/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

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Thickest diapers? Baby 12/17/2024 (Tue) 05:42:42 No. 43866
I'm wondering what the thickest diapers available are. ;D I'm not sure of the source or validity of this chart btw, just something I found on here
>>43866 You mean this chart in this other thread? https://8chan.moe/abdl/res/33552.html#42754 Why the fuck didn't you just ask your fucking questions there tourist?
eh I wanna price to absorbency chart honestly
>>43868 I made one once, but not all companies rate absorbency the same and all the prices have changed since I last updated.
>>43867 Because that's a completely different thread lol
I think stock diaper thickness is just a bad metric to over-fixate upon, though. If your only concern is thickness, then that is easily addressed and improved in a number of ways - boosters, layering on additional diapers, etc. Cost to practical capacity would be quite useful to consider, however.
>>43893 Boosters feel fake and artificial. Diaper layering has the same problem. What it seems people want is a diaper proportioned up to adult size. Which means making it thicker to fit adult proportions. Which no company has succeeded in doing. >>43866 Sources are DiaperMetrics.com (majority), Adisc.org, and Xpmedical.com, among others.
>>43884 Idiot...

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