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TRUMP ANNOUNCES INVASION OF GAZA STRIP FOR DADDY ISRAEL Anonymous 02/05/2025 (Wed) 01:29:28 No. 468552
Bet you right wingers are sorry now, huh? Wish you were non-binary transnigger pedocrats now, don't you? >We gave you the chance to chop your penis off for the greater good, and you refused it. Now go die for Israel! :^)
>>468552 Cool, I'll tell if this affects anyone I know It is all over the news tho
Wait, really?
>>468552 >muh right wingers You sound like a massive faggot. I hope Trump sets up a batallion of retards like “McNamara’s morons” and you end up being one of the spastics in the first wave storming the beaches. Hopefully you can at least shoot straight.
>>468554 >>468555 <Asked who he envisioned living in the redeveloped territory, Trump said "the world's people" — including Palestinians and presumably Israelis — could move to Gaza once it's rebuilt. Free boarders for Israel
>>468554 >>468555 <Asked who he envisioned living in the redeveloped territory, Trump said "the world's people" — including Palestinians and presumably Israelis — could move to Gaza once it's rebuilt. Free borders for Israel
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>>468556 We should get a pejorative term for Trump fanboys. We have vatnik for receivers of Putin's propaganda. >>468558 Highly doubt that sionist Golem would actually dismantle apartheit state in Israel.
>>468556 Being unable to recognize a joke is a sign of autism. Doubly so when this many flags are thrown out.
>>468552 I just voted for him again yesterday Eat shit
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>>468564 Log off and head over to your nearest recruitment office, boy. Uncle Sam depends on you and other mentally unstable NEETS to draw away gunfire from the actual troops. Do your part.
>>468566 Tell that to the army when you are called in to fight, faggot. See if your drill sargeant is down to entertain your 2009 4chan speak.
>>468552 It is always ok to kill leftards and jews. We Right Wing are winners.
Tbh if Donald Trump told me to suck his dick, I'd say "how hard." I would do this for no other President.
>>468565 That's a cool picture and I'm glad you posted it so I can save it to my computer.
>>468552 You will work your whole life to provide my luxuries, loser. LOL!

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