticklee by a tickler is hot.
>>76357 I think thats even gayer
>>76209 >>76160 >>76210 Please get help
Can y'all stop being gay? One thread was enough.
>>76362 My dude, this whole fetish revolves around humiliating helpless people by tickling them. There's only one of two kinds of people who're going to be attracted to this shit
I would travel to various Asian countries and kidnap various women of different lifestyles and jobs such as a pretty, young school teacher, a female cop, a tired office worker, a nurse, a cute clerk, and a housewife or two and bring them to my location which of course is soundproof and as they would wake up I'd have my fun with them. They would be fully clothed at first of course restrained to padded tables with the arms above their heads locked into padded cuffs and ankles cuffed as well and as theyd awake they would begin to panic and with the slow removal of their footwear one at a time they would begin to feel vulnerable as I expose their sensitive flesh little by little and I would start my tickling slow and methodical I would trace a singer finger along the feet of each woman learning their tickle spots and getting them progressively more afraid and vulnerable of course I wouldn't remove any socks or stockings just yet so I would get to see just how sensitive they are with their feet covered as it would make the contrast so much worse once their skin is bare but that would wait as I moved to the upper body. I would test the sensitivity of their upper bodies one by one as they would be reduced to just a shirt at that point putting my fingers into the sleeves and caressing the underarms for a good bit at different speeds and different techniques either circling with a single finger in the confines of the shirt or zig zagging regardless I will thoroughly explore the armpits then once they're tired out a bit I will cut off the shirts one by one leaving each woman with just a bra and I would then give them exactly two minutes of rest before plunging my fingers into the sides, stomach, and ribs making sure to occasionally target the bellybuttons of my helpless toys because after all pressing buttons is part of the fun of toys speaking of which this is where the tools come out. I would pick out a brand new paintbrush for the women going around and lickling one armpit while painting the other switching between methods and spots to keep them guessing after which they would get a brake for me to cut off their bras exposing their formerly untouched breasts to the room allowing me to use the paintbrush , an electric toothbrush and my tongue on the breasts circling the outer edges before moving to the nipples getting them all worked up I would move onto the feet. I would shred the stockings and or socks and begin my tickling torture by using every soft tool at my disposal and then I would use my nails and tongue on the soles starting from the heels to the toes and after I have my fill then I will begin stripping the legs completely bare and begin tickling the crotch edging the women until they beg me to tickle them as much as I want and it would continue like that for a few days afterwards I would not only inform the women that the whole ordeal was filmed but I would tell them the names, addresses and shoe sizes of their families and friends and warn them that if they talked they would be next
>>76569 Now THIS is the kinda stuff I come here to read.
>>76569 found this kinda boring until >I would tell them the names, addresses and shoe sizes of their families and friends and warn them that if they talked they would be next that really struck something in me. Imagine putting some mid 20s chick through the most brutal, traumatizing tickle torture of her entire life for days with no break then telling her point blank to her face that if she says anything to anyone… her sweet old single mom will be experiencing it next. After all that she did for you that’s how you pay her back? Letting me get my hands on her and showing dear old mom complete torture? Or her little sister, 19 and just starting college… it’d be such a shame if she was broken beyond repair before her first semester is even over. Or her best friend who’s been her ride or die since forever. How could she even think of condemning any of them to what she just went through? So despite how awful it was or how much it affected her… she’ll never tell a soul. That’s real power and it makes me diamond
>>76576 And I would make them watch as well letting them know just who got them into the situation they're going through
>>76536 Honestly yeah. Sweet and to the point, the humiliation aspect is such an integral part of this whole fetish. The gay shit turns me off personally but I can see why some people wouldn't care if it's a woman or man begging and laughing their heads off. 90% of the appeal is just seeing someone broken and embarrassed and forced to submit to something as childish as tickling
>>76581 And that's fair, not everyone's gay simply put. My point was it's only natural the gays would be attracted to such a thing ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ ofc straight ppl will be into it too, I mean a tough girl getting reduced to a giggly wreck is hot ngl but in this fetish the fags are everywhere. It's just how it is. Just try to ignore it and move on
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I want a crazy socially toxic third wave feminist lunatic not unlike the now infamous “Big Red” pictured here…something about her is oddly attractive despite the venom she spits…or maybe I just want to torment her that badly. The type who scream and cry about the patriarchy and rape culture. The ones who want all men to be harvested for their sperm as soon as it becomes viable and then have them castrated by law since we’re all just sex offenders in the making. The ones who don’t want female equality but rather female supremacy where they get all the perks and benefits of a man but get to keep all the special treatment they’ve grown accustomed to as women. The ones who’s lives are a pathetic disastrous failure and rather than own up to their own mistakes chose instead to blame the world for it. I want one of them…locked up in a sound proof cell in my basement. Over a period of days, weeks and months I subject them to unrelenting and sadistic tickle torture. I will never question them or even speak to them, giving no reason or logic behind my actions despite them screaming that tickling is a form of rape. This will go on until they finally reach a breaking point where their pompous ego flexing gives way to genuine pleas for mercy and signs of genuine submissive vulnerability. That’s when the psychological reconditioning begins. Slowly and methodically I begin to break down and invalidate every belief they have by cutting to the root of their personal issues, make them see the real reason behind their established beliefs and through no short degree of applied Stockholm syndrome, “tickle the fight” out of them and totally decimate their force of will or drive to assert themselves. In all this time I never do a single thing to elicit a sexually aroused response, forcing them to inevitably BEG me to fuck them (possibly as a way of getting mercy from the tickling) since all these feminist lunatics are starving for affection. By the end they’re rendered more docile and submissive than the most stereotypical 1940’s TV mom trope and are completely obedient to my whims. She also develops a masochistic streak where she “needs” tickle torture and may even misbehave intentionally hoping it leads to “punishment”. Now…you may be sitting there asking: “But anon, doesn’t this only serve to validate and even enforce everything she believed in prior to this?” And I’ll answer yes, yes it does but that’s the whole point… …I’m making an honest woman out of her ;)
>>77359 You had me up until the "honest woman" bit. Your interest comes from the fact that she's loud, entitled, obnoxious and insufferable. Don't delude yourself into thinking she's somehow right when she lives in fucking Canada dude. If you wanna go on about Africa or Asia or the Middle East or some shit then feminist away but the reason why people like her came to power is only because woman have equal rights in the west. Otherwise based
>>77367 Honestly that was meant as more of a joke than anything too serious; was super tired when I wrote that. Like some kind of NYPD Blue moment where I put on sunglasses followed by The Who screaming “Yeeeeah!” lol I guess what I meant was as far as myself she was right? I dunno.
>>77373 You good fam the autism in the fetish so str0nk it's hard to tell what's satire and what's serious these days
>>77359 Based
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Imagine what if this study didn't turn out to be a total hoax and you could land a job as a professional tickle-fitness coach. Every day you wake up to a 9 to 5 routine of tickling women and get paid for it. You have an array of customers: chubby stay-at-home wives, self-conscious teens worried about their appearance, usually strict businesswomen who melt into giggles as you scratch over their nylon-covered soles, muscular and fit sport-fanatics, curvy MILFs who want to lose some of that wieght they've gained during pregnancy, hell, maybe even some semi-professional college athletes who want to improve their endurance. Some would prefer gentle goosing while they try to evade your fingers, others gentle foot feathering with ankles immobilized in stocks, some would want to stick to the 'professional' approach with an examination table equipped with handcuffs and stocks as well as brushes, oil and rolling pins, other, more determined, more kinky ones would pay handsome money to be stripped down completely, tightly secured and wrecked with multiple tools, no spot on their bodies being left untouched. And since it's a medical procedure/physical excercise you can always x somebody off, 'due to concernes about their health' if she's too old/overweight. Naturally, you'd only attend ticklish individuals, since there's no point in the procedure if they're not sensitive. They would need to disclose every ticklish spot they know of and you'll (since you're such a skilled 'therapist') discover some they could've never suspected, keeping all of the data (age, height, shoe size, heatmap of sensitivity, best tools and techniques, session logs) in a neat file for every customer. Well, that would be cool I guess
As a dude, there is just something about the simple idea of being tickled by another dude. Gets me incredibly aroused but for the life of me, I can never seem to take the jump. So I fantasize about it a lot. And it's never anything fantastical. It's always pretty mundane. But it's the simpleness of the fantasy. I like the thought. Meeting another guy through an online forum or Grindr, shit maybe from here. Who knows? I hit it off with the guy. We exchange pictures, get to know each other. Give each other our tickling backstories. All the with the formality of water cooler talk. Like just a couple of fellas talking about the game. Turns out, he has stocks. Lucky for me, considering I've never had the opportunity to get locked in. We plan out a time and place to meet up. The day arrives. The final confirmation that neither of us is gonna bail out takes place, whatever that is. For shits n giggles we sent each other a mirror selfies with our faces and soles in the photo, I don't know. We meet up at the hotel, because we probably ain't doing it at each other's houses. He sets up while we chat. And now the time has come. The set up is generic. I'm sat on some sort of recliner. Wrists either bound behind or to the arms of the seat. Ankles propped up to be placed in my buddies stocks. He locks me in. He bullies me a little while tying my toes back. Jokingly calling me a fag or making some shit eating remark about me getting off to having my feet tickled by another man. Not meanly. Always with the tone of a rude older sibling. Jokes on him, it's making me harder than diamonds. I'm pitching a visible tent while also flicking him off and telling him to fuck off. He catches my middle finger and starts tearing into me. Scribbling his nails across the arch of one of my feet. I clench my teeth, fighting off the urge to lose my shit. He keeps going for a little while, but I don't break. Eventually, oil is added. Faint squeaks start to leak out. It's getting to me. He meanly calls me a bitch for almost laughing. And rewards me with a brush to the soles. Now I'm gone. I'm bouncing around, trying to get away from the brush. I'm repeatedly telling him to fuck off, but it just eggs him on. Unfortunately for me, this goes on for a while. My throat is a little horse and I'm running out of sound. Laughter going silent after some time. Then this mother fucker starts putting fluffy shit in between my toes. Ice cubes on my soles to make me jump. Shit, he even licks my soles for a bit because he can. After a while, i eventually climax. Whether it be to the tickling itself, me doing it myself or him doing it for him. Then maybe I give him some payback. Maybe we plan that for another time. But shoot, we had a good time nonetheless.
>>77886 What a sweet fantasy. It's so humble but it feels so real as a result. I love the macho masculine bullying angle when it comes to guys tickling guys, it makes it so much hotter to throw some accusations on your sexuality around or treat your ticklishness as an embarrassment. Stuff like that is why m/m is often my favorite variety of tickling. Also if I saw you cum from being tickled alone, or get so horny from it that you were begging for release, I would never let you live it down. I'd hang that shit over your head forever, especially if you needed me to help you climax. I'd threaten to make it public and try to ban you from ever jerking off to women in porn again. You're public use for the boys now, and that's all you're good for! Put you in the stocks in the men's locker room or tie you to the bench there and let the whole team have their fun with you.
>>77886 >After a while, i eventually climax. Whether it be to the tickling itself >>64087 As Written
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>>77971 Based as fuck. I think it's the playful bullying of it all. Maybe it's a bunch of the stronger dudes in the building putting me through it just because they can. Or my buddies and I getting weird on a late night lift. The latter actually sounds more appealing tbh. >>77973 LMAO that wasn't even on purpose. And this doesn't add much to it but I am a stoner as well. A fun idea I have is essentially being lured out with the extra promise of weed. Either getting absolutely baked to high heaven off a few bong rips or being loaded up on edibles. That way my all my senses are firing at full capacity. That way once he's found out oil makes the brushes worse I'm almost screaming. Deep belly laugh, my favorite when it comes to ticklish dudes. Yeah. That's the stuff.
>>78136 Oh, a stoner who's also into tickling, that's perfect. Have you ever had someone tickle you while you're under the influence? I've always been really interested in the idea of mixing weed and tickling, but I don't partake myself so I have no experience, and I would love some insight.
My idea is kind of silly but I would greatly enjoy it My fantasy is being able to travel inside of my favorite media(anime, video game etc) and with my knowledge of the series doom the heroes and villains to bad end tickle torture using their own weaknesses be it social or physical to help break them down and gaslight them into thinking they deserve it
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>>78141 Different anon, but weed makes me at least 10x hornier and more sensitive. Different strains have do different effects, so. THC overdosing or “greening out” isn't a serious issue it can't kill you, but it would end the session if the lee had too much since they would probably just pass out or be too dizzy. I don't have much experience being tickled IRL outside of some playful non-bondage tickles from girls I've dated, but the feeling is heavenly and sex is unreal. The key is to know your tolerances and limits and that goes for any substance. My dream session would include “forced” drugging to keep me horny and compliant as a tickle slave, or doing the same to a lee as I'm a switch. I imagine some perfecting a strain which induces extreme horniness, an extreme body high, along with leaving them relatively clear minded to appreciate every sensation. Add Maca, Tongkai Ali, and other cheap readily available aphrodisiacs to the mix and your victim would be ready for an extreme tickle torture and edging and denial session they'll never forget. Edibles are definitely my favorite by far as they last longer, get me higher, and are more consistently dosed. Unless you or your lee one of the unlucky people whose liver does not properly convert the THC, edibles are probably the way to go. 5-10 mg is the perfect starter dose. Protip: The best “body high” inducing cannabis I found are mix of technically legal hemp derivatives like D8, D10, HHC, THC-P all packaged in one. These tend to be extremely potent, so be sure to ready the recommended dosing carefully and start small if you go that route. They don' have an official name or brand since the “industrial hemp” market is constantly turning out new companies and changing product names and ingredients.
I had two cousins growing up who I used to be a little tickle terror towards. They were both older and they were girls. So it's safe to say little me had a crush on them. One was blonde, the other brunette. Really, from time to time I'd just pin em and tickle their sides or feet. All that said, growing up I've also developed a taste for being tickled. So from time to I find myself fantasizing about them taking revenge for all the times I've gotten at them. One example involves them just straight up going for it. Using their combined strength to pin me and tickle the hell out of me. One would sit on my arms and ruin my pit. The other with an arm wrapped around my ankles and tickling my poor soles. Cascades of tickle tickles and coochie coos. Making fun of me for being so grown up yet still so ticklish. All until I'm fully worn out. In the more intense scenario, I find myself tied a bed in one of their homes. How I got there isn't usually important. I like to switch it up. Sometimes I like to imagine I've confessed these feelings of wanting to be tied up and tickled by them and they're weirdly down. Or I add on to the first one and they notice I'm having more fun than I probably should. They undress me and find some sort of rope around to tie me down. My favorite is them walking in on me playing some sort of tie up game with myself while visiting them. In this scenario they get more hands on. Playing with my nipples and noticing how brutal it is for me. They'd playfully say they didn't know a guy could be ticklish there. Once they fully notice how hard I am, they'd rip off my boxers or underwear to have it stick straight up. They'd point and laugh while simultaneously tickling me. Eventually they'd grab oil and gently use their nails to tickle my dick til I blow. Sometimes my aunt (their mom) joins in just to show them how to properly tickle me. Getting to to hit my worst spots all at the same time. One cousin tweaking my nipples while the other gets under my toes. Meanwhile my aunt is pressing into my hips and spider crawling her fingers across my tummy. It goes on for a while until they're bored. Usually I'm let lose after everything. Just wanted to share something I've been thinking about. Feels good to write it out lol

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