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Anonymous 08/09/2024 (Fri) 17:16:05 No. 461783
George Carlin fans should be called "Portuguese Rape Victims" Trust me, it is a perfect name for them
George Carlin is a dead man
>>461785 And he's loved by Portuguese Rape Victims
>>461792 Test what? Portuguese Rape Victims that love George Carlin?
Bumping the oldest in the catalogue to annoy someone.
>>467555 Pretty good troll
MAGAts mad he would have hated Traitor Trump.
>>467563 Nigger he hated WATER, the man loved to hate.
>>467563 I doubt that. He probably would prefer Trump have had more decorum. But Carlin absolutely would have attacked the media for being a propaganda machine for Corporations and their social agendas. You must have never have heard any of his stand up. he directly criticizes creating new terms and words for making people feel more comfortable. You can say a lot about Trump. But, his words don't hide anything. When he talks, you know exactly what he means and his feelings. "I don't like words that hide the truth." -George Carlin https://www.lingq.com/en/learn-english-online/courses/87644/george-carlin-euphemisms-447260/
>>467573 Dude Carlin would have railroaded Trump along with the media that pretended to hate him and he would call out that pretend hate, he would call out all the "kayfabe", because that's what it is. And he would call it out. And he would tell Trump to get fucked while at the same time telling Trump to go wild, because fuck it all. That's what he would have said. And he would have made a Micky Mouse getting raped or being a rapist type joke to cap it off.
>muh based carlin
>>467656 >I'm 70 now, probably gonna live to be 90-100 >Dies at 71
>>467656 Self hating whites are the biggest faggots on earth... Holy shit. Who likes people like him?
>>467589 I'm glad you see the media is RAILROADING Trump, and every other political figure that doesn't GO ALONG. As for the videos and media posted afterwards. None of that has anything to do with Trump. Also, Carlin was wrong and overly simplistic when it came to racial commentary. if he was actually even sincere in any of that. His gift was seeing the flaws in modern politics, social relationships, Governing and Government. I don't think Carlin would support Trump. But he wouldn't hate him. I think he'd point out, where Trump is right, not just what he doesn't like. And, Trump isn't a traitor. That's something lunatics who want a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT say about him. The World is moving away from acceptance and tolerance. As it should. Let people live how they want, so long as they aren't hurting anyone. But the time for entertaining stupidity is passing.
>>467703 >lunatics who want a ONE WORLD GOVERNMEN Yeah. Lunatics who want to absorb Mexico, Canada, Europe into one big world government.
>>467703 They've been going SOFT on him this time around, so I'm pissed. They're either unfair in one direction or the other but they never will shut the fuck up and just tell the truth.
>>467723 Lol what
>>467725 Yea they're not talking about his hands or saying he has a little dick or any of that shit, but then they're not even calling Muskrats sig heil that, they calling it an "arm gesture" in the US because the fags are afraid of getting sued.
>>467726 What does media treatment for elon have to do with donald? What?
>>467728 They are bonded and inseparable in public consciousness so the fuckup of one is the fuckup of the other unless they denounce and distance
>>467783 ? What in the fuck?
>>467660 >Self hating whites are the biggest faggots on earth... Holy shit. Who likes people like him? Self hating whites.
>>467790 Shit that makes sense
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>>467728 >>467788 Drumpf and Oak Tree are both on Team Zionism. Of course members of Team Marxism will lump the two together.
>>467704 Someone doesn't understand humor. Sad
>>467798 It'll be real humorous when the nation gutted by trump is wide open to foreign fuckery because it's had it's strength drained and distributed to trumps buddies (see: retards) who are going to absolutely waste and misuse it until eventually there is some kind of catastrophe that shocks the public into a real populist uprising that will replace Trump and his rich fuckbuddies.
>>467822 Biden just did all that though, this is the populist uprising
>>467830 Naw, we just lived through that with the last guy. Your confused.
>>467832 That's the proper reaction. You've been defeated by reality.
>>467822 We can't hope I don't think anything can getting until industry collapses and the population isn't able to rebuild it
>>467853 Get better*
>>467656 Carlin was a borderline commie yet he has a fanbase that thinks he would be rightwing today
>>468588 projection syndrome you project what you have done on place of jewish people upon them.

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