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Fetish pet peeves Anonymous 02/14/2022 (Mon) 00:03:54 Id: aaf477 No. 14343
Not cringe, not hate, just things that crop up in tickle fetishry that irk you on some level for me, it's when artists give human feet to characters that clearly don't have them because they can't fathom tickling any kind of foot that isn't fully humanoid. Even worse if they have normal human toenails growing over fur, looks cursed.
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This head and feet in stocks or a wall setup. I try not to judge footfags too much but they make it so hard when they constantly keep reminding you that the only parts of a woman they care about are the feet and maybe the face. I seriously get the feeling that some of them would prefer women to be something like a goomba; just a pair of feet attached to a head. Reading something labeled as a tickle story and it's 90% detailed description of feet. In these the tickler will usually say something like "let's explore another part of your body" and move from their big toe to a smaller one like it's some kind of interesting change. The same few characters getting spammed in tickle artwork like they don't already have dozens of pictures you can look at if you want to see them tickled. Especially if the pictures are essentially the same set up as a bunch of the ones that came before. I know plenty of people here love Tifafag for commissioning I don't know how many pictures of her, but I'm just wondering why anyone would spend so much money to get dozens of the same picture. >>14345 Also this. People are way too obsessed with the TMNT scene and this motherfucker keeps showing up so often I'm beginning to think a large portion of this community is sexually attracted to him. It's a mediocre scene and the April part lasts all of 5 seconds.
>>14352 I love feet but I hate these too. It's just not interesting. Also a personal problem but I don't like toe ties at all cause I think seeing the toes wiggle is a huge part of the fun.
The people who commission several different artists to essentially draw the same picture over and over again. This isn't even necessarily a fetish thing, either. I've seen the same thing done in non-sexual art and its just as annoying. >>14343 This so much. Nothing is more uncanny than a clearly stylized cartoon character drawn with realistic looking human feet. It's just a fundamental lack of aesthetic consistency.
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>>14373 Your cat is cute, I'll use her to make a point. I'm a big fan of eldritch abomination as ticklers, but I absolutely hate when they try to cram in a huge bald human face as a tickler. It's not very common but every time I see it I cant help but hate the expressions they come up with. That and overly weird lees as well. There can be very good weird victims but people like lord-reckless just tries so hard to make them extremely uncanny, i don't think its even in the realm of pornography anymore
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Tickle fakes, I hate these and there are so many of them
>>14374 agreed also lmao
>>14374 I won't lie that 3rd pic is hot as hell and I have zero idea why
>>14375 Holy shit, absolutely this. I swear DA is riddle to shit with this garbage
>>14352 Tifafag is based wtf
>>14343 >Human feet and toenails >On furry character Same. Like I can forgive humanesque feet on SOME characters (mainly: they always wear shoes/we've never seen them bare) but human toenails instead of claws are a deal braker to me. Shit doesn't even make sense
I really don't like ballgags mixed with tickling. I feel they defile the whole meaning of tickling itself, which is laughter.
The amount of Patreon exclusive art, like damn but this wouldn't be so bad artists posted good tickling art along side but no, Wtfeather especially, they post patreon exclusive tickling and the freebies are foot art with no tickling, kinda bs if you ask me.
Any type of gags, vibrators, dildos, etc. Anything that distracts from the tickling itself honestly.
>>14428 Oh nyooooo, I can't get free art, how will I ever survive in this cruel world. Seethe harder!! >>14343 Anything furry with human feet is nothing short of an improvement!!
>>14432 Bruh its not that i dont get free art, its that they post the tickling in patreon while all we get is foot focus
When they take the socks off without tickling them first. It's a 10 minute video, I'm sure the footfags will live with 1 minute of sock tickling. Even worse with art where they could easily make a variation with it.
>>14432 Holy shit what a trash tier take. If you want to fap to generic anime humanoids go do that, the point of furshit is to be different.
>>14345 Oh god, that makes it look like he doesn't have a moustache, it's just extremely long nose hairs combed to each side.
>uploads video >"I'll name it "tickle"
>>14472 That KK Slider one is fucking horrifying
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>>14472 He's right though, it's a pretty massive improvement Even if they sometimes have pad i cant bring myself to like actual dog paws. Stylized feet all the way. Not that the artists cant make nightmare fuel like what you posted though
>>14479 >it's a pretty massive improvement it's really not. the pic on the right's ok, though. Cause it doesn't raise the question of "does this anthro have fur on the bottom of their soles".
>>14479 The second one is fine but you're still wrong
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>>14481 AND ANOTHER THING >anthro has human feet >soles same color as the rest of their fur >still has sole wrinkles like it's skin >has that sole blush too I know its not real and doesn't matter but it aggravates my autism
>>14479 Anon, who’s the name of the artist? I like the style of plantigrade paws.
>>14493 Bound raccoon b0ss https://www.furaffinity.net/user/theboundraccoon/ good luck getting a comm, rarer to get than Caroo giving a shit >>14479 I was talking about that shit where they humanize it too much....like to where it literally just looks like a human foot with different coloring nails and all. Plantigrade with claws and stuff is cool, because you can still have variety; claws, pads, no pads, fur on the bottoms, furless on the bottoms, two tone colors, etc
>>14472 Instead of showing proper examples to counter the argument it proceeds to show complete autism. Runs in the family anon?
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>>14352 >This head and feet in stocks or a wall setup I know this is kind of the wrong place to say this, but I actually really like this setup, even as a guy that doesn't get off to feet exclusively. It's not without issue; it can very easily devolve into an excuse for artists to be lazy (and it often does/has), it makes me terribly worried about the 'lee's spine and the goomba example proposed is actually nightmarish. And still... I see the appeal. As a pitfag, one of my favorite parts of tickling that spot is that it allows the 'ler to be up close and personal with a 'lee. There's something really special about getting right in their face and observing every detail of their expression as the tickling drives them wilder and wilder, it gives the chance to look into their eyes as they wordlessly plead for mercy in ticklish anguish or to passionately make out with them and literally feel the giggles coming out of them. Now, feet are based, but they're also literally the furthest you can be from allowing the same thing. So, this position solves that. It combines one of the advantages of pit tickling with a different tickle spot and I can appreciate that, even though pits are still typically what I'm gonna go for when I want that. I'm also a big fan of single spot tickling. Full body stuff is insanely hot, don't get me wrong, but the oppossite, a 'lee having a single spot targeted and that being enough to completely break them because they're just so fucking ticklish there, really does it for me too. And this setup exploits that to its maximum degree: the 'lee has been reduced to the body part being tortured and their one outlet for all the crazed reactions. Their entire world is that spot and all the torture being forced upon them through it, it's the only thing they can think about, it's the only thing they're allowed to think about... And although, truth be told, I think mummification does this aspect one better because it shows the bondage that's denying the 'lee any contact that isn't the tickle torture going on (and it opens it for different spots to get the works instead of feet too), I still really like it here. And finally, when I'm feeling a bit edgier and I want some of that dark, messed up tickle torture fantasy stuff, the whole 'mounted on a wall like a trophy' thing that often accompanies this setup is pretty fantastic too. It's dehumanizing, it's psychologically scarring, it makes sure the 'lee feels like nothing but a tickle toy whose value lies entirely in their suffering for others' entertainment. They're literally nothing but a body part to torture and one to hear and see them go crazy. It appeals to that filthy part of me that wants to know the 'lee is suffering hellishly and tasting ticklish despair. And yeah, it's not associated with this 'trope' of sorts necessarily, but whenever it is, it's a huge plus. Alright, that's enough of me playing devil's advocate. Don't let me stop you from disliking it, I totally get why it's divisive to say the least and yes, it is totally overused, but I don't think it's just footfags that genuinely only care about feet that can find it appealing.
>>14500 heres some actual examples dont look right
>>14512 Ngl that first one looks completely fine in my books. But holy shit the second one deserves a special place in hell
>>14518 I personally don't mind either way, unless we go completely feral than it just looks wrong. Humanoid feet look fine, the same but with pads and claws look good too, but I just strongly prefer plantigrade over digigrade
>>14525 Thankfully digigrade feet aren't all too common in furry art (from what I've seen at least)
>>14529 >>14525 >not liking long soles no accounting for taste, I guess
>>14531 Bitch I love long soles but digigrade is still fundamentally build different
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>>14533 and?
>>14534 >Sole >Where the soul resides
Footfags are the biggest autists of this autistic enough fetish.
>>14549 And that's why they're based
>>14549 I'm not so sure I'm a footfag cause I'm not into feet in-of themselves, I just enjoy them as a tickle spot. I guess thats why Im not fussed about claws or paws or hoofs or other 'exotic' foot forms, as long as it fits aesthetically and has some soft spots to poke and tease, I'm happy.
>>14371 This guy here. To clarify, it's about aesthetic consistency. I get the same kind of reaction from having a simplified human cartoon character drawn with overly detailed anatomy, pick your tickle spot. >>14375 Tickle fakes get a similar reaction for a similar reason. There's a very clear disconnect between the parts of the overall image that just don't add up.
I don't mind normal porn fakes but I've never seen a single tickle fake that looked good. I guess ticklefags are lazy.
>>14746 And people have patreons for tickle fakes, that people actually pay for Still blows my mind
>>14511 nigga you fr typed all that shit out about fictional illustrated tickling porn please re evaluate your life
>>14773 Please stop larping as a Twitternog
>>14778 >larping >on the internet
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>>14773 >nigga you fr typed all that shit out about fictional illustrated tickling porn
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>tickle vid of cute asian model >doesn't laugh when tickled, just moans in discomfort
>>18624 Goddamnit do I ever feel your pain, bro.
>>18624 Like 95% of Asian clips do this. I've never understood the appeal of them and I have no clue why Asian women are supposed to be the holy grail of tickle videos. They either make animal-like squeals or appear in extreme physical distress.
>>18624 No fucking kidding, I'm generally very attracted to Asian girls but fuck me, they almost never make good tickling content.
>>18633 I think it's a cultural thing? Like they do it on purpose because it's the "sexy" thing to do in a lot of regular porn. I notice it more in Japanese stuff than chinese or korean, who seem to be more eager to laugh, but it could just be a coincidence.
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>>18635 It's funny, I've had this exact conversation with my gf, and the answer is basically yes- you subconsciously mimic the cues from the porn you've grown up with. And so much of Asian porn plays off ideas of the girl's reluctance and humiliation (especially in Japanese stuff, but most Asian countries watch Japanese-made porn). That's what the male audience finds hot to watch and the female viewership finds hot to mimic, seeing a girl fight it and protest and have her composure broken down, rather than explode into giggles and screams. I've teased her about making 'Asian-porn-agony noises' instead of laughing whenever she's tickled. I guess it makes Asian tickling stuff an acquired taste. The best is when they try to put up the facade but can't help it, and the tickler finds the spot that makes them burst out laughing even through all those moans and protests.
>>18639 I was definitely aware it was an act of sorts. I lived in Japan for a while and can say that when people just innocently give each other a little playful tickle, no agony porn noises come out. It's entirely in the context of porn.
When artists get mad when you don't pay attention to the 5 pages of "muh lore" of milktoast 4th grade backstory to a fetish OC. You're not a writer, you make smut, stay in your fucking lane.
I can't stand the fucking ones where it's a fucking child in it. If u like that shit u need help
>>14352 while we’re at it… >the wtfeather face Why does he insist on drawing the same awful expression, copy and paste, over and over again…
>>19256 It's so boring and he always resolves around the same franchise all the time. Like I love his style of drawing but one drawing a month should not cut it. It's just annoying that it takes that long cus I have been waiting for over 2 years for him to make anouther seige pic but that's never gona happen at this rate
>>19259 Fucking auto correct Resolves was supposed to be revolves
It's a huge peeve to see a cute bellybutton tickle pic that leads to a gallery full of fucked up navel torture. I click because they have one or two pieces that are tickling but then 95% of their gallery is blood and legit torture or things being forced painfully into the navel. Huge bait and switch.
>>19263 Navelfags got it rough bro, feel bad for anyone who's only into them. There's almost a universal overlap between artists drawing navels being tickled and navel ryona.
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I fucking hate it when people decide to take a png of a character, and put a shitty feet drawing in front of them. Do people actually think that this is hot? Do people actually see this as foot art? I could throw this together in like 10 seconds in google slides. As an addon to this shitty practice, it sucks when the person takes a picture of a fictional character and puts some real-ass feet right in front of them like it's not weird or anything. At least try to put some effort into what your doing. When you're looking for some good foot art of a character and all you can find are these shitty images, it frustates me to no end.
>>19268 I need some bleach. I fucking hate it when artists draw the character really well and then half-ass the feet, i'm on about when its meant to be a normal foot and they fucking only put like 3 or 4 toes, WHY?
>>19270 ... uh. Anon? It's because they don't draw "the good part".
>>19270 That's not what I meant. I get that it can be hard to draw feet. (of course you should still try) But what pisses me off it when they take a pre rendered and pre-made png (that they didn't make) and then just slap a picture of some shitty feet in front.
>>19357 As far as I've seen tho, it seems to only be shit I see on DA, where most retarded, no talent artists reside. Hopefully it stays there tho
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>people describing feet as 'meaty'
>>28122 I love meat and I love meaty feet
>>28123 I love meat in a culinary aspect but the word is anti-erotic to me Same when people call thighs 'meaty' or refer to boobs as 'sweater meat', feels gross
>>28124 Meaty is this very specific kind of THICK for feet, it's like this association between thick and juicy and something you want to fill your mouth with. I don't know how else to describe that
>>28123 meaty feet just means plump feet, which i am 100% down for.
>>14375 This, picrel belongs in a cringe thread >>19268 This too but it's actually so cringe it makes me laugh so it's ok imo >>18624 >Or even worse The girl is actually ticklish and has a cute laugh but the Asian guy doing the tickling is an absolute awkward autistic retard who just weirdly pokes the lee's feet instead of lightly scratching/playing with toes etc so she just laughs a couple of times during the vid because he's done the right thing by accident. That shit gives me a rageboner every time Another thing I'd like to add is when the lee is extremely ticklish and instead of playing with her, making her squeal with light touches/soft feathers which would already be very ticklish for her, the tickler goes absolutely apeshit and makes the lee scream like they're in extreme pain for 10 minutes. I enjoy extreme tickle scenarios tho but only in artworks because it's different and I don't feel bad for the lees. Bleufetish being the only exception because they usually do amazing verbal teasing while wrecking the lee
I hate kids
>>29735 wym he's based
>>29736 They follow porn accounts and aren't smart enough to keep their mouths shut and expose everyone to underage liabilities because they're retarded
>>29735 They dropped their crown
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>>29743 That's the good shit, nice thick soles that you could faceplant into. Could absolutely do with a good hair brushing, though.
Tickle fakes that have absolutely zero effort involved. Look, I get it, it's going to take A LOT of effort to make one that looks seamless. Even dtka66's pieces have little things that put pictures into the uncanny valley. I can tolerate a difference from trying to force several unrelated images together. But then you've got people who blow up images so you have a grainy, stretched subject slapped above feet in stocks. Or some feet were cut out poorly and you can still see bits of the image it came from. Or the subject they're using is just staring, maybe scowling, lips pressed together, yet they threw in a speech bubble going "Hahahaha I'm going insane." If that's your personal private fap fodder, whatever, good for you. But am I supposed to believe you made that picture in 10 minutes, saw all the clear mistakes, and went "Mmm yeah the whole world should see this picture"? And then I don't know what's worse, the "artist" then getting angry that people pointing out the mistakes, or the commenters who respond "Oh yeah that's so fucking hot amazing job!"
>>29765 >That same stock photo of a padded cell that they always use
This low-quality shit filling my DA suggestions for no good reason. https://www.deviantart.com/ticklerhi/art/Gel-in-the-Tickle-Box-931120025
one thing that makes me irrationally angry is when there's a 3d tickle animation with an actually decent looking model but then the toes move in sync like they're all rigged to one bone especially infuriating when it's a model that clearly looks like it has individual toes and toe bones to animate with
When the dude filming the video can’t shut the fuck up and tries tries to be the center of attention making it about how he’s so awesome because he’s getting the chance to tickle the girl.
>>30329 Yeah irrationally is the word 1 - Rigging the toes would require a level of knowledge and patience your run of the mill low effort animator wouldnt go through 2 - toes in real life don't move individually from eachother That's my huge pet peeve btw, when some faggot decides drawing this is somehow a good idea
Stuff like this where the lee is going on and on about how much they LOOOOOOVE being tickled, with shit like “please don’t stop” and “I LOVE it when you tickle my feet,” accompanied by little hearts plastered all over the art. Even worse if they’ve got one of those faces with the tongue lolling out to one side (for some reason I associate the face with Twomario’s art but I feel like I see it everywhere now) Like…. I get that there are people out there who enjoy the whole “lee loves it” scenario. But goddamn it is just the quickest boner killer for me. To each their own I guess, I just can’t fucking stand it. Obv doesn’t help that this particular example is from Countfire, but w/e.
>>30357 I think the "ick" of it comes from the WAY they enjoy it. Obviously, I'd also love someone who loved it, but even in reality it would put me off a bit of someone was screaming "GOD YES I LOVE BEING TICKLED HAHAHA TICKLE ME" cause...I don't know, I guess. If you love it, praise. But I equate that reaction to the same as saying "I love your big cock". Which I guess feels too porny? I don't know. But I agree, that level of adoration for it, represented that way, makes me wither.
>>30359 Agreed, I think that’s probably my biggest issue with it. If someone is quietly enjoying themselves I don’t really find it so vehemently unappealing. But the presentation in most of these pics does feel super fake and “porny”
>>30357 even lees who LOVE being tickled don't go "ooh yes don't stop more! tickle me more!" while being tickled.
>>30361 Here's a depiction of a willing 'lee that feels a lot more realistic and, honestly, is way more appealing to my particular sensitivities. I do appreciate the whole 'tickle me harder daddy' thing but much more from a mind broken UNwilling 'lee. That way it actually makes sense for them to say over the top unrealistic shit, as they're just mindlessly saying what they think their 'ler wants to hear.
>>30357 >>30359 >>30360 >>30361 That hentai doujin dialogue, never saw the appeal myself.
>>30352 yeah like i'm not even asking for dumb shit like that i just want the barest hint of natural movement they don't individually move like that, but they do spread apart and press together amidst the squirming, which is lost when they're all rigged to one bone
>>30357 I occasionally crave for some art that has willing lees or not necessarily minding their predicament I pefer subtle ways to express that "Lees enjoy tickling" such as; - Heart eyes, kinda self explanatory, even if its only for the viewer it already says a lot and is enough for me. (like my mind says no, but my body says yes kinda thing) - another type is the more bashful type lees that act tsundere for lack of a better word. like >>30362 more points if they begrudgingly also accept bondage like rope ties and such "fine I'll let you have your kink" (and secretly mine) - This one is a bit rare imo, but scenarios where tickling is like a service or a predicament where its commonplace or even just an accepted pastime. i.e. going to a tickle spa/lon. or conversely working as the tickle model to offer their feet as the product etc. - and the fourth type. My absolute favorite and probably hottest imo is the gradual acceptance of enjoyment. The slow struggling start, 'why are my feet bare, where am I etc etc'. Then the realization 'oh god I'm being ticked, for real?', The desperation 'no please make it stop its too much, I'll do anything' bargaining to make it stop and so on [insert your tickle buzzwords here], then the juicy part, the Denial; 'it tickles so bad, b-but why do I feel this way, this is weird' and makes their mind all fuzzy and jumbled. Cut to some time later and see their face and bam; giggling, sobbling mess. No please for mercy or cries to stop, just pure blissful laughter. okay maybe I got carried away on that last bit, whoopsie as a note, its not necessarily always mindbreak but just also them awakening to the 'tish. (but mindbreaks good too) last last thing, FUCK Badcrab's dialogue holy shit. the ooc autism the characters say is just pure bonerkills I swear to god. 10/10 art that goes down to a 2/10 cause of the shit captions
>>30048 I love it when a problem fixes itself. Basically a shit-tier edit of some celeb i've never heard of. No two things in the image remotely matching. Not her face, not her feet, not the restraints, nada.
>>30357 This. It's why some of Bad-Crab's art, the art itself is fucking amazing but the dialogue is fucking chalked.
Blatant acting. Clearly unticklish people just "reacting" in ways ticklish people do not react. Just moving around at a weird pace, putting on a fake laugh, especially as the Ler is barely making any ticklish contact with them. More just 'airing' their fingers around them. Like whats even the point. https://xcavy.com/videos/13949/strong-lady-tickle-torture-sexy-toes/
Also. Nicolas Cage 'You Don't Say' face bottom right.
>>30458 Literally the perfect example. Jesus Christ I hate his dialogue.
A peeve I have is when an Artist makes a really good pic like very good but theirs they one glaring flaw in that pic that completely ruins it, like they have no neck or their neck is too long, or they have two left feet or there eyes are too far apart things like that is annoying as hell Also peeing too I hate seeing that stuff
>>30443 That last description fits this pic to a T especially considering Nia’s character
>>14352 My biggest issue is that the human body doesn’t bend that way, at least not comfortably. The head bound between the feet would almost always have the face pointed down and could only look forward with serious strain and discomfort.
>this is a WATCHERS ONLY deviation, only watchers can see this! >watch them so I can see it >it looks like shit >unwatch it keeps happening
on the subject of bad dialogue, ESL stuff is a bonerkiller 90% of the time nothing makes me quite as angry as reading 'sensible' when it should be 'sensitive'
>>30802 >he doesn't like a sensible, tickling both of feet get a load of this guy
Artists who release low-quality and watermarked images and no alternatives
>>31554 >'09 Lowres was a norm back then, and DA had an option to auto-watermark uploaded art.
Stuff like this. What in the actual fuck. https://youtu.be/qbZ8RmWWcUs
I think most DID stuff is the most boring shit ever. 200 pictures in a gallery of girls sitting tied up, looking at the viewer.
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>>29735 "Yeah sure, here you go lil bro *hands phone over*, have fun using my DA porn account."
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This balding cringelord's """content""" throwing itself onto my DA suggested feed. Shits gross.
>>42458 It legitimately took me a while to realise what I was looking at here and then I wished I hadn't.
not being able to draw feet / extreme wrinkles listen, i'm all for scrunched toes or resistant lees that try to fight back by curling them up, but stuff like this just pisses me off
>>42482 nah this seems more like a cringey fetish towards inhumanely large feet. i'm convinced that these people can draw, but choose to draw feet in disgusting proportions because they see it appealing for some reason
>>35237 what the f-
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anyways, peeves of mine in tickling art are when the hands or tools or whatever don't look like they're touching the skin or body. I see this kinda often in tickling art and it annoys me that sometimes the hands or tools don't even look like they're touching at that point. There's no indication of like any digging or squeezing in the skin or body, if that makes sense. I think tickling artists just disregard that aspect. Another thing that irks me is just the utter lack of expression in a majority of tickling art as well. Tickling artists will literally just draw a lightly smiling face and normal eyes and call it a day, which is just so frustrating. One of the main aspects of tickling art should be the expression so you should make it look like the lee is laughing from being tickled. I don't even think all expressions in tickling art should be over the top like some artists do (which I do like most of the time though), but the expression also shouldn't just be smiling and that's it either.
>>30802 This. Do they not have a single goddamn friend who speaks English well enough to proofread for them?
Girls wearing stupid masks, they trigger my covid ptsd
Meta example, all the footfags malding itt whenever the autistic singularity of their fetish is brought up. Yes we get it you like those parts now you see why you come off so weird and annoying to everyone else, armpit lovers are aware and don't make this kind of clown show out of themselves, read the room >this post brought to you by UBchad gang
>>48766 Thats something people in japan have always done, you fucking cretin
>>48826 Never tested Never vaxxed the Vax is poison. Covid was a scam. I hate the antichrist.
I hate stocks. I hate it when the feet are not struggling. It's boring and feels lifeless. Even loose cuffs are better than stocks. Fuck stocks.
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>>48832 Being able to move makes the tickling more bearable which is why I love stocks. The tighter the better. Toes tied back stretching the sole skin is top tier
>>48834 Same. The more helpless they are the better. So I like the way you think.
>>48832 I agree, I think they make things uninteresting especially when a bunch of toe ties are used it makes the feet look weird and stretched out. But that's just the foot fag talking here.
I’m probably alone here but when they take the socks off immediately, it is fucking retarded. “A girl wearing cute socks? Let’s take them off right away” yeah no need to tickle them a little bit, see how ticklish they are. No need, just take them off right away and jump straight into the same shit every time. It’s not like it’s hot as fuck to see cute socks getting tickled, and the socks a lee wears would tell you anything about their fashion sense or personality No, 99.99% of videos just discard them 10 seconds in, tie their toes, and start. Words cannot describe how fucked up it is that there are no videos where the lee gets tickled in thigh high socks, or cute pink ankle socks. All we got, at best, are white and black ankle socks for 3 minutes tops. Bonus points for artists that have a socked variant, a tickling variant, but no sock tickling variant and no psd
>>14434 my nigga are you ME?
>>48830 Holy crap Lois
>>14343 Srsly people into 5 toed feet on all characters regardless of cannon design, I have 2 questions A. Why the standard foot over everything else? Do you just not like variety or is there another reason? B. How the fuck do human toenails grow over fur? I'll give you scales and so on since we'll, it's skin but furries? I need to know.
You know what I hate? I hate robot ticklees. That's where my suspension of disbelief flies out the window. There is nothing sexy about robots being tickled. It's just scratching rocks, metal and construction material. A overblown masturbatory dildo. To quote Short Circuit. "It doesn't get happy. It doesn't get sad. It doesn't laugh at your jokes... IT JUST RUNS PROGRAMS!!!"
>>49200 Save your coolant leak and your pity. I have no use for it!
>>49188 Robot tickling in the sense of just regular tickling but on a robot is pretty dumb, like all the terrible fucking animatronic FNAF tickling out there where they're just stroking those big flat feet. But robot tickling as a concept has a few quirks that make it interesting, likr the idea of reprogramming a robot against its will in some way, like the tickling is some sort of malware or virus that's being uploaded into the robot's brain, or the idea that the robot has buttons in the traditional tickle spots that, when pressed, force some sort of ticklish reaction. Then the act of repeatedly pressing the button over and over again can simulate extended tickling. I always assumed this was the idea of how Switch tended to draw his robot lees, having these little buttons or sensors in the soles and armpits that their torturers could press, poke, or rub to tickle the robotic victims. Of course it may just be that I really like Switch art specifically so anything he does I'm on board for, but I mean this is also kind of how My Life as a Teenage Robot did it with Jenny in that one tickling episode, so I think there's merit.
>>49188 Robot Tickling does seem stupid if you apply the current level of technology to it, but it's not hard to envision a future where high-level neural networks and sensory technologies have had their time to develop, as well as human-level artificial intelligence lead to robots having the same ticklish reactions as a human would. Why would we design such a robot? Because childish and cringe people like us exist, that's why.
>>49232 But what's the point? It's just wasted resources to me when you have other options of flesh to pursue. You don't seriously look at your toaster and think, "I want to make this inanimate object laugh" Are you insane?!
>>49238 That's still stupid. It's still not alive and it's still a moving pile of metal bits and electricity. There's no appeal in it sans mental retardation.
>>49246 >lol who would use a sex doll? it's just an inanimate object, whats the appeal?? >lol who would fap to a drawing? its not fucking real, its just lines, theres no appeal >lol who wants romance options in video games?? that girls not real, theres literally no appeal >mental retardation...
>>49247 You forget the part where I said "...as a lee" Implying I acknowledge such as a tool. Get your head out of your ass.
>>49245 >he doesn't wanna tickle the konata toaster are you gay?
>>49249 I believe this thread was called "pet peeves". I don't have to justify shit, including my desire to or not suck dick :)
>>49248 >>49250 I'm just saying it doesn't make sense man you'll masturbate to a fake woman, but not a fake woman made of metal
>>49258 I'm horny, not insane.
>>49245 >But what's the point? Because thinking about characters getting tickled is fun, anon.
reviving this thread to put this fucker here. fetish artists stop drawing this fucking snake i swear to god you can do hypnosis/tickling without putting this retarded fucking slithering bastard everywhere. i hate him so fucking much i want to run him over with my car
Don't like when it's just one foot getting tickled.
I hate when a tickle victim has one eye open and one eye closed. I've never seen anyone getting tickled laughing like this, why is it so common?
It’s a minor point of contention but when artists do work featuring mainstream characters and either totally ignore or disregard key details that make them interesting. Like the One Piece character Yamato in the pic is 8’8” and yet almost every piece I’ve seen her in has her in the “normal” size range. Basically only her eye candy appeal matters and nothing else. Same when it comes to characters where they ignore more fantastic aspects like doing art of Elastigirl from the Incredibles and ignoring her ability to stretch or Mt. Lady from MHA and disregarding her ability to change size. I guess it’s more of a personal gripe but just seems like wasted opportunities to do something more than the same generic female getting tickled art we see all the fucking time.
lers in videos never shutting the fuck up in them. i’m here to see and hear the lee laugh and scream, not have to listen to your corny-ass inputs every 10 or 20 seconds. i also prefer male lers to wear gloves in videos cuz i don’t wanna see their hairy fat fucking fingers; at the very least fingerless gloves would be fine
>>59504 >i also prefer male lers to wear gloves in videos cuz i don’t wanna see their hairy fat fucking fingers; at the very least fingerless gloves would be fine Your first part was reasonable enough but this is borderline an autistic compulsion
>>59528 fat fuck hairy gorilla fingers aren’t hot to see idk what to tell you, unless you find that to be hot for whatever ungodly reason
Exactly this, fuck that fucking fat idiot. He gets the hottest models, then he won't stop fucking talking, sticking his face in the shot, and his nasty hairy hands, fucking puke worthy. He should just hire a fucking chick to tickle and get the fuck outta the way. He's nasty. Would never purchase, he has maybe 5 good clips where he's out of the way.
>>59573 either you’re a retarded troll or you actually got mad as fuck over my comment like the other troglodyte, or really just both either way, if you disagree with my take, i’m just gonna assume you’re a fat fuck with gorilla-sized hands cuz idk how else you’re gonna go against me over this shit
>>59622 don’t really know who you’re referring to, but they must stink up every video they make i assume
>>49188 So uh... what are you trying to tell me here, little man? That you don't think Alita is hot as fuck?
>>59528 m8 who in this cringe and childish fetish are you expecting not to be autistic
>>61218 You sure stick to your Schtick, don't ya?
i like tkl comics stuff and they're a good artist, but i think their works would be considerably better if they'd stop adding stupid titles and captions everywhere that just fill up the image
>>61220 I get why it’s done, but the giant watermark is such an eyesore.
>>61219 >/tkr/ is one person
>>61222 yeah it's me
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so here’s something that pisses me off every time i see it- tickling art where the gimmick is death or execution or snuff or whatever- just utter vial shit like that where a ticklee or other person would die to some contraption set up where a ticklee has to hang on or whatever to not kill the person. i don’t fucking get nor understand why anyone would get off to shit like that, this fetish is absurd enough, why the fuck do you need to go and add snuff shit to it?? image below is what made me wanna rant about this shit, you can probably tell what’s going on in it, but to explain it, a mom and daughter gets kidnapped and the mom has to keep lifting a weight or else her daughter (2-3 btw as the artist mentions) will get hanged from the noose connected to the weight. basically it’s just utterly depraved and just completely ruins the art and everything else, snuff shit can go to hell and i fucking hate artists putting that shit in tickling works
>>62558 Yeeaah. Idk, I get the appeal of "laughing despite panic" or "raised stakes to showing weakness", but there's a difference between "I have a tickle fantasy" and "I have a tickle fantasy that coincedes with my snuff fetish", lmao.
When the victim is bondaged but not really and can just do something like pull her legs back. Also common in cases where they're put into small stocks and could easily move their feet away along with the entire set of stocks.
>>62558 I think the idea would come from the concept of a situation like that bringing out the absolute limit of someone's will, as you'd never have a stronger will than when your life was on the line. Then breaking their will through tickling, pushing them into a desperation nothing else could match. Which, I think, is why a lot of those pictures don't end up actually showing the death part. Some definitely do, certainly. But I THINK that's the idea, as best as I can understand it. Adding my own bit: It drives me insane for the comics where there isn't any real laughter during a tickling. It's shock, surprise, resistance, and general 'sexed' faces. But never a smile, never a laugh. Just do anything else and stop labeling that shit as tickling.
>>62570 100% this. I HATE when people draw the lee's face and have it look surprised or in pain and call it tickling. "Oh but no one would actually smile or laugh in a situation they wouldnt want to." Yes....yes they would....thats literally what tickling DOES. Makes you smile and laugh, or scream, want to or not. If you just have a blank or pained expression then its not tickling.
>>62571 You mean like this? I totally fucking agree tho like there's a difference between us and normal torture. We're like a version of BDSM that can't stand pain, paradoxical I know.
>>59622 >>59644 OP is probably talking about the Tickle Room guy. Who's videos have actually gotten worse over the years. Dude has no vision, doesn't get new bondage devices, and has to shoehorn foot worship into almost every video showcasing his hideous face. I really hate his set up, too. Dude uses an exam chair and a pair of portable stocks, like he's been making videos this long and still uses the most amateur shit. He's also one of those producers with a huge ego who thinks they make amazing content.
>>14343 Nah this shit is based because it's not ugly furry paw shit.
>>62713 No i mean like this guy. 99.9% of his art with "tickling" in it is just a surprised or painful look on their face, no laughter or smiling. https://www.deviantart.com/kidnapinc. He's been called out on it too i think but never changes it, just looks like they're in pain the entire time.
>>62827 404'd
>>62828 remove the period
>>62827 Besides the fact that it's 3D which turns me off most of the time, I actually enjoy that more, so long as they eventually laugh. It feels like that they're trying to resist and slowly being broken down
>>62827 >The knives >The guns >The sadism >Feathers next to knives Anon, I think there's more than tickling going on here.... I'm not shitting on him for being into sadistic shit, but I am saying tickling is probably not his main kink; and his work reflects that
I don't get disembodied tongues. Maybe it's because I'm not really into licking/worship? Is that the target audience for a bunch of chopped tongues floating in the air? No hate or judgment, I just don't really get it and it kinda pulls me out. Though I feel similarly about disembodied hands/arms, too, now that I think about it. Like, ghost hands or magic hands, sure, got it! But what is clearly intended to be an actual person's hands, but they have the "chopped here" oval at the forearms or biceps, that just seems to pull me right out. Weird, huh?
>>62841 Adding on to op's complaint. When people give human feet to mermaids
>>65146 i'm pretty certain stuff like disembodies limbs such as hands or tongues are like that so as to not obstruct too much of the main focus in hentai or whatever. It's not as if the limbs are actually floating or disembodied in some cases, since you could just imagine there's actually a person there, they're just not in the way so you see what's happening
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wtfeather’s a good artist, but there are a lot of aspects in his work that are bothering to me that keep him from making amazing if not flawless works; one which bothers me is that the view is too far away from the lees, like i get there’s other stuff in the work but it can’t be that hard to just zoom into the lees more
>>65479 That second pic is exactly the kind of thing I was writing about in >>65146. He goes to the trouble of making the hands robo-magical, and even draws the entire head of a cow, but then there are disembodied feminine "lower face areas" licking someone's feet. Why? They aren't even pseudo-technomagified like the hands, they're just floating skin and muscle flaps. What negative impact would there be on the image composition (such as it is) to have actual people instead of face chunks? Again, just a peeve. I don't hate the picture, I just don't get it.
>>65487 I mean, you can get away with tracing a cow and adding whatever so it matches the art style, but a person usually has to have some individuality to them, so I assume they are more difficult to draw in general.
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>>65487 >>65479 My artistic guess would be - trying to save some time. With four bodies, eight facial expressions (he didn't just copy paste the faces from above, he rewdrew them), plus eight feet in different positions and so on ... drawing persons is just way more difficult than doing this deattached mouth thingie - second reason is composition (see attached image). Adding persons would get in the way and cover up important things - alternative would have been like mechanical tongues, but I guess he tried to draw it and it looked aweful? Just my guesses :D
Posting Western art on Japanese art sites. Please stop posting your deviantart trash on better sites. I like to keep my fine dining and Little Ceasers in two boxes.
>>65532 Can you give examples?
>>65573 Let's play find the shitty artist. https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/tickle/artworks?p=2&s_mode=s_tag Report back by tomorrow.
>>65574 is it this garbage?
>>65578 Is that a foot or a flat fork?
>>59622 Video producers like that don’t even care about making money off their product but rather making sure everyone else knows “I’m hot shit because I’m tickling these sexy women and you’re not so seethe more.” and are in total denial that people are more angry at them for ruining what could be good content. They just convince themselves the haters are the ones in denial because they can’t deal with their greatness. Narcissism basically.
>>65578 See this is deviantart garbage I'm finding more and more on something like pixiv. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/102930331 I hate this so much!
>>65657 Ah yes, Gardner James syndrome.
>>65689 Don’t say his name too many times bruh…
>>65657 Close, but it's mostly because it's the only way they can play with hot women. Combination of recording sessions so they feel more comfortable knowing what they're in for, and the fact if you do it on video you're a model but if you do it in private you're a prostitute.
>>65707 > if you do it on video you're a model but if you do it in private you're a prostitute Whoa…never thought of that. That’s weird honestly.
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Bastinado Vs Tickling https://vk.com/video586782881_456239050 https://vk.com/video586782881_456239046 This isn't as much as of a peeve as it is more of a kind of jealously, a common envy for tickle fetishist. Happens a lot when you're scrolling through tickling videos and see a great pair of feet in a thumbnail and go "I'd love to see those feet tickled" only to open up the the video to see the feet being whipped by a cane. RussianFetish videos are usually the culprit. They'll have great set-ups of bondage, perfectly exposed soles, gagged, blindfolded and everything; only for it to be falaka or bastinado or whatever it's called. I'm not trying to start a fetish taste war because there's nothing lamer than that on the internet. It's just foot whipping is not my thing. But I do wanna know if anyone from the other camp feels the same. Like are there bastinado foot torture fetishist that see foot tickling videos and go "Man, I wish they would strike those sole with a stick even one time".
>>67735 agreed. cant stand opening a video tagged 'tickling' only to see hot wax and sticks being busted out. it must be incredibly niche, like bdsm-whipping mixed with foot fetish. i dont know a whole lot of people that are into that
I can't stand tickling content that has characters named like some generic American Karen or Kyle. I've had this happen with a lot of stories on DeviantArt. It's like all the characters are football jocks and cheerleaders from some shitty teen movie. Drake, Jennifer, Cassandra, there was even a fucking Krystal in one of the stories. For me, this is an instat turn off. (Sorry to every Drake, Jennifer, Cassandra or Skyler who's reading this)
>>67735 I'm down with it if I know the model's a freak that enjoys it.
This type of bondage has always annoyed me, there is absolutely nothing that's keeping her arms above her head.
Using animals for tickling is a huge turn off, maybe its not just me. Also toe ties that go overboard. Like i get it you like exposing a spot more but the foot fetish part of me doesnt know what its looking at because the toes are bent all the way back lmao
>>71760 it pisses me off that most tkl artists uses goats for animal tickling since it's the fact that goats licking a persons feet is an actual torture method that's meant to gradually tear the skin off of the soles which would clearly just get very painful overtime so i can't really imagine that being a turn-on unless you're also into that... idk if artists draw goat tickling cuz they don't actually know about that or maybe they do and still draw it anyways
>>71772 I don't believe that, honestly, goat tongues are NOT that rough, anyone who's fed a goat at a petting zoo could tell you that, they're less rough than cat tongues. I have an alternate theory, as to the nature of this torture. These accounts always reference a 'salt solution', most people assume its just salt water, but that would just run off their feet or dry. However, if you mix salt and olive oil together, not only will it stick to the soles more easily, but the salt will not dissolve, creating a a rough, exfoliating paste. This, if rubbed repeatedly with a goat tongue, I could easily see tearing the skin up. Sadly its only a theory of mine I cannot prove. unless someone has some goats and a set of stocks and some volunteers to spare.
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>>71774 My completely unfounded personal belief has always been that goat licking was never suppossed to be more than a way to inflict tickle torture in order to humiliate the victim, and the idea that it was meant to somehow tear the living flesh off of them wasn't developed until later as a sort of fucked up bit of folklore. Kinda like how Iron Maidens were probably never meant to be used as torture devices, and the idea that they were was something british explorers most likely came up with because it sounded scary and cool. Not talking about Iron Maiden, of course. They were as real as it gets. Still are. And don't you forget it.
>>71779 Clean your nails, swine.
>>67735 While we're on the topic of RF videos, it pisses me off to no end when I see feet tickled in supposedly restrictive bondage at their ankles, but their feet are willingly remaining taut and unmoving, as if for the sole purpose of showing them off to the camera and nothing else. Like holy shit, at least act like your feet are somewhat ticklish enough to holler like you do in the video. Bonus points when they are supposed to have toe ties to restrict further movement, but those toeties are loose as hell and serve absolutely no purpose in actual bondage. Also, am I the only one that wants to shrivel up and die when I hear them "tease" in English? The broken grammar and that heavy-ass Russian accent is so forced, it's an immediate turn off when everything else about the video could be stellar.
>>71772 I simply don't care and pretend that doesn't happen. Seems like a skill issue on your part.
Big feet. I don't mean slightly bigger either. Like big ass feet. If it's a big character? Fine, it only makes sense. Nah I'm talking like regular sized woman, twink, whatever you fap to with like 14+ mens feet. Like bruh you're like 5'8, no way you have them clown ass feet bruh I get it, same principal as tits and ass, bigger is better but like there's gotta be a limit lmao at least characters like rabbits, bears and kangaroos have the excuse of having big feet irl lol
>>71774 >>71779 well I suppose if the skin tearing doesn't actually happen (unless it's with the salt solution theory) then I could just conclude I'm just a dumbass at that point, though that just depends on if it's true or not which idk who's gonna find out >>71794 you think saying this is gonna make you sound or feel any less pathetic
>>71806 >I get it, same principal as tits and ass, bigger is better I've been a footfag for all my life and after reading that sentence it just struck me why I love girls with big feet. It's the same why normies love big boobs. Never got the appeal of huge tits but e.g. Princess Teeva resonates with my fantasies a lot. Yeah, gotta get a cutie gf to cover my face with her large soft pampered soles.
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This foot flesh spread shit is really weird where they use crochet or ear cleaning hooks to pull a section of the arch taut. Every time I see it I'm like that's not how skin works. It's like they treat the sole skin like vagina folds to be reached deeper into. It's not a belly button. I mean sure, if I really got into a super-horny gooned-out headspace, I can get into the fantasy of overstimulating a pair of hyper-erogenized feet by zeroing in on the epicenter of their sole. But most times I'm not trying to see their arch be turned into a birth canal. Especially when its part of an otherwise standard tickle torture set of CGs, and this foot spreading stuff is the penultimate procedure before fully gagging and sen-depping the victim, applying all the tickling implements and leaving them to their bad end demise. The slightly more acceptable version of this are these blunt claw things that wrap around either side of the foot because it can act more like a restraint if mounted. Still a little weird but I guess it's just a different flavor of tickle fetishism. A far more foot obsessed flavor that I'm not eager to go toward. >>71792 >am I the only one that wants to shrivel up and die when I hear them "tease" in English? The broken grammar and that heavy-ass Russian accent is so forced I'm sure you're not the only one, but would it surprise you to learn that some contingent of porn watchers actually seek it out? Myself included. Something about hearing their ESL trying to sound domineering is enticing for some. It's the oddly endearing shamelessness of it. Who knows? There's different reasons for people to love it or hate it.
The somewhat prejudice or bad view towards male ticklers when there's a female ticklee. Majority of the time they're looked at as creepy or a potential threat (women can be creeps too but I guess it doesn't get called out as much due to people letting it slide for being "hot" or "harmless"). But switch that male out with a woman tickler who can do the same thing(s) as the man and get called sexy.
>>76492 I think you're caring way too much about what two weirdos said online
>>76492 No surprise there. In M/F videos the male's either hidden or painfully fucking ugly (FrenchTickling), and in art it's almost the same way. Leaves no room for male lers to be seen as anything other than creepy or threatening
Theses are probably gonna be some hot takes but I have tons of pet peeves: 1. Going overboard with BDSM. Like if it's ski masks, and overboard stuff like that, it just feels too far away from the actual tickling. 2. Scream laughing. When a girl, or even a guy, hell, in a tickling video is just screaming... it's just annoying, at least in the way they tend to scream. 3. Cheezy Male Lers. I hate it when the ler is just some fat nigga in a sock mask. I want a chad tickling chicks not a soyjack. 4. Too much cum and other fetishes in tickle art. Stuff like Denied orgasm. It just strays too far from what I actually wanna see. I guess this ties back into #1. Oh, and when in the art they're tickling pussy with a feather, and the feather gets covered in cum it's just aaaaaaaagh.
That one female VA that's in all of the /F tickling animations. God her laugh is so annoying and it doesn't sound like someone who knows what it feels to be tickled at all.
>>76492 Could also have to do with most dudes strokin it while watching and hating to see a fat hairy dude take up space. Reason I prefer F/F or homie wearing gloves off screen lmao its a turn off
Tears, sweat and saliva running down a 'lee's face as they're tickled intensely are obscenely arousing, but runny noses are fucking disgusting and artists that do that shit need to pull back. It's snot, you're literally depicting snot going everywhere and often getting inside the 'lees mouth and it's an absolute boner killer every time, stop it, get some help. I know it's something that realistically would happen if someone was cry-laughing hysterically, but that's the kind of realism that needs to be kept out of porn, ie., the one that makes it worse.
>>80660 Just to be clear, the first pic I think is good, the second one I take issue with.
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>>80660 One artist immediately comes to mind
>>80663 Shit grinds my gears man, especially because I know he can do better. There's a myriad ways to depict intense tickle torture, why you gotta go for the gross one?
>>80668 His streak for doing extreme snotty faces was especially bad in the last couple of years but I hope he isn't still doing them. It would be nice to see more diverse faces even without all the tears and saliva
>>80660 Literally never even noticed the snot until you just pointed it out. I guess my eyes never really focused in on their nose too much and now I can’t unsee. Fuck you Anon.
>>80670 Seriously, the man has other issues to fix when it comes to his expressions for sure, but this one's as easy as just... not doing it. >>80675 >Fuck you, I cast awareness of flaw in tickle art

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