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ABDL Wish List Baby 01/20/2024 (Sat) 02:42:45 No. 33552
What are some things you wish ABDL focused companies would do? I personally wish more companies would put designs out similar to TryAgains, but that’s just me.
>>36143 They did show off a prototype of some sort, and I think sold it on afterwards. Sadly, that was all they did, a one off.
i want a diaper that is cut in such a way that you can be pointing down, get an erection, and be pointing up in a way that doesn't require getting your hands involved to reposition anything, while the diaper still remains snugly taped. i don't know if such a thing is possible, i just always have to make a decision if i am going to be pointing down and wetting myself, or pointing up and getting off.
>>36170 >he cant get off while pointed down Maybe its just cause I learned to masturbate in a weird way but I don't have any problem getting off by rubbing the front of the diaper while pointed down. Might be an uncircumcised thing though, I can't really explain the mechanics of how it works but it might help that my foreskin can sort of rub against the tip of my cock.
>>36132 >You can make some pretty complex shapes by folding epoxy-soaked fiberglass sheets over a wooden mold, without the need for specialized machinery. I'm convinced this is the best approach, although I'd be tempted to make the mold from several 3D-printed parts bolted together in order to achieve more complex geometry. You'd probably want to make it "inside out", with the mold forming the external surface, since that's the bit you can polish to a high gloss finish. Strength would be a concern, so you'd need to either build up a very thick layer of fiberglass or embed reinforcing struts made of a different material. Anyway, I think it's a very doable hobby DIY project.
>>36127 >Candy coated us is doing inflatable diapers This is my first time hearing of this. I know the post is old but thank you
>>33556 Zero chance. Kimberly Clark sued Tykables when they were called Snuggies because rhyming was too close to their IP
New diaper designs have been trending towards horrendously ugly. Tykables redesigned some cute ones and now they suck. Positional prints just look bad in general. So my main hope is that ABDL companies stop making ugly diapers. It's getting difficult to find ones I want to buy.
>>33573 I know it is a bit late, but that wasn't the reason why they rebranded. The owner actually explained that their fear wasn't Proctor and Gamble, but Allstar Products Group, the owner of the Snuggie blanket. Tykables wanted to branch into clothing and feared a legitimate lawsuit from All-star Group, their choices were to run 2 separate trademarks, one for diaper and the other for clothing, or to just rebrand under a unified IP, so they did and went with Tykables.
Bottles with adult sized nipples. The small ones are pretty awkward to drink from I think.
>>42736 sports bottles work well, that's all I'm sayin'
I wish there were more cute and adorable diapers that are both thick, but also strap up higher. Like if they could not just tape up around the hips, but also tape up high enough to cover the belly button too
>>42742 try buying 1-2 sizes up
>>42693 that's a cope from Tykables, the font used from Snuggies was totally imitating Huggies and they were going to lose because it was obvious to an objective individual they were trying to imitate the product.
>>42747 This begs the question: who makes the BIGGEST diapers?
>>33552 What almost everyone on here wants but has been unable to find is thicker diapers. I think there is a critical demand for thick diapers that's currently not being fulfilled, and has remained unfilled for so long that people don't even bring it up anymore. But it's entirely possible. And easy-to-do. The current measured thickest diaper on the market is the Rearz Alpaca. 1.6" when folded. But even it doesn't match ABDL proportions. Current ABDL diapers feel paper-thin because even 1.6" of material feels skinny when you're putting on it a large-bodied adult. It doesn't work. Oof Poof Diapers on Etsy, a random amateur, has gotten nearly 500 sales for over-the-top thick diapers he sells for $150+ each. That's nearly $78,000 of revenue for an entirely niche segment of an entirely niche demographic (ABDL), and he's done it on an amateur platform by an amateur person making these things at home. This is a clear-as-day market signal that people are looking to buy thicker diapers: https://www.etsy.com/shop/OofPoofDiapers Thick diapers with nostalgic proportions are what the market wants, but ABDL manufacturers don't know how to produce them. Here's what you do: take the thickest disposable diaper you have and add one or more filler materials as an additional layer between the absorbent SAP and the outside layer of the diaper to bulk it up to 3.2-5" thick. List it on your site for a slight premium. It will become the best selling ABDL-themed diaper on the market. The bulk-padding materials for the disposable diapers don't need to be absorbent. They can be the cheapest material you can find, as long as they contribute to the bulky "ABDL diaper silhouette" that every ABDL customer is looking for. Here is a Cheatsheet of Materials to Bulk Up Disposable Diapers to 5" Thick, That Are Little-to-No Cost: -Air pockets/Closed-cell foam layers -Quilted air-trapping structures -Expanded polypropylene (EPP) -Polyester batting -Low-cost microfiber -Recycled pulp fluff -Recycled foam particles -Cotton-like fibers/Cotton linters -Laminated fabrics -Cushioned plastic -Foamed polyurethane/polyethylene -Shredded bamboo fiber -Air-laid paper/hollow fibers -Layered non-wovens
Most of the ABDL wants listed here are scaled up baby items. Where plastics are involved that is cheap because of economy of scale. You could make a potty or many other baby like things for example using fibreglass or GRP. however; the intial prototyping and moulding maybe taking a few iterations to get it 'right'. There are hundreds of hours of work in that I would image. making wood moulds to then make the GRP product. That is not and never will be 'cheap'. For the home hobbyist the need to meet a standard for either safety or merchantile is absent. The moment you try to sell these it's got rules it needs to meet. So on that note the material choices that can support a childs size and weight; when you scale that up to adult size; money cost. I'm not sure I can afford a $150 ultra thick diaper. Great for fetish use and I see the appeal; velco diaper; stuffers; plastic pants on top can achieve the same kind of proportions that baby in a diaper might have. The market isn't going to produce that for many reasons; one of which again is demand. We want the look; we don't demand that absorbancy or size in a disposable product. It's an overengineered waste. $4 per ABDL market disposable as already a very high unit cost. make that $20 per single-use item and it's beyond the budget of most.
>>42754 >>42756 I would absolutely buy some super thick disposables. They don't have to as absorbent as a Trest. Eliminate the SAP and just fill them with whatever material is safe, feels right and is mildly absorbent like, >>42754 outlined. It's still the one main goal of most ABDLs.
>>42764 Agreed. I don't care how absorbent the diaper is, I would prefer it just be thick right off the bat and not require wetting to swell up.
>>42754 Why doesn't this have Tykables in the chart?
>>42787 Here is the full chart, including Tykables. As you can see, they fail to even make the top five thickest disposable diapers.
>>33554 And wouldn't it be better if someone could get the machinery to make a baby nappy to adult diaper print and sell as such a tutorial on how to make such a print? Obviously the tutorial would have to be with a design that imitates the print of an original baby nappy, (to avoid copyrights) and then the person who wants to do it try to do it with the real print of their favourite nappy or better yet why not set up a "small" scale nappy printing service?
>>42789 >rearz alpaca >absorbancy 183.5 oz Imma call bullshit. If you are going by Rearz's self reported ml measurements even they admitted their numbers are fake and gay
What I want is for ABDL diaper manufacturers/sellers to come to Brazil If northshore sold down here I would be very happy
>>42795 Numbers are obtained from independent, non-sponsored testing, which constitute the vast majority of the chart. If the product has not yet been obtained for testing, or the value has not been tested, the value is obtained from the manufacturer's reported numbers. You are welcome to donate a product for testing here. I have no affiliation with the review site that obtains the numbers: https://blog.diapermetrics.com/
>>42789 >>42812 I literally cannot find the Rearz Alpaca anywhere on that site. Based on the metric numbers Tykables is tied for second place for diaper thickness with the other Rearz diapers. Where did you get those absorbency numbers?
Kiddo Teddy's Ultra look like Pampers and has two tapes like baby diapers. You can buy in the US and Europe https://us.kiddo-diapers.com/products/kiddo-teddy-ultra https://www.diaper-minister.com/en/nonwoven-diapers/764-35365-kiddo-teddys-ultra-2-tapes.html
>>42754 part of the problem with those is compressing them to fit in packaging, would either need extremely airy and springy padding material or lower number per package. still would be nice, and worth it every once in a while.
>>43356 It sounds difficult, but it turns out it's not that hard nowadays. Mattress makers ship full-size "mattress-in-a-boxes" via ground shipping. In fact, over half of ConsumerReports' reviewed mattresses are mattress-in-a-box. While new generation, 3"+ thick disposable diapers will result in larger shipping boxes, there's no better time to do it, now that UPS Ground Saver and FedEx Ground Economy shipping are easy-to-access. While some of the materials I specified above are not fully compatible, I don't see why Rearz/Tykables/ABUniverse can't utilize similar compression methods as mattress-in-a-box sellers. With 6,000-sales amateur Etsy.com sellers cannibalizing Rearz' own sales by combining two of their disposable diapers into one thicker product and selling it as a "Double Diaper," it baffles me how no diaper manufacturer has filled this hole in the market yet. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1758461989/double-dreamzzz-diapers-powered-by-rearz
Pacifier vapes. As a vapist and a smoker i find it hard to get into pacifier use since I am addicted to a much worse and uglier pacifier thing.
>>43883 But you're not supposed to inhale your paci, anon
>>43159 I tried the 4 tape version and they were really good, and I am not a massive fan of cloth backed honestly
it'd be cool if you could break a diaper down to all its components: plastic, landing zone size, landing zone design, number of tapes, style of tapes, waistband, pad, leg gathers, and general dimensions, and be able to make custom diapers based on various combinations of options. i want white betterdry plastic, bambino style landing zone with no design, four tapes, vintage attends tapes, dry 24/7 waistband, megamax pad, and pampers leg gathers.
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>>43900 this girl on etsy does that and sells some of them
>>43905 shop url?

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