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Hello fellow bored niggas Anonymous 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:11:00 No. 463238
Hello everyone, im stoned and bored as fuck stuck in a math class. Send anything interesting, OP will actually deliver for once
Deliver what? It doesn't look like you have any hot classmates.
Interesting? how about a warning. dont date the tards they'll ruin you.
Shout "niggers tongue my anus" and run out of the classroom. Pass it off as saying you really had to shit.
>>463238 neck yourself, fucktard
send nudes
>>463238 That guy looks like a massive retard. Are you in a math class for 20 year olds that's meant for 10 year olds because you are all retards?
>>463238 how about LEARN SOME FUCKING MATH. You're not cool or accomplished or even old enough to be getting stoned yet.

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