> My dick doesn't get hard anymore when I see a sexy picture. I know the picture is sexy, but it's just kind of boring to me, like it's nice, I dig it, but it doesn't make me get hard and go OOGA BOOGA like it did when I was a kid
Its normal. Over time your brain gets use to seeing images and starts seeking more extremes as time goes on. Same with sex with a singular woman but that only happens if she is a nymphomanic to begin with.
If you want to go back to that state in which every image of a sexy woman gets you extremely hard just like back then, quit the porn for a while. Don't jack off for about a week and you will see your brain adjusting. I do this method for years where I have periods in which I don't watch any hentai or any erotic literature for a good couple of days to a week. Once the week ends, I jack off to the most vanilla of hentai and my dick is the hardest it's ever been and I cum in just a couple of seconds.
> Your sex drive goes down as you age
This, Testosterone levels drop once you turn 25 or a little later depending on well your health is overall. By age 35 you are going to notice your body giving up on itself. You're already in your 30's so you are going to notice some changes already. Start by taking supplements like D and K to help your body build some libido.
This is the cause of porn use. Again, get off of it and you will see how quickly you will find trannies out right disgusting. I use to be into Fembois until I stop my porn watching periods, within 3 days the feeling for them went away.