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Guys I started collecting porn Anonymous 12/14/2024 (Sat) 03:27:27 No. 466050
and sorting it manually as a hobby 10 years ago. My dick doesn't get hard anymore when I see a sexy picture. I know the picture is sexy, but it's just kind of boring to me, like it's nice, I dig it, but it doesn't make me get hard and go OOGA BOOGA like it did when I was a kid. I can wake my dick up and jack it still, I can even do it normal without porn and everything, my imagination still works fine. I just worry, is this a bad sign? Or is it a good sign? Am I maturing? (I'm in my 30s, I used to jack it 5 times a day until this past year when I started taking meds for my mania, they work I still feel like myself just more in control. I want to fuck not just jack though!!! I DON'T live in a city!!! There are NO prostitutes around me that I know of!!! These are just complaints, sorry, back to the main topic, my dick.) Or am I becoming abnormal? Like a nonhypersexual betamale normie? Normies don't even goon for 24 hours with no sleep ever in their lives not even once. And they call that living. Also just look at this picture, I'm deeply afraid she's thinking about the bull. She wants to call him. It's disgusting what women do.
>>466050 Your sex drive goes down as you age but a little of it might be something to do with your view of women
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>look at this picture K, I'm lookin
>>466052 Maybe. It's my view of femininity maybe, because I see trans chicks as valid and I'm not grossed out at all by them, but I still fall into the same possessive traps as with women, where I can't stomach the thought of another man touching her. But then when I'm horny, I imagine how hot it would be to get a third and we all fuck eachothers butts in a circle....but that's gross, immoral, and breaks the sanctity of a committed special relationship....I feel worthless.
>>466060 </r9k/: The Post
>>466060 lmao, just be a faggot, dude at least what you want is possible, I'm stuck with just the fantasy
>>466050 >and sorting it manually Use Hydrus for this. It will change your life.
>>466092 Google tells me it's a water flow analyzer?
>>466097 something might be in your water to make you gay
>>466050 Bro I've been into porn since the 90s, but I got deep into VR porn around... turns out... 10 years ago now. I've even invested thousands of dollars into this NAS so I can have my 300TB (and COUNTING) collection available to me all at my demand. I got all obsessed organizing it with XBVR and wasted a ton of money on toys like The Handy which works with funscripts to sync the motions to the video. I mean, you can really go down a rabbit hole with this stuff, and I certainly have. And I also have noticed that I get, like, "mentally" horny still, like my wife will take her shirt off and I'll think "this is the kind of thing that I really like" but it takes FOCUS to actually physically get the juices flowing these days.
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ok, flash her tits as reward
>>466050 and another gooner is born
>>466113 Idk if thats really the marital insertion order these days supposedly Trump deported Musk over to the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, because his ass got too loose after being fucked so many times by Trump's mighty shroom 🍄 https://www.business-standard.com/world-news/elon-musk-office-clarified-white-house-doge-mission-trump-2-0-125012801114_1.html
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>>466113 I just had to GIMP and Irfanview that pic because GOD DAMN those colors
>>468376 Looks 1000% shitter now but thanks?
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>>466054 HOL UP Who dis?
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>>466050 Damn dude that's kinda rough, or good if it was a good thing, but do you happen to have a Naruto hmv with the song "Kawasaki" by milli smoke?
>>466778 It was on rule34video but I can't find it anymore lol...
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>>466050 >>466060 stop watching porn. seriously dude, wtf.
>>466050 > My dick doesn't get hard anymore when I see a sexy picture. I know the picture is sexy, but it's just kind of boring to me, like it's nice, I dig it, but it doesn't make me get hard and go OOGA BOOGA like it did when I was a kid Its normal. Over time your brain gets use to seeing images and starts seeking more extremes as time goes on. Same with sex with a singular woman but that only happens if she is a nymphomanic to begin with. If you want to go back to that state in which every image of a sexy woman gets you extremely hard just like back then, quit the porn for a while. Don't jack off for about a week and you will see your brain adjusting. I do this method for years where I have periods in which I don't watch any hentai or any erotic literature for a good couple of days to a week. Once the week ends, I jack off to the most vanilla of hentai and my dick is the hardest it's ever been and I cum in just a couple of seconds. >>466052 > Your sex drive goes down as you age This, Testosterone levels drop once you turn 25 or a little later depending on well your health is overall. By age 35 you are going to notice your body giving up on itself. You're already in your 30's so you are going to notice some changes already. Start by taking supplements like D and K to help your body build some libido. >>466060 This is the cause of porn use. Again, get off of it and you will see how quickly you will find trannies out right disgusting. I use to be into Fembois until I stop my porn watching periods, within 3 days the feeling for them went away.
>>468433 thatsa not rule34 thats an aRTIST. i aactually talked with him yesterday on twitter becauser i am goon retard i have communicated with chink goon arttists many times disguissing autistic themes in ero artworks. tbh i myself want to be eroarttist but porn is actually banned in Russia.
today i was thinking about how clothes okay hyygerole in erotic elements
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especially the sginy material on the clothing o4riessuinak attire unreakled objects and inocentscenes byt the wirst are opribabky opants whwhat you call them thong yes yes ah thong with very small skirt or shirts is really srtoeng for some unknown reason the deiceiver

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